Entity Framework Update not Working - c#

I wrote my code in ASP.NET MVC 4. I Create a Edit form using MVC edit template and this is my POST code to save edited data.
[Authorize(Roles = "User")]
public ActionResult Register(Models.UserBasicProfile profile)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
using (Models.SocialServicesDataContainer context = new Models.SocialServicesDataContainer())
Models.UserBasicProfile update =
.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == profile.Id);
if (update.Id > 0)
profile.RegisterDate = update.RegisterDate;
update = profile;
return RedirectToRoute("User_ShowProfile_Alter", new {username = User.Identity.Name });
return View(profile);
This code run correctly and there is no error. But when redirect to user profile occurred, modified fields are still have the previous value.
What should I do ?
Thanks in advance.

I would say it´s because the profile variable is not "connected" to the context. The context is not aware of the profile object. So when running context.SaveChanges() the changes in the profile variable goes unnoticed.
You need to update the update object with the values from profile. Or perhaps attach the profile object to the context.
Check this post on how to attach to the context prior saving Entity Framework 4 - AddObject vs Attach

It looks like you aren't actually changing the data in object returned from the database.
You are setting update = profile, but this just dereferences the update variable so it no longer points at the object being tracked by EF.
You need to copy all the property values from profile to update.


EF 6 not selecting recently updated values unless I rebuild the project

In Visual Studio 2012, I have Project#1 that creates and update entries in a SQL DB using EF 6.
And another Project#2 that is supposed to only select the values created/updated from Project #1
Both projects have a connection string to the local DB
Both projects reference a Data access layer library that contains the .edmx file and the generated models.
http://localhost:1535/Project1: Should create or edit an entry on
Payment entity
http://localhost:1896/Project2: Should select values from Payment
The issue is: When I run both applications on different localhost ports I am able to create an entry and select it from the other project
BUT when I want to update an entry I always see the OLD value. And it is only when I rebuild Project #2 in Visual Studio 2012 that I can see the updated value.
Edit action
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Prefix = "paymentform")] PaymentForm paymentform)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
Payment payment = db.Payments.Find(paymentform.formId);
payment.paymenturl = paymentform.paymenturl;
db.Entry(payment).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(new PaymentConfig());
What is happening?
The solution was to avoid using a global variable that initializes the DB context
Here is what I was I doing before in Project#2
public class PayController : Controller
Project2Entities db = new Project2Entities();
public ActionResult Index(int? id)
The solution was to simply use using() with the context inside.
public ActionResult Index(int? id)
using (var context = new Project2Entities())
//select here
I have no idea why declaring the context as a global variable doesn't work properly. If anyone knows please clarify.

EF5 can not handle Concurrency when Updating selective fields

I am using EF5 and Data First approach to Update entities.
I am using approach suggested by other questions to conditionally update only modified properties in the Entities.
Oki so here's the scenario My controller call Service with POCO objects and gets POCO objects from Service, The Service layer talks with Data layer which internally uses EF5 to retrieve entity from DB and Update them in DB.
The View data is loaded by controller from DTO object retrieved from Service layer.
User makes changes to View and Posts back JSON data to controller which gets mapped to DTO object in controller (courtesy MVC).
The controller makes call to Service layer with the DTO object (POCO) object.
The Service maps the POCO object to EF entity object and calls the Data layer's(i.e Repository) Update method passing in the EF entity.
In the Repository I fetch the existing entity from DB and call ApplyCurrentvaluesValues method, then I check if any properties are modified .
If properties are modified then I apply my custom logic to other entities which are not related to current entity and also Update the "UpdatedAdminId" & "UpdationDate" of current entity.
Post this I call "SaveChanges" method on Centext.
Every thing above I mentioned is working fine , except if I insert a break point in "SaveChanges" call and update some field modified by User to different value then "DbUpdateConcurrencyException" is not thrown by EF5.
i.e. I can get conditional Update & fire my custom logic when properties of my interest are modified to work perfectly.
But I am not getting error in case of the concurrency i.e the EF is not raising "DbUpdateConcurrencyException" in case a record is updated in between me fetching the record from DB , updating the record and saving it.
In real scenario there is a offline cron running which checks for newly created campaign and creates portfolio for them and marks the IsPortfolioCreated property below as true, in the mean time user can edit the campaign and the flag can be set to false even though the cron has created the portfolios.
To replicate the concurrency scenario I put a break point on SaveChanges and then Update the IsPortfolioCreated feild from MS-Sql enterprise manager for the same entity, but the "DbUpdateConcurrencyException" is not thrown even though the Data in Store has been updated.
Here's my code for reference,
Public bool EditGeneralSettings(CampaignDefinition campaignDefinition)
var success = false;
//campaignDefinition.UpdatedAdminId is updated in controller by retreiving it from RquestContext, so no its not comgin from client
var updatedAdminId = campaignDefinition.UpdatedAdminId;
var updationDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
CmsContext context = null;
GlobalMasterContext globalMasterContext = null;
context = new CmsContext(SaveTimeout);
var contextCampaign = context.CampaignDefinitions.Where(x => x.CampaignId == campaignDefinition.CampaignId).First();
//Always use this fields from Server, no matter what comes from client
campaignDefinition.CreationDate = contextCampaign.CreationDate;
campaignDefinition.UpdatedAdminId = contextCampaign.UpdatedAdminId;
campaignDefinition.UpdationDate = contextCampaign.UpdationDate;
campaignDefinition.AdminId = contextCampaign.AdminId;
campaignDefinition.AutoDecision = contextCampaign.AutoDecision;
campaignDefinition.CampaignCode = contextCampaign.CampaignCode;
campaignDefinition.IsPortfolioCreated = contextCampaign.IsPortfolioCreated;
var campaignNameChanged = contextCampaign.CampaignName != campaignDefinition.CampaignName;
// Will be used in the below if condition....
var originalSkeForwardingDomain = contextCampaign.skeForwardingDomain.ToLower();
var originalMgForwardingDomain = contextCampaign.mgForwardingDomain.ToLower();
//This also not firing concurreny exception....
var key = ((IObjectContextAdapter) context).ObjectContext.CreateEntityKey("CampaignDefinitions", campaignDefinition);
((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.AttachTo("CampaignDefinitions", contextCampaign);
var updated = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.ApplyCurrentValues(key.EntitySetName, campaignDefinition);
ObjectStateEntry entry = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(updated);
var modifiedProperties = entry.GetModifiedProperties();
//Even tried this , works fine but no Concurrency exception
//var entry = context.Entry(contextCampaign);
//var modifiedProperties = entry.CurrentValues.PropertyNames.Where(propertyName => entry.Property(propertyName).IsModified).ToList();
// If any fields modified then only set Updation fields
if (modifiedProperties.Count() > 0)
campaignDefinition.UpdatedAdminId = updatedAdminId;
campaignDefinition.UpdationDate = updationDate;
updated = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.ApplyCurrentValues(key.EntitySetName, campaignDefinition);
//Also perform some custom logic in other entities... Then call save changes
//If campaign name changed call a SP in different DB..
if (campaignNameChanged)
globalMasterContext = new GlobalMasterContext(SaveTimeout);
globalMasterContext.Rename_CMS_Campaign(campaignDefinition.CampaignId, updatedAdminId);
success = true;
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
//Code never enters here, if it does then I am planning to show the user the values from DB and ask him to retry
//In short Store Wins Strategy
//Code in this block is not complete so dont Stackies don't start commenting about this section and plague the question...
// Get the current entity values and the values in the database
var entry = ex.Entries.Single();
var currentValues = entry.CurrentValues;
var databaseValues = entry.GetDatabaseValues();
// Choose an initial set of resolved values. In this case we
// make the default be the values currently in the database.
var resolvedValues = databaseValues.Clone();
// Update the original values with the database values and
// the current values with whatever the user choose.
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.InnerException != null)
throw ex.InnerException;
if (context != null) context.Dispose();
if (globalMasterContext != null) globalMasterContext.Dispose();
return success;
Entity framework it's not doing anything special about concurrency until you (as developer) configure it to check for concurrency problems.
You are trying to catch DbUpdateConcurrencyException, the documentation for this exception says: "Exception thrown by DbContext when it was expected that SaveChanges for an entity would result in a database update but in fact no rows in the database were affected. ", you can read it here
In a database first approach, you have to set the property 'Concurrency Mode' for column on 'Fixed' (the default is None). Look at this screenshot:
The column Version is a SQL SERVER TIMESTAMP type, a special type that is automatically updated every time the row changes, read about it here.
With this configuration, you can try with this simple test if all is working as expected:
using (var outerContext = new testEntities())
var outerCust1 = outerContext.Customer.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1);
outerCust1.Description += "modified by outer context";
using (var innerContext = new testEntities())
var innerCust1 = innerContext.Customer.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1);
innerCust1.Description += "modified by inner context";
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ext)
In the example above the update from the inner context will be committed, the update from the outer context will thrown a DbUpdateConcurrencyException, because EF will try to update the entity using 2 columns as a filters: the Id AND the Version column.
Hope this helps!

Issue with Entity Framework 7 Shadow Property

This is EF 7 (now Core). I have a shadow property named CreatedBy. EF correctly loads its value from data store, the value of this property remains accessible as long as I use the same DbContext instance but I need to work in detached way, and submit changes later using another DbContext instance.
The problem is that for subsequent DbContexts all shadows properties are NULL, and so far I cannot see anyway to get it loaded. So before get rid of this shadows I need to know if somebody already have come across for a solution for this issue.
If it could help, here is how proceeding with here:
var cached = Cache.Get<MyType>();
cached.Default = false; //some updating
var dbContext = new MyContext();
dbContext.Attach( cached );
dbContext.Entry( cached ).State = EntityState.Modified;
SaveChanges is submitting NULL value for shadows property.
You need to attach the cached object directly to the table/object it belongs to instead of directly to the context. For example:
var existingBlog = new Blog { BlogId = 1, Name = "ADO.NET Blog" };
using (var context = new BloggingContext())
context.Entry(existingBlog).State = EntityState.Modified;
You are doing context.Attach() directly and this will not work. Go here, https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj592676.aspx, for more info.

How to remove related data

I have an MVC Edit page, on which I also edit related data.
On postback, I have the following piece of code that handles my inserts, updates and deletes for related data:
if (ModelState.IsValid)
Guid myGuid = new Guid();
//-- Set PK and FK values --
foreach (AccountType_Organisatie myAccType_Org in myOrg.AccountType_Organisaties)
if (myAccType_Org.AccountType_Organisatie_GUID == myGuid)
//-- Create --
myAccType_Org.AccountType_Organisatie_GUID = Guid.NewGuid();
myAccType_Org.Organisatie_GUID = myOrg.Organisatie_GUID;
csContext.Entry(myAccType_Org).State = EntityState.Added;
//-- Update --
//-- Force MOdified state - even when unchanged --
csContext.Entry(myAccType_Org).State = EntityState.Modified;
//myAccType_Org.AccountType = csContext.AccountTypes.Find(myAccType_Org.Accounttype_GUID);
//-- Explicitly handle Deletes --
List<Guid> lGuids = myOrg.AccountType_Organisaties.Select(p => p.AccountType_Organisatie_GUID).ToList();
csContext.AccountType_Organisaties.RemoveRange(csContext.AccountType_Organisaties.Where(p => p.Organisatie_GUID == myOrg.Organisatie_GUID).Where(q => !lGuids.Contains(q.AccountType_Organisatie_GUID)));
csContext.Entry(myOrg).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
I am explicitly deleting items from the context that are no longer present in the new model (posted back from edit page). Is this the best way to do this?
I am explicitly setting the State to modified for all (still) existing items, forcing an update - what is the best way to determine whether an update is necessary or not? Do I need to explicitly compare the new values of the item in the model to the item in the database?
Some help / guidelines on how to implement the above is appreciated.

EF4 STE's and MVC2 - ChangeTracker not POSTing

I'm trying to set up an MVC2 app with Entity Framework Self-Tracking-Entities. My view is a strongly-typed view of the entity type generated by the STE T4 template. Here's my GET:
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
var ri = new App1Service.App1Client().GetMyObj(id);
var changeTracking = ri.ChangeTracker.ChangeTrackingEnabled; // this shows true
return View(ri);
So far, so good. When this form POSTs, however, ChangeTracker is null / reset to default values, and thus, the STE seems suddenly to forget that it's supposed to be tracking itself:
public ActionResult Edit(MyObj ri)
// MyObj.ChangeTracker.ChangeTrackingEnabled now shows false
// so the following line doesn't save anything:
new App1Service.App1Client().SaveMyObj(ri);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
What's the secret to getting the strongly-typed-view to hang onto (and POST back) the whole STE? If I have to go and do another read to get original values and then apply changes, that seems to defeat the purpose of self-tracking-entities, doesn't it?
