I retrieve some html codes from database and I want to display this values in a webform.
You can see my code below. It does not display labels and textboxes. However when I View the .aspx page source in the browser I can see retrieved labels and textboxes with Eval. Why I can not see labels and textboxes in the page?
database values:
code behind:
using (BurganEntities burganEntities = new BurganEntities())
List<DynamicField> dynamicFields=(from dynamicField in burganEntities.DynamicField select dynamicField).ToList();
cdcatalog.DataSource = dynamicFields;
The fast answer is because asp,net controls are compiled server side but you using them as text on the final render html page - so you have skip this compile, and the asp.net page did not know nothing about them.
The solution is to avoid asp.net controls and use regular html controls. You can still get their return on code behind, you may miss some easy to use functionality, but you can make your work with alternative way.
Other possible solution is to read the database and dynamically create the controls. For example you can add a flag on your database line that says, now create a text box, and on code behind you just create that text box dynamically.
Your code is simply outputting the <asp:TextBox /> to the browser; it isn't parsing it with the WebForms processor to convert it to an <input /> element.
In your database, you should probably be storing:
<input id="txtsdsd" name="txtsdsd" class="textbox" onkeypress="return NumberOnly()" />
and then using Request.Form() to retrieve the value.
I'm not sure if you've started to write your dynamic controls but as an addition to second reply, I would like to mention more sources about dynamic controls.
Although there is no concept of controls in ASP.NET MVC any longer, you can follow ASP.NET webform data access page.
As you want to compile your code at server side; on any postback you will loose dynamic content. So read this and all done.
Or as you mentioned you didn't get values of textboxes, please see the following method,
var textBox = FindControl("<id_of_textbox>") as TextBox;
if(textBox != null)
var textBoxValue = ((TextBox)textBox).Text;
see FindControl method at this page
I have an ASP.NET project (non-MVC) and I'm also using Bootstrap 3.0. This is my first time using this combination and need some guidance.
I have a gridview with a buttonfield column. Right now everything is showing up just fine with my gird and Bootstrap table formatting and its binding to my datatable - no problems there.
Next, I want to make the click of the button in the Buttonfield column to initiate a modal window and display a modal based on a unique ID from the row button that opened it.
I don't really know how to tie this all together with ASP.NET and Bootstrap. HTML literals? Dynamic ASP.NET panels? It doesn't matter to me whether there is a postback or not, I'd really just like some guidance or even pseudo-code on how these can be tied together.
Since the OP specifically requested bootstrap help...
You should go through the bootstrap documentation for modals http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#modals
It makes no difference if you are using MVC or not and you should not need to do any kind of post back to display the modal.
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" />
Will trigger element with id myModal to be shown.
Using bootstrap's own demo code in this jsfiddle demonstrates opening and dismissing the modal.
For the second part of the question, this updated jsfiddle shows how you can also use the button click event to set a value in the modal. You could do other actions in that event handler like get or send data to the backend or change other elements in the modal.
For your case, you would want to handle all button clicks in a single event handler but you can store the id in a custom attribute on the button element. I like to use custom attributes instead of parsing from name, id, or class attributes. This is the bootstrap convention.
$(function() {
$('button.btn').on('click', function() {
var value = $(this).attr('data-value')
Here I have broken out how to get the custom attribute value from the button instance which was clicked.
Post what you have so far and what you still can't get working.
This also shouldn't be tagged with C# or asp.net as that is irrelevant.
You might need a simple js function to take care of that(as mike mentioned this has nothing to do with using or not using bootstrap since it is just some css stuff):
var RunDialog;
$(document).ready(function () {
RunDialog = $("#Id").dialog();
You can use ASP.Net Ajax ModalPopup for ASP.Net Web Form. You can google a lot of examples regarding GridView with ModelPopup.
ModalPopupExtender inside a GridView ItemTemplate
I want to make the click of the button in the Buttonfield column to
initiate a modal window and display a modal based on a unique ID from
the row button that opened it.
ModalPopup should work with Bootstrap.
For an existing site, I have to pass values in hidden fields from a form that's loaded by different pages (eg. City1.aspx, City2.aspx, City3.aspx, etc.), but they are loaded inside an iframe. I also have to dynamically change the value of at least one of those hidden field (let's call it "source") based on the city page loading it. I am familiar with PHP and JavaScript/JQuery, but I have no idea how to do this in C#.
I've found tutorials on retrieving the file name (sans extension) via JavaScript. I think I can still get the city even if the form is in an iframe, but I'd like to keep to the site's conventions and use C# if possible.
Code snippets or links to possible solutions would be much appreciated.
if you want modify the value of your input in c# associated to your aspx (Code behind), you must to add attributes runat=server to your input.
use this code in your aspx
<input id="test" type="hidden" runat="server"/>
and in your c#
test.Value = 123; //your value is 123 for example
Disclaimer, I don't know JQuery, so there could be easier ways to do this. I also haven't tested any code...
If you know the exact ID then you can do something like this from the parent page (in a javascript block):
var frame = document.getElementById('myIFrame');
var ctrl = frame.document.getElementById('myControl');
ctrl.value = "New Value";
If you don't know the exact ID's of the controls in the CityX.aspx pages, then you will either need a way for those ID's to be discovered, or you will need to go through all controls within the iframe looking for the correct one. (I say this because if the controls in the iframe pages are held in any sort of ASP.NET structure they will not be called txtMyCtrl (for instance) but possibly something like ct00_txtMyCtrl.)
If you don't know the EXACT control name (because of the ASP.NET structure I mentioned before), you could do something like:
var frame = document.getElementById('myIFrame');
var ctrls = frame.document.getElementByTagName("INPUT");
for(var i=0;i<ctrls.length;i++){
if(ctrls[i].getAttribute("type")=="hidden" && ctrls[i].id.indexOf("_myControl") != -1){
ctrls[i].value = "New Value";
Or if you have the ability to update the CityX.aspx pages, then you could have the following in the CityX.aspx page:
function getCtrls(){
return [document.getElementById("<%=hiddenCtrl.ClientID%>"),
... and then in your parent page, something like:
var frame = document.getElementById('myIFrame');
var ctrls = frame.document.getCtrls();
for(var i=0;i<ctrls.length;i++){
ctrls[i].value = "New Value";
They're just ideas on a general theme
I am assigning variables to asp labels via javascript with a simple innerHTML call
document.getElementById('labelName').innerHTML = parseFloat(var).toFixed(2);
It appears in the label fine, and I am able to continue to manipulate it via javascript.
I then set it up so that that variable is put into a session object via C# codebehind buttonClick event.
protected void btnConfirm_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e )
Session["sessionName"] = labelName.Text;
The buttonConfirm_Click method fires it Response.Redirects to another page and populates asp labels with the session object via the c# codebehind page_load method.
lblResult.Text = Session["sessionName"].ToString();
When doing this, the label is empty, no errors or 'null'. I have tried to narrow down the issue by trying various things. When I assign the text explicitly in the c# code behind of the first page and the recieve and assign it to the label on the next page, it shows correctly.
Page 1:
Session["sessionName"].ToString() = "Test";
Page 2:
lblResult.Test = Session["sessionResult"].ToString();
I have tried several other things, such as casting the variables in javascript and in the codebehind, and checking to make sure I had runat="server" within each applicable label.
Anyways, is there something here I am missing? Is asp.net unable to detect the changes that javascript has made to the labels? Are there some incompatibility issues when using innerHTML or anything like this that maybe be causing such a thing to occur?
Thanks in advance!
The problem is that the text in a span tag (that is what asp:Label will render) isn't sent in the post to the server and therefore you can't read your changes server side. You'll need to use a input element (hidden field, textbox etc depending on what your ui should look like).
I have made an application in javascript using HTML fields in asp.net, as asp text boxes were disturbing the ids, so i used html fields, which are working fine with javascript, now i want to fetch database table columns on page load, and want to assign to html fields, what is the best way to do so? Help me!!!!
You could go back to using the ASP TextBoxes and access the ids in JavaScript as follows:
<%= IDofTextBox.ClientID %>
It's probably the easiest as naturally they can then be accessed in the code behind very easily.
you can use asp text boxes fine if you grab a reference in your javascript to their asp.net generated ID via <%= textboxname.ClientId %>
This is not the right way to do it (I wouldn't recommending it), but if its what you need, then it will work.
Add method="post" action="<your path here>" to your form element and when the submit button posts, you will be able to access all the form variables like so:
string txtName = Request["TextBox1"] ?? string.Empty; //replace textbox 1 with text box name
Just be sure to replace the action in form to your page etc..
But really, going back to <asp:TextBox... will save you a lot more time and as Ian suggested, you can access them with javascript by the server tags <%= TextBox1.ClientId %>
ps: also, the ?? is a null coalesce character. its a short form of saying
if(Request["textbox1"] != null)
txtName = Request["textbox1"];
txtName = "";
If I understand you correctly. You just need to add runat="server" and id="someName" to the html fields and access them in the code behind by its given id.
I got this Text box with default value as "First Name" ..Now when I click inside this text box to enter name , this value "First Name" keeps on displaying. What I want is to the text box to clear as soon as I click inside it. What property do I need to set in mt textbox tag ?
ok anything from Telerik that I can use to do that ?
There is not out of the box functionality in TextBox that will accomplish this, but the ASP.Net Ajax Toolkit has a Watermark Extender that will do everything you want.
I have used both, but now personally use a jQuery Watermark Plugin
Either will work just fine, choose based on your needs.
According to the Telerik docs you just have to set the EmptyMessage property on their TextBox control. Demo Page Here
In the code behind, on Page Load you can add the following code to achieve this
TextBox1.Attributes.Add("onClick", "javascript:if(this.value=='First Name'){this.value='';}");
You can use the method suggested by #Josh. If you do not want to use Ajax Toolkit controls or JQuery you could write it on your own using Javascript. Write a function which gets called when the foucs is received by the textbox control. I thik the function is called onfocus or just focus in Javascript.
Hi I just wrote this small function which will achieve your desired result
function clearInputBox(x,prefil){
if(x.value == prefil){
x.value = '';
Your input box looks like this
<input type='text' value='First Name' onfocus="clearInputBox(this,'First Name')" />
May be this will help you
Taking Shobans advice one step farther, you could add something like this to your Page subclass
protected override void OnInitComplete(EventArgs e)
string jsString = "javascript:if(this.value=='" + TextBox1.Text + "'){this.value='';}";
TextBox1.Attributes.Add("onFocus", jsString);
What this will do is, it will always consider that default string is the one this controll contains at esign time (the initial one in your .aspx file), so you wont have to manually change it in codebehind every time you change your .aspx. Remember, that OnIinitComplete fires before any viewstate or postback data has been applied, but after the controlls on your page have been set to their default values.
P.S. As anishMarokey pointed, use onFocus vs onClick, since fields can gain focus without clicks via Tab key.