Removing default text from text box - c#

I got this Text box with default value as "First Name" ..Now when I click inside this text box to enter name , this value "First Name" keeps on displaying. What I want is to the text box to clear as soon as I click inside it. What property do I need to set in mt textbox tag ?
ok anything from Telerik that I can use to do that ?

There is not out of the box functionality in TextBox that will accomplish this, but the ASP.Net Ajax Toolkit has a Watermark Extender that will do everything you want.
I have used both, but now personally use a jQuery Watermark Plugin
Either will work just fine, choose based on your needs.
According to the Telerik docs you just have to set the EmptyMessage property on their TextBox control. Demo Page Here

In the code behind, on Page Load you can add the following code to achieve this
TextBox1.Attributes.Add("onClick", "javascript:if(this.value=='First Name'){this.value='';}");

You can use the method suggested by #Josh. If you do not want to use Ajax Toolkit controls or JQuery you could write it on your own using Javascript. Write a function which gets called when the foucs is received by the textbox control. I thik the function is called onfocus or just focus in Javascript.

Hi I just wrote this small function which will achieve your desired result
function clearInputBox(x,prefil){
if(x.value == prefil){
x.value = '';
Your input box looks like this
<input type='text' value='First Name' onfocus="clearInputBox(this,'First Name')" />

May be this will help you

Taking Shobans advice one step farther, you could add something like this to your Page subclass
protected override void OnInitComplete(EventArgs e)
string jsString = "javascript:if(this.value=='" + TextBox1.Text + "'){this.value='';}";
TextBox1.Attributes.Add("onFocus", jsString);
What this will do is, it will always consider that default string is the one this controll contains at esign time (the initial one in your .aspx file), so you wont have to manually change it in codebehind every time you change your .aspx. Remember, that OnIinitComplete fires before any viewstate or postback data has been applied, but after the controlls on your page have been set to their default values.
P.S. As anishMarokey pointed, use onFocus vs onClick, since fields can gain focus without clicks via Tab key.


set focus on the first textbox on the page with ajax editor in .net

I a have a web form with few textboxes,dropdowns and finally towards the end of the page is 4 custom ajax editors. So on page load the focus is always inside the last editor and no way it comes to the first text box or top of page.On each page load the cursor goes inside the last editor control.How to bring the focus inside the first text box?
Below are the few methods i tried
1.<body onload="document.body.scrollTop = 0;">
2. void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
for the above while loading the page i could see the focus goes to the desired text box and then it comes to the last custom control.
3. if(!Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("scrFocus"))
string strScript="var txtBox=document.getElementById('" + txtReqtitle.ClientID.ToString() +"');txtBox.focus();";
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(),"scrFocus", strScript,true);
function setFocus() {
5. ScriptManager.GetCurrent(this.Page).SetFocus(txtReqtitle);
Any ideas? Thanks..
Seems focus property is not working in load event because of ajax editors
Please add txtReqtitle.Focus() in Page Prerendercomplete() event and let me know whether it works
found the solution which worked for me .would like to share it .. its simple ..just make the autofocus=false for the control.
using jquery
$('#<%= txtReqtitle.ClientID %>').focus();

Textbox Onclick = clear value , on exit from textbox set the default value?

I have this in the
<asp:TextBox ID="svv" OnClick="this.value=''" runat="server">Hello...</asp:TextBox>
OnClick="this.value=''" // On mouse click in textbox it will deleted the text.
How can I set something like
Unclick"this.defautlvalue"; // something like this.
So, when I click the control it will clear the value, if I exit from the control (for example, clicking another textbox) it will return the default value of the textbox.
Specifically with C# .NET WebForms you have a few options.
You can go completely front-end with jquery by doing something like this:
$('selector').blur(function() {
// Make sure you do some validation so it doesn't clear everytime
$('selector').val('My Default Text');
Or, if you are using the AJAX Control Toolkit, you can simply use The textbox Watermark Control, which will do exactly what you are talking about just by setting a few properties.
You can also go straight javascript like #m.edmondson explain in his answer.
I think you're looking for onBlur:
<input type="text" id="fname" onblur="upperCase()">
This will call upperCase() when the user leaves the box.
You can attach to the client-side onblur event which is called when the focus of your control changes.
Also worth storing the default value in an attribute on the input so you can refer to it in blur event. Believe in ASP.NET web forms you've got to add that attribute in the code-behind though.

How to submit a form without postback in

I have a form in webpage which contains 2 drop down lists and a hyperlink + a button.
I want that if user changes an option is dropdowns to change navigate url.
I have done like so:
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlPackages" AutoPostBack ="true" runat="server"
and then I have the method defined.
The point is that I don't want to make a submit when I change the drop down. Can I do it using only aspx or I have to use javascript?
If I understand you correctly you want to change the href of the hyperlink based on the selected value of the dropdown. You can do this with javascript. Make sure you have AutoPostBack="false" and remove the OnSelectedIndexChanged attribute as well.
To do it using jQuery, use something like this:
<script type="text/javascript>
var $dropdown = $('#<%= ddlPackages.ClientId %>');
//Put logic to decide the link here based on the select value
var newPage = 'page' + $dropdown.val() + '.aspx';
$('#linkId').attr('href', newPage);
In case you absolutely must have the logic for getting the new url based on the drop down value on the server side, you can turn the method into a Page Method and call it using ajax from the jQuery script above. But you can probably get away with creating the javascript dynamically in the aspx page instead.
I see two options:
1) Wrap the controls in an Update Panel (.NET 3+). Put AutoPostBack=true on the dropdownlist, and define a SelectedIndexChange event for it that changes the hyperlink control's Navigate URL property. When the user changes the dropdown, you're method will fire without the APPEARANCE of a form submission. Downside: there's a slight delay between the dropdown changing and the link changing. If your server is really, really slow, this delay could potentially cause problems (but this is probably unlikely).
2) Use custom JavaScript and do away with your .NET controls completely. This is what I would probably do, assuming you don't need to do anything else with these controls programatically. Your JavaScript function would monitor the dropdown for a SelectedINdexChange and adjust the href attribute of the anchor tag accordingly. Look into jQuery to speed up development if you aren't too familiar with plain JavaScript.
If the control is an ASP:DropDownList, you can use the AutoPostBack="True|False" property to prevent a postback
If you don't want to use the AutoPostBack you have to post the form using jQuery or Javascript
You can add an event on your drop down list onchange and add the code you need to post the form usin jQuery:
If you to want navigate to another Url add the below code at your DropDownList control (make sure AutoPostBack=false)
it would be better put that Javascript on a separate file anyway

How to get the values from a text box

My web page looks like this
submit(button) showfile(hyperlink)
How can I get the values of textboxes saved in "showfile" web page after onclick in the submit button? Can anyone help me?
Update - based on the OP's comments, i have updated my answer
To pass a value between to pages, try this
In the first page button click event handler, write something like this
Session["Name"] = textBox1.text;
then go to the page where you want to display
In the design page add a Label control like this
<asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>
and in the page load event handler or whatever event you want to display the text previously stored in the session write the following code
lblName.Text = Convert.ToString(Session["Name"]);
I don't think you can use textbox1 as id for more than one TextBox in your page, any way you can simply use textbox1.Text property to get the text you wanted
You can't make multiple controls with same id.So Change them to textbox1,textbox2,...After you can take value from the textboxes on button click event like textbox1.text,textbox2.text..etc
it depend on your controllers type.
let me correct you . you want to get the value of the textboxes when user click on the button.but if you want to get the value of these textboxes in client side use the jquery in a script tag :
//it return the value of first textbox
but if these textboxes are server side controllers use can set an id for each and use this code :
try to ask better question if you did not get you answer.
You can access it in button Click event like
string name=Textbox1.text;
string email=Textbox2.text;
decimal Age=Convert.ToDecimal(Textbox3.text);
string phoneNo=Textbox4.text;

Text inside a text box that must be cleared when clicked

I am using ASP.NET.
I am not sure what you will call this but I would like text to be displayed in my text box called txtName. So when the form load the text box will have faded text that will say "Required". Then when the user click inside the text box i want the user to place a value inside the text box.
Is this possible in ASP.NET? If so, how can this be done????
If you can use the MS AjaxControlToolkit, there is a watermark extender that will do precisely that.
MS Ajax TextBoxWatermark Extender
If not, you can probably find a jQuery plugin or roll your own javascript. Using server-side events will probably not do what you want.
onClick is a client side event. onFocus may be better. You can use
txtName.Attributes.Add("onFocus", "this.value = ''; = 'black';")
Put it in the Page's PreRender event.
Here's a great jQuery plug-in:
Try something like this:
<asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"
onclick="if (this.value == 'Required') {this.value=''}"
If using the Ajax Toolkit is an option or makes sense there is a tool in the tool box called textbox watermark (see
