I have the following update function
public void UpdateBatchDefinition(BatchDefinition batchToUpdate)
if (batchToUpdate == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("batchToUpdate");
BatchDefinition foundDefinition =
this.context.BatchDefinitions.SingleOrDefault(definition => definition.Id == batchToUpdate.Id);
if (foundDefinition != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(batchToUpdate.Name))
foundDefinition.Name = batchToUpdate.Name;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(batchToUpdate.Description))
foundDefinition.Description = batchToUpdate.Description;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(batchToUpdate.LoadType))
foundDefinition.LoadType = batchToUpdate.LoadType;
if (batchToUpdate.JobId != Guid.Empty)
foundDefinition.JobId = batchToUpdate.JobId;
foundDefinition.Tables = batchToUpdate.Tables;
the issue I am having Is when I am trying to update the Tables list. Tables is a List of Table and Table is a Entity of another table
Tables could be added to, removed from or left alone. I need to update that with what ever is being passed in
when I run this right now I get an 'EntityValidationErrors' error, though it wont tell me what the validation issue actually is.
on Inserting I got the same error but was able to fix it using the following
var underlyingContext = this.context as DbContext;
if (underlyingContext != null)
foreach (var table in batchDefinition.Tables)
// Need to mark the table entity as unchanged or
// else EF will treat it as a new table
underlyingContext.Entry(table).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
so I tried using that in this update function
var underlyingContext = this.context as DbContext;
if (underlyingContext != null)
foreach (var table in foundDefinition.Tables)
// Need to mark the table entity as unchanged or
//else EF will treat it as a new table
underlyingContext.Entry(table).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
foundDefinition.Tables = batchToUpdate.Tables;
and I get the following error instead:
AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object's key values conflict
with another object in the ObjectStateManager. Make sure that the key
values are unique before calling AcceptChanges.
Any thoughts one what I am missing here?
Change end of your update method like this:
foreach (var t in foundDefinition.Tables.ToList())
foundDefinition.Tables = batchToUpdate.Tables;
And about your last error, it is said that there are some duplicates in your context. So, EF can't save the context changes into the db (because there are duplicates in the context!)
In fact, I don't know the last error is from add or delete - you didn't mention clearly. So, I don't know the last two code samples are from your add method, or your update method...
However for update, the trick I mentioned here, must solve your problem for update...
I'm teaching myself C# and MVC but have a background in SQL. When updating an existing master-detail set of records in a single action (let's say for instance a customer order and order details), updating the master record is no problem. Regarding the detail records, I'm seeing examples that simply delete all existing details and then add them back in rather than add, delete or update only what's changed. That seems easy and effective but involves unnecessary changes to database records and might be an issue in complex relationships.
I've tried writing code that checks the existing values against posted values to determine the right EntityState (Added, Deleted, Modified, Unchanged) for each detail. Accomplishing this using LINQ Except and Intersect works but seems to cause an unexpected performance hit.
(Instead, I could load the original values in an "oldValue" hidden field in the original GET request to compare to the POST values except that would be unreliable in a multi-user environment and seems like a bad idea.)
I'll be happy to provide code examples, but my question is more about best practices. Is there a preferred method for updating existing master-detail sets of records?
EDIT: I've added the code below in response to questions. In this example, our application allows additional attributes to be attached to a product, kept in a separate table ProductAttributes. The view allows the user to edit both the product and the attributes on the same webpage and save at the same time. The code works fine but seems slow and lags at SaveChanges.
public ActionResult Edit(Product product)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
db.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Modified;
// Establish entity states for product attributes.
List<ProductAttribute> existingAttributes = new List<ProductAttribute>();
existingAttributes = db.ProductAttributes.AsNoTracking()
.Where(x => x.Sku == product.Sku).ToList();
// Review each attribute that DID NOT previously exist.
foreach (ProductAttribute pa in product.ProductAttributes
.Except(existingAttributes, new ProductAttributeComparer()))
if (pa.Value is null)
// Value didn't exist and still doesn't.
db.Entry(pa).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
// New value exists that didn't before.
db.Entry(pa).State = EntityState.Added;
// Review each attribute that DID previously exist.
foreach (ProductAttribute pa in product.ProductAttributes
.Intersect(existingAttributes, new ProductAttributeComparer()))
if (pa.Value is null)
// Value existed and has been cleared.
db.Entry(pa).State = EntityState.Deleted;
if (pa.Value != existingAttributes
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Attribute == pa.Attribute).Value)
// Value has been altered.
db.Entry(pa).State = EntityState.Modified;
// Value has not been altered.
db.Entry(pa).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = product.ProductId });
return View(product);
internal class ProductAttributeComparer : IEqualityComparer<ProductAttribute>
public bool Equals(ProductAttribute x, ProductAttribute y)
if (string.Equals(x.Attribute, y.Attribute,
return true;
return false;
public int GetHashCode(ProductAttribute obj)
return obj.Attribute.GetHashCode();
I have an MVC Edit page, on which I also edit related data.
On postback, I have the following piece of code that handles my inserts, updates and deletes for related data:
if (ModelState.IsValid)
Guid myGuid = new Guid();
//-- Set PK and FK values --
foreach (AccountType_Organisatie myAccType_Org in myOrg.AccountType_Organisaties)
if (myAccType_Org.AccountType_Organisatie_GUID == myGuid)
//-- Create --
myAccType_Org.AccountType_Organisatie_GUID = Guid.NewGuid();
myAccType_Org.Organisatie_GUID = myOrg.Organisatie_GUID;
csContext.Entry(myAccType_Org).State = EntityState.Added;
//-- Update --
//-- Force MOdified state - even when unchanged --
csContext.Entry(myAccType_Org).State = EntityState.Modified;
//myAccType_Org.AccountType = csContext.AccountTypes.Find(myAccType_Org.Accounttype_GUID);
//-- Explicitly handle Deletes --
List<Guid> lGuids = myOrg.AccountType_Organisaties.Select(p => p.AccountType_Organisatie_GUID).ToList();
csContext.AccountType_Organisaties.RemoveRange(csContext.AccountType_Organisaties.Where(p => p.Organisatie_GUID == myOrg.Organisatie_GUID).Where(q => !lGuids.Contains(q.AccountType_Organisatie_GUID)));
csContext.Entry(myOrg).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
I am explicitly deleting items from the context that are no longer present in the new model (posted back from edit page). Is this the best way to do this?
I am explicitly setting the State to modified for all (still) existing items, forcing an update - what is the best way to determine whether an update is necessary or not? Do I need to explicitly compare the new values of the item in the model to the item in the database?
Some help / guidelines on how to implement the above is appreciated.
Error message: Attaching an entity of type failed because another entity of the same type already has the same primary key value.
Question: How do I attached an entity in a similar fashion as demonstrated in the AttachActivity method in the code below?
I have to assume the "another entity" part of the error message above refers to an object that exists in memory but is out of scope (??). I note this because the Local property of the DBSet for the entity type I am trying to attach returns zero.
I am reasonably confident the entities do not exist in the context because I step through the code and watch the context as it is created. The entities are added in the few lines immediately following creation of the dbcontext.
Am testing for attached entities as specified here:what is the most reasonable way to find out if entity is attached to dbContext or not?
When looking at locals in the locals window of visual studio I see no entities of type Activity (regardless of ID) except the one I am trying to attach.
The code executes in this order: Try -> ModifyProject -> AttachActivity
Code fails in the AttachActivity at the commented line.
Note the code between the debug comments which will throw if any entities have been added to the context.
private string AttachActivity(Activity activity)
string errorMsg = ValidateActivity(activity); // has no code yet. No. It does not query db.
// debug
var state = db.Entry(activity).State; // Detached
int activityCount = db.Activities.Local.Count;
int projectCount = db.Activities.Local.Count;
if (activityCount > 0 || projectCount > 0)
throw new Exception("objects exist in dbcontext");
// end debug
if (activity.ID == 0)
db.Activities.Attach(activity); // throws here
db.Entry(activity).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
return errorMsg;
public int ModifyProject(Presentation.PresProject presProject, out int id, out string errorMsg)
// snip
foreach (PresActivity presActivity in presProject.Activities)
Activity a = presActivity.ToActivity(); // returns new Activity object
errorMsg = ValidateActivity(a); // has no code yet. No. It does not query db.
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg))
a.Project = project;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg))
if (project.ID == 0)
saveCount = db.SaveChanges();
id = project.ID;
return saveCount;
This is the class that news up the dbContext:
public void Try(Action<IServices> work)
using(IServices client = GetClient()) // dbContext is newd up here
work(client); // ModifyProject is called here
HangUp(client, false);
catch (CommunicationException e)
HangUp(client, true);
catch (TimeoutException e)
HangUp(client, true);
catch (Exception e)
HangUp(client, true);
I am not asking: How do I use AsNoTracking What difference does .AsNoTracking() make?
One solution to avoid receiving this error is using Find method. before attaching entity, query DbContext for desired entity, if entity exists in memory you get local entity otherwise entity will be retrieved from database.
private void AttachActivity(Activity activity)
var activityInDb = db.Activities.Find(activity.Id);
// Activity does not exist in database and it's new one
if(activityInDb == null)
// Activity already exist in database and modify it
db.Entry(activityInDb ).State = EntityState.Modified;
Attaching an entity of type failed because another entity of the same type already has the same primary key value. This can happen when using the Attach method or setting the state of an entity to Unchanged or Modified if any entities in the graph have conflicting key values. This may be because some entities are new and have not yet received database-generated key values. In this case use the Add.
The solution is that
if you had to use GetAll()
public virtual IEnumerable<T> GetAll()
return dbSet.ToList();
Change To
public virtual IEnumerable<T> GetAll()
return dbSet.AsNoTracking().ToList();
I resolved this error by changing Update method like below.
if you are using generic repository and Entity
or normal(non-generic) repository and entity , then
If you use AddOrUpdate() method, please make sure you have added
System.Data.Entity.Migrations namespace.
I have an MVC application with the following code in the POST method of the controller. I am doing an EF Add and obviously that is not right. I want it to add the record if it doesn't exist, otherwise Update. How can I do that please?
AttributeEntities db = new AttributeEntities();
IEnumerable<string> items = viewModel.SelectedAttributes2;
int i = 0;
foreach (var item in items)
var temp = item;
// Save it
SelectedHarmonyAttribute attribute = new SelectedHarmonyAttribute();
attribute.CustomLabel = viewModel.ItemCaptionText;
attribute.IsVisible = viewModel.Isselected;
string harmonyAttributeID = item.Substring(1, 1);
// attribute.OrderNumber = Convert.ToInt32(order);
attribute.OrderNumber = i++;
attribute.HarmonyAttribute_ID = Convert.ToInt32(harmonyAttributeID);
You would need to check the database for the record you are trying to add/update. If the look-up returns null, that means that it doesn't exist in the database. If it does, you can modify the record that you looked up and call db.SaveChanges() to persist the changes you made to the database.
int id = Convert.ToInt32(harmonyAttributeID);
var existingEntry = db.SelectedHarmonyAttributes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.HarmonyAttribute_ID == id);
One common way to determine an add or update is by simply looking at an identifier field, and setting the appropriate state.
using System.Data;
SelectedHarmonyAttribute attribute;
using (var db = new YourDbContext())
db.Entry(attribute).State = attribute.HarmonyAttribute_ID == 0 ? EntityState.Added : EntityState.Modified;
You could import the System.Data.Entity.Migrations namespace and use the AddOrUpdate extension method:
I'm assuming that SelectedHarmonyAttributes is of type DbSet
Only drawback with doing it this way (and it may not be a concern for you), is that your entity isn't responsible for it's own state change. This means that you can update any property of the entity to something invalid, where you might want to internally validate it on the entity itself or maybe do some other processing you always want to occur on update. If these things are a concern for you, you should add a public Update method onto the entity and check for its existence on the database first. e.g:
var attribute = db.SelectedHarmonyAttributes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.HarmonyAttribute_ID == harmonyAttributeID);
if (attribute != null)
attribute.Update(viewModel.ItemCaptionText, viewModel.Isselected, i++);
attribute = new Attribute(viewModel.ItemCaptionText, viewModel.Isselected);
Your update method might look something like:
public void Update(string customLabel, bool isVisible, int orderNumber)
if (!MyValidationMethod())
throw new MyCustomException();
CustomLabel = customLabel;
IsVisible = isVisible;
OrderNumber = orderNumber;
Then make all of the entities' properties public "get" but protected "set" so they can't be updated from outside the entity itself. This might be going off an a bit of a tangent but using the AddOrUpdate method would assume you don't want to control the way an update occurs and protect your domain entity from getting into an invalid state etc. Hope this helps!
var paymentAttempt = _auctionContext.PaymentAttempts.Where(o => o.Id == paymentAttemptId).SingleOrDefault();
if (paymentAttempt != null)
paymentAttempt.PaymentAttemptStatusId = (int)PaymentAttemptStatus.Defunct;
paymentAttempt.PaymentAttemptStatus = _auctionContext.PaymentAttemptStatuses.Where(pas => pas.Id == paymentAttempt.PaymentAttemptStatusId).First();
var relevantWinningBidsTotalPrices = _auctionContext.GetWinningBidsTotalPricesForPaymentAttempt(paymentAttemptId).ToArray();
foreach (var winningBid in relevantWinningBidsTotalPrices)
winningBid.Locked = false;
In the above code after
is called winningBid is updated as expected but paymentAttempt isn't. Why is this? It is really frustrating. There is no error either. I would expect a failure to occur if there was a problem like EF wasn't tracking the object or something like that, but no such error is happening.
That's because you need to pass the paymentAttempt object to your context, to let it know that it is an object that needs to be updated.
For example, assuming that _auctionContext is an instance of DbContext:
// any changes related to the paymentAttempt object
_auctionContext.Entry(paymentAttempt).State = EntityState.Modified;
foreach (var winningBid in relevantWinningBidsTotalPrices)
winningBid.Locked = false;
Another option is the Attach method:
_auctionContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(paymentAttempt, System.Data.EntityState.Modified);
If you don't have Entry try adding:
using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure;
using System.Data.Entity;
then you may simply use:
_auctionContext.Entry(paymentAttempt).State = EntityState.Modified;
I fell on this question but for a different problem. I discovered that if you call SaveChanges() on an object that hasn't been modified, EF will not update anything. This makes sense, but I needed the DB to be updated so that other users would see that a SaveChanges() had been executed, regardless of whether any fields had changed. To force an update without changing any fields:
Dim entry As DbEntityEntry = entities.Entry(myentity)
entry.State = Entity.EntityState.Modified
I know this is late but there's another explanation worth mentioning. Even though your field name contains ID and may be set to autoincrement, be sure to verify that you declared it in your table the primary key.