I don´t want you to do my Work and write code for me I just wanted a nurge in the right Direction!
So I have to be more specific with my Problem, give me a chance to do some work on this and I will update my question with the results ;-)
I´ve solved my Problem with Roslyn maybe not very elegant but it work for my needs, here is the code ;-)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Roslyn.Compilers;
using Roslyn.Compilers.CSharp;
namespace ParserTest
public class MyParser
private int _currentLevel = 1;
public void TestMethod()
string testString =
#" if(#ISEMPTY(temp.tis_filterstatus2))
tis_datasheet_selection.is_selected = 'Y'
if(#ISEMPTY(temp.tis_programmtyp_filter)) { }
AND tis_programme_v.type = '#SUB(temp.tis_programmtyp_filter)'
if(#ISEMPTY(temp.tis_programmfilter)) { }
AND tis_programme_v.programm LIKE '#SUB(temp.tis_programmfilter)%'
var result = this.Parse(testString);
var finalResult = this.GenerateDsl(result);
public List<IfStatement> Parse(string strToParse)
var result = new List<IfStatement>();
var syntaxTree = SyntaxTree.ParseText(#"using System;class C{static void M(){" + strToParse + "}}");
var rootNodes = syntaxTree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().Where(getRootNodes);
result = rootNodes.Select(n => ToIfStatement(n, null)).ToList();
return result;
private string GenerateDsl(List<IfStatement> list)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach(var ifStmt in list)
IfStatementToDsl(ifStmt, sb);
return sb.ToString();
private string IfStatementToDsl(IfStatement ifStmt, StringBuilder sb)
string sqr = "";
for (int i = 0; i < ifStmt.Level; i++)
sqr += "'";
sb.Append(ifStmt.Condition.ApplyLevel(ifStmt.Level) + "," + sqr);
if(ifStmt.Childs.Count > 0)
foreach(var c in ifStmt.Childs)
IfStatementToDsl(c, sb);
sb.Append(sqr + "," + sqr);
if(ifStmt.Else != null)
foreach(var c in ifStmt.Else.Childs)
IfStatementToDsl(c, sb);
sb.Append(sqr + ")");
return sb.ToString();
#region Parsing-Methods
private IfStatement ToIfStatement(SyntaxNode node, SyntaxNode parent)
var ifNode = (IfStatementSyntax)node;
var ifStmt = new IfStatement
Condition = ifNode.Condition.ToString(),
Statement = GetIfStatement(ifNode),
Childs = GetIfChilds(ifNode)
if (ifNode.Else != null)
ifStmt.Else = new ElseStatement
Statement = GetElseStatement(ifNode.Else),
Childs = GetElseChilds(ifNode.Else)
return ifStmt;
private List<IfStatement> GetIfChilds(IfStatementSyntax node)
var childs = node.Statement.DescendantNodes().Where(n => WhereIfNodes(n, node));
return childs.Select(n => ToIfStatement(n, node)).ToList();
private List<IfStatement> GetElseChilds(ElseClauseSyntax node)
var childs = node.Statement.DescendantNodes().Where(n => WhereElseNodes(n, node));
return childs.Select(n => ToIfStatement(n, node)).ToList();
private string GetIfStatement(IfStatementSyntax node)
var result = node.Statement.DescendantNodes().Where(n => WhereIfStatement(n, node));
string returnValue = "";
foreach (var n in result)
returnValue += n.ToString();
return returnValue.CleanString();
private string GetElseStatement(ElseClauseSyntax node)
var result = node.Statement.DescendantNodes().Where(n => WhereElseStatement(n, node));
string returnValue = "";
foreach (var n in result)
returnValue += n.ToString() + " ";
return returnValue.CleanString();
private void ApplyNestingLevel(List<IfStatement> list)
foreach (var item in list)
item.Level = _currentLevel;
if (item.Childs.Count > 0 || (item.Else != null && item.Else.Childs.Count > 0))
if (item.Else != null)
#region Linq Where-Conditions
private bool WhereIfNodes(SyntaxNode node, IfStatementSyntax parent)
if(node.Kind == SyntaxKind.IfStatement && (node.Parent.Parent == parent))
return true;
return false;
private bool WhereElseNodes(SyntaxNode node, ElseClauseSyntax parent)
if (node.Kind == SyntaxKind.IfStatement && (node.Parent.Parent == parent))
return true;
return false;
private bool WhereIfStatement(SyntaxNode node, IfStatementSyntax parent)
if ((node.Kind == SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement || node.Kind == SyntaxKind.LocalDeclarationStatement)
&& (node.Parent.Parent == parent))
return true;
return false;
private bool WhereElseStatement(SyntaxNode node, ElseClauseSyntax parent)
if ((node.Kind == SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement || node.Kind == SyntaxKind.LocalDeclarationStatement)
&& (node.Parent.Parent == parent))
return true;
return false;
private Func<SyntaxNode, bool> getRootNodes =
n => n.Kind == SyntaxKind.IfStatement &&
(n.Parent.Parent.Kind != SyntaxKind.ElseClause && n.Parent.Parent.Kind != SyntaxKind.IfStatement);
public class IfStatement
public int Level { get; set; }
public string Condition { get; set; }
public string Statement { get; set; }
public ElseStatement Else { get; set; }
public List<IfStatement> Childs { get; set; }
public class ElseStatement
public string Statement { get; set; }
public List<IfStatement> Childs { get; set; }
public static class Ext
public static string CleanString(this string value)
return value.Replace("\t", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "");
public static string ApplyLevel(this string value, int level)
int multiplier = level * 2;
if (level == 0)
multiplier = 1;
var sb = new StringBuilder(multiplier);
for (int i = 0; i < multiplier; i++)
return value.Replace("'", sb.ToString());
I have to write if-else Statements in a Domain-Specific-Language which is really a pain in the ass!
(The DSL is from a Third-Party-Tool which I have to use to generate WHERE-Statements for SQL-Queries)
#IF(#ISEMPTY(#SUB(temp.last_name))),'if true','else')
#SUB() reads a textboxvalue
#IF(#ISEMPTY(#SUB(temp.last_name))),'','account_contact.last_name = ''DOE'' ')
you have to double your single-quotes in the else statement and if you want to nest different "if-else" every time you go a level deeper you have to double the doubled single-quotes!
You see it´s not very simple to write if you have complicated contitions...
So I thought I write a parser that transforms a normal if-else statement to this DSL-Syntax!
The Parser should create objects of this class:
public class IfCondition
public int ID { get; set; }
public int ParentID { get; set; }
public int Level { get; set; }
public string Condition { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
public string ElseContent { get; set; }
based on a Collection of this Objects I could generate the DSL-Statements!
So my Problem is I really don´t have a clue, how to parse a String like this:
IF(#ISEMPTY(#SUB(temp.last_name))) { }
IF(#SUB(temp.test) = 'Y')
account_contact.last_name = 'DOE'
account_contat.first_name = "JOHN"
can somebody give me a nudge in the right direction?
If you use Roslyn for syntax rewritting. Not to just write about what you can do, here is an easy example.
Basically how it works. You create a syntax tree for your code and then use predefined visitors to visit those nodes you want to rewrite, you replace them by valid C# code and then you can compile this tree and make it work.
Another, more reliable source with an example
I'm currently trying to scrape a cannabis strain database as it is no longer being maintained. I seem to be running into an issue where table rows are skipped in my logic but it really doesn't make sense, it's like a break is being called when I'm iterating through the //tr elements of the table that is storing the chemical reports.
Is it something like the δ α symbols in the next row. I've tried regex replacing them out to now luck. Any help would be appreciated all code is in a single class console app.
Issue is in the table.ChildNodes not iterating all the way through. Located in the ParseChemical() method.
Sample Page: http://ocpdb.pythonanywhere.com/ocpdb/420/
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices;
namespace CScrape
class Program
private static readonly HttpClient Client = new HttpClient();
private static readonly string BaseUri = "http://ocpdb.pythonanywhere.com/ocpdb/";
private static int _startId = 420;
private static int _endId = 1519;
private static List<Lab> _labs = new List<Lab>();
private static List<ChemicalItem> _chemicalItems = new List<ChemicalItem>();
private static List<UnitOfMeasure> _uoms = new List<UnitOfMeasure>();
private static List<Strain> _strains = new List<Strain>();
static void Main(string[] args)
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls13;
for (var i = _startId; i <= _endId; i++)
var result = GetUri($"{BaseUri}{i}").Result;
private static long AddChemicalItem(ChemicalItem item)
if (ChemicalExists(item.Symbol))
return _chemicalItems.FirstOrDefault(ci => ci.Symbol == item.Symbol)?.Id ?? -1;
item.Id = _chemicalItems.Count + 1;
return item.Id;
private static void UpdateChemicalItem(ChemicalItem item)
if (!ChemicalExists(item.Symbol)) return;
var index = _chemicalItems.IndexOf(item);
if (!(index >= 0)) return;
private static long AddLab(Lab lab)
if (LabExists(lab.Name))
return _labs.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == lab.Name)?.Id ?? -1;
lab.Id = _labs.Count + 1;
return lab.Id;
private static async Task<string> GetUri(string uri)
var response = await Client.GetByteArrayAsync(uri);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response, 0, response.Length - 1);
private static Strain ParseChemical(string html)
html = Regex.Replace(html, #"Δ", "Delta");
HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
var strain = new Strain();
strain.Reports ??= new List<ChemicalReport>();
strain.Name = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div/div[1]/div[1]/h3/b").InnerText;
catch (Exception e)
// TODO: DOcument Exception
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strain.Name)) return null;
var ocpId = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div/div[1]/div[2]/p/b/text()[1]");
strain.OcpId = SanitizeHtml(ocpId.InnerText).Split(':')[1];
catch (Exception e)
// TODO: Document Exception
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strain.OcpId)) return null;
var date = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div/div[1]/div[2]/p/text()");
catch (Exception e)
// TODO: Document Exception
var chemReport = new ChemicalReport();
chemReport.Items ??= new List<ReportItem>();
var table = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/div/div[2]/div[1]/table/tbody");
var children = table.ChildNodes.ToList();
// On the sample page there are 200 children here
// However it only interates through the first few and then just breaks out of the loop
foreach (var child in children)
var name = child.Name;
if (child.Name == "tr")
var infos = child.SelectNodes("th|td");
foreach (var info in infos)
if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.InnerText)) continue;
if (info.InnerText.Contains("Report")) continue;
if (double.TryParse(info.InnerText, out var isNumber))
var last = chemReport.Items.LastOrDefault();
if (last == null) continue;
if (last.Value <= 0.0000) last.Value = isNumber;
var further = chemReport.Items.ToArray()[chemReport.Items.Count - 2];
if (further.Value <= 0.0000)
further.Value = isNumber;
var _ = new ChemicalItem
Name = info.InnerText,
Symbol = info.InnerText
_.Id = AddChemicalItem(_);
var report = new ReportItem
Chemical = _,
ChemicalItemId = _.Id,
UnitOfMeasureId = 1,
UoM = GetUoms()[0]
catch (Exception e)
// TODO: Document exception
return strain;
private static List<UnitOfMeasure> GetUoms()
return new List<UnitOfMeasure>
new UnitOfMeasure {Name = "Milligrams per Gram", Symbol = "mg/g"},
new UnitOfMeasure {Name = "Percent", Symbol = "%"}
private static string SanitizeHtml(string text, string replacement = "")
return Regex.Replace(text, #"<[^>]+>| |α|\n|\t", replacement);
private static string GetLabName(string[] split)
var strip = split[0].Split(':')[1];
for(var i = 1; i < split.Length - 2; i ++)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(split[i])) break;
strip += $" {split[i]}";
return strip;
private static string GetSampleId(string[] split)
var found = false;
foreach (var item in split)
if (found)
return item.Split(':')[1];
if (item == "Sample") found = true;
return "NA";
private static bool LabExists(string name)
return _labs.Any(lab => lab.Name == name);
private static bool ChemicalExists(string name)
return _chemicalItems.Any(ci => ci.Symbol == name);
private static ReportItem GetReportItem(string text)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) return null;
ReportItem ri = null;
var clean = SanitizeHtml(text);
var check = 0;
var split = clean.Split(':');
var label = split[0];
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(label)) return null;
if (double.TryParse(label, out var invalidType)) return null;
var val = string.Empty;
if (split.Length == 1)
if (split[0].Contains("Total"))
Regex re = new Regex(#"([a-zA-Z]+)(\d+)");
Match result = re.Match(split[0]);
label = result.Groups[1].Value;
val = result.Groups[2].Value;
if(split.Length > 1)
val = split[1];
if (!ChemicalExists(label)) AddChemicalItem(new ChemicalItem {Id = _chemicalItems.Count + 1,Symbol = label});
ri = new ReportItem();
ri.Chemical = _chemicalItems.FirstOrDefault(ci => ci.Symbol == label);
ri.UoM = val.Contains("%")
? _uoms.FirstOrDefault(uom => uom.Symbol == "%")
: _uoms.FirstOrDefault(uom => uom.Symbol == "mg/g");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val)) return ri;
var value = val.Contains("%") ? split[1].Substring(0, val.Length - 1) : val;
ri.Value = Convert.ToDouble(value);
catch (Exception e)
// TODO: Document Exception
return ri;
//private static ChemicalItem GetChemicalItem(string text)
public class Strain
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime Created { get; set; }
public string OcpId { get; set; }
public bool IsHidden { get; set; } = false;
public virtual ICollection<ChemicalReport> Reports { get; set; }
public class Lab
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<ChemicalReport> Reports { get; set; }
public class ChemicalReport
public long Id { get; set; }
public long LabId { get; set; }
public virtual Lab Lab { get; set; }
public string SampleId { get; set; }
public DateTime Created { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<ReportItem> Items { get; set; }
public long StrainId { get; set; }
public virtual Strain Strain { get; set; }
public class ChemicalItem
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Symbol { get; set; }
public class ReportItem
public long Id { get; set; }
public long ChemicalItemId { get; set; }
public virtual ChemicalItem Chemical { get; set; }
public double Value { get; set; }
public long UnitOfMeasureId { get; set; }
public virtual UnitOfMeasure UoM { get; set; }
public class UnitOfMeasure
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Symbol { get; set; }
how to write billions of data into a trie with less memory
I want to extract some infomation from news like company names,so I write billions of company names into a trie,but it needs much memory and throw out of memory exception,I don't know how to solve it,so anyone can help,thanks in advance.
public class Node
public char Value { get; set; }
public List<Node> Children { get; set; }
public int Depth { get; set; }
public string Code { get; set; }
public bool Terminal { get; set; }
public Node(char value, int depth)
Value = value;
Depth = depth;
Children = new List<Node>();
public Node FindChildNode(char c)
foreach (var child in Children)
if (child.Value == c)
return child;
return null;
public class Trie
private Node _root;
public Trie()
_root = new Node('^',0);
public Node Prefix(string s)
var currentNode = _root;
var result = currentNode;
foreach (var c in s)
currentNode = currentNode.FindChildNode(c);
if (currentNode == null)
result = currentNode;
return result;
public void Insert(string randomLength,string code)
var commonPrefix = Prefix(randomLength);
var current = commonPrefix;
for (var i = current.Depth; i < s.Length; i++)
var newNode = new Node(s[i], current.Depth + 1);
if (i+1==s.Length)
newNode.Terminal = true;
newNode.Code = code;
current = newNode;
Trie t=new Trie();
The aboved statement run 1000000000 Loops and the "C" can be replaced with different string with different length,as the loops increasing,it throw out of memory exception,so how to avoid or change it?
Have a go at this Trie and see if you can get it to work for what you need:
public class Trie : Dictionary<char, Trie>
public void Add(string value)
var c = String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? '\0' : value[0];
if (!this.ContainsKey(c))
this[c] = new Trie();
if (c != '\0')
I wrote a piece of code to run from the first IP address to the last and retrieve the MAC and Hostname of devices in my network.
But, i do not know how to get the hierachy of then. Information like what router is the device conected (via Cable of WiFi also). And some routers are not managed (they don't have IP - they are just "switchs").
First, i didn't think it was possible, since a "tracert" on the CMD does not show then, but when i call the "Network Complete Map" on Windows Control Panel, they get all the information i need - so there is a way. See the image below:
The "switchs" circled in red have no IP, the "TL-xxxx" are routers with DHCP turned of. The "gateway" is a server that has the DHCP and provides connection to the internet.
Thus far, i wrote the following code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Network
[Serializable] public sealed class Map
private bool mMARKED = true;
private long mDB = 0L;
private string mIP = string.Empty;
private string mMAC = string.Empty;
private string mBRAND = string.Empty;
private string mNAME = string.Empty;
public bool Save { get { return this.mMARKED; } set { this.mMARKED = value; } }
public long DBId { get { return this.mDB; } set { this.mDB = value; } }
public string IP { get { return this.mIP; } set { this.mIP = value; } }
public string MAC { get { return this.mMAC; } set { this.mMAC = value; } }
public string BRAND { get { return this.mBRAND; } set { this.mBRAND = value; } }
public string NAME { get { return this.mNAME; } set { this.mNAME = value; } }
[Serializable] public sealed class Scanner
public const string WebOUIFile = "http://standards-oui.ieee.org/oui.txt";
public const string LocalOUIFileName = "oui.txt";
private const long MaxOUIAge = (TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * 90L);
internal Dictionary<string, string> OUIList;
private List<Map> mDevices = new List<Map>(50);
public List<Map> Devices { get { return this.mDevices; } }
public static Scanner Scan;
public Thread Worker;
public bool AutoSave { get; set; }
private string Node;
private byte mInitial;
public static string UploadPath { get; set; }
public byte Initial { get { return this.mInitial; } set { this.mInitial = value; } }
public byte Current { get; private set; }
public byte Limit { get; set; }
public bool Working { get; private set; }
public string Errors;
public string Message { get; private set; }
public bool UpdatingOUI { get; private set; }
public void Interrupt()
this.Working = false;
if (this.Worker != null)
this.Worker = null;
this.Node = string.Empty;
this.Initial = 0;
this.Current = 0;
this.Limit = 0;
this.Working = false;
public void ToDestroy()
this.Errors = string.Empty;
this.Message = string.Empty;
public void Stop(bool immediate) { if (immediate) { this.Interrupt(); } }
[DllImport("iphlpapi.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] private static extern int SendARP(int DestIP, int SrcIP, out long pMacAddr, ref int PhyAddrLen);
public void ToBegin() { }
public void Stop() { this.Stop(true); }
private static int IPToInt(string Expression)
byte[] IPAddress = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(Expression).GetAddressBytes();
return (Convert.ToInt32(IPAddress[3]) << 24) | (Convert.ToInt32(IPAddress[2]) << 16) | (Convert.ToInt32(IPAddress[1]) << 8) | Convert.ToInt32(IPAddress[0]);
} catch { return 0; }
private Map GetBasics(string IPString)
int res = Scanner.IPToInt(IPString);
if (res > 0)
long mem = 0L;
int PhyAddrLen = 6;
if (Scanner.SendARP(res, 0, out mem, ref PhyAddrLen) == 0)
Map dev = new Map();
byte[] macbytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(mem);
dev.IP = IPString;
string Tmp = BitConverter.ToString(macbytes, 0, 3);
if (this.OUIList != null && this.OUIList.ContainsKey(Tmp)) { dev.BRAND = this.OUIList[Tmp]; }
dev.MAC = Tmp + "-" + BitConverter.ToString(macbytes, 3, 3);
try { dev.NAME = Dns.GetHostEntry(IPString).HostName.ToLower(); } catch { dev.NAME = "unknow"; }
return dev;
return null;
private static void GetNode(ref string IP, ref string Node, ref byte Device)
string[] NodeComp = IP.Split('.');
Node = NodeComp[0] + "." + NodeComp[1] + "." + NodeComp[2] + ".";
Device = Convert.ToByte(NodeComp[3]);
public static Dictionary<string, string> DonwloadOUTFile(bool ForceUpdate = true)
Dictionary<string, string> List = null;
string Aux = Scanner.UploadPath;
if (Aux == null) { Aux = string.Empty; }
else if (Aux != string.Empty)
string Tmp = Aux + "~" + Scanner.LocalOUIFileName;
Aux += Scanner.LocalOUIFileName;
bool FileExists = File.Exists(Aux);
if (FileExists && ((DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - (new FileInfo(Aux)).CreationTimeUtc.Ticks) > Scanner.MaxOUIAge))
ForceUpdate = true;
string Aux2 = string.Empty;
if (ForceUpdate)
List = new Dictionary<string, string>(25000);
using (WebClient Downloader = new WebClient()) { Downloader.DownloadFile(Scanner.WebOUIFile, Tmp); }
using (StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Tmp))
using (StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(Aux))
Aux = Reader.ReadLine();
if (Aux.ToLower().Contains("(hex)"))
Aux2 = Aux.Substring(0, 8).ToUpper();
Aux = Aux.Substring(Aux.LastIndexOf('\t') + 1);
if (!List.ContainsKey(Aux2))
List.Add(Aux2, Aux);
Writer.WriteLine(Aux2 + "\t" + Aux);
} while (Reader.Peek() >= 0);
try { File.Delete(Tmp); } catch { /* NOTHING */ }
else if (FileExists)
List = new Dictionary<string, string>(25000);
using (StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Aux))
Aux = Reader.ReadLine();
if (Aux != null && Aux.Length > 9)
Aux2 = Aux.Substring(0, 8);
if (!List.ContainsKey(Aux2)) { List.Add(Aux2, Aux.Substring(9)); }
} while (Reader.Peek() >= 0);
if (List != null) { List.Clear(); }
List = null;
return List;
private void ReadScaner()
this.UpdatingOUI = true;
try { this.OUIList = Scanner.DonwloadOUTFile(ForceUpdate: false); } catch { /* NOTHING */ }
this.UpdatingOUI = false;
if (this.OUIList == null || this.OUIList.Count == 0) { this.Errors += "\nErrorOUIFileDownload"; }
Map Dev = null;
this.Current = this.Initial;
if (this.Limit < this.Initial)
Dev = this.GetBasics(this.Node + this.Initial.ToString());
if (Dev != null) { this.Devices.Add(Dev); }
bool ToAdd = true;
while (this.Current <= this.Limit)
Dev = this.GetBasics(this.Node + this.Current.ToString());
this.Current += 1;
if (Dev != null)
ToAdd = true;
foreach (Map iDev in this.Devices)
if (iDev.MAC == Dev.MAC)
ToAdd = false;
if (ToAdd) { this.Devices.Add(Dev); }
this.Message = "Finished!";
public void GetRange(string IPInitial, byte Limit, bool AutoSave = true)
if (!this.Working)
this.AutoSave = AutoSave;
this.Working = true;
Scanner.GetNode(ref IPInitial, ref this.Node, ref this.mInitial);
this.Limit = Limit;
this.Worker = new Thread(this.ReadScaner);
this.Worker.IsBackground = true;
public static void GetRange(bool AutoSave, string IPInitial, byte Limit)
if (Scanner.Scan == null)
Scanner.Scan = new Scanner();
Scanner.Scan.GetRange(IPInitial, Limit, AutoSave: AutoSave);
if (this.OUIList != null)
this.OUIList = null;
How do i make that code able to get the hierarchy like windows does?
I have a problem. I try compare two list currentItemsInColl and bPList. Inside bPList i have other list RequiredItems and now is what I need.
I want compare currentItemsInColl and RequiredItems and return bPList.craftingBlueprint.
I try Compare but I dont know how use it :/
using Devdog.InventoryPro;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CraftingAutoUpdate : MonoBehaviour {
public ItemCollectionBase itemCollection;
public ItemCollectionBase rewardCollection;
public CraftingCategory craftingCategory;
[Header("Blue Print List")]
public List<BlueprintList> bPList = new List<BlueprintList>();
public List<CurrentItemInCollList> currentItemsInColl = new List<CurrentItemInCollList>();
private CraftingBlueprint readyBlueprint;
public void OnShow()
public void OnHide()
private void StartUpdate()
private void GetBluePrint()
foreach (var b in craftingCategory.blueprints)
if (b != null)
var rI = b.requiredItems;
var listReqItems = new List<RequiredItem>();
foreach (var e in rI)
listReqItems.Add(new RequiredItem(e.item.ID, e.amount));
bPList.Add(new BlueprintList(b.name, b, listReqItems));
private void UpdateDirectory()
foreach(var item in itemCollection)
if (item.item != null)
var cT = item.item.ID;
if (currentItemsInColl.Find(u =>u.itemID == cT) == null)
var itemCount = itemCollection.GetItemCount(item.item.ID);
currentItemsInColl.Add(new CurrentItemInCollList(item.item.ID, itemCount));
In this methode I try find same items in collections:
private void UpdateFindMatchItems()
readyBlueprint = null;
bool matchFailed = false;
int requiredItemCount = 0;
int currentItemsInCollCount = currentItemsInColl.Count;
foreach(var bp in bPList)
requiredItemCount = bp.RequiredItems.Count;
foreach(var rI in bp.RequiredItems)
if(CompareLists(currentItemsInColl, bp.RequiredItems))
private void UpdateCraftResults()
if (readyBlueprint != null)
foreach (var items in readyBlueprint.resultItems)
I try somthing like this but is wont work with this lists:
public static bool CompareLists<T>(List<T> aListA, List<T> aListB)
if (aListA == null || aListB == null || aListA.Count != aListB.Count)
return false;
if (aListA.Count == 0)
return true;
Dictionary<T,T> lookUp = new Dictionary<T,T>();
// create index for the first list
for (int i = 0; i < aListA.Count; i++)
uint count = 0;
if (!lookUp.TryGetValue(aListA[i], out count))
lookUp.Add(aListA[i], 1);
lookUp[aListA[i]] = count + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < aListB.Count; i++)
uint count = 0;
if (!lookUp.TryGetValue(aListB[i], out count))
// early exit as the current value in B doesn't exist in the lookUp (and not in ListA)
return false;
if (count <= 0)
lookUp[aListB[i]] = count;
// if there are remaining elements in the lookUp, that means ListA contains elements that do not exist in ListB
return lookUp.Count == 0;
And this is my lists:
/* LISTS */
public class CurrentItemInCollList
public uint itemID;
public uint itemAmount;
public CurrentItemInCollList(uint newitemID, uint newItemAmount)
itemID = newitemID;
itemAmount = newItemAmount;
public class BlueprintList
public string bluePrintName;
public CraftingBlueprint craftingBlueprint;
public List<RequiredItem> RequiredItems = new List<RequiredItem>();
public BlueprintList(string newBluePrintName, CraftingBlueprint newcraftingBlueprint, List<RequiredItem> list)
bluePrintName = newBluePrintName;
craftingBlueprint = newcraftingBlueprint;
RequiredItems = list;
public class RequiredItem
public uint itemID;
public uint itemAmount;
public RequiredItem( uint newitemID, uint newItemAmount)
itemID = newitemID;
itemAmount = newItemAmount;
I forgot.. CurrentItemInCollList.itemAmount can be >= RequiredItems.itemAmount
Dictionary use hash values to compare objects.
The stored classes must implement public override int GetHashCode(){}
Use Linq - here is a small console example:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Required list
List<Order> currentItemsInColl = new List<Order>();
currentItemsInColl.Add(new Order() { Name = "bike1", Id = "01" });
currentItemsInColl.Add(new Order() { Name = "bike4", Id = "04" });
//List of all items
List<BPP> bPList = new List<BPP>();
bPList.Add(new BPP() { BikeName = "bike1", Idzzz = "01" });
bPList.Add(new BPP() { BikeName = "bike2", Idzzz = "02" });
bPList.Add(new BPP() { BikeName = "bike3", Idzzz = "03" });
bPList.Add(new BPP() { BikeName = "bike4", Idzzz = "04" });
bPList.Add(new BPP() { BikeName = "bike5", Idzzz = "05" });
//Blueprint List
List<BPP> Blueprint = new List<BPP>();
//get all items into the Blueprint list
foreach (Order i in currentItemsInColl)
List<BPP> tmp = bPList.FindAll(x => x.Idzzz.Contains(i.Id));
//here you add them all to a list
foreach (BPP item in tmp)
public class Order
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class BPP
public string Idzzz { get; set; }
public string BikeName { get; set; }
Sidenote: i am comparing the ID's in each of the lists! Hope it helps.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
linq to sql recursive query
I got stuck with having to build a Recursive select via LINQ for the self referencing table.
I use this class:
public class DivisionHierarchy
public Division Division { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<DivisionHierarchy> Divisions { get; set; }
and I created this function but somehow it is infinite.
public IEnumerable<DivisionHierarchy> GetDivisionHierarchy(IEnumerable<Division> allDivisions, Division parentDivision)
Guid? parentDivisionId = null;
if (parentDivision != null)
parentDivisionId = parentDivision.DivisionID;
var childDivisions = allDivisions.Where(e => e.DivisionID == parentDivisionId);
Collection<DivisionHierarchy> hierarchy = new Collection<DivisionHierarchy>();
foreach (var div in childDivisions)
hierarchy.Add(new DivisionHierarchy() { Division = div, Divisions = GetDivisionHierarchy(allDivisions, div) });
return hierarchy;
Any clue where I can start?
Thank you!
P.S. Are there any others ways to do it?
UPDATES based on http://www.scip.be/index.php?Page=ArticlesNET18#AsHierarchy
I found my errors.
There are 2 things to implement:
1. The root node should be created under the database.
I changed code a little bit.
Guid divisionID = Guid.Parse("5b487b3d-e9be-413f-b611-2fd7491e0d0d"); // Hardcoded somehow
var rootDivision = db.Divisions.Where(i => i.ID == divisionID).FirstOrDefault();
var divisionHierarchy = GetDivisionHierarchy(db.Divisions.AsEnumerable(), rootDivision);
public IEnumerable<DivisionHierarchy> GetDivisionHierarchy(IEnumerable<Division> allDivisions, Division parentDivision)
Guid? parentDivisionId = null;
if (parentDivision != null)
parentDivisionId = parentDivision.ID;
var childDivisions = allDivisions.Where(division => division.DivisionID == parentDivisionId);
Collection<DivisionHierarchy> hierarchy = new Collection<DivisionHierarchy>();
foreach (var div in childDivisions)
DivisionHierarchy divisionHierarchy = new DivisionHierarchy();
divisionHierarchy.Division = div;
divisionHierarchy.Divisions = GetDivisionHierarchy(allDivisions, div);
return hierarchy;
I would load the divisions in an non-recursive way and then set up the recursive relations in code. Here is an example, which does this in a lazy way
public class Division
public int ID { get; set; }
public int DivisionID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
private static List<Division> _divisions;
public static List<Division> Divisions
if (_divisions == null) {
return _divisions;
private static Dictionary<int, Division> _divisionsByID;
public static Dictionary<int, Division> DivisionsByID
if (_divisionsByID == null) {
return _divisionsByID;
private static Division _root;
public static Division Root
if (_root == null) {
return _root;
private Division _parentDivision;
public Division ParentDivision
if (_parentDivision == null && DivisionID != 0) {
_parentDivision = DivisionsByID[DivisionID];
return _parentDivision;
private List<Division> _subDivisions = new List<Division>();
public List<Division> SubDivisions
get { return _subDivisions; }
private static void LoadAndSetUpDivisionsHierarchyHierarchy()
// Load the divisions in a non-recursive way using LINQ
// (details not shown here).
_divisions = LoadDivisions();
// Add the divisions in a dictionary by id
_divisionsByID = new Dictionary<int, Division>(_divisions.Count);
foreach (Division division in _divisions) {
_divisionsByID.Add(division.ID, division);
// Define sub-divisions and root division
foreach (Division division in _divisions) {
if (division.DivisionID == 0) {
_root = division;
} else if (division.ParentDivision != null) {
private static List<Division> LoadDivisions()
throw new NotImplementedException();