I wrote a piece of code to run from the first IP address to the last and retrieve the MAC and Hostname of devices in my network.
But, i do not know how to get the hierachy of then. Information like what router is the device conected (via Cable of WiFi also). And some routers are not managed (they don't have IP - they are just "switchs").
First, i didn't think it was possible, since a "tracert" on the CMD does not show then, but when i call the "Network Complete Map" on Windows Control Panel, they get all the information i need - so there is a way. See the image below:
The "switchs" circled in red have no IP, the "TL-xxxx" are routers with DHCP turned of. The "gateway" is a server that has the DHCP and provides connection to the internet.
Thus far, i wrote the following code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Network
[Serializable] public sealed class Map
private bool mMARKED = true;
private long mDB = 0L;
private string mIP = string.Empty;
private string mMAC = string.Empty;
private string mBRAND = string.Empty;
private string mNAME = string.Empty;
public bool Save { get { return this.mMARKED; } set { this.mMARKED = value; } }
public long DBId { get { return this.mDB; } set { this.mDB = value; } }
public string IP { get { return this.mIP; } set { this.mIP = value; } }
public string MAC { get { return this.mMAC; } set { this.mMAC = value; } }
public string BRAND { get { return this.mBRAND; } set { this.mBRAND = value; } }
public string NAME { get { return this.mNAME; } set { this.mNAME = value; } }
[Serializable] public sealed class Scanner
public const string WebOUIFile = "http://standards-oui.ieee.org/oui.txt";
public const string LocalOUIFileName = "oui.txt";
private const long MaxOUIAge = (TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * 90L);
internal Dictionary<string, string> OUIList;
private List<Map> mDevices = new List<Map>(50);
public List<Map> Devices { get { return this.mDevices; } }
public static Scanner Scan;
public Thread Worker;
public bool AutoSave { get; set; }
private string Node;
private byte mInitial;
public static string UploadPath { get; set; }
public byte Initial { get { return this.mInitial; } set { this.mInitial = value; } }
public byte Current { get; private set; }
public byte Limit { get; set; }
public bool Working { get; private set; }
public string Errors;
public string Message { get; private set; }
public bool UpdatingOUI { get; private set; }
public void Interrupt()
this.Working = false;
if (this.Worker != null)
this.Worker = null;
this.Node = string.Empty;
this.Initial = 0;
this.Current = 0;
this.Limit = 0;
this.Working = false;
public void ToDestroy()
this.Errors = string.Empty;
this.Message = string.Empty;
public void Stop(bool immediate) { if (immediate) { this.Interrupt(); } }
[DllImport("iphlpapi.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] private static extern int SendARP(int DestIP, int SrcIP, out long pMacAddr, ref int PhyAddrLen);
public void ToBegin() { }
public void Stop() { this.Stop(true); }
private static int IPToInt(string Expression)
byte[] IPAddress = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(Expression).GetAddressBytes();
return (Convert.ToInt32(IPAddress[3]) << 24) | (Convert.ToInt32(IPAddress[2]) << 16) | (Convert.ToInt32(IPAddress[1]) << 8) | Convert.ToInt32(IPAddress[0]);
} catch { return 0; }
private Map GetBasics(string IPString)
int res = Scanner.IPToInt(IPString);
if (res > 0)
long mem = 0L;
int PhyAddrLen = 6;
if (Scanner.SendARP(res, 0, out mem, ref PhyAddrLen) == 0)
Map dev = new Map();
byte[] macbytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(mem);
dev.IP = IPString;
string Tmp = BitConverter.ToString(macbytes, 0, 3);
if (this.OUIList != null && this.OUIList.ContainsKey(Tmp)) { dev.BRAND = this.OUIList[Tmp]; }
dev.MAC = Tmp + "-" + BitConverter.ToString(macbytes, 3, 3);
try { dev.NAME = Dns.GetHostEntry(IPString).HostName.ToLower(); } catch { dev.NAME = "unknow"; }
return dev;
return null;
private static void GetNode(ref string IP, ref string Node, ref byte Device)
string[] NodeComp = IP.Split('.');
Node = NodeComp[0] + "." + NodeComp[1] + "." + NodeComp[2] + ".";
Device = Convert.ToByte(NodeComp[3]);
public static Dictionary<string, string> DonwloadOUTFile(bool ForceUpdate = true)
Dictionary<string, string> List = null;
string Aux = Scanner.UploadPath;
if (Aux == null) { Aux = string.Empty; }
else if (Aux != string.Empty)
string Tmp = Aux + "~" + Scanner.LocalOUIFileName;
Aux += Scanner.LocalOUIFileName;
bool FileExists = File.Exists(Aux);
if (FileExists && ((DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - (new FileInfo(Aux)).CreationTimeUtc.Ticks) > Scanner.MaxOUIAge))
ForceUpdate = true;
string Aux2 = string.Empty;
if (ForceUpdate)
List = new Dictionary<string, string>(25000);
using (WebClient Downloader = new WebClient()) { Downloader.DownloadFile(Scanner.WebOUIFile, Tmp); }
using (StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Tmp))
using (StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(Aux))
Aux = Reader.ReadLine();
if (Aux.ToLower().Contains("(hex)"))
Aux2 = Aux.Substring(0, 8).ToUpper();
Aux = Aux.Substring(Aux.LastIndexOf('\t') + 1);
if (!List.ContainsKey(Aux2))
List.Add(Aux2, Aux);
Writer.WriteLine(Aux2 + "\t" + Aux);
} while (Reader.Peek() >= 0);
try { File.Delete(Tmp); } catch { /* NOTHING */ }
else if (FileExists)
List = new Dictionary<string, string>(25000);
using (StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Aux))
Aux = Reader.ReadLine();
if (Aux != null && Aux.Length > 9)
Aux2 = Aux.Substring(0, 8);
if (!List.ContainsKey(Aux2)) { List.Add(Aux2, Aux.Substring(9)); }
} while (Reader.Peek() >= 0);
if (List != null) { List.Clear(); }
List = null;
return List;
private void ReadScaner()
this.UpdatingOUI = true;
try { this.OUIList = Scanner.DonwloadOUTFile(ForceUpdate: false); } catch { /* NOTHING */ }
this.UpdatingOUI = false;
if (this.OUIList == null || this.OUIList.Count == 0) { this.Errors += "\nErrorOUIFileDownload"; }
Map Dev = null;
this.Current = this.Initial;
if (this.Limit < this.Initial)
Dev = this.GetBasics(this.Node + this.Initial.ToString());
if (Dev != null) { this.Devices.Add(Dev); }
bool ToAdd = true;
while (this.Current <= this.Limit)
Dev = this.GetBasics(this.Node + this.Current.ToString());
this.Current += 1;
if (Dev != null)
ToAdd = true;
foreach (Map iDev in this.Devices)
if (iDev.MAC == Dev.MAC)
ToAdd = false;
if (ToAdd) { this.Devices.Add(Dev); }
this.Message = "Finished!";
public void GetRange(string IPInitial, byte Limit, bool AutoSave = true)
if (!this.Working)
this.AutoSave = AutoSave;
this.Working = true;
Scanner.GetNode(ref IPInitial, ref this.Node, ref this.mInitial);
this.Limit = Limit;
this.Worker = new Thread(this.ReadScaner);
this.Worker.IsBackground = true;
public static void GetRange(bool AutoSave, string IPInitial, byte Limit)
if (Scanner.Scan == null)
Scanner.Scan = new Scanner();
Scanner.Scan.GetRange(IPInitial, Limit, AutoSave: AutoSave);
if (this.OUIList != null)
this.OUIList = null;
How do i make that code able to get the hierarchy like windows does?
I have a list of emails each corresponding to a shared calendar.
In the AppointmentFound function given an AppointmentItem EntryID I would like to search if the item exists in the shared calendar.
The error I get when I run AppointmentFound() is System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException. ErrorCode -2147467259
Searching for this error code I came across another article developed in the second function (commented) AppointmentFound, but without success.
Running out of memory looping through mail items
What is the best way to search for an AppointmentItem for EntryID with the netOffice API?
public class TestCalendar {
private Outlook oOutlook;
public AppointmentItem AppointmentItem { get; set; }
private List<string> Owner = new List<string>();
private DateTime dtFrom;
private DateTime dtTo;
public TestCalendar() {
private void Inizialize() {
oOutlook = new Outlook();
dtFrom = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, 01, 01);
dtTo = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 12, 31);
public void CheckIfExists() {
string entryID;
int i;
bool bFound;
Owner = GetCalendarOwner();
if(!Owner.Any() && Owner.Count < 1) {
entryID = "00000000BEF58CC55AC7EC42B5AA253C222DE56707000F9B165872833F4BBFD216F68D0E5C5480000000010D00000F9B035872833F4BBFD896F68D0E5C550000014BBE4A0000";
foreach(string email in Owner) {
oOutlook.ProcessSharedFolder(email, dtFrom, dtTo);
bFound = oOutlook.AppointmentFound(entryID);
i = SqlFactory.DeleteAppointment(entryID);
private List<string> GetCalendarOwner() {
List<string> delegator = new List<string>();
try {
catch(System.Exception ex) {
throw new System.Exception(Commons.Scope, ex.InnerException);
return delegator;
public class TestOutlook {
public Application oApp;
private Recipient TeamMember { get; set; }
public MAPIFolder SharedFolder { get; set; }
private _NameSpace ns { get; set; }
private _Items calendarAppointments { get; set; }
private string restrictCriteria, storeID;
public _Items ProcessSharedFolder(string email, DateTime from, DateTime to) {
try {
TeamMember = oApp.Session.CreateRecipient(email);
if(!TeamMember.Resolved) return null;
SharedFolder = oApp.Session.GetSharedDefaultFolder(TeamMember, OlDefaultFolders.olFolderCalendar);
storeID = SharedFolder.StoreID;
ns = oApp.Session;
if(SharedFolder.DefaultMessageClass != "IPM.Appointment" || TeamMember.DisplayType != 0) {
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("DefaultMessageClass != IPM.Appointment");
else {
calendarAppointments = new _Items();
restrictCriteria = "[Start]<=\"" + to.ToString("g") + "\"" + " AND [End]>=\"" + from.ToString("g") + "\"";
calendarAppointments = SharedFolder.Items.Restrict(restrictCriteria);
if(calendarAppointments == null || !calendarAppointments.Any()) return null;
return calendarAppointments;
catch(System.Exception) {
public bool AppointmentFound(string entryID) {
bool bRes = false;
try {
//restrictCriteria = "[EntryId]=\"" + entryID("g") + "\"";
//calendarAppointments = SharedFolder.Items.Restrict(restrictCriteria);
AppointmentItem itemFound = (AppointmentItem)ns.GetItemFromID(entryID);
if(itemFound == null) bRes = false;
else bRes = true;
catch(NetOffice.NetOfficeException ex) {
return bRes;
//public bool AppointmentFound(string entryID) {
// try {
// //AppointmentItem item = (AppointmentItem)ns.GetItemFromID(entryID, storeID);
// _Items calItems = SharedFolder.Items;
// COMObject calItem = null;
// do {
// if(null == calItem)
// calItem = (COMObject)calItems.GetFirst();
// if(null == calItem)
// break;
// // do what you want here
// calItem.Dispose();
// calItem = (COMObject)calItems.GetNext();
// } while(null != calItem);
// if(calItem == null) bRes = false;
// else bRes = true;
// }
// catch(NetOffice.NetOfficeException ex) {
// }
// return bRes;
My solution with LINQ.
public bool AppointmentFound(string entryID) {
try {
var query = from AppointmentItem ai in calendarAppointments
where ai.EntryID == entryID
select ai;
bRes = query.Any();
catch(NetOffice.NetOfficeException ex) {
return bRes;
I have a problem with Xamarin.Forms whereby the View is not refreshing as I would expect it to.
I have bound a View to a ViewModel, and I have a series of methods to perform various functions.
On the successful completion of a function, I want it to execute my LoadResults() method.
The LoadResults() method works fine when I load the view initially. However, when I execute any other method (DeleteScan(id) method shown below) it should re-fire the LoadResults() method and reload the page.
I know it is entering the LoadResults() method as I've put a break point in there and stepped through it. But by the end of it, it doesn't reload the view.
I also know the view can refresh, as I have other simple methods which are simply updating properties in the VM and those changes are reflecting in the UI.
So for whatever reason, LoadResults() is not reloading the page.
Any ideas what I've done wrong here?
View Model Constructor and Properties
public class ResultsProcessViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public ICommand AddTimingCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand AddScanCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand InsertTimingCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand InsertScanCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand DeleteTimingCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand DeleteScanCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand PublishCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand LoadResultsCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand CancelMissingFinisherCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand CancelMissingTimingCommand { get; set; }
public int RaceId { get; set; }
public DateTime RaceDate { get; set; }
//public ResultsViewModel(Race race)
public ResultsProcessViewModel(Race race)
AddTimingCommand = new Command<string>(AddTiming);
InsertTimingCommand = new Command(InsertTiming);
AddScanCommand = new Command<string>(AddScan);
InsertScanCommand = new Command(InsertScan);
DeleteTimingCommand = new Command<int>(DeleteTiming);
DeleteScanCommand = new Command<int>(DeleteScan);
PublishCommand = new Command(Publish);
LoadResultsCommand = new Command<int>(LoadResults);
CancelMissingFinisherCommand = new Command(CancelMissingFinisher);
CancelMissingTimingCommand = new Command(CancelMissingTiming);
Invalid = false;
PublishStatus = race.ResultStatus;
Published = false;
PublishVisibility = false;
AddTimingVisibility = false;
AddScanVisibility = false;
AddVisibility = true;
IsBusy = false;
RaceId = race.Id;
RaceDate = race.RaceDate;
RaceStartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(race.RaceStartTime);
Scans = ScansAPI.GetScans(RaceId);
Timings = TimingsAPI.GetTimings(RaceId);
Entries = EntriesAPI.GetEntries(RaceId);
ObservableCollection<GroupedResultModel> _grouped;
public ObservableCollection<GroupedResultModel> grouped
get { return _grouped; }
if (_grouped == value)
_grouped = value;
DateTime _raceStartTime;
public DateTime RaceStartTime
get { return _raceStartTime; }
if (_raceStartTime == value)
_raceStartTime = value;
int _timingPosition;
public int TimingPosition
get { return _timingPosition; }
if (_timingPosition == value)
_timingPosition = value;
int _addScanTimingId;
public int AddScanTimingId
get { return _addScanTimingId; }
if (_addScanTimingId == value)
_addScanTimingId = value;
int _addTimingScanId;
public int AddTimingScanId
get { return _addTimingScanId; }
if (_addTimingScanId == value)
_addTimingScanId = value;
int _scanPosition;
public int ScanPosition
get { return _scanPosition; }
if (_scanPosition == value)
_scanPosition = value;
bool _isBusy;
public bool IsBusy
get { return _isBusy; }
if (_isBusy == value)
_isBusy = value;
bool _published;
public bool Published
get { return _published; }
if (_published == value)
_published = value;
bool _publishVisibility;
public bool PublishVisibility
get { return _publishVisibility; }
if (_publishVisibility == value)
_publishVisibility = value;
bool _error;
public bool Error
get { return _error; }
if (_error == value)
_error = value;
bool _addVisibility;
public bool AddVisibility
get { return _addVisibility; }
if (_addVisibility == value)
_addVisibility = value;
bool _addTimingVisibility;
public bool AddTimingVisibility
get { return _addTimingVisibility; }
if (_addTimingVisibility == value)
_addTimingVisibility = value;
bool _addScanVisibility;
public bool AddScanVisibility
get { return _addScanVisibility; }
if (_addScanVisibility == value)
_addScanVisibility = value;
ObservableCollection<Result> _results;
public ObservableCollection<Result> Results
return _results;
if (_results != value)
_results = value;
ObservableCollection<Scan> _scans;
public ObservableCollection<Scan> Scans
return _scans;
if (_scans != value)
_scans = value;
ObservableCollection<Timing> _timings;
public ObservableCollection<Timing> Timings
return _timings;
if (_timings != value)
_timings = value;
ObservableCollection<RaceEntry> _entries;
public ObservableCollection<RaceEntry> Entries
return _entries;
if (_entries != value)
_entries = value;
bool _invalid;
public bool Invalid
get { return _invalid; }
if (_invalid == value)
_invalid = value;
bool _resultsInvalid;
public bool ResultsInvalid
get { return _resultsInvalid; }
if (_resultsInvalid == value)
_resultsInvalid = value;
bool _insertScanVisibility;
public bool InsertScanVisibility
get { return _insertScanVisibility; }
if (_insertScanVisibility == value)
_insertScanVisibility = value;
string _validationError;
public string ValidationError
get { return _validationError; }
if (_validationError == value)
_validationError = value;
string _resultsValidationError;
public string ResultsValidationError
get { return _resultsValidationError; }
if (_resultsValidationError == value)
_resultsValidationError = value;
string _missingBib;
public string MissingBib
get { return _missingBib; }
if (_missingBib == value)
_missingBib = value;
string _errorMessage;
public string ErrorMessage
get { return _errorMessage; }
if (_errorMessage == value)
_errorMessage = value;
public Race SelectedRace { get; set; }
private bool _raceCountZero;
public bool RaceCountZero
get { return _raceCountZero; }
if (_raceCountZero == value)
_raceCountZero = value;
string _aboveBelow;
public string AboveBelow
get { return _aboveBelow; }
if (_aboveBelow == value)
_aboveBelow = value;
string _aboveBelowPosition;
public string AboveBelowPosition
get { return _aboveBelowPosition; }
if (_aboveBelowPosition == value)
_aboveBelowPosition = value;
string _publishStatus;
public string PublishStatus
get { return _publishStatus; }
if (_publishStatus == value)
_publishStatus = value;
string _newBatchCode;
public string NewBatchCode
get { return _newBatchCode; }
if (_newBatchCode == value)
_newBatchCode = value;
string _addHH;
public string AddHH
get { return _addHH; }
if (_addHH == value)
_addHH = value;
string _addMM;
public string AddMM
get { return _addMM; }
if (_addMM == value)
_addMM = value;
string _addSS;
public string AddSS
get { return _addSS; }
if (_addSS == value)
_addSS = value;
string _scanBatchCode;
public string ScanBatchCode
get { return _scanBatchCode; }
if (_scanBatchCode == value)
_scanBatchCode = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
var changed = PropertyChanged;
if (changed != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
DeleteScan method
void DeleteScan(int scanid)
//Do stuff when deleting a scan. It needs to do all this in the observable collection. Then when we submit, we'll update all scans, timings etc with whats in the collection
Task.Run(() =>
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => IsBusy = true);
var IsThereConnection = GlobalFunctions.CheckForInternetConnection();
if (IsThereConnection == false)
throw new Exception("You cannot delete a scan whilst you are offline");
//We are good to go
var deletescan = ScansAPI.DeleteScan(scanid);
if (deletescan.Code != "NoContent")
throw new Exception("Error deleting scan");
catch (Exception ex)
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
ValidationError = ex.Message;
Invalid = true;
var newscans = ScansAPI.GetScans(RaceId);
var sortednewscans = new ObservableCollection<Scan>(newscans.OrderBy(c => c.Position));
Scans = sortednewscans;
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => Published = false);
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => LoadResults(RaceId));
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => AddScanVisibility = false);
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => IsBusy = false);
LoadResults Method
void LoadResults(int raceid)
var results = new ObservableCollection<Result>();
//Start with the timings
foreach (Timing timing in Timings)
var result = new Result();
//Basic details
result.RaceId = RaceId;
result.RaceDate = RaceDate;
result.Status = "Processing";
result.BackgroundColour = "White";
result.ScanTrashVisibility = true;
result.TimingTrashVisibility = true;
//Timing Data
result.TimingId = timing.Id;
result.TimingPosition = timing.Position;
result.TimingStatus = timing.Status;
result.StartTime = timing.StartTime;
result.EndTime = timing.EndTime;
result.TimingBatchCode = timing.BatchCode;
result.TimingBatchPosition = timing.BatchCode + timing.Position.ToString();
var elapsed = result.EndTime - result.StartTime;
string elapsedhours = elapsed.Hours.ToString();
string elapsedminutes = elapsed.Minutes.ToString();
string elapsedseconds = elapsed.Seconds.ToString();
string elapsedmillis;
if (elapsed.Milliseconds.ToString().Length > 2)
elapsedmillis = elapsed.Milliseconds.ToString().Substring(0, 2);
elapsedmillis = elapsed.Milliseconds.ToString();
if (elapsedhours.Length == 1) { elapsedhours = "0" + elapsedhours; }
if (elapsedminutes.Length == 1) { elapsedminutes = "0" + elapsedminutes; }
if (elapsedseconds.Length == 1) { elapsedseconds = "0" + elapsedseconds; }
if (elapsedmillis.Length == 1) { elapsedmillis = "0" + elapsedmillis; }
if((elapsedhours == "00"))
result.Elapsed = elapsedminutes + ":" + elapsedseconds + "." + elapsedmillis;
result.Elapsed = elapsedhours + ":" + elapsedminutes + ":" + elapsedseconds + "." + elapsedmillis;
//Add in the scans
foreach (Result result1 in results)
var scan = Scans.Where(p => p.BatchCode == result1.TimingBatchCode)
.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Position == result1.TimingPosition);
if (scan != null)
result1.ScanId = scan.Id;
result1.ScanPosition = scan.Position;
result1.ScanStatus = scan.Status;
result1.ScanBibNumber = scan.BibNumber;
result1.ScanBatchCode = scan.BatchCode;
result1.ScanBatchPosition = scan.BatchCode + scan.Position.ToString();
result1.ScanId = 0;
result1.ScanPosition = 0;
result1.ScanStatus = 99;
result1.ScanBibNumber = "UNKNOWN";
result1.AddScanButtonVisibility = true;
result1.ScanBatchCode = result1.TimingBatchCode;
//Add any scans which there are no times for
var notimescans = new ObservableCollection<Scan>();
foreach (Scan scan in Scans)
var checkscan = results.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ScanId == scan.Id);
if (checkscan == null)
var newresult = new Result();
newresult.RaceId = RaceId;
newresult.RaceDate = RaceDate;
newresult.Status = "Processing";
newresult.ScanId = scan.Id;
newresult.ScanPosition = scan.Position;
newresult.ScanStatus = scan.Status;
newresult.ScanBibNumber = scan.BibNumber;
newresult.ScanBatchCode = scan.BatchCode;
newresult.ScanBatchPosition = scan.BatchCode + scan.Position.ToString();
newresult.ScanTrashVisibility = true;
newresult.AddTimingButtonVisibility = true;
newresult.TimingId = 0;
newresult.TimingPosition = 99999;
newresult.TimingStatus = 99;
newresult.Elapsed = "N/A";
//Then add in the entries
foreach (Result result2 in results)
var entry = Entries.FirstOrDefault(p => p.BibNumber == result2.ScanBibNumber);
if (entry != null)
result2.EntryId = entry.Id;
result2.FirstName = entry.FirstName;
result2.LastName = entry.LastName;
result2.FormattedName = entry.FirstName + " " + entry.LastName.ToUpper();
result2.Gender = entry.Gender;
result2.DateOfBirth = entry.DateOfBirth;
result2.Club = entry.Club;
result2.Team = entry.Team;
result2.EntryBibNumber = entry.BibNumber;
if (result2.Club == null)
result2.FormattedClub = "";
result2.FormattedClub = entry.Club.ToUpper();
result2.EntryId = 0;
result2.FirstName = "Unknown";
result2.LastName = "ATHLETE";
result2.FormattedName = entry.FirstName + " " + entry.LastName.ToUpper();
result2.Gender = "Unknown";
result2.DateOfBirth = DateTime.Now;
result2.Club = "";
result2.Team = "";
result2.EntryBibNumber = result2.ScanBibNumber + " (Unrecognised)";
if(result2.ScanBatchCode == "NULLBATCH")
result2.ScanBatchCode = "Default";
if (result2.TimingBatchCode == "NULLBATCH")
result2.TimingBatchCode = "Default";
if(Scans.Count() != Timings.Count())
ResultsInvalid = true;
ResultsValidationError = "Your scan count and timing count's don't match. Please continue processing your results until these match and you will then be able to publish.";
Invalid = false;
PublishVisibility = true;
var sortedresults = new ObservableCollection<Result>(results.OrderBy(c => c.Elapsed));
int newposition = 1;
foreach (Result sortedresult in sortedresults)
sortedresult.OverallPosition = newposition;
newposition = newposition + 1;
//Create batches
grouped = new ObservableCollection<GroupedResultModel>();
foreach (Result result in results)
GroupedResultModel resultGroup = new GroupedResultModel();
var groupcheck = grouped.FirstOrDefault(b => b.BatchCode == result.ScanBatchCode);
if (groupcheck == null)
resultGroup.BatchCode = result.ScanBatchCode;
var BatchOfResults = results.Where(r => r.ScanBatchCode == resultGroup.BatchCode).OrderBy(r => r.Elapsed);
int batchposition = 1;
foreach (Result batchedresult in BatchOfResults)
batchedresult.OverallPosition = batchposition;
batchposition = batchposition + 1;
Results = sortedresults;
I have a pdf file as Byte[] and I'm using iTextSharp to modify the file and embed a specific details in it.
in the List I have min. 25K objects, and I need to generate 25K pdf files.
I'm using Parallel.ForEach but it takes 16.40 mins to be done in Total.
I used ToLookUp method like this:
var valuesToLookupWith = Recipients.ToLookup(item => item.ID);
List<int> Ids = Recipients.Select(item => item.ID).ToList();
Partitioner<int> partitioner = Partitioner.Create(Ids, EnumerablePartitionerOptions.NoBuffering);
Parallel.ForEach(partitioner, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 6 } ,(id) =>
var item = valuesToLookupWith[id].ToList().FirstOrDefault();
item.Attachment = AttachmentEngine.GeneratePdfFromPdfFile((fileAsByteArray,id, "www.xyz.ca"));
and I used ForEach and also it takes approx. > 25 minutes.
foreach (int id in Ids)
var item = valuesToLookupWith[id].ToList().FirstOrDefault();
item.Attachment = AttachmentEngine.GeneratePdfFromPdfFile(fileAsByteArray,id, "www.xyz.ca");
any suggested way to speedup the process please?
FYI I'm not writing anything on the disk, all is done in memory as Byte[] and then I'm writing the values back to the Db.
and also all the time spent - mentioned in the question is only the time spent for Parallel.ForEach / ForEach statements.
Db calls is not an issue for me at all, I'm making only two calls to the Db , one when I load list of recipients from it and another call when writing values back to the Db
public static byte[] GeneratePdfFromPdfFile(byte[] file, int id, string landingPage)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
//Create an iTextSharp Document which is an abstraction of a PDF but **NOT** a PDF
var doc = new iTextSharp.text.Document();
//Create a writer that's bound to our PDF abstraction and our stream
var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, ms);
//Open the document for writing
PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
// doc.NewPage();
//var srHtml = new StringReader(source);
////parse html code to xml
//iTextSharp.tool.xml.XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().ParseXHtml(writer, doc, srHtml);
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(file);
for (int pageNumber = 1; pageNumber < reader.NumberOfPages + 1; pageNumber++)
//Insert to Destination on the first page
PdfImportedPage page = writer.GetImportedPage(reader, pageNumber);
int rotation = reader.GetPageRotation(pageNumber);
if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270)
cb.AddTemplate(page, 0, -1f, 1f, 0, 0, reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(pageNumber).Height);
cb.AddTemplate(page, 1f, 0, 0, 1f, 0, 0);
// Add a new page to the pdf file
// set pdf open action to open the link embedded in the file.
string _embeddedURL = "http://" + landingPage + "/Default.aspx?code=" + GetCampaignRecipientCode(id) + "&m=" + eventCode18;
PdfAction act = new PdfAction(_embeddedURL);
return ms.ToArray();
catch { return null; }
Recipient Class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CampaignLauncherLibrary
public class CampaignRecipientLib
private int _id;
private int _crid;
private string _crcode;
private int _cmpId;
private string _cmpStatus;
private string _email;
private string _firstName;
private string _lastName;
private string _language;
private string _cmpDefaultlanguage;
private bool _isdoubleBarrle;
private DateTime? _scheduled;
private string _offset;
private string _emailTo;
private string _emailFrom;
private string _emailBody;
private string _emailSubject;
private byte[] _emailAttachment;
private string _emailReplyTo;
private string _attachmentName;
private bool _readytobesent;
private bool _pickupready;
private TimeSpan _Toffset;
private int? _cmprIDnextRecipient;
private string _CampaignGroupCode;
private bool _Reschedule;
private List<int> _Campaigns;
private List<int> _SentCampaigns;
private bool _restrictToWorkHours;
private TimeSpan? _whStart;
private TimeSpan? _whEnd;
private string _emailName;
public CampaignRecipientLib()
public CampaignRecipientLib(CampaignRecipientLib _recipient)
ID = _recipient.ID;
CampaignId = _recipient.CampaignId;
CampaignStatus = _recipient.CampaignStatus;
CMPRID = _recipient.CMPRID;
CMPRCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
Email = _recipient.Email;
FirstName = _recipient.FirstName;
LastName = _recipient.LastName;
Language = _recipient.Language;
DefaultLanguage = _recipient.DefaultLanguage;
IsdoubleBarrle = _recipient.IsdoubleBarrle;
Scheduled = _recipient.Scheduled;
Offset = _recipient.Offset;
EmailTo = _recipient.EmailTo;
EmailFrom = _recipient.EmailFrom;
EmailBody = _recipient.EmailBody;
EmailSubject = _recipient.EmailSubject;
EmailAttachment = _recipient.EmailAttachment;
EmailReplyTo = _recipient.EmailReplyTo;
AttachmentName = _recipient.AttachmentName;
ReadyTobeSent = _recipient.ReadyTobeSent;
PickupReady = _recipient.PickupReady;
IDnextRecipient = _recipient.IDnextRecipient;
CampaignGroupCode = _recipient.CampaignGroupCode;
Reschedule = _recipient.Reschedule;
Campaigns = _recipient.Campaigns;
SentCampaigns = _recipient.SentCampaigns;
EmailName = _recipient.EmailName;
Toffset = _recipient.Toffset;
public void AssingRandomCampaign()
int result = 0;
List<int> cmp = _Campaigns;
List<int> sentcmp = _SentCampaigns;
if (cmp.Where(x => !sentcmp.Distinct().Contains(x)).ToList().Count > 0)
cmp = cmp.Where(x => !sentcmp.Distinct().Contains(x)).ToList();
result = cmp.Shuffle().Take(1).ToList()[0];
int N = 0;
if (sentcmp.Count == 2) N = 1;
else if (sentcmp.Count == 3) N = 2;
else N = sentcmp.Count % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 3;
List<int> lastN = sentcmp.Skip(Math.Max(0, sentcmp.Count) - N).ToList();
cmp = cmp.Where(predicate: x => !lastN.Contains(x)).ToList();
sentcmp = sentcmp.Where(predicate: x => cmp.Contains(x)).ToList();
List<int> grpOccurrences = sentcmp.GroupBy(i => i).OrderByDescending(item => item.Count()).SelectMany(i => i).Distinct().ToList();
result = grpOccurrences.Shuffle().PickRandom(1).ToList()[0];
if (result > 0)
CampaignId = result;
public bool reAdjustScheduleDate()
Scheduled = Utilities.FixDate(Scheduled.Value, RestrictToWorkHours, Offset, WhStart, WhEnd);
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
return true;
public TimeSpan Toffset
get { return _Toffset; }
set { _Toffset = value; }
public string EmailName
get { return _emailName; }
set { _emailName = value; }
public int? IDnextRecipient
get { return _cmprIDnextRecipient; }
set { _cmprIDnextRecipient = value; }
public string CampaignGroupCode
get { return _CampaignGroupCode; }
set { _CampaignGroupCode = value; }
public bool RestrictToWorkHours
get { return _restrictToWorkHours; }
set { _restrictToWorkHours = value; }
public TimeSpan? WhStart
get { return _whStart; }
set { _whStart = value; }
public TimeSpan? WhEnd
get { return _whEnd; }
set { _whEnd = value; }
public bool Reschedule
get { return _Reschedule; }
set { _Reschedule = value; }
public List<int> Campaigns
get { return _Campaigns; }
set { _Campaigns = value; }
public List<int> SentCampaigns
get { return _SentCampaigns; }
set { _SentCampaigns = value; }
public int ID
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value; }
public int CMPRID
get { return _crid; }
set { _crid = value; }
public string CMPRCode
get { return _crcode; }
set { _crcode = value; }
public int CampaignId
get { return _cmpId; }
set { _cmpId = value; }
public string CampaignStatus
get { return _cmpStatus; }
set { _cmpStatus = value; }
public string Email
get { return _email; }
set { _email = value; }
public string FirstName
get { return _firstName; }
set { _firstName = value; }
public string LastName
get { return _lastName; }
set { _lastName = value; }
public string Language
get { return _language; }
set { _language = value; }
public string DefaultLanguage
get { return _cmpDefaultlanguage; }
set { _cmpDefaultlanguage = value; }
public bool IsdoubleBarrle
get { return _isdoubleBarrle; }
set { _isdoubleBarrle = value; }
public DateTime? Scheduled
get { return _scheduled; }
set { _scheduled = value; }
public string EmailTo
get { return _emailTo; }
set { _emailTo = value; }
public string Offset
get { return _offset; }
set { _offset = value; }
public string EmailFrom
get { return _emailFrom; }
set { _emailFrom = value; }
public string EmailBody
get { return _emailBody; }
set { _emailBody = value; }
public string EmailSubject
get { return _emailSubject; }
set { _emailSubject = value; }
public byte[] EmailAttachment
get { return _emailAttachment; }
set { _emailAttachment = value; }
public string EmailReplyTo
get { return _emailReplyTo; }
set { _emailReplyTo = value; }
public string AttachmentName
get { return _attachmentName; }
set { _attachmentName = value; }
public bool ReadyTobeSent
get { return _readytobesent; }
set { _readytobesent = value; }
public bool PickupReady
get { return _pickupready; }
set { _pickupready = value; }
I'm trying to POST data to server and get the response to bind it to a Long List Selector. This is the code :
public class TestData
private string _LikeNum, _CommentNum, _HyperLinkTitle, _HyperLinkNavigationLink, _BrandImage, _PostImage, _PostDate, _PostTitle, _PostDescription, _PostID;
public string LikeNum { get { return _LikeNum; } set { _LikeNum = value; } }
public string CommentNum { get { return _CommentNum; } set { _CommentNum = value; } }
public string HyperLinkTitle { get { return _HyperLinkTitle; } set { _HyperLinkTitle = value; } }
public string HyperLinkNavigationLink { get { return _HyperLinkNavigationLink; } set { _HyperLinkNavigationLink = value; } }
public string BrandImage { get { return _BrandImage; } set { _BrandImage = value; } }
public string PostImage { get { return _PostImage; } set { _PostImage = value; } }
public string PostDate { get { return _PostDate; } set { _PostDate = value; } }
public string PostTitle { get { return _PostTitle; } set { _PostTitle = value; } }
public string PostDescription { get { return _PostDescription; } set { _PostDescription = value; } }
public string PostID { get { return _PostID; } set { _PostID = value; } }
public TestData(string LNum, string CNum, string HLTitle, string HLNaviagtionLink, string BImage, string PImage, string PDate, string PTitle, string PDescription, string PID)
this.LikeNum = LNum;
this.CommentNum = CNum;
this.HyperLinkTitle = HLTitle;
this.HyperLinkNavigationLink = HLNaviagtionLink;
this.BrandImage = BImage;
this.PostImage = PImage;
this.PostDate = PDate;
this.PostTitle = PTitle;
this.PostDescription = PDescription;
this.PostID = PID;
#region Lists of data
List<string> LstBrandID = new List<string>();
List<string> LstBrandName = new List<string>();
List<string> LstBrandLongitude = new List<string>();
List<string> LstBrandLatitude = new List<string>();
List<string> LstPostID = new List<string>();
List<string> LstPostTitle = new List<string>();
List<string> LstPostDescription = new List<string>();
List<string> LstPostDate = new List<string>();
List<string> LstLikeNum = new List<string>();
List<string> LstCommentNum = new List<string>();
List<string> LstUserLike = new List<string>();
List<string> LstCatName = new List<string>();
List<string> LstUserFollow = new List<string>();
ObservableCollection<TestData> DataList = new ObservableCollection<TestData>();
string id;
public Home()
id = PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["id"].ToString();
myLLS.ItemsSource = DataList;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
DataList.Add(new TestData(LstLikeNum[i], LstCommentNum[i], LstBrandName[i], "SomePage.xaml", "SomeLink.com/data/" + LstBrandID[i], "SomeLink.com/data/" + LstPostID[i], LstPostDate[i], LstPostTitle[i], LstPostDescription[i], LstPostID[i]));
catch (Exception ex)
#region getting data
void GetPosts(string UserID)
WebClient webclient = new WebClient();
Uri uristring = new Uri("SomeLink.com");
webclient.Headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
string postJsonData = string.Empty;
postJsonData += "userId=" + UserID;
webclient.UploadStringAsync(uristring, "POST", postJsonData);
webclient.UploadStringCompleted += webclient_UploadStringCompleted;
void webclient_UploadStringCompleted(object sender, UploadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Result != null)
string response = e.Result.ToString();
JArray a = JArray.Parse(response);
foreach (JObject o in a.Children<JObject>())
foreach (JProperty p in o.Properties())
string name = p.Name;
string value = p.Value.ToString();
if (name == "brandId")
else if (name == "brandName")
else if (name == "brandLongitude")
else if (name == "brandLatitude")
else if (name == "postId")
else if (name == "postTitle")
else if (name == "postDescription")
else if (name == "postDate")
else if (name == "likeNum")
else if (name == "commentNum")
else if (name == "userLike")
else if (name == "catName")
else if (name == "userFollow")
catch (Exception ex)
When I run the application I get Out Of Range Exception
Getting data isn't the problem. The problem is the time it takes to get data from server to bind it to the Long List Selector. So, how can I delay the binding tell I get the data from the server and fill the Lists with them ?
In your Home():
myLLS.ItemsSource = DataList;
is good. You are telling your LLS to watch this data source and update itself whenever a new item is inserted.
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
DataList.Add(new TestData(LstLikeNum[i], LstCommentNum[i], LstBrandName ...);
is not good. You are trying to populate your data source before the data arrived. This is the operation that belongs in your request's callback. You're getting an out of range exception because LstLikeNum has 0 items, and you're trying to get items 0 -> 9.
Instead, do this:
void webclient_UploadStringCompleted(object sender, UploadStringCompletedEventArgs e) {
int i = 0;
foreach (JObject o in a.Children<JObject>())
foreach (JProperty p in o.Properties())
var testData = new TestData(LstLikeNum[i], LstCommentNum[i], ...);
Note that you don't need to bind (myLLS.ItemsSource = DataList) in the callback. That's something you only do once -- the callback is only adding items to the source.
I don´t want you to do my Work and write code for me I just wanted a nurge in the right Direction!
So I have to be more specific with my Problem, give me a chance to do some work on this and I will update my question with the results ;-)
I´ve solved my Problem with Roslyn maybe not very elegant but it work for my needs, here is the code ;-)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Roslyn.Compilers;
using Roslyn.Compilers.CSharp;
namespace ParserTest
public class MyParser
private int _currentLevel = 1;
public void TestMethod()
string testString =
#" if(#ISEMPTY(temp.tis_filterstatus2))
tis_datasheet_selection.is_selected = 'Y'
if(#ISEMPTY(temp.tis_programmtyp_filter)) { }
AND tis_programme_v.type = '#SUB(temp.tis_programmtyp_filter)'
if(#ISEMPTY(temp.tis_programmfilter)) { }
AND tis_programme_v.programm LIKE '#SUB(temp.tis_programmfilter)%'
var result = this.Parse(testString);
var finalResult = this.GenerateDsl(result);
public List<IfStatement> Parse(string strToParse)
var result = new List<IfStatement>();
var syntaxTree = SyntaxTree.ParseText(#"using System;class C{static void M(){" + strToParse + "}}");
var rootNodes = syntaxTree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().Where(getRootNodes);
result = rootNodes.Select(n => ToIfStatement(n, null)).ToList();
return result;
private string GenerateDsl(List<IfStatement> list)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach(var ifStmt in list)
IfStatementToDsl(ifStmt, sb);
return sb.ToString();
private string IfStatementToDsl(IfStatement ifStmt, StringBuilder sb)
string sqr = "";
for (int i = 0; i < ifStmt.Level; i++)
sqr += "'";
sb.Append(ifStmt.Condition.ApplyLevel(ifStmt.Level) + "," + sqr);
if(ifStmt.Childs.Count > 0)
foreach(var c in ifStmt.Childs)
IfStatementToDsl(c, sb);
sb.Append(sqr + "," + sqr);
if(ifStmt.Else != null)
foreach(var c in ifStmt.Else.Childs)
IfStatementToDsl(c, sb);
sb.Append(sqr + ")");
return sb.ToString();
#region Parsing-Methods
private IfStatement ToIfStatement(SyntaxNode node, SyntaxNode parent)
var ifNode = (IfStatementSyntax)node;
var ifStmt = new IfStatement
Condition = ifNode.Condition.ToString(),
Statement = GetIfStatement(ifNode),
Childs = GetIfChilds(ifNode)
if (ifNode.Else != null)
ifStmt.Else = new ElseStatement
Statement = GetElseStatement(ifNode.Else),
Childs = GetElseChilds(ifNode.Else)
return ifStmt;
private List<IfStatement> GetIfChilds(IfStatementSyntax node)
var childs = node.Statement.DescendantNodes().Where(n => WhereIfNodes(n, node));
return childs.Select(n => ToIfStatement(n, node)).ToList();
private List<IfStatement> GetElseChilds(ElseClauseSyntax node)
var childs = node.Statement.DescendantNodes().Where(n => WhereElseNodes(n, node));
return childs.Select(n => ToIfStatement(n, node)).ToList();
private string GetIfStatement(IfStatementSyntax node)
var result = node.Statement.DescendantNodes().Where(n => WhereIfStatement(n, node));
string returnValue = "";
foreach (var n in result)
returnValue += n.ToString();
return returnValue.CleanString();
private string GetElseStatement(ElseClauseSyntax node)
var result = node.Statement.DescendantNodes().Where(n => WhereElseStatement(n, node));
string returnValue = "";
foreach (var n in result)
returnValue += n.ToString() + " ";
return returnValue.CleanString();
private void ApplyNestingLevel(List<IfStatement> list)
foreach (var item in list)
item.Level = _currentLevel;
if (item.Childs.Count > 0 || (item.Else != null && item.Else.Childs.Count > 0))
if (item.Else != null)
#region Linq Where-Conditions
private bool WhereIfNodes(SyntaxNode node, IfStatementSyntax parent)
if(node.Kind == SyntaxKind.IfStatement && (node.Parent.Parent == parent))
return true;
return false;
private bool WhereElseNodes(SyntaxNode node, ElseClauseSyntax parent)
if (node.Kind == SyntaxKind.IfStatement && (node.Parent.Parent == parent))
return true;
return false;
private bool WhereIfStatement(SyntaxNode node, IfStatementSyntax parent)
if ((node.Kind == SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement || node.Kind == SyntaxKind.LocalDeclarationStatement)
&& (node.Parent.Parent == parent))
return true;
return false;
private bool WhereElseStatement(SyntaxNode node, ElseClauseSyntax parent)
if ((node.Kind == SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement || node.Kind == SyntaxKind.LocalDeclarationStatement)
&& (node.Parent.Parent == parent))
return true;
return false;
private Func<SyntaxNode, bool> getRootNodes =
n => n.Kind == SyntaxKind.IfStatement &&
(n.Parent.Parent.Kind != SyntaxKind.ElseClause && n.Parent.Parent.Kind != SyntaxKind.IfStatement);
public class IfStatement
public int Level { get; set; }
public string Condition { get; set; }
public string Statement { get; set; }
public ElseStatement Else { get; set; }
public List<IfStatement> Childs { get; set; }
public class ElseStatement
public string Statement { get; set; }
public List<IfStatement> Childs { get; set; }
public static class Ext
public static string CleanString(this string value)
return value.Replace("\t", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "");
public static string ApplyLevel(this string value, int level)
int multiplier = level * 2;
if (level == 0)
multiplier = 1;
var sb = new StringBuilder(multiplier);
for (int i = 0; i < multiplier; i++)
return value.Replace("'", sb.ToString());
I have to write if-else Statements in a Domain-Specific-Language which is really a pain in the ass!
(The DSL is from a Third-Party-Tool which I have to use to generate WHERE-Statements for SQL-Queries)
#IF(#ISEMPTY(#SUB(temp.last_name))),'if true','else')
#SUB() reads a textboxvalue
#IF(#ISEMPTY(#SUB(temp.last_name))),'','account_contact.last_name = ''DOE'' ')
you have to double your single-quotes in the else statement and if you want to nest different "if-else" every time you go a level deeper you have to double the doubled single-quotes!
You see it´s not very simple to write if you have complicated contitions...
So I thought I write a parser that transforms a normal if-else statement to this DSL-Syntax!
The Parser should create objects of this class:
public class IfCondition
public int ID { get; set; }
public int ParentID { get; set; }
public int Level { get; set; }
public string Condition { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
public string ElseContent { get; set; }
based on a Collection of this Objects I could generate the DSL-Statements!
So my Problem is I really don´t have a clue, how to parse a String like this:
IF(#ISEMPTY(#SUB(temp.last_name))) { }
IF(#SUB(temp.test) = 'Y')
account_contact.last_name = 'DOE'
account_contat.first_name = "JOHN"
can somebody give me a nudge in the right direction?
If you use Roslyn for syntax rewritting. Not to just write about what you can do, here is an easy example.
Basically how it works. You create a syntax tree for your code and then use predefined visitors to visit those nodes you want to rewrite, you replace them by valid C# code and then you can compile this tree and make it work.
Another, more reliable source with an example