The OS is Windows 8 on a Retina Macbook PRO.
i need to support both vertical scrolling using the trackpad and horizontal scrolling in my app.
I would like to move the WPF scrollviewer position based on the two finger swipes up-down (vertical scrolling) and left-right (horizontal scrolling).
As far as i see the vertical scrolling on the trackpad gets translated to a mouse wheel event in the framework. However, I found no way to recognize if a mouse wheel event is a horizontal scroll.
what events should i handle in WPF to be able to implement this?
I wrote an article especially for you to know how to handle horizontal scrolling of touchpad in a WPF application. That is Support Horizontal Scrolling of TouchPad in WPF Application - walterlv
We need to fetch WM_MOUSEHWHEEL message from our WPF window. Yes! That mouse wheel message. We fetch vertical data from it before, but we now fetch horizontal data from it.
At first, we should hook the window message.
protected override void OnSourceInitialized(EventArgs e)
var source = PresentationSource.FromVisual(_board);
((HwndSource) source)?.AddHook(Hook);
private IntPtr Hook(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
// Handle window message here.
return IntPtr.Zero;
Next, handle WM_MOUSEHWHEEL:
const int WM_MOUSEHWHEEL = 0x020E;
private IntPtr Hook(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
switch (msg)
int tilt = (short) HIWORD(wParam);
return (IntPtr) 1;
return IntPtr.Zero;
/// <summary>
/// Gets high bits values of the pointer.
/// </summary>
private static int HIWORD(IntPtr ptr)
var val32 = ptr.ToInt32();
return ((val32 >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary>
/// Gets low bits values of the pointer.
/// </summary>
private static int LOWORD(IntPtr ptr)
var val32 = ptr.ToInt32();
return (val32 & 0xFFFF);
private void OnMouseTilt(int tilt)
// Write your horizontal handling codes here.
You can write horizontal scrolling code in OnMouseTilt method.
Better yet, you could pack all the codes above in a more common class and raise a MouseTilt event just like raising MouseWheel event.
Completing the answer walterlv
private void OnMouseTilt(int tilt)
UIElement element = Mouse.DirectlyOver as UIElement;
if (element == null) return;
ScrollViewer scrollViewer = element is ScrollViewer viewer ? viewer : FindParent<ScrollViewer>(element);
if (scrollViewer == null)
scrollViewer.ScrollToHorizontalOffset(scrollViewer.HorizontalOffset + tilt);
public static T FindParent<T>(DependencyObject child) where T : DependencyObject
DependencyObject parentObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child);
if (parentObject == null) return null;
T parent = parentObject as T;
if (parent != null)
return parent;
return FindParent<T>(parentObject);
Improve walterlv's answer and fix arithmetic overflow on 64 bit system when scrolling left:
/// <summary>
/// Gets high bits values of the pointer.
/// </summary>
private static int HIWORD(IntPtr ptr)
if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem)
var val64 = ptr.ToInt64();
return (short) ((val64 >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
var val32 = ptr.ToInt32();
return (short) ((val32 >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary>
/// Gets low bits values of the pointer.
/// </summary>
private static int LOWORD(IntPtr ptr)
if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem)
var val64 = ptr.ToInt64();
return (short)(val64 & 0xFFFF);
var val32 = ptr.ToInt32();
return (short)(val32 & 0xFFFF);
I encountered a problem in WPF (C#), I need to position a popup on a certain point within the parent window.
I get the parent position with Application.Current.MainWindow.Left and Application.Current.MainWindow.Top, it works as long as I don't move the window from one monitor to the other with the Windows shortcut Windows + Shift + ◄/►. If I use the shortcut the properties stay the same as they were before moving the window.
The window has to be WindowState.Maximized, it works if it is not maximized.
I also tried using Window.GetWindow(this) instead of Application.Current.MainWindow, result is the same.
It seems as if the positionchanged event doesn't occur for the Application.Current.MainWindow and it doesn't update the Left and Top properties.
I didn't find anything on this on SO or Google.
A workaround, hint or solution are greatly appreciated.
Try to use this:
WindowInteropHelper windowInteropHelper = new WindowInteropHelper(Application.Current.MainWindow);
Screen screen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromHandle(windowInteropHelper.Handle);
The Screen Bounds property provides the coordinates of the whole window and the WorkingArea the boundaries of the area without titlebar and docked windows.
You should use the win32 API to retrieve the information you want as the events exposed by .NET aren't enough to detect this scenario.
There are two things you have to do:
Listen to the WndProc message that corresponds to a window movement (full list here). The one we want is WM_MOVE and is equal to 0x0003. See this thread for details.
Be able to determine the real location of the Window even when it's in Maximized state, which we can do by using the GetWindowRect method. See this thread for details.
Here would be the assembled code that prints the top-left location of your Window when it is moved, including using the shortcut you describe.
public partial class MainWindow : Window {
HwndSource source;
const short WM_MOVE = 0x0003;
public MainWindow() {
// Loaded event needed to make sure the window handle has been created.
Loaded += MainWindow_Loaded;
private void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
// Subscribe to win32 level events
source = HwndSource.FromHwnd(new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle);
source.AddHook(new HwndSourceHook(WndProc));
private IntPtr WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled) {
if (msg == WM_MOVE) {
Console.WriteLine("Window has moved!");
GetWindowRect(new HandleRef(this, new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle), out RECT rect);
Console.WriteLine("New location is " + (rect.Left, rect.Top));
return IntPtr.Zero;
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool GetWindowRect(HandleRef hWnd, out RECT lpRect);
public struct RECT {
public int Left;
public int Top;
public int Right;
public int Bottom;
I am having the Problem, that if I alter the LParam of a WM_MOVING message to keep my Form at a certain position, which is legal according to this , the Windows Aero Shake feature gets triggered and all other Windows minimize. The behaviour can be reproduced by creating a Windows Forms Project in Visual Studio and pasting the following code into the Form:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace FormsTest
public partial class ShakeTest : Form
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1, Size = 16)]
public struct RECT
public int left;
public int top;
public int right;
public int bottom;
public const int WM_MOVING = 0x0216;
public ShakeTest()
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
switch (m.Msg)
RECT rec;
rec.bottom = 500;
rec.left = 100; = 100;
rec.right = 500;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(rec, m.LParam, true);
m.Result = new IntPtr(1);
base.WndProc(ref m);
If you now grab the Window's title bar and move the mouse around a bit, the Shake gesture should get triggered, even though the Window isn't moving at all.
I tested this on Windows 10 only so far.
So my question is, can i disable the Shake feature for a certain Window or Process? If not, can i prevent Windows from thinking that im shaking the Window any other Way?
Frankly, I don't know if that is possible to disable Aero Shake for a particular window. But I can suggest a workaround that will prevent the Aero Shake from triggering.
There's a possibility to direct all the mouse input to only one window (and this will also hide the mouse events from the Aero Shake handler). Check the SetCapture description at MSDN. Also we will need a GetCapture and ReleaseCapture functions.
There's one remark: once you have set the mouse capture to a window - you are responsible for handling all the mouse input. So to achieve the goal you'll need to implement your own handler that will move the window. Fortunately, it's not that difficult.
Here's a code sample with a dialog that changes its size when it gets moving and restores the size when the moving is finished. Aero Shake is also never triggered.
public partial class ShakeTest : Form
static extern IntPtr SetCapture(IntPtr hWnd);
static extern IntPtr GetCapture();
static extern bool ReleaseCapture();
public const int WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x0202;
public const int WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x0200;
public const int WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = 0x00A1;
public const int HTCAPTION = 2;
private Point _lastCursorPos;
private Size _origianlSize;
public ShakeTest()
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
switch (m.Msg)
// We need to get the moment when the user clicked on a non-client area
// We are interested only in a click on a title bar
if ((int) m.WParam == HTCAPTION)
// Set the capture so all the mouse input will be handled by this window
// Keep the current cursor position to use it during the moving.
_lastCursorPos = Cursor.Position;
// Keep the original window size.
_origianlSize = Size;
// And change the dialog size to whatever you want
Size = new Size(300, 300);
// Once we got the capture, we need to handle mouse moving by ourself
// Check that our window has the capture
if (GetCapture() == Handle)
// Change the position of a window
Left += Cursor.Position.X - _lastCursorPos.X;
Top += Cursor.Position.Y - _lastCursorPos.Y;
_lastCursorPos = Cursor.Position;
// When the left mouse button is released - it's time to release the mouse capture
// Check that our window has the capture
if (GetCapture() == Handle)
// Release the mouse capture
// Restore the size
Size = _origianlSize;
base.WndProc(ref m);
I am trying to find out if the windows 10 virtual touch keyboard is visible or not to know whether to open it or not from my application. THe following code has worked fine up until the latest Windows 10 update 15063 or possible the one right before it. Seems like Microsoft changed something with the window styles possibly but I can't figure it out.
public static bool IsKeyboardVisible()
IntPtr keyboardHandle = GetKeyboardWindowHandle();
// Specifies we wish to retrieve window styles.
int GWL_STYLE = -16;
//The window is disabled. See
UInt32 WS_VISIBLE = 0x10000000;
UInt32 WS_DISABLED = 0x08000000;
UInt32 WS_POPUP = 0x80000000;
bool visible = false;
bool disabled = false;
if (keyboardHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
UInt32 style = GetWindowLong(keyboardHandle, GWL_STYLE);
visible = ((style & WS_VISIBLE) == WS_VISIBLE);
disabled = ((style & WS_DISABLED) == WS_DISABLED); // ref
log.InfoFormat("style:{0:X4} visible:{1} disabled:{2}", style, visible, disabled);
return visible && !disabled ;
This is related to: Show touch keyboard (TabTip.exe) in Windows 10 Anniversary edition
I've done some research with Spy++ . Looks like the new keyboard in Fall Creators Update (ver. 1709) is hosted by another window. This window has Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow class and Microsoft Text Input Application as its title.
The following code works for all Windows 10 versions including the new 1803 and older Windows versions as well (starting with Windows 8, I believe).
static class TouchKeyboard
public static bool GetIsOpen()
return GetIsOpen1709() ?? GetIsOpenLegacy();
private static bool? GetIsOpen1709()
var parent = IntPtr.Zero;
for (;;)
parent = FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, parent, WindowParentClass1709);
if (parent == IntPtr.Zero)
return null; // no more windows, keyboard state is unknown
// if it's a child of a WindowParentClass1709 window - the keyboard is open
var wnd = FindWindowEx(parent, IntPtr.Zero, WindowClass1709, WindowCaption1709);
if (wnd != IntPtr.Zero)
return true;
private static bool GetIsOpenLegacy()
var wnd = FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, WindowClass);
if (wnd == IntPtr.Zero)
return false;
var style = GetWindowStyle(wnd);
return style.HasFlag(WindowStyle.Visible)
&& !style.HasFlag(WindowStyle.Disabled);
private const string WindowClass = "IPTip_Main_Window";
private const string WindowParentClass1709 = "ApplicationFrameWindow";
private const string WindowClass1709 = "Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow";
private const string WindowCaption1709 = "Microsoft Text Input Application";
private enum WindowStyle : uint
Disabled = 0x08000000,
Visible = 0x10000000,
private static WindowStyle GetWindowStyle(IntPtr wnd)
return (WindowStyle)GetWindowLong(wnd, -16);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
private static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx(IntPtr parent, IntPtr after, string className, string title = null);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
private static extern uint GetWindowLong(IntPtr wnd, int index);
Update: I updated the answer and the code to be compatible with Redstone 4 (v1803) as well.
I'm using this solution, and it is working on Windows 1607, 1709 and 1803 (check the Main method below on the code):
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
[ComImport, Guid("D5120AA3-46BA-44C5-822D-CA8092C1FC72")]
public class FrameworkInputPane
[ComImport, System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity,
public interface IFrameworkInputPane
int Advise(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object pWindow,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object pHandler,
out int pdwCookie
int AdviseWithHWND(
IntPtr hwnd,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object pHandler,
out int pdwCookie
int Unadvise(
int pdwCookie
int Location(
out Rectangle prcInputPaneScreenLocation
static void Main(string[] args)
var inputPane = (IFrameworkInputPane)new FrameworkInputPane();
inputPane.Location(out var rect);
Console.WriteLine((rect.Width == 0 && rect.Height == 0) ? "Keyboard not visible" : "Keyboard visible");
It uses the IFrameworkInputPane interface (
I discovered yet another undocumented COM API that returns the position of the touch keyboard. It returns the bounds of the keyboard window or zeroes if the keyboard is hidden. I tested it in Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and it works fine.
Now some bad news: in all versions prior to Fall Creators Update it only reports accurate results if the active window and the touch keyboard are located on the same monitor. If this is not the case - the API just returns the previous cached value. I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that this API was meant to be used to calculate occlusion of the touch keyboard and your app's window. (It's called inside Windows::UI::ViewManagement::InputPane.get_OccludedRect() UWP API).
So if you don't care about supporting older versions or multi-monitor scenarios - use it. Otherwise I would suggest checking the Windows version and falling back to the previous method (GetIsOpenLegacy() from my other answer).
The API:
[ComImport, Guid("228826af-02e1-4226-a9e0-99a855e455a6")]
class ImmersiveShellBroker
[ComImport, Guid("9767060c-9476-42e2-8f7b-2f10fd13765c")]
interface IImmersiveShellBroker
void Dummy();
IInputHostManagerBroker GetInputHostManagerBroker();
[ComImport, Guid("2166ee67-71df-4476-8394-0ced2ed05274")]
interface IInputHostManagerBroker
void GetIhmLocation(out Rect rect, out DisplayMode mode);
struct Rect
public int Left, Top, Right, Bottom;
enum DisplayMode
NotSupported = 0,
Floating = 2,
Docked = 3,
Usage example:
// do this once:
var brokerClass = new ImmersiveShellBroker();
var broker = (IImmersiveShellBroker)brokerClass;
var ihm = broker.GetInputHostManagerBroker();
// now ihm reference can be cached and used later:
Rect rect;
DisplayMode mode;
ihm.GetIhmLocation(out rect, out mode);
Note: looks like GetIhmLocation() always returns DisplayMode.NotSupported instead of the actual mode prior to Windows 10.
This is a duplicate of a question I posted at Windows Dev Center. Still awaiting replies, so I thought I would try it here. My apologies if the formatting goes awry.
This is currently being written and debugged using Windows 7 Professional, SP1.
The application is located at the top of the desktop, and the working area is appropriately resized via a hook into the SystemParametersInfo function. The MenuStrip appears as it should, with the exception that any dropdown from the MenuStrip shows as detached from the MenuStrip itself (as if it is being drawn on the new working area, as opposed to the form containing the MenuStrip). For example:
Application TopLevel: true
Application Height: 150
Application Location: 0,0 on Desktop (prior to working area's resize)
MenuStrip Height: 25
MenuStrip Location: 0,0 inside Parent Form
MenuStrip DropDown Location: x,2 (where x is a valid and acceptable value) this is being drawn on the resized working area (i.e. beneath the form)
I have attempted correcting this with a custom Renderer to no present avail. I tried to override WndProc (as follows) so as to see what exactly was occurring, but that resulted in a stackoverflow halfway through drawing the application.
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (mainForm.Visible)
MessageBox.Show("ID: " + m.Msg.ToString() + "\n" + m.ToString());
base.WndProc(ref m);
I suspect I've run this into the ground by now, but if you require any further explanation, just let me know. Just hoping someone can point me in the appropriate direction as to where I should look.
Hopefully this will answer the question regarding why I used SystemParametersInfo:
public RECT normalWorkingRECT = new RECT();
public RECT newWorkingRECT = new RECT();
public struct RECT
public int left;
public int top;
public int right;
public int bottom;
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="SystemParametersInfo")]
public static extern bool SystemParametersInfo(uint uiAction, uint uiParam, ref RECT pvParam, uint fWinIni);
//call after scale is set
private void setAppBar()
//make the parent = the desktop
if (!this.GetTopLevel())
this.Width = SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Width;
//set old Working Area
SystemParametersInfo(0x0030, 0, ref normalWorkingRECT, 0);
//change work area based on size of main form
newWorkingRECT.left = normalWorkingRECT.left; = + this.DesktopBounds.Height + 4;
newWorkingRECT.right = normalWorkingRECT.right;
newWorkingRECT.bottom = normalWorkingRECT.bottom;
SystemParametersInfo(0x002F, 0, ref newWorkingRECT, 0x0002);
//called on close
private void unsetAppBar()
//get current work area to compare
RECT testRECT = new RECT();
SystemParametersInfo(0x0030, 0, ref testRECT, 0);
//if no change, resize to normal working rect
if ( == &&
newWorkingRECT.bottom == testRECT.bottom &&
newWorkingRECT.left == testRECT.left &&
newWorkingRECT.right == testRECT.right)
SystemParametersInfo(0x002F, 0, ref normalWorkingRECT, 0x0002);
//if there is a change, resize to current working rect - this.height
{ -= this.DesktopBounds.Height + 4;
SystemParametersInfo(0x002F, 0, ref testRECT, 0x0002);
EDIT: Added image as requested and code to show reason for SystemParametersInfo.
Simple, i want to move a windows pressing ALT+MOUSE, like linux os (ALT+drag).
It's possible to pass a win32 api (move api) to the windows interested clicking on it?
I have a windows services that hook key pressed (ALT button in specific).
When ALT key is pressed and a mouse down event is verified, i want to move window clicking anywhere, not only on the title bar!
Currently i move my form windows in this way:
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
[DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false )]
static extern IntPtr SendMessage( IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, int wParam, int lParam );
[DllImportAttribute( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false )]
public static extern bool ReleaseCapture();
private void Form1_MouseDown( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
SendMessage( this.Handle, 0xa1, 0x2, 0 );
How can I get windows handle of the specific windows by clicking and after call SendMessage() on it?
It's possible?
You can do this by trapping the WM_NCHITTEST message that Windows sends to see what area of the window got clicked. You can fool it by returning HTCAPTION and it will dutifully perform the mouse actions you'd normally get when clicking the caption of a window. Including moving the window. Paste this code into your form:
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
base.WndProc(ref m);
// Trap WM_NCHITTEST when the ALT key is down
if (m.Msg == 0x84 && (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt)) {
if (m.Result == (IntPtr)1) m.Result = (IntPtr)2;
I worked this out my self, came up with something interesting of my own calculations, worked perfectly for me, for any window (any active foreground window). Kinda long, but really easy to understand if you follow along the comments, hope it helps :)
The way it works, is that you press a certain registered key-combo, like Ctrl+Alt+M
and the mouse will stick in the center of an active window, you move the mouse, the windows follows it, press the SAME combo again, to release, no need for mouse clicks or anything.
public void MoveWindow_AfterMouse()
// 1- get a handle to the foreground window (or any window that you want to move).
// 2- set the mouse pos to the window's center.
// 3- let the window move with the mouse in a loop, such that:
// win(x) = mouse(x) - win(width)/2
// win(y) = mouse(y) - win(height)/2
// This is because the origin (point of rendering) of the window, is at its top-left corner and NOT its center!
// 1-
IntPtr hWnd = WinAPIs.GetForegroundWindow();
// 2- Then:
// first we need to get the x, y to the center of the window.
// to do this, we have to know the width/height of the window.
// to do this, we could use GetWindowRect which will give us the coords of the bottom right and upper left corners of the window,
// with some math, we could deduce the width/height of the window.
// after we do that, we simply set the x, y coords of the mouse to that center.
RECT wndRect = new RECT();
WinAPIs.GetWindowRect(hWnd, out wndRect);
int wndWidth = wndRect.right - wndRect.left;
int wndHeight = wndRect.bottom -; // cuz the more you go down, the more y value increases.
Point wndCenter = new Point(wndWidth / 2, wndHeight / 2); // this is the center of the window relative to itself.
WinAPIs.ClientToScreen(hWnd, out wndCenter); // this will make its center relative to the screen coords.
WinAPIs.SetCursorPos(wndCenter.X, wndCenter.Y);
// 3- Moving :)))
while (true)
Point cursorPos = new Point();
WinAPIs.GetCursorPos(out cursorPos);
int xOffset = cursorPos.X - wndWidth / 2;
int yOffset = cursorPos.Y - wndHeight / 2;
WinAPIs.MoveWindow(hWnd, xOffset, yOffset, wndWidth, wndHeight, true);
And now:
int moveCommandToggle = 0;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == 0x0312)
int keyID = m.WParam.ToInt32();
if(keyID == some_key_combo_you_registered_for_the_moving)
if (moveCommandToggle++ % 2 == 0)
mover = new Thread(() => MoveWindow_AfterMouse());
else mover.Abort();
If you're wondering about RECT:
public struct RECT
public int left; // xCoor of upper left corner.
public int top; // yCoor of upper left corner.
public int right; // xCoor of lower right corner.
public int bottom; // yCoor of lower right corner.
WinAPIs was just a static class that I did my DllImports in.