How do I calculate a checksum on all columns in a row using LINQ and Entity Framework? - c#

The query I am trying to execute is similar to this:
var checksum = from i in db.Items
where i.Id == id
select SqlFunctions.Checksum("*");
However, this returns the checksum value of the string "*" rather than evaluating the wildcard. Is there a way to calculate the checksum of all the columns instead?
var checksum = db.Database.SqlQuery<int?>("SELECT CHECKSUM(*) FROM [Catalog].[Item] WHERE Id = #p0", id);
This gives me the result I want but seems dirty. Is there a way to do this without inline SQL?

This can be done with the SqlFunctions class. This Class allows for linq-to-entities code to include methods that are easily converted to Sql.
First of all in your current edit: Using inline SQL is not 'dirty' and is totally fine in most (if not all) cases. ORMs don't provide everything, especially if there isn't a good object-column mapping that exists. However, since you're using entity framework you might as well get aquanted with the SqlFunctions static methods.
In this case there are a lot of overloads for performing a checksum, however they must all be of the same type. Since you didn't post what types your columns or how many you have, I don't want to recommend the wrong overload in an example for you to use.
Here are your options:
All of the above have overloads to allow up to 3 parameters (of the same type).
If you take a look at the documentation for these functions you'll see that the parameters that you're passing are VALUES, not column names. So you should be using them inside of a Select() clause. This is why when you passed "*" to the operation it checksummed the string containing a single asterisk instead of all columns. Also, keep in mind that these functions cannot be called directly, and must only be used within a Linq-To-Entities query.
Let's assume your columns named "ItemName" & "Description" are both strings, and you also want your id, which is an int:
var checksum = db.Items.Where(i => i.Id == id)
.Select(i => SqlFunctions.Checksum(i.Id.ToString(), i.ItemName, i.Description));
Unfortunately, as you see in the above example we had to cast our int to a string. There are no overloads that allow for different typed parameters for computing a checksum, nor are there any options that allow for more than 3 parameters in the checksum function; however, as I mentioned above sometimes you need to do an inline SQL command and this is OK.


Case-insensitive "contains" in Linq

I have a mvc project which I use linq in it.
In my database there is some records, for example "Someth ing","SOmeTH ing","someTh ing","SOMETH ING","someTH ING"
I want to do this:
SELECT * FROM dbo.doc_dt_records WHERE name LIKE '%' + #records.Name + '%'
However if I run this code, list.Count returns 0. What should I do?
records.Name = "someth ing"; //for example
var rec = db.Records.ToList();
var lists = rec.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(records.Name)).ToList();
if (lists.Count > 0)
// do sthng
Thanks for your helps...
the easy way is to use ToLower() method
var lists = rec.Where(p => p.Name.ToLower().Contains(records.Name.ToLower())).ToList();
a better solution (based on this post: Case insensitive 'Contains(string)')
var lists = rec.Where(p =>
(p.Name, records.Name, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) >= 0).ToList();
That is totally not a LINQ issue.
Case sensitiivty on the generated SQL depends on the collation relevant for the table. Which in your case likely is case insensitive.
You would get the same result from any SQL you emit.
use IndexOf and StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase:
p.Name.IndexOf(records.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0;
You can create an extension function like this:
public static bool Contains(this string src, string toCheck, StringComparison comp)
return src.IndexOf(toCheck, comp) >= 0;
To my understanding, this question does not have an unambiguous answer. The matter is that the best way of doing this depends on details which aren't provided in the question. For instance, what exact ORM do you use and what precise DB server you are connected to. For example, if you use Entity Framework against MS SQL Server, you better do not touch your LINQ expression at all. All you need to do is to set the case-insensitive collation on the database/table/column you compare your string with. That will do the trick much better than any change of your LINQ expression. The matter is that when LINQ is translated to SQL, it better be the straight comparison of the column having case-insensitive collation to your string than anything else. Just because it usually works quicker and it is the natural way to do the trick.
You do not want the final query to be something like:
FROM AspNetUsers U
It is much better to come up with something like:
FROM AspNetUsers U
But with a case-insensitive collation of [Name] column. The difference is that if you have let's say index containing [Name] column, the second query might use it, the first one would do the full scan of the table anyway.
So if let's say records references to DBSet<T> and the record is just one object of type T. You code would be like this:
var lists = records.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(record.Name)).ToList();
And you do the rest on SQL-server. Or if all you need to know is there any value in the list and do not need these values, it would be even better to do like this:
if (records.Any(p => p.Name.Contains(record.Name)))
// do something
Generally speaking, if you use any sort of ORM connected to any sort of SQL server, you better do case-insensitivity by setting up appropriate parameters of your server/database/table/column. And only if it is impossible or by far too expensive, you consider other possibilities. Otherwise, you might bang into some unexpected and very unpleasant behaviour. For instance, Entity Framework Core 2.x if it cannot translate your LINQ expression straightway into SQL query, is doing different tricks replacing server-side operations with client-side ones. So you can end up with a solution which fetches all data from the table to the client and filter it there. It might be quite a problem if your table is big enough.
As for the situation when LINQ query is processed locally, there are a lot of ways to do the trick. My favourite one is the next:
var lists = records.Where(p => p.Name
.Contains(record.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
try this
var lists = rec.Where(p => String.Equals(p.Name,records.Name,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();
refer here for documentation

Linq Sum() precision

In my project I have been using Linq's Sum() a lot. It's powered by NHibernate on MySQL. In my Session Factory I have explicitly asked NHibernate to deal with exactly 8 decimal places when it comes to decimals:
public class DecimalsConvention : IPropertyConvention
public void Apply(IPropertyInstance instance)
if (instance.Type.GetUnderlyingSystemType() == typeof(decimal))
However, I found out that .Sum() rounds up the numbers in 5 decimal places:
var opasSum = opasForThisIp.Sum(x => x.Amount); // Amount is a decimal
In the above statement opaSum equals to 2.46914 while it should be 2.46913578 (calculated directly on MySQL). opasForThisIp is of type IQueryable<OutgoingPaymentAssembly>.
I need all the Linq calculations to handle 8 decimal places when it comes to decimals.
Any ideas of how to fix this?
Edit 1: I have found var opasSum = Enumerable.Sum(opasForThisIp, opa => opa.Amount); to produce the correct result, however the question remains, why .Sum() rounds up the result and how can we fix it?
Edit 2: The produced SQL seems to be problematic:
select cast(sum(outgoingpa0_.Amount) as DECIMAL(19,5)) as col_0_0_
from `OutgoingPaymentAssembly` outgoingpa0_
where outgoingpa0_.IncomingPayment_id=?p0
and (outgoingpa0_.OutgoingPaymentTransaction_id is not null);
?p0 = 24 [Type: UInt64 (0)]
Edit 3: var opasSum = opasForThisIp.ToList().Sum(x => x.Amount); also produces the correct result.
Edit 4: Converting the IQueryable<OutgoingPaymentAssembly> to an IList<OutgoingPaymentAssembly> made the original query: var opasSum = opasForThisIp.Sum(x => x.Amount); to work.
x.Amount is being converted to a low precision minimum type from "LINQ-to-SQL" conversion, because your collection is IQueryable.
There are several workarounds, the easiest of which is to change the type of your collection to IList, or call ToList() on your collection, forcing the linq query to run as LINQ-to-Objects.
var opasSum = opasForThisIp.ToList().Sum(x => x.Amount);
If you don't want to lose deferred execution by moving away from the IQueryable, you could try casting the Amount to a decimal inside of the linq query.
From MSDN decimal and numeric (Transact-SQL):
In Transact-SQL statements, a constant with a decimal point is
automatically converted into a numeric data value, using the minimum
precision and scale necessary. For example, the constant 12.345 is
converted into a numeric value with a precision of 5 and a scale of 3.
Edit (to include great explanation of different .NET collection types:
Taken from the answer to this SO question.
IQueryable is intended to allow a query provider (for example, an
ORM like LINQ to SQL or the Entity Framework) to use the expressions
contained in a query to translate the request into another format. In
other words, LINQ-to-SQL looks at the properties on the entities that
you're using along with the comparisons you're making and actually
creates a SQL statement to express (hopefully) an equivalent request.
IEnumerable is more generic than IQueryable (though all
instances of IQueryable implement IEnumerable) and only defines
a sequence. However, there are extension methods available within the
Enumerable class that define some query-type operators on that
interface and use ordinary code to evaluate these conditions.
List is just an output format, and while it implements
IEnumerable, is not directly related to querying.
In other words, when you're using IQueryable, you're defining and
expression that gets translated into something else. Even though
you're writing code, that code never gets executed, it only gets
inspected and turned into something else, like an actual SQL query.
Because of this, only certain things are valid within these
expressions. For instance, you cannot call an ordinary function that
you define from within these expressions, since LINQ-to-SQL doesn't
know how to turn your call into a SQL statement. Most of these
restrictions are only evaluated at runtime, unfortunately.
When you use IEnumerable for querying, you're using
LINQ-to-Objects, which means you are writing the actual code that is
used for evaluating your query or transforming the results, so there
are, in general, no restrictions on what you can do. You can call
other functions from within these expressions freely.

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int32 IndexOf(System.String, System.StringComparison)' method

I have executed a linq query by using Entityframework like below
GroupMaster getGroup = null;
getGroup = DataContext.Groups.FirstOrDefault(item => keyword.IndexOf(item.Keywords,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)>=0 && item.IsEnabled)
when executing this method I got exception like below
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int32 IndexOf(System.String, System.StringComparison)' method, and this
method cannot be translated into a store expression.
Contains() method by default case sensitive so again I need to convert to lower.Is there any method for checking a string match other than the contains method and is there any method to solve the indexOf method issue?
The IndexOf method Of string class will not recognized by Entity Framework, Please replace this function with SQLfunction or Canonical functions
You can also take help from here or maybe here
You can use below code sample:
DataContext.Groups.FirstOrDefault(item =>
System.Data.Objects.SqlClient.SqlFunctions.CharIndex(item.Keywords, keyword).Value >=0 && item.IsEnabled)
You really only have four options here.
Change the collation of the database globally. This can be done in several ways, a simple google search should reveal them.
Change the collation of individual tables or columns.
Use a stored procedure and specify the COLATE statement on your query
perform a query and return a large set of results, then filter in memory using Linq to Objects.
number 4 is not a good option unless your result set is pretty small. #3 is good if you can't change the database (but you can't use Linq with it).
numbers 1 and 2 are choices you need to make about your data model as a whole, or if you only want to do it on specific fields.
Changing the Servers collation:
Changing the Database Collation:
Changing the Columns Collation:
Using the Collate statement in a stored proc:
Instead you can use this method below for lowering the cases:
var lowerCaseItem = item.ToLower();
If your item is of type string. Then this might get you through that exception.
Erik Funkenbush' answer is perfectly valid when looking at it like a database problem. But I get the feeling that you need a better structure for keeping data regarding keywords if you want to traverse them efficiently.
Note that this answer isn't intended to be better, it is intended to fix the problem in your data model rather than making the environment adapt to the current (apparently flawed, since there is an issue) data model you have.
My main suggestion, regardless of time constraint (I realize this isn't the easiest fix) would be to add a separate table for the keywords (with a many-to-many relationship with its related classes).
[GROUPS] * ------- * [KEYWORD]
This should allow for you to search for the keyword, and only then retrieve the items that have that keyword related to it (based on ID rather than a compound string).
int? keywordID = DataContext.Keywords.Where(x => x.Name == keywordFilter).Select(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault();
if(keywordID != null)
getGroup = DataContext.Groups.FirstOrDefault(group => group.Keywords.Any(kw => kw.Id == keywordID));
But I can understand completely if this type of fix is not possible anymore in the current project. I wanted to mention it though, in case anyone in the future stumbles on this question and still has the option for improving the data structure.

Search Substring on a Integer Value

Let's say we have a mongodb collection that has elements containing an int attribute value like: {"MyCollectionAttribute": 12345}
How can I search the string "234" inside the int using Query<T>. syntax?
For now it seems to work(as explained here) using raw query like:
var query = new QueryDocument("$where", "/234/.test(this.MyCollectionAttribute)");
Is it preferable to store the values directly as strings instead of integers, since a regex match will be slow? How do you approach theese situations?
Context: a company can have some internal codes that are numbers. In sql server they can be stored as a column of int type in order to have data integrity at database level and then queried from linq to sql with something like:
.where(item => item.CompanyCode.ToString().Contains("234"))
In this way there is both data integrity at db level and type safety of the query.
I asked the question in order to see how this scenario can be implemented using mongodb.
Does not make much sense what you are asking.
Regular expressions are for search within strings and not within integers.
If you want to perform a substring search (for whatever reason) then store your numbers
as strings and not as integers - obviously.

Linq to Entities : using ToLower() on NText fields

I'm using SQL Server 2005, with a case sensitive database..
In a search function, I need to create a Linq To Entities (L2E) query with a "where" clause that compare several strings with the data in the database with these rules :
The comparison is a "Contains" mode, not strict compare : easy as the string's Contains() method is allowed in L2E
The comparison must be case insensitive : I use ToLower() on both elements to perform an insensitive comparison.
All of this performs really well but I ran into the following Exception :
"Argument data type ntext is invalid for argument 1 of lower function" on one of my fields.
It seems that the field is a NText field and I can't perform a ToLower() on that.
What could I do to be able to perform a case insensitive Contains() on that NText field ?
Never use .ToLower() to perform a case-insensitive comparison. Here's why:
It's possibly wrong (your client collation could be, say, Turkish, and your DB collation not).
It's highly inefficient; the SQL Emitted is LOWER instead of = with a case-insensitive collation.
Instead, use StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase or StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase:
var q = from f in Context.Foos
where f.Bar.Equals("hi", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
select f;
But for Contains() there's a problem: Unlike Equals, StartsWith, etc., it doesn't have an overload for a StringComparison argument. Why? Good question; ask Microsoft.
That, combined with SQL Server's limitation on LOWER means there's no simple way to do what you want.
Possible workarounds might include:
Use a full text index, and do the search in a procedure.
Use Equals or StartsWith instead, if possible for your task
Change the default collation of the column?
Use a lambda expression here and create an intermediary list that can handle the lower clause.
var q = Context.Foos.ToList().Where(s => s.Bar.ToLower().Contains("hi"));
Not terribly efficient, but it does work. If you have additional predicates in your where clause then it works to your advantage:
var q = Context.Foos.Where(p => p.f1 == "foo" && p.f2 == "bar").
ToList().Where(s => s.Bar.ToLower().Contains("hi"));
as we known , this is a very "bugged" situation.
and it bugs me a lot.
Today, i decide to create a view as:
select * from tableName
where theColumn like '%key%'
then load this view into EF.
life is getting easy!
