Search Substring on a Integer Value - c#

Let's say we have a mongodb collection that has elements containing an int attribute value like: {"MyCollectionAttribute": 12345}
How can I search the string "234" inside the int using Query<T>. syntax?
For now it seems to work(as explained here) using raw query like:
var query = new QueryDocument("$where", "/234/.test(this.MyCollectionAttribute)");
Is it preferable to store the values directly as strings instead of integers, since a regex match will be slow? How do you approach theese situations?
Context: a company can have some internal codes that are numbers. In sql server they can be stored as a column of int type in order to have data integrity at database level and then queried from linq to sql with something like:
.where(item => item.CompanyCode.ToString().Contains("234"))
In this way there is both data integrity at db level and type safety of the query.
I asked the question in order to see how this scenario can be implemented using mongodb.

Does not make much sense what you are asking.
Regular expressions are for search within strings and not within integers.
If you want to perform a substring search (for whatever reason) then store your numbers
as strings and not as integers - obviously.


Expand a start/end interval entry into separate rows using LINQ/EF

Given an object (or data row, in SQL terms) representing a range of numbers, with Start and End properties, how do I "expand" those numbers into actual individual units using LINQ in a way that is translatable to EFCore?
This is easy to do in memory with an iterator:
for (var number = range.Start; number <= range.End; number++)
yield return number;
But of course I can't do this with a queryable, since iterating on the original query already goes into the database.
How do I achieve the same behavior while doing this in the database? Say I have a IQueryable<Range> and wanted to convert it into a IQueryable<int>, where for each range, the resulting query would contain all individual entries in the range as separate rows.
I found a few examples of how to achieve this directly in SQL but I wanted to make sure it was possible to do it using LINQ operators and in a way that EF could interpret into the appropriate SQL statement.
Can something like this be coded without using an iterator?

Return Values That Are In Lowercase

We recently discovered a bug in our system whereby any serial numbers that have been entered in lowercase have not been processed correctly.
To correct this, we need to add a one off function that will run through the database and re-process all items with lower case serial numbers.
In linq, is there a query I can run that will return a list of such items?
Note: I am not asking how to convert lowercase to uppercase or reverse, which is all google will return. I need to generate a list of all database entries where the serial number has been entered in lowercase.
EDIT: I am using Linq to MS SQL, which appears to be case insensitive.
Yes, there is. You can try something like this:
var result = serialnumber.Any(c => char.IsLower(c));
Well, in case of Linq to Entities...
As is stated here: Regex in Linq (EntityFramework), String processing in database, there's few ways to workaround it.
Change database table structure. E.g. create table Foo_Filter which will link your entities to filters. And then create table Filters
which will contain filters data.
Execute query in memory and use Linq to Objects. This option will be slow, because you have to fetch all data from database to memory
Note: link to MSDN documentation has been added by me.
For example:
var result = context.Serials.ToList().Where(sn => sn.Any(c => char.IsLower(c)));
Another way is to use SqlMethods.Like Method
Finally, i'd strongly recommend to read this: Case sensitive search using Entity Framework and Custom Annotation

Textual Mining on the column Cell of Table that remove the Duplicates based on "##" notation

Let's Assume I have Table in SQL server that represents employee information for example
I want to do the Textual Mining on the Degree column that remove the Duplicates based on "##" notation.
I am using Linq to SQL , so I am planning to get this data in C# variable context.And Perform operation on string and store again to the location!
Rules: i need to update the data or generate new table!
Is this right way of doing whether its possible ? need some suggestion on this approach or any alternative suggestions are welcome
So it looks like you need to break up the string based on the "##" delimiters, take the distinct items, and put them back in -- comma-delimited this time? The String.Split method to break up the string and then LINQ's Distinct extension method should get you just the unique ones.
Assuming you've got the text of the degree in a variable somewhere:
var uniques = degree
.Split(new String[] { "##" }, StringSplitOptions.None)
String.Split usually works with a single character delimiter, but there's an overload that allows splitting on a larger string, so you'll have to use that one.
Then you can use String.Join to comma-delimit the unique items, or whatever else you need to do.
Edit: Apologies, I thought your original question was more about how to eliminate the duplicates than how to use LINQ to SQL.
Assuming you've got your DataContext and object model set up, you just need to select your object(s) out of the database using LINQ to SQL, make the changes you need to them, and then and then call SubmitChanges() on them.
For example:
var degrees = from d in context.GetTable<Employee>() select d;
foreach (var d in degrees)
d.Degree = String.Join(",", d.Degree
.Split(new String[] { "##" }, StringSplitOptions.None)
If you're new to LINQ to SQL, it may be worthwhile to run through a tutorial or two first. Here's part 1 of a pretty good series:
Lastly, you mentioned in your edit that you have the option of creating a new table after making your changes -- if that's the case, I'd consider storing the individual degrees in a table that links back to the employee record, rather than storing them as comma-separated values. It depends on your needs, of course, but SQL is designed to work in tables and sets, so the less string parsing/processing you can do the better.
Good luck!

lightswitch LINQ PreprocessQuery

I use the PreprocessQuery method to extend a query in lightswitch.
Something like this:
query = (from item in query
where (validIDs.Contains(item.tableIDs.myID)) &&
elementCount[item.ID] <= maxEleCount)
select item);
Where validIDs is a HashSet(int) and elementCount is a Dictionary(int, int).
the first where clause is working fine, but the second -> elementCount[item.ID] <= maxEleCount
is not working.
What i want to do is to filter a table by some IDs (validIDs) and check also if in another table the number of entries for every of this IDs does not exceed a limit.
Any ideas?
I found a solution. Instead of a Dictionary I also used a HashSet for the second where clause. It seems it is not possible to do the Dictionary lookup inside the LINQ statement for some reason (?)
First, although being a bit pedantic, what you're doing in a PreProcessQuery method is "restricting" records in the query, not "extending" the query.
What you put in a LING query has to be able to be processed by the Entity Framework data provider (in the case of LS, the SQL Server Data Provider).
Sometimes you'll find that while your LINQ query compiles, it fails at runtime. This is because the data provider is unable to express it to the data store (again in this case SQL Server).
You're normally restricted to "primitive" values, so if you hadn't said that using a Dictionary actually worked, I would have said that it wouldn't.
Any time you have a static (as in non-changing) value, I'd suggest that you create a variable outside of your LINQ query, then use the variable in the LINQ query. By doing this, you're simply passing a value, the data provider doesn't have to try to figure out how to pass it to the data store.
Reading your code again, this might not be what you're doing, but hopefully this explanation will still be helpful.

Accessing foreign keys through LINQ

I have a setup on SQL Server 2008. I've got three tables. One has a string identifier as a primary key. The second table holds indices into an attribute table. The third simply holds foreign keys into both tables- so that the attributes themselves aren't held in the first table but are instead referred to. Apparently this is common in database normalization, although it is still insane because I know that, since the key is a string, it would take a maximum of 1 attribute per 30 first table room entries to yield a space benefit, let alone the time and complexity problems.
How can I write a LINQ to SQL query to only return values from the first table, such that they hold only specific attributes, as defined in the list in the second table? I attempted to use a Join or GroupJoin, but apparently SQL Server 2008 cannot use a Tuple as the return value.
"I attempted to use a Join or
GroupJoin, but apparently SQL Server
2008 cannot use a Tuple as the return
You can use anonymous types instead of Tuples which are supported by Linq2SQL.
from x in source group x by new {x.Field1, x.Field2}
I'm not quite clear what you're asking for. Some code might help. Are you looking for something like this?
var q = from i in ctx.Items
select new
Attributes = from map in i.AttributeMaps
select map.Attribute
I use this page all the time for figuring out complex linq queries when I know the sql approach I want to use.
If you know how to write the sql query to get the data you want then this will show you how to get the same result translating it into linq syntax.
