blocking listen prevents disconnect - c#

Overview of Problem:
I need to connect to an IRC Server. Once connected, the program will send a message to the channel, and a response will occur over multiple lines back. I need to read these lines and store in a variable for later use. A special character at the end of the message (]) will define the end of the message over multiple lines. Once we have received this character, the IRC session should disconnect and processing should continue.
I am using the Smartirc4net library. Calling irc.Disconnect() takes about 40 seconds to disconnect the session. Once we've received the ] character, the session should be disconnected, Listen() should not be blocking, and the rest of the program should continue to run.
I have found this: smartirc4net listens forever, can't exit thread, and I think it might be the same issue, however, I am unsure of what I need to do to resolve the problem.
public class IrcCommunicator
public IrcClient irc = new IrcClient();
string data;
public string Data { get { return data; } }
// this method we will use to analyse queries (also known as private messages)
public void OnQueryMessage(object sender, IrcEventArgs e)
data += e.Data.Message;
if (e.Data.Message.Contains("]"))
irc.Disconnect(); //THIS TAKES 40 SECONDS!!!
public void RunCommand()
irc.OnQueryMessage += new IrcEventHandler(OnQueryMessage);
string[] serverlist;
serverlist = new string[] { "" };
int port = 6667;
string channel = "#test";
irc.Connect(serverlist, port);
catch (ConnectionException e)
// something went wrong, the reason will be shown
System.Console.WriteLine("couldn't connect! Reason: " + e.Message);
// here we logon and register our nickname and so on
irc.Login("test", "test");
// join the channel
irc.SendMessage(SendType.Message, "test", "!query");
// here we tell the IRC API to go into a receive mode, all events
// will be triggered by _this_ thread (main thread in this case)
// Listen() blocks by default, you can also use ListenOnce() if you
// need that does one IRC operation and then returns, so you need then
// an own loop
// when Listen() returns our IRC session is over, to be sure we call
// disconnect manually
catch (Exception e)
// this should not happen by just in case we handle it nicely
System.Console.WriteLine("Error occurred! Message: " + e.Message);
System.Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.StackTrace);
IrcBot bot = new IrcBot();
ViewBag.IRC = bot.Data;
As you can see, once this
Thank you for your time to look at this code and read my problem description. If you have any thoughts, or other suggestions, please let me know.

I was able to successfully disconnect straight away by calling RfcQuit() within OnQueryMessage(), before irc.Disconnect();


How can I coordinate between COM port sends and receives?

I'm trying to refactor some ultra-complex legacy code that sends data from a handheld device to an app running on a PC, to which the handheld device is connected.
There is a "conversation" that goes on between the two apps that follows a protocol; the server (the app running on the PC) responds based on what the client tells it, and vice versa. Actually, the "conversation" can be seen about two thirds of the way down here.
Anyway, my problem is: how can I let the client wait for the server to respond without interrupting it, or thinking it's not going to respond and failing to continue? This is what I have right now:
public class FileXferLegacy : IFileXfer
private SerialPort cereal;
private String lastDataReceived;
private String receivedData;
. . .
private void port_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
// This method will be called when there is data waiting in the port's buffer
receivedData += cereal.ReadLine();
lastDataReceived = receivedData;
ExceptionLoggingService.Instance.WriteLog(String.Format("Received {0} in FileXferLegacy.SendDataContentsAsXML", receivedData));
catch (Exception ex)
#region IFileFetchSend Members
. . .
public void SendDataContentsAsXML(string destinationPath, string data)
byte[] stuff;
stuff = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("PING" + "\n");
cereal.Write(stuff, 0, stuff.Length);
if (lastDataReceived.Contains("PING")) // Expecting "PING|ACKNOWLEDGE|"
stuff =
System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("LOGIN|foo|000003|LOC_HOST|PPP_PEER||bar" + "\n");
// TODO: replace this test data with dynamic data
cereal.Write(stuff, 0, stuff.Length);
if (lastDataReceived.Contains("JOIN|LEVEL")) // Expecting something like "JOIN|LEVEL|1
stuff = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("HHTCOMMAND|GETHHTSUPDATE|");
cereal.Write(stuff, 0, stuff.Length);
. . .
String lastResponse = lastDataReceived; // Expecting something like
"RESULT|FILECOMPLETE|INV_000003_whatever(not identical to what was sent earlier!).XML"
// Parse out and do something with the filename ("INV_000003_whatever(not identical to
what was sent earlier!).XML" above)
As you can see, the client/handheld sends a string; it then reads "lastDataReceived" which is assigned in the DataReceived method. But what if there has been a delay, and "lastDataReceived" is null? What do I need to do to force a delay (without going to an extreme that would cause the app to appear slothlike in its slowness)? Or what is the way this should be done, if I'm totally off base?
A typical approach is to use a reader thread that pulls bytes off the port with blocking reads (though it can be done with async notification instead) and, once detecting that an entire message has been delivered, it either:
Puts them into a blocking queue (with consumer blocking on calls to dequeue until either a msg is added or a timeout reached
Notifies a listener with an event that contains the message.
Which of those two depends a lot on the consumer of those messages. Your code above would benefit from #1, though if the consumer is the UI thread then you should look at #2.
The protocol seems to be half-duplex so rewriting it with synchronous calls to Write/Readline seems to be the simplest way to handle it.

Need help in "Socket Programming" using Visual C# (Dot Net Framework 4.0)?

Recently, I was given an assignment...
"To develop a Windows Forms application which can be installed on various windows machines at an office or enterprise. There would be a database in just one machine(ALPHA machine).. This database would be used by applications on other Beta machines to access data. The application would itself manage to check if it is an Alpha or a Beta (Has Database file with it?) and hence has to act as a server or a client."
I can do everything except the Network and Inter-Application Communication requirements. So, I started to learn Socket Programming over the Internet and I have gone through this link...
The idea I am working on is...
To have the client send the message to server.
To have the server accept this message and put this message in queue.
Read the message to get Client's IP Address and the its Request for Data.
Apply this request on database and get the result.
Convert the result in string.
Send it to the requesting client.
I can manage to perform steps 3,4 & 5. I am stuck on 1, 2 & 6.
Towards this...
I have created a function for Server as well as for client who return the Sockets when called. I create a separate function as I like my code to be clean, tidy and understandable after years.
Check my code below...
For Server...
private Socket GetServerReady()
IPEndPoint RemoteEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8000);
Socket newSock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
return (newSock);
You will notice there is no Accept() method anywhere, This is because I wish to call it like below for further use...
Socket CltSock = GetServerReady().Accept();
The Code for Client is...
private Socket GetClientReady()
IPEndPoint RemoteEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(txtBxHost2.Text.Trim()), 8000);
Socket ServerSock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
return (ServerSock);
Finally, The questions are....
"Where is the appropriate place to call the functions I wrote above?"
"Should I call the Server and Client Function in Form_Load() Event?"
"What must be the next step towards my main intention which is point 1,2 & 6 mentioned above?"
I don't expect the full code that I can just copy as it is. Just the correct procedure and a little detail over the concept would do.
I would be using just a single PC for testing purpose. Also, another limitation is, It would all be coded in a single application. I don't want to write two separate applications for client & server.
I hope I made it all clear for you to understand.
Thanks a Lot.
Awaiting the response.
I was struggling to get things done and somehow managed to get the solution.
Below is my solution:
Server Side code:
(I put this code in a function which loops back the execution if any exception is caught)
private void Looper()
int i = 0;
int AttemptCount = 1;
while (i == 0)
TcpListener tL = new TcpListener(Network.GetLocalIPAddress(), 56009);
Socket tS = tL.AcceptSocket();
if (tS.Connected)
NetworkStream nS = new NetworkStream(tS);
StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(nS);
Output = Reader.ReadToEnd().Trim();
//If Done, End Execution
i = 1;
MessageBox.Show("The connection to the client is broken or failed..!!\n\nPlease check connection and try again.","Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);
catch (SystemException ex)
//If Not, Loop Execution Again
if (MessageBox.Show("Exception: " + ex.Message + "\n\nAttempt Count: " + AttemptCount + "\n\nDo you want to terminate the transmission?", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.Yes)
i = 1;
i = 0;
When above function is called, The server waits to accept any incoming socket. If there is any error somewhere due to port re-usage or anything, It loops back itself and resets the server. (So, we don't have to manually call the server function again & again.)
Once the server accepts any incoming socket, the execution ends up successfully. Lot's of time we don't want to keep invoking server even after a successful reception. So, I, instead of calling this function in a button "click_event", I called it in a timer Tick_Event. So, the human need is eliminated at server side.
This leads to a problem. Once the server starts waiting to accept, It is in blocking mode.
It hangs all the processes and controls in same thread. So, I moved the call to above function to BackgroundWorker's "Do_Work" Event.
Check below Code:
private void GetServerReady()
if (!bW.IsBusy)
txtBxHistory.Text += "\r\n" + Output;
private void bW_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
private void ResetTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
"bW" is "BackgroundWorker".
"Output" is a variable I defined globally.
The reason we need a variable is that,
BackgroundWorker has its own thread to execute the code placed in its "Do_Work" Event. So, a TextBox from our application's thread can't be used by BackgroundWorker to store the received output. Doing this to a variable and then setting TextBox's Text property to this variable does the trick.
Client Side code:
private void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TcpClient socketForServer;
socketForServer = new TcpClient(txtBxDestIP.Text.Trim(), 56009);
MessageBox.Show("Failed to connect to server at " + txtBxDestIP.Text.Trim() + ":999", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
NetworkStream networkStream = socketForServer.GetStream();
StreamWriter streamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(networkStream);
string InputString;
InputString = Network.GetLocalIPAddress() + ": " + txtBxData.Text;
txtBxHistory.Text += "\r\nMe: " + txtBxData.Text.Trim();
MessageBox.Show("Exception reading from Server.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
"txtBxDestIP" is a TextBox having the Destination IP address as Text.
"txtBxData" is a TextBox having the text to be sent.
This code works flawless for me. With above solution I can achieve all my motives from step 1 to 6 (Mentioned in the question above.)
I hope it helps others too. Please suggest if there is a better and efficient way to perform this.

RabbitMQ - Message remains unacked, connections silently killed

I have a very simple client that I want to be available 24/7 to consume messages. It is running in a Windows process.
I have no issues with the server and receiving messages, it is just the client.
The behavior is as follows:
Works if I start the connection fresh. After some time, perhaps hours, my client is in an odd state; the connection it contains 'holds' unacked messages.
In other words, using the web admin interface, I see that I have a total of, say, 2 unacked messages. Looking at my connections, I see the 2 unacked messages spread out.
But there is no processing going on.
And eventually, my connections get killed, with no exceptions or log messages being triggered. This puts all the messages into the ready state.
My first attempt to solve the problem was to add a simple external loop that checked the state of the i-vars of IModel, IChannel, and QueueingBasicConsumer. However, IModel/IChannel's IsOpen always reports true, even after the web admin reports no connections are active, and QueueingBasicConsumer's IsRunning always reports true as well.
Clearly I need another method to check whether a connection is 'active'.
So to summarize, things work well initially. Eventually, I get into an odd state where my diagnostic checks are meaningless, and messages sent to the server get unacked, and are spread out across any existing connections. Soon, my connections are killed with no debugs or exceptions thrown, and my diagnostic checks still report things are kosher.
Any help or best practices would be appreciated. I have read up on heartbeat, and the IsOpen 'race' condition, where it is suggested to use BasicQos and check for an exception, however I want to first understand what is happening.
Here is where I kick things off:
private void StartMessageLoop(string uri, string queueName) {
this.serverUri = uri;
this.queueName = queueName;
Task.Factory.StartNew(()=> MessageLoopTask(queueName));
Here is how I connect:
private void Connect(string serverAddress) {
ConnectionFactory cf = new ConnectionFactory();
cf.Uri = serverAddress;
this.connection = cf.CreateConnection();
this.connection.ConnectionShutdown += new ConnectionShutdownEventHandler(LogConnClose); = this.connection.CreateModel();
Here is where the infinite loop starts:
private void MessageLoopTask(string queueName) {
consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);
String consumerTag = channel.BasicConsume(queueName, false, consumer);
while (true) {
try {
BasicDeliverEventArgs e = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)consumer.Queue.Dequeue();
IBasicProperties props = e.BasicProperties;
byte[] body = e.Body;
string messageContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
bool result = this.messageProcessor.ProcessMessage(messageContent);
channel.BasicAck(e.DeliveryTag, false);
channel.BasicNack(e.DeliveryTag, false, true);
// log
catch (OperationInterruptedException ex) {
// log
catch(Exception e) {
// log
// log


We're using XMS.Net to connect to a WebSphere MQ server V7; this has always worked fine with a V6 server but since the "other party" has upgraded to V7 we expierienced some trouble. Most of it has been fixed but now I've stumbled upon an error that I can't explain, nor find anything about:
CWSMQ0282E: A null value has been used for argument BUFFER = <> NULL within method ImportMQMDMesageBuffer(WmqSession, WmqDestination, MQMD,byte[],int,int).
The preceding method detected an invalid null argument.
If necessary, recode the application to avoid the error condition.
Stacktrace: at IBM.XMS.Client.WMQ.WmqReceiveMarshal.ImportMQMDMesageBuffer(MQMessageDescriptor mqmd, Byte[] buffer, Int32 dataStart, Int32 dataEnd)
at IBM.XMS.Client.WMQ.WmqAsyncConsumerShadow.Consumer(Phconn hconn, MQMessageDescriptor mqmd, MQGetMessageOptions mqgmo, Byte[] pBuffer, MQCBC mqcbc)
at IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.UnmanagedNmqiMQ.NmqiConsumerMethodUM(Int32 hconn, IntPtr structMqmd, IntPtr structMqgmo, IntPtr buffer, IntPtr structMqcbc)
The only thing I think I know about the cause of this error is that we sent a message and I'm expecting the CoA and CoD messages; I'm expecting these to be in the queue and when I shut down my consumer listening for these messages the rest works fine.
I have absolutely no idea what is going on...
This is the minimum testcase:
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Text;
using IBM.XMS;
namespace TestApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Setup unhandled exception "logging"
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);
//Change this to your own needs!
string QueueManager = "CONTOSO";
string Channel = "MYCOMPANY.CONTOSO.TCP";
string Queue = "MYCOMPANY.REPORTQ";
string HostIP = ""
int Port = 1416;
//Create connection
var factoryfactory = XMSFactoryFactory.GetInstance(XMSC.CT_WMQ);
var connectionfactory = factoryfactory.CreateConnectionFactory();
connectionfactory.SetStringProperty(XMSC.WMQ_QUEUE_MANAGER, QueueManager);
connectionfactory.SetStringProperty(XMSC.WMQ_HOST_NAME, HostIP);
connectionfactory.SetIntProperty(XMSC.WMQ_PORT, Port);
connectionfactory.SetStringProperty(XMSC.WMQ_CHANNEL, Channel);
connectionfactory.SetIntProperty(XMSC.WMQ_BROKER_VERSION, XMSC.WMQ_BROKER_V2);
var connection = connectionfactory.CreateConnection();
connection.ExceptionListener = new ExceptionListener(OnXMSExceptionReceived);
//Create session
var session = connection.CreateSession(false, AcknowledgeMode.ClientAcknowledge);
//Create consumer
var queue = session.CreateQueue(string.Format("queue://{0}/{1}", QueueManager, Queue));
queue.SetIntProperty(XMSC.WMQ_TARGET_CLIENT, XMSC.WMQ_TARGET_DEST_MQ); //Prevent automatic RFH (or JMS) headers in messages...
var consumer = session.CreateConsumer(queue);
consumer.MessageListener = new MessageListener(OnMessageReceived); //Messages received will be handled by OnMessageReceived
//Start the connection (which starts the consumer to listen etc.)
Console.WriteLine("Started; press any key to stop");
//Now we wait...
//Tear down the connection
Console.WriteLine("Stopped; press any key to end application");
//Keep the console around
private static void OnMessageReceived(IMessage message)
Console.WriteLine("Message received");
if (message is IBytesMessage)
var bytesmsg = (IBytesMessage)message;
var data = new byte[bytesmsg.BodyLength];
//The message is not an IBytesMessage, check to see if it is a Feedback-type message
if (message.PropertyExists(XMSC.JMS_IBM_FEEDBACK))
//Figure out which type of feedback message this is
int feedback = message.GetIntProperty(XMSC.JMS_IBM_FEEDBACK);
switch (feedback)
Console.WriteLine("COA received");
Console.WriteLine("COD received");
//Unknown feedback type
Console.WriteLine("Unknown feedback");
//The message is not a feedback message; we don't know what this is so it's unexpected.
Console.WriteLine("Unexpected message received");
private static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
//Uh oh
Console.WriteLine("*** UnhandledException ***");
Console.WriteLine((e.ExceptionObject as Exception).Message);
private static void OnXMSExceptionReceived(Exception ex)
//Uh oh
Console.WriteLine("*** OnXMSExceptionReceived ***");
Create a new (console)project, add a reference to IBM.XMS.dll (C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Tools\Lib\IBM.XMS.dll) and run the project. Put any message in the report queue and see what happens.
When connected to a V6 server everything is fine, V7 results in the exception being thrown.
Also we tried updating to but to no avail...
Here's what I'm seeing:
This is my trace log (Sorry, can't add it here since my message will be >30000 chars long) and here is an even more detailed log (traceSpecification "all" instead of "debug").
I also tried switching the (test)application to .Net V2.0.50727.5456 but that doesn't help either.
I seem to have narrowed it down to "empty" CoA's and CoD's; when messages are sent with the MQRO_COA_WITH_DATA or MQRO_COA_WITH_FULL_DATA (same for CoD) as opposed to MQRO_COA then the CWSMQ0282E error doesn't occur. So XMS.Net seems to crash on empty bodies for CoA's and CoD's. I need to confirm some things to ensure it's not caused by other stuff in my project interfering but I'm quite sure this is the cause.
The exception appears to be because the received message does not have message body. If the message received is because of either MQRO_COD or MQRC_COA option (set when the original message was sent) would not have any message body. When XMS tries to process messages without any body, it's getting into trouble.
I am puzzled as to how this was working when using MQ v6. You may want to check if the application that's sending the original message has been changed off late.
Also for XMS to process any message, the incoming message must contain required JMS headers. MQRO_COD/MQRO_COA are automatically generated by the queue manager and will not contain JMS headers.
Few other suggestions on the code snippet above:
1) An instance of IPEndpoint is not really required. You can simply set hostname or IP address as a string and port number as integer.
2) XMSC.RTT_BROKER_PING_INTERVAL need not be set when connecting WMQ.
3) Since you have usedAcknowledgeMode.AutoAcknowledgewhile creating a session, no need to call message.Acknowledge() in OnMessageReceivedmethod.
As far as I can determine this exception, indeed, occurs on "empty" CoA's en CoD's. When messages are sent with the MQRO_COA_WITH_DATA / MQRO_COD_WITH_DATA (or even bulkier MQRO_COA_WITH_FULL_DATA / MQRO_COD_WITH_FULL_DATA) the exception doesn't occur. We will file a "PMR" with IBM to confirm.

C#: Timeout on SerialPort.Open?

I have an autodetect thread that tries to open the ports in order and match the received data, thus detecting the port where the relevant device sends the data. Now, there are some ports where the SerialPort.Open simply hangs the thread for ~30 secs. How can I set a timeout on the SerialPort.Open function?
Only one open connection can exist per SerialPort object.
The best practice for any application is to wait for some amount of time after calling the Close method before attempting to call the Open method, as the port may not be closed instantly.
When you call Close(), this worker thread needs time to spin down and exit. The amount of time needed is not specified and you can't verify that it was done. All you can do is wait at least one second before you call Open() again.
I encountered the same problem and I hope my solution can help you.
You can detect the Serial Ports in a separate thread, which will be aborted in 500 ms.
// the Serial Port detection routine
private void testSerialPort(object obj)
if (! (obj is string) )
string spName = obj as string;
SerialPort sp = new SerialPort(spName);
catch (Exception)
// users don't want to experience this
if (sp.IsOpen)
if ( You can recieve the data you neeed)
isSerialPortValid = true;
// validity of serial port
private bool isSerialPortValid;
// the callback function of button checks the serial ports
private void btCheck(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
foreach (string s in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
isSpValid = false;
Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(testSerialPort));
Thread.Sleep(500); // wait and trink a tee for 500 ms
// check wether the port was successfully opened
if (isSpValid)
textBlock1.Text = "Serial Port " + s + " is OK !";
textBlock1.Text = "Serial Port " + s + " retards !";
Possible improvements could be added into the solution. You can use multi-Thread to accelerate the process and use ProgressBar to display the progress clearly.
Add this in your code:
commPort = new SerialPort();
commPort.ReadTimeout = 1000000;
commPort.WriteTimeout = 1000000;
And I suggest you to see SerialPort.Open Method
If I understood you correctly, you wish to read data from the serial port even after timeout occurred.
If so, then you should catch the TimeoutException and continue your loop. e.g. MSDN CODE
public static void Read()
while (_continue)
string message = _serialPort.ReadLine();
catch (TimeoutException) { }
