RabbitMQ - Message remains unacked, connections silently killed - c#

I have a very simple client that I want to be available 24/7 to consume messages. It is running in a Windows process.
I have no issues with the server and receiving messages, it is just the client.
The behavior is as follows:
Works if I start the connection fresh. After some time, perhaps hours, my client is in an odd state; the connection it contains 'holds' unacked messages.
In other words, using the web admin interface, I see that I have a total of, say, 2 unacked messages. Looking at my connections, I see the 2 unacked messages spread out.
But there is no processing going on.
And eventually, my connections get killed, with no exceptions or log messages being triggered. This puts all the messages into the ready state.
My first attempt to solve the problem was to add a simple external loop that checked the state of the i-vars of IModel, IChannel, and QueueingBasicConsumer. However, IModel/IChannel's IsOpen always reports true, even after the web admin reports no connections are active, and QueueingBasicConsumer's IsRunning always reports true as well.
Clearly I need another method to check whether a connection is 'active'.
So to summarize, things work well initially. Eventually, I get into an odd state where my diagnostic checks are meaningless, and messages sent to the server get unacked, and are spread out across any existing connections. Soon, my connections are killed with no debugs or exceptions thrown, and my diagnostic checks still report things are kosher.
Any help or best practices would be appreciated. I have read up on heartbeat, and the IsOpen 'race' condition, where it is suggested to use BasicQos and check for an exception, however I want to first understand what is happening.
Here is where I kick things off:
private void StartMessageLoop(string uri, string queueName) {
this.serverUri = uri;
this.queueName = queueName;
Task.Factory.StartNew(()=> MessageLoopTask(queueName));
Here is how I connect:
private void Connect(string serverAddress) {
ConnectionFactory cf = new ConnectionFactory();
cf.Uri = serverAddress;
this.connection = cf.CreateConnection();
this.connection.ConnectionShutdown += new ConnectionShutdownEventHandler(LogConnClose);
this.channel = this.connection.CreateModel();
Here is where the infinite loop starts:
private void MessageLoopTask(string queueName) {
consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);
String consumerTag = channel.BasicConsume(queueName, false, consumer);
while (true) {
try {
BasicDeliverEventArgs e = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)consumer.Queue.Dequeue();
IBasicProperties props = e.BasicProperties;
byte[] body = e.Body;
string messageContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
bool result = this.messageProcessor.ProcessMessage(messageContent);
channel.BasicAck(e.DeliveryTag, false);
channel.BasicNack(e.DeliveryTag, false, true);
// log
catch (OperationInterruptedException ex) {
// log
catch(Exception e) {
// log
// log


C# winforms freezing: Serialport, Timer, Thread

Edit: Keeping the original question for continuity.
I then edited the question with replacement code for the ReadLine() method by using ReadExisting instead. It works however I still have the same freeze, where the app becomes unresponsive. Debug says it's locking (it takes a while to freeze, sometimes seconds, sometimes minutes) in the while () {} function where I wait for the complete message. More explanations below:
-- obsolete --
What is a good way to handle serialport.readtimeout exception?
if (!IsWriteComm_)
Response_ = serialPort1.ReadLine().Replace("\r", "");
catch (TimeoutException err)
DateTime d = DateTime.Now;
rtboxDiag.AppendText("\n" + d.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + ": ");
if (!serialPort1.IsOpen)
return Textbox_;
this bit of code is exectuted on a timer tick event.
I was having a weird "crash" of the app with an IO exception
"The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request."
no matter what I do I am not able to "recover" meaning, I am no longer able to poll data from the serial port.
I added this exception catch and it does log the exception. weirdly enough the test on !serialport.isopen is false (meaning the port is still open).
What might be a hint is: this error does STOP the timer somehow, this is not something I am doing in code. so I am suspecting something related to the timer, rather than the serialport, but I could be wrong.
Closing the port manually, and reconnecting does not fix the problem.
Disconnecting and reconnecting the USB does not fix the problem.
however, closing the app, and relaunching the app does fix the problem (without even disconnecting the MCU or power cycling the MCU/hardware).
-- /obsolete --
edit: the problem is appearing after a few seconds, sometimes minutes of flawless operations. I cannot repeat the issue using a serialport terminal polling the data the same way, at the same frequency. It seems the problem is not coming from the hardware itself.
Edit: I have yet to test the following modification, not sure if it will fix this problem (I doubt), but at least it's an attempt at not using .readline() which from what I've gathered is not good practice.
anyway here it is:
if (!IsWriteComm_)
while (!SerialRxCplt) ;
Response_ = SerialRxResponse.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");
SerialRxCplt = false;
//Response_ = serialPort1.ReadLine().Replace("\r", "");
catch (TimeoutException err)
DateTime d = DateTime.Now;
rtboxDiag.AppendText("\n" + d.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + ": ");
if (!serialPort1.IsOpen)
return Textbox_;
and I have the datareceived event enabled:
private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
var serialPort = (System.IO.Ports.SerialPort)sender;
string dataReceived = serialPort.ReadExisting();
and this is how I am processing the data, and manually "waiting" for the \n character which tells me when the data has been fully received.
private void ProcessSerialData(string data)
SerialRxBuffer += data;
if (SerialRxBuffer.Contains("\n"))
SerialRxCplt = true;
SerialRxResponse = SerialRxBuffer;
SerialRxBuffer = "";
SerialRxCplt = false;
any input is welcome.
I have added "stuff" for debugging inside that while loop and it does work fine for a while and then freezes, no error or exception is thrown there. For some reason I have a feeling it's not related to the serial port.
I have even added this:
if (!IsWriteComm_)
Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
while (!SerialRxCplt || Timer2StopWatchMilli > 5)
Timer2StopWatchMilli = stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
ExceptionMessage = Timer2StopWatchMilli.ToString();
IsException = true;
if (!SerialRxCplt)
return Textbox_;
Response_ = SerialRxResponse.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");
SerialRxCplt = false;
//Response_ = serialPort1.ReadLine().Replace("\r", "");
the ExceptionMessage and IsException help me have an idea of what's happening in that loop. And in normal operations, it is what you would except, increments in the order of 0.0x milliseconds. Data is being processed correctly. When it freezes, nothing looks abnormal. I initially thought I was somehow getting "stuck" in an infinite loop but that || Timer2StopWatchMilli > 5 should get me out of it, acting as some sort of timeout.
one extra piece of info: when it freezes, the one CPU core is fully loaded. (I have a 6core CPU, and it's 16-17% in the task manager - memory usage is low < 30MB)
Any help is welcome
I fixed it by clearing RX/TX and stream buffers after each successful transaction.
I think data was being sent to the PC faster than it was able to read causing data to eventually accumulating on the Rx Buffer.
private void SerialPortClearBuffers()

Quickfix/n - No event for connection timeout or host not found?

So I have a project where I need to create failover between two FIX quote hosts in case of failure.
The FixApplication (IApplication) OnLogout() is nice to hook an event to when a socket is dropped or you are logged out. This is simple. But this only works if the socket connection was successful to start off with.
If you start up the application and the host is down, no method is actually called for this anywhere. Not in IApplication, nor in the socket IInitiator. No error is thrown anywhere either, the QuickFix initiator will simply just silently retry.
I am using a Timer with a callback right now to manually poll every so often and check if Initiator IsLoggedOn() is false. Then triggering a failover.
But this is really clunky and not elegant.
Is there any other event or method I can hook into to receive the notice for socket network failures BEFORE a network connection and session is established successfully?
Timer t = new Timer(5000)
t.Elapsed += CheckSocketConnected;
private void CheckSocketConnected(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
var connected = socketInitiator.IsLoggedOn;
if (!connected)
Well, after realising the limitation of the QuickFix/N component, I would never receive any feedback from this library if the host was down.
My resolution was to just simply use the following piece of code to check if socket was open before starting the connection in QuickFix/n
bool IsPortOpen(string host, int port, TimeSpan timeout)
using(var client = new TcpClient())
var result = client.BeginConnect(host, port, null, null);
var success = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(timeout);
if (!success)
return false;
return false;
return true;

Azure Service Bus SubscriptionClient.OnMessage always completes message when it shouldnt

I am trying to receive all messages for a given subscription to a Service Bus Topic, but for the context of this app I do not want them dead lettered at this time, I just want to view them and leave them on the subscription. Despite instantiating the Client as
SubscriptionClient sc = SubscriptionClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, sub.topicName, sub.subscriptionName, ReceiveMode.PeekLock);
and making sure that I am using message.Abandon() rather than message.Complete() the message always gets Dead-lettered after accessing the message. I also have options.AutoComplete set to false
full method code below:
public List<ServiceBusMessage> RetrieveSubscriptionMessages(Subscription sub) {
ServiceBusMessage sbm;
List<ServiceBusMessage> list = new List<ServiceBusMessage>();
String connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString"].ToString();
SubscriptionClient sc = SubscriptionClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, sub.topicName, sub.subscriptionName, ReceiveMode.PeekLock);
OnMessageOptions options = new OnMessageOptions();
options.AutoComplete = false;
sc.OnMessage((message) => {
try {
sbm = new ServiceBusMessage() {
topicName = sub.topicName,
messageText = message.GetBody<String>()
catch (Exception) {
}, options);
return list;
Am I missing something ? Or is there an issue with auto dead-lettering with the onMessage() method?
Thanks !
When a message is abandoned the service bus will immediately make it available for re-delivery to any subscriber of the topic.
If you are trying to configure a multicast mechanism in which multiple listeners all receive the same message, then understand that all listeners on a given subscription will be competing for the same message. In order for every listener to receive its own copy of the message, then simply create a unique subscription to the topic for each listener.
If your intent is to delay re-delivery of the abandoned message, you might look at the SO question: What's the proper way to abandon an Azure SB Message so that it becomes visible again in the future in a way I can control?

WCF TimeoutException despite stepping through showing successful return

I have two self hosted services running on the same network. The first is sampling an excel sheet (or other sources, but for the moment this is the one I'm using to test) and sending updates to a subscribed client.
The second connects as a client to instances of the first client, optionally evaluates some formula on these inputs and the broadcasts the originals or the results as updates to a subscribed client in the same manner as the first. All of this is happening over a tcp binding.
My problem is occuring when the second service attempts to subscribe to two of the first service's feeds at once, as it would do if a new calculation is using two or more for the first time. I keep getting TimeoutExceptions which appear to be occuring when the second feed is subscribed to. I put a breakpoint in the called method on the first server and stepping through it, it is able to fully complete and return true back up the call stack, which indicates that the problem might be some annoying intricacy of WCF
The first service is running on port 8081 and this is the method that gets called:
public virtual bool Subscribe(int fid)
if (fid > -1 && _fieldNames.LeftContains(fid))
String sessionID = OperationContext.Current.SessionId;
Action<Object, IUpdate> toSub = MakeSend(OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel<ISubClient>(), sessionID);//Make a callback to the client's callback method to send the updates
if (!_callbackList.ContainsKey(fid))
_callbackList.Add(fid, new Dictionary<String, Action<Object, IUpdate>>());
_callbackList[fid][sessionID] = toSub;//add the callback method to the list of callback methods to call when this feed is updated
String field = GetItem(fid);//get the current stored value of that field
CheckChanged(fid, field);//add or update field, usually returns a bool if the value has changed but also updates the last value reference, used here to ensure there is a value to send
FireOne(toSub, this, MakeUpdate(fid, field));//sends an update so the subscribing service will have a first value
return true;
return false;
catch (Exception e)
Log(e);//report any errors before returning a failure
return false;
The second service is running on port 8082 and is failing in this method:
public int AddCalculation(string name, string input)
Calculation calc;
calc = new Calculation(_fieldNames, input, name);//Perform slow creation before locking - better wasted one thread than several blocked ones
catch (FormatException e)
throw Fault.MakeCalculationFault(e.Message);
lock (_calculations)
int id = nextID();
foreach (int fid in calc.Dependencies)
if (!_calculations.ContainsKey(fid))
lock (_fieldTracker)
DataRow row = _fieldTracker.Rows.Find(fid);
int uses = (int)(row[Uses]) + 1;//update uses of that feed
if (uses == 1){//if this is the first use of this field
SubServiceClient service = _services[(int)row[ServiceID]];//get the stored connection (as client) to that service
service.Subscribe((int)row[ServiceField]);//Failing here, but only on second call and not if subscribed to each seperately
catch (TimeoutException e)
throw Fault.MakeOperationFault(FaultType.NoItemFound, "Service could not be found");//can't be caught, if this timed out then outer connection timed out
_fieldTracker.Rows.Find(fid)[Uses] = uses;
return id;
catch (FormatException f)
throw Fault.MakeOperationFault(FaultType.InvalidInput, f.Message);
The ports these are on could change but are never shared. The tcp binding used is set up in code with these settings:
_tcpbinding = new NetTcpBinding();
_tcpbinding.PortSharingEnabled = false;
_tcpbinding.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.None;
This is in a common library to ensure they both have the same set up, which is also a reason why it is declared in code.
I have already tried altering the Service Throttling Behavior for more concurrent calls but that didn't work. It's commented out for now since it didn't work but for reference here's what I tried:
ServiceThrottlingBehavior stb = new ServiceThrottlingBehavior
MaxConcurrentCalls = 400,
MaxConcurrentSessions = 400,
MaxConcurrentInstances = 400
Has anyone had similar issues of methods working correctly but still timing out when sending back to the caller?
This was a difficult problem and from everything I could tell, it is an intricacy of WCF. It cannot handle one connection being reused very quickly in a loop.
It seems to lock up the socket connection, though trying to add GC.Collect() didn't free up whatever resources it was contesting.
In the end the only way I found to work was to create another connection to the same endpoint for each concurrent request and perform them on separate threads. Might not be the cleanest way but it was all that worked.
Something that might come in handy is that I used the svc trace viewer to monitor the WCF calls to try and track the problem, I found out how to use it from this article: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/17258/Debugging-WCF-Apps

How to create a TcpClient in C# that can recover from a lost network connection?

I am trying to write a TCP client thread that will connect to a server and continue to process data as it receives it. Sometimes the client will lose connection to the server. When the connection is re-established, the thread should resume/recover and automatically start processing data again. I can't seem to get this to work. The basic algorithm is below. My problem is that I just don't quite understand how the TcpClient behaves when the network connection is lost. How can I tell that the connection has been lost? Do I then need to close the connection? How do I reestablish the connection and continue on?
TcpClient _tcpClient;
IPEndPoint _ipEndPoint;
bool _cancelled = false;
bool _error = true;
while (!_cancelled)
_ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(_myAddress, _myPort);
_networkStream = _tcpClient.GetStream();
_error = false;
_data = new byte[10025];
_bytesRead = _networkStream.Read(_data, 0, (int)_tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize);
if(_bytesRead > 0)
...process the data...
_error = true;
_error = true;
catch(Exception ex)
...log error...
_error = true;
there is a Connected property on the TcpClient, but it is only updated when a Write or Read is executed on the NetworkStream.
I think you can just execute a Read(null,0,0) or Write(null,0,0) if you want to force a connectivity check. But in the example you have you can check the Connected or CanRead properties after your _networkStream.Read is completed.
As for reestablishing the link what you have will work. I would suggest Disposing of the old network stream before getting a new one. Something like this:
if(_networkStream != null)
_networkStream = _tcpClient.GetStream();
What I do is start a reconnect timer that will attempt to reconnect on a configured interval. Depending on the TcpHost your connecting to you may even want to start trying at a small interval 500-1000ms and increment is after a given number of failed retries so your not wasting a lot of time trying to connect to a host that is gone. Then after a max number of tries just give up unless the user explicitly requests to try again. But that also depends on what else your app is doing, if the connection is its sole purpose or if its just one piece.
The wrapper class I use to interact with TcpClient is around 700 lines of code and it handles reconnects, sending data as well as reading it. I work in a closed shop so i cant post it but if you have any other specific question I'd be happy to help.
Good luck.
