Cross-domain authentication MVC - c#

I have two different web application built with MVC. This two application may not be running in the same server nor in the same domain.
I would like that if a user login in one of them, automatically should be login in the other. The same should work with logout.
Which do you think is the best solution? Do you know about some example code?
Use case scenario:
The user has the web application A opened on a tab, and at some point of the app there is a link that redirects the user to the web application B. If he is logged in on A, I would like to show him the full page, and if he is not, redirect him to the login form.
Why I need to do it:
Applications A and B are already built. Apparently, the only way of accessing B is clicking on the link located in A, that only is shown if you have previously logged. The problem is that if you know the URL of some page of B (are long and complex, but still) you can write it on the browser and access B, which it means a security problem.

My Answer may not be the the best one, However you can use some tricky mechanism like
whenever you are going on another application you need to pass one token from application A to B.
Validate this token on B site.
and Authorized that user based on token. (i mean apply silent or backdoor login)

I assume you cannot communicate between applications A and B using any shared store. (This could allow some shared session implementation).
The more industry standard way (OpenID Connect) of doing that is like some of the other answers have hinted at. I will try and give more details to get you on the right track.
Both application A and B should relay the authentication process to a trusted 3rd party (which could be hosted in withe A, B or a different application altogether) - Let's call it C
When the user arrives at either A or B (no matter that B has weird complicated URLs, she can always bookmark those) his request should contain an authorization token. If it doesn't, she is not authenticated and would be redirected to C and presented with some login mechanism - say user/pass form.
After successful login, she is redirected back to A/B (depending on where she came from) to complete what ever she was doing with the authentication token. Now, having the authentication token present she is authenticated.
If she is authenticated with A and then redirected to B, this redirect should contain the token as well, B would know how to trust that token.
Now, If he just opens opens up a new tab, B would not see any token, and so she would be redirected to C, only to be redirected back (she is already authenticated, remember?) to B with the token, and now all is good.
What I described is a common flow using OpenID connect, and if using .net, I really suggest using IdentityServer from Thinktecture to do the hard work for you and be your "C".
Another option, is to pay for such "C" hosted as a SaaS application - check out Auth0

You can implement OAuth in A Project. You can get more help here:

OWIN OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server

I think what you are after is CAS (Central Authentication Service)
there are numbers of CAS provider available. I would recommend you to check this out
it will give you number of out-of-the-box solutions exist to enable
web services written in a specific language, or based on a framework,
to use CAS. This will help you implement a SSO solution in
a matter of hours

Thanks to the answer of #Kaushik Thanki I have implemented some code that fix my problem. I will post here the solution that it works for me, even if it is not the optimus.
First of all, I have implemented in A a method to make a Post request to B. Inside this method I take the id of the user and I make a hash of it with some other parameter and passwords. Then, I send to B the user id, the hash, and a boolean to choose between login and logout.
private void SendPostRequest(bool login)
// Create the combine string
string data = // userId combined with more stuff
// Create the hash of the combine string
HashAlgorithm algorithm = MD5.Create();
byte[] hash = algorithm.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (byte b in hash)
string encriptedData = sb.ToString();
// Fill the url with the path and the data
string url = "http://localhost/xxx/yyy/ExternalAuthentication/Login?id=" + _cachedCustomer.Id + "&hash=" + encriptedData + "&login=" + login.ToString();
// Make the Post request
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Stream resStream = response.GetResponseStream();
After it, I have created in B a new class to handle the login logic. I have use a HttpContext.Current.Application variable to store the status of the authentication:
public class ExternalAuthenticationController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult Login(string id, string hash, string login)
// Create the combine string
string data = //user id + same stuff than in A;
// Create the hash of the combine string
HashAlgorithm algorithm = MD5.Create();
byte[] hashArray = algorithm.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (byte b in hashArray)
string originalHash = sb.ToString();
// Compare the two hash. If they are the same, create the variable
if (hash.CompareTo(originalHash) == 0)
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["Auth"] == null)
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["Auth"] = false;
if (Convert.ToBoolean(login))
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["Auth"] = true;
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["Auth"] = false;
Probably, the answer provided by #vijay shiyani is better and more generalistic, but from my point of view it requires a lot of time to implement it.


Publishing tweets from C# Windows service using Tweetinvi or similar

I am looking into publishing some service status updates on Twitter using Tweetinvi, which seems like a good library for doing that sort of thing, but I am just starting out looking into this so using it is not set in stone.
However, one thing my research has not yielded yet, is an obvious way to handle Twitter authentication in what is essentially a headless service. I have created an app with Twitter, so I have my consumer key and secret, and I can do the "app only" auth to request user info, get their followers etc., but of course I have no right to publish tweets.
So my ambition is (once this is out of beta) to create a proper twitter account, somehow have the service authenticate towards that account, and then publish status updates from the general service at defined intervals. It is a fairly simple idea.
Of course, I can do something like the PIN based authentication mentioned here:
I can run that manually, get the PIN code, and proceed with the workflow. But will this require reauthentication at regular intervals, or will it basically be valid "forever"? I am looking for a way to make this as automatic as possible, and having to redo the auth every x hours is a huge dent in this dream, if not a showstopper.
Of course I will have the password for the twitter account used to publish statuses, but I don't see a way to do a good old fashioned login without manual user intervention - what options do I have?
This behavior is by design. Twitter uses OAuth, which is a protocol with the purpose of allowing a user to authorize an application. This is good for the user because otherwise, you or anyone else can perform actions on their behalf without them knowing.
With that in mind, the only way to do this is to have the user explicitly authorize your app. Here's an example of how to do this with LINQ to Twitter, which I wrote, using ASP.NET MVC. When the user visit's your page, you can have a button that re-directs them to the OAuthController below to the BeginAsync action.
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using LinqToTwitter;
namespace MvcDemo.Controllers
public class OAuthController : AsyncController
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public async Task<ActionResult> BeginAsync()
//var auth = new MvcSignInAuthorizer
var auth = new MvcAuthorizer
CredentialStore = new SessionStateCredentialStore
ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"],
ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"]
string twitterCallbackUrl = Request.Url.ToString().Replace("Begin", "Complete");
return await auth.BeginAuthorizationAsync(new Uri(twitterCallbackUrl));
public async Task<ActionResult> CompleteAsync()
var auth = new MvcAuthorizer
CredentialStore = new SessionStateCredentialStore()
await auth.CompleteAuthorizeAsync(Request.Url);
// This is how you access credentials after authorization.
// The oauthToken and oauthTokenSecret do not expire.
// You can use the userID to associate the credentials with the user.
// You can save credentials any way you want - database,
// isolated storage, etc. - it's up to you.
// You can retrieve and load all 4 credentials on subsequent
// queries to avoid the need to re-authorize.
// When you've loaded all 4 credentials, LINQ to Twitter will let
// you make queries without re-authorizing.
//var credentials = auth.CredentialStore;
//string oauthToken = credentials.OAuthToken;
//string oauthTokenSecret = credentials.OAuthTokenSecret;
//string screenName = credentials.ScreenName;
//ulong userID = credentials.UserID;
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
After the user authorizes your application, Twitter redirects them back to the CompleteAsync method. Notice the comments on how to extract values from the auth.CredentialStore. Save those in your DB and then retrieve them in your service to make calls on the user's behalf.
Those credentials don't change, but the user can possibly de-authorize your application at some time in the future - at which time you'll need to get them to authorize again. You can get the entire sample code at the LINQ to Twitter ASP.NET Samples page.

Google Data API Authorization Redirect URI Mismatch

I am wanting to write a small, personal web app in .NET Core 1.1 to interact with YouTube and make some things easier for me to do and I am following the tutorials/samples in Google's YouTube documentation. Sounds simple enough, right? ;)
Authenticating with Google's APIs seems impossible! I have done the following:
Created an account in the Google Developer Console
Created a new project in the Google Developer Console
Created a Web Application OAuth Client ID and added my Web App debug URI to the list of approved redirect URIs
Saved the json file provided after generating the OAuth Client ID to my system
In my application, my debug server url is set (and when my application launches in debug, it's using the url I set which is
However, when I attempt to authenticate with Google's APIs, I recieve the following error:
That’s an error.
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request,,
does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client.
So now, for the problem. The only thing I can find when searching for a solution for this is people that say
just put the redirect URI in your approved redirect URIs
Unfortunately, the issue is that every single time my code attempts to authenticate with Google's APIs, the redirect URI it is using changes (the port changes even though I set a static port in the project's properties). I cannot seem to find a way to get it to use a static port. Any help or information would be awesome!
NOTE: Please don't say things like "why don't you just do it this other way that doesn't answer your question at all".
The code
"web": {
"client_id": "[MY_CLIENT_ID]",
"project_id": "[MY_PROJECT_ID]",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_secret": "[MY_CLIENT_SECRET]",
"redirect_uris": [
Method That Is Attempting to Use API
public async Task<IActionResult> Test()
string ClientIdPath = #"C:\Path\To\My\client_id.json";
UserCredential credential;
using (var stream = new FileStream(ClientIdPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
credential = await GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(
new[] { YouTubeService.Scope.YoutubeReadonly },
new FileDataStore(this.GetType().ToString())
var youtubeService = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = this.GetType().ToString()
var channelsListRequest = youtubeService.Channels.List("contentDetails");
channelsListRequest.Mine = true;
// Retrieve the contentDetails part of the channel resource for the authenticated user's channel.
var channelsListResponse = await channelsListRequest.ExecuteAsync();
return Ok(channelsListResponse);
Project Properties
The Original Answer works, but it is NOT the best way to do this for an ASP.NET Web Application. See the update below for a better way to handle the flow for an ASP.NET Web Application.
Original Answer
So, I figured this out. The issue is that Google thinks of a web app as a JavaScript based web application and NOT a web app with server side processing. Thus, you CANNOT create a Web Application OAuth Client ID in the Google Developer Console for a server based web application.
The solution is to select the type Other when creating an OAuth Client ID in the Google Developer Console. This will have Google treat it as an installed application and NOT a JavaScript application, thus not requiring a redirect URI to handle the callback.
It's somewhat confusing as Google's documentation for .NET tells you to create a Web App OAuth Client ID.
Feb 16, 2018 Updated Better Answer:
I wanted to provide an update to this answer. Though, what I said above works, this is NOT the best way to implement the OAuth workflow for a ASP.NET solution. There is a better way which actually uses a proper OAuth 2.0 flow. Google's documentation is terrible in regards to this (especially for .NET), so I'll provide a simple implementation example here. The sample is using ASP.NET core, but it's easily adapted to the full .NET framework :)
Note: Google does have a Google.Apis.Auth.MVC package to help simplifiy this OAuth 2.0 flow, but unfortunately it's coupled to a specific MVC implementation and does not work for ASP.NET Core or Web API. So, I wouldn't use it. The example I'll be giving will work for ALL ASP.NET applications. This same code flow can be used for any of the Google APIs you've enabled as it's dependent on the scopes you are requesting.
Also, I am assuming you have your application set up in your Google Developer dashboard. That is to say that you have created an application, enabled the necessary YouTube APIs, created a Web Application Client, and set your allowed redirect urls properly.
The flow will work like this:
The user clicks a button (e.g. Add YouTube)
The View calls a method on the Controller to obtain an Authorization URL
On the controller method, we ask Google to give us an Authorization URL based on our client credentials (the ones created in the Google Developer Dashboard) and provide Google with a Redirect URL for our application (this Redirect URL must be in your list of accepted Redirect URLs for your Google Application)
Google gives us back an Authorization URL
We redirect the user to that Authorization URL
User grants our application access
Google gives our application back a special access code using the Redirect URL we provided Google on the request
We use that access code to get the Oauth tokens for the user
We save the Oauth tokens for the user
You need the following NuGet Packages
The Model
public class ExampleModel
public bool UserHasYoutubeToken { get; set; }
The Controller
public class ExampleController : Controller
// I'm assuming you have some sort of service that can read users from and update users to your database
private IUserService userService;
public ExampleController(IUserService userService)
this.userService = userService;
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
var userId = // Get your user's ID however you get it
// I'm assuming you have some way of knowing if a user has an access token for YouTube or not
var userHasToken = this.userService.UserHasYoutubeToken(userId);
var model = new ExampleModel { UserHasYoutubeToken = userHasToken }
return View(model);
// This is a method we'll use to obtain the authorization code flow
private AuthorizationCodeFlow GetGoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(params string[] scopes)
var clientIdPath = #"C:\Path\To\My\client_id.json";
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(clientIdPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
var clientSecrets = GoogleClientSecrets.Load(stream).Secrets;
var initializer = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer { ClientSecrets = clientSecrets, Scopes = scopes };
var googleAuthorizationCodeFlow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(initializer);
return googleAuthorizationCodeFlow;
// This is a route that your View will call (we'll call it using JQuery)
public async Task<string> GetAuthorizationUrl()
// First, we need to build a redirect url that Google will use to redirect back to the application after the user grants access
var protocol = Request.IsHttps ? "https" : "http";
var redirectUrl = $"{protocol}://{Request.Host}/{Url.Action(nameof(this.GetYoutubeAuthenticationToken)).TrimStart('/')}";
// Next, let's define the scopes we'll be accessing. We are requesting YouTubeForceSsl so we can manage a user's YouTube account.
var scopes = new[] { YouTubeService.Scope.YoutubeForceSsl };
// Now, let's grab the AuthorizationCodeFlow that will generate a unique authorization URL to redirect our user to
var googleAuthorizationCodeFlow = this.GetGoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(scopes);
var codeRequestUrl = googleAuthorizationCodeFlow.CreateAuthorizationCodeRequest(redirectUrl);
codeRequestUrl.ResponseType = "code";
// Build the url
var authorizationUrl = codeRequestUrl.Build();
// Give it back to our caller for the redirect
return authorizationUrl;
public async Task<IActionResult> GetYoutubeAuthenticationToken([FromQuery] string code)
This means the user canceled and did not grant us access. In this case, there will be a query parameter
on the request URL called 'error' that will have the error message. You can handle this case however.
Here, we'll just not do anything, but you should write code to handle this case however your application
needs to.
// The userId is the ID of the user as it relates to YOUR application (NOT their Youtube Id).
// This is the User ID that you assigned them whenever they signed up or however you uniquely identify people using your application
var userId = // Get your user's ID however you do (whether it's on a claim or you have it stored in session or somewhere else)
// We need to build the same redirect url again. Google uses this for validaiton I think...? Not sure what it's used for
// at this stage, I just know we need it :)
var protocol = Request.IsHttps ? "https" : "http";
var redirectUrl = $"{protocol}://{Request.Host}/{Url.Action(nameof(this.GetYoutubeAuthenticationToken)).TrimStart('/')}";
// Now, let's ask Youtube for our OAuth token that will let us do awesome things for the user
var scopes = new[] { YouTubeService.Scope.YoutubeForceSsl };
var googleAuthorizationCodeFlow = this.GetYoutubeAuthorizationCodeFlow(scopes);
var token = await googleAuthorizationCodeFlow.ExchangeCodeForTokenAsync(userId, code, redirectUrl, CancellationToken.None);
// Now, you need to store this token in rlation to your user. So, however you save your user data, just make sure you
// save the token for your user. This is the token you'll use to build up the UserCredentials needed to act on behalf
// of the user.
var tokenJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(token);
await this.userService.SaveUserToken(userId, tokenJson);
// Now that we've got access to the user's YouTube account, let's get back
// to our application :)
return RedirectToAction(nameof(this.Index));
The View
#using YourApplication.Controllers
#model YourApplication.Models.ExampleModel
<p>YAY! We have access to your YouTube account!</p>
<button id="addYoutube">Add YouTube</button>
$(document).ready(function () {
var addYoutubeUrl = '#Url.Action(nameof(ExampleController.GetAuthorizationUrl))';
// When the user clicks the 'Add YouTube' button, we'll call the server
// to get the Authorization URL Google built for us, then redirect the
// user to it.
$('#addYoutube').click(function () {
$.post(addYoutubeUrl, function (result) {
if (result) {
window.location.href = result;
As referred here, you need to specify a fix port for the ASP.NET development server like How to fix a port number in asp.NET development server and add this url with the fix port to the allowed urls. Also as stated in this thread, when your browser redirects the user to Google's oAuth page, you should be passing as a parameter the redirect URI you want Google's server to return to with the token response.
I noticed that there is easy non-programmatic way around.
If you have typical monotlith application built in typical MS convention(so not compatible with 12factor and typical DDD) there is an option to tell your Proxy WWW server to rewrite all requests from HTTP to HTTPS so even if you have set up Web App on http://localhost:5000 and then added in Google API url like:, it will work perfectly and it is not that bas because it is much safer to set up main WWW to rewrite all to HTTPS.
It is not very good practice I guess however it makes sense and does the job.
I've struggled with this issue for hours in a .net Core application. What finally fixed it for me was, in the Google developers console, to create and use a credential for "Desktop app" instead of a "Web application".
Yeah!! Using credentials of desktop app instead of web app worked for me fine. It took me more than 2 days to figure out this problem. The main problem is that google auth library dose not adding or supporting http://localhost:8000 as redirect uri for web app creds but credentials of desktop app fixed that issue. Cause its supporting http://___ connection instead of https: connection for redirect uri

Impersonation, Active Directory, and "user does not have authority to xxxx" issues

I have 2 ASP.NET MVC 3 applications. I am using impersonation via the web.config to allow me to query Active Directory to get details on the user. The application uses Windows authentication and does not allow anonymous users. One application is the primary application where the user performs their tasks. The other allows the user to set up other user's to look like them in application one.
The test user's are getting the following error:
SQL1092N "<DOMAIN ID>" does not have the authority to perform the requested command.
This happens after I send a web request from my primary application to the secondary one. To get that working I had to make the request impersonate the actual user and not the identity the application uses for impersonation. This is actually an SO question I posted and had answered. That's here: How do I call an MVC Action via a WebRequest and validate the request through Active Directory?
At the end of that code, I call:
It is after this web request takes place, that the primary application tries accessing the database and now it seems that the above call has undone the impersonation of the application, so the user's attempt to do anything that opens a database connection fails. At least, that's my working theory after a day of head bashing.
My question is, how can I get the impersonation of the application to revert back to the user in the web.config? Or, when making my web request, is there a way to ensure the impersonation context only applies to that request?
The whole point of all of this is that the second application has its own sql server database. The primary application uses DB2. I would like to write the database access code once, but use it in both applications. Currently that's what I've done, but my method of relying on the web request to get the data may not be the best approach.
I'm open to any thoughts, comments, suggestions, and/or criticism. How should I go about handling this? theory that the IPrincipal context was changed when making the web request proved accurate, which made this fix extremely easy. Best part is, I can keep using the api I built to make this request without duplicating the Sql Server Entity Framework parts.
I have the following call to my api library:
proxyRequestResultDetails = ProxyApiWrapper.GetProxies(
This code is being called by an authorization filter attribute. The method prototype looks like
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
Internally, the call makes the GetProxies method following call:
public static StreamReader GetWebRequestStream(
string url,
string contentType,
bool useDefaultCredentials,
IPrincipal user)
var impersonationContext = ((WindowsIdentity)user.Identity).Impersonate();
var request = WebRequest.Create(url);
request.ContentType = contentType;
//request.ImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
//request.UseDefaultCredentials = useDefaultCredentials;
//IWebProxy p = new WebProxy();
//request.Proxy = p.
request.AuthenticationLevel = System.Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel.MutualAuthRequested;
request.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
return new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
When the calling method returns, the identity of user is no longer that of the one set for the application to
impersonate. The fix is pretty simple:
//Track current identity before proxy call
IPrincipal user = context.User;
proxyRequestResultDetails = ProxyApiWrapper.GetProxies(
//Undo any impersonating done in the GetProxies call
context.User = user;
2 lines of code resolved 12 hours of head ache. It could have been worse. Anyhow. Thanks for being a sounding board. I tried
having this conversion with the duck, but the duck got confused.

Is validating a Realm sufficient security?

I'm working on an OpenId Provider for an SSO setup - it's basically a web application portal that shares credentials with any of the "applications" the user has access to. I have the Provider set up and everything is working fine, but I have a question about security.
I want to do some permissions checking on the Provider before it sends a positive assertion to the RP; namely that the user actually has permissions to the application which is making the request.
Here's the Provider code I've got at the moment (just a snippet, can add more if necessary):
private bool AutoRespondIfPossible(out ActionResult response)
if (ProviderEndpoint.PendingRequest.IsReturnUrlDiscoverable(OpenIdProvider.Channel.WebRequestHandler) == RelyingPartyDiscoveryResult.Success
&& User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && this.RealmIsValid(ProviderEndpoint.PendingAuthenticationRequest.Realm)) {
if (ProviderEndpoint.PendingAuthenticationRequest != null) {
if (ProviderEndpoint.PendingAuthenticationRequest.IsDirectedIdentity
|| this.UserControlsIdentifier(ProviderEndpoint.PendingAuthenticationRequest)) {
ProviderEndpoint.PendingAuthenticationRequest.IsAuthenticated = true;
response = this.SendAssertion();
return true;
//we don't want anon requests
if (ProviderEndpoint.PendingAnonymousRequest != null) {
ProviderEndpoint.PendingAnonymousRequest.IsApproved = false;
response = this.SendAssertion();
return true;
response = null;
return false;
Basically what I'm doing is validating that the realm of the request (in the RealmIsValid method) matches to a hostname in my list of acceptable hostnames, and then I'm comparing the user permissions based on the hostname.
What I'm wondering is: How accurate is ProviderEndpoint.PendingAuthenticationRequest.Realm? If I understand correctly, the realm is set by the relying party - is it possible that the endpoint could receive a request from a URI other than the realm specified in that request? Or am I safe to assume that the realm will always be accurate (that is: match the URI of the relying party)?
Yes, the OpenID realm is reliable, due to two steps OpenID 2.0 and DotNetOpenAuth takes:
The OpenID return_to URL must be a derivative of the realm URL. So while anyone can formulate an OpenID request as if it came from any relying party, the alleged relying party will always be the one to actually receive the response, so an attacker operating another RP will not get the response.
Some "open redirector" attacks might allow the attacker to use a return_to URI that is based on a legitimate Realm URL, but happens to be a URL that will redirect to the attacker's web site, thus delivering the assertion to the attacker. This is mitigated by "RP Discovery" which your code snippet includes with its call to the IsReturnUrlDiscoverable method. The RP should explicitly list the allowed return_to URLs in its RP Discovery XRDS document, so that open redirector endpoints are not allowed.
That all said, OpenID is mostly about identifying the user -- not authorizing them to specific RPs. So while what you're doing may be fine, it's a bit off the beaten track for OpenID use, so please consider the security implications carefully (as it sounds like you're doing now).

OAuth authentication without browser [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a .NET-based client app (in WPF - although for the time being I'm just doing it as a console app) to integrate with an OAuth-enabled application, specifically Mendeley (, which apparently uses 3-legged OAuth.
This is my first time using OAuth, and I'm having a lot of difficulty getting started with it. I've found several .NET OAuth libraries or helpers, but they seem to be more complicated than I think I need. All I want to do is be able to issue REST requests to the Mendeley API and get responses back!
So far, I've tried:
The first (DotNetOpenAuth) seems like it could possibly do what I needed if I spent hours and hours trying to work out how. The second and third, as best I can tell, don't support the verification codes that Mendeley is sending back -- although I could be wrong about this :)
I've got a consumer key and secret from Mendeley, and with DotNetOpenAuth I managed to get a browser launched with the Mendeley page providing a verification code for the user to enter into the application. However, at this point I got lost and couldn't work out how to sensibly provide that back to the application.
I'm very willing to admit that I have no idea where to start with this (although it seems like there's quite a steep learning curve) - if anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it!
I agree with you. The open-source OAuth support classes available for .NET apps are hard to understand, overly complicated (how many methods are exposed by DotNetOpenAuth?), poorly designed (look at the methods with 10 string parameters in the OAuthBase.cs module from that google link you provided - there's no state management at all), or otherwise unsatisfactory.
It doesn't need to be this complicated.
I'm not an expert on OAuth, but I have produced an OAuth client-side manager class, that I use successfully with Twitter and TwitPic. It's relatively simple to use. It's open source and available here: Oauth.cs
For review, in OAuth 1.0a...kinda funny, there's a special name and it looks like a "standard" but as far as I know the only service that implements "OAuth 1.0a" is Twitter. I guess that's standard enough. ok, anyway in OAuth 1.0a, the way it works for desktop apps is this:
You, the developer of the app, register the app and get a "consumer key" and "consumer secret". On Arstechnica, there's a well written analysis of why this model isn't the best, but as they say, it is what it is.
Your app runs. The first time it runs, it needs to get the user to explicitly grant approval for the app to make oauth-authenticated REST requests to Twitter and its sister services (like TwitPic). To do this you must go through an approval process, involving explicit approval by the user. This happens only the first time the app runs. Like this:
request a "request token". Aka temporary token.
pop a web page, passing that request token as a query param. This web page presents UI to the user, asking "do you want to grant access to this app?"
the user logs in to the twitter web page, and grants or denies access.
the response html page appears. If the user has granted access, there's a PIN displayed in a 48-pt font
the user now needs to cut/paste that pin into a windows form box, and click "Next" or something similar.
the desktop app then does an oauth-authenticated request for an "Access token". Another REST request.
the desktop app receives the "access token" and "access secret".
After the approval dance, the desktop app can just use the user-specific "access token" and "access secret" (along with the app-specific "consumer key" and "consumer secret") to do authenticated requests on behalf of the user to Twitter. These don't expire, although if the user de-authorizes the app, or if Twitter for some reason de-authorizes your app, or if you lose your access token and/or secret, you'd need to do the approval dance again.
If you're not clever, the UI flow can sort of mirror the multi-step OAuth message flow. There is a better way.
Use a WebBrowser control, and open the authorize web page within the desktop app. When the user clicks "Allow", grab the response text from that WebBrowser control, extract the PIN automatically, then get the access tokens. You send 5 or 6 HTTP requests but the user needs to see only a single Allow/Deny dialog. Simple.
Like this:
If you've got the UI sorted, the only challenge that remains is to produce oauth-signed requests. This trips up lots of people because the oauth signing requirements are sort of particular. That's what the simplified OAuth Manager class does.
Example code to request a token:
var oauth = new OAuth.Manager();
// the URL to obtain a temporary "request token"
var rtUrl = "";
oauth["consumer_key"] = MY_APP_SPECIFIC_KEY;
oauth["consumer_secret"] = MY_APP_SPECIFIC_SECRET;
oauth.AcquireRequestToken(rtUrl, "POST");
THAT'S IT. Simple. As you can see from the code, the way to get to oauth parameters is via a string-based indexer, something like a dictionary. The AcquireRequestToken method sends an oauth-signed request to the URL of the service that grants request tokens, aka temporary tokens. For Twitter, this URL is "". The oauth spec says you need to pack up the set of oauth parameters (token, token_secret, nonce, timestamp, consumer_key, version, and callback), in a certain way (url-encoded and joined by ampersands), and in a lexicographically-sorted order, generate a signature on that result, then pack up those same parameters along with the signature, stored in the new oauth_signature parameter, in a different way (joined by commas). The OAuth manager class does this for you automatically. It generates nonces and timestamps and versions and signatures automatically - your app doesn't need to care or be aware of that stuff. Just set the oauth parameter values and make a simple method call. the manager class sends out the request and parses the response for you.
Ok, then what? Once you get the request token, you pop the web browser UI in which the user will explicitly grant approval. If you do it right, you'll pop this in an embedded browser. For Twitter, the URL for this is "" with the oauth_token appended. Do this in code like so:
var url = SERVICE_SPECIFIC_AUTHORIZE_URL_STUB + oauth["token"];
webBrowser1.Url = new Uri(url);
(If you were doing this in an external browser you'd use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(url).)
Setting the Url property causes the WebBrowser control to navigate to that page automatically.
When the user clicks the "Allow" button a new page will be loaded. It's an HTML form and it works the same as in a full browser. In your code, register a handler for the DocumentedCompleted event of the WebBrowser control, and in that handler, grab the pin:
var divMarker = "<div id=\"oauth_pin\">"; // the div for twitter's oauth pin
var index = webBrowser1.DocumentText.LastIndexOf(divMarker) + divMarker.Length;
var snip = web1.DocumentText.Substring(index);
var pin = RE.Regex.Replace(snip,"(?s)[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*", "$1").Trim();
That's a bit of HTML screen scraping.
After grabbing the pin, you don't need the web browser any more, so:
webBrowser1.Visible = false; // all done with the web UI
...and you might want to call Dispose() on it as well.
The next step is getting the access token, by sending another HTTP message along with that pin. This is another signed oauth call, constructed with the oauth ordering and formatting I described above. But once again this is really simple with the OAuth.Manager class:
For Twitter, that URL is "".
Now you have access tokens, and you can use them in signed HTTP requests. Like this:
var authzHeader = oauth.GenerateAuthzHeader(url, "POST");
...where url is the resource endpoint. To update the user's status, it would be "".
Then set that string into the HTTP Header named Authorization.
To interact with third-party services, like TwitPic, you need to construct a slightly different OAuth header, like this:
var authzHeader = oauth.GenerateCredsHeader(URL_VERIFY_CREDS,
For Twitter, the values for the verify creds url and realm are "", and "" respectively.
...and put that authorization string in an HTTP header called X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization. Then send that to your service, like TwitPic, along with whatever request you're sending.
That's it.
All together, the code to update twitter status might be something like this:
// the URL to obtain a temporary "request token"
var rtUrl = "";
var oauth = new OAuth.Manager();
// The consumer_{key,secret} are obtained via registration
oauth["consumer_key"] = "~~~CONSUMER_KEY~~~~";
oauth["consumer_secret"] = "~~~CONSUMER_SECRET~~~";
oauth.AcquireRequestToken(rtUrl, "POST");
var authzUrl = "" + oauth["token"];
// here, should use a WebBrowser control.
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(authzUrl); // example only!
// instruct the user to type in the PIN from that browser window
var pin = "...";
var atUrl = "";
oauth.AcquireAccessToken(atUrl, "POST", pin);
// now, update twitter status using that access token
var appUrl = "";
var authzHeader = oauth.GenerateAuthzHeader(appUrl, "POST");
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(appUrl);
request.Method = "POST";
request.PreAuthenticate = true;
request.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = true;
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", authzHeader);
using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
MessageBox.Show("There's been a problem trying to tweet:" +
Environment.NewLine +
OAuth 1.0a is sort of complicated under the covers, but using it doesn't need to be.
The OAuth.Manager handles the generation of outgoing oauth requests, and the receiving and processing of oauth content in the responses. When the Request_token request gives you an oauth_token, your app doesn't need to store it. The Oauth.Manager is smart enough to do that automatically. Likewise when the access_token request gets back an access token and secret, you don't need to explicitly store those. The OAuth.Manager handles that state for you.
In subsequent runs, when you already have the access token and secret, you can instantiate the OAuth.Manager like this:
var oauth = new OAuth.Manager();
oauth["consumer_key"] = CONSUMER_KEY;
oauth["consumer_secret"] = CONSUMER_SECRET;
oauth["token"] = your_stored_access_token;
oauth["token_secret"] = your_stored_access_secret;
...and then generate authorization headers as above.
// now, update twitter status using that access token
var appUrl = "";
var authzHeader = oauth.GenerateAuthzHeader(appUrl, "POST");
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(appUrl);
request.Method = "POST";
request.PreAuthenticate = true;
request.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = true;
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", authzHeader);
using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
MessageBox.Show("There's been a problem trying to tweet:" +
Environment.NewLine +
You can download a DLL containing the OAuth.Manager class here. There is also a helpfile in that download. Or you can view the helpfile online.
See an example of a Windows Form that uses this manager here.
Download a working example of a command-line tool that uses the class and technique described here:
