EDIT 4: "From" seems to be a reserved word in NLog. Changing it "FromID" worked. this is an awesome way to pass variables to NLog and still keep your code clean !!!! THANK MIKE!!!
EDIT 3. I really like this idea.:
Implemented a helper class as Mike suggested below:
public class NLogHelper
// Class Properties
private Logger m_logger;
private Dictionary<string, object> m_properties;
// Constructor
public NLogHelper(Logger logger)
m_logger = logger;
m_properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();
// Setting Logger properties per instancce
public void Set(string key, object value)
m_properties.Add(key, value);
// Loggers
public void Debug(string format, params object[] args)
.Message(format, args)
and in my main code, I have:
private NLogHelper m_logger;
public void Start()
m_logger = new NLogHelper(LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger());
m_logger.Set("From", "QRT123"); // Class setting.
m_logger.Debug("Hello ");
And the target set in the config file as follows:
<target xsi:type="File"
name ="LogFile" fileName="C:\QRT\Logs\QRTLog-${shortdate}.log"
layout ="${date}|${level}|${event-properties:item=From}|${message} "/>
But the output has a BLANK in the place of the 'from' property ???
So I'm ALMOST THERE... but it does not seem to work??
I am now trying to create my own version of the NLog call:
private void Log_Debug (string Message)
LogEventInfo theEvent = new LogEventInfo(LogLevel.Debug, "What is this?", Message);
theEvent.Properties["EmployeeID"] = m_employeeID;
The issue is that I have to format the string for the calls (but a huge performance deal)... but this seems like a hack??
Ideally, I would declare properties in the custom layout renderer and instead of setting those properties in the configuration file, each instance of my class would have the property set... something like [ID = m_ID] for the whole class. This way whenever a NLog is called from that class, the ID property is set and NLog's custom layout renderer can use this property to output it. Am I making sense??
I'm new to NLog and have been looking at custom renderers.
Basically, my goal is to have my log statements be:
_logger.Debug ("My Name is {0}", "Ed", ID=87);
and I'd like my rendered to be something like:
layout = ${ID} ${date} ${Level} ${Message}
That's it. ${ID} can have a default value of 0. fine. But ideally, I'd like every call to have the ability to specify an ID without needing to have 3 lines everytime I want to log.
I've seen custom renderers allowing me to customize what I output but i'm not sure how I can customize the properties I pass to it without
https://github.com/NLog/NLog/wiki/Extending%20NLog shows how I can add properties but I don't know how to call them.
Also, https://github.com/NLog/NLog/wiki/Event-Context-Layout-Renderer shows how I can set custom properties but that involved the creation of a LogEventInfo object every time I want to log something.
Nlog Custom layoutrenderer shows how to customize the output.. again... not how to customize the inputs.
This is for a Console app in C# targeting .NET 4.0 using VS2013
Event properties (used to be called event-context) would be the built-in way to do what you want. If you are using NLog 3.2+ you can use the fluent api, which may be a bit more appealing than creating LogEventInfo objects. You can access this api by by using the namespace NLog.Fluent.
Your layout would then be defined like this:
${event-properties:item=ID} ${date} ${Level} ${Message}
Then using the fluent api, log like this:
.Message("My name is {0}", "Ed")
.Property("ID", 87)
Other than setting properties per event as above, the only other option would be to set properties per thread using MDC or MDLS.
NLog dosen't have a way (that I have found) of setting per-logger properties. Internally, NLog caches Logger instances by logger name, but does not guarantee that the same instance of Logger will always be returned for a given logger name. So for example if you call LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger() in the constructor of your class, most of the time you will get back the same instance of Logger for all instances of your class. In which case, you would not be able to have separate values on your logger, per instance of your class.
Perhaps you could create a logging helper class that you can instantiate in your class. The helper class can be initialized with per-instance property values to be logged with every message. The helper class would also provide convenience methods to log messages as above, but with one line of code. Something like this:
// Example of a class that needs to use logging
public class MyClass
private LoggerHelper _logger;
public MyClass(int id)
_logger = new LoggerHelper(LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger());
// Per-instance values
_logger.Set("ID", id);
public void DoStuff()
_logger.Debug("My name is {0}", "Ed");
// Example of a "stateful" logger
public class LoggerHelper
private Logger _logger;
private Dictionary<string, object> _properties;
public LoggerHelper(Logger logger)
_logger = logger;
_properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();
public void Set(string key, object value)
_properties.Add(key, value);
public void Debug(string format, params object[] args)
.Message(format, args)
This would work with the same layout as above.
NLog 4.5 supports structured logging using message templates:
logger.Info("Logon by {user} from {ip_address}", "Kenny", "");
See also https://github.com/NLog/NLog/wiki/How-to-use-structured-logging
See also https://github.com/NLog/NLog.Extensions.Logging/wiki/NLog-properties-with-Microsoft-Extension-Logging
Use MDLC Layout Renderer
MappedDiagnosticsLogicalContext.Set("PropertyName", "PropertyValue");
In your nlog config:
${mdlc:item=PropertyName} ${mdlc:item=PropertyName2}
I had 6 variables I wanted to send to structured logging in multiple places (so when I get a user report I can search the log database on our key id fields). I created a logging scope class that leverages the MDLC. So it should be thread safe, work with async/await code and be 3 lines of code for 6 variables everywhere used.
public class MyClassLoggingScope : IDisposable
private readonly List<IDisposable> context;
public MyClassLoggingScope(MyClass varSource)
this.context = new List<IDisposable>
MappedDiagnosticsLogicalContext.SetScoped("Var1", varSource.Var1)
// list all scoped logging context variables
public void Dispose()
foreach (IDisposable disposable in this.context)
using (new MyClassLoggingScope(this))
// do the things that may cause logging somewhere in the stack
Then as flux earlier suggested, in the logging config you can use ${mdlc:item=Var1}
This is propably not the best way to do this and not even thread safe but a quick and dirty solution: You could use Environment variables:
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("NLogOptionID", "87");
logger.Debug("My Name id Ed");
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("NLogOptionID", null);
In your layout, you can use environment variables.
Core2 has a hook for validating options read from appsettings.json:
services.PostConfigure<MyConfig>(options => {
// do some validation
// maybe throw exception if appsettings.json has invalid data
This validation code triggers on first use of MyConfig, and every time after that. So I get multiple runtime errors.
However it is more sensible to run validation during startup - if config validation fails I want the app to fail immediately. The docs imply that is how it works, but that is not what happens.
So am I doing it right? If so and this is by design, then how can I change what I'm doing so it works the way I want?
(Also, what is the difference between PostConfigure and PostConfigureAll? There is no difference in this case, so when should I use either one?)
This has been discussed in this dotnet/runtime issue since 2018.
In .NET 6, a ValidateOnStart extension method has been added to Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
You can use it this way:
.ValidateOnStart(); // Support eager validation
However, ValidateDataAnnotations still does not validate nested properties and this won't be fixed soon (Microsoft issue).
This NuGet package provides a ConfigureAndValidate<TOptions> extension method which validates options at startup.
It is based on Microsoft.Extensions.Options.DataAnnotations. But unlike Microsoft's package, it can even validate nested properties.
It is compatible with .NET Standard 2.0, .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5, .NET 6 and .NET 7.
Documentation & source code (GitHub)
Create your options class(es)
Decorate your options with data annotations
Call ConfigureAndValidate<T>(Action<T> configureOptions) on your IServiceCollection
ConfigureAndValidate will configure your options (calling the base Configure method), but will also check that the built configuration respects the data annotations, otherwise an OptionsValidationException (with details) is thrown as soon as the application is started. No misconfiguration surprise at runtime!
ServiceCollection extension
Is syntactic sugar for
.Configure(configureOptions) // Microsoft
.ValidateDataAnnotationsRecursively() // based on Microsoft's ValidateDataAnnotations, but supports nested properties
.ValidateOnStart() // or ValidateEagerly() in previous versions
OptionsBuilder extensions
This method register this options instance for validation of its DataAnnotations at the first dependency injection. Nested objects are supported.
ValidateOnStart (or ValidateEagerly in previous versions)
This method validates this options instance at application startup rather than at the first dependency injection.
Custom validation
You can combine with your own option validations:
.Validate(options => { /* custom */ }, message)
.Validate<TDependency1, TDependency2>((options, dependency1, dependency2) =>
// custom validation
"Custom error message")
Microsoft options validation documentation
There is no real way to run a configuration validation during startup. As you already noticed, post configure actions run, just like normal configure actions, lazily when the options object is being requested. This completely by design, and allows for many important features, for example reloading configuration during run-time or also options cache invalidation.
What the post configuration action is usually being used for is not a validation in terms of “if there’s something wrong, then throw an exception”, but rather “if there’s something wrong, fall back to sane defaults and make it work”.
For example, there’s a post configuration step in the authentication stack, that makes sure that there’s always a SignInScheme set for remote authentication handlers:
options.SignInScheme = options.SignInScheme ?? _authOptions.DefaultSignInScheme ?? _authOptions.DefaultScheme;
As you can see, this will not fail but rather just provides multiple fallbacks.
In this sense, it’s also important to remember that options and configuration are actually two separate things. It’s just that the configuration is a commonly used source for configuring options. So one might argue that it is not actually the job of the options to validate that the configuration is correct.
As such it might make more sense to actually check the configuration in the Startup, before configuring the options. Something like this:
var myOptionsConfiguration = Configuration.GetSection("MyOptions");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(myOptionsConfiguration["Url"]))
throw new Exception("MyOptions:Url is a required configuration");
Of course this easily becomes very excessive, and will likely force you to bind/parse many properties manually. It will also ignore the configuration chaining that the options pattern supports (i.e. configuring a single options object with multiple sources/actions).
So what you could do here is keep your post configuration action for validation, and simply trigger the validation during startup by actually requesting the options object. For example, you could simply add IOptions<MyOptions> as a dependency to the Startup.Configure method:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IOptions<MyOptions> myOptions)
// all configuration and post configuration actions automatically run
// …
If you have multiple of these options, you could even move this into a separate type:
public class OptionsValidator
public OptionsValidator(IOptions<MyOptions> myOptions, IOptions<OtherOptions> otherOptions)
{ }
At that time, you could also move the logic from the post configuration action into that OptionsValidator. So you could trigger the validation explicitly as part of the application startup:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, OptionsValidator optionsValidator)
// …
As you can see, there’s no single answer for this. You should think about your requirements and see what makes the most sense for your case. And of course, this whole validation only makes sense for certain configurations. In particular, you will have difficulties when working configurations that will change during run-time (you could make this work with a custom options monitor, but it’s probably not worth the hassle). But as most own applications usually just use cached IOptions<T>, you likely don’t need that.
As for PostConfigure and PostConfigureAll, they both register an IPostConfigure<TOptions>. The difference is simply that the former will only match a single named option (by default the unnamed option—if you don’t care about option names), while PostConfigureAll will run for all names.
Named options are for example used for the authentication stack, where each authentication method is identified by its scheme name. So you could for example add multiple OAuth handlers and use PostConfigure("oauth-a", …) to configure one and PostConfigure("oauth-b", …) to configure the other, or use PostConfigureAll(…) to configure them both.
On an ASP.NET Core 2.2 project I got this working doing eager validation by following these steps...
Given an Options class like this one:
public class CredCycleOptions
[Range(1753, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a valid integer Number.")]
public int VerifiedMinYear { get; set; }
[Range(1753, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a valid integer Number.")]
public int SignedMinYear { get; set; }
[Range(1753, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a valid integer Number.")]
public int SentMinYear { get; set; }
[Range(1753, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a valid integer Number.")]
public int ConfirmedMinYear { get; set; }
In Startup.cs add these lines to ConfigureServices method:
// This will validate Eagerly...
services.ConfigureAndValidate<CredCycleOptions>("CredCycle", Configuration);
ConfigureAndValidate is an extension method from here.
public static class OptionsExtensions
private static void ValidateByDataAnnotation(object instance, string sectionName)
var validationResults = new List<ValidationResult>();
var context = new ValidationContext(instance);
var valid = Validator.TryValidateObject(instance, context, validationResults);
if (valid)
var msg = string.Join("\n", validationResults.Select(r => r.ErrorMessage));
throw new Exception($"Invalid configuration for section '{sectionName}':\n{msg}");
public static OptionsBuilder<TOptions> ValidateByDataAnnotation<TOptions>(
this OptionsBuilder<TOptions> builder,
string sectionName)
where TOptions : class
return builder.PostConfigure(x => ValidateByDataAnnotation(x, sectionName));
public static IServiceCollection ConfigureAndValidate<TOptions>(
this IServiceCollection services,
string sectionName,
IConfiguration configuration)
where TOptions : class
var section = configuration.GetSection(sectionName);
return services;
public static OptionsBuilder<TOptions> ValidateEagerly<TOptions>(this OptionsBuilder<TOptions> optionsBuilder) where TOptions : class
optionsBuilder.Services.AddTransient<IStartupFilter, StartupOptionsValidation<TOptions>>();
return optionsBuilder;
I plumbed ValidateEargerly extension method right inside ConfigureAndValidate. It makes use of this other class from here:
public class StartupOptionsValidation<T> : IStartupFilter
public Action<IApplicationBuilder> Configure(Action<IApplicationBuilder> next)
return builder =>
var options = builder.ApplicationServices.GetService(typeof(IOptions<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(T)));
if (options != null)
// Retrieve the value to trigger validation
var optionsValue = ((IOptions<object>)options).Value;
This allows us to add data annotations to the CredCycleOptions and get nice error feedback right at the moment the app starts making it an ideal solution.
If an option is missing or have a wrong value, we don't want users to catch these errors at runtime. That would be a bad experience.
There are easy way to validating with using IStartupFilter and IValidateOptions.
You can just put below code your ASP.NET Core project.
public static class OptionsBuilderExtensions
public static OptionsBuilder<TOptions> ValidateOnStartupTime<TOptions>(this OptionsBuilder<TOptions> builder)
where TOptions : class
builder.Services.AddTransient<IStartupFilter, OptionsValidateFilter<TOptions>>();
return builder;
public class OptionsValidateFilter<TOptions> : IStartupFilter where TOptions : class
private readonly IOptions<TOptions> _options;
public OptionsValidateFilter(IOptions<TOptions> options)
_options = options;
public Action<IApplicationBuilder> Configure(Action<IApplicationBuilder> next)
_ = _options.Value; // Trigger for validating options.
return next;
And just chain the ValidateOnStartup method on OptionsBuilder<TOptions>.
If you want to create custom validator for options class, checkout this article.
This has been implemented in .NET 6. Now you can just write the following:
.ValidateOnStart(); // works in .NET 6
No need for external NuGet Packages or extra code.
See OptionsBuilderExtensions.ValidateOnStart<TOptions>
Below is a generic ConfigureAndValidate method to validate immediately and "fail fast".
To summarize the steps:
Call serviceCollection.Configure for your options
Do serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider().CreateScope()
Get the options instance with scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<T>> (remember to take the .Value)
Validate it using Validator.TryValidateObject
public static class ConfigExtensions
public static void ConfigureAndValidate<T>(this IServiceCollection serviceCollection, Action<T> configureOptions) where T : class, new()
// Inspired by https://blog.bredvid.no/validating-configuration-in-asp-net-core-e9825bd15f10
using (var scope = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider().CreateScope())
var options = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<T>>();
var optionsValue = options.Value;
var configErrors = ValidationErrors(optionsValue).ToArray();
if (!configErrors.Any())
var aggregatedErrors = string.Join(",", configErrors);
var count = configErrors.Length;
var configType = typeof(T).FullName;
throw new ApplicationException($"{configType} configuration has {count} error(s): {aggregatedErrors}");
private static IEnumerable<string> ValidationErrors(object obj)
var context = new ValidationContext(obj, serviceProvider: null, items: null);
var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
Validator.TryValidateObject(obj, context, results, true);
foreach (var validationResult in results)
yield return validationResult.ErrorMessage;
I'm pushing values to the Serilog LogContext in a middleware class of a .NET Core web app:-
using LogContext.PushProperty("MyAct", "some clever joke") ...
Is it possible to read the value for MyAct property in a downstream class? I don't see anything promising on the LogContext class - seems like a write only entity, but maybe I am missing something?
Serilog does not provide for you to Just Read the values from the LogContext.
Normally the PushProperty stashes it, and Enrich.FromLogContext is charged with grabbing the contextual information that will accompany the destructured message and tokens as the logging call is capturing them into the LogEvent that'll then be passed to the chain of sinks.
Really this begs the question: why do you feel you need to do this?
Actually answering the question: It is possible the underlying APIs are exposed in a usable fashion though; I'd go to https://github.com/serilog/serilog - the LogContext impl and tests are all in that core repo.
I have a similar problem. I want to write a Unit test for my Middleware that pushes context and want to test if I am pushing the right context information.
I solved it by creating a Logger that writes to an observer.
(Adding the Serilog.Sinks.Observable to my test dependencies)
private class LogEventStoreObserver : IObserver<LogEvent>
public LogEvent LastEvent { get; set; }
public void OnCompleted() { }
public void OnError(Exception error) { }
public void OnNext(LogEvent value)
LastEvent = value;
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Observers(events =>
Now I can read the LogEvent properties which contains the LogContext like this:
// Setup
LogEvent testLogEvent = null;
nextMock.Setup(_ => _(It.IsAny<HttpContext>())).Callback<HttpContext>((_) =>
testLogEvent = logObserver.LastEvent;
// Act
await middleware.InvokeAsync(httpContext);
// Verify
Given a class with a constructor signature of
public Foo(ILogger<Foo> logger) {
// ...
that I want to test, I need some way to provide an ILogger<Foo> in the test. It's been asked before, but the only answer then was to set up a full-blown service registry, configure logging and resolve the logger from there. This seems very overkill to me.
Is there a simple way to provide an implementation of ILogger<T> for testing purposes?
Note: it doesn't have to actually log anything - just not blow up when the subject under test tries to log something.
Starting from dotnet core 2.0 there's a generic NullLogger<T> class available:
var foo = new Foo(NullLogger<Foo>.Instance);
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.extensions.logging.abstractions.nulllogger-1?view=aspnetcore-2.1 (docs)
https://github.com/aspnet/Logging/blob/master/src/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions/NullLoggerOfT.cs (source)
Or if you need it as part of your services:
services.AddSingleton<ILoggerFactory, NullLoggerFactory>();
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.extensions.logging.abstractions.nullloggerfactory?view=aspnetcore-2.1 (docs)
You can create an instance of ILogger<Foo> using NullLoggerFactory as the factory.
Consider the following controller:
public abstract class Foo: Controller
public Foo(ILogger<Foo> logger) {
Logger = logger;
public ILogger Logger { get; private set; }
A sample unit test could be:
public void FooConstructorUnitTest()
// Arrange
ILogger<FooController> logger = new Logger<FooController>(new NullLoggerFactory());
// Act
FooController target = new FooController(logger);
// Assert
Assert.AreSame(logger, target.Logger);
If you use generic logger (ILogger<>) in your classes those instances are generated from IServiceProvider you should register generic NullLogger<> on service provider as below. Not important what you use generic type T in ILogger<>
services.AddSingleton(typeof(ILogger<>), typeof(NullLogger<>));
You have two options:
Create empty implementation of ILogger<Foo> by hand and pass an instance of it to ctor.
Create same empty implementation on the fly using some mocking framework like Moq, NSubstitute, etc.
You could inject ILoggerFactory instead and then create the logger
public Foo(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) {
logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Foo>();
// ...
At startup you need to add the NullLoggerFactory service of course:
services.AddSingleton<ILoggerFactory, NullLoggerFactory>()
From the docs for ILogger<T> (emphasis mine):
A generic interface for logging where the category name is derived from the specified TCategoryName type name. Generally used to enable activation of a named ILogger from dependency injection.
So one option would be to change the implementation of the Foo method to take a plain ILogger and use the NullLogger implementation.
You should use the Null Object Pattern. This has two advantages for you: 1) you can get your tests up and running quickly and they won't "blow up", and 2) anyone will be able to use your class without supplying a logger. Just use NullLogger.Instance, or NullLoggerFactory.Instance.
However, you should use a mocking framework to verify that log calls get made. Here is some sample code with Moq.
public void TestLogError()
var recordId = new Guid("0b88ae00-7889-414a-aa26-18f206470001");
l => l.Log
//Check the severity level
//This may or may not be relevant to your scenario
//This is the magical Moq code that exposes internal log processing from the extension methods
It.Is<It.IsAnyType>((state, t) =>
//This confirms that the correct log message was sent to the logger. {OriginalFormat} should match the value passed to the logger
//Note: messages should be retrieved from a service that will probably store the strings in a resource file
CheckValue(state, LogTest.ErrorMessage, "{OriginalFormat}") &&
//This confirms that an argument with a key of "recordId" was sent with the correct value
//In Application Insights, this will turn up in Custom Dimensions
CheckValue(state, recordId, nameof(recordId))
//Confirm the exception type
//Accept any valid Func here. The Func is specified by the extension methods
(Func<It.IsAnyType, Exception, string>)It.IsAny<object>()),
//Make sure the message was logged the correct number of times
private static bool CheckValue(object state, object expectedValue, string key)
var keyValuePairList = (IReadOnlyList<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)state;
var actualValue = keyValuePairList.First(kvp => string.Compare(kvp.Key, key, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0).Value;
return expectedValue.Equals(actualValue);
For more context, see this article.
If you need to verify the calls in addition to just provide the instance, it gets somewhat complicated. The reason is that most calls does not actually belong to the ILogger interface itself.
I have written a more detailed answer here.
Here is a small overview.
Example of a method that I have made to work with NSubstitute:
public static class LoggerTestingExtensions
public static void LogError(this ILogger logger, string message)
Arg.Is<FormattedLogValues>(v => v.ToString() == message),
Arg.Any<Func<object, Exception, string>>());
And this is how it can be used:
_logger.Received(1).LogError("Something bad happened");
You should try this for mocking ILogger:
mock.Setup(m => m.Log<object>(It.IsAny<LogLevel>(),It.IsAny<EventId>(),It.IsAny<object>(),It.IsAny<Exception>(),It.IsAny<Func<object, Exception,string>>()))
.Callback<LogLevel, EventId, object, Exception, Func<object, Exception, string>>((logLevel, eventId, obj, exception, func) =>
string msg = func.Invoke(obj, exception);
This worked for me:
private FooController _fooController;
private Mock<ILogger<FooController>> _logger;
public void Setup()
_logger = new Mock<ILogger<FooController>>();
_fooController = new FooController(_logger.Object);
I need to serialize some objects before NLog sends it to its targets. I could write custom a target, but then I will have to write a custom target for each possible log target.
What I need to know is if NLog will be logging the message(based on the level) to any target and if so, serialize the data. If the logdata states a level that is not to be logged according to the NLog configuration, then I want to avoid serializing the objects because this takes time.
Is there any way to prepare data before NLog sends it to targets or will I have to solve this in custom target classes?
You can get a Logger and check the IsXXXEnabled property.
For example:
class MyExpensiveClass
public void string Serialize()
return SomethingExpensive;
class ThisNeedsLogging
private static Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private MyExpensiveClass expensive = new MyExpensiveClass();
public void TraceSomething()
if (logger.IsDebugEnabled)
I'm writing a logging class and I would like to be able to get the name of the class that has the call to Helper.Log(string message).
Is this possible using reflection and c#?
Yes, it is quite easy.
Helper.Log("[" + this.GetType().Name + "]: " + message);
Note that if your logger class is really a wrapper around a logging framework (like log4net or NLog), the logging framework can be configured to get the calling class/method for you. For this to work correctly, you have to wrap the logging framework correctly. For NLog and log4net, correctly wrapping (to preserve call site information) generally involves using the "Log" method (rather than the Error, Warn, Info, etc variants) and passing the "logger type" as the first parameter. The "logger type" is the type of your logger that wraps the logging framework's logger.
Here is one way to wrap NLog (taken from here):
class MyLogger
private Logger _logger;
public MyLogger(string name)
_logger = LogManager.GetLogger(name);
public void WriteMessage(string message)
/// create log event from the passed message
LogEventInfo logEvent = new LogEventInfo(LogLevel.Info, _logger.Name, message);
// Call the Log() method. It is important to pass typeof(MyLogger) as the
// first parameter. If you don't, ${callsite} and other callstack-related
// layout renderers will not work properly.
_logger.Log(typeof(MyLogger), logEvent);
And here is how you could do it with log4net:
class MyLogger
private ILog _logger;
public MyLogger(string name)
_logger = LogManager.GetLogger(name);
public void WriteMessage(string message)
// Call the Log() method. It is important to pass typeof(MyLogger) as the
// first parameter. If you don't, ${callsite} and other callstack-related
// formatters will not work properly.
_logger.Log(typeof(MyLogger), LogLevel.Info, message);