ExcelReader, first row getting skipped - c#

I am developing a small plugin for an ERP System, that is reading from Excel file, and inserting into the database (SQL). For som reason with this current sheet, the first row is getting skipped. I tried working around the issue, and when a SQL error is thrown, when i force the program to insert something that is not valid, the row appear in the SQL database.
Can anyone see what i am doing wrong, because i feel like i have tried everything.
Customer Class
class Customer
public int ActNo {get;set;}
public int CustNo { get; set; }
public string DelPri { get; set; }
public int CustPrg3 = 22;
public string Nm { get; set; }
public int Gr6 = 5;
public int CreDt { get; set; }
public string CreUsr { get; set; }
public Customer(int ActNo,int CustNo, string DelPri, string Nm, int CreDt){
this.ActNo = ActNo;
this.CustNo = CustNo;
this.DelPri = DelPri;
this.CustPrg3 = 22;
this.Nm = Nm;
this.Gr6 = 5;
this.CreUsr = "Excel";
this.CreDt = CreDt;
The Reader
public class ExcelData
string _path;
public ExcelData(string path)
_path = path;
public IExcelDataReader getExcelReader()
// ExcelDataReader works with the binary Excel file, so it needs a FileStream
// to get started. This is how we avoid dependencies on ACE or Interop:
FileStream stream = File.Open(_path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
// We return the interface, so that
IExcelDataReader reader = null;
if (_path.EndsWith(".xls"))
reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(stream);
if (_path.EndsWith(".xlsx"))
reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);
return reader;
catch (Exception)
public IEnumerable<string> getWorksheetNames()
var reader = this.getExcelReader();
var workbook = reader.AsDataSet();
var sheets = from DataTable sheet in workbook.Tables select sheet.TableName;
return sheets;
public IEnumerable<DataRow> GetSecondSheetData(bool firstRowIsColumnNames = true)
var reader = this.getExcelReader();
reader.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = firstRowIsColumnNames;
return reader.AsDataSet().Tables[0].AsEnumerable();
Using the Reader, and adding to customer Array
if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
path = openFileDialog1.FileName;
int maxActNo = 0;
int maxCustNo = 0;
var excelData = new ExcelData(path);
var albums = excelData.GetSecondSheetData();
List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>();
Customer testCust = new Customer(1, 1, "Test", "Test", Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")));
SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
maxActNo = Convert.ToInt32(rdr["HighestActNo"]);
maxCustNo = Convert.ToInt32(rdr["HighestCustNo"]);
foreach (var row in albums)
if (row.ItemArray.Length == 8
&& row.ItemArray[0].ToString() != "Dato"
//&& row.ItemArray[0].ToString().Contains(convertedDate)
&& row.ItemArray[1].ToString() != "Varenummer"
&& row.ItemArray[2].ToString() != "Varenavn"
&& row.ItemArray[3].ToString() != "Kundekonto"
&& row.ItemArray[4].ToString() != "Navn"
&& row.ItemArray[5].ToString() != "Antall"
&& row.ItemArray[6].ToString() != "Antall"
&& row.ItemArray[7].ToString() != "Enhet"
//&& row.ItemArray[0].ToString() != ""
//&& row.ItemArray[1].ToString() != ""
//&& row.ItemArray[2].ToString() != ""
//&& row.ItemArray[3].ToString() != ""
//&& row.ItemArray[4].ToString() != ""
//&& row.ItemArray[5].ToString() != ""
//&& row.ItemArray[6].ToString() != ""
//&& row.ItemArray[7].ToString() != ""
Customer cust = new Customer(
if (customers[customers.Count() - 1].DelPri != row[3].ToString())
ImportController controller = new ImportController();
button2.Enabled = false;
I have chosen not to show the SQL, since i know that the probleb is not in the QUERY, it is somewhere in my if statements that the row is getting sorted, out yet i have tried for hours and figured i needed a hint.
Appreciate any suggestions

For anyone seeing this i figured out why my code was not running like i Expected.
There are no errors in the code above, i was blind to my insert loop which started from index 1, instead of index 0.
Closing this question, but thanks to anyone who read, or tried to answer.
for (int i = 1; i < customers.Count; i++)
Needed to be
for (int i = 0; i < customers.Count; i++)
in the insert function.


SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcInvalidParameterException: Table line 0 out of range: table is empty

I have a C# console aplication that connects to a SAP server to get data from some of its tables.
Sometimes this error pops up when i try to copy a value from a field in a SAP table called "SOHEADER" to a string variable.
Here's the stack trace:
SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcInvalidParameterException: Table line 0
out of range: table is empty en
SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcTable.get_Item(Int32 lineIndex) en
rfcDest, String& nroerror) en
1220 en ExportarPedidosSAP.Program.ConnSAPNotasCreditos() en
Here is the ControlFacturasRemitosNotasCreditos function:
static void ControlFacturasRemitosNotasCreditos(RfcDestination rfcDest, out string nroerror)
Console.WriteLine("** Controlando remitos... ");
nroerror = "";
using (SqlBriefcaseCropScience db = new SqlBriefcaseCropScience())
using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required,
new TransactionOptions { IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.Snapshot }))
List<NotaCreditoCabecera> lstpedidos = new List<NotaCreditoCabecera>();
List<NotaCreditoItem> lstItemProducto = new List<NotaCreditoItem>();
IQueryable<NotaCreditoCabecera> ilstpedidos = null;
IQueryable<Compania> ilstcompanias = null;
List<NotaCreditoItem> lstprod = null;
NotaCreditoItem itProd = null;
int statuscode = 0;
decimal FKIMG = 0;
string ProdCode = "";
string statusdesc = "";
string status_doc = "";
string LEGALNUMBER = "";
string LEGALNUMBER_DEL = "";
bool savecabecera = false;
bool nolegalnumber = false;
bool itemfacturado = false;
bool pedidofacturado = false;
List<string> List_LEGALNUMBER_DEL = new List<string>();
List<string> List_LEGALNUMBER = new List<string>();
ilstcompanias = db.Compania;
DateTime unmes = Helpers.GetCurrentDateTime().AddMonths(1);
if (ilstcompanias != null)
foreach (Compania comp in ilstcompanias.ToList())
ilstpedidos = db.NotaCreditoCabecera.Where(c => c.CodigoCompania == comp.Codigo &&
(c.CodigoEstado == 5 || c.CodigoEstado == 11 && (DbFunctions.TruncateTime(c.FechaEstado) <= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(unmes))));
if (ilstpedidos != null)
lstpedidos = ilstpedidos.ToList<NotaCreditoCabecera>();
if (lstpedidos.Count() > 0)
RfcRepository rfcRep = rfcDest.Repository;
var funcionStatus = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SAP-RFC-Status"];
foreach (NotaCreditoCabecera cabecera in lstpedidos.ToList())
lstprod = db.NotaCreditoItem.Where(c => c.CodigoCompania == comp.Codigo && c.NroPedido == cabecera.NroPedido).ToList();
IRfcFunction functionStatus = rfcRep.CreateFunction(funcionStatus);
functionStatus.SetValue("SEL_ORDERSTATUS", "X");
functionStatus.SetValue("P_VKORG", cabecera.SalesOrg);
functionStatus.SetValue("P_BRIEFDOC", cabecera.NroPedido);
IRfcTable tableHstatus = functionStatus.GetTable(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SAP-TablaH-Status"]);
IRfcTable tableIstatus = functionStatus.GetTable(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SAP-TablaI-Status"]);
IRfcTable tablaEstatus = functionStatus.GetTable(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SAP-TablaE"]);
status_doc = Convert.ToString(tableHstatus[0].GetValue("GBSTK")).ToUpper();
itemfacturado = false;
pedidofacturado = false;
nolegalnumber = false;
if (tableIstatus.RowCount > 0)
for (int e = 0; e < tableIstatus.RowCount; e++)
if (Convert.ToString(tableIstatus[e].GetValue("NETWR")) != "")
ProdCode = Convert.ToString(tableIstatus[e].GetValue("MATERIAL"));
itProd = lstprod.FirstOrDefault(i => i.CodigoProducto == ProdCode);
if (itProd != null)
//Num Factura
LEGALNUMBER = Convert.ToString(tableIstatus[e].GetValue("LEGALNUMBER")).Trim();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LEGALNUMBER))
itemfacturado = true;
//Num Remito
LEGALNUMBER_DEL = Convert.ToString(tableIstatus[e].GetValue("LEGALNUMBER_DEL")).Trim();
FKIMG = (decimal.TryParse(Convert.ToString(tableIstatus[e].GetValue("FKIMG")), out FKIMG) == true) ?
Convert.ToDecimal(Convert.ToString(tableIstatus[e].GetValue("FKIMG"))) : 0;
//Si algun item no esta completamente facturado se considera el pedido no facturado
if ((LEGALNUMBER != "" && LEGALNUMBER_DEL != "") && (itProd.CantidadDevolucion == Convert.ToDecimal(FKIMG)) && (nolegalnumber == false))
pedidofacturado = true;
pedidofacturado = false;
nolegalnumber = true;
//statuscode = 0;
//if (itemfacturado == true)
// if (pedidofacturado == true)
// {
// statuscode = 12;
// }
//if (statuscode > 0)
// statusdesc = repositorioAdm.CEstado(cabecera.IdTipoOrden, statuscode);
// int reslog = ALogAutorizacion(db, transaction, cabecera.CodigoCompania,
// cabecera.SalesOrg, cabecera.CodigoDivision,
// cabecera.IdTipoOrden, cabecera.TipoOrden,
// cabecera.NroPedido.ToString(),
// cabecera.CodigoEstado.ToString(), cabecera.Estado,
// statuscode.ToString(), statusdesc, "inter", "");
// cabecera.CodigoEstado = statuscode;
// cabecera.Estado = statusdesc;
// cabecera.FechaEstado = Helpers.GetCurrentDateTime();
// savecabecera = true;
//Tabla de Error
if (tablaEstatus.RowCount > 0)
//Obtengo el Estado
statuscode = 9;
cabecera.CodigoEstado = statuscode;
statusdesc = repositorioAdm.CEstado(cabecera.IdTipoOrden, statuscode);
cabecera.Estado = statusdesc;
cabecera.FechaEstado = Helpers.GetCurrentDateTime();
savecabecera = true;
int reslog = ALogAutorizacion(db, transaction, cabecera.CodigoCompania,
cabecera.SalesOrg, cabecera.CodigoDivision,
cabecera.IdTipoOrden, cabecera.TipoOrden,
statusdesc, "inter", "");
if (savecabecera)
db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;
Line 1220 inside ControlFacturasRemitosNotasCreditos:
status_doc = Convert.ToString(tableHstatus[0].GetValue("GBSTK")).ToUpper();
Line 936 inside ConnSAPNotasCreditos that calls the ControlFacturasRemitosNotasCreditos function:
ControlFacturasRemitosNotasCreditos(rfcDest, out nroerror);
Can somebodoy tell me what could be the issue here? Could it be that the field comes empty from the SAP table and if i try to copy it somewhere the whole thing crashes? Is there a safe way to check if the field is null before trying to copy it?
in your line
status_doc = Convert.ToString(tableHstatus[0].GetValue("GBSTK")).ToUpper();
you are adressing the IRfcTable tableHstatus with index 0, which means you're trying to read the first entry from that table object. That only works if the table has entries. You should first check whether the table contains any rows and only then continue. After invoking the RFC function, check property RowCount of your IRfcTable.
if (tableHstatus.RowCount > 0) {
status_doc = Convert.ToString(tableHstatus[0].GetValue("GBSTK")).ToUpper();
there's a number of reasons why a RFC function might return an empty table. It could be standard behavior in some cases, or it could be because some query parameter was wrong and no data was found, or because an error occurred in the function. Standard SAP BAPIs usually return a status structure or table (often of type BAPIRETURN or BAPIRET2) that contains additional information about error codes, messages etc.

Check each List item if Null

I am quite poor at writing code, hence the question. Below I am adding items into a SharePoint List from a DB while checking if any of the fields contains DBNulls. Rather than having to perform the check for each column like I am below, can someone help me to put it in a loop if possible? I would be forever grateful
using (OdbcConnection connection = new OdbcConnection())
connection.ConnectionString = "dsn=abc;uid=xyz;pwd=yuo;DataSource=aaa";
connection.ConnectionTimeout = 100;
OdbcCommand command_donor = new OdbcCommand("Select * From vw_SP_aaa_bbb", connection);
using (OdbcDataReader reader = command_donor.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
var obj0 = reader.GetValue(48);
var obj1 = reader.GetValue(0);
var obj2 = reader.GetValue(33);
var obj3 = reader.GetValue(47);
var obj4 = reader.GetValue(42);
var obj5 = reader.GetValue(42);
ListItem oListItem_aaa = oList_aaa .AddItem(itemCreateInfo);
if (obj0 == null || obj0.Equals(DBNull.Value))
{ oListItem_aaa["Title"] = ""; }
{ oListItem_aaa["Title"] = reader.GetString(48).ToString(); }
if (obj1 == null || obj1.Equals(DBNull.Value))
{ oListItem_aaa["aaa_x0020_ID"] = ""; }
{ oListItem_aaa["aaa_x0020_ID"] = reader.GetString(0).ToString(); }
if (obj2 == null || obj2.Equals(DBNull.Value))
{ oListItem_aaa["Excluded_x0020_By"] = ""; }
{ oListItem_aaa["Excluded_x0020_By"] = reader.GetString(33).ToString(); }
if (obj3 == null || obj3.Equals(DBNull.Value))
{ oListItem_aaa["Excluded_x0020_On"] = ""; }
{ oListItem_aaa["Excluded_x0020_On"] = reader.GetDateTime(47).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); }
if (obj4 == null || obj4.Equals(DBNull.Value))
{ oListItem_aaa["Reason"] = ""; }
{ oListItem_aaa["Reason"] = reader.GetString(42).Substring(50, reader.GetString(42).ToString().Length-50); }
if (obj5 == null || obj5.Equals(DBNull.Value))
{ oListItem_aaa["Publish"] = ""; }
{ oListItem_aaa["Publish"] = reader.GetString(42).Substring(50, reader.GetString(42).ToString().Length - 50); }
catch (Exception exception)
Console.WriteLine("The Error is:" + exception);
Use Short IIF like
oListItem_aaa["Excluded_x0020_By"] = (obj1 == null || obj1.Equals(DBNull.Value)) ? "" : reader.GetString(0).ToString();
var obj0 = (reader.GetValue(48) != DBNull.Value && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(reader.GetValue(48)))) ? reader.GetValue(48) : "");
in one line. Then you dont need to use the if then else's... described also in MSDN at Operator ?: (C#-Referenz).

Is that necessary to dispose objects inside static functions?

Ok i am having a major problem atm.
My software is using extremely high amount of ram. I am using a lot of HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument objects with big size pages sources.
However all of the objects are used inside static functions and HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument isn't IDisposable
So do i need to set every variable explicitly to null ?
Even if they are inside static functions ?
For example do i need to set these variables to null at the end of the function below
The variables i am asking : lstDrwList ? Or since it is inside it will get disposed automatically ?
Should i call explicitly garbage collector ?
C# .net 4.5 WPF application
private static void func_CheckWaitingToProcessPages(Object state)
ParallelOptions myOptions = new ParallelOptions();
myOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = PublicSettings.ir_How_Many_Tasks_For_Per_Pages_Process;
List<DataRow> lstDrwList = new List<DataRow>();
using (DataTable dtMyTable = DbConnection.db_Select_DataTable(srSelectTopProcessPagesQuery))
foreach (DataRow drw in dtMyTable.Rows)
Parallel.ForEach(lstDrwList, myOptions, drw =>
The problem is found issue is how to fix
Here the problem this happens in 10 seconds i used visual studio profiler
Here the full class that causes this huge memory leak issue
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace doktora_tez_projesi_crawler_program
public static class PagesProcessor
private static Timer _timer;
private static int howManySeconds = 10;
public static void func_StartCrawlingWaitingUrls()
PublicStaticFunctions.AddMsgToEvents("Checking waiting to process crawled urls process started every " + howManySeconds + " seconds!");
_timer = new Timer(func_CheckWaitingToProcessPages, null, PublicSettings.irTimers_Delayed_Start_MiliSeconds, howManySeconds * 1000);
private static string srSelectTopProcessPagesQuery = " select top 100 cl_IdUrl,cl_RooSiteId,cl_CrawlSource,cl_CrawlOrgUrl from tblCrawlUrls " +
" where cl_PageProcessed=0 and cl_TotalCrawlTimes > 0 " +
" order by cl_LastProcessDate asc";
private static void func_CheckWaitingToProcessPages(Object state)
ParallelOptions myOptions = new ParallelOptions();
myOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = PublicSettings.ir_How_Many_Tasks_For_Per_Pages_Process;
List<DataRow> lstDrwList = new List<DataRow>();
using (DataTable dtMyTable = DbConnection.db_Select_DataTable(srSelectTopProcessPagesQuery))
foreach (DataRow drw in dtMyTable.Rows)
Parallel.ForEach(lstDrwList, myOptions, drw =>
private class csProductFeatures
public string srProductRootSiteId = "null", srProductTitle = "null", srProductCode = "null", srProductImageLink = "null";
public string srProductDetailedExplanation = "null", srProductFeatures = "null", srCrawledOrgUrl = "null", srProductIdCode = "null";
public bool blPossibleProductPage = false, blFreeCargo = false, blProductPage = true;
public List<string> lstProductCategories = new List<string>();
public int irProductPrice = 0;
public List<csProductComments> lstProductComments = new List<csProductComments>();
public List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> lstProductFeatures = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
private class csProductComments
public string srCommentTitle = "null", srCommentPros = "null", srCommentCons = "null";
public int irCommentScore = 0; //0 = negative 5=full star
private static void process_Given_Page(DataRow drw)
csProductFeatures temp_ProductFeatures = new csProductFeatures();
temp_ProductFeatures.srProductRootSiteId = drw["cl_RooSiteId"].ToString();
temp_ProductFeatures.srCrawledOrgUrl = drw["cl_CrawlOrgUrl"].ToString();
HtmlDocument hdMyDoc = new HtmlDocument();//nulled
bool blBreakLoop = false;
foreach (var vrVariable in PublicVariables.dicRootSites[temp_ProductFeatures.srProductRootSiteId].lstRootSiteIdentifiers)
if (vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType != "link")
HtmlNodeCollection hdNodes;
if (vrVariable.blSelectMultipleNodes == false)
hdNodes = hdMyDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//{0}[#{1}='{2}']", vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType,
vrVariable.srHtmlObjectTypeIdentifier, vrVariable.srHtmlObjectTypeName));
hdNodes = hdMyDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//{0}[#{1}='{2}']//{3}", vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType,
vrVariable.srHtmlObjectTypeIdentifier, vrVariable.srHtmlObjectTypeName, vrVariable.srHtmlSubIdentifierType));
if (hdNodes == null && vrVariable.srIndetifierType == "ProductTitle")
blBreakLoop = true;
temp_ProductFeatures.blProductPage = false;
if (blBreakLoop == true)
if (hdNodes == null)
string sr_Node_Required_Val = "null";
if (hdNodes[0].InnerText != null)
sr_Node_Required_Val = hdNodes[0].InnerText;
string srLinkVal = "null";
if (vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType == "a" && hdNodes[0].Attributes != null)
if (hdNodes[0].Attributes["href"] != null)
srLinkVal = PublicStaticFunctions.Return_Absolute_Url(hdNodes[0].Attributes["href"].Value, temp_ProductFeatures.srCrawledOrgUrl);
if (vrVariable.blGetValue == true)
if (hdNodes[0].Attributes != null)
if (hdNodes[0].Attributes["value"] != null)
sr_Node_Required_Val = hdNodes[0].Attributes["value"].Value;
sr_Node_Required_Val = sr_Node_Required_Val.Trim();
switch (vrVariable.srIndetifierType)
case "ProductPage":
temp_ProductFeatures.blPossibleProductPage = true;
case "ProductTitle":
temp_ProductFeatures.srProductTitle = sr_Node_Required_Val;
case "ProductCode":
temp_ProductFeatures.srProductCode = sr_Node_Required_Val;
case "ProductCargo":
temp_ProductFeatures.blFreeCargo = true;
case "ProductCategories":
temp_ProductFeatures.lstProductCategories = func_Return_Product_Categories(hdNodes);
case "ProductPrice":
temp_ProductFeatures.irProductPrice = func_Return_Product_Price(sr_Node_Required_Val, temp_ProductFeatures.srProductRootSiteId);
case "ProductImage":
temp_ProductFeatures.srProductImageLink = srLinkVal;
case "ProductIdCode":
temp_ProductFeatures.srProductIdCode = sr_Node_Required_Val;
if (vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType == "link")
string srLinkToFetch = vrVariable.srHtmlObjectTypeIdentifier;
if (vrVariable.blUsesProductIdCode == true)
srLinkToFetch = string.Format(srLinkToFetch, temp_ProductFeatures.srProductIdCode);
string srFetchResult = CrawlGivenUrl.func_fetch_Page(srLinkToFetch);
string srResultToAssign = "null";
if (srFetchResult == PublicSettings.srCrawlFailedMessage)
srResultToAssign = srFetchResult;
HtmlDocument temp_HdDocument = new HtmlDocument();//nulled
if (temp_HdDocument.DocumentNode != null)
if (temp_HdDocument.DocumentNode.InnerText != null)
srResultToAssign = temp_HdDocument.DocumentNode.InnerText;
temp_HdDocument = null;
switch (vrVariable.srIndetifierType)
case "ProductExplanation":
temp_ProductFeatures.srProductDetailedExplanation = srResultToAssign;
case "ProductFeatures":
temp_ProductFeatures.lstProductFeatures = func_Return_Product_Features(temp_ProductFeatures.srProductRootSiteId, srFetchResult, temp_ProductFeatures.srCrawledOrgUrl);
if (temp_ProductFeatures.blProductPage == true)
string asdas = "";
hdMyDoc = null;
private static List<string> func_Return_Product_Categories(HtmlNodeCollection hdNodeCollection)
List<string> lstCategories = new List<string> { };
foreach (HtmlNode hdNode in hdNodeCollection)
if (hdNode.InnerText != null)
return lstCategories;
private static int func_Return_Product_Price(string srPriceText, string srRootSiteId)
int irPrice = 0;
srPriceText = srPriceText.Replace(PublicVariables.dicRootSites[srRootSiteId].srPriceDelimeter, "");
if (srPriceText.Contains(PublicVariables.dicRootSites[srRootSiteId].srPriceIgnoreDelimeter) == true)
srPriceText = srPriceText.Substring(0, srPriceText.IndexOf(PublicVariables.dicRootSites[srRootSiteId].srPriceIgnoreDelimeter));
Int32.TryParse(srPriceText, out irPrice);
return irPrice;
private static List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> func_Return_Product_Features(string srRootSiteId, string srPageSource, string srCrawlUrl)
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> lstFoundFeatures = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
if (srPageSource == PublicSettings.srCrawlFailedMessage)
return lstFoundFeatures;
HtmlDocument temp_HdDocument = new HtmlDocument();//nulled
List<string> lstFeatureTitles = new List<string>();
List<string> lstFeatureDescriptions = new List<string>();
foreach (var vrVariable in PublicVariables.dicRootSites[srRootSiteId].lstRootSitesFeaturesIdentifiers)
if (vrVariable.blPerFeatureIdentifier == true)
HtmlNodeCollection hdNodes = temp_HdDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//{0}[#{1}='{2}']", vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType,
vrVariable.srHtmlObjectIdentifier, vrVariable.srHtmlObjectIdentifierName));
if (hdNodes != null)
foreach (var vrNewVariable in PublicVariables.dicRootSites[srRootSiteId].lstRootSitesFeaturesIdentifiers)
if (vrNewVariable.blPerFeatureIdentifier == false)
foreach (HtmlNode hdTempNode in hdNodes)
var vrTempNewNode = hdTempNode.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("//{0}[#{1}='{2}']", vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType,
vrVariable.srHtmlObjectIdentifier, vrVariable.srHtmlObjectIdentifierName));
if (vrTempNewNode != null)
if (vrTempNewNode.InnerText != null)
string srNodeFeature = vrTempNewNode.InnerText.Trim();
switch (vrVariable.srWhichFeatureIdentifier)
case "FeatureTitle":
case "FeatureDescription":
temp_HdDocument = null;
if (lstFeatureDescriptions.Count != lstFeatureTitles.Count)
ErrorLogger.LogError("found features count not equal to features description count crawled url: " + srCrawlUrl);
return lstFoundFeatures;
for (int i = 0; i < lstFeatureDescriptions.Count; i++)
KeyValuePair<string, string> myKeyValPair = new KeyValuePair<string, string>(lstFeatureTitles[i], lstFeatureDescriptions[i]);
return lstFoundFeatures;
No, you don't need to set variables to null in both static and instance methods. The variables inside a method (even inside static method) are on the stack space of the method, so generally they will go out of scope at the end of method execution and will be targeted for garbage collection. And Generally explicitly calling the garbage collector isn't a good practice.

Read File and display contents

I want that when I click the button "List all Customers", the code should read the Customer.csv file and display the information on the form called "List All Customers".
How can I do that?
public static void ReadFile()
StreamReader sr = File.OpenText("Customer.csv");
public static void LoadCustomers()
if (File.Exists("Customer.csv"))
string temp = null;
int count = 0;
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(#"Customer.csv"))
while ((temp = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
temp = temp.Trim();
string[] lineHolder = temp.Split(',');
Customer tempCust = new Customer();
tempCust.customerName = lineHolder[0];
tempCust.customerAddress = lineHolder[1];
tempCust.customerZip = Convert.ToInt32(lineHolder[2]);
myCustArray[count] = tempCust;
}//end for loop
catch (Exception e)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("File Loading Error: " + e.Message);
I'm not sure what kind of control you want to display this data in but your method could just return a list of Customer, then you can add to a ListBox, ListView or DataGrid
public static IEnumerable<Customer> LoadCustomers(string filename)
if (File.Exists(filename))
foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(filename).Where(l => l.Contains(',')))
var splitLine = line.Split(',');
if (splitLine.Count() >= 3)
yield return new Customer
customerName = splitLine[0].Trim(),
customerAddress = splitLine[1].Trim(),
customerZip = Convert.ToInt32(splitLine[2].Trim())
listBox1.DisplayMember = "customerName";
First, take advantage of the list object:
public static void ReadFile()
StreamReader sr = File.OpenText("Customer.csv");
public static void LoadCustomers()
if (File.Exists("Customer.csv"))
string temp = null;
var retList = new List<Customer>();
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(#"Customer.csv"))
while ((temp = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
temp = temp.Trim();
string[] lineHolder = temp.Split(',');
retlist.add(new Customer(){
customerName = linerHolder[0],
customerAddress = lineHolder[1],
customerZip = Convert.ToInt32(lineHolder[2])
}//end for loop
catch (Exception e)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("File Loading Error: " + e.Message);
just wrap it up in a class, call if from the controller and populate up the results. Depending on how often you will be updating this data, you might look into caching it, so you don't have to run this process every X seconds for each user.

Enum Ploblem alway value how?

public enum FrameStatus
NotReport = 0,
NormalStatus = 1,
NotNormalstatus = 2
but alway FrameStatus.NormalStatus how?
public FrameStatus FrameReportStatus(int Framid, string Timebet)
foreach (FrameCam fc in al)
if (fc.Timebet == Timebet && fc.IdFrame == Framid)
if ((int)fc.status == 1) fc.status = FrameStatus.NormalStatus;
else if ((int)fc.status == 2) fc.status = FrameStatus.NotNormalstatus;
else fc.status = FrameStatus.NotReport;
return fc.status;
return FrameStatus.NotReport;
my complete classs
class FrameCam
private ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
public string strConnect;
public FrameStatus status = FrameStatus.NormalStatus;
public string Timebet;
public int IdFrame;
public FrameCam()
public FrameCam(string st, string bt)
strConnect = st;
Timebet = bt;
public FrameStatus GetFramStatus(int Framid, string timebet)
foreach (FrameCam fc in al)
if (Framid == fc.IdFrame && timebet == fc.Timebet)
return fc.status;
return FrameStatus.NotReport;
private void LoadtoList()
SqlConnection conn = null;
SqlDataReader sr = null;
string query =
"SELECT * FROM FrameReport WHERE convert(varchar, GETDATE(), 101) = convert(varchar, DateTimeSign, 101) AND TimeSignBeetWeen='" +this.Timebet+"'";
conn = new SqlConnection(this.strConnect);
SqlCommand sc = new SqlCommand();
sc.CommandText = query;
sc.Connection = conn;
sr = sc.ExecuteReader();
while (sr.Read())
FrameCam fc = new FrameCam();
fc.Timebet = sr["TimeSignBeetWeen"].ToString();
fc.IdFrame = (int)sr["IdFrame"];
if ((int)sr["Status"] == (int)FrameStatus.NormalStatus)
status = FrameStatus.NormalStatus;
if ((int)sr["Status"] == (int)FrameStatus.NotNormalstatus)
status = FrameStatus.NotNormalstatus;
else status = FrameStatus.NotReport;
catch (Exception)
if (sr != null) sr.Close();
if (conn != null) conn.Close();
public FrameStatus FrameReportStatus(int Framid, string Timebet)
foreach (FrameCam fc in al)
if (fc.Timebet == Timebet && fc.IdFrame == Framid)
if ((int)fc.status == 1) fc.status = FrameStatus.NormalStatus;
else if ((int)fc.status == 2) fc.status = FrameStatus.NotNormalstatus;
else fc.status = FrameStatus.NotReport;
return fc.status;
return FrameStatus.NotReport;
You're not assigning anything to fc.Status within LoadToList and the initialize for FrameCam's 'status' field is "FrameStatus.NormalStatus". If you update the code in LoadToList to assign to fc.status (instead of this.status, as is shown here) then it should work as you expect.
As a side note, LoadToList should be a static method, which would have mitigated this problem.
Use a debugger. Step through the code.
The code is not taking the path you think it is taking.
If you do not know how to step through code in a debugger, you MUST learn.
This is not an optional skill for a computer programmer.
