Is that necessary to dispose objects inside static functions? - c#

Ok i am having a major problem atm.
My software is using extremely high amount of ram. I am using a lot of HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument objects with big size pages sources.
However all of the objects are used inside static functions and HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument isn't IDisposable
So do i need to set every variable explicitly to null ?
Even if they are inside static functions ?
For example do i need to set these variables to null at the end of the function below
The variables i am asking : lstDrwList ? Or since it is inside it will get disposed automatically ?
Should i call explicitly garbage collector ?
C# .net 4.5 WPF application
private static void func_CheckWaitingToProcessPages(Object state)
ParallelOptions myOptions = new ParallelOptions();
myOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = PublicSettings.ir_How_Many_Tasks_For_Per_Pages_Process;
List<DataRow> lstDrwList = new List<DataRow>();
using (DataTable dtMyTable = DbConnection.db_Select_DataTable(srSelectTopProcessPagesQuery))
foreach (DataRow drw in dtMyTable.Rows)
Parallel.ForEach(lstDrwList, myOptions, drw =>
The problem is found issue is how to fix
Here the problem this happens in 10 seconds i used visual studio profiler
Here the full class that causes this huge memory leak issue
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace doktora_tez_projesi_crawler_program
public static class PagesProcessor
private static Timer _timer;
private static int howManySeconds = 10;
public static void func_StartCrawlingWaitingUrls()
PublicStaticFunctions.AddMsgToEvents("Checking waiting to process crawled urls process started every " + howManySeconds + " seconds!");
_timer = new Timer(func_CheckWaitingToProcessPages, null, PublicSettings.irTimers_Delayed_Start_MiliSeconds, howManySeconds * 1000);
private static string srSelectTopProcessPagesQuery = " select top 100 cl_IdUrl,cl_RooSiteId,cl_CrawlSource,cl_CrawlOrgUrl from tblCrawlUrls " +
" where cl_PageProcessed=0 and cl_TotalCrawlTimes > 0 " +
" order by cl_LastProcessDate asc";
private static void func_CheckWaitingToProcessPages(Object state)
ParallelOptions myOptions = new ParallelOptions();
myOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = PublicSettings.ir_How_Many_Tasks_For_Per_Pages_Process;
List<DataRow> lstDrwList = new List<DataRow>();
using (DataTable dtMyTable = DbConnection.db_Select_DataTable(srSelectTopProcessPagesQuery))
foreach (DataRow drw in dtMyTable.Rows)
Parallel.ForEach(lstDrwList, myOptions, drw =>
private class csProductFeatures
public string srProductRootSiteId = "null", srProductTitle = "null", srProductCode = "null", srProductImageLink = "null";
public string srProductDetailedExplanation = "null", srProductFeatures = "null", srCrawledOrgUrl = "null", srProductIdCode = "null";
public bool blPossibleProductPage = false, blFreeCargo = false, blProductPage = true;
public List<string> lstProductCategories = new List<string>();
public int irProductPrice = 0;
public List<csProductComments> lstProductComments = new List<csProductComments>();
public List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> lstProductFeatures = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
private class csProductComments
public string srCommentTitle = "null", srCommentPros = "null", srCommentCons = "null";
public int irCommentScore = 0; //0 = negative 5=full star
private static void process_Given_Page(DataRow drw)
csProductFeatures temp_ProductFeatures = new csProductFeatures();
temp_ProductFeatures.srProductRootSiteId = drw["cl_RooSiteId"].ToString();
temp_ProductFeatures.srCrawledOrgUrl = drw["cl_CrawlOrgUrl"].ToString();
HtmlDocument hdMyDoc = new HtmlDocument();//nulled
bool blBreakLoop = false;
foreach (var vrVariable in PublicVariables.dicRootSites[temp_ProductFeatures.srProductRootSiteId].lstRootSiteIdentifiers)
if (vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType != "link")
HtmlNodeCollection hdNodes;
if (vrVariable.blSelectMultipleNodes == false)
hdNodes = hdMyDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//{0}[#{1}='{2}']", vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType,
vrVariable.srHtmlObjectTypeIdentifier, vrVariable.srHtmlObjectTypeName));
hdNodes = hdMyDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//{0}[#{1}='{2}']//{3}", vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType,
vrVariable.srHtmlObjectTypeIdentifier, vrVariable.srHtmlObjectTypeName, vrVariable.srHtmlSubIdentifierType));
if (hdNodes == null && vrVariable.srIndetifierType == "ProductTitle")
blBreakLoop = true;
temp_ProductFeatures.blProductPage = false;
if (blBreakLoop == true)
if (hdNodes == null)
string sr_Node_Required_Val = "null";
if (hdNodes[0].InnerText != null)
sr_Node_Required_Val = hdNodes[0].InnerText;
string srLinkVal = "null";
if (vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType == "a" && hdNodes[0].Attributes != null)
if (hdNodes[0].Attributes["href"] != null)
srLinkVal = PublicStaticFunctions.Return_Absolute_Url(hdNodes[0].Attributes["href"].Value, temp_ProductFeatures.srCrawledOrgUrl);
if (vrVariable.blGetValue == true)
if (hdNodes[0].Attributes != null)
if (hdNodes[0].Attributes["value"] != null)
sr_Node_Required_Val = hdNodes[0].Attributes["value"].Value;
sr_Node_Required_Val = sr_Node_Required_Val.Trim();
switch (vrVariable.srIndetifierType)
case "ProductPage":
temp_ProductFeatures.blPossibleProductPage = true;
case "ProductTitle":
temp_ProductFeatures.srProductTitle = sr_Node_Required_Val;
case "ProductCode":
temp_ProductFeatures.srProductCode = sr_Node_Required_Val;
case "ProductCargo":
temp_ProductFeatures.blFreeCargo = true;
case "ProductCategories":
temp_ProductFeatures.lstProductCategories = func_Return_Product_Categories(hdNodes);
case "ProductPrice":
temp_ProductFeatures.irProductPrice = func_Return_Product_Price(sr_Node_Required_Val, temp_ProductFeatures.srProductRootSiteId);
case "ProductImage":
temp_ProductFeatures.srProductImageLink = srLinkVal;
case "ProductIdCode":
temp_ProductFeatures.srProductIdCode = sr_Node_Required_Val;
if (vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType == "link")
string srLinkToFetch = vrVariable.srHtmlObjectTypeIdentifier;
if (vrVariable.blUsesProductIdCode == true)
srLinkToFetch = string.Format(srLinkToFetch, temp_ProductFeatures.srProductIdCode);
string srFetchResult = CrawlGivenUrl.func_fetch_Page(srLinkToFetch);
string srResultToAssign = "null";
if (srFetchResult == PublicSettings.srCrawlFailedMessage)
srResultToAssign = srFetchResult;
HtmlDocument temp_HdDocument = new HtmlDocument();//nulled
if (temp_HdDocument.DocumentNode != null)
if (temp_HdDocument.DocumentNode.InnerText != null)
srResultToAssign = temp_HdDocument.DocumentNode.InnerText;
temp_HdDocument = null;
switch (vrVariable.srIndetifierType)
case "ProductExplanation":
temp_ProductFeatures.srProductDetailedExplanation = srResultToAssign;
case "ProductFeatures":
temp_ProductFeatures.lstProductFeatures = func_Return_Product_Features(temp_ProductFeatures.srProductRootSiteId, srFetchResult, temp_ProductFeatures.srCrawledOrgUrl);
if (temp_ProductFeatures.blProductPage == true)
string asdas = "";
hdMyDoc = null;
private static List<string> func_Return_Product_Categories(HtmlNodeCollection hdNodeCollection)
List<string> lstCategories = new List<string> { };
foreach (HtmlNode hdNode in hdNodeCollection)
if (hdNode.InnerText != null)
return lstCategories;
private static int func_Return_Product_Price(string srPriceText, string srRootSiteId)
int irPrice = 0;
srPriceText = srPriceText.Replace(PublicVariables.dicRootSites[srRootSiteId].srPriceDelimeter, "");
if (srPriceText.Contains(PublicVariables.dicRootSites[srRootSiteId].srPriceIgnoreDelimeter) == true)
srPriceText = srPriceText.Substring(0, srPriceText.IndexOf(PublicVariables.dicRootSites[srRootSiteId].srPriceIgnoreDelimeter));
Int32.TryParse(srPriceText, out irPrice);
return irPrice;
private static List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> func_Return_Product_Features(string srRootSiteId, string srPageSource, string srCrawlUrl)
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> lstFoundFeatures = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
if (srPageSource == PublicSettings.srCrawlFailedMessage)
return lstFoundFeatures;
HtmlDocument temp_HdDocument = new HtmlDocument();//nulled
List<string> lstFeatureTitles = new List<string>();
List<string> lstFeatureDescriptions = new List<string>();
foreach (var vrVariable in PublicVariables.dicRootSites[srRootSiteId].lstRootSitesFeaturesIdentifiers)
if (vrVariable.blPerFeatureIdentifier == true)
HtmlNodeCollection hdNodes = temp_HdDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//{0}[#{1}='{2}']", vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType,
vrVariable.srHtmlObjectIdentifier, vrVariable.srHtmlObjectIdentifierName));
if (hdNodes != null)
foreach (var vrNewVariable in PublicVariables.dicRootSites[srRootSiteId].lstRootSitesFeaturesIdentifiers)
if (vrNewVariable.blPerFeatureIdentifier == false)
foreach (HtmlNode hdTempNode in hdNodes)
var vrTempNewNode = hdTempNode.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("//{0}[#{1}='{2}']", vrVariable.srHtmlObjectType,
vrVariable.srHtmlObjectIdentifier, vrVariable.srHtmlObjectIdentifierName));
if (vrTempNewNode != null)
if (vrTempNewNode.InnerText != null)
string srNodeFeature = vrTempNewNode.InnerText.Trim();
switch (vrVariable.srWhichFeatureIdentifier)
case "FeatureTitle":
case "FeatureDescription":
temp_HdDocument = null;
if (lstFeatureDescriptions.Count != lstFeatureTitles.Count)
ErrorLogger.LogError("found features count not equal to features description count crawled url: " + srCrawlUrl);
return lstFoundFeatures;
for (int i = 0; i < lstFeatureDescriptions.Count; i++)
KeyValuePair<string, string> myKeyValPair = new KeyValuePair<string, string>(lstFeatureTitles[i], lstFeatureDescriptions[i]);
return lstFoundFeatures;

No, you don't need to set variables to null in both static and instance methods. The variables inside a method (even inside static method) are on the stack space of the method, so generally they will go out of scope at the end of method execution and will be targeted for garbage collection. And Generally explicitly calling the garbage collector isn't a good practice.


How to limit the amount of parameters for concatenatenation?

The idea of the program is to concatenate different parameters and put it all inside another parameter. How to let the end user decide if he wants to concatenate 2 or 3 parameters. Right now it is like if you don't put in 3 parameters it won't work. Nothing I came up with works.
namespace CombineParametersWinForm
public partial class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
//Class variable
Document revitDoc { get; set; }
public Form1(Document doc)
this.revitDoc = doc;
//Create a list of the parameters you want your user to choose from
List<string> stringParameters = new List<string>
//Add list to comboboxes on form
foreach (string parameterName in stringParameters)
comboBox1.Items.Insert(0, parameterName);
comboBox2.Items.Insert(0, parameterName);
comboBox3.Items.Insert(0, parameterName);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(revitDoc);
ElementCategoryFilter filter = new ElementCategoryFilter(BuiltInCategory.OST_PipeFitting);
//Applying Filter
IList<Element> ducts = collector.WherePasses(filter).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements();
foreach (Element duct in ducts)
//Get Parameter values
string parameterValue1 = duct.LookupParameter(comboBox1.Text).AsValueString();
string parameterValue2 = duct.LookupParameter(comboBox2.Text).AsValueString();
string parameterValue3 = duct.LookupParameter(comboBox3.Text).AsValueString();
string newValue = parameterValue1 + "-" + parameterValue2 + "-" + parameterValue3;
//do not need .ToString() when setting parameter
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(revitDoc, "Set Parameter name"))
Ideas. First is pretty long one.
string parameterValue1 = duct.LookupParameter(comboBox1.Text).AsValueString();
string parameterValue2 = duct.LookupParameter(comboBox2.Text).AsValueString();
string parameterValue3 = duct.LookupParameter(comboBox3.Text).AsValueString();
if (parameterValue1 != "" || parameterValue1 != null)
parameterValue1 = parameterValue11;
if (parameterValue2 != "" || parameterValue2 != null)
parameterValue1 = parameterValue22;
if (parameterValue3 != "" || parameterValue3 != null)
parameterValue3 = parameterValue33;
if (parameterValue1 == "" || parameterValue1 == null)
parameterValue11 = "";
if (parameterValue2 == "" || parameterValue2 == null)
parameterValue22 = "";
if (parameterValue3 == "" || parameterValue3 == null)
parameterValue33 = "";
string newValue = parameterValue1 + "-" + parameterValue2 + "-" + parameterValue3;
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(revitDoc, "Set Parameter name"))
Second is a short one but still doesn't work
string parameterValue1 = duct.LookupParameter(comboBox1.Text).AsValueString();
string parameterValue2 = duct.LookupParameter(comboBox2.Text).AsValueString();
string parameterValue3 = duct.LookupParameter(comboBox3.Text).AsValueString();
List<string> listParam = new List<string> { parameterValue1, parameterValue2, parameterValue3 };
foreach (string s in listParam)
if (s != "" /*&& s != null*/)
List<string> listParamNotNull = new List<string> { s };
string newValue = String.Join(" ,", listParamNotNull);
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(revitDoc, "Set Parameter name"))
You are creating three separate Lists and wanting to do something against all of them combined, but actually doing against each of them individually, overwriting as you go.
Please take a closer look at your nested logic.
Something like this is likely more appropriate:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Program
public static void Main()
string parameterValue1 = "Value1";
string parameterValue2 = ""; // purposefully providing an empty value
string parameterValue3 = "Value3";
var listParamIn = new List<string> { parameterValue1, parameterValue2, parameterValue3 };
var listParamOut = new List<string>();
foreach (string s in listParamIn){
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
string newValue = String.Join(", ", listParamOut);
/* continue with your transaction
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(revitDoc, "Set Parameter name")){
Value1, Value3

Xamarin C# - What is the fastest way to refresh a gridview every second

I have a problem.
In my Android app I use a: Android.Support.V4.View.ViewPager to swap between a summary and a wallet. The summary page is filled with 3 TextViews and the Wallet is created with 1 GridView. Both the pages are getting filled with data from a HTTPS call from where the response will be parsed into a List. Now I want to refresh both the pages every second. So I tried this:
public void LoadOrderPage()
Android.Support.V4.View.ViewPager SummaryWalletSwitcher = FindViewById<Android.Support.V4.View.ViewPager>(Resource.Id.SummaryWalletSwitcher);
List<View> viewlist = new List<View>();
viewlist.Add(LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.AgentSummary, null, false));
viewlist.Add(LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.AgentWallet, null, false));
SummaryWalletAdapter ViewSwitchAdapter = new SummaryWalletAdapter(viewlist);
SummaryWalletSwitcher.Adapter = ViewSwitchAdapter;
Timer AgentInfo_Timer = new Timer();
AgentInfo_Timer.Interval = 1000;
AgentInfo_Timer.Elapsed += LoadAgentInfo;
AgentInfo_Timer.Enabled = true;
public void LoadAgentInfo(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
TextView TextPortfolioValue = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.txtPortfolioValue);
TextView TextValueUSDT = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.txtValueUSDT);
TextView TextTotalValue = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.txtTotalValue);
GridView GridviewWallet = FindViewById<GridView>(Resource.Id.GridviewWallet);
if (FirstWalletRun == true)
List<wallet> EmptyWalletList = new List<wallet>();
WalletListAdapter = new WalletListAdapter(this, EmptyWalletList);
GridviewWallet.Adapter = WalletListAdapter;
FirstWalletRun = false;
PortfolioValue = 0;
ValueUSDT = 0;
TotalValue = 0;
string response = "";
AgentId = getSelectedAgentId();
if (AgentId == 0)
AgentId = 1;
WebClient client = new WebClient();
var reqparm = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
reqparm.Add("agentid", AgentId.ToString());
reqparm.Add("devicetoken", DeviceToken);
byte[] responsebytes = client.UploadValues("", "POST", reqparm);
response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responsebytes);
response = response.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", "");
catch (Exception ex)
string exFullName = (ex.GetType().FullName);
string ExceptionString = (ex.GetBaseException().ToString());
TextPortfolioValue.Text = "Unknown";
TextValueUSDT.Text = "Unknown";
TextTotalValue.Text = "Unknown";
if (response != "No updates")
//Parse json content
var jObject = JObject.Parse(response);
//Create Array from everything inside Node:"Coins"
var walletPropery = jObject["Wallet"] as JArray;
//Create List to save Coin Data
walletList = new List<wallet>();
//Find every value in Array: coinPropery
foreach (var property in walletPropery)
//Convert every value in Array to string
var propertyList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<wallet>>(property.ToString());
//Add all strings to List
//Get all the values from Name, and convert it to an Array
string[][] NamesArray = walletList.OrderBy(i => i.AgentId)
.Select(i => new string[] { i.AgentId.ToString(), i.Coin, i.Quantity.ToString(), i.AvgPrice.ToString(), i.Value.ToString() })
foreach (string[] str in NamesArray)
if (str[1] != "USDT")
PortfolioValue += decimal.Parse(str[4]);
ValueUSDT += decimal.Parse(str[4]);
TotalValue = PortfolioValue + ValueUSDT;
TextPortfolioValue.Text = Math.Round(PortfolioValue, 8).ToString();
TextValueUSDT.Text = Math.Round(ValueUSDT, 8).ToString();
TextTotalValue.Text = Math.Round(TotalValue, 8).ToString();
SortedWalletList = walletList.OrderBy(o => o.Coin).ToList();
if (WalletListAdapter == null)
//Fill the DataSource of the ListView with the Array of Names
WalletListAdapter = new WalletListAdapter(this, SortedWalletList);
GridviewWallet.Adapter = WalletListAdapter;
AgentInfoNeedsUpdate = true;
AgentInfoNeedsUpdate = false;
And in my WalletListAdapter I created the refresh function:
public void refresh(List<wallet> mItems)
this.mItems = mItems;
But the GridviewWallet never get's filled or doesn't get shown. What am I doing wrong?
Maybe there is something wrong in the WalletListAdapter, so here is the code of the class:
public class WalletListAdapter : BaseAdapter<wallet>
public List<wallet> mItems;
private Context mContext;
public WalletListAdapter(Context context, List<wallet> items)
mItems = items;
mContext = context;
public override int Count
get { return mItems.Count; }
public void refresh(List<wallet> mItems)
this.mItems = mItems;
public override long GetItemId(int position)
return position;
public override wallet this[int position]
get { return mItems[position]; }
public override View GetView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
View row = convertView;
if (row == null)
row = LayoutInflater.From(mContext).Inflate(Resource.Layout.walletlist_row, null, false);
var txtWalletCoin = row.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.txtWalletCoin);
var txtWalletQuantity = row.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.txtWalletQuantity);
var txtAvgPrice = row.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.txtWalletAvgPrice);
var txtWalletValue = row.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.txtWalletValue);
var txtProfitUSDT = row.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.txtWalletProfitUSDT);
var txtProfitPerc = row.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.txtWalletProfitPerc);
row.Tag = new WalletViewHolder()
txtWalletCoin = txtWalletCoin,
txtWalletQuantity = txtWalletQuantity,
txtAvgPrice = txtAvgPrice,
txtWalletValue = txtWalletValue,
txtProfitUSDT = txtProfitUSDT,
txtProfitPerc = txtProfitPerc
var holder = (WalletViewHolder)row.Tag;
holder.txtWalletCoin.Text = mItems[position].Coin;
holder.txtWalletQuantity.Text = Math.Round(mItems[position].Quantity, 2).ToString();
holder.txtAvgPrice.Text = Math.Round(mItems[position].AvgPrice, 2).ToString();
holder.txtWalletValue.Text = Math.Round(mItems[position].Value, 2).ToString();
if (mItems[position].Coin != "USDT")
holder.txtProfitUSDT.Text = Math.Round(mItems[position].ProfitUSDT, 2).ToString();
holder.txtProfitPerc.Text = Math.Round(mItems[position].ProfitPerc, 1).ToString();
holder.txtProfitUSDT.Text = Math.Round(0.00, 2).ToString();
holder.txtProfitPerc.Text = Math.Round(0.00, 1).ToString();
return row;
Hope this discussion provides some insights to fix the gridview refresh using Xamarin. According to it, the grid has to be recreated.

A prepared String is not being saved completely when not debugging

I have a Program which should save permanently values to a .txt file. When I debug it by putting a breakpoint into the code it works fine. But when letting it work for a while it only saves the last value caught instead of the last 3.
The method ExecuteStrategy is being executed every minute.
Here is the code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Bot_V1._0
public class SaveAllMinuteBarsStrategy : IStrategy
public Guid StrategyGuid { get; set; }
//private static string[] Data = new string[8];
private string DataDax { get; set; }
private string DataDow { get; set; }
private string DataOil { get; set; }
private string DataGold { get; set; }
private string DataSpy { get; set; }
private string DataEsd { get; set; }
private string DataEgp { get; set; }
private string DataUpy { get; set; }
private string xPath = #"G:\TradingBot\Saved Candles folder";
private DateTime firstEnter;
const char LF = '\n';
public SaveAllMinuteBarsStrategy (Guid StrategyCGuid)
this.StrategyGuid = StrategyGuid;
public List<ShareAndTimeRange> InitStrategy (Guid stratGuid)
firstEnter = DateTime.Now;
var Dax = new ShareAndTimeRange("DAX", 1, stratGuid, null, false);
var Dow = new ShareAndTimeRange("DOW", 1, stratGuid, null, false);
var Oil = new ShareAndTimeRange("OIL", 1, stratGuid, null, false);
var Gold = new ShareAndTimeRange("GOLD", 1, stratGuid, null, false);
var Spy = new ShareAndTimeRange("SPY", 1, stratGuid, null, false);
var Esd = new ShareAndTimeRange("EUR/USD", 1, stratGuid, null, false);
var Egb = new ShareAndTimeRange("EUR/GBP", 1, stratGuid, null, false);
var Ujp = new ShareAndTimeRange("USD/JPY", 1, stratGuid, null, false);
var ElementList = new List<ShareAndTimeRange>();
return ElementList;
public void ExecuteStrategy(ShareAndTimeRange Share)
private void SaveDataHourly(ShareAndTimeRange Share)
if (Share.Candle == null)
var PreparedString = Share.Candle.Time.ToString("yyyyMMdd HHmmss") + ";";
PreparedString = PreparedString + Share.Candle.Open + ";" + Share.Candle.High + ";";
PreparedString = PreparedString + Share.Candle.Low + ";" + Share.Candle.Close;
PreparedString = PreparedString + LF;
switch (Share.ShareName)
case ("DAX"):
DataDax = DataDax + PreparedString;
//Data[0] = Data[0] +
bool reset = HDMYSaving(Share, DataDax);
if (reset)
DataDax = "";
case ("DOW"):
DataDow = DataDow + PreparedString;
bool reset = HDMYSaving(Share, DataDow);
if (reset)
DataDow = "";
case ("OIL"):
DataOil = DataOil + PreparedString;
bool reset = HDMYSaving(Share, DataOil);
if (reset)
DataOil = "";
case ("GOLD"):
DataGold = DataGold + PreparedString;
bool reset = HDMYSaving(Share, DataGold);
if (reset)
DataGold = "";
case ("SPY"):
DataSpy = DataSpy + PreparedString;
bool reset = HDMYSaving(Share, DataSpy);
if (reset)
DataSpy = "";
case ("EUR/USD"):
DataEsd = DataEsd + PreparedString;
bool reset = HDMYSaving(Share, DataEsd);
if (reset)
DataEsd = "";
case ("EUR/GBP"):
DataEgp = DataEgp + PreparedString;
bool reset = HDMYSaving(Share, DataEgp);
if (reset)
DataEgp = "";
case ("USD/JPY"):
DataUpy = DataUpy + PreparedString;
bool reset = HDMYSaving(Share, DataUpy);
if (reset)
DataUpy = "";
private void SavePersistentData (string FolderName , string FileName, string Share )
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FolderName))
string fullPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(FolderName, FileName);
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath))
FileStream fs = File.Create(fullPath);
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fullPath, false))
//System.IO.File.WriteAllText(fullPath, Share);
private void SavePersistent (string ReadFolder , string WriteFolder , string WriteFolderFile)
DirectoryInfo ParDir = new DirectoryInfo(ReadFolder);
string dat = "";
foreach (var item in ParDir.GetFiles())
var elem = System.IO.Path.Combine(ReadFolder, item.Name);
dat += System.IO.File.ReadAllText(elem);
SavePersistentData(WriteFolder, WriteFolderFile, dat);
foreach (var item in ParDir.GetFiles())
var del = System.IO.Path.Combine(ReadFolder, item.Name);
private bool HDMYSaving(ShareAndTimeRange Share, string Values)
if (Share.Candle == null)
return false;
bool toReset = false;
string SharePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(xPath, Share.ShareName);//c:\TradingBot\Saved Candles folder\"Sharename"\
string HourPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(SharePath, "Hour Data");//c:\TradingBot\Saved Candles folder\"Sharename"\Hour Data
int res;
int resuzt = Math.DivRem(Share.Candle.Time.Minute,3,out res);
if ( res == 0) //0 Share.Candle.Time.Minute == 0
DateTime DateToWriteH = Share.Candle.Time;
string HourFilePath = DateToWriteH.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + ".txt";
SavePersistentData(HourPath, HourFilePath, Values);
toReset = true;
DateTime DateToWriteD = Share.Candle.Time.AddDays(-1);
string DayPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(SharePath, "Day Data");//c:\TradingBot\Saved Candles folder\"Sharename"\Day Data
string DayFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(DayPath, DateToWriteD.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".txt");
if (Share.Candle.Time.Hour == 0 && Share.Candle.Time.Minute == 0 && !System.IO.File.Exists(DayFilePath))
SavePersistent(HourPath, DayPath, DateToWriteD.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".txt");
DateTime DateToWriteM = Share.Candle.Time.AddMonths(-1);
string MonthPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(SharePath, "Month Data");//c:\TradingBot\Saved Candles folder\"Sharename"\Month Data
string MonthFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(MonthPath, DateToWriteM.ToString("yyyyMM") + ".txt");
if (Share.Candle.Time.Day == 1 && Share.Candle.Time.Hour == 0 && Share.Candle.Time.Minute == 0 && !System.IO.File.Exists(MonthFilePath))
SavePersistent(DayPath, MonthPath, DateToWriteM.ToString("yyyyMM") + ".txt");
DateTime DateToWriteY = Share.Candle.Time.AddYears(-1);
string YearPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(SharePath, "Year Data");//c:\TradingBot\Saved Candles folder\"Sharename"\Year Data
string YearFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(YearPath, DateToWriteY.ToString("yyyy") + ".txt");
if (Share.Candle.Time.Month == 1 && Share.Candle.Time.Day == 1 && Share.Candle.Time.Hour == 0 && Share.Candle.Time.Minute == 0 && !System.IO.File.Exists(YearFilePath))
SavePersistent(MonthPath, YearPath, DateToWriteY.ToString("yyyy") + ".txt");
return toReset;
Is there a problem having a lot of Events which are fired every 2 seconds or every minute?
i found the problem. It was on another Class. The Fault was firing an event every time the program colleted a new value, but the program schould wait for the other "WebsTakenInCare".
Here is the Code before:
if (DataList.Count() == WebsTakenInCare)
FinalizedData = ShortenUpData(DataList);
and after changing:
if (DataList.Count() == WebsTakenInCare)
FinalizedData = ShortenUpData(DataList);

Check each List item if Null

I am quite poor at writing code, hence the question. Below I am adding items into a SharePoint List from a DB while checking if any of the fields contains DBNulls. Rather than having to perform the check for each column like I am below, can someone help me to put it in a loop if possible? I would be forever grateful
using (OdbcConnection connection = new OdbcConnection())
connection.ConnectionString = "dsn=abc;uid=xyz;pwd=yuo;DataSource=aaa";
connection.ConnectionTimeout = 100;
OdbcCommand command_donor = new OdbcCommand("Select * From vw_SP_aaa_bbb", connection);
using (OdbcDataReader reader = command_donor.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
var obj0 = reader.GetValue(48);
var obj1 = reader.GetValue(0);
var obj2 = reader.GetValue(33);
var obj3 = reader.GetValue(47);
var obj4 = reader.GetValue(42);
var obj5 = reader.GetValue(42);
ListItem oListItem_aaa = oList_aaa .AddItem(itemCreateInfo);
if (obj0 == null || obj0.Equals(DBNull.Value))
{ oListItem_aaa["Title"] = ""; }
{ oListItem_aaa["Title"] = reader.GetString(48).ToString(); }
if (obj1 == null || obj1.Equals(DBNull.Value))
{ oListItem_aaa["aaa_x0020_ID"] = ""; }
{ oListItem_aaa["aaa_x0020_ID"] = reader.GetString(0).ToString(); }
if (obj2 == null || obj2.Equals(DBNull.Value))
{ oListItem_aaa["Excluded_x0020_By"] = ""; }
{ oListItem_aaa["Excluded_x0020_By"] = reader.GetString(33).ToString(); }
if (obj3 == null || obj3.Equals(DBNull.Value))
{ oListItem_aaa["Excluded_x0020_On"] = ""; }
{ oListItem_aaa["Excluded_x0020_On"] = reader.GetDateTime(47).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); }
if (obj4 == null || obj4.Equals(DBNull.Value))
{ oListItem_aaa["Reason"] = ""; }
{ oListItem_aaa["Reason"] = reader.GetString(42).Substring(50, reader.GetString(42).ToString().Length-50); }
if (obj5 == null || obj5.Equals(DBNull.Value))
{ oListItem_aaa["Publish"] = ""; }
{ oListItem_aaa["Publish"] = reader.GetString(42).Substring(50, reader.GetString(42).ToString().Length - 50); }
catch (Exception exception)
Console.WriteLine("The Error is:" + exception);
Use Short IIF like
oListItem_aaa["Excluded_x0020_By"] = (obj1 == null || obj1.Equals(DBNull.Value)) ? "" : reader.GetString(0).ToString();
var obj0 = (reader.GetValue(48) != DBNull.Value && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(reader.GetValue(48)))) ? reader.GetValue(48) : "");
in one line. Then you dont need to use the if then else's... described also in MSDN at Operator ?: (C#-Referenz).

Control validation against XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction.Facets

I have a a desktop application with a System.Windows.Form containing some TextBox controls. I need to validate the control values against restrictions of an xml schema.
For each TextBox I can retrieve the relevant XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction from its type and then use a method as follows to validate its value:
public static bool Validate(XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction restriction, string value)
bool isENum = false;
bool isValidEnum = false;
foreach (var item in restriction.Facets)
XmlSchemaLengthFacet lengthFacet = item as XmlSchemaLengthFacet;
if (lengthFacet != null)
int length = Int32.Parse(lengthFacet.Value);
if (!(value.Length == length))
return false;
XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet minLenghtFacet = item as XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet;
if (minLenghtFacet != null)
int length = Int32.Parse(minLenghtFacet.Value);
if (!(value.Length >= length))
return false;
XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet maxLenghtFacet = item as XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet;
if (maxLenghtFacet != null)
int length = Int32.Parse(maxLenghtFacet.Value);
if (!(value.Length <= length))
return false;
XmlSchemaPatternFacet patternFacet = item as XmlSchemaPatternFacet;
if (patternFacet != null)
Regex re = new Regex(patternFacet.Value);
if (!re.IsMatch(value))
return false;
XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet enumFacet = item as XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet;
if (patternFacet != null)
isENum = true;
if (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(value, enumFacet.Value) == 0)
isValidEnum = true;
if (isENum && (!isValidEnum))
return false;
return true;
I am going to use this method in the Validating event of the controls. Is there any simpler way of doing this?
Ok, it's a little more complicated than I initially thought. Basically, you need create an XmlSchema that expects a single element with the provided restriction. Then you create an XML element with the provided value and validate it against the schema using an XmlReader:
public static bool Validate(XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction restriction, string value)
var schema = new XmlSchema();
schema.Items.Add(new XmlSchemaElement
Name = "value",
SchemaType = new XmlSchemaSimpleType { Content = restriction }
var schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet();
var readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings
ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema,
ValidationFlags = XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ReportValidationWarnings,
Schemas = schemaSet
string xml = new XElement("value", value).ToString();
var reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xml), readerSettings);
while (reader.Read()) ;
return true;
catch (XmlSchemaValidationException)
return false;
I tested it with this code:
static void Main(string[] args)
var restriction = new XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction { BaseTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName("string", "") };
restriction.Facets.Add(new XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet { Value = "3" });
Console.WriteLine(Validate(restriction, "str"));
