Using structs instead of classes for simple types - c#

In C# if I use a struct like shown below and do an equality comparison , values of the fields of the struct would be compared and I would get a result true if all the fields have same value.This is the default behaviour.
struct PersonStruct
public PersonStruct(string n,int a)
Name = n;Age = a;
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
var p1 = new PersonStruct("Jags", 1);
var p2 = new PersonStruct("Jags", 1);
Console.WriteLine(p1.Equals(p2)); //Return True
In case of class same thing would return a value false as it is a reference type.
class PersonClass
public PersonClass(string n, int a)
Name = n; Age = a;
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
var pc1 = new PersonClass("Jags", 1);
var pc2 = new PersonClass("Jags", 1);
Console.WriteLine(pc1.Equals(pc2));//Returns False
I understand the above concept.My question is considering the above scenario is it a good idea to use structs in such simple cases instead of a class ? I have commonly seen people implement classes in such cases(e.g. simple DTOs) and do all the extra stuff to implement equality operators (such as IEquatable and overridden equals method) .
Is my understanding correct or am I missing something here ?

You should avoid the default implementation of equality for structs. If your structs contain reference type fields (as PersonStruct does) then reflection is used to compare corresponding fields for equality, which is relatively slow. You should also implement IEquatable<T> for your structs since calling the object.Equals(object) method will cause boxing for both the source and argument struct. This will be avoided if the call can be resolved to IEquatable<PersonStruct>.

There is a whole article about this in MSDN.
✓ CONSIDER defining a struct instead of a class if instances of the type are small and commonly short-lived or are commonly embedded in other objects.
X AVOID defining a struct unless the type has all of the following characteristics:
It logically represents a single value, similar to primitive types (int, double, etc.).
It has an instance size under 16 bytes.
It is immutable.
It will not have to be boxed frequently.
In all other cases, you should define your types as classes.
When do you use a struct instead of a class?


How to make struct immutable inside a class definition

I have a question about creating an immutable struct inside a class definition. I want to define the struct outside the class but use that same struct type in the class definition while maintaining immutability. Will the code below achieve this?
namespace space
class Class1
public Struct {get; set;}
public Struct
public Struct(string strVar)
StructVar = strVar;
public string StructVar {get;}
Also, if I have a struct within a struct like:
class Class1
public Struct2 {get; set;}
public struct Struct2
public Struct2(string str, InStruct inStrct)
StrVar = str;
InStruct = inStrct;
public string StrVar {get;}
public InStruct InStruct {get;}
public struct InStruct
public InStruct(Array ary)
StrArray = ary
public Array StrArray {get;}
Does this also maintain immutability?
Lastly, if the size of the array in the InStruct is likely to be quite long, should I not use a struct at all and just put the array itself into the class definition instead? Am I just going struct crazy?
My concern is that because I'm doing a {set;} in the class definition that I'm breaking a rule somewhere. I would put the struct in the class definition itself but I didn't like to have to continuously call class constructors over and over to create each struct, that kind of seemed to defeat the purpose of using a struct in the first place.
It's a little difficult to give a complete answer without understanding exactly what you are trying to accomplish, but I'll start with a few important distinctions.
First, in C#, the struct/class distinction isn't about mutability per se. You can have a immutable class, like this one
public class CannotBeMutated
private string someVal;
public CannotBeMutated(string someVal)
_someVal = someVal
public string SomeVal => _someVal;
and a mutable struct, like this one
// This is not at all idiomatic C#, please don't use this as an example
public struct MutableStruct
private string _someVal;
public MutableStruct(string someVal)
_someVal = someVal;
public void GetVal()
return _someVal
public void Mutate(string newVal)
_someVal = newVal;
Using the above struct I can do this
var foo = new MutableStruct("Hello");
var bar = foo.GetVal(); // bar == "GoodBye"!
The difference between structs and classes is in variable passing semantics. When an object of a value type (e.g. a struct) is assigned to a variable, passed as a parameter to or returned from a method (including a property getter or setter) a copy of the object is made before it is passed to the new function context. When a object of a reference type is passed as a parameter to or returned from a method, no copy is made, because we only pass a reference to the object's location in memory, rather than a copy of the object.
An additional point on struct 'copying'. Imagine you have a struct with a field that is a reference type, like this
public struct StructWithAReferenceType
public List<string> IAmAReferenceType {get; set;}
When you pass an instance of this struct into a method, a copy of the reference to the List will be copied, but the underlying data will not. So if you do
public void MessWithYourSruct(StructWithAReferenceType t)
var s = new StructWithAReferenceType { IAmAReferenceType = new List()};
s.IAmAReferenceType.Count; // 1!
// or even more unsettling
var s = new StructWithAReferenceType { IAmAReferenceType = new List()};
var t = s; // makes a COPY of s
t.IAmAReferenceType.Count; // 1!
Even when a struct is copied, its reference type fields still refer to the same objects in memory.
The immutable/mutable and struct/class differences are somewhat similar, insofar as they are both about where and whether you can change the contents of an object in your program, but they are still very distinct.
Now on to your question. In your second example, Class1 is not immutable, as you can mutate the value of Struct2 like this
var foo = new Class1();
foo.Struct2 = new Struct2("a", 1);
foo.Struct2 // returns a copy of Struct2("a", 1);
foo.Struct2 = new Struct2("b", 2);
foo.Struct2 // returns a copy of Struct2("b", 2);
Struct2 is immutable, as there is no way for calling code to change the values of StrVar or InVar once. InStruct is similarly immutable. However, Array is not immutable. So InStruct is an immutable container for a mutable value. Similar to if you had a ImmutableList<List<string>>. While you can guarantee calling code does not change the value of InStruct.StrArray to a different array, you can do nothing about calling code changing the value of the objects in the Array.
Finally, some generic advice related to your example.
First, mutable structs, or structs with mutable fields, are bad. The examples above should point to why structs with mutable fields are bad. And Eric Lippert himself has a great example of how terrible mutable structs can be on his blog here
Second, for most developers working in C# there's almost never a reason to create a user defined value type (i.e. a struct). Objects of value types are stored on the stack, which makes memory access to them very fast. Objects of reference types are stored on the heap, and so are slower to access. But in the huge majority of C# programs, that distinction is going to be dwarfed by the time cost of disk I/O, network I/O, reflection in serialization code, or even initialization and manipulation of collections. For ordinary developers who aren't writing performance-critical standard libraries, there's almost no reason to think about the performance implications of the difference. Heck, developers in Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript and many other languages get by in languages totally without user-defined value types. Generally, the added cognitive overhead they introduce for developers is almost never worth any benefit you might see. Also, remember that large structs must be copied whenever they are passed or assigned to a variable, and can actually be a performance problem.
TL;DR you probably shouldn't use structs in your code, and they don't really have anything to do with immutability.

ReadonlyCollection, are the objects immutable?

I'm trying using ReadOnlyCollection to make object immutable, I want the property of object are immutable.
public ReadOnlyCollection<FooObject> MyReadOnlyList
return new ReadOnlyCollection<FooObject>(_myDataList);
But I little confused.
I tried to change the property of the object in to MyReadOnlyList using a foreach and ... I can change value property, is it correct? I understood ReadOnlyCollection set an add level to make the object immutable.
The fact that ReadOnlyCollection is immutable means that the collection cannot be modified, i.e. no objects can be added or removed from the collection. This does not mean that the objects it contains immutable.
This article by Eric Lippert, explains how different kinds of immutability work. Basically, a ReadOnlyCollection is an immutable facade which can read the underlying collection (_myDataList), but cannot modify it. However, you can still change the underlying collection since you have a reference to _myDataList by doing something like _myDataList[0] = null.
Furthermore, the objects returned by ReadOnlyCollection are the same ones returned by _myDataList, i.e. this._myDataList.First() == this.MyReadOnlyList.First() (with LINQ). This means that if an object in _myDataList is mutable, then so is the object in MyReadOnlyList.
If you want the objects to be immutable, you should design them accordingly. For instance, you might use:
public struct Point
public Point(int x, int y)
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;
// In C#6, the "private set;" can be removed
public int X { get; private set; }
public int Y { get; private set; }
instead of:
public struct Point
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
Edit: in this case, as noted by Ian Goldby, neither struct allows you to modify properties of the elements in the collection. This happens because structs are value types and when you access an element the collection returns a copy of the value. You can only modify the properties of a Point type if it is a class, which would mean that references to the actual objects are returned, instead of copies of their values.
I tried to change the property of the object in to MyReadOnlyList
using a foreach and ... I can change value property, is it correct? I
understood ReadOnlyCollection set an add level to make the object
Using a ReadOnlyCollection does not make any guarantees as for the object that is stored in the collection. All it guarantees is that the collection cannot be modified once it has been created. If an element is retrieved from it, and it has mutable properties, it can very well be modified.
If you want to make your FooObject an immutable one, then simply do so:
public class FooObject
public FooObject(string someString, int someInt)
SomeString = someString;
SomeInt = someInt;
public string SomeString { get; };
public int SomeInt { get; };
What is immutable is the collection itself, not the objects. For now, C# doesn't support immutable objects without wrapping them as ReadOnlyCollection<T> does in your case.
Well, you can still create immutable objects if their properties have no accessible setter. BTW, they're not immutable at all because they can mutate from a class member that may have equal or more accessibility than the setter.
// Case 1
public class A
public string Name { get; private set; }
public void DoStuff()
Name = "Whatever";
// Case 2
public class A
// This property will be settable unless the code accessing it
// lives outside the assembly where A is contained...
public string Name { get; internal set; }
// Case 3
public class A
// This property will be settable in derived classes...
public string Name { get; protected set; }
// Case 4: readonly fields is the nearest way to design an immutable object
public class A
public readonly string Text = "Hello world";
As I said before, reference types are always mutable by definition and they can behave as immutable under certain conditions playing with member accessibility.
Finally, structs are immutable but they're value types and they shouldn't be used just because they can represent immutable data. See this Q&A to learn more about why structs are immutable: Why are C# structs immutable?

How to name a class that wraps several primitive types?

I have a naming problem for some of my classes. I need to wrap some primitive .net types into a class like the following. There will be about 20 of such classes.
(The naming is crap, of course. Just for a demonstrative purpose)
public class Int32Single
public int Value { get; set; }
public class Int32Double
public int Value1 { get; set; }
public int Value2 { get; set; }
public class DoubleSingle
public double Value { get; set; }
I can't use a generic approach for this.
How should I name such wrapper classes, where each class name should provide the necessary information which primite types are wrapped and in which quantity?
It might also be possible that I have class that contains mixed primite types.
This doesn't seem like a very good idea at all. You have both the Tuple class and a standard array available, that both make more sense in any conceivable use case. However, that doesn't answer your question, so...
The most intuitive name for a wrapper class would follow the convention of {type-name}Wrapper, or for example, Int32Wrapper. In your case, the wrapped object is a primitive type, so makes sense to call the class a "Tuple". Since you want to specify the size of the Tuple in your class name, {primitive-type-name}{size}Tuple seems like the most intuitive naming convention but this causes several problems.
The natural language used to describe Tuples create ambiguity (such as Single and Double because they conflict with the Type names). (e.g. DoubleDouble is bad)
Integers are used in the naming of some primitive types so this could cause ambiguity. (e.g. Int322Tuple is bad).
We can't move the size to the beginning such as 2Int32Tuple because integers are not valid characters to begin a class name. So, There are two approaches that I think could work.
I think your best bet to get around these constraints, is to use a {primitive-type-name}{text-represented-size}Tuple convention. (e.g. Int32TwoTuple or DoubleTwoTuple). This convention expresses the contents of the wrapper class without ambiguity, so it seems like a good approach. In addition the name begins with the primitive type name, so, if you have a lot of these classes, it will be easier for your IntelliSense to fill in the correct class name, and it will alphabetically be listed next to the primitive type that is being wrapped.
Generics can help you out here:
public class WrapTwo<T>
public T Value1 { get; set; }
public T Value2 { get; set; }
public class WrapOne<T>
public T Value1 { get; set; }
And have you considered the Tuple class?
OneInt32, TwoInt32s, TwoDoubles? Doesn't sound great.
I don't very fond of Tuples or arrays, because both don't tell much about their purpose. Well, I use them. But mostly as internal members of classes, local variables, or with 3rd party/legacy code.
Back to naming. Compare:
Tuple<int,int> a = Tuple.Create(10,10);
Int32Double b = new Int32Double(15, 15);
WrapTwo<int> c = new WrapTwo<int>(20, 20);
Point a = new Point(10, 10);
Vertex b = new Vertex(15, 15);
One can argue, that 'a' is not good name for variable (and suggest to use 'pointA' instead). But I think it's pretty good in context of geometry application.
Not just type name and creation code looks obscure, but consider type fields names:
a.X = 20;
b.Value1 = 20;
So, I think you need some self-descriptive type in context of your application domain.

C#: Array of references / pointers to a number of integers

I would like to hold references to a number of shorts in an array. I assumed I could just create the shorts and then add them to the array. So... every time the referenced object is changed, this is reflected in the array, and vice versa. Doing some trials convinced me that it does not quite work that way. In fact, it looks like the value is transferred but not a reference.
Below code creates two shorts, adds these to an array as objects, then changes the original short. However, when accessing the assumed referenced short in the array it has not changed, which leads me to believe that it is a wholly new object that has nothing to do with the original one.
Console.WriteLine("Testing simple references:");
short v1 = 1;
short v2 = 2;
object[] vs = new object[2];
vs[0] = v1;
vs[1] = v2;
v1 = 1024;
v2 = 512;
Console.WriteLine(" v1: " + (short)vs[0]);
Console.WriteLine(" v2: " + (short)vs[1]);
I am misunderstanding something fundamental here and would appreciate if someone could explain, and perhaps point me to a solution that would do what I want.
There are two kinds of types in the C# type system "value types" and "reference types".
Value types are copied by value; when you copy one, you get a wholly new object that has nothing to do with the original.
Reference types are copied by reference; when you copy one, you are actually copying a reference to some storage location. You get two references that both refer to one object.
Shorts are value types.
If you want a short to be a reference type, then you could make a reference type wrapper:
class ReferenceType<T> where T : struct
public T Value { get; set }
public ReferenceType(T value) { this.Value = value; }
var v1 = new ReferenceType<short>(1);
var v2 = new ReferenceType<short>(2);
var vs = new ReferenceType<short>[2] { v1, v2 };
v1.Value = 1024;
v2.Value = 512;
And there you go.
Now, that will give you reference access to the short because the short is actually stored in the field associated with the value property of the class. If you then say:
v2 = new ReferenceType<short>(3);
you won't get "3" -- v2 now refers to a different object than vs[1]. If what you really want to capture is a reference to a variable then what you want to use is a closure.
class ReferenceToVariable<T>
private Func<T> getter;
private Action<T> setter;
public ReferenceToVariable(Func<T> getter, Action<T> setter)
this.getter = getter;
this.setter = setter;
public T Value { get { return getter(); } set { setter(value); } }
short v1 = 1;
short v2 = 2;
var vs = new []
new ReferenceToVariable<short>(()=>v1, x=>{v1=x;}),
new ReferenceToVariable<short>(()=>v2, x=>{v2=x;})
v1 = 123;
vs[1].Value = 456;
Console.WriteLine(vs[0].Value); // 123
Console.WriteLine(v2); // 456
Here we capture in the array objects which know how to get and set the current values of v1 and v2.
Now, if what you want to do is make an alias to another variable directly, without this object in the way, then there is only one way to do that in C#:
void M(ref short x)
x = 123;
short y = 1;
M(ref y);
Now "x" and "y" are two names for the same variable. However, the concept of "make an alias to another variable" only works in C# when the aliasing variable is a formal parameter of a method. There is no way to do it in general.
Now, we could in theory do something like what you want. We could support "ref locals":
UPDATE: The "theoretical" feature I discuss here was added to C# 7.0.
short v1 = 1;
ref short rv1 = ref v1;
rv1 = 123;
Console.WriteLine(v1); // 123
That is, rv1 becomes an alias for v1. C# does not support this, but the CLR does and therefore we could support it. However, the CLR does not support making arrays of "ref" element type, or fields that store refs. So in that sense, you couldn't do what you want.
C# does support some special "hidden" features for passing around objects that act like references to variables but are lighter weight than the "two delegate" reference mentioned above. However, these special features are only for bizarre interop scenarios and I recommend against them. (And again, you can't make an array that stores typed references.) I don't think I'll talk about those features more in this answer; you really don't want to go there, believe me.
Short is a value type, but you're trying to make it behave like a reference type.
You can create a class with a short property and then use an array of that class:
public class MyShort
public short Value {get; set;}
public class SomeOtherClass
public void SomeMethod()
MyShort[] array = new MyShort[2];
array[0] = new MyShort {Value = 5};
array[1] = new MyShort {Value = 2};
array[0].Value = 3;
There's potentially some work you can do there to make it smoother (like implementing a converter from short to your wrapper class and back).
The short type is a value type and does not work like reference types which behaves like you are expecting your shorts to behave. When you assign a value type to a variable, its value is assigned, not its reference. vs[0] will hold a copy of the value you assigned to v1.
If you really need to have the values in the array change when you change the original value, you need to wrap your short in a reference type. Here is an example:
public class ShortHolder {
public short Value { get; set; }
Then you can use it like this:
var v1 = new ShortHolder() { Value=123; }
var shortArray = new ShortHolder[1];
shortArray[0] = v1;
If you change v1.Value, then shortArray[0].Value will also change.
Value types are called value types because they are passed by value when passed to methods or assigned via the = operator.
Another (and more correct) way to look at it is that shorts, ints, etc. are immutable => they cannot be changed. So you basically cannot change a short. If you need an object of type short to change somewhere you need to create a class to hold this object like this:
public class ShortWrapper
public short ShortValue {get; set;}
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ShortWrapper short1 = new ShortWrapper{ ShortValue = 1};
ShortWrapper short2 = new ShortWrapper { ShortValue = 2 };
ShortWrapper[] shorts = new ShortWrapper[] { short1, short2 };
shorts[0].ShortValue = 5;
Essentially the code is replacing the object of type short with a new object.
BTW chances are that there is something wrong with your design if you need to wrap a naked short. You either should be using some more complex object already or should be working with the array of shorts in some other way. But I guess you are just testing.
The fundamental problem is that short is a struct and not an object. So basically an array of short is actually an array of short and not an array of references to short objects.
To solve the problem you can "box" the short in a class (but it's going to be tedious)
Try with the following:
public class MyShort { public Value { get; set; } }
You can use ReferenceType transparently as if float, int etc. were actually reference types if you add a conversion operator to the class:
class ReferenceType<T> where T : struct
public T Value { get; set; }
public ReferenceType(T value) { this.Value = value; }
public static implicit operator ReferenceType<T>(T b)
ReferenceType<T> r = new ReferenceType<T>(b);
return r;
public static implicit operator T(ReferenceType<T> b)
return b.Value;
ReferenceType<float> f1 = new ReferenceType(100f);
f1 = 200f;
float f2 = f1;
By using the explicit qualifier instead of implicit, you can require casts for these conversions, if you want to make things clearer at the expense of a little verbosity.

How can I set the value of auto property backing fields in a struct constructor?

Given a struct like this:
public struct SomeStruct
public SomeStruct(String stringProperty, Int32 intProperty)
this.StringProperty = stringProperty;
this.IntProperty = intProperty;
public String StringProperty { get; set; }
public Int32 IntProperty { get; set; }
Of course, a compiler error is generated that reads The 'this' object cannot be used before all of its fields are assigned to.
Is there a way to assign values to the backing fields or the properties themselves, or do I have to implement properties the old-fashioned way with my own explicit backing fields?
Prior to C# 6, you need to use the "this" constructor in this scenario:
public SomeStruct(String stringProperty, Int32 intProperty) : this()
this.StringProperty = stringProperty;
this.IntProperty = intProperty;
Doing this calls the default constructor and by doing so, it initializes all the fields, thus allowing this to be referenced in the custom constructor.
Edit: until C# 6, when this started being legal; however, these days it would be much better as a readonly struct:
public readonly struct SomeStruct
public SomeStruct(string stringProperty, int intProperty)
this.StringProperty = stringProperty;
this.IntProperty = intProperty;
public string StringProperty { get; }
public int IntProperty { get; }
If a structure is going to have, and its users will expect it to have, all three of the following characteristics:
Its entire state is encapsulated in some particular fixed set of readable members
An instance may be readily created in which those members have any combination of values which are valid for their respective types.
A default instance of the type should have all of those members set to the default values of their respective types.
the type should expose its members as fields. The above requirements mean a struct won't be able to do anything an exposed-field struct can't do, and will also mean that if code doesn't hit any threading hazards the struct will be able to do anything an exposed-field struct can do, albeit perhaps more slowly and with more threading hazards.
If a struct Foo has fields f1 and f2, and a constructor which sets those fields in that order, and if fooExpr is some sort of expression of type Foo [perhaps a variable, field, array reference, property, or whatever] the statement:
myFoo.f2 = someValue;
will only be allowed in cases where one could legally say
myFoo = new Foo(myFoo.f1, someValue);
and in all circumstances where the first form is allowed and the behavior of the second form has defined semantics, they will behave identically. Thus, trying to "encapsulate" the properties of Foo doesn't really accomplish anything except make the code more cumbersome to write, less clear, and slower to execute.
