I have spent all day trying to figure out how to publish a project I made in school. My intention is to use it as part of my portfolio for future job prospects. I have one math class left and I get my BS in CS. In school, we only created installers once and it was in Java, and I think the teacher gave us the code, which isn't that helpful for learning how to do this.
I used Visual Studio 2015 Community with Monogame to make a trivia maze game. It runs fine when I have it in VS. I do ClickOnce installer via a tutorial I found online and I cannot get it to successfully install on my machine, or any other machine for that matter. I get a .net framework exception when I try to install the game. I look at the contents of the publish folder and it does create the manifest, the setup.exe, several .dll's and even my content folder that contains my sprite sheets. I do not see any of my .cs files however. I am not sure if this is an issue. Heck, I am not sure what to completely expect from running ClickOnce.
Another thing that might be worth noting; I read something about making sure to have VS set to release instead of debug. My program will not run when I select release. It crashes when it tries to load the content. Throws an unhandledContentload exception. I am not sure if this is a symptom to my problem or anything I should be concerned about.
And maybe this is another issue; For my .cs files, the Copy to Output Directory is set to Do not copy. Could this be an issue when it comes to publishing? The build action is set to compile.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help.
When I build a C# program (this has been going on for several different solutions/projects I have been working on) in Visual Studio 2017, the new, updated code will build and run in debug mode (and run correctly).
However, the application that Visual Studio has been outputting when I build/debug them has been remaining with the original, first version of code that I saved. When I choose the options to rebuild, it will update the time stamp on the application and .pdb files, but the application will perform the way it did in earlier code versions, not the most recent code version that was running problem when I ran debug mode immediately after pressing Ctrl + F5.
These are C# Console Apps with the .NET Framework 4.6.1, if that makes any difference. I checked the output folder, and it is indeed the desired folder and the one I have been looking in... so why is the time stamp updating on the application (.exe file) that it outputs, but not the code itself? What am I missing?
When I run into strange things like this in Visual Studio, the first thing that usually works is to clean the project and rebuild. If that doesn't work, I'll close Visual Studio, re-launch, then clean and rebuild again. If that doesn't work, I would start looking into any extensions you have installed that might be getting in the way of your build process.
Further, you can look into logging the extensions activity to help troubleshoot if there are issue there. See the following article:
You may have already tried this, but since it wasn't mentioned I thought I'd provide it for others in a similar situation.
Two possible reasons:
(1) Your project was not recompiled during debugging. Please enable Edit and Continue under TOOLS->Options->Debugging.
(2) Visual Studio has a concept of incremental build. If you have a solution with two or much more projects and if you change source code in only one of the two projects, the "Build" command will compile only the modified project. But the "Rebuild" command, on the other hand, it will recompile all projects in this solution.
We have a C# Click-Once application that uses Windows Forms (Yes, I know that is old, we will be creating a new application with Xamarin soon). There are a few of us, each developing in Visual Studio 2017. We share our code via TFS. I have all the latest Visual Studio updates installed and have compared my visual studio version, 15.2 (26430.16) with my co-workers. We have the same version.
Anyway, Our application is multi-user, users log in with separate accounts and we set the display language based on user-preferences, not the machine's current language. We set it using this line:
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = OurFormClass.UserPreferredCultureInfo;
OurFormClass.UserPreferredCultureInfo is a static method that returns our user's preferred language in a CultureInfo object.
We have been doing this for years however a few days ago I noticed that it no longer works for me. Strangely, it still works for the rest of our developers. When I log in as one of our foreign-language test-users all of my label controls and string resources are still in English. I have set a breakpoint at the above line and it is getting set to the correct language however there is no effect.
I have tried deleting my source code and pulling it back down from source control. This did not help. I even tried uninstalling and re-installing Visual Studio. This still did not help. I copied my build output to a network drive and had one of my co-workers run it. Everything was English. I had him copy his build output to the network drive and I ran it. Internationalization worked!
I really don't know what to even try from here. I am using known-good source code and a fresh install of Visual Studio. Does anyone have any ideas where I should look next?
Thanks for any help!
I came here just to find a solution to debug such kind of problem but no satisfying answer yet.
The original content as below:
The program I wrote in c# and WPF in VS 2013 is packaged by Installshield LE 2013, and there is no error during the package procedure. Then I ran the Setup.exe to install the program and there's nothing wrong either. However, after I run the program installed, nothing happened, neither error message reports nor visible windows, even I didn't find any process concerned in the task manager.
I can't figure out where the problem is, for there's no error or clue to analyze and investigate. Maybe something I missed when adding application files, I guess.
By the way, I used Sqlite as database and packaged the data file under the bin directory, is it one of the reasons?
I haven't used install shield but setup project can be an alternative solution to your problem.
Here is a link that explains step by step procedure of creating a setup project and .msi file afterwards. Have a look.
I've solved the problem.
It's not about InstallShield. It's about dependencies. There're two .dll files I didn't packaged, which resulted in the errors in running this program.
So I do the debugging by removing the files under Debug directory to judge which file is necessary to run this program. Maybe it's not a good way to solve such problem but for me, it worked after all.
I am using VS 2013 (Express Version) and I want to create a WPF user Control Library project. But I am not able to find the template in my installed templates list. If I use Winforms, I am able to build a DLL out of my Winforms Application Project just by changing the Output type as "Class Library". But it is not happening in WPF and it is throwing errors if I do so. Is this the correct method of doing it or am I going wrong?
And in the Create New Project dialogue window, I am not able to find the .NET Framework selector drop down. After creating the project only I am able to change the .NET framework version by going inside the properties of the project.
Kindly help me to get out of this. Thanks in advance.
I have been working on this exact same problem for hours this morning. Here is what I think I have learned:
With Visual Studio Express 2013, it is by design that the WPF User Control Library template is not available for making a New Project. This is because it is the free Express version.
With the Express version, you don't have a "devenv.exe" for trying the "devenv /installvstemplates" to "fix" things. It is, instead, called (just a moment while I look this up again...) "WDExpress.exe" and will be located (if you have default location) in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE" directory. BUT - this won't help you. It won't fix your problem, because, as I mentioned, your Express installation is designed to not have that template available for New Project, so your "fix" won't put it there. I know this because this is what I tried myself. (Also, note that the instructions for doing this tell you to uninstall any extensions you've installed before doing it. And then, of course, if you still want them you have to reinstall them. Like I still have to do, incidentally.) I'm letting you know all of this so you don't go through the headache I'm having.
Note that I have not done this yet, so this is somewhat hypothetical on my part, but is based on my research on the Internet so far - Your solution is to create a WPF User Control Library manually [but now see UPDATE below]. (No, I don't know how to do this yet. I got into this in the first place, because I'm a WPF novice - just started working with it a few days ago - and late last night I got this great idea to add a "spinner" progress indicator to my "WPF play/learning project" I'm working on, and found a couple of relatively easy-to-work-with samples on the Internet - both of them are a WPF User Control Library - and at first I wanted to use the copy-and-paste to put the code in. But then I discovered... well, our mutual problem, because I'm using Visual Studio Express 2013. No such template under New Project. And literally at the tail end of my about-to-throw-in-the-towel, I'm googling and your post, Dhivakar, is already showing up with the right Google search.) So I haven't finished my research yet, but my next step is to learn exactly how to create a WPF User Control Library manually (the code and various project property settings), and then I can just save a WPF User Control Library skeleton for future use and document the details.
UPDATE: This guy totally has the solution for Express versions. I have followed his steps and it works great. The only additional piece of information I would add is that in my version (VSE2013), after you've created your WPF User Control Library template, when you open Visual Studio again and use File -> New Project, my selection in the tree (for a Windows app) came up under Templates -> Visual C# -> Windows (which is what I've been using). I did not see my template showing up there, after I created it, and I thought, "Great! Another piece of advice that doesn't work." But then I clicked up one on the "Visual C#" parent - and there was the template!
Here you go:
How to add a WPF control library template to Visual C# Express 2008
Yes, it works this way for VSE2013 too.
UPDATE 2: I'm not absolutely positive about this, but I think he missed one little piece. In his step #4 he says to delete Window1.xaml and App.xaml. Maybe this didn't apply with VSE 2008, but in VSE 2013 there is also the App.config file which I believe is extraneous for our purpose. So you can delete App.config as well. As I said, I'm not absolutely certain about this yet, but I noticed that file in the project when I added a WPF User Control Library project to my solution, and I deleted it, and the solution compiled okay.
Try running devenv with the /installvstemplates switch, from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/ms247116(v=vs.100).aspx
If this doesn't work, browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplatesCache\CSharp\WPF\1033\WPFUserControl (this could change dependent upon your installation directory), open the .vstemplate file in a text editor, and make sure the setting is set to true, then try running devenv with the switch again.
Hope it helps.
I am getting the following error when trying to compile and test any type of project in Visual Studio 2012 Professional.
Error 1 The specified task executable "Csc.exe" could not be run. The
specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform.
After testing multiple suggestions online nothing has fixed the problem. Anyone know what is causing this? Is there a new version of Csc.exe I need to get a hold of? I know this is the compiler just not sure what I need to do to fix the problem.
I had this exact problem today on my Win7 Machine. As Hans suggests, 'Navigate to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 and type "csc".'
The file may still exist but if you can open it with notepad, it will probably show just plain text of some errors. This is the indication that your compiler has been destroyed. At my office we have come up with a theory that a Windows update may be causing this because only a few machines have been affected, but I haven't read much online about it until now.
We fixed this by copying someone else's csc.exe into the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 directory and recompiling. Be sure to set the options on the file to read-only so this won't happen again. Good Luck!
The problems associated with csc.exe in Visual Studio 2012 can mostly be solved by repairing Visual Studio.
You need to repair Visual Studio. Go to Control Panel -> Programs. Then select your version of Visual Studio you are using and press "Change"(or right click it and press "Change"). When the setup appears, click "Repair".
I am on Visual Studio 2017 but this is the first google result that pops up for "csc.exe not found"
When I got this error I had to restart Visual Studio, being sure to select 'Run As Administrator'. Everything worked after that
I've faced this problem while i am trying to move Asp.Net Mvc Project from one computer to another ; error message was : The specified task executable location "c:\users\mypcname\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\TestMVC\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0\build\..\tools\csc.exe" is invalid.
I solved this by
Creating new Mvc Project ;
going to that folder \Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0\build..\tools
and Copied the csc.exe file to my Projets >> \Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0\build..\tools\
i think when i was copying the project from the original Computer i left that csc.exe file in the specified folder.
Hope this will help someone.
Check your solution properties (right-click on Solution and select 'Properties') and make sure that the 'platform' field (Configuration Properties) is set correctly.
I think this problem is caused due to improper PC clean up. I was running Quick Heal PCTuner 3.0 software on a 64-bit windows 7 machine but suddenly due to loss of power my machine was shut down then when i opened it again I was getting this problem in VS 2013. Even TortoiseSVN checkout was not working and throwing internal error and something like corrupted disk also was shown when trying to delete some files on the harddisk.
I ran the PC Tuner again doing the Disk, Registry and traces clean up and it got fixed. maybe this problem may occur due to other cases also but is mostly related to the system's files In my case this is the fix
in my case helped (I had .net framework 4.5.1 and vs c# 2010 express):
download the newest .net framework and run repair
On Visual Studio 2013, the same problem solved by doing this for me:
Right click the solution and open Configuration Manager. For the project(you may see at least one there), I've changed the Platform from Any CPU to x86 for the project that may causing the problem.
I've tried to delete and move csc.exe file but it doesn't do anything.
Then simply I upgrade .net version and than downgrade (returned to its original state) and it works.
I solved my problem by copying the whole folder containing my visual studio solution
From C:\Users\me\Google Drive...
To: C:\Users\me\OneDrive...