Visual Studio 2012 csc.exe Error. Executable not valid for OS - c#

I am getting the following error when trying to compile and test any type of project in Visual Studio 2012 Professional.
Error 1 The specified task executable "Csc.exe" could not be run. The
specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform.
After testing multiple suggestions online nothing has fixed the problem. Anyone know what is causing this? Is there a new version of Csc.exe I need to get a hold of? I know this is the compiler just not sure what I need to do to fix the problem.

I had this exact problem today on my Win7 Machine. As Hans suggests, 'Navigate to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 and type "csc".'
The file may still exist but if you can open it with notepad, it will probably show just plain text of some errors. This is the indication that your compiler has been destroyed. At my office we have come up with a theory that a Windows update may be causing this because only a few machines have been affected, but I haven't read much online about it until now.
We fixed this by copying someone else's csc.exe into the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 directory and recompiling. Be sure to set the options on the file to read-only so this won't happen again. Good Luck!

The problems associated with csc.exe in Visual Studio 2012 can mostly be solved by repairing Visual Studio.
You need to repair Visual Studio. Go to Control Panel -> Programs. Then select your version of Visual Studio you are using and press "Change"(or right click it and press "Change"). When the setup appears, click "Repair".

I am on Visual Studio 2017 but this is the first google result that pops up for "csc.exe not found"
When I got this error I had to restart Visual Studio, being sure to select 'Run As Administrator'. Everything worked after that

I've faced this problem while i am trying to move Asp.Net Mvc Project from one computer to another ; error message was : The specified task executable location "c:\users\mypcname\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\TestMVC\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0\build\..\tools\csc.exe" is invalid.
I solved this by
Creating new Mvc Project ;
going to that folder \Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0\build..\tools
and Copied the csc.exe file to my Projets >> \Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.0.0\build..\tools\
i think when i was copying the project from the original Computer i left that csc.exe file in the specified folder.
Hope this will help someone.

Check your solution properties (right-click on Solution and select 'Properties') and make sure that the 'platform' field (Configuration Properties) is set correctly.

I think this problem is caused due to improper PC clean up. I was running Quick Heal PCTuner 3.0 software on a 64-bit windows 7 machine but suddenly due to loss of power my machine was shut down then when i opened it again I was getting this problem in VS 2013. Even TortoiseSVN checkout was not working and throwing internal error and something like corrupted disk also was shown when trying to delete some files on the harddisk.
I ran the PC Tuner again doing the Disk, Registry and traces clean up and it got fixed. maybe this problem may occur due to other cases also but is mostly related to the system's files In my case this is the fix

in my case helped (I had .net framework 4.5.1 and vs c# 2010 express):
download the newest .net framework and run repair

On Visual Studio 2013, the same problem solved by doing this for me:
Right click the solution and open Configuration Manager. For the project(you may see at least one there), I've changed the Platform from Any CPU to x86 for the project that may causing the problem.

I've tried to delete and move csc.exe file but it doesn't do anything.
Then simply I upgrade .net version and than downgrade (returned to its original state) and it works.

I solved my problem by copying the whole folder containing my visual studio solution
From C:\Users\me\Google Drive...
To: C:\Users\me\OneDrive...


Visual studio 2019 go to definition and Intellisense not working

I have noticed a weird issue with Visual Studio 2019 v16.0.1 the IntelliSense about "Using directive is unnecessary" normally grey is missing and type reference suggestion for missing using is not working.
I also tried with Visual Studio 2019 Preview but no luck.
I have tried the following:
deleted .vs folder and restarted.
Reinstalled Visual Studio
Reset settings via import and export setting under tools
Any other suggestions will be appreciated.
Close Visual Studio
Delete .vs folder (it is a hidden folder inside the folder which contains the solution *.sln)
Start Visual Studio
Solved my problem
Update From the comments
Deleting Browse.VC.db file within .vs folder worked for me. I did this to avoid deleting .suo which has information I want to preserve
NOTE 1: I am using Visual Studio 2019, but it may work on other versions
NOTE 2: This did not solve the OP problem, but it is a good candidate to solve your
Go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> General. Make sure “Auto List Members” is checked. Also, make sure “Parameter Information” is checked.
If you are facing this issue with Unity projects then,
Check in your Unity settings whether it has Visual Studio configured as the external editor.
Click on Regenarate project files in the Unity settings.
Go to Assets => Open C# project.
This will restart Visual Studio with your project.
In my case, Resharper is the culprit. Disabling it immediately solved the issue.
I think these issues are discussed here and are resolved by an update and some worksrounds are bring discussed:
For anyone who are searching for another suggestion, I just go throught this issue, as OP said, I've deleted .vs folder, I've update vs to last version, I've uninstalled and reinstalled vs to the last version, I've reset settings, delete all obj folders, I've installed Microsoft.Net.Compilers but nothing worked, at the end I just remembered that sometimes the projects required WindowsBase library, until now I don't know why, but after adding that dll Intellisense started to function again.
I use resharper (vs 2017) but had not installed it on 2019. After installing Resharper on 2019 the intellisense started working again. (yes, it was working in 2019, then stopped)
I don't have an explanation on why this would fix it. Just did for me.
First time I use VS 2019, I need to manually install Code Analysis. Make sure it is installed at your project properties.
And today, for the new class, the suggestion or namespaces not showing for VS 2019 Intellisense, and Go to Definition not working too.
I must do close solution, and re-open and VS 2019 doing scanning while opening project, and then worked again.
I think this is bug for VS 2019. Try to close solution and re-open it.
I have tried almost all the solution mentioned above but it doesn't helped me. Trying to restart my PC solved my problem.
I tried lots of things but nothing worked for me until I found this post. He mentions a few things I have already tried that didn't work, but his final solution worked for me...
At the root of our solution there is a packages folder. I deleted the
entire contents of this folder. Upon reopening Visual Studio,
Intellisense and Go To Definition were restored to full working order.
close visual stdio
For mac in your folder: do command + shift+ .
you will see hidden files -> delete .vs folder
open solution again
After working for a few months, Intellisense suddenly stopped. This cost me a lot of lost time! I've been worked with Visual Studio for about 10 years, and this problem happens occasionally in every version.
Here's what I tried for this iteration of the problem:
Closing Visual Studio and re-opening does sometimes make the problem disappear for a short time, but it certainly doesn't solve it
Likewise restarting my laptop
Installing the latest Visual Studio 2019 update didn't help (I'm on 16.8.3 now if anyone's interested)
Deleting the hidden .vs folder doesn't seem to solve anything (doing so also means you lose your current window layout, as well as any bookmarks you've set)
Unticking the Track Changes option in this menu: Tools-> Options-> Text Editor-> General.
I've updated my NuGet reference to the Microsoft.Net.Compilers library to the latest stable version, as suggested here, but sadly this made no difference
I thought I've finally solved the problem by following the advice from Homer. I deleted the packages folder at the base level of my project (somewhat nervously, as I wasn't sure if it was needed), and thought it had solved the problem, but no such luck.
However, one thing to watch out for - after doing this, Visual Studio recognised my classes but no longer recognised built-in ones (all the referenced namespaces at the top of my controllers were underlined in red). I then deleted the .vs folder (again), which seemed to solve the problem.
When I recompiled my solution, it gave a few CS0433 compilation errors with duplicate namespaces for the MinLength and MaxLength directives in some identity user name and password validation code. I got round this by removing the Microsoft.EntityFramework Nuget library (I had to also remove Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework too, since this depended on it), then adding them both back in, making sure to include at least version 6.2 of the former (otherwise I got another runtime error to do with the FirstOrDefaultAsync method called somewhere!).
My current situation: all existing Intellisense is working, but it's not recognising new classes I add unless I exit Visual Studio and go back in again. May have to live with this ... unless anyone can help me?
I've got that problem today with only one project. I got no Intellisense warnings (i.e. naming styles, "Variable not referenced", etc..) for files in that project. Not in VS 2017 Pro nor in VS 2019 Community.
Check, if your Project->Build->"Warning level" is set to 0...
If you have Visual Studio 2017 installed side-by-side with Visual Studio 2019, close VS2019, open the project in VS2017, wait until it is fully loaded, then close VS2017, and reopen VS2019 - fixed!
There must be a bug in the VS2019 intellisense stuff, but VS2017 seems to fix it with no need to keep deleting the .vs directory.

Unable to copy file .exe in Visual Studio 2017

I have an core project that references .NET Framework and I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise. When I try to build my solution, I came across with this error:
Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\net461\MyProject.exe" to "bin\Debug\net461\MyProject.exe".
Access to the path 'bin\Debug\net461\MyProject.exe' is denied.
Even if I cleaned the solution and build again, I still have this error.
Anyone faced this error?
Go to Task Manager and look for Microsoftvshost.exe and kill them all. Even though you stop debugging the exe can continue to run in the background. This causes a lock on the file.
Close the application and delete Obj and bin folder
First, make sure you have the .net core localhost server stopped, before trying to build the solution.
I have seen this error before. Trying the following has worked for me:
1. Close the current solution.
2. Close Visual Studio.
3. Start Visual Studio in Administrator mode.
4. Re-open and build the solution.
The above can avoid the common copy file and file Access Denied errors.

Issues moving solution from VS2013 to VS2015 having to do with cryptography?

I have a relatively large WinForms application that has been developed under Visual Studio 2013. I recently upgraded to Visual Studio 2015 on another computer and have been trying to get the project working under it.
My first issue/concern is that when I open the project for the first time in Visual Studio 2015 it does not ask me to "upgrade" the solution to Visual Studio 2015, it happily just opens the solution. I am used to having Visual Studio ask to "upgrade" the solution and create a new .sln file that is recognized as a, for example, Visual Studio 2013 solution instead of the old VS10 solution.
The actual issue I am facing is ~10 errors that seem to deal with cryptography. From what I can guess this has to do with the solution itself and what microsoft does with it in the background seeing as the most cryptography I use in the project is generating Guid.
An image of the errors
The one other issue I have is that, as I am not used to, I cannot double click on the errors them self to be lead to where Visual Studio thinks they are occurring. Thus I am not sure what is generating them or where to go from here.
Any suggestions?
This is a Windows 7 installation on an older model Lenovo Thinkpad. I do not have admin privileges on this computer either.
EDIT: So far I have tried to add <enforceFIPSPolicy enabled="false"/> to the file Visual Studio 15 settings at C\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Devenv.exe.config, though whenever I try to edit it (even after a fresh restart) the file is "always" opened by another program. So it seems I cannot edit the file to turn off FIPS for Visual Studio 15.
I am still open to suggestions or clues.
EDIT2: I have managed to get <enforceFIPSPolicy enabled="false"/> into the IDE settings with the help of IT (Using this article). Though this seems to do absolutely nothing, it seems that it is being ignored.
Another issue/clue here is that even if I create a brand new C# project in Visual Studio, when I try to compile I receive the same errors. So I have to assume that Visual Studio is using the SHA256 class somewhere "in the background". If I did have control over its usage I would try to implement #Kevin 's answer below.
I have found another possible solution on the web though I am not sure of its validity
VS 2012 now builds C# projects in a separate process that runs
msbuild. The entry you added to devenv.exe.config (that worked for VS
2010) won't be seen by this process. You should add the same entry,
to the config file for msbuild; typically that's found at
I will try to get this done when I have time for the .NET 4.5+ msbuild.exe.config files and report back.
The solution I went with is outline here.
<enforceFIPSPolicy enabled="false"/> was added to a few files, namely
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\msbuild.exe.config
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Devenv.exe.config
Though I think the one that actually made it work was the first file.
You can't double click on the error and have it go to where the error is being thrown because it is being thrown inside the SHA256 class. If the FIPS compliance bit is set, any non-FIPS compliant .NET cryptography classes throw this error.
You have two choices to fix this...
First, you can just turn off the FIPS compliance bit on the machine where you are trying to run the app (not recommended).
Otherwise, you can update the code to use the FIPS compliant version of SHA256 (SHA256CryptoServiceProvider). This will require .NET Framework 3.5 or greater.

Install Sheild LE -4340 Internal Build Error Visual Studio 2012

I have an issue with building an MSI with Install Shield LE in Visual Studio. The error says "-4340: Internal Build Error", but the link to Flexera is worthless. I tried the suggestion in another post to add the installer project to a fresh solution and then my .Net projects after, but that did not help. That suggestion can be found here.
I have not found a single repeatable cause of the issue, it does not seem to happen because of any one thing. I'm trying to build an installer for a Windows Service.
I got that error too. In order to fix it i rebuild my solution in Release configuration instead of Debug one.
All I did is restart Visual Studio. For some reason that worked for me.
My solution is slightly different:
Close and launch Visual Studio, open solution then
Rebuild with Release configuration AND
Unload/load InstallShield
Visual Studio 2015, Windows 10, Visual C#
When I had this error, it was because I added an executable for extra dialogs to be run after the install. I told install shield to run the executable, but I didn't add it to the list of files to deploy.
When I added it to the files, the error went away.
It could be that when users switch to "debug" that they have a build of the executable in debug mode, but they never built it in release mode.
It would be nice if flexera produced a normal error message for my case at least. i.e. "You said to run XYZ, but XYZ is not found in the file list"
I had the same issue and solved it by deleting a previous build. It looks like Visual Studio wasn't able to delete the previous version.
I am quite late to this post... but I will post the solution in case others run into the problem. I worked with Flexera on this problem and they provided a fix for it. Download and install IS 2016 SP1 or newer and the problem is solved! Read all about it at
I just had this again for the x-thousandth time. Normally the rebuild approach works, or failing that restarting VS, but this time I actually had to restart Windows to get it working again. Hope that helps someone, I was starting to really think it wasn't going to work again this time.
I had to unload/reload the InstallShield project in order for it to build.
I'm getting this error when I forget to start Visual Studio with Administrator privileges.

Visual Studio keeps crashing

Visual studio team system 2008 keeps crashing on me. Sometimes it just freezes, or certain parts of the UI get messed up or a weird popup box saying something about unable to load parameters or saying something else about memory or any other number of things.
it usually happens when I do a "complex" task like go into debug mode or do a search across of whole solution or run a unit tests or something like that.
I rebooted my machine countless time, reinstalled it VS, changed my virtual memory settings, flush my page file on every reboot and anything else i could think of.
It seems like VS runs out memory or something.
I have a powerfully machine with lots of RAM so that's not the issue
any suggestions?
You can always try some standard Visual Studio troubleshooting steps:
Clean the solution
Delete / rename all files in your solution created by VS, i.e. all .ncb, .suo, .user files
Launch Visual Studio with all add-ins disabled: devenv.exe /SafeMode
Reset All Settings: Tools -> Import / Export Settings -> Reset All Settings
Delete HKCU:\Software\Micosoft\VisualStudio\9.0 and then restart Visual Studio
Repair the Visual Studio installation through Add/Remove Programs
You might also check whether there is a hotfix available addressing your issue (e.g. KB960075 sounds like a good candidate for you), or whether you find your problem already reported on the Connect website.
The first step is to uninstall all 3rd party add-ins on Visual Studio. In particular if you have multiple add-ins as they can interfere with each other in unexpected ways and cause crashes. After uninstalling repeat your scenarios and see if this fixes the issue.
If not then it's best to consult the application log and find out why Visual Studio is crashing. The log will contain at least the error code of the crash which can searched on google or reposted here for us to take a look at.
Assuming this occurs with VS up to date with all service packs installed, you might try some of these suggestions. If you haven't tried with service packs, do that first.
What version of Windows are you using? If it is Windows 7, try launching Visual Studio with a compatibility mode and see if that resolves the issue. To do this, make a copy of the normal launch shortcut and go into the Properties dialog and set it to run as Windows Vista.
If this doesn't fix it, then you might also consider:
Checking your PATH environment for any weird settings which might be confusing it, e.g. paths pointing to other SDKs
Any 3rd party VS extensions such as source control, refactoring plugins, wizards etc.
Old versions of .NET or SQL server
Also test if the issue occurs for every kind of project or just certain kinds, e.g. does it happen for all projects? Does it happen in C++, C#, VB.NET projects etc.
You can also attach a debugger to Visual Studio, to see what it's doing. Sometimes a particular .sln will trigger bad behavior or more likely, some third-party add-on.
If you believe that you've gotten VS into a wired state, you can try the following command line switches
devenv.exe /ResetSettings (This will reset the visual studio settings to the defaults)
If that doesn't help, as a last resort, you can try
devenv.exe /ResetUserData
