Drawing zig-zag lines is much slower than drawing straight lines - c#

While using a self-written graphing control I noticed that the painting of the graph was much slower while displaying noisy data than when it displayed clean data.
I dug further into and narrowed the problem down to its bare minimum difference: Drawing the same amount of lines with varying Y values versus drawing lines with the same Y value.
So for example I put together the following tests. I generate lists of points, one with random Y values, one with the same Y, and one with a Zig-Zag Y pattern.
private List<PointF> GenerateRandom(int n, int width, int height)
//Generate random pattern
Random rnd = new Random();
float stepwidth = Convert.ToSingle(width / n);
float mid = Convert.ToSingle(height / 2);
float lastx = 0;
float lasty = mid;
List<PointF> res = new List<PointF>();
res.Add(new PointF(lastx, lasty));
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
var x = stepwidth * i;
var y = Convert.ToSingle(height * rnd.NextDouble());
res.Add(new PointF(x, y));
return res;
private List<PointF> GenerateUnity(int n, int width, int height)
//Generate points along a simple line
float stepwidth = Convert.ToSingle(width / n);
float mid = Convert.ToSingle(height / 2);
float lastx = 0;
float lasty = mid;
List<PointF> res = new List<PointF>();
res.Add(new PointF(lastx, lasty));
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
var x = stepwidth * i;
var y = mid;
res.Add(new PointF(x, y));
return res;
private List<PointF> GenerateZigZag(int n, int width, int height)
//Generate an Up/Down List
float stepwidth = Convert.ToSingle(width / n);
float mid = Convert.ToSingle(height / 2);
float lastx = 0;
float lasty = mid;
List<PointF> res = new List<PointF>();
res.Add(new PointF(lastx, lasty));
var state = false;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
var x = stepwidth * i;
var y = mid - (state ? 50 : -50);
res.Add(new PointF(x, y));
state = !state;
return res;
I now draw each list of points a few times and compare how long it takes:
private void DoTheTest()
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(970, 512);
var random = GenerateRandom(2500, bmp.Width, bmp.Height).ToArray();
var unity = GenerateUnity(2500, bmp.Width, bmp.Height).ToArray();
var ZigZag = GenerateZigZag(2500, bmp.Width, bmp.Height).ToArray();
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
var tUnity = BenchmarkDraw(g, 200, unity);
var tRandom = BenchmarkDraw(g, 200, random);
var tZigZag = BenchmarkDraw(g, 200, ZigZag);
MessageBox.Show(tUnity.ToString() + "\r\n" + tRandom.ToString() + "\r\n" + tZigZag.ToString());
private double BenchmarkDraw(Graphics g, int n, PointF[] Points)
var Times = new List<double>();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
System.DateTime d3 = DateTime.Now;
DrawLines(g, Points);
System.DateTime d4 = DateTime.Now;
Times.Add((d4 - d3).TotalMilliseconds);
return Times.Average();
private void DrawLines(Graphics g, PointF[] Points)
g.DrawLines(Pens.Black, Points);
I come up with the following durations per draw:
Straight Line: 0.095 ms
Zig-Zag Pattern: 3.24 ms
Random Pattern: 5.47 ms
So it seems to get progressively worse, the more change there is in the lines to be drawn, and that is also a real world effect I encountered in the control painting I mentioned in the beginning.
My questions are thus the following:
Why does it make a such a brutal difference, which lines are to be drawn?
How can I improve the drawing speed for the noisy data?

Three reasons come to mind:
Line Length : Depending on the actual numbers sloped lines may be longer by just a few pixels or a lot or even by some substantial factor. Looking at your code I suspect the latter..
Algorithm : Drawing sloped lines does take some algorithm to find the next pixels. Even fast drawing routines need to do some computations as opposed to vertical or horizontal lines, which run straight through the pixel arrays.
Anti-Aliasing : Unless you turn off anti-aliasing completely (with all the ugly consequences) the number of pixels to paint will also be around 2-3 times more as all those anti-aliasing pixels above and below the center lines must also be calculated and drawn. Not to forget calculating their colors!
The remedy for the latter part is obviously to turn off anti-aliasing, but the other problems are simply the way things are. So best don't worry and be happy about the speedy straight lines :-)

If you really have a lot of lines or your lines could be very long (a few time the size of the screen), or if you have a lot of almost 0 pixel line, you have to wrote code to reduce useless drawing of lines.
Well, here are some ideas:
If you write many lines at the same x, then you could replace those by a single line between min and max y at that x.
If your line goes way beyond the screen boundary, you should clip them.
If a line is completly outside of the visible area, you should skip it.
If a line have a 0 length, you should not write it.
If a line has a single pixel length, you should write only that pixel.
Obviously, the benefit depends a lot on how many lines you draw... And also the alternative might not give the exact same result...
In practice, it you draw a chart on a screen, then if you display only useful information, it should be pretty fast on modern hardware.
Well if you use style or colors, it might not be as trivial to optimize the displaying of the data.
Alternatively, they are some charting component that are optimized for display large data... The good one are generally expensive but it might still worth it. Often trials are available so you can get a good idea on how much you might increase the performance and then decide what to do.


DrawLines very slow when lines are crossing each other

For large number of lines n > 1000 the performance of Graphics.DrawLines is very poor (multiple seconds) when the lines are crossing each other. See the following example:
private static readonly Random r = new Random();
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
int n = 10000;
using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 1))
Point[] points = new Point[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int ii = i * 1000 / n;
int x = r.Next(0, 1001);
int y = r.Next(0, 1001);
points[i] = new Point(x, y);
e.Graphics.DrawLines(pen, points);
When I replace x or y by ii the performance is good. Here the lines are not crossing each other.
I observed as well that the line width has an impact. Line widths larger than 1 are even slower.
Is there any way to improved the performance of DrawLines?
As Matthew Watson points out, the most probable reason is simply that you are drawing more pixels. If you change your code to
for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 4)
points[i] = new Point(0, 0);
points[i+1] = new Point(1000, 1000);
points[i+2] = new Point(1000, 0);
points[i+3] = new Point(0, 1000);
You would repeatedly be drawing a cross. When I test this I get about 230ms for drawing a line strip of 10k segments to a bitmap. And that seem to be perfectly within expectations. I would expect you to get similar performance when drawing to screen using double buffering.
When drawing random points there seem be a performance degradation sometimes, especially when using wider lines. My only explanation for this is that it hits some edge case that is handled much less efficiently. I would recommend seeing if you get acceptable performance with actual data, and make another post with said data if performance is much worse than expected.
You might also want to take a look at Ramer–Douglas–Peucker or Visvalingam–Whyatt to simplify your line. If this is a plot it might not make much sense to have many more points than you have pixels on your monitor.

How to smooth between multiple perlin noise chunks?

Smoothing Between Chunks
So I've been working on a game in unity and want to expand my world from a 150x150 map into a seemingly infinite procedural world. My plan is to use Perlin Noise as the base and use the different values from 0-1 to determine the terrain type. The issue I'm running into is when I draw out my chunks and offset accordingly my chunks do not line up correctly, which kind of break the illusion of an infinite world.
(seen here)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using Unity.Mathematics;
public class WorldChunk
public int2 Position;
public int[,] Data;
public float[,] Sample;
public WorldChunk(int chunkSize = 16){
Data = new int[chunkSize, chunkSize];
Sample = new float[chunkSize, chunkSize];
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using Unity.Mathematics;
public class WorldGenerator : MonoBehaviour
// Base World Data
public int ChunkSize = 75;
public string Seed = "";
[Range(1f, 40f)]
public float PerlinScale = 10f;
// Pseudo Random Number Generator
private System.Random pseudoRandom;
// Chunk Data Split into Sections (Each Chunk having Coords (x, y))
public Dictionary<string, WorldChunk> chunks = new Dictionary<string, WorldChunk>();
// Set Warm-Up Data
private void Awake() {
// Get/Create Seed
if (Seed == ""){
Seed = GenerateRandomSeed();
// Get Random Number Generator
pseudoRandom = new System.Random(Seed.GetHashCode());
// Using to Clear while Making Test Adjustments
// Generate Starting Chunk
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
// Draw Test Chunks
GenerateChunk(x, y);
// Generation Code
// ===
// Create New Chunks
// ===
public void GenerateChunk(int x, int y){
// Set Key to use
string key = $"{x},{y}";
// Check if key exists if not Generate New Chunk
if (!chunks.ContainsKey(key)){
// Add Chunk, Set Position in chunk grid (for calling and block data later), Then Generate data
chunks.Add(key, new WorldChunk(ChunkSize));
chunks[key].Position = new int2(x, y);
// ===
// Fill Chunks with Perlin Data
// ===
private void GenerateChunkData(WorldChunk chunk){
// Set Offsets
float xOffset = (float)chunk.Position.x * ChunkSize;
float yOffset = (float)chunk.Position.y * ChunkSize;
// Set Data to Chunk
for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < ChunkSize; y++)
// Get Perlin Map
float px = (float)(x) / ChunkSize * PerlinScale + xOffset;
float py = (float)(y) / ChunkSize * PerlinScale + yOffset;
// Set Temp Sample For Testing (This will change for Map Data (Hills and Water) later)
chunk.Sample[x,y] = Mathf.PerlinNoise(px, py);
// ===
// Generate Random Seed of Length
// ===
private string GenerateRandomSeed(int maxCharAmount = 10, int minCharAmount = 10){
//Set Characters To Pick from
const string glyphs= "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
//Set Length from min to max
int charAmount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minCharAmount, maxCharAmount);
// Set output Variable
string output = "";
// Do Random Addition
for(int i=0; i<charAmount; i++)
output += glyphs[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, glyphs.Length)];
// Output New Random String
return output;
// Draw Example
private void OnDrawGizmos() {
// Do this because I'm lazy and don't want to draw pixels to generated Sprites
// For Each WorldChunk in the chunk Data
foreach (WorldChunk c in chunks.Values)
// Check if it exists (Foreach is stupid sometimes... When live editing)
if (c != null){
// Get World Positions for Chunk (Should probably Set to a Variable in the Chunk Data)
Vector3 ChunkPosition = new Vector3(c.Position.x * ChunkSize, c.Position.y * ChunkSize);
// For Each X & For Each Y in the chunk
for (int x = 0; x < ChunkSize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < ChunkSize; y++)
// Get Cell position
Vector3 cellPos = new Vector3((ChunkPosition.x - ChunkSize/2f) + x, (ChunkPosition.y - ChunkSize/2f) + y);
// Get Temp Sample and set to color
float samp = c.Sample[x,y];
Gizmos.color = new Color(samp, samp, samp);
// Draw Tile as Sample black or white.
Gizmos.DrawCube(cellPos, Vector3.one);
// Size for Cubes
Vector3 size = new Vector3(ChunkSize, ChunkSize, 1f);
// Set Color Opaque Green
Gizmos.color = new Color(0f, 1f, 0f, 0.25f);
// Draw Chunk Borders (Disable to show issue)
// Gizmos.DrawWireCube(ChunkPosition, size);
I would like to point out when I use:
// Get Perlin Map
float px = (float)(x + xOffset) / ChunkSize * PerlinScale;
float py = (float)(y + yOffset) / ChunkSize * PerlinScale;
instead of
// Get Perlin Map
float px = (float)(x) / ChunkSize * PerlinScale + xOffset;
float py = (float)(y) / ChunkSize * PerlinScale + yOffset;
Everything aligns up correctly but the perlin noise just repeats.
What would be the best way for me to smooth between the chunks so that everything matches up?
Is there a better way to write this maybe?
Thanks for the help Draykoon D! here is the updated info and links to the updated scripts on pastebin if anyone needs them!
Here is the update code for anyone who wants it:
** WorldGenerator.cs**
** WorldGenerator.cs**
Hope that helps!
The key word you are looking for is tileable.
But I have a great news for you, noise function such as perlin are periodic in nature.
So instead of calling ChunckSize * ChunkSize a noise function you should only call it once and then divide the results.
I will advice you to read this excellent tutorial:
Don't use Perlin noise. It has heavy bias towards the 45 and 90 degree directions. Your hills are all aligned to these, and aren't oriented along a more interesting variety of directions. You could use Unity.mathematics.noise.snoise(float2) but its repeat period is rather small, and it might not be very fast if you aren't using Unity Burst jobs. this is what I created/use/recommend, but it's certainly not the only option out there! Note that all these noises are range -1 to 1 rather than 0 to 1, so if that's important than do value=value*0.5+0.5; to rescale it.
Now that that's out of the way, to solve your issue you need to separate the idea of chunks and generation. This is a good idea in general, and I always believe in hiding backend implementation details (e.g chunks) from gameplay as much as possible (e.g. avoid visible boundaries). Each time you generate a chunk, you should find its start coordinate in the world, so that coordinates continue seamlessly with the rest. For example, if the chunks are 128x128, then the chunk starting at (0, 0) should have starting coordinate (0, 0), then the chunk starting at (0, 1) should have starting coordinate (0, 128). Only then, convert a world coordinate into a noise coordinate by multiplying by your desired frequency.

Find last drawn pixel of C# Metafile

I have a Metafile object. For reasons outside of my control, it has been provided much larger (thousands of times larger) than what would be required to fit the image drawn inside it.
For example, it could be 40 000 x 40 000, yet only contains "real" (non-transparent) pixels in an area 2000 x 1600.
Originally, this metafile was simply drawn to a control, and the control bounds limited the area to a reasonable size.
Now I am trying to split it into different chunks of dynamic size, depending on user input. What I want to do it count how many of those chunks will be there (in x and in y, even the splitting is into a two-dimensional grid of chunks).
I am aware that, technically, I could go the O(N²) way, and just check the pixels one by one to find the "real" bounds of the drawn image.
But this will be painfully slow.
I am looking for a way of getting the position (x,y) of the very last drawn pixel in the entire metafile, without iterating through every single one of them.
Since The DrawImage method is not painfully slow, at least not N² slow, I assume that the metafile object has some optimisations on the inside that would allow something like this. Just like the List object has a .Count Property that is much faster than actually counting the objects, is there some way of getting the practical bounds of a metafile?
The drawn content, in this scenario, will always be rectangular. I can safely assume that the last pixel will be the same, whether I loop in x then y, or in y then x.
How can I find the coordinates of this "last" pixel?
Finding the bounding rectangle of the non-transparent pixels for such a large image is indeed an interesting challenge.
The most direct approach would be tackling the WMF content but that is also by far the hardest to get right.
Let's instead render the image to a bitmap and look at the bitmap.
First the basic approach, then a few optimizations.
To get the bounds one need to find the left, top, right and bottom borders.
Here is a simple function to do that:
Rectangle getBounds(Bitmap bmp)
int l, r, t, b; l = t = r = b = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width - 1; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height - 1; y++)
if (bmp.GetPixel(x,y).A > 0) { l = x; goto l1; }
for (int x = bmp.Width - 1; x > l ; x--)
for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height - 1; y++)
if (bmp.GetPixel(x,y).A > 0) { r = x; goto l2; }
for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height - 1; y++)
for (int x = l; x < r; x++)
if (bmp.GetPixel(x,y).A > 0) { t = y; goto l3; }
for (int y = bmp.Height - 1; y > t; y--)
for (int x = l; x < r; x++)
if (bmp.GetPixel(x,y).A > 0) { b = y; goto l4; }
return Rectangle.FromLTRB(l,t,r,b);
Note that is optimizes the last, vertical loops a little to look only at the portion not already tested by the horizontal loops.
It uses GetPixel, which is painfully slow; but even Lockbits only gains 'only' about 10x or so. So we need to reduce the sheer numbers; we need to do that anyway, because 40k x 40k pixels is too large for a Bitmap.
Since WMF is usually filled with vector data we probably can scale it down a lot. Here is an example:
string fn = "D:\\_test18b.emf";
Image img = Image.FromFile(fn);
int w = img.Width;
int h = img.Height;
float scale = 100;
Rectangle rScaled = Rectangle.Empty;
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap((int)(w / scale), (int)(h / scale)))
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
g.ScaleTransform(1f/scale, 1f/scale);
g.DrawImage(img, 0, 0);
rScaled = getBounds(bmp);
Rectangle rUnscaled = Rectangle.Round(
new RectangleF(rScaled.Left * scale, rScaled.Top * scale,
rScaled.Width * scale, rScaled.Height * scale ));
Note that to properly draw the wmf file one may need to adapt the resolutions. Here is an example i used for testing:
using (Graphics g2 = pictureBox.CreateGraphics())
float scaleX = g2.DpiX / img.HorizontalResolution / scale;
float scaleY = g2.DpiY / img.VerticalResolution / scale;
g2.ScaleTransform(scaleX, scaleY);
g2.DrawImage(img, 0, 0); // draw the original emf image.. (*)
// g2.DrawImage(bmp, 0, 0); // .. it will look the same as (*)
g2.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rScaled);
I left this out but for fully controlling the rendering, it ought have been included in the snippet above as well..
This may or may not be good enough, depending on the accuracy needed.
To measure the bounds perfectly one can do this trick: Use the bounds from the scaled down test and measure unscaled but only a tiny stripe around the four bound numbers. When creating the render bitmap we move the origin accordingly.
Example for the right bound:
Rectangle rScaled2 = Rectangle.Empty;
int delta = 80;
int right = (int)(rScaled.Right * scale);
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap((int)(delta * 2 ), (int)(h )))
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
g.DrawImage(img, - right - delta, 0);
rScaled2 = getBounds(bmp);
I could have optimized by not going over the full height but only the portion (plus delte) we already found..
Further optimization can be achieved if one can use knowledge about the data. If we know that the image data are connected we could use larger steps in the loops until a pixel is found and then trace back one step..

How to draw thousands of tiles without killing FPS

I've looked everywhere for a workaround to this issue (I may just be blind to see the solutions lying around). My game currently renders the tilemap on the screen and will not render tiles that are not actually within the screen bounds. However, each tile is 16x16 pixels, that means 8100 tiles to draw if every pixel on the screen contains a tile at 1920x1080 resolution.
Drawing that many tiles every cycle really kills my FPS. If I run 800x600 resolution my FPS goes to ~20, and at 1920x1080 it runs at around 3-5 FPS. This really drives me nuts.
I've tried threading and using async tasks, but those just flicker the screen. Probably just me coding it incorrectly.
Here's the drawing code that I currently use.
// Get top-left tile-X
Vector topLeft = new Vector(Screen.Camera.X / 16 - 1,
Screen.Camera.Y / 16 - 1);
Vector bottomRight = new Vector(topLeft.X + (Screen.Width / 16) + 2,
topLeft.Y + (Screen.Height / 16) + 2);
// Iterate sections
foreach (WorldSection section in Sections)
// Continue if out of bounds
if (section.X + ((Screen.Width / 16) + 2) < (int)topLeft.X ||
section.X >= bottomRight.X)
// Draw all tiles within the screen range
for (int x = topLeft.X; x < bottomRight.X; x++)
for (int y = topLeft.Y; y < bottomRight.Y; y++)
if (section.Blocks[x - section.X, y] != '0')
DrawBlock(section.Blocks[x - section.X, y],
x + section.X, y);
There are between 8 and 12 sections. Each tile is represented by a char object in the two-dimensional array.
Draw block method:
public void DrawBlock(char block, int x int y)
// Get the source rectangle
Rectangle source = new Rectangle(Index(block) % Columns * FrameWidth,
Index(block) / Columns * FrameHeight, FrameWidth, FrameHeight);
// Get position
Vector2 position = new Vector2(x, y);
// Draw the block
Game.spriteBatch.Draw(Frameset, position * new Vector2(FrameWidth, FrameHeight) - Screen.Camera, source, Color.White);
The Index() method just returns the frame index of the tile corresponding to the char.
I'm wondering how I could make it possible to actually allow this much to be drawn at once without killing the framerate in this manner. Is the code I provided clearly not very optimized, or is it something specific I should be doing to make it possible to draw this many individual tiles without reducing performance?
Not sure if this is the best way to deal with the problem, but I've started to use RenderTarget2D to pre-render chunks of the world into textures. I have to load chunks within a given area around the actual screen bounds at a time, because loading all chunks at once will make it run out of memory.
When you get close to the bounds of the current pre-rendered area, it will re-process chunks based on your new position in the world. The processing takes roughly 100 milliseconds, so when loading new areas the player will feel a slight slowdown for this duration. I don't really like that, but at least the FPS is 60 now.
Here's my chunk processor:
public bool ProcessChunk(int x, int y)
// Create render target
using (RenderTarget2D target = new RenderTarget2D(Game.CurrentDevice, 16 * 48, 16 * 48,
false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24))
// Set render target
// Clear back buffer
Game.CurrentDevice.Clear(Color.Black * 0f);
// Begin drawing
Game.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Texture, BlendState.AlphaBlend);
// Get block coordinates
int bx = x * 48,
by = y * 48;
// Draw blocks
int count = 0;
foreach (WorldSection section in Sections)
// Continue if section is out of chunk bounds
if (section.X >= bx + 48) continue;
// Draw all tiles within the screen range
for (int ax = 0; ax < 48; ax++)
for (int ay = 0; ay < 48; ay++)
// Get the block character
char b = section.Blocks[ax + bx - section.X, ay + by];
// Draw the block unless it's an empty block
if (b != '0')
Processor.Blocks[b.ToString()].DrawBlock(new Vector2(ax, ay), true);
// End drawing
// Clear target
// Set texture
if (count > 0)
// Create texture
Chunks[x, y] = new Texture2D(Game.CurrentDevice, target.Width, target.Height, true, target.Format);
// Set data
Color[] data = new Color[target.Width * target.Height];
Chunks[x, y].SetData<Color>(data);
// Return true
return true;
// Return false
return false;
If there are any suggestions on how this approach can be improved, I won't be sad to hear them!
Thanks for the help given here!

Faster method for drawing in C#

I'm trying to draw the Mandelbrot fractal, using the following method that I wrote:
public void Mendelbrot(int MAX_Iterations)
int iterations = 0;
for (float x = -2; x <= 2; x += 0.001f)
for (float y = -2; y <= 2; y += 0.001f)
Graphics gpr = panel.CreateGraphics();
Complex C = new Complex(x, y);
Complex Z = new Complex(0, 0);
for (iterations = 0; iterations < MAX_Iterations && Complex.Abs(Z) < 2; Iterations++)
Z = Complex.Pow(Z, 2) + C;
//ARGB color based on Iterations
int r = (iterations % 32) * 7;
int g = (iterations % 16) * 14;
int b = (iterations % 128) * 2;
int a = 255;
Color c = Color.FromArgb(a,r,g,b);
Pen p = new Pen(c);
//Tranform the coordinates x(real number) and y(immaginary number)
//of the Gauss graph in x and y of the Cartesian graph
float X = (panel.Width * (x + 2)) / 4;
float Y = (panel.Height * (y + 2)) / 4;
//Draw a single pixel using a Rectangle
gpr.DrawRectangle(p, X, Y, 1, 1);
It works, but it's slow, because I need to add the possibility of zooming. Using this method of drawing it isn't possible, so I need something fast. I tried to use a FastBitmap, but it isn't enough, the SetPixel of the FastBitmap doesn't increase the speed of drawing. So I'm searching for something very fast, I know that C# isn't like C and ASM, but it would be interesting do this in C# and Winforms.
Suggestions are welcome.
EDIT: Mendelbrot Set Zoom Animation
I assume it would be significantly more efficient to first populate your RGB values into a byte array in memory, then write them in bulk into a Bitmap using LockBits and Marshal.Copy (follow the link for an example), and finally draw the bitmap using Graphics.DrawImage.
You need to understand some essential concepts, such as stride and image formats, before you can get this to work.
As comment said put out CreateGraphics() out of the double loop, and this is already a good imrovement.
But also
Enable double buffering
For zooming use MatrixTransformation functions like:
An interesting article on CodeProject can be found here. It goes a little bit further than just function calls, by explaining actually Matrix calculus ( a simple way, don't worry), which is good and not difficult to understand, in order to know what is going on behind the scenes.
