I have a list lstSubscriptionRequests on which indivisual items i am doing some sort of processing asynchronously. Then after All items are processed i have to return the updated list items. My current implementation is like
List<SubscriptionRequest> lstSubscriptionRequests = FromSomeResource();
var tsk = new List<Task>();
foreach (var oTsk in lstSubscriptionRequests.Select(objSubscriptionRequest => new Task(
() => ProcessSubscriptionForASingleRecord(objSubscriptionRequest))))
lock (tsk)
It's looks like some of the items after all the tasks completed are not updated.
Please let me know what correction i needed
You could accomplish this much easier. Note that using the Task constructor is not typically necessary or recommended, also mutating the state of a particular object can be difficult to follow or debug. Returning a new object that represents your desired state will allow you to enforce a minimum valid state. The following code will processes all your items and return the completed items to your client code.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Processing {
public class MyProcessor {
public async Task<IEnumerable<Subscription>> ProcessSubscriptionRequestsAsync(IEnumerable<SubscriptionRequest> subscriptionRequests) {
var subscriptionProcessingTasks = subscriptionRequests.Select(request => ProcessSubscriptionForASingleRecord(request)).ToArray();
return await Task.WhenAll(subscriptionProcessingTasks);
public async Task<Subscription> ProcessSubscriptionForASingleRecord(SubscriptionRequest request) {
//process the request
try {
var subscription = await Context.ProcessRequest(request);
return subscription;
} catch {
//something went wrong with the request
public class SubscriptionRequest {
//A subcription request
public class Subscription {
//A completed subscription request
It could help if you could exclude new Class Subscription and add the solution in your answer. i will then try it out
Hopefully the simplified before and after view will be easier to integrate. The primary difference is replacing the Parallel.ForEach with a Select to create your collection of tasks without needing to take a lock on the task list for every SubscriptionRequest, also spooling up Tasks in parallel isn't typically necessary as each one will be executing asynchronously you only gain reaching a point where all are waiting sooner, not finishing. Next each tasks is allowed to start and all are awaited at await Task.WhenAll(tasks). It will be important for you to determine what type of processing each SubscriptionRequest undergoes. For the sake of example i"ve made the assumption that each request is somehow linked to database access, i.e. storing the request, updating a user profile of sorts etc..
public class OriginalSynchronous {
public void ProcessSubscriptionRequest() {
List<SubscriptionRequest> lstSubscriptionRequests = FromSomeResource();
List<Task> tsk = new List<Task>();
Parallel.ForEach(lstSubscriptionRequests, objSubscriptionRequest => {
var oTsk =
new Task(
() => ProcessSubscriptionForASingleRecord(objSubscriptionRequest));// update some properties after processing SubscriptionRequest
lock (tsk) {
private void ProcessSubscriptionForASingleRecord(SubscriptionRequest request) {
//modify SubscriptionRequest
public class ModifiedAsync {
public async Task ProcessSubscriptionRequest() {
var subscriptionRequests = await FromSomeResourceAsync();
var tasks = subscriptionRequests.Select(request => {
return ProcessSubscriptionForASingleRecord(request);
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
public async Task ProcessSubscriptionForASingleRecord(SubscriptionRequest request) {
//modify SubscriptionRequest
I have the following scenario:
In my WPF app using MVVM (I'm fairly new to MVVM) I have a Window that contains a DataGrid. When the Window is loaded I want to fill the DataGrid with entries from a Database using Entity Framework. Additionally a certain column should use a ComboBox in edit mode which is also filled from the DB (many-to-many relation). These items should also be loaded when the Window loads. Oh yes and, of course, this should be done async so that the database queries do not block the UI.
I've read these excellent blog posts by Stephen Cleary: https://t1p.de/c12y8 and https://t1p.de/xkdh .
I have chosen the approach that my ViewModel is constructed synchronously and an asynchronous Initialize method is called from the Window-Loaded event. The Initialize method then triggers the two queries.
The ViewModel:
public class ViewModel : ViewModelBase
// this uses a slightly modified class from the first blog post
private NotifyTaskCompletion databaseAction;
public NotifyTaskCompletion DatabaseAction
get => databaseAction;
private set
databaseAction = value;
public ViewModel()
// nothinc asynchronous going on here
public void Initialize()
DatabaseAction = new NotifyTaskCompletion(InitializeAsync());
private async Task InitializeAsync()
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
private async Task FirstQueryAsync()
using (var context = new SampleContext())
var query = await context.Beds.ToListAsync();
if (query.Count > 0)
beds = new ObservableCollection<Bed>();
query.ForEach(bed => beds.Add(bed));
LoadBedsFromFile(ref beds);
foreach (var bed in beds)
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
private void LoadBedsFromFile(ref ObservableCollection<Bed> list)
if (File.Exists("Beds.xml"))
FileStream fs = new FileStream("Beds.xml", FileMode.Open);
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ObservableCollection<Bed>));
list = (ObservableCollection<Bed>)serializer.Deserialize(fs);
private async Task SecondQueryAsync()
using (var context = new SampleContext())
var query = await context.Samples.Where(...)
foreach (Sample item in query)
// each entry is put into a ViewModel itself
SampleViewModel vm = new SampleViewModel(item);
// sampleClass.Samples is an ObservableCollection
The Window:
private async void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ViewModel vm = this.TryFindResource("viewModel") as ViewModel;
if (vm != null)
Now here is the Issue:
The UI is unresponsive and does not update until the initialization is finished. Even if I use Task.Run(() => vm.Initialize());.
The strange thing ist this: If I put a Task.Delay() into the InitializeAsync method, the loading animation ist shown as intended und the UI is responsive. If i put the Delay into SecondQueryAsync for example the UI freezes for a few seconds and afterwards the loading animation rotates for the duration of the delay.
I suspect this might be some issue with creating the DbContext but i cannot pinpoint this.
I eventually solved this problem.
TheodorZoulias' comment and the link he posted to await Task.Run vs await gave me a hint towards the solution.
Replacing the new NotifyTaskCompletion(InitializeAsync()); with new NotifyTaskCompletion(Task.Run(() => InitializeAsync())); unfortunately raised other problems because I could not simply modify the ObservableCollection from that Task's context.
I really like writing code with async-await. The problem is when it hits code that is not async.
As I suspected the syncronous call to create the DbContext was blocking the thread.
So this is how I solved it - maybe it helps someone:
First I used a factory method to create the DbContext asynchronous:
public class SampleContext : DbContext
private SampleContext() : base()
public static async Task<SampleContext> CreateAsync()
return await Task.Run(() => { return new SampleContext(); }).ConfigureAwait(false);
Then I rewrote the methods that query the database in a way that they do not modify the ObservableCollection themselves but returned a list instead.
A second method takes the return value as a parameter and modifies the ObservableCollection. That way I can use ConfigureAwait to configure the context.
private async Task<List<Sample>> SecondQueryAsync()
var context = await SampleContext.CreateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
var query = await context.Samples.Where(...)
return query;
private async Task InitializeAsync()
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
var firstTask = FirstQueryAsync();
var secondTask = SecondQueryAsync();
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
if (tasks.Any(t => t.IsFaulted))
Initialized = false;
Initialized = true;
I'm new to System.Threading.Channels. I have the following consumer code:
await foreach (var thing in this.Reader.ReadAllAsync(cancellationToken)
await this.HandleThingAsync(thing, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
That seems to work fine when consuming things produced by a single producer like this:
var things = await this.GetThingsAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
await foreach (var thing in things.WithCancellation(cancellationToken)
await this.Writer.WriteAsync(thing, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
But when I try to add in a second producer of the same general form, as soon as one of the two producers is done (and calls this.Writer.Complete()), anything that the other producer still needs to add will be rejected because the channel is already closed. This is a problem because I want the reader to read everything, not merely everything up until the point that any one producer has nothing more to produce.
How does one deal with this situation? Is there some built-in or otherwise "standard" way? For example, perhaps a "condenser" channel which exposes multiple Channel.Writer objects (one for each "real" producer), and a single Channel.Reader (for the single "real" consumer)?
I don't think that there is a way that you could call "standard". A Channel<T> is a tool that can be used in many different ways, much like a Task or a SemaphoreSlim. In your case, you could propagate the completion of all producers by using a counter like this:
int producersCount = X;
await foreach (var thing in things)
await channel.Writer.WriteAsync(thing);
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref producersCount) == 0) channel.Writer.Complete();
Alternatively, if each producer is a Task, you could attach a continuation to all these tasks combined like this:
var producers = new List<Task>();
_ = Task.WhenAll(producers).ContinueWith(_ => channel.Writer.Complete(),
default, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously, TaskScheduler.Default);
The discard (_) above has been used in order to communicate that the ContinueWith continuation has been launched in a fire-and-forget fashion. If you dislike throwing unobserved tasks in the wind like me, you can handle the completion of the producers in an async void method like this:
var producers = new List<Task>();
async void HandleProducersCompletion()
try { await Task.WhenAll(producers); }
finally { channel.Writer.Complete(); }
This way an exception thrown by the channel.Writer.Complete(); invocation will be unhandled and will crash the process. Which is arguably a good thing, considering the alternative which is a process that has been deadlocked for no apparent reason.
I wound up making this class, based on my "channel condenser" idea that I mentioned in my original question. It may or may not be horrible and/or bug-ridden, but at least so far it seems to do the job in a way that seems fairly natural and unobtrusive to me:
using Nito.AsyncEx;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Channels;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Rwv37.System.Threading.Channels
public class ChannelCondenser<T>
private bool IsGoing { get; set; }
private AsyncLock IsGoingLock { get; init; }
private ConcurrentBag<Channel<T>> IncomingChannel { get; init; }
private Channel<T> OutgoingChannel { get; init; }
public ChannelCondenser()
this.IsGoingLock = new AsyncLock();
this.IncomingChannel = new();
this.OutgoingChannel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<T>();
public async Task GoAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
using (await this.IsGoingLock.LockAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
if (this.IsGoing)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Cannot go - already going!");
this.IsGoing = true;
List<Task> tasks = new();
foreach (var incomingChannel in this.IncomingChannel)
tasks.Add(this.HandleIncomingChannelAsync(incomingChannel, cancellationToken));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
public ChannelWriter<T> AddIncomingChannel()
using (this.IsGoingLock.Lock())
if (this.IsGoing)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("New incoming channels cannot be added while going!");
Channel<T> incomingChannel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<T>();
return incomingChannel.Writer;
public ChannelReader<T> GetOutgoingChannel()
return this.OutgoingChannel.Reader;
private async Task HandleIncomingChannelAsync(Channel<T> incomingChannel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await foreach (var item in incomingChannel.Reader.ReadAllAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
await this.OutgoingChannel.Writer.WriteAsync(item, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
Usage within the consumer(s) and producer(s) is completely unchanged from that shown in my original question.
The only thing I had to change outside of them is how the classes using them are constructed. Consumer construction was changed from...
private Channel<Thing> WantedThingsChannel { get; init; }
this.WantedThingsChannel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<Thing>();
this.WantedThingsHandler = new(this.WantedThingsChannel.Reader);
... to...
private ChannelCondenser<Thing> WantedThingsCondenser { get; init; }
this.WantedThingsCondenser = new();
this.WantedThingsHandler = new(this.WantedThingsCondenser.GetOutgoingChannel());
Similarly, the producer's construction was changed from...
this.WantedThingsRetriever = new(this.WantedThingsChannel.Writer);
... to...
this.WantedThingsRetriever = new(this.WantedThingsCondenser.AddIncomingChannel());
Oh, no, wait, I lied. One other change outside of them: My program's main Task.WhenAll was changed so that it additionally waits on the ChannelCondenser. So, from...
List<Task> tasks = new()
... to...
List<Task> tasks = new()
I'm wondering if there is a way to create either IAsyncEnumerable<T> or IAsyncEnumerator<T> via a Source object, rather like TaskCompletionSource allows one to do for tasks. In particular, TaskCompletionSource can be passed around like any other parameter.
Maybe something like this:
public class AsyncEnumerables {
public Task HandlerTask { get; set; }
public async Task<string> ParentMethod() {
var source = new AsyncEnumerableSource<int>();
IAsyncEnumerable asyncEnumerable = source.GetAsyncEnumerable();
HandlerTask = Task.Run(() => handleAsyncResultsAsTheyHappen(asyncEnumerable));
int n = await someOtherTask();
var r = await ChildMethod(source);
source.Complete(); // this call would cause the HandlerTask to complete.
return r;
private async Task<string> ChildMethod(AsyncEnumerableSource<int> source) {
await SomeOtherCall();
return "hello";
With the above code, the handleAsyncResultsAsTheyHappen task would see whatever values got passed into YieldReturn. So it would see the n from the above code, as well as the 5 and the 10 from ChildMethod.
Here is another implementation of the AsyncEnumerableSource class, that doesn't depend on the Rx library. This one depends instead on the Channel<T>, class, which is natively available in the .NET standard libraries. It has identical behavior to the Rx-based implementation.
The class AsyncEnumerableSource can propagate notifications to multiple subscribers. Each subscriber can enumerate these notifications at its own pace. This is possible because each subscription has its own dedicated Channel<T> as underlying storage. The lifetime of a subscription is practically tied to the lifetime of a single await foreach loop. Breaking early from a loop for any reason (including thrown exceptions), ends immediately the subscription.
In technical terms a new subscription is created the first time that the MoveNextAsync method of an IAsyncEnumerator<T> is invoked. Calling the method GetAsyncEnumerable alone doesn't create a subscription, nor calling the GetAsyncEnumerator method does. The subscription ends when the associated IAsyncEnumerator<T> is disposed.
public class AsyncEnumerableSource<T>
private readonly List<Channel<T>> _channels = new();
private bool _completed;
private Exception _exception;
public async IAsyncEnumerable<T> GetAsyncEnumerable(
[EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Channel<T> channel;
lock (_channels)
if (_exception != null) throw _exception;
if (_completed) yield break;
channel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<T>(
new() { SingleWriter = true, SingleReader = true });
await foreach (var item in channel.Reader.ReadAllAsync()
yield return item;
finally { lock (_channels) _channels.Remove(channel); }
public void YieldReturn(T value)
lock (_channels)
if (_completed) return;
foreach (var channel in _channels) channel.Writer.TryWrite(value);
public void Complete()
lock (_channels)
if (_completed) return;
foreach (var channel in _channels) channel.Writer.TryComplete();
_completed = true;
public void Fault(Exception error)
lock (_channels)
if (_completed) return;
foreach (var channel in _channels) channel.Writer.TryComplete(error);
_completed = true;
_exception = error;
The reason for the cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); is because of this issue: ChannelReader.ReadAllAsync(CancellationToken) not actually cancelled mid-iteration.
Caution: in case you start propagating values with YieldReturn before any consumer has subscribed to the AsyncEnumerableSource, these values are going to be lost. No subscriber is going to observe them. To prevent this scenario you should make sure that all consumers have subscribed before starting the producers. The easiest way to do it is for the consumers to be async methods, with the await foreach being the first await inside the async method:
// Correct, synchronous subscription
async Task Consume()
await foreach (var item in source.GetAsyncEnumerable())
Task consumer = Consume();
Avoid the temptation to use the Task.Run method, because in this case the subscription will occur asynchronously on a ThreadPool thread, and not synchronously with the creation of the consumer:
// Wrong, delayed subscription (possibility for unobserved values)
Task consumer = Task.Run(async () =>
await foreach (var item in source.GetAsyncEnumerable())
In case that you don't want to do the subscriptions synchronously, it is possible to offload them to the ThreadPool, and await them to be established before starting the producers:
// Correct, awaited subscription
Task consumer = await Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
await foreach (var item in source.GetAsyncEnumerable())
}, default, TaskCreationOptions.DenyChildAttach, TaskScheduler.Default);
The Task.Factory.StartNew(async method creates a nested Task<Task>. The outer task represents the subscription, and the inner task represents the consuming loop.
You're much better off if you can structure your code to take advantage of yield return and await foreach. E.g., this code does almost the same thing:
public async Task Consume()
var source = ParentMethod();
HandlerTask = Task.Run(async () => { await foreach (var item in source) { Console.WriteLine(item); } });
public async IAsyncEnumerable<int> ParentMethod()
await Task.Yield();
yield return 13;
await foreach (var item in ChildMethod())
yield return item;
private async IAsyncEnumerable<int> ChildMethod()
yield return 5;
await Task.Yield();
yield return 10;
However, if you really need an "async enumerable source", you need to first recognize one thing. TaskCompletionSource<T> holds the results, i.e., the T (or exception). It's acting as a container. The result can be set before the task is awaited. It's the same thing with the "async enumerable source" - you'd need it to be able to hold results before any items are taken from it. The "async enumerable source" would need to hold multiple results - in this case, a collection.
So what you're actually asking for is "a collection that can be consumed as an asynchronous enumerable". There are a few possibilities here, but the one I'd recommend is a Channel:
public async Task<string> ParentMethod()
var source = Channel.CreateUnbounded<int>();
var sourceWriter = source.Writer;
IAsyncEnumerable<int> asyncEnumerable = source.Reader.ReadAllAsync();
HandlerTask = Task.Run(async () => { await foreach (var item in asyncEnumerable) Console.WriteLine(item); });
await Task.Yield();
await sourceWriter.WriteAsync(13);
var r = await ChildMethod(sourceWriter);
return r;
private async Task<string> ChildMethod(ChannelWriter<int> sourceWriter)
await sourceWriter.WriteAsync(5);
await Task.Yield();
await sourceWriter.WriteAsync(10);
return "hello";
AFAIK the .NET platform has no built-in AsyncEnumerableSource class, but it is easy to implement one by using the System.Reactive and System.Linq.Async libraries. The System.Reactive library contains the class Subject which is a combination of an IObservable and IObserver. This is a convenient class, because you can send notifications to the IObserver interface, and subscribe independently any number of times to the IObservable interface to receive these notifications back. Actually it's not required to subscribe manually, because the System.Linq.Async library contains the handy extension method ToAsyncEnumerable, that converts an IObservable to IAsyncEnumerable automatically.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
public class AsyncEnumerableSource<T>
private readonly Subject<T> _subject = new Subject<T>();
public IAsyncEnumerable<T> GetAsyncEnumerable() => _subject.ToAsyncEnumerable();
public void YieldReturn(T value) => _subject.OnNext(value);
public void Complete() => _subject.OnCompleted();
public void Fault(Exception ex) => _subject.OnError(ex);
This implementation will send to the subscribers only the notifications that occurred after their subscription. If you want to ensure that late joiners will get the early messages, you could replace the Subject with a ReplaySubject. This one buffers the notifications it receives, so it comes with memory usage considerations: it accepts an int bufferSize argument in its constructor.
Note: The above implementation is thread-safe, although the Subject<T> class is not synchronized, and in general calling OnNext from multiple threads in parallel breaks the Rx contract. That's because the ToAsyncEnumerable operator does not depend on the Rx contract for its correctness, and synchronizes the incoming notifications. It's not a particularly efficient implementation though. Channel<T>-based implementations are significantly more efficient under heavy load.
I'm working on a series of methods that execute many different database calls using entity framework. Many of these methods can run asynchronously as I really don't care about their output, and don't rely on them.
However, when I try implementing certain methods, I get a warning from the compiler saying: "Because this call is not awaited, the current method continues to run before the call is completed"
But to me, this seems like that's my desired behavior, as I don't care what the methods do.
Here's an example of the methods
public async Task SetupAccessControl(int objectTypeId, int objectId, int? organizationId)
using (var context = new SupportContext(CustomerId))
... // omitted for brevity
if (objectTypeId == (int) ObjectType.User)
AddToUserRoleBridge("Everyone", objectId);//Warning on this line
AddToUserRoleBridge("Default", objectId); //Warning on this line
... // omitted for brevity
public async Task AddToUserRoleBridge(string role, int userId)
using (var context = new SupportContext(CustomerId))
var defaultRole = context.Roles.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == role);
if (defaultRole != null)
var urb = new UserRoleBridge
RoleId = defaultRole.Id,
UserId = userId
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
Essentially, when I run the main function, I want a series of method calls to all fire off somewhat simultaneously and handle everything in their own threads so that I don't have to worry about it. Here is a pseudo-code example.
public async void RunAllAsync() {
taskA(*some value*);
taskA(*some value*);
taskB(*some value*);
taskB(*some value*);
await AllTasksCompleted
public async Task taskA(int item){
//do something with item
public async Task taskB(int item) {
subTaskB(*some value*)
subTaskB(*some value*)
public async Task subTaskB(int item) {
// do something
In the above example, when #RunAllAsync is called, every function call it makes (and the function calls they make) are fired off simultaneously. When all of these calls are completed, whatever method called #RunAllAsync would continue to execute.
If you're not using await, the async keyword doesn't really do anything useful and you can leave it off. You can await a method returning a Task regardless of whether it's marked as async or not.
public Task DoSomethingAsync()
Task someTaskJustLikeANormalReturnValue = Task.Delay(1000);
return someTaskJustLikeANormalReturnValue;
// later...
public async Task SomeOtherFunction()
// You can await DoSomethingAsync just like any async method, because
// you're really awaiting the Task which got returned.
await DoSomethingAsync();
In your case I would probably collect the tasks and await them all together:
public async Task SetupAccessControl(int objectTypeId, int objectId, int? organizationId)
var tasks = new List<Task>();
using (var context = new SupportContext(CustomerId))
... // omitted for brevity
if (objectTypeId == (int) ObjectType.User)
tasks.Add(AddToUserRoleBridge("Everyone", objectId));
tasks.Add(AddToUserRoleBridge("Default", objectId));
... // omitted for brevity
await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());
This allows you to pass the decision up to the caller of whether to await on the subtasks or not. This will also allow the any caller to unwrap any exceptions if they happen in AddToUserRoleBridge.
You can do it two ways:
Change the signature of AddToUserRoleBridge to return void will
remove the warning (but nothing can await it then).
Store the result of the call. var ignoreme=AddToUserRoleBridge(...) will remove the warning as well.
Hello I am trying to add items to a list asynchronously but I am not sure how it is done and if I am using an incorrect syntax, this is what I have at the moment:
My View:
await viewModel.getMessages();
list.ItemsSource = viewModel.Messages;
My View Model:
public List<Message> Messages { get; set; }
public async Task getMessages()
await GetRemoteMessages();
private async Task GetRemoteMessages()
var remoteClient = new ChiesiClient();
var messages = await remoteClient.getMessages().ConfigureAwait(false);
await SaveAll(messages).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task SaveAll(IEnumerable<Message> _messages)
foreach (var item in _messages)
await SaveMessage(item);
public async Task SaveMessage(Message item)
await Messages.Add(new Message // Cannot await void
Title = item.Title,
Description = item.Description,
Date = item.Date,
Url = item.Url
I am not sure if I am getting the whole concept right but how can I await adding items to my list? how is the correct way to do this?
You don't want to add items to a list asynchronously -- there's no real benefit to it.
Your code is fine, you just need to do everything synchronously after you get your messages back from your remote service.
public List<Message> Messages { get; set; }
public async Task getMessages()
await GetRemoteMessages();
private async Task GetRemoteMessages()
var remoteClient = new ChiesiClient();
var messages = await remoteClient.getMessages().ConfigureAwait(false);
public void SaveAll(IEnumerable<Message> _messages)
foreach (var item in _messages)
public void SaveMessage(Message item)
Messages.Add(new Message // Cannot await void
Title = item.Title,
Description = item.Description,
Date = item.Date,
Url = item.Url
Now, remoteClient.getMessages() might take a long time! It's an I/O bound task -- it might take a millisecond, or it might take 10 minutes. We don't know, and we can't know. If it actually does end up taking 10 minutes, we don't want the UI to be locked up that entire time. When you use the await keyword, it starts that operation, then gives control back to the UI. When the operation is done, it continues with the rest of the method.
The original example you're working off of saves stuff to a database. That's another I/O bound operation, and thus the database API creators kindly provided you with some asynchronous APIs to help out with that.
You're modifying the example to put the results into a list. Adding to a list is not an I/O bound operation. In fact, it's pretty much instantaneous. As a result, there's no asynchronous API for it. You don't need to do that part asynchronously.