Instantiating a GameObject causes said object to have its Transform destroyed? - c#

New to Unity and C#
This is actually just a small issue that I'm curious about... I ran into it while tweaking this code in a (failed) attempt to make it work. I have been trying to get this code to work for a few hours now.
Anyway, when this code is executed, there is only one error, but it appears 3 times. It says "Can't destroy Transform component of 'Pillar1'. If you want to destroy the game object, please call 'Destroy' on the game object instead. Destroying the transform component is not allowed."
First time I've gotten THAT.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class PlatformGenerator : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject Single;
private GameObject NewPillar;
private int PillarCount;
private bool run;
private int px;
private int py;
private int pz;
void Start () {
px = 0;
py = 0;
pz = 0;
bool run = true;
PlatformCreate ();
void Update () {
if (run) {
PlatformCreate ();
if (PillarCount == 3) {
run = false;
void PlatformCreate () {
PillarCount +=1;
Single.transform.position = new Vector3 (px, py, pz);
NewPillar = Instantiate (Single, Single.transform); = "Pillar" +PillarCount;
px += 2;

1) Using following statements causes undesired result or throw error -
NewPillar = Instantiate (Single, Single.transform);
NewPillar = Instantiate (Single);
NewPillar.transform.parent = Single.transform;
2) You can bypass this by using following code -
NewPillar = Instantiate (Single, Single.transform.position, Single.transform.rotation);
Explanation : Single is a prefab and not an actual object in the scene. Also transform is a component which determines the Position, Rotation and Scale of object in the scene. As per Unity3D, since Single is a prefab, using it's transform component directly is disabled to prevent data corruption. Which is why we get error while using statements in point 1 above.
But we can use the position, rotation and scale data stored within the prefab's transform component. Which lets us use the statement in point 2 above.

You can not call Destroy on references of type 'Transform'. What the error is saying that you need to pass the GameObject to the Destroy method, and not the Transform.
I am guessing that the part of the code 'destroying' a transform is missing, but in any case, my guess is like this :
Destroy(transform); // -1
Destroy(pillar1.transform); //Where pillar1 is a Gameobject -2
Destroy(pillar1); // Where pillar1 is a Transform -3
-1 With
-2 With
Destroy(pillar1); //Where pillar1 is a Gameobject -2
-3 With

The error indicates that there is an object Pillar1 already and so we assume it is one of the subsequent calls to PlatformCreate.
The call to Instantiate includes all children. Thus you clone Single to Pillar1 and reparent the new game object to Single. In the next call both of them are cloned. So Pillar2 will be Single and Pillar1
Although I don't see why this should not work, I suspect an internal error. Are you sure this is what you want (maybe you just wanted to specify the position and forgot the rotation (s. Instantiate)? If it is what you wanted then try to split the Instantiate process into 2 steps:
Call Instantiate without parent specification


C# - Unable to increment an int beyond 1. Console prints 1 and it does not increase, despite triggering multiple times

The game is simple, your Player has a running animation and must jump to dodge obstacles, but isn't moving. The obstacles and background are.
My gut instinct is that it is out of scope somehow or is perhaps overflowing - the score increment was increasing far beyond what I had anticipated when I had the AddScore() inside of the Destroy(gameObject); if condition instead of its own function.
However, at this point I am very confused why it isn't working. As a bonus, I cannot get Audio to play from the second commented bit (Value cannot be null.) As for why that happens, no idea. I definitely have the source I have it attached to to the prefab that is spawned, and said spawn should trigger that sound to play when it passes under the player when they jump, I originally thought that there was an issue where the object was deleted before it could reference its audio source but I am unsure.
Edit: I am going to leave the 'bonus' issue above even though I literally fixed it as I typed this up. (I had to add an Audio Source component to the prefab I was spawning.)
I still, for the life of me, cannot get an integer to go above 1 and print to the console. It might be driving me a little insane. Please help friends. I have googled a ton and none of the suggestions from other comments fixed my issue.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class MoveLeft : MonoBehaviour
private float speed = 30;
private PlayerController playerControllerScript;
private float leftBound = -15;
private float scoreZone = -3;
public AudioClip scoreSound;
private int score = 0;
private AudioSource playerAudio;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
playerControllerScript = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent<PlayerController>();
playerAudio = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
// Moves objects as long as it is not game over.
if (playerControllerScript.gameOver == false)
transform.Translate(Vector3.left * Time.deltaTime * speed);
//Assigns scoring system, buggy. Commented out sound because of errors.
if (transform.position.x < scoreZone && gameObject.CompareTag("Obstacle"))
//playerAudio.PlayOneShot(scoreSound, 1);
//Destroy object out of bounds
if (transform.position.x < leftBound && gameObject.CompareTag("Obstacle"))
void AddScore()
//Score goes to 1.
//prints 1 in console but does not increase over 1.
Debug.Log("Score! Your Score is" + score);
Tried: Numerous changes to configuration of ++, x = x +1, x++, x +=, etc. No idea. Am lost.
This is an issue caused by the local member int. You have an object, which has been created and this MoveLeft component is attached to it. You then destroy this object on collision, and therefore this component as well. You’ll have added one to the local instance int score, but then you destroy the component and lose this local instance.
I suspect what you thought was happening is that all the scripts/components shared the same variable values. That would only be true if you if you made the int score member a static int score, which means the member is the same shared amongst all instances of this component.
Instead of making score static, you might want to have a “Game Manager” that exposes public functions to allow you to increment and retrieve the current score.

Unity Transform not updating position realtime

I am trying to create a simple scriptable object for my shoot ability. I have that aspect working, but as I try to set my Transform to my player, it does not update the shoot position. I am very new to C#, and this script isnt complete. I still need to add the functionality to destroy the created objects. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I suspect I need to add an update function but im am not certain how to do this.
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.AI;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EO.ARPGInput
public class Shoot : Ability
public Transform projectileSpawnPoint;
public GameObject projectilePrefab;
public float bulletSpeed = 10;
public float bulletLife = 3;
public override void Activate(GameObject parent)
var projectile = Instantiate(projectilePrefab, projectileSpawnPoint.position, projectileSpawnPoint.rotation);
projectile.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = projectileSpawnPoint.forward * bulletSpeed;
Destroy(projectile, bulletLife);
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
I'm still new to Unity and coding also, so take my advice with a load of salt :P.
It may be best to have a transform on your character (say just past the barrel of the player's gun) that you can put as the projectileSpawnPoint. In your code the projectileSpawnPoint is never set. Your first line of code in the "Activate" method should be something like:
public override void Activate(GameObject parent)
projectileSpawnPoint = playerGunBarrelTransform.transform.position;
var projectile = Instantiate(projectilePrefab, projectileSpawnPoint.position, projectileSpawnPoint.rotation);
projectile.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = projectileSpawnPoint.forward * bulletSpeed;
Destroy(projectile, bulletLife);
For destroying the projectile afterward you can keep it as you have it in OnCollision. howeer, with bullets in particular, since they tend to be instantiated A LOT and then destroyed afterward it would be best to use an object pooler for them to instantiate several of them on start and then disable and enable them as needed so you can resuse them instead of making new ones every time.
you have to create a new script that derives from Monobehaviour for your projectiles. attach that script to the projectile prefab and place the OnCollisionEnter method in that script. now your projectiles should get destroyed when touching another collider. make sure that there is a rigidbody component attached to the projectile.

How can I make a destroyer that destroys all the overtaken platforms in unity?

I'm doing a unity project for an exam I'm attending, so I'm not really good at unity, hope you can help.
I'm doing this 2d endless runner game and I created an empty object to set inactive all the platforms that the player has overtaken. The object moves forward and when its position is > than the platform position, it sets it inactive (since destroying them also removes them from the list so it wouldnt work for others platforms of the same kind). My problem is that I've created a list in which I put all the types of my prefabs but the way I did it, it only sets inactive the first prefab of a kind and then stops working.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class DistruttoreLivelli : MonoBehaviour
public List<GameObject> objs;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
for (int i = 0; i < objs.Count; i++)
if (objs[i].transform.position.x < transform.position.x)
How can I manage to make it go forever? I tried to use a while but it makes unity crash. :/
Ty for the help!
The easiest way to make it endless is to move the objects to the furthest position instead of deactivating them. Instead of objs[i].SetActive(false); it should be something like:
Vector3 endOfTheLinePos = objs[i].transform.position;
endOfTheLinePos .x = maxX;
objs[i].transform.position = endOfTheLinePos;
With maxX being a float parameter of the highest value of x that you are using on the objects.
Also, as already pointed out, on the for you should use i < objs.Count instead.

Player unable to move after being teleported/transported Unity3d

I've been trying to fix this one bug in my code for over 7 hours now, upon being teleported, the movement controls cease to function, the mouse works fine, you can look around, but you can't move around.
I wanted to set up some simple code that would teleport the player to a "checkpoint" upon achieving a negative or null y level. I was doing this for a parkour based game, if the player fell off the platform they would have to start over, but after teleporting, it becomes impossible to move as I'm sure I have already said. My code is pretty simple:
public class Main : MonoBehaviour
float Fall;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
Vector3 Checkpoint = new Vector3 (0,3,0);
GameObject Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
Fall = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform.position.y;
if (Fall<-4)
Player.transform.position = Checkpoint;
You would think that this would just simply change the coordinates of the player, but I think this might be screwing with the FPSController script.
I am using Unity3d, with Standard Assets imported, All of the code is in C#.
Instead of checking the Y value of your character, I would instead place a death collider under the map. Make this a trigger and if the player touches this trigger, then teleport them back. Nothing with your code should screw with the FPS controller so it might be something else. I would also highly recommend not using a FindGameObjectWithTag in the Update() method as it is extremely expensive to use this every frame, especially twice. If you would rather keep the Update() Y component of the position check, please rewrite the code to something like this:
public class Main : MonoBehaviour
// assign this object of your player in the inspector - it stores the reference to reuse
// instead of grabbing it every frame
[SerializeField] private Transform playerTransform = null;
// make this a variable as it is not changing - might as well make this const too
private Vector3 checkpoint = new Vector3(0, 3, 0);
// constant value of what to check for in the Y
private const int FALL_Y_MARKER = -4;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (playerTransform.position.y < FALL_Y_MARKER)
playerTransform.position = checkpoint;
With your current code, there should be nothing breaking your input/movement, but with that said, we can not see your input/movement code. All the above snippet does is check if the Y component of the player objects position is below a certain value, and if it is, it sets the position to a new vector. Can you post a bit more movement code or somewhere else it can go wrong that you think is the issue?

Centre of mass not recalculated after scaling

I am spawning a prefab object at runtime (actually, in the Start() method of another object), and I need to apply a scaling to the object. I made a little component to handle this:
public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform SpawnPrefab;
public Vector3 Scale;
void Start () {
var spawn = Instantiate(SpawnPrefab,, Quaternion.identity);
spawn.localScale = Vector3.Scale(spawn.localScale, Scale);
// spawn.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().ResetCenterOfMass(); // Has no effect
The pivot point of the prefab I am spawning does not coincide with the centre of mass of the object. Therefore, the rescaling means that the centre of mass location relative to the pivot will change. However, it's not being updated automatically, so my spawned object has unexpected physics.
I tried adding a call to GetComponent<Rigidbody>().ResetCenterOfMass() immediately after the call to Scale() (the commented-out line above), but this has no effect.
However, if I put the call to ResetCenterOfMass() in the Start() method of a separate little component added to the spawned object, e.g.
public class COMReset : MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
this does cause the centre of mass to be recalculated correctly. However, the spawned object appears to have already been through at least one physics update with the wrong COM by this time, and so has already acquired some unexpected momentum.
Why isn't the COM being automatically recalculated, without me having to call ResetCenterOfMass() explicitly? And if I must trigger it manually, can I do that immediately after the calls to Instantiate() and Scale(), rather than deferring like this?
With thanks to #DMGregory on GameDev for the suggestion, a call to Physics.SyncTransforms before invoking Rigidbody.ResetCenterOfMass fixes the problem:
public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform SpawnPrefab;
public Vector3 Scale;
void Start () {
var spawn = Instantiate(SpawnPrefab,, Quaternion.identity);
spawn.localScale = Vector3.Scale(spawn.localScale, Scale);
Evidently this direct modification of the transform scale isn't being automatically passed through to the physics engine, but Physics.SyncTransforms lets us manually flush those changes down to PhysX, so that the ResetCenterOfMass computation is then based on the correctly scaled transform.
