I am spawning a prefab object at runtime (actually, in the Start() method of another object), and I need to apply a scaling to the object. I made a little component to handle this:
public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform SpawnPrefab;
public Vector3 Scale;
void Start () {
var spawn = Instantiate(SpawnPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
spawn.localScale = Vector3.Scale(spawn.localScale, Scale);
// spawn.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().ResetCenterOfMass(); // Has no effect
The pivot point of the prefab I am spawning does not coincide with the centre of mass of the object. Therefore, the rescaling means that the centre of mass location relative to the pivot will change. However, it's not being updated automatically, so my spawned object has unexpected physics.
I tried adding a call to GetComponent<Rigidbody>().ResetCenterOfMass() immediately after the call to Scale() (the commented-out line above), but this has no effect.
However, if I put the call to ResetCenterOfMass() in the Start() method of a separate little component added to the spawned object, e.g.
public class COMReset : MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
this does cause the centre of mass to be recalculated correctly. However, the spawned object appears to have already been through at least one physics update with the wrong COM by this time, and so has already acquired some unexpected momentum.
Why isn't the COM being automatically recalculated, without me having to call ResetCenterOfMass() explicitly? And if I must trigger it manually, can I do that immediately after the calls to Instantiate() and Scale(), rather than deferring like this?
With thanks to #DMGregory on GameDev for the suggestion, a call to Physics.SyncTransforms before invoking Rigidbody.ResetCenterOfMass fixes the problem:
public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform SpawnPrefab;
public Vector3 Scale;
void Start () {
var spawn = Instantiate(SpawnPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
spawn.localScale = Vector3.Scale(spawn.localScale, Scale);
Evidently this direct modification of the transform scale isn't being automatically passed through to the physics engine, but Physics.SyncTransforms lets us manually flush those changes down to PhysX, so that the ResetCenterOfMass computation is then based on the correctly scaled transform.
I am trying to create a simple scriptable object for my shoot ability. I have that aspect working, but as I try to set my Transform to my player, it does not update the shoot position. I am very new to C#, and this script isnt complete. I still need to add the functionality to destroy the created objects. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I suspect I need to add an update function but im am not certain how to do this.
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.AI;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EO.ARPGInput
public class Shoot : Ability
public Transform projectileSpawnPoint;
public GameObject projectilePrefab;
public float bulletSpeed = 10;
public float bulletLife = 3;
public override void Activate(GameObject parent)
var projectile = Instantiate(projectilePrefab, projectileSpawnPoint.position, projectileSpawnPoint.rotation);
projectile.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = projectileSpawnPoint.forward * bulletSpeed;
Destroy(projectile, bulletLife);
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
I'm still new to Unity and coding also, so take my advice with a load of salt :P.
It may be best to have a transform on your character (say just past the barrel of the player's gun) that you can put as the projectileSpawnPoint. In your code the projectileSpawnPoint is never set. Your first line of code in the "Activate" method should be something like:
public override void Activate(GameObject parent)
projectileSpawnPoint = playerGunBarrelTransform.transform.position;
var projectile = Instantiate(projectilePrefab, projectileSpawnPoint.position, projectileSpawnPoint.rotation);
projectile.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = projectileSpawnPoint.forward * bulletSpeed;
Destroy(projectile, bulletLife);
For destroying the projectile afterward you can keep it as you have it in OnCollision. howeer, with bullets in particular, since they tend to be instantiated A LOT and then destroyed afterward it would be best to use an object pooler for them to instantiate several of them on start and then disable and enable them as needed so you can resuse them instead of making new ones every time.
you have to create a new script that derives from Monobehaviour for your projectiles. attach that script to the projectile prefab and place the OnCollisionEnter method in that script. now your projectiles should get destroyed when touching another collider. make sure that there is a rigidbody component attached to the projectile.
i was working on a simple car controller script and a humvee model i downloaded. the script works as its supposed to but the car wheels are out of place and are spinning crazy. i tried searching everywhere but didn't found any solution.
here's the code:
using UnityEngine;
public class GroundVehicleController : MonoBehaviour {
public void GetInput()
m_horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
m_verticalInput = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
private void Steer()
m_steeringAngle = maxSteerAngle * m_horizontalInput;
frontDriverW.steerAngle = m_steeringAngle;
frontPassengerW.steerAngle = m_steeringAngle;
private void Accelerate()
frontDriverW.motorTorque = m_verticalInput * motorForce;
frontPassengerW.motorTorque = m_verticalInput * motorForce;
private void UpdateWheelPoses()
UpdateWheelPose(frontDriverW, frontDriverT);
UpdateWheelPose(frontPassengerW, frontPassengerT);
UpdateWheelPose(rearDriverW, rearDriverT);
UpdateWheelPose(rearPassengerW, rearPassengerT);
private void UpdateWheelPose(WheelCollider _collider, Transform _transform)
Vector3 _pos = _transform.position;
Quaternion _quat = _transform.rotation;
_collider.GetWorldPose(out _pos, out _quat);
_transform.position = _pos;
_transform.rotation = _quat;
private void FixedUpdate()
private float m_horizontalInput;
private float m_verticalInput;
private float m_steeringAngle;
public WheelCollider frontDriverW, frontPassengerW;
public WheelCollider rearDriverW, rearPassengerW;
public Transform frontDriverT, frontPassengerT;
public Transform rearDriverT, rearPassengerT;
public float maxSteerAngle = 30;
public float motorForce = 50;
The error on Unity console is telling you the problem:
UnassignedReferenceException: The variable frontDriverW of
groundVehicleController has not been assigned. You problably need to
assign the frontDriverW variable of the GroundVehicleController script
in the inspector.
Well, when your script runs, it tries to access the field frontDriverW, but since it was never assigned a value, it throws the mentioned exception.
You need to go in the inspector for the object that contains the GroundVehicleController script and add a value for the frontDriverW field. While you're there, make sure all the other fields have values too, because if they don't, those will also cause the same error.
From the pictures you've show us, it is not possible to know in which object you added the GroundVehicleController script, but just check all of the Humvee objects until you find it in the inspector. My guess is that it will probably be in the object Wheels, or the object Humvee.
a) Check the prefab you've created to see if these offsets are there even on the prefab.
b) You're updating the wheel pose with global positions and rotations. this is probably what is causing the offsets. try setting the pose local, or just make the wheel meshes follow whatever the wheel colliders are doing, make sure they're all under the same co-ordinate space. Why not just child each individual wheel to it's corresponding wheel collider? theyre just meshes after all.
c) You haven't assigned your wheel meshes at all in your script.
c) play around with different mass values on the RigidBody (keep it heavy), and also consider attaching a physic material to your wheel colliders to reduce slip and spinning (If the car controller already doesnt have a slip setting)
I've been trying to fix this one bug in my code for over 7 hours now, upon being teleported, the movement controls cease to function, the mouse works fine, you can look around, but you can't move around.
I wanted to set up some simple code that would teleport the player to a "checkpoint" upon achieving a negative or null y level. I was doing this for a parkour based game, if the player fell off the platform they would have to start over, but after teleporting, it becomes impossible to move as I'm sure I have already said. My code is pretty simple:
public class Main : MonoBehaviour
float Fall;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
Vector3 Checkpoint = new Vector3 (0,3,0);
GameObject Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
Fall = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform.position.y;
if (Fall<-4)
Player.transform.position = Checkpoint;
You would think that this would just simply change the coordinates of the player, but I think this might be screwing with the FPSController script.
I am using Unity3d, with Standard Assets imported, All of the code is in C#.
Instead of checking the Y value of your character, I would instead place a death collider under the map. Make this a trigger and if the player touches this trigger, then teleport them back. Nothing with your code should screw with the FPS controller so it might be something else. I would also highly recommend not using a FindGameObjectWithTag in the Update() method as it is extremely expensive to use this every frame, especially twice. If you would rather keep the Update() Y component of the position check, please rewrite the code to something like this:
public class Main : MonoBehaviour
// assign this object of your player in the inspector - it stores the reference to reuse
// instead of grabbing it every frame
[SerializeField] private Transform playerTransform = null;
// make this a variable as it is not changing - might as well make this const too
private Vector3 checkpoint = new Vector3(0, 3, 0);
// constant value of what to check for in the Y
private const int FALL_Y_MARKER = -4;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (playerTransform.position.y < FALL_Y_MARKER)
playerTransform.position = checkpoint;
With your current code, there should be nothing breaking your input/movement, but with that said, we can not see your input/movement code. All the above snippet does is check if the Y component of the player objects position is below a certain value, and if it is, it sets the position to a new vector. Can you post a bit more movement code or somewhere else it can go wrong that you think is the issue?
I'm working on a small game: I want all GameObjects to be pulled into the middle of the screen where they should collide with another GameObject.
I tried this attempt:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Planet : MonoBehaviour
public Transform bird;
private float gravitationalForce = 5;
private Vector3 directionOfBirdFromPlanet;
void Start ()
directionOfGameObjectFromMiddle = Vector3.zero;
void FixedUpdate ()
directionOfGameObjectFromMiddle = (transform.position-bird.position).normalized;
bird.rigidbody2D.AddForce (directionOfGameObjectFromMiddle * gravitationalForce);
sadly I can't get it to work. I've been told that I have to give the object that is being pulled another script but is it possible to do this just with one script that is used on the object that pulls?
So first you have a lot of typos / code that doesn't even compile.
You use e.g. once directionOfBirdFromPlanet but later call it directionOfGameObjectFromMiddle ;) Your Start is quite redundant.
As said bird.rigidbody2D is deprecaded and you should rather use GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>() or even better directly make your field of type
public Rigidbody2D bird;
For having multiple objects you could simply assign them to a List and do
public class Planet : MonoBehaviour
// Directly use the correct field type
public List<Rigidbody2D> birds;
// Make this field adjustable via the Inspector for fine tuning
[SerializeField] private float gravitationalForce = 5;
// Your start was redundant
private void FixedUpdate()
// iterate through all birds
foreach (var bird in birds)
// Since transform.position is a Vector3 but bird.position is a Vector2 you now have to cast
var directionOfBirdFromPlanet = ((Vector2) transform.position - bird.position).normalized;
// Adds the force towards the center
bird.AddForce(directionOfBirdFromPlanet * gravitationalForce);
Then on the planet you reference all the bird objects
On the birds' Rigidbody2D component make sure to set
Gravity Scale -> 0
you also can play with the Linear Drag so in simple words how much should the object slow down itself while moving
E.g. this is how it looks like with Linear Drag = 0 so your objects will continue to move away from the center with the same "energy"
this is what happens with Linear Drag = 0.3 so your objects lose "energy" over time
This is semi complicated of a question but I'll do my best to explain it:
I am making this mobile game in which you have to shoot four cubes. I'm trying to make it so when the cubes are shot by a bullet, they're destroyed and a UI text says 1/4, to 4/4 whenever a cube is shot. But it's being really weird and only counts to 1/4 even when all four cubes are shot and destroyed. I put these two scripts on the bullets (I made two separate scripts to see if that would do anything, it didn't)
And to give a better idea of what I'm talking about, here's a screenshot of the game itself.
I've been using Unity for about 6 days, so I apologize for anything I say that's noob-ish.
So I combined the two scripts onto an empty gameobject and here's the new script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class GameManagerScript : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject cubes;
public Text countText;
public int cubeCount;
public Transform target;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
cubes = other.gameObject;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
cubes.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, target.position, 1f * Time.deltaTime);
if (cubes.gameObject.tag == "BULLET")
cubeCount = cubeCount + 1;
countText.text = cubeCount + "/4";
I tried everything, so is there a way to detect when all the children in a parent on the Hierarchy are destroyed? Instead of counting up? This can give a better idea:
So I want to be able to detect when Cube, Cube1, Cube2, and Cube3 have all been destroyed.
The answer is pretty simple: Since every individual bullet has that script, each bullet has its own score.
For something like a score you want a single spot to store it, e.g. a script on an empty gameobject that serves as game controller. Just access that in the collision and increase the score (maybe have a look on singletons here).
You can combine those two scripts and actually it might be better to not have this on the bullet, but on the target because there are probably less of them which will save you some performance. (And it does more sense from a logical point of view.)
I assume you create the bullets using Instantiate with a prefab. A prefab (= blueprint) is not actually in the game (only objects that are in the scene/hierarchy are in the game). Every use of Instantiate will create a new instance of that prefab with it's own version of components. A singleton is a thing that can only exist once, but also and that is why I mention it here, you can access it without something like Find. It is some sort of static. And an empty gameobject is just an object without visuals. You can easily create one in unity (rightclick > create empty). They are typically used as container and scriptholders.
What you want is:
An empty gameobject with a script which holds the score.
A script that detects the collision using OnTriggerEnter and this script will either be on the bullets or on the targets.
Now, this is just a very quick example and can be optimized, but I hope this will give you an idea.
The script for the score, to be placed on an empty gameobject:
public class ScoreManager : MonoBehaviour
public Text scoreText; // the text object that displays the score, populate e.g. via inspector
private int score;
public void IncrementScore()
scoreText.text = score.ToString();
The collision script as bullet version:
public class Bullet : MonoBehaviour
private ScoreManager scoreManager;
private void Start()
scoreManager = GameObject.FindWithTag("GameManager").GetComponent<ScoreManager>(); // give the score manager empty gameobject that tag
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if(other.CompareTag("Target") == true)
// update score
// handle target, in this example it's just destroyed