Livebroadcast ID from different channel - c#

i try to get the livechat Messages vie the c# API from a different channel.
To achieve this i Need the liveboradcast id.
I managed to get the live Video and id via search, but it seems this id isnt the livebroadcast id.
This is my Code so far.
As i said it Returns a Video and the ID, but the Broadcast Response with this id is 0.
"[GER/HD] Boss Riesenaffe/Megapithecus Hard, oder auch nicht ;) ARK: Survival Evolved (t3CwM9MJSNI)"
Anyone know where i can get the livebroadcast id !?
Stream SStream = new FileStream("client_secrets.json", FileMode.Open);
UserCredential Credentials = await GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(GoogleClientSecrets.Load(SStream).Secrets, new[] { YouTubeService.Scope.YoutubeForceSsl }, "user", CancellationToken.None, new FileDataStore(this.GetType().ToString()));
Service = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = Credentials,
ApplicationName = "name"
var searchListRequest = Service.Search.List("snippet");
searchListRequest.EventType = SearchResource.ListRequest.EventTypeEnum.Live;
searchListRequest.Type = "video";
searchListRequest.ChannelId = "thechannelid";
searchListRequest.MaxResults = 50;
var searchListResponse = await searchListRequest.ExecuteAsync();
List<string> videos = new List<string>();
string ID = null;
foreach (var searchResult in searchListResponse.Items)
switch (searchResult.Id.Kind)
case "youtube#video":
ID = searchResult.Id.VideoId;
videos.Add(String.Format("{0} ({1})", searchResult.Snippet.Title, searchResult.Id.VideoId));
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Videos:\n{0}\n", string.Join("\n", videos)));
LiveBroadcastsResource.ListRequest Request = Service.LiveBroadcasts.List("id,snippet,contentDetails,status");
Request.BroadcastType = LiveBroadcastsResource.ListRequest.BroadcastTypeEnum.All;
//Request.BroadcastStatus = LiveBroadcastsResource.ListRequest.BroadcastStatusEnum.Active;
Request.MaxResults = 10;
Request.Id = ID;
Console.WriteLine("ID: " + Request.Id);
//Request.Mine = false;
var BroadCastResponse = Request.Execute();
foreach (LiveBroadcast c in BroadCastResponse.Items)
Console.WriteLine("Title: " + c.Snippet.Title);

AFAIK, you can only search broadcasts that the channel you are authenticated has created.
Try using search.list:
Returns a collection of search results that match the query parameters specified in the API request.
As stated in this related SO post, search.list returns video from a particular channel, without being authenticated as that channel/user, if you know that channel's channelId.
HTTPS Request:
HTTP GET{channelId}&eventType=live&type=video&key={YOUR_API_KEY}


AndroidPublisherService - Play Developer API Client - Upload aab failes due to bad credentials

Trying to make use of the AndroidPublisherService from Play Developer API Client.
I can list active tracks and the releases in those tracks, but when I try to upload a new build there seems to be no way of attaching the authentication already made previously to read data.
I've authenticated using var googleCredentials = GoogleCredential.FromStream(keyDataStream) .CreateWithUser(serviceUsername); where serviceUsername is the email for my service account.
private static void Execute(string packageName, string aabfile, string credfile, string serviceUsername)
var credentialsFilename = credfile;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credentialsFilename))
// Check env. var
credentialsFilename =
Console.WriteLine($"Using credentials {credfile} with package {packageName} for aab file {aabfile}");
var keyDataStream = File.OpenRead(credentialsFilename);
var googleCredentials = GoogleCredential.FromStream(keyDataStream)
var credentials = googleCredentials.UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;
var service = new AndroidPublisherService();
var edit = service.Edits.Insert(new AppEdit { ExpiryTimeSeconds = "3600" }, packageName);
edit.Credential = credentials;
var activeEditSession = edit.Execute();
Console.WriteLine($"Edits started with id {activeEditSession.Id}");
var tracksList = service.Edits.Tracks.List(packageName, activeEditSession.Id);
tracksList.Credential = credentials;
var tracksResponse = tracksList.Execute();
foreach (var track in tracksResponse.Tracks)
Console.WriteLine($"Track: {track.TrackValue}");
Console.WriteLine("Releases: ");
foreach (var rel in track.Releases)
Console.WriteLine($"{rel.Name} version: {rel.VersionCodes.FirstOrDefault()} - Status: {rel.Status}");
using var fileStream = File.OpenRead(aabfile);
var upload = service.Edits.Bundles.Upload(packageName, activeEditSession.Id, fileStream, "application/octet-stream");
var uploadProgress = upload.Upload();
if (uploadProgress == null || uploadProgress.Exception != null)
Console.WriteLine($"Failed to upload. Error: {uploadProgress?.Exception}");
Console.WriteLine($"Upload {uploadProgress.Status}");
var tracksUpdate = service.Edits.Tracks.Update(new Track
Releases = new List<TrackRelease>(new[]
new TrackRelease
Name = "Roswell - Grenis Dev Test",
Status = "completed",
VersionCodes = new List<long?>(new[] {(long?) upload?.ResponseBody?.VersionCode})
}, packageName, activeEditSession.Id, "internal");
tracksUpdate.Credential = credentials;
var trackResult = tracksUpdate.Execute();
Console.WriteLine($"Track {trackResult?.TrackValue}");
var commitResult = service.Edits.Commit(packageName, activeEditSession.Id);
Console.WriteLine($"{commitResult.EditId} has been committed");
And as the code points out, all action objects such as tracksList.Credential = credentials; can be given the credentials generated from the service account.
BUT the actual upload action var upload = service.Edits.Bundles.Upload(packageName, activeEditSession.Id, fileStream, "application/octet-stream"); does not expose a .Credential object, and it always fails with:
The service androidpublisher has thrown an exception: Google.GoogleApiException: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See [401]
Errors [
Message[Login Required.] Location[Authorization - header] Reason[required] Domain[global]
at Google.Apis.Upload.ResumableUpload`1.InitiateSessionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Google.Apis.Upload.ResumableUpload.UploadAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
So, how would I go about providing the actual Upload action with the given credentials here?
Managed to figure this out during the day, I was missing one call to CreateScoped() when creating the GoogleCredential object as well as a call to InitiateSession() on the upload object.
var googleCredentials = GoogleCredential.FromStream(keyDataStream)
Once that was done I could then get a valid oauth token by calling
var googleCredentials = GoogleCredential.FromStream(keyDataStream)
var credentials = googleCredentials.UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;
var oauthToken = credentials?.GetAccessTokenForRequestAsync(AndroidPublisherService.Scope.Androidpublisher).Result;
And I can now use that oauth token in the upload request:
upload.OauthToken = oauthToken;
_ = await upload.InitiateSessionAsync();
var uploadProgress = await upload.UploadAsync();
if (uploadProgress == null || uploadProgress.Exception != null)
Console.WriteLine($"Failed to upload. Error: {uploadProgress?.Exception}");
The full code example for successfully uploading a new aab file to google play store internal test track thus looks something like this:
private async Task UploadGooglePlayRelease(string fileToUpload, string changeLogFile, string serviceUsername, string packageName)
var serviceAccountFile = ResolveServiceAccountCertificateInfoFile();
if (!serviceAccountFile.Exists)
throw new ApplicationException($"Failed to find the service account certificate file. {serviceAccountFile.FullName}");
var keyDataStream = File.OpenRead(serviceAccountFile.FullName);
var googleCredentials = GoogleCredential.FromStream(keyDataStream)
var credentials = googleCredentials.UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;
var oauthToken = credentials?.GetAccessTokenForRequestAsync(AndroidPublisherService.Scope.Androidpublisher).Result;
var service = new AndroidPublisherService();
var edit = service.Edits.Insert(new AppEdit { ExpiryTimeSeconds = "3600" }, packageName);
edit.Credential = credentials;
var activeEditSession = await edit.ExecuteAsync();
_logger.LogInformation($"Edits started with id {activeEditSession.Id}");
var tracksList = service.Edits.Tracks.List(packageName, activeEditSession.Id);
tracksList.Credential = credentials;
var tracksResponse = await tracksList.ExecuteAsync();
foreach (var track in tracksResponse.Tracks)
_logger.LogInformation($"Track: {track.TrackValue}");
_logger.LogInformation("Releases: ");
foreach (var rel in track.Releases)
_logger.LogInformation($"{rel.Name} version: {rel.VersionCodes.FirstOrDefault()} - Status: {rel.Status}");
var fileStream = File.OpenRead(fileToUpload);
var upload = service.Edits.Bundles.Upload(packageName, activeEditSession.Id, fileStream, "application/octet-stream");
upload.OauthToken = oauthToken;
_ = await upload.InitiateSessionAsync();
var uploadProgress = await upload.UploadAsync();
if (uploadProgress == null || uploadProgress.Exception != null)
Console.WriteLine($"Failed to upload. Error: {uploadProgress?.Exception}");
_logger.LogInformation($"Upload {uploadProgress.Status}");
var releaseNotes = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(changeLogFile);
var tracksUpdate = service.Edits.Tracks.Update(new Track
Releases = new List<TrackRelease>(new[]
new TrackRelease
Name = $"{upload?.ResponseBody?.VersionCode}",
Status = "completed",
InAppUpdatePriority = 5,
CountryTargeting = new CountryTargeting { IncludeRestOfWorld = true },
ReleaseNotes = new List<LocalizedText>(new []{ new LocalizedText { Language = "en-US", Text = releaseNotes } }),
VersionCodes = new List<long?>(new[] {(long?) upload?.ResponseBody?.VersionCode})
}, packageName, activeEditSession.Id, "internal");
tracksUpdate.Credential = credentials;
var trackResult = await tracksUpdate.ExecuteAsync();
_logger.LogInformation($"Track {trackResult?.TrackValue}");
var commitResult = service.Edits.Commit(packageName, activeEditSession.Id);
commitResult.Credential = credentials;
await commitResult.ExecuteAsync();
_logger.LogInformation($"{commitResult.EditId} has been committed");

Why does my call to the Google Custom Search API fail with a Request Error (Invalid Argument)?

I need to get the results of google searches in order to loop through and parse them. With that aim in view, I followed (as best I could) the tutorial on how to do that here
This is my code, based on the sample/example code in the article referenced above:
private void btnRentFlick_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OpenBestPageForSearchString("rent amazon movie Will Penny");
private void OpenBestPageForSearchString(string searchStr)
const string apiKey = "blaBlaBla"; // "blaBlaBla" stands for my API key
const string searchEngineId = "bla"; // "bla" stands for various things I tried: my client_id
(also called UniqueId), private_key_id (also called KeyId), and project_id. Not having
the correct value may be the problem. If so, how do I get it?
const string query = "rent amazon movie Will Penny";
var customSearchService = new CustomsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer { ApiKey
= apiKey });
//CseResource.ListRequest listRequest = customSearchService.Cse.List(query); // This is the
code in the article, but it won't compile - "no overload for "List" takes one argument"
// So how is the value in "query" assigned, then?
CseResource.ListRequest listRequest = customSearchService.Cse.List();
listRequest.Cx = searchEngineId;
List<string> linksReturned = new List<string>();
IList<Result> paging = new List<Result>();
var count = 0; // I don't know what the purpose of the counting is, but I'll leave as-is
until I get it working at least
while (paging != null)
listRequest.Start = count * 10 + 1;
paging = listRequest.Execute().Items; // this takes several seconds, then it throws an
if (paging != null)
foreach (var item in paging)
linksReturned.Add("Title : " + item.Title + Environment.NewLine + "Link : " +
item.Link +
Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
MessageBox.Show("Done with google amazon query");
catch (Exception ex)
As the comment at the end of that line says, this line of code:
paging = listRequest.Execute().Items; for several seconds, then throws an exception, namely this:
So what is causing this exception? Is it because the searchEngineId value I assigned is bad? Or is it because the search string (assigned to the query variable) has not been provided to the call?
The info about my Ids is contained in a .json file provided by google, and there is no "searchEngineId" value in it. This is what it does contain:
"type": "service_account", "project_id": "flix4famsasinlocator",
"private_key_id": "[my private key id]", "private_key": "-----BEGIN
PRIVATE KEY-----. . . PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email":
"[bla]", "client_id": "[my client Id]",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
So though the article previously mentioned purported to be, and at first appeared to be, just what the doctor ordered, I have ran into a wall of considerable dimensions. Does anybody know how to scale this wall - perhaps primarily by providing the search string to the CseResource.ListRequest object?
Trying DalmTo's code first, I used this (not showing his GetService() method, which I copied verbatim):
var query = "rent amazon movie Will Penny";
var service = GetService("theRainInSpainFallsMainlyOnTheDirt");
var request = service.Cse.List();
// add option values to the request here.
request.ExactTerms = query;
request.Q = query;
var response = request.ExecuteAsync();
// my contribution:
List<string> linksReturned = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in response.Result.Items)
// next two lines also mine
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Title: {0}; Link: {1}; ETag: {2}", item.Title, item.Link, item.ETag));
...but this exception was thrown while in the foreach loop:
Yes, this works (adapted from Trekco's answer):
const string apiKey = "gr8GooglyMoogly";
const string searchEngineId = "theRainInSpainFallsMainOnTheDirt";
const string query = "rent amazon movie Will Penny";
var customSearchService = new CustomsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer { ApiKey = apiKey });
CseResource.ListRequest listRequest = customSearchService.Cse.List();
listRequest.Cx = searchEngineId;
listRequest.Q = query;
List<string> linksReturned = new List<string>();
IList<Result> paging = new List<Result>();
var count = 0;
while (paging != null)
listRequest.Start = count * 10 + 1;
paging = listRequest.Execute().Items;
if (paging != null)
foreach (var item in paging)
The query is not being send to google. To fix your code you need to tell the api what query to use. After listRequest.Cx = searchEngineId; add listRequest.Q = query;
var count = 0;
string apiKey = "THE API KEY";
string searchEngineId = "THE SEARCH ENGIN ID";
string query = "rent amazon movie Will Penny";
var customSearchService = new CustomsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
ApiKey = apiKey
CseResource.ListRequest listRequest = customSearchService.Cse.List();
listRequest.Cx = searchEngineId;
listRequest.Q = query; // <---- Add this line
List<string> linksReturned = new List<string>();
while (count < 10) // Google limit you to 100 records
listRequest.Start = count * 10;
var paging = listRequest.Execute().Items;
foreach (var item in paging)
linksReturned.Add("Title : " + item.Title + Environment.NewLine + "Link : " +
item.Link +
Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
In your code you have a comment that you don't know what var count = 0; is for. It is to keep track on how many items you have requested.
If you look at google's documentation you will see that they will only return 100 results max. After that they will give you a error. That error will also be the same generic message: "INVALID_ARGUMENT"
You can review the custom search api requirements here:
The searchEngineId variable is the search Engine id that you generate on the site The documentation you followed is a bit out of date. you will find the id here:
If you check the doucmntation cse.list I think you will find that the list method has no required fields which means that you need to add the option values in the following manner.
I think ExactTerms may be the one you are looking for. But it could also be Q i think you should read though the option values and decide which one is best for your purpose.
var query = "rent amazon movie Will Penny";
var service = GetService("MYKEY");
var request = service.Cse.List();
// add option values to the request here.
request.ExactTerms = query;
request.Q = query;
var response = request.ExecuteAsync();
foreach (var item in response.Result.Items)
My get service method
public static CustomsearchService GetService(string apiKey)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiKey))
throw new ArgumentNullException("api Key");
return new CustomsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
ApiKey = apiKey,
ApplicationName = string.Format("{0} API key example", System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName),
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Failed to create new Customsearch Service", ex);

Youtube API returns no results

I am having problems loading a playlist of videos from Youtube. I follow this guide but cant figure out what is wrong because I don't get an error.
var YouTubeService = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { ApiKey = "MyAPIID"});
var ChannelListRequest = YouTubeService.Channels.List("contentDetails");
ChannelListRequest.ForUsername = "YoutubeUser";
var ListResponse = ChannelListRequest.Execute();
foreach (var channel in ListResponse.Items) //No content in ListResponse.Items
When I execute the request it returns a empty response. The API Id is correct because it becomes error if I use a old one. I have tried with the username and id from the channel but none worked. What am I missing?
Alright I tried some things and I managed to retrieve my playlists of my channel like so:
var service = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
ApiKey = "yourapikey",
ApplicationName = this.GetType().Name
var playListRequest = service.Playlists.List("snippet");
playListRequest.ChannelId = "yourchannelid";
var result = await playListRequest.ExecuteAsync();
With the playlist Id's you get from this response you can retrieve the video's like so:
var playListItemsRequest = service.PlaylistItems.List("snippet");
playListItemsRequest.PlaylistId = "yourplaylistid";
var result = await playListItemsRequest.ExecuteAsync();

Get all videos from channel - Youtube API v3 c#

Is it possible to get all videos from a channel (not mine)?
If it is possible, can I use a simple API key or should I use OAuth 2.0 credentials?
I have done in this way and it worked for me
I have used Youtube API v3 from Nuget Packet manager
using Google.Apis.Services;
using Google.Apis.YouTube.v3;
public ActionResult GetVideo(YouTubeData objYouTubeData)
var yt = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { ApiKey = "Your API Key" });
var channelsListRequest = yt.Channels.List("contentDetails");
channelsListRequest.ForUsername = "kkrofficial";
var channelsListResponse = channelsListRequest.Execute();
foreach (var channel in channelsListResponse.Items)
// of videos uploaded to the authenticated user's channel.
var uploadsListId = channel.ContentDetails.RelatedPlaylists.Uploads;
var nextPageToken = "";
while (nextPageToken != null)
var playlistItemsListRequest = yt.PlaylistItems.List("snippet");
playlistItemsListRequest.PlaylistId = uploadsListId;
playlistItemsListRequest.MaxResults = 50;
playlistItemsListRequest.PageToken = nextPageToken;
// Retrieve the list of videos uploaded to the authenticated user's channel.
var playlistItemsListResponse = playlistItemsListRequest.Execute();
foreach (var playlistItem in playlistItemsListResponse.Items)
// Print information about each video.
//Console.WriteLine("Video Title= {0}, Video ID ={1}", playlistItem.Snippet.Title, playlistItem.Snippet.ResourceId.VideoId);
var qry = (from s in ObjEdbContext.ObjTubeDatas where s.Title == playlistItem.Snippet.Title select s).FirstOrDefault();
if (qry == null)
objYouTubeData.VideoId = "" + playlistItem.Snippet.ResourceId.VideoId;
objYouTubeData.Title = playlistItem.Snippet.Title;
objYouTubeData.Descriptions = playlistItem.Snippet.Description;
objYouTubeData.ImageUrl = playlistItem.Snippet.Thumbnails.High.Url;
objYouTubeData.IsValid = true;
nextPageToken = playlistItemsListResponse.NextPageToken;
catch (Exception e)
ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Some exception occured" + e;
return RedirectToAction("GetYouTube");
return RedirectToAction("GetYouTube");
Provide your channel name in this line
channelsListRequest.ForUsername = "kkrofficial"; //kkrofficial is kkr channel name.
Follow this link
You can use your API key and just query all channels video ( even if not yours :) )
public Task<List<SearchResult>> GetVideosFromChannelAsync(string ytChannelId)
return Task.Run(() =>
List<SearchResult> res = new List<SearchResult>();
string nextpagetoken = " ";
while (nextpagetoken != null)
var searchListRequest = _youtubeService.Search.List("snippet");
searchListRequest.MaxResults = 50;
searchListRequest.ChannelId = ytChannelId;
searchListRequest.PageToken = nextpagetoken;
searchListRequest.Type = "video";
// Call the search.list method to retrieve results matching the specified query term.
var searchListResponse = searchListRequest.Execute();
// Process the video responses
nextpagetoken = searchListResponse.NextPageToken;
return res;
This method should get you on track
Here is a quick example on how to output video names for a channel using a console app.
You will need an API key. To get an API key,
Go to
Use your gmail account to log in.
Click on Enable APIs and services (or go to APIs and services if you already enabled it).
In the API Library page, search for youtube.
Select Youtube Data API v3.
Click on Enable to enable API.
Click on Credentials on the left side menu (or click on Manage, then Credentials if it's already enabled).
Click on Create Credentials at the top.
Select API key.
Copy your API key value and paste in the code below.
In Visual Studio, create a new .NET Framework Console App.
Go to Nuget Packet Manager.
Install Google.Apis.Youtube.v3 package.
using System;
using Google.Apis.Services;
using Google.Apis.YouTube.v3;
using Google.Apis.YouTube.v3.Data;
namespace GetYouTubeVideos
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public static void GetVideos()
YouTubeService yt = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer() { ApiKey = "put api key here" });
ChannelsResource.ListRequest channelsListRequest = yt.Channels.List("contentDetails");
channelsListRequest.ForUsername = "put channel user name here";
// channelsListRequest.Id = "put channel id here (if you want to use the channel id)";
ChannelListResponse channelsListResponse = channelsListRequest.Execute();
foreach (Channel channel in channelsListResponse.Items)
string uploadsListId = channel.ContentDetails.RelatedPlaylists.Uploads;
string nextPageToken = "";
while (nextPageToken != null)
PlaylistItemsResource.ListRequest playlistItemsListRequest = yt.PlaylistItems.List("snippet");
playlistItemsListRequest.PlaylistId = uploadsListId;
playlistItemsListRequest.MaxResults = 50;
playlistItemsListRequest.PageToken = nextPageToken;
PlaylistItemListResponse playlistItemsListResponse = playlistItemsListRequest.Execute();
foreach (PlaylistItem playlistItem in playlistItemsListResponse.Items)
Console.WriteLine("Video Title= {0}, Video ID ={1}", playlistItem.Snippet.Title, playlistItem.Snippet.ResourceId.VideoId);
nextPageToken = playlistItemsListResponse.NextPageToken;
catch (Exception e)

I can't get video on youtube by channel.Why?
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<List<ViewModel.YoutubeVideo>> GetYoutubeMusic()
var youtubeService = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
ApiKey = "....",
ApplicationName = this.GetType().ToString()
var searchListRequest = youtubeService.Channels.List("snippet");
searchListRequest.Id= "UC-9-kyTW8ZkZNDHQJ6FgpwQ";
searchListRequest.MaxResults = 25;
//Call the search.list method to retrieve results...
var searchListResponse = await searchListRequest.ExecuteAsync();
List<ViewModel.YoutubeVideo> arrays = new List<ViewModel.YoutubeVideo>();
foreach (var searchResult in searchListResponse.Items)
product = new ViewModel.YoutubeVideo(); = searchResult.Id;
product.Name = searchResult.Snippet.Title;
product.Thumb100Uri = searchResult.Snippet.Thumbnails.Default.Url;
product.Thumb200Uri = searchResult.Snippet.Thumbnails.Medium.Url;
return arrays;
just be get information from this channel but no video...
I don't understand about that. Please to solve it.
Because you are not calling the search.list method. You are calling the channels.list method in your code.
But if you already have the id of the channel, you should just retrieve that channel's uploaded videos.
