Discord.net and TwitchLib C# Communication - c#

I am stuck on a personal project to create a question bot for a twitch channel I mod for. The idea is to take questions in channel with the prefix [q] followed by the question. It then posts the question into #questions in discord. I have both sides of the bot working in their own right, however, I cannot figure out how to actually send a message to discord from that point. Here is an example of what I have.
Twitch receiving a messaging:
TwitchClient tclient;
DiscordClient dclient;
CommandService commands;
private void Client_OnMessageReceived(object sender, OnMessageReceivedArgs e)
if (e.ChatMessage.Message.StartsWith("[q]", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
// Do stuff here
} else if(e.ChatMessage.Message.StartsWith("!uptime", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
tclient.SendMessage(GetUptime()?.ToString() ?? "Offline");
} else if(e.ChatMessage.Message.StartsWith("[test]", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
And on the discord side I can send a message directly to them via:
public void dMessage(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
//TODO: Add !clearall to clear a channel
//TODO: Add !start and !stop
if (e.Message.RawText.StartsWith("test"))
e.Channel.SendMessage(e.User.Mention + "Test confirmed");
else if (e.Message.RawText.StartsWith("test2"))
e.User.SendMessage("Test 2 confirmed");
Or I can:
commands.CreateCommand("test").Do(async (e) =>
await e.Channel.SendMessage("test 1 confirmed");
I am using TwitchLib by swiftyspiffy 1.4.9 nuget.org/packages/TwitchLib/1.4.9 and Discord.Net 0.9.6 w/ Discord.Net.Commands 0.9.6
But the scopes of the two sides seem to be completely independant and I cannot figure out how to get them to communicate. I even put them both into one large file for testing purposes. I seem to not grasp something important. I apologize if this is covered somewhere, I couldn't find anything like my problem.


Ozeki VoIP not receiving audio

I have been working on a Softphone project in c# and have been using Ozeki VoIP SDK.
So far I have got the softphone successfully registering and making outbound calls. However, I can not hear the called party but they can hear me. (Me being the softphone and called party being a Cisco SPA504G Phone)
2-Way audio is fine when using other applications (Such as X-Lite)
The SIP Trace shows I am sending but not receiving any RTP packages, is this something I have done wrong in my code (See below) or an issue on the PBX side. (Thirdlane PBX)
void CreateCall()
string numberToDial = txtNum.Text;
logOutput("Call " + numberToDial);
call = softphone.CreateCallObject(phoneLine, numberToDial);
call.CallStateChanged += call_CallStateChanged;
private void SetupDevices()
connector.Connect(microphone, mediaSender);
connector.Connect(mediaReceiver, speaker);
void call_CallStateChanged(object sender, CallStateChangedArgs e)
if (e.State == CallState.Answered)
if (e.State == CallState.Completed)
logOutput("Call state: " + e.State);
private void WireUpCallEvents()
call.CallStateChanged += (call_CallStateChanged);
private void WireDownCallEvents()
call.CallStateChanged -= (call_CallStateChanged);
After trying another extension on another PBX I found that the issue was caused by the additional setting "nat" not being set. Once I set this with the value "yes" I was able to get 2-way audio on both parties.
This was a Thridlane PBX so the setting was in "Selected Tenants PBX" => "Extensions and Contacts" => "User Extensions" => (The extension number I was using) => Phone.

How to make the bot know if its messaged someone before? C# based SteamBot

Ok, firstly, I'm not very advanced at this, xD
In public override void OnMessage (string message, EChatEntryType type) I want to execute a series of tests to figure out which response to send.
The first test is to see if the message starts with a command. I'm an admin for a CSGO server group called "Warmup Servers" and this will be a string of parts which will generate and feed back information into a separate log file.
So I'm working on a custom UserHandler.cs for my steambot. I plan on writing a simple script, so that I can do exec [botname] TGTOnline & exec [botname] TGTOffline to tell the bot if using its account. (Like playing games or something on that account).
To test if the message starts with any of the predefined responses. (More to be added later)
To test if the bot has sent a message before. I don't want someone to start a conversation with me and the bot to be sending its default response every time it recieves a message, it would be annoying for both parties.
So before the default message is called, I need to have a function which checks to see if the bot account (Both bot response or human response) has sent a message to the user recently (Last 5 Minutes) and if it has, tell the bot to do nothing...
However I have no clue on where to start with this script and would love some advice!
Here is my TGTUserHandler.cs section which relates:
using System;
using SteamKit2;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SteamTrade;
using SteamTrade.TradeOffer;
using SteamTrade.TradeWebAPI;
namespace SteamBot
public class TGTUserHandler : UserHandler
private bool TGTOnline = false;
private TaskCompletionSource<string> _UserReport;
public TGTUserHandler(Bot bot, SteamID sid) : base(bot, sid) { }
private bool HandleUserReport(string message)
if (_UserReport == null)
return false;
//to be scripted in the morning
_UserReport = null;
return true;
public override void OnMessage(string message, EChatEntryType type)
if (message.StartsWith("!"))
if (message.StartsWith("!help"))
SendChatMessage("Welcome to the TGTGaming Automated Bots, We have very limited commands and currently do not do any type of automated trade. Here is the list of current commands you can use:");
SendChatMessage("!WarmupServers [help | Report | Issue] | This command is used for all issues related to the WarmupServer's. Do `!Warmupservers help` for more information");
SendChatMessage("!getadmin | This command is used to contact a TGTGaming administrator. Please do `!getadmin help` for more information");
if (message.StartsWith("!WarmupServers"))
if (message.StartsWith("!WarmupServers help"))
SendChatMessage("Warmup Servers Automated Support by TGTGamer");
SendChatMessage("!WarmupServers Report | Used to report a user for specific reasons. This is step by step process");
SendChatMessage("!WarmupServers issue | Used to report a issue with the servers. This is a step by step process");
if (message.StartsWith("!WarmupServers Report"))
GetUserResponse("You have started the user reporting process, please confirm this is what you wanted to do. [y/n]");
if (message.StartsWith("y"))
SendChatMessage("A few quick questions first, please respond yes or no");
GetUserResponse("Are you still in the server?");
if (message.StartsWith("y"))
GetUserResponse("Is the User you wish to report still in your server?");
if (message.StartsWith("y"))
GetUserResponse("Is there a VIP in the server?");
if (message.StartsWith("y"))
SendChatMessage("Please ask the VIP to do a !startvote on this user with your reason.");
_UserReport = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
return _UserReport.Task;
_UserReport = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
return _UserReport.Task;
_UserReport = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
return _UserReport.Task;
SendChatMessage("You have cancelled this action");
if (TGTOnline)
//general Responses
if (message.StartsWith("Hello"))
SendChatMessage("What's up?");
if (message.StartsWith("Heya"))
if (message.StartsWith("Hi"))
//defualt response
//defualt response
All and any help will be appreciated.
Kind regards.
External Links you may find useful:
Bot Github: https://github.com/Jessecar96/SteamBot/
UserHandler.cs: https://github.com/Jessecar96/SteamBot/blob/master/SteamBot/UserHandler.cs
Steam Subscriber Agreement:
The steam Subscriber Agreement States the following:
You may not use Cheats, automation software (bots), mods, hacks, or
any other unauthorized third-party software, to modify or automate any
Subscription Marketplace process.
As I am using this bot to automate 3rd party server actions (Rcon Kick's, Server restarts & such) it is within the steam subscriber agreement acceptance for bots. If I then started to sell or buy automatically with this bot, it would breach the subscriber agreement.

sending email in xamarin forms

I'm trying to send an email in my xamarin forms project, I have tried both in the iPhone simulator and on an iPhone device. When I push the send email button on the iPhone, nothing happens, not even a debug error. I have also made sure i am logged in with my email on the device.
I have used serviceDependency and followed the setup at this link:
my interface:
public interface InterfaceEmail
void sendEmail();
iOS implementation:
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(SendEmail))]
namespace myProject.iOS
public partial class SendEmail : InterfaceEmail
MFMailComposeViewController mailController;
public SendEmail() {}
public void sendEmail()
if (MFMailComposeViewController.CanSendMail)
mailController = new MFMailComposeViewController();
mailController.SetToRecipients (new string[] {"my#email.com"});
mailController.SetSubject ("test mail");
mailController.SetMessageBody ("This is a test", false);
mailController.Finished += (object sender, MFComposeResultEventArgs e) =>
e.Controller.DismissViewController(true, null);
UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.PresentViewController(mailController, true, null);
Implementation in my shared code:
async void Handle_ToolbarButton(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var action = await DisplayActionSheet("What do you want to do?", "Abort", null, "Send email");
if(action == "Send email")
Does anyone have an idea on what could be wrong here?
For a better way to send email without even writing platform specific code install this nuget into your solution
Then write the code below in PCL
var email = new EmailMessageBuilder()
.Subject("Xamarin Messaging Plugin")
.Body("Well hello there from Xam.Messaging.Plugin")
You can also add attachments. For more details please go through https://github.com/cjlotz/Xamarin.Plugins/blob/master/Messaging/Details.md
Probably it is related to this bug:
Just remove DisplayActionSheet.
Or if you want to use it, then there is a temporary solution in this Xamarin forum topic
await Task.Delay(100);
after DisplayActionSheet
The iPhone simulator will always return false to CanSendMail as it can not send mail. On a physical device, you will need to configure at least on e mail account.
Typo in:
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(sendEmail))]
Should be:
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(SendEmail))]
Typo in:
mailController.Finnished += ~~~~~
Should be:
mailController.Finished += ~~~~~

How to programmatically pair a bluetooth device

I recently bought a Lilypad Simblee BLE Board and I'd like to pair it programmatically to my computer (using the 32feet.NET library in C#).
I'm aware the "How to programmatically pair a bluetooth device" has already been asked on StackOverflow (here for example), however for some reason, all my attempts to pair the device programmatically have failed. Indeed, I successfully paired the device with the "Manage Bluetooth devices" window in Windows 10 Settings panel (Settings > Devices > Bluetooth).
Firstly, I don't know the pairing method (either legacy or SSP) to use with my device. Windows never asked me for a PIN or something, so I guess it's SSP, but I'm unsure.
I searched on Google how to do a SSP pairing request with 32feet.NET: I found this.
However, once it discovered my device (the device discovery works properly), the pairing request instantly fails.
My code:
using InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth;
using InTheHand.Net.Sockets;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace HLK_Client
class HLKBoard
public event HLKBoardEventHandler HLKBoardConnectionComplete;
public delegate void HLKBoardEventHandler(object sender, HLKBoardEventArgs e);
private BluetoothClient _bluetoothClient;
private BluetoothComponent _bluetoothComponent;
private List<BluetoothDeviceInfo> _inRangeBluetoothDevices;
private BluetoothDeviceInfo _hlkBoardDevice;
private EventHandler<BluetoothWin32AuthenticationEventArgs> _bluetoothAuthenticatorHandler;
private BluetoothWin32Authentication _bluetoothAuthenticator;
public HLKBoard()
_bluetoothClient = new BluetoothClient();
_bluetoothComponent = new BluetoothComponent(_bluetoothClient);
_inRangeBluetoothDevices = new List<BluetoothDeviceInfo>();
_bluetoothAuthenticatorHandler = new EventHandler<BluetoothWin32AuthenticationEventArgs>(_bluetoothAutenticator_handlePairingRequest);
_bluetoothAuthenticator = new BluetoothWin32Authentication(_bluetoothAuthenticatorHandler);
_bluetoothComponent.DiscoverDevicesProgress += _bluetoothComponent_DiscoverDevicesProgress;
_bluetoothComponent.DiscoverDevicesComplete += _bluetoothComponent_DiscoverDevicesComplete;
public void ConnectAsync()
_hlkBoardDevice = null;
_bluetoothComponent.DiscoverDevicesAsync(255, true, true, true, false, null);
private void PairWithBoard()
bool pairResult = BluetoothSecurity.PairRequest(_hlkBoardDevice.DeviceAddress, null);
if (pairResult)
Console.WriteLine("Fail"); // Instantly fails
private void _bluetoothComponent_DiscoverDevicesProgress(object sender, DiscoverDevicesEventArgs e)
private void _bluetoothComponent_DiscoverDevicesComplete(object sender, DiscoverDevicesEventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < _inRangeBluetoothDevices.Count; ++i)
if (_inRangeBluetoothDevices[i].DeviceName == "HLK")
_hlkBoardDevice = _inRangeBluetoothDevices[i];
HLKBoardConnectionComplete(this, new HLKBoardEventArgs(false, "Didn't found any \"HLK\" discoverable device"));
private void _bluetoothAutenticator_handlePairingRequest(object sender, BluetoothWin32AuthenticationEventArgs e)
e.Confirm = true; // Never reach this line
Why does the pairing request fail?
The answer to the question you linked has a plausible suggestion... did you read it?
Also you should look at this question as well.
32feet library is built around legacy pairing, so that you either need to know the pin of the device you are connecting to, or you supply it with a null to get a popup window to enter a pin.
It also says that the windows function used by 32feet is deprecated in newer versions of windows. If that's true, the reason it's failing instantly is because you've passed a null pin in your pairing request and for it to proceed windows needs to show a dialog which no longer exists.
What happens if you try to connect with the pin "0000" or "1234" ?
I'm looking at the source code of WindowsBluetoothSecurity.cs in 32feet.net and I see if a pairing request fails, it logs the error code to Debug.WriteLine, any chance you could post that error code here?
One good work around to this problem might be to import BluetoothAuthenticateDeviceEx and use that manually to complete the pairing request. If you don't want to do this manually, it looks like in the latest version of the 32feet source, there is actually a SSP pairing method that utilises this method but it's not public and it's not used anywhere so you'll need to access it via reflection:
.GetMethod("PairRequest", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Invoke(null, new object[] { _hlkBoardDevice.DeviceAddress, BluetoothAuthenticationRequirements.MITMProtectionNotRequired });

Skype bot (translation from VB) not working

I was following a tutorial on youtube on how to create a simple Skype bot. It was written in VB and with my limited knowledge I did my best to recreate it in C#
I stumbled upon "handles" which I can only assume is related to the eventhandler in C#
This is the code I've got so far but when I message myself from another skype account it doesn't respond. I've made sure to accept the little popup on skype that allows 3rd party software.
public partial class Form1 : Form
Skype oSkype = new Skype();
string trigger = "!";
public Form1()
oSkype.Attach(7, false);
oSkype.MessageStatus += new _ISkypeEvents_MessageStatusEventHandler(oSkype_MessageStatus);
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void oSkype_MessageStatus(ChatMessage pMessage, TChatMessageStatus Status)
if (Status == TChatMessageStatus.cmsReceived || Status == TChatMessageStatus.cmsSent)
string msg = pMessage.Body;
Chat c = pMessage.Chat;
if (msg.StartsWith(trigger))
listBox1.Items.Add(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ": " + pMessage.Sender.Handle + " sent you a message");
msg = msg.Remove(0, 1).ToLower();
if (msg == "test")
c.SendMessage("Unrecognizable command.");
The code from the tutorial that I was following had this instead:
oSkype_MessageStatus(pMessage as ChatMessage, Status as TChatMessageStatus) Handles oSkype.MessageStatus
The closest to what I could come to implement this in c# was to add the void to the eventhandler in public Form1() which you can see in my code.
Thanks in advance!
Skype4Com's chat functions are not supported in the newer Skype versions. They were deprecated somewhere in-between 2013-2014.
From Skype's blog post Feature evolution and support for the Skype Desktop API:
Iā€™m happy to share that we will be extending support for two of the most widely used features ā€“ call recording and compatibility with hardware devices ā€“ until we determine alternative options or retire the current solution. Although chat via third party applications, will cease to work as previously communicated.
It has been a while since I have worked with COM Skype bots, but your code seems to be fine.
Nevertheless, I would suggest you to move to a modern approach on bots. Please check out the new Microsoft Bot Framework
