I am developing an export function with save file dialog for list view, when list view rows go so much, more than 7000 or much, the save file dialog not appearing don't know why !
Update: added the snippet code, how I am filling the listview !
Here is the code I am using for exporting listview,
private void ExportBTN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult dialogeResult = sfd.ShowDialog();
if (dialogeResult == DialogResult.OK)
using ( var tw = new StreamWriter(sfd.FileName))
foreach (ListViewItem item in URLListView.Items)
XtraMessageBox.Show("All links has been exported successfully.");
AddLog("All links has been exported successfully.");
Here is the way I am filling the listview:
if(URLListView.Items.Count == 0)
XtraMessageBox.Show("You have to get the main links first");
if (GetInnerLinkBTN.Text == "Stop")
StopGettingInnerLink = true;
GetInnerLinkBTN.Text = "Start Get Innter Links";
else if (GetInnerLinkBTN.Text == "Start Get Innter Links")
StopGettingInnerLink = false;
GetInnerLinkBTN.Text = "Stop";
foreach (ListViewItem link in URLListView.Items)
string href = link.Text.ToString();
if (href.Trim() != string.Empty)
if (StopGettingInnerLink == true)
AddLog("Getting links has been stopped successfully!");
StopGettingInnerLink = true;
else if(StopGettingInnerLink == false)
AddLog("Getting links from " + href);
// MainWebbrowser.Navigate(href);
await Task.Delay(5000);
AddLog("Giving the tool some rest for 5 seconds ! ");
AddLog("Scrapping inner links has been finished successfully!");
I have the following code which extracts all URLS within Google's search results:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
HtmlElementCollection a = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a");
foreach (HtmlElement b in a)
string item = b.GetAttribute("href");
if (item.Contains("url?q="))
However I need this to be more specific.
Google's Chrome element inspector has this and I need to access the URL in this element:
<cite class="_Rm">www.dicksmith.com.au/apple-<b>ipad</b></cite>
The class is "_Rm", its in a 'cite' tag, and I need that URL ONLY.
Find html element with specified 'class' and 'tag' values. Then retrieve an url from InnerHtml.
HtmlElement FindHtmlElement(string tag, Predicate<HtmlElement> predicate)
var elements = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName(tag);
foreach (HtmlElement element in elements)
if (predicate(element))
return element;
catch (Exception ex)
//Log.Error("Error on finding html element on {0}. Exception: {1}", _webBrowserBot.Url.ToString(), ex.Message);
return null;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// search for <cite class="_Rm">www.dicksmith.com.au/apple-<b>ipad</b></cite>
var element = FindHtmlElement("cite", (h) =>
return h.GetAttribute("class") == "_Rm";
string url = "";
if (element != null)
// retrieve url only
int ix = element.InnerHtml.IndexOf("-<b>");
if (ix > 0)
url = element.InnerHtml.Remove(ix);
// url obtained
its my code i dont want to see webbrowse in my design. i try to when i click button if password is correct login is success but i cannot see what happen how can i check login is succes or not without webBrowser .
For example login is succes or not just i want to see messagebox.Thanks for help.
public Form1()
webBrowser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
HtmlElement ele = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("KullaniciAdiTextBox");
if (ele == null) { ele.InnerText = "username"; } else { ele.InnerText = textBox1.Text; }
ele = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("SifreTextBox");
if (ele == null) { ele.InnerText = "password"; } else { ele.InnerText = textBox2.Text; }
ele = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("SistemeGirImageButton");
if (ele != null) { ele.InvokeMember("click"); }
webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted);
private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
string s = webBrowser1.DocumentText;
I have this code that works fine when I call it from within the form, however, when I call the same from the Parent it runs through the code without results:
public void hideHelp()
//Check in db if panel1 is visible
SqlCeCommand checkHelp = new SqlCeCommand("Select Show_Help from Options where Opt_Id = 1", this.optionsTableAdapter.Connection);
if (this.optionsTableAdapter.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
{ this.optionsTableAdapter.Connection.Open(); }
bool showHelp = (bool)(checkHelp.ExecuteScalar());
this.panel1.Visible = showHelp;
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
On Main form I have a toggle button with the following code:
private void tglHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tglHelp.ToggleState.ToString() == "On")
HRDataSet.OptionsRow updateHelp = hRDataSet.Options.FindByOpt_Id(1);
updateHelp.Show_Help = true;
Form activeChild = this.ActiveMdiChild;
if (activeChild.Name == "frmAddEmployees")
frmAddEmployees chForm = new frmAddEmployees();
chForm.MdiParent = this;
catch(Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Application.ProductName);
tglHelp.Text = "Help Panel \nOFF";
Any ideas?
In this piece of code
if (activeChild.Name == "frmAddEmployees")
frmAddEmployees chForm = new frmAddEmployees();
chForm.MdiParent = this;
you open another frmAddEmployees and add to the MDI, but you don't show it.
If your intent was to call the code in the current frmAddEmployees identified by the activeChild you should use something like this
if (activeChild.Name == "frmAddEmployees")
My question comes from a problem which I have right now. I have MainWindow, AuthenticateWindow, and AddEntryWindow which all are WinForms. In main window I have possibility to Authenticate and Add Entry into my main windows textbox. They can not add an entry until they authenticate (no problem with this). I need to add an entry to the text box which will update my main windows textbox. The problem if, how can I check if entry was added to my textbox?
I am trying to have a Save option from menu strip. I am getting an error whenever I am trying to save an empty file. How could I authenticate the saving process by Save button by having it first disabled, and enabled after entry was added?
I could always verify if if textbox had an entry but I want to have button disabled first, and enabled after entry was added. I do not have a privilege to do so as of right now.
Please ask questions if I am not clear enough.
private void tsmiSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Open sfdSaveToLocation which let us choose the
// location where we want to save the file.
if (txtDisplay.Text != string.Empty)
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Store_Passwords_and_Serial_Codes
public partial class MainWindow : Form
private AuthenticateUser storedAuth;
public MainWindow()
private void MainWindow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Prohibit editing.
txtDisplay.Enabled = false;
public string ChangeTextBox
return this.txtDisplay.Text;
this.txtDisplay.Text = value;
private void tsmiAuthenticate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
AuthenticationWindow authWindow = new AuthenticationWindow();
storedAuth = authWindow.Result;
private void tsmiAddEntry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (storedAuth == null)
DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show
("You must log in before you add an entry."
+ Environment.NewLine + "You want to authenticate?",
"Information", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
AuthenticationWindow authWindow =
new AuthenticationWindow();
storedAuth = authWindow.Result;
AddEntryWindow addWindow = new AddEntryWindow
(this, storedAuth.UserName, storedAuth.Password);
AddEntryWindow addWindow = new AddEntryWindow
(this, storedAuth.UserName, storedAuth.Password);
private void tsmiClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void tsmiSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Open sfdSaveToLocation which let us choose the
// location where we want to save the file.
private void sfdSaveToLocation_FileOk(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
string theFileName = sfdSaveToLocation.FileName;
EncryptDecrypt en = new EncryptDecrypt();
string encrypted = en.Encrypt(txtDisplay.Text,
storedAuth.UserName, storedAuth.Password);
File.WriteAllText(theFileName, encrypted);
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
// Needed to be used with StringBuilder
using System.Text;
// Needed to be used with ArrayList.
using System.Collections;
namespace Store_Passwords_and_Serial_Codes
public partial class AddEntryWindow : Form
string user, pass;
// Initializind ArrayList to store all data needed to be added or retrived.
private ArrayList addedEntry = new ArrayList();
// Initializing MainWindow form.
MainWindow mainWindow;
// Default constructor to initialize the form.
public AddEntryWindow()
public AddEntryWindow(MainWindow viaParameter, string user, string pass)
: this()
mainWindow = viaParameter;
this.user = user;
this.pass = pass;
private void AddEntryWindow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ }
private void btnAddEntry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Making sure that type is selected.
if (cmbType.SelectedIndex == -1)
MessageBox.Show("Please select entry type!", "Error!",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
// Each field must be filled for specified type.
// Here we are checking if all fields were filled.
else if ((cmbType.SelectedIndex == 0 && (txtUserName.Text == string.Empty || txtPassword.Text == string.Empty)) ||
(cmbType.SelectedIndex == 1 && (txtURL.Text == string.Empty || txtPassword.Text == string.Empty)) ||
(cmbType.SelectedIndex == 2 && (txtSoftwareName.Text == string.Empty || txtSerialCode.Text == string.Empty)))
MessageBox.Show("Please fill all the fields!", "Error!",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
int totalEntries = 0;
if(cmbType.SelectedIndex == 0)
addedEntry.Add(new AddPC(cmbType.Text,
txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text));
else if(cmbType.SelectedIndex == 1)
addedEntry.Add(new AddWebSite(cmbType.Text,
txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtURL.Text));
else if(cmbType.SelectedIndex == 2)
addedEntry.Add(new AddSerialCode(cmbType.Text,
txtSoftwareName.Text, txtSerialCode.Text));
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var list in addedEntry)
if (list is AddPC)
AddPC tmp = (AddPC)list;
else if (list is AddWebSite)
AddWebSite tmp = (AddWebSite)list;
else if (list is AddSerialCode)
AddSerialCode tmp = (AddSerialCode)list;
mainWindow.ChangeTextBox = stringBuilder.ToString();
mainWindow.tsslStatus.Text = "A total of " + totalEntries + " entries added.";
// Clearing all fields.
private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Closing the Add Entry Window form.
private void cmbType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Deciding which data must be entered depending on
// what type is selected from combo box.
// PC
if (cmbType.SelectedIndex == 0)
// Web Site
else if (cmbType.SelectedIndex == 1)
// Serial Code
else if (cmbType.SelectedIndex == 2)
private void ClearFields()
// Clearing all fields to the default state.
It sounds like you probably just want to subscribe to the TextChanged event, which will be fired whenever the text in the textbox changes.
I can't say I really followed everything that you're doing, but I think you should be fine to just enable or disable your Save button within that event handler.
EDIT: It's not really clear where all your different components live, but you want something like:
// Put this after the InitializeComponent() call in the constructor.
txtDisplay.TextChanged += HandleTextBoxTextChanged;
private void HandleTextBoxTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool gotText = txtDisplay.Text.Length > 0;
menuSaveButton.Enabled = gotText;
I'd also strongly advise you not to use ArrayList but to use the generic List<T> type. The non-generic collections should almost never be used in new code.