C# child form not refreshing - c#

I have this code that works fine when I call it from within the form, however, when I call the same from the Parent it runs through the code without results:
public void hideHelp()
//Check in db if panel1 is visible
SqlCeCommand checkHelp = new SqlCeCommand("Select Show_Help from Options where Opt_Id = 1", this.optionsTableAdapter.Connection);
if (this.optionsTableAdapter.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
{ this.optionsTableAdapter.Connection.Open(); }
bool showHelp = (bool)(checkHelp.ExecuteScalar());
this.panel1.Visible = showHelp;
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
On Main form I have a toggle button with the following code:
private void tglHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tglHelp.ToggleState.ToString() == "On")
HRDataSet.OptionsRow updateHelp = hRDataSet.Options.FindByOpt_Id(1);
updateHelp.Show_Help = true;
Form activeChild = this.ActiveMdiChild;
if (activeChild.Name == "frmAddEmployees")
frmAddEmployees chForm = new frmAddEmployees();
chForm.MdiParent = this;
catch(Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Application.ProductName);
tglHelp.Text = "Help Panel \nOFF";
Any ideas?

In this piece of code
if (activeChild.Name == "frmAddEmployees")
frmAddEmployees chForm = new frmAddEmployees();
chForm.MdiParent = this;
you open another frmAddEmployees and add to the MDI, but you don't show it.
If your intent was to call the code in the current frmAddEmployees identified by the activeChild you should use something like this
if (activeChild.Name == "frmAddEmployees")


How to fix hiding datagridview object

I'm setting datagridview as object and show in windows form in Textbox change event. When open form and start texting into textbox then datagridview is show but when text is empty or null datagridview continue been visible. How can I accomplish datagridview invisible in windows form?
This is for C#. I have tried to dispose datagridview in if clause but it didn't work.
Here is my code:
public class CreateDataGridView
public DataGridView clientsDgv = new DataGridView();
public CreateDataGridView()
clientsDgv.ReadOnly = true;
clientsDgv.Name = "clientsDgv";
clientsDgv.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
clientsDgv.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false;
clientsDgv.AllowUserToResizeRows = false;
public DataGridView Createdgv()
return clientsDgv;
Here is my code in windows form.
//Get datagridview in windows form textbox change event
private void TxtID_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
switch (this.cmbSelectAction.SelectedIndex)
case 1:
CreateDataGridView clientsdgv = new CreateDataGridView();
DesignDataGridView designdgv = new DesignDataGridView();
designdgv.ClientsDataGridPosition(clientsdgv.clientsDgv, txtID);
//SetDoubleBuffered.SetDoubleBuffering(clientsdgv.clientsDgv, true);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtID.Text) || txtID.Text == "0")
clientsdgv.clientsDgv.DataSource = null;
clientsdgv.clientsDgv.Visible = false;
GetSqlData getSqlData = new GetSqlData();
columnName = "PersonalIDBulstat";
ID = txtID.Text;
clientsdgv.clientsDgv.Visible = true;
clientsdgv.clientsDgv.DataSource = getSqlData.SearchClientsInSql(columnName, ID);
title = "Clients";
Thank you in advance!
It is my working code when form is load where dgvClients is declare as DataGridView:
private void Clients_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
CreateDataGridView clientsdgv = new CreateDataGridView();
dgvClients = clientsdgv.dgvClients;
private void TxtID_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
switch (this.cmbSelectAction.SelectedIndex)
case 1:
DesignDataGridView designdgv = new DesignDataGridView();
designdgv.ClientsDataGridPosition(dgvClients, this.txtID);
GetSqlData getSqlData = new GetSqlData();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtID.Text) || txtID.Text == "0")
dgvClients.DataSource = null;
dgvClients.Visible = false;
columnName = "PersonalIDBulstat";
ID = txtID.Text;
dgvClients.Visible = true;
dgvClients.DataSource = getSqlData.SearchClientsInSql(columnName, ID);
title = "Clients";

ErrorProvider in an User control in C#

I have an UserControl CambioContraseña with two textBox of other customized UserControl called txtAlfanumerico. This UserContol is very simple but I want to add an ErrorProvider to check the fields are not empty. This is a screen capture of UserControl:
And this is an code:
public bool FaltaCampos() {
bool falta = false;
foreach(txtAlfanumerico txt in Controls.OfType < txtAlfanumerico > ()) {
if (txt.Text == "") {
errorProviderFalta.SetError(txt, "Falta " + txt.Tag.ToString());
falta = true;
} else {
errorProviderFalta.SetError(txt, "");
return falta;
And the code in where I use this UserControl:
private void buttonConfirmar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
try {
if (!cambioContraseña1.FaltaCampos()) {
string actual = cambioContraseña1.TextBoxContraseñaActual();
string nueva = cambioContraseña1.TextBoxNuevaContraseña();
persona.CambiarContraseña(actual, nueva);
} catch (Exception ex) {
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
But my problem is that ErrorProvider do not work in the Form that I use, icons do not appear directly.
I did a breakpoint into FaltaCampos and these are results:
I can to resolve my problem I think that I had not compiled the UserControl when I did the changes, so the ErrorProvider didn't appear.

Prepopulated Form causing issues for DbContext.SaveChanges()

After doing lots of debugging, I've narrowed down as to why my dbContext update does not work.
I have a script that runs on Page_Load that will populate a form based on the query string category_Id which is the primary key of my table.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Populate Edit Fields
if (Request.QueryString["categoryId"] != null)
CategoryDAL categoryDAL = new CategoryDAL();
RecipeCategory myCategory = new RecipeCategory();
addDiv.Attributes["class"] = "hidden";
editDiv.Attributes["class"] = "display";
int categoryToGet = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["categoryId"]);
myCategory = categoryDAL.GetCategory(categoryToGet);
tbEditCategoryName.Text = myCategory.Category_Name;
tbEditCategoryDescription.Text = myCategory.Description;
ddlEditCategoryGroupList.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(myCategory.CatGroup_Id);
catch(Exception ex)
updateStatus.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-info alert-dismissable fade in";
updateStatus.Visible = true;
lblStatus.Text = "Could not get Category Info, please try again.";
This is my script that runs when the edit_Button is clicked, it should update the row in the database and redirect to the viewCategories page.
protected void btnEditCategory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request.QueryString["categoryId"] != null)
CategoryDAL categoryDAL = new CategoryDAL();
RecipeCategory myCategory = new RecipeCategory();
int categoryToEdit = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["categoryId"]);
myCategory.Category_Name = tbEditCategoryName.Text;
myCategory.Description = tbEditCategoryDescription.Text;
myCategory.CatGroup_Id = Convert.ToInt32(ddlEditCategoryGroupList.SelectedValue);
bool editStatus = categoryDAL.EditCategory(categoryToEdit, myCategory);
if (editStatus)
HttpContext.Current.Session["editStatus"] = "Successful";
lblEditStatus.Text = "Unable to update category, please try again";
lblEditStatus.CssClass = "alert-danger";
catch (Exception ex)
lblEditStatus.Text = Convert.ToString(ex);
lblEditStatus.CssClass = "alert-danger";
catch (Exception ex)
updateStatus.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-info alert-dismissable fade in";
updateStatus.Visible = true;
lblStatus.Text = "Invalid categoryId.";
updateStatus.Attributes["class"] = "alert alert-info alert-dismissable fade in";
updateStatus.Visible = true;
lblStatus.Text = "Nothing to update.";
And this is in my DALayer which holds the functions that has anything to do with categories.
public bool EditCategory(int categoryToEdit, RecipeCategory newCategoryInfo)
RecipeXchangeDBContext dbContext = new RecipeXchangeDBContext();
RecipeCategory myCategory = new RecipeCategory();
bool status = false;
myCategory = (from c in dbContext.RecipeCategories
where c.Category_Id == categoryToEdit
select c).First();
myCategory.Category_Name = newCategoryInfo.Category_Name;
myCategory.Description = newCategoryInfo.Description;
myCategory.CatGroup_Id = newCategoryInfo.CatGroup_Id;
if (dbContext.SaveChanges() == 1)
status = true;
status = false;
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
status = false;
return status;
For some reason, whenever I try to update a row with a prepopulated form, the code will always return 0 from dbContext.SaveChanges() and does not update the row in the database.
Note: if I do not populate the form, it works perfectly as normal.
Page_Load doesn't just run the first time the page is loaded, it runs every time the page is loaded, including when the user submits the form. The result is that you're overwriting the user's input before saving it.
In this case, since you're using regular browser navigation to go to a specific category page, you can just check Page.IsPostBack in Page_Load and not set anything in that case.

c# webbrowser viewer control takes time to dispose

When closing Form containing a WebBrowser control with a Pdf document open in the webbrowser, the form takes some 10 seconds to close. I tracked the issue down to Dispose method of the webbrowser.
private void advBandedGridView1_FocusedRowChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.FocusedRowChangedEventArgs e)
if (advBandedGridView1.GetFocusedDataRow() != null)
string wordno = advBandedGridView1.GetFocusedDataRow()["wordno"].ToString();
string itemcd = advBandedGridView1.GetFocusedDataRow()["itemcd"].ToString();
for (int i = 0; i < _caseCount; i++)
ButtonColoring(wordno, _seqkindCode[i]);
gridControl2.DataSource = null;
Control Event
private void LoadPDF(string itemcd)
ReturnPacket rp;
rp = new Q3i.POP.BIZ.Common.CommonCode().SelectCommonCodeFull("603", "kind3 = 'EYE'", false);
if (rp.DataTables.Count > 0 && rp.DataTables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
rp = new Q3i.POP.BIZ.Common.CommonCode().SelectCommonCodeFull("603", "kind3 = '1'", false);
if (rp.DataTables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
string dockind = string.Empty;
dockind = rp.DataTables[0].Rows[0]["code"].ToString();
ParameterCollection paramCol = new ParameterCollection();
paramCol.Add("p_itemcd", itemcd);
paramCol.Add("p_dockind", dockind);
PdfFileInfo temp_fileInfo = biz.SelectInspectionStandards(paramCol);
if (temp_fileInfo != null)
if (_fileInfo != null && temp_fileInfo.FileNm == _fileInfo.FileNm)
WebBrowserPdf.Visible = true;
_fileInfo = null;
_fileInfo = temp_fileInfo;
PDF_FILE_PATH = FilePath + _fileInfo.FileNm;
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(FilePath);
if (di.Exists == false)
if (!File.Exists(PDF_FILE_PATH))
File.WriteAllBytes(PDF_FILE_PATH, _fileInfo.FileData);
WebBrowserPdf.Navigate(PDF_FILE_PATH + "?#zoom=" + _zoomFactor + "%", false);
WebBrowserPdf.Visible = true;
simpleButtonOpenPOPUP.Enabled = true;
WebBrowserPdf.Visible = false;
simpleButtonOpenPOPUP.Enabled = false;
catch (Exception ex)
UCXtraMsgBox.ShowDialog(ex.Message, "m0146", Q3i.Common.Enums.MsgBoxButton.OK, Q3i.Common.Enums.MsgBoxIcon.Alert, true);
it is Load Method
private void w_pcmu081_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
Process[] Pro = Process.GetProcessesByName("osk");
if (Pro.GetLength(0) > 0)
catch(Exception ex)
UCXtraMsgBox.ShowDialog(ex.Message, "m0146", Q3i.Common.Enums.MsgBoxButton.OK, Q3i.Common.Enums.MsgBoxIcon.Info, true, null, true);
The same situation happened to me.
Adobe has done something wrong in the latest version of Acrobat Reader DC (15.023.20056).
If you uncheck option Enable Protected Mode at startup in Edit -> Preferences -> Security (Enhanced), everything will be back to normal.
On my case it is not a solution.
More info here: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2267688

Previous Page state lost on back key press

I am creating a Windows Phone 8.1 Universal App. There are some screens on my app. On the first screen, i am navigate my screen to second screen. When i press hardware back button on second screen. My previous page state lost.
I am unable to rectify where was the problem. Here is the code below:
Screen 1 Code
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
this.NavigationCacheMode = NavigationCacheMode.Enabled;
if (e.NavigationMode == NavigationMode.New)
if (Frame.BackStack.Count > 0)
var lastPage = Frame.BackStack.Last().SourcePageType;
if (lastPage != null && lastPage.FullName == "Cryoserver.AppLogin")
async private void appBarSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (IsValidateForm())
ProgressBar.IsVisible = true;
cmdBarSearch.IsEnabled = false;
if (await conn.Table<SearchQuery>().CountAsync() > 0)
await conn.DropTableAsync<SearchQuery>();
await conn.CreateTableAsync<SearchQuery>();
var searchTerms = new SearchQuery();
if (Convert.ToString(cmbQuickDate.SelectedItem) != "Any Date")
searchTerms.FromDate = pickerFromDate.Date.ToString("d MMM yyyy");
searchTerms.FromTime = pickerFromTime.Time.ToString();
searchTerms.ToDate = pickerToDate.Date.ToString("d MMM yyyy");
searchTerms.ToTime = pickerToTime.Time.ToString();
searchTerms.SearchKeywords = txtKeywords.Text;
searchTerms.Parties = txtParties.Text;
searchTerms.Contributer = txtFrom.Text;
searchTerms.Viewer = txtTo.Text;
searchTerms.AttachmentName = txtAttName.Text;
searchTerms.AttachmentKeywords = txtAttKeywords.Text;
searchTerms.SearchReason = txtSearchReason.Text;
searchTerms.IsHighLight = "false";
await conn.InsertAsync(searchTerms);
object resultMails = await SearchEmailArchive();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(resultMails)))
GlobalInfo.SelectedRow = -1;
GlobalInfo.SearchPageIndex = -1;
GlobalInfo.IsFindKeyword = false;
var archiveMails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SearchResult>(resultMails.ToString());
Frame.Navigate(typeof(MailList), archiveMails);
ProgressBar.IsVisible = false;
catch (Exception ex)
ProgressBar.IsVisible = false;
cmdBarSearch.IsEnabled = true;
private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Screen 2
I too used this code in second screen and also after removing this code. But it didn't work for me. Still the same problem.
void HardwareButtons_BackPressed(object sender, BackPressedEventArgs e)
if (Frame.CanGoBack)
e.Handled = true;
Screen 1 state is Blank and behaves as a freshly loaded screen. Why?
Any help would be much appreciated.
I would try setting NavigationCacheMode="Required" in the constructor/XAML instead.
