Can't add new project to existing Solution - c#

I have a WinForms application. I see the solution file, but when I try to add new project to it and select the needed type of file, after pressing "OK" nothing happens, any ideas why?
Visual Studio Professional 2017 15.4.0
As it turned out I couldn't even create any empty project, so I had to reinstall visual studio cause I didn't find any other solution. All works fine now.


Visual studio 2019 go to definition and Intellisense not working

I have noticed a weird issue with Visual Studio 2019 v16.0.1 the IntelliSense about "Using directive is unnecessary" normally grey is missing and type reference suggestion for missing using is not working.
I also tried with Visual Studio 2019 Preview but no luck.
I have tried the following:
deleted .vs folder and restarted.
Reinstalled Visual Studio
Reset settings via import and export setting under tools
Any other suggestions will be appreciated.
Close Visual Studio
Delete .vs folder (it is a hidden folder inside the folder which contains the solution *.sln)
Start Visual Studio
Solved my problem
Update From the comments
Deleting Browse.VC.db file within .vs folder worked for me. I did this to avoid deleting .suo which has information I want to preserve
NOTE 1: I am using Visual Studio 2019, but it may work on other versions
NOTE 2: This did not solve the OP problem, but it is a good candidate to solve your
Go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> General. Make sure “Auto List Members” is checked. Also, make sure “Parameter Information” is checked.
If you are facing this issue with Unity projects then,
Check in your Unity settings whether it has Visual Studio configured as the external editor.
Click on Regenarate project files in the Unity settings.
Go to Assets => Open C# project.
This will restart Visual Studio with your project.
In my case, Resharper is the culprit. Disabling it immediately solved the issue.
I think these issues are discussed here and are resolved by an update and some worksrounds are bring discussed:
For anyone who are searching for another suggestion, I just go throught this issue, as OP said, I've deleted .vs folder, I've update vs to last version, I've uninstalled and reinstalled vs to the last version, I've reset settings, delete all obj folders, I've installed Microsoft.Net.Compilers but nothing worked, at the end I just remembered that sometimes the projects required WindowsBase library, until now I don't know why, but after adding that dll Intellisense started to function again.
I use resharper (vs 2017) but had not installed it on 2019. After installing Resharper on 2019 the intellisense started working again. (yes, it was working in 2019, then stopped)
I don't have an explanation on why this would fix it. Just did for me.
First time I use VS 2019, I need to manually install Code Analysis. Make sure it is installed at your project properties.
And today, for the new class, the suggestion or namespaces not showing for VS 2019 Intellisense, and Go to Definition not working too.
I must do close solution, and re-open and VS 2019 doing scanning while opening project, and then worked again.
I think this is bug for VS 2019. Try to close solution and re-open it.
I have tried almost all the solution mentioned above but it doesn't helped me. Trying to restart my PC solved my problem.
I tried lots of things but nothing worked for me until I found this post. He mentions a few things I have already tried that didn't work, but his final solution worked for me...
At the root of our solution there is a packages folder. I deleted the
entire contents of this folder. Upon reopening Visual Studio,
Intellisense and Go To Definition were restored to full working order.
close visual stdio
For mac in your folder: do command + shift+ .
you will see hidden files -> delete .vs folder
open solution again
After working for a few months, Intellisense suddenly stopped. This cost me a lot of lost time! I've been worked with Visual Studio for about 10 years, and this problem happens occasionally in every version.
Here's what I tried for this iteration of the problem:
Closing Visual Studio and re-opening does sometimes make the problem disappear for a short time, but it certainly doesn't solve it
Likewise restarting my laptop
Installing the latest Visual Studio 2019 update didn't help (I'm on 16.8.3 now if anyone's interested)
Deleting the hidden .vs folder doesn't seem to solve anything (doing so also means you lose your current window layout, as well as any bookmarks you've set)
Unticking the Track Changes option in this menu: Tools-> Options-> Text Editor-> General.
I've updated my NuGet reference to the Microsoft.Net.Compilers library to the latest stable version, as suggested here, but sadly this made no difference
I thought I've finally solved the problem by following the advice from Homer. I deleted the packages folder at the base level of my project (somewhat nervously, as I wasn't sure if it was needed), and thought it had solved the problem, but no such luck.
However, one thing to watch out for - after doing this, Visual Studio recognised my classes but no longer recognised built-in ones (all the referenced namespaces at the top of my controllers were underlined in red). I then deleted the .vs folder (again), which seemed to solve the problem.
When I recompiled my solution, it gave a few CS0433 compilation errors with duplicate namespaces for the MinLength and MaxLength directives in some identity user name and password validation code. I got round this by removing the Microsoft.EntityFramework Nuget library (I had to also remove Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework too, since this depended on it), then adding them both back in, making sure to include at least version 6.2 of the former (otherwise I got another runtime error to do with the FirstOrDefaultAsync method called somewhere!).
My current situation: all existing Intellisense is working, but it's not recognising new classes I add unless I exit Visual Studio and go back in again. May have to live with this ... unless anyone can help me?
I've got that problem today with only one project. I got no Intellisense warnings (i.e. naming styles, "Variable not referenced", etc..) for files in that project. Not in VS 2017 Pro nor in VS 2019 Community.
Check, if your Project->Build->"Warning level" is set to 0...
If you have Visual Studio 2017 installed side-by-side with Visual Studio 2019, close VS2019, open the project in VS2017, wait until it is fully loaded, then close VS2017, and reopen VS2019 - fixed!
There must be a bug in the VS2019 intellisense stuff, but VS2017 seems to fix it with no need to keep deleting the .vs directory.

Visual Studio 2019 fails to add a new file to my project

I have a functions app project called Gorge.FunctionApp with the file path D:\Kernelgen\Platform\Gorge\gorge-products-catalog\Gorge.FunctionApp. However, when I try to add a new function, the dialog box just does not show up. When hit Ctrl+Shift+A to add a new file, I get the error as shown in the picture below.
Below is the folder path which is less than 100 characters
I'd appreciate any kind of insight on this issue.
Seems like some installation issue to me as i tried in Visual studio 2019 Preview edition and it worked for me.
I would suggest you to repair your VS 2019 and try it again.
Also if you still see this an issue , feel free to report it to VS team by clicking on following link in visual studio.
Hope it helps.

Opening a Visual Studios 2015 project with 2013

I was using the trial of Visual Studios 2015 to develop a C# app. Now my trial has expired. I would like to continue developing the app in my licensed version of Visual Studios 2013. However, I can't seem to open the .sln. The file opens, but it say "Incompatible". Aside from copy pasting all of the code and re-configuring everything, is there another way I can open it?
You can use this solution here.
Just change the version VS2015 set on the solution file to the one used by VS2013. In doubt, just create an empty VS2013 project and check which one is it.
Luckily, VS2015 didn't change anything else and it will just work.

Visual Studio 2013 Not Running Correct Project

I have a multiple project solution in Visual Studio 2013. I'm not sure what caused it, but now when I click run, it runs a different project from the one I currently have set as the StartUp project. The project I'm trying to run and the project visual studio runs instead both work and CAN run. The problem occured when I booted up Visual Studio 2013 today I don't believe much has change since I last ran the project either, as I ran it yesterday.
I've tried closing and opening Visual Studio 2013, resetting my project as the StartUp project, right-clicking -> Debug -> Start new instance. All these did not fix the problem though.
SOLUTION: Rebooting my machine fixed the problem, I have no idea...

Visual studio doesn't support specific csproj file

I am getting this error when I try to open the solution file of my project. The solution is 2012 file (checked using notepad).
If I click on Ok, The solution opens up except for one csproject which does not load.
I get a migration report in UpgradeLog.htm file, with the following error for the project which failed to load. Could not figure out much from it.
The application which this project type is based on was not found.
Please try this link for further information:
Does the upgrade report mean that it is a project from previous version of Visual studio? It does not open in Visual Studio 2010 either.
The error doesn't say that Visual Studio doesn't support .csproj files at all, it says it doesn't support a specific project type in that particular project file. This means this either isn't your project as you claim, or you are trying to build it on a different machine from the one used to create the project.
Visual Studio uses various elements in a .csproj file to determine its project type. See How do you tell the Visual Studio project type from an existing Visual Studio project and What is the significance of ProjectTypeGuids tag in the visual studio project file. It does this so it knows how to compile your project, what properties tabs to show, what context menu options should be available and so on.
Certain project types can cause this error. Usually they require some kind of SDK to be installed on the machine used to open or build the project.
You should search the web for the GUID mentioned in the error message you show (the value after o1=). You can also open the project file in a text editor and find the <ProjectTypeGuids> elements, which contains comma-separated project type GUIDs.
Then search the web for those GUIDs to find out which SDK or tool you need to install in order to be able to open or build the project.
If you paste the specific GUID from your error message in your favorite web search engine, you'll find Problem solved: Visual Studio / There is a missing project subtype. Subtype: '{82b43b9b-a64c-4715-b499-d71e9ca2bd60}' is unsupported by this installation., where it is mentioned you'll need to install the Visual Studio 2013 SDK. This means that in this case, your project is a Visual Studio 2013 extension.
This is what documentation is for. You should at least put a ReadMe.txt file in your project directory, explaining what the prerequisites for building a project are, especially when it won't open or build with Visual Studio out of the box.
I had this issue when I used Update 5 for VS 2013.
For me I had to click ok and read the next few steps, that popped up. I was initially clicking cancel.
On mine the project was missing Web Tools, so had to reinstall those and once done it was working.
Hope that helps someone.
This issue also appears when trying to import an ASP.Net project into Visual Studio 2015 Express for Desktop, and can be solved by simply downloading and installing Express 2015 for Web - or by using Visual Studio Community/Standard.
I am currently using VS 2017 v 15.7.4. This error came out of no where without any updates on my part. Usually when I have errors like this I just delete the .vs folder in my solution and that clears the problem. In this case that is what I did and the problem was fixed.
Close VS
Delete .vs folder
Load VS
Note: This was for a Xamarin based solution.
I solved this problem by downloading and installing (Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects). Close the project then install. After the installation, open your project then reload .csproj file
I had the same issue with VS 2017.
Eventually i solved it by just enable the SSIS in the following way:
1. In VS 2017 - Click on Extensions and Updates in the Tools menu.
Locate the Microsoft Integration Services Projects.
if you can't find it then you will have to install it first.
Click on the Enable button.
Close VS and start it again and SSIS projects are now available.
enter image description here
This (the error that states "Visual studio doesn't support specific csproj file") also occurs when the .vs folder is removed; however, closing and reopening Visual Studio will resolve the error.
