How to determine if Console is allocated in a winform application? - c#

I'm developing a Windows Forms Application. At the startup I can choose if I want to show the console too or only the main form. This is achieved via the
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern int AllocConsole();
command. I can even dispose it via the
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern int FreeConsole();
How can I determine at runtime if the console is disposed or not?


Select the application window and PostMessage

I created the application (KeySimulator) which is running on the Windows VM. This app is sending an 'ENTER' key to another application (DraftSight). DraftSight is running on the same VM. Maine purpose of my app is to select DraftSight and click 'ENTER' just in case if any messages are pop up on the DraftSight.
Everything is working except my app sometimes is not recognizing the DS app.
My app is running 24/7 and I have a Task to start my app on a log-in or if my app is not running.
This is my code for that function:
[DllImport("USER32.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);
public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
IntPtr draftSightHandle = FindWindow("Qt5QWindowIcon", null);
const UInt32 WM_KEYDOWN = 0x0100;
PostMessage(draftSightHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, (int)Keys.Enter, 0);

How to clear/kill tasks to not overload CPU in WPF application?

I am currently building a kiosk application using WPF. I have one main window and several User Control (pages). After the last page, the app will redirect to the first page to start over the entire process.
I have noticed that after running the full flow for three times, the app will crash/hang due to CPU and Memory overload.
However i solve the memory overload issue by declaring the following
[DllImport("KERNEL32.DLL", EntryPoint = "SetProcessWorkingSetSize", SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
internal static extern bool SetProcessWorkingSetSize(IntPtr pProcess, int dwMinimumWorkingSetSize, int dwMaximumWorkingSetSize);
[DllImport("KERNEL32.DLL", EntryPoint = "GetCurrentProcess", SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
internal static extern IntPtr GetCurrentProcess();
and adding this code in the Unloaded() event.
IntPtr pHandle = GetCurrentProcess();
SetProcessWorkingSetSize(pHandle, -1, -1);
This code able to solve the Memory Overload issue, but the CPU overload issue is still there. Can anyone please help me with it please? What shall i add in the Unloaded() event to free the CPU?

Calling WaitForSingleObject from C#

I am trying to call WaitForSingleObject method from C#, as documented here:
In order to call this function I need to create a Handle, or I need to get a Handle of type IntPtr, how can it be done?
I've tried this function that I found:
[DllImport("coredll.dll", SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr CreateEvent(HANDLE lpEventAttributes, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bManualReset, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bIntialState, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string lpName);
Or for instance, when I am getting handle from console:
IntPtr handle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;
It throws a DllNotFoundException.
What's the issue here?
I need it in order to run the process with this function call, and to take a dump form its process, for my ClrMd library learning.
Any help will be appreciated.
Code sample:
static void Main(string[] args)
var autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
//this is where I get the DllNotFoundException
WaitForSingleObject(autoEvent.Handle, WAIT_TIMEOUT );
static extern uint WaitForMultipleObjects(uint nCount, IntPtr[] lpHandles, bool bWaitAll, uint dwMilliseconds);
public const Int32 WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x102;
I would not go through WinApi to get this from C#: you have EventWaitHandler and other synchronization objects in C#, use them:
WaitHandle wh = new EventWaitHandler();
//do whatever you need
WaitHandler.WaitOne(wh); // equivalent to WaitForSingleObject in WinApi
you can use wh.SafeWaitHandle if you really need to interop with WinApi
Also I suspect Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle cannot work in a Console Application, that has not any window at all
I want to call native method (WaitForMultipleObjects) which waits for some handle (don't really mind which one), then I want to see it on thread stack using ClrMd library, from dump file
OK, so what about new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne()? This should show up in the dump file. And it's reliable.
Just picking any existing handle is not reliable because it might be signaled or be destroyed at any time. Or, you might change its state by waiting. There is no need, a ManualResetEvent can create you a fresh handle.
My mistake I've posted WaitForMultipleObjects instead of WaitForSingleObject, the main issue was that WaitForSingleObject stayed with DllImport("coredll.dll"...) I don't know where did I found it but I did...
Sorry for the confusion

How to dispose the Win32 APIs in

I am using to develop a winform application.My winform application is using the below components
1)Win 32 dlls (using System.Runtime.InteropServices)
2)Timers(3 in count) (System.Timers)
3)Excel Interop
The memory of the application is not at all coming down .As timers are running continuosly so i cannot dispose the
So would like to implement dispose patterns .
Is it necessary to dispose the win32 APIs apart from Excel interop.?
If necessary can you please suggest the best way to call and dispose the win32 APIs.
Some of the Win32 APIs Used in application are listed below.
DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern uint RegisterWindowMessage(string lpString);
private extern static bool InternetGetConnectedState(out int netConnection, int val);
private static extern int AccessibleObjectFromWindow(IntPtr hwnd, uint dwObjectID, byte[] riid, ref Excel.Window ptr);
private static extern bool WTSRegisterSessionNotification(IntPtr hWnd, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]int dwFlags);
private static extern bool WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification(IntPtr hWnd);
The hWnd parameters in your function calls are all window handles. As a general rule, whenever you have finished using a window handle in the windows API, you need to explicitly release it using the CloseHandle function

Can WH_MOUSE catch global events?

I'm trying to develop a WPF C# application that captures mouse clicks even (especially) if it's in background in order to start another task.
On MSDN documentation ( ) I can read that WH_MOUSE should have either a global or thread scope.
I instantiate my hook handle this way:
hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE,
where MouseHookProcedure is the delegate of my callback function and WH_MOUSE value is 7 (following Winuser.h).
The code works but it can only catch local clicks (I just need WM_LBUTTONDOWN messages), the clicks inside the window. I need to catch clicks also outside the window, and when the window is in background.
I tried hooking to WH_MOUSE_LL (with a value of 14), but it's not working.
For the most part I followed this:
with some changes since I am using WPF and not WinForms.
The documentation about Hooks is a bit confusing.
All in all I'd like to know:
Can WH_MOUSE detect mouse messages globally? If yes, what am I doing wrong?
Can I hook from a .NET C# code to a WH_MOUSE_LL? If yes, how?
Thanks in advance.
It's possible with WH_MOUSE_LL and you need it.
In my case I developed a global keyboard maybe this could help you.
I needed to call LoadLibrary in the third parameters.
[DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string fileName);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, KeyboardProc lpfn, IntPtr hMod, uint dwThreadId);
void MyFunction(){
SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyboardHookProcedure, LoadLibrary("user32.dll"), 0);
Technically you should be able to have a global mouse hook implemented in C#. You would then pass zero as the last arguments to SetWindowsHookEx and your hook procedure must reside in a DLL, not an EXE. That's because the DLL will be injected into every process that has windows belonging to the same desktop as the hooking application. For this same reason writing global hooks in .NET is not actually recommended by most because it causes the CLR to be loaded into every desktop process, which can carry substantial overhead.
