Can WH_MOUSE catch global events? - c#

I'm trying to develop a WPF C# application that captures mouse clicks even (especially) if it's in background in order to start another task.
On MSDN documentation ( ) I can read that WH_MOUSE should have either a global or thread scope.
I instantiate my hook handle this way:
hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE,
where MouseHookProcedure is the delegate of my callback function and WH_MOUSE value is 7 (following Winuser.h).
The code works but it can only catch local clicks (I just need WM_LBUTTONDOWN messages), the clicks inside the window. I need to catch clicks also outside the window, and when the window is in background.
I tried hooking to WH_MOUSE_LL (with a value of 14), but it's not working.
For the most part I followed this:
with some changes since I am using WPF and not WinForms.
The documentation about Hooks is a bit confusing.
All in all I'd like to know:
Can WH_MOUSE detect mouse messages globally? If yes, what am I doing wrong?
Can I hook from a .NET C# code to a WH_MOUSE_LL? If yes, how?
Thanks in advance.

It's possible with WH_MOUSE_LL and you need it.
In my case I developed a global keyboard maybe this could help you.
I needed to call LoadLibrary in the third parameters.
[DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string fileName);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, KeyboardProc lpfn, IntPtr hMod, uint dwThreadId);
void MyFunction(){
SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyboardHookProcedure, LoadLibrary("user32.dll"), 0);

Technically you should be able to have a global mouse hook implemented in C#. You would then pass zero as the last arguments to SetWindowsHookEx and your hook procedure must reside in a DLL, not an EXE. That's because the DLL will be injected into every process that has windows belonging to the same desktop as the hooking application. For this same reason writing global hooks in .NET is not actually recommended by most because it causes the CLR to be loaded into every desktop process, which can carry substantial overhead.


Do I need to free IntPtr handle aquired by Win32 API or WindowInteropHelper

right now I am acquiring the window and System Menu's handle by doing
IntPtr hwnd = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle;
IntPtr menuHandle = GetSystemMenu(hwnd, false);
WindowInteropHelper is built in and GetSystemMenu is Win 32 API
static extern IntPtr GetSystemMenu(IntPtr hWnd, bool bRevert);
My question is, do I need to release either of the handles? If I do, how and when should I do that?
It is a reference to a managed window, so the memory gets released when the window is closed.
You don't need to free the pointer.
Look also at this answer: WindowInteropHelper.Handle — do I need to release it?
Similarly, also the following instruction is getting a copy/pointer of the menu already created and managed within the window lifecycle.

Calling WaitForSingleObject from C#

I am trying to call WaitForSingleObject method from C#, as documented here:
In order to call this function I need to create a Handle, or I need to get a Handle of type IntPtr, how can it be done?
I've tried this function that I found:
[DllImport("coredll.dll", SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr CreateEvent(HANDLE lpEventAttributes, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bManualReset, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bIntialState, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string lpName);
Or for instance, when I am getting handle from console:
IntPtr handle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;
It throws a DllNotFoundException.
What's the issue here?
I need it in order to run the process with this function call, and to take a dump form its process, for my ClrMd library learning.
Any help will be appreciated.
Code sample:
static void Main(string[] args)
var autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
//this is where I get the DllNotFoundException
WaitForSingleObject(autoEvent.Handle, WAIT_TIMEOUT );
static extern uint WaitForMultipleObjects(uint nCount, IntPtr[] lpHandles, bool bWaitAll, uint dwMilliseconds);
public const Int32 WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x102;
I would not go through WinApi to get this from C#: you have EventWaitHandler and other synchronization objects in C#, use them:
WaitHandle wh = new EventWaitHandler();
//do whatever you need
WaitHandler.WaitOne(wh); // equivalent to WaitForSingleObject in WinApi
you can use wh.SafeWaitHandle if you really need to interop with WinApi
Also I suspect Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle cannot work in a Console Application, that has not any window at all
I want to call native method (WaitForMultipleObjects) which waits for some handle (don't really mind which one), then I want to see it on thread stack using ClrMd library, from dump file
OK, so what about new ManualResetEvent(false).WaitOne()? This should show up in the dump file. And it's reliable.
Just picking any existing handle is not reliable because it might be signaled or be destroyed at any time. Or, you might change its state by waiting. There is no need, a ManualResetEvent can create you a fresh handle.
My mistake I've posted WaitForMultipleObjects instead of WaitForSingleObject, the main issue was that WaitForSingleObject stayed with DllImport("coredll.dll"...) I don't know where did I found it but I did...
Sorry for the confusion

SendMessage() only working when window is open, not when minimized

I've been using SendMessage to send mouse clicks to a couple of windows. One being a game(everything works perfectly), but the other window, being a 3rd party tool for the game is having trouble with SendMessage. If the window is 'not minimized' everything works fine, don't matter if window is completely covered up by another. But if that same window is minimized then nothing happens, I checked with spy++ and the messages are indeed getting received but not being processed (correct term?). I've tried to solve this last couple days, doing both searches on here and Google alike, many of topics but nothing helped?
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);
And this is how I have it wrapped
public static void LClick(string windowclass, int x, int y)
IntPtr WHandle = FindWindow(windowclass, null);
SendMessage(WHandle, (int)WMessages.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, (IntPtr)1, (IntPtr)MakeLParam(x, y));
SendMessage(WHandle, (int)WMessages.WM_LBUTTONUP, (IntPtr)0, (IntPtr)MakeLParam(x, y));
I have tried focus, activate. One thing that might be useful info is that the third party program is being loaded as module("Qt5QWindowIcon") of the game.
I tried PostMessage as well, and it does the same thing as SendMessage() same problem when minimized.
This game does allow for macroing and unattended macroing, Hints the third part tool designed to execute the macros (published by the creators) I'm just trying to simulate a mouse click on the program to start the macro.
I would just use SendInput, but the entire purpose of my program is to run in background.
I 've faced same problem .Please change assembly name and project name (Changed name not started with name on that you are throwing/posting windows message)then rebuild it and check it. Now you will able to debug.

MFC-hosted WPF usercontrol how to close parent window on button press

I'm trying to get a legacy MFC application and a new WPF usercontrol to shut down a dialog window based on a button press in the WPF usercontrol. In essence, I would like some tips on how I can get the DoModal() function of MFC return.
For various reasons the dialog is a MFC CDialog started via DoModal, which hosts a single WPF component and nothing else. This component then has a button which will need to close the CDialog after doing some various tasks. This application is an.. exiting.. case of legacy and it's really hard to track control flow and where the actual message pumps driving this thing resides. It's also full of #defines that makes everything twice as difficult as it should be. I think I have identified the message pump, so I think I can insert something into that to make it close - if I can get to that from the WPF control.
I do not know how to send a windows message out from the usercontrol to the host, or how to get the HWND of the host from the usercontrol. I'm sure there is a way to get that, or another better way of communicating?
Is the correct approach to send a WM_CLOSE message to the parent HWND? Or perhaps I can send a WM_USER to the dialog pump and handle the actual closing there?
Try this. It should work for any WPF element (if it's a Visual), by finding it's containing HWND, tracing up the HWND tree until it finds the root parent, then sending that a WM_CLOSE message.
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false)]
static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false)]
private static extern IntPtr GetParent(IntPtr hWnd);
//I'd double check this constant, just in case
static uint WM_CLOSE = 0x10;
private void CloseContainingWindow(Visual visual)
// Find the containing HWND for the Visual in question
HwndSource wpfHandle = PresentationSource.FromVisual(this) as HwndSource;
if (wpfHandle == null)
throw new Exception("Could not find Window handle");
// Trace up the window chain, to find the ultimate parent
IntPtr hWindow = wpfHandle.Handle;
while (true)
IntPtr parentHWindow = GetParent(hWindow);
if (parentHWindow == (IntPtr)0) break;
hWindow = parentHWindow;
// Now send the containing window a close message
SendMessage(hWindow, WM_CLOSE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
Declare a close event in the control. Raise the event when the close button is closed.
In your CDialog-derived class, subscribe to the event, then call EngDialog in the event handler.
WM_CLOSE should work, but you have to try it.
Another approach is to post a WM_COMMAND message to the parent dialog.
Sending a WM_USER looks too complicated.

How to prevent a window from opening from another application?

I will prevent a window from iTunes to be opened.
I googled a lot but can't find an iTunes library that allows me to control such things, so I think I must get back to basics and close it after it opens, but how?
I think:
Tick a timer every 500 ms
Check if the window handle is opened
Close it
Is that possible?
How can I recognize a window from this application on other computers (I will give away my application)?
Language is C#.Net 2.0.
Yes it's an option to find the window and close it. However the user will still see it.
You can do the PInvoke method of FindWindow or use the C# ones (prefer those)
using System.Diagnostics;
Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad");
foreach (Process p in processes)
From here
This is only for closing the top application, I dont know if you can find the subwindow with Process.
I know you can with PInvoke, see example here
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="FindWindow", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr FindWindowByCaption(IntPtr ZeroOnly, string lpWindowName);
Sure there are ways to do this, an approach I used before was based on the win32APIs, you'll want to look at the following:
In short you can use the timer, and when it fires use FindWindow (either using the window title bar, or the application "class") to get the handle, once you have that you SendMessage to the window of at least a WM_CLOSE or WM_DESTROY
