working Faster-rcnn in cntk c#? - c#

i'm trying to get faster-rcnn model working in C# code.
i have a faster-rcnn trained model that builds and tests in the CNTK python code Below is my attempts to get it working from c#
so far i have:
string testImage = #"C:\data\images\mytestimage.jpg";
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(Bitmap.FromFile(testImage ));
DeviceDescriptor device = DeviceDescriptor.CPUDevice;
Function modelFunc = Function.Load(modelPath, device);
var inDoims = modelFunc.Arguments;
Variable inputVar = modelFunc.Arguments.FirstOrDefault();
Variable inputVar2 = modelFunc.Arguments[1];
NDShape inputShape = inputVar.Shape;
int imageWidth = inputShape[0];
int imageHeight = inputShape[1];
int imageChannels = inputShape[2];
int imageSize = inputShape.TotalSize;
bitmap = ImageProcessing.Resize(bitmap, imageWidth, imageHeight, true);
var pixels = ImageProcessing.ParallelExtractCHW(bitmap);
Variable input = modelFunc.Arguments[0];
var inputDataMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Value>();
List<float> input2Vals = new List<float>();
Value inputVal = Value.CreateBatch(inputVar.Shape, pixels, device);
Value inputValue2 = Value.CreateBatch(inputVar2.Shape, input2Vals, device);
inputDataMap[input] = inputVal;
inputDataMap[inputVar2] = inputValue2;
NDShape outputShape1 = modelFunc.Outputs[0].Shape;
NDShape outputShape2 = modelFunc.Outputs[1].Shape;
NDShape outputShape3 = modelFunc.Outputs[2].Shape;
Value outputValue1 = null;
Value outputValue2 = null; ;
Value outputValue3 = null; ;
var outputDataMap = new Dictionary<Variable, Value>()
{ modelFunc.Outputs[0], outputValue1 },
{ modelFunc.Outputs[1], outputValue2 },
{ modelFunc.Outputs[2], outputValue3 }
//run the model
modelFunc.Evaluate(inputDataMap, outputDataMap, device);
var out0 = outputDataMap[modelFunc.Outputs[0]];
var out1 = outputDataMap[modelFunc.Outputs[1]];
var out2 = outputDataMap[modelFunc.Outputs[2]];
var clsPred = out0.GetDenseData<float>(modelFunc.Outputs[0])[0];
var rois = out1.GetDenseData<float>(modelFunc.Outputs[1])[0];
var vbboxR = out2.GetDenseData<float>(modelFunc.Outputs[2])[0];
var labels = new[] { "__background__", "firstobject", "secondobject", "thirdsobject"};
but the results I get back in clsPred don't make any sense...for example when my test image is completely blank...the model seems to think there are objects in it....
Has anyone any recommendations?


Is there a way to add multiple variables together without implicitly declaration

I have 23 int variables that get assigned value upon form load, is there a shortcut to add them together without implicit addition.
I.E VarAns = Var1 + Var2 + Var3.... + Var 23.
MathsGrp1 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxMathsGrp1.Text);
MathsGrp3 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxMathsGrp3.Text);
MathsGrp2 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxMathsGrp2.Text);
MathsGrp4 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxMathsGrp4.Text);
EnglishGrp1 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxEnglishGrp1.Text);
EnglishGrp2 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxEnglishGrp3.Text);
EnglishGrp3 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxEnglishGrp2.Text);
EnglishGrp4 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxEnglishGrp4.Text);
Construction = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxConstruction.Text);
PSD = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxPSD.Text);
Careers = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxCareers.Text);
ASDAN = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxASDAN.Text);
Music = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxMusic.Text);
Spare = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxSpare.Text);
Art = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxArt.Text);
Science = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxScience.Text);
PEGrp1 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxPEGrp1.Text);
PEGrp2 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxPEGrp2.Text);
ICT = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxICT.Text);
HairDressing = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxHairDressing.Text);
CookingGrp1 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxCookingGrp1.Text);
CookingGrp2 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxCookingGrp2.Text);
CookingGrp3 = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxCookingGrp3.Text);
// int Check = insert Long list of variables here
P.S i know theres a better way to initilise and convert the textbox strings into integers but i want to keep it simple.
public void Function()
List<int> Collection = new List<int>();
foreach (int Elem in Collection)
int Result = 0;
Result = Result + Elem;

Google Reporting API V4 Missing Values

I've been having a problem with Google's analytic reporting api v4. When I make a request, i can get data back, but some dimension and metric values are missing and/or inconsistent.
For example if i wanted the fullRefferer, it would return (not set). Or when i do get values my page views value could be 1312 and my sessions could be 26.
My code for making the request is below:
public GetReportsResponse Get(string viewId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string nextPageToken = null)
var credential = GetCredential();
using (var svc = new AnalyticsReportingService(
new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = credential
var mets = new List<Metric>
new Metric
Alias = "Users",
Expression = "ga:users"
new Metric
Alias = "Bounce Rate",
Expression = "ga:bounceRate"
new Metric
Alias = "Page Views",
Expression = "ga:pageViews"
new Metric()
Alias = "Sessions",
Expression = "ga:sessions"
var dims = new List<Dimension>
new Dimension { Name = "ga:date" },
new Dimension { Name = "ga:hour" },
new Dimension { Name = "ga:browser" },
new Dimension { Name = "ga:pagePath" },
new Dimension { Name = "ga:fullReferrer"}
var dateRange = new DateRange
StartDate = startDate.ToFormattedString(),
EndDate = endDate.ToFormattedString()
var reportRequest = new ReportRequest
DateRanges = new List<DateRange> { dateRange },
Dimensions = dims,
Metrics = mets,
ViewId = viewId,
PageToken = nextPageToken
var getReportsRequest = new GetReportsRequest
ReportRequests = new List<ReportRequest> { reportRequest },
var batchRequest = svc.Reports.BatchGet(getReportsRequest);
var response = batchRequest.Execute();
return response;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
And my code for filtering the results is here:
public static List<AnalyticEntry> Filter(Google.Apis.AnalyticsReporting.v4.Data.GetReportsResponse response)
if (response == null) return new List<AnalyticEntry>();
List<GoogleDataDto> gData = new List<GoogleDataDto>();
foreach (var report in response.Reports)
foreach (var row in report.Data.Rows)
GoogleDataDto dto = new GoogleDataDto();
foreach (var metric in row.Metrics)
foreach (var value in metric.Values)
int index = metric.Values.IndexOf(value);
var metricHeader = report.ColumnHeader.MetricHeader.MetricHeaderEntries[index];
switch (metricHeader.Name)
case "Sessions":
dto.Sessions = Convert.ToInt32(value);
case "Bounce Rate":
dto.BounceRate = Convert.ToDecimal(value);
case "Page Views":
dto.PageViews = Convert.ToInt32(value);
case "Users":
dto.Users = Convert.ToInt32(value);
foreach (var dimension in row.Dimensions)
int index = row.Dimensions.IndexOf(dimension);
var dimensionName = report.ColumnHeader.Dimensions[index];
switch (dimensionName)
case "ga:date":
dto.Date = dimension;
case "ga:hour":
dto.Hour = dimension;
case "ga:browser":
dto.Browser = dimension;
case "ga:pagePath":
dto.PagePath = dimension;
case "ga:source":
dto.Source = dimension;
case "ga:fullRefferer":
dto.Referrer = dimension;
return Combine(gData);
private static List<AnalyticEntry> Combine(IReadOnlyCollection<GoogleDataDto> gData)
List<AnalyticEntry> outputDtos = new List<AnalyticEntry>();
var dates = gData.GroupBy(d => d.Date.Substring(0,6)).Select(d => d.First()).Select(d => d.Date.Substring(0,6)).ToList();
foreach (var date in dates)
var entities = gData.Where(d => d.Date.Contains(date)).ToList();
AnalyticEntry dto = new AnalyticEntry
Date = date.ToDate(),
PageViews = 0,
Sessions = 0,
Users = 0,
BounceRate = 0
foreach (var entity in entities)
dto.BounceRate += entity.BounceRate;
dto.PageViews += entity.PageViews;
dto.Users += entity.Users;
dto.Sessions += entity.Sessions;
dto.BounceRate = dto.BounceRate / entities.Count();
var dictionaries = entities.GetDictionaries();
var commonBrowsers = dictionaries[0].GetMostCommon();
var commonTimes = dictionaries[1].GetMostCommon();
var commonPages = dictionaries[2].GetMostCommon();
var commonSources = dictionaries[3].GetMostCommon();
var commonReferrers = dictionaries[4].GetMostCommon();
dto.CommonBrowser = commonBrowsers.Key;
dto.CommonBrowserViews = commonBrowsers.Value;
dto.CommonTimeOfDay = commonTimes.Key.ToInt();
dto.CommonTimeOfDayViews = commonTimes.Value;
dto.CommonPage = commonPages.Key;
dto.CommonPageViews = commonPages.Value;
dto.CommonSource = commonSources.Key;
dto.CommonSourceViews = commonSources.Value;
dto.CommonReferrer = commonReferrers.Key;
dto.CommonReferrerViews = commonReferrers.Value;
return outputDtos;
I'm not sure what else to put, please comment for more info :)
Originally I was trying to find a 'metric name' based on the location of a value in an array. So using the location I would get the name and set the value.
The problem was the array could have multiple values which were the same.
For example:
var arr = [1,0,3,1,1];
If a value was 1, I was trying to use the location of 1 in the array to get a name.
So if the index of 1 in the array was 0, I would find its name by using that index and finding the name in another array.
For example:
var names = ['a','b','c'];
var values = [1,2,1];
var value = 1;
var index = values.indexOf(value); // which would be 0
propertyName:names[index], // being a
value: value);
Although its hard to explain I was setting the same value multiple times due to the fact that there were more than one value equal to the same thing in the array.
Here is the answer. Tested and works
public List<GoogleDataDto> Filter(GetReportsResponse response)
if (response == null) return null;
List<GoogleDataDto> gData = new List<GoogleDataDto>();
foreach (var report in response.Reports)
foreach (var row in report.Data.Rows)
GoogleDataDto dto = new GoogleDataDto();
foreach (var metric in row.Metrics)
int index = 0; // Index counter, used to get the metric name
foreach (var value in metric.Values)
var metricHeader = report.ColumnHeader.MetricHeader.MetricHeaderEntries[index];
//Sets property value based on the metric name
dto.SetMetricValue(metricHeader.Name, value);
int dIndex = 0; // Used to get dimension name
foreach (var dimension in row.Dimensions)
var dimensionName = report.ColumnHeader.Dimensions[dIndex];
//Sets property value based on dimension name
dto.SetDimensionValue(dimensionName, dimension);
// Will only add the dto to the list if its not a duplicate
if (!gData.IsDuplicate(dto))
return gData;

Mleader style in Autocad using C#

I have created a new Mleader style in autocad using C#. I want to use it in CAD; to assign Mleader style to a leader. I have no idea regarding this. I tried this code
public class test
public void drawMleaders(Transaction acTrans, Database acCurDb, Document acDoc, double scale, double gap, double[] pickPont)
BlockTable acBlkTbl;
acBlkTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.BlockTableId,
OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
//Open the Block table record Model space for write
BlockTableRecord acBlkTblRec;
acBlkTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTbl[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],
OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord;
DBDictionary mlStyles = (DBDictionary)acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.MLeaderStyleDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
// mlStyles.UpgradeOpen();
if (!mlStyles.Contains("MyLeaderStyle"))
MLeaderStyle dst = new MLeaderStyle();
// MText mt = new MText();
// mt.Contents = text;
dst.ArrowSymbolId = ObjectId.Null;
dst.ArrowSize = 0.5 * scale;
//dst.ContentType = 0;
//dst.DefaultMText = "";
dst.LandingGap = 0;
dst.EnableBlockRotation = true;
dst.MaxLeaderSegmentsPoints = 2;
dst.EnableLanding = true;
dst.PostMLeaderStyleToDb(acCurDb, "MyLeaderStyle");
acCurDb.MLeaderstyle = dst.ObjectId;
acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(dst, true);
MLeader lead = new MLeader();
int i = lead.AddLeader();
lead.AddFirstVertex(i, new Point3d(pickPont[0], pickPont[1], 0));
lead.AddLastVertex(i, new Point3d(pickPont[0] + 5, pickPont[1] + 5, 0));
//lead.MLeaderStyle = acCurDb.MLeaderstyle;
acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(lead, true);
Any help would be appreciated.
You just have to set the leader.MLeaderStyle property to the MLeader style ObjectId.
You can get it from the MLeaderStyle dictionary if already exists or from the PostMLeaderStyleToDb return value if create it
ObjectId mlStyleId;
DBDictionary mlStyles = (DBDictionary)acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.MLeaderStyleDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForRead);
if (mlStyles.Contains("MyLeaderStyle"))
mlStyleId = mlStyles.GetAt("MyLeaderStyle");
MLeaderStyle dst = new MLeaderStyle();
dst.ArrowSymbolId = ObjectId.Null;
dst.ArrowSize = 0.5 * scale;
dst.LandingGap = 0;
dst.EnableBlockRotation = true;
dst.MaxLeaderSegmentsPoints = 2;
dst.EnableLanding = true;
mlStyleId = dst.PostMLeaderStyleToDb(acCurDb, "MyLeaderStyle");
acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(dst, true);
MLeader lead = new MLeader();
int i = lead.AddLeader();
lead.AddFirstVertex(i, new Point3d(pickPont[0], pickPont[1], 0));
lead.AddLastVertex(i, new Point3d(pickPont[0] + 5, pickPont[1] + 5, 0));
lead.MLeaderStyle = mlStyleId;
acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(lead, true);

How would you simplify this mapping? Array to objects

What would you consider to be the cleanest way to loop through img.Group.Contents and write out the values to the galleryImage.??? objects?
galleryImage.TinyImage = new myModel.Image._Img();
galleryImage.TinyImage.Url = img.Group.Contents[0].Url;
galleryImage.TinyImage.FileSize = img.Group.Contents[0].FileSize;
galleryImage.TinyImage.Type = img.Group.Contents[0].Type;
galleryImage.TinyImage.Medium = img.Group.Contents[0].Medium;
galleryImage.TinyImage.Width = img.Group.Contents[0].Width;
galleryImage.TinyImage.Height = img.Group.Contents[0].Height;
galleryImage.TinyImage.Hash = img.Group.Contents[0].Hash;
galleryImage.Thumbnail.Url = img.Group.Contents[1].Url;
galleryImage.Thumbnail.FileSize = img.Group.Contents[1].FileSize;
galleryImage.Thumbnail.Type = img.Group.Contents[1].Type;
galleryImage.Thumbnail.Medium = img.Group.Contents[1].Medium;
galleryImage.Thumbnail.Width = img.Group.Contents[1].Width;
galleryImage.Thumbnail.Height = img.Group.Contents[1].Height;
galleryImage.Thumbnail.Hash = img.Group.Contents[1].Hash;
galleryImage.SmallImage.Url = img.Group.Contents[2].Url;
galleryImage.SmallImage.FileSize = img.Group.Contents[2].FileSize;
galleryImage.SmallImage.Type = img.Group.Contents[2].Type;
galleryImage.SmallImage.Medium = img.Group.Contents[2].Medium;
galleryImage.SmallImage.Width = img.Group.Contents[2].Width;
galleryImage.SmallImage.Height = img.Group.Contents[2].Height;
galleryImage.SmallImage.Hash = img.Group.Contents[2].Hash;
galleryImage.MediumImage.Url = img.Group.Contents[3].Url;
galleryImage.MediumImage.FileSize = img.Group.Contents[3].FileSize;
galleryImage.MediumImage.Type = img.Group.Contents[3].Type;
galleryImage.MediumImage.Medium = img.Group.Contents[3].Medium;
galleryImage.MediumImage.Width = img.Group.Contents[3].Width;
galleryImage.MediumImage.Height = img.Group.Contents[3].Height;
galleryImage.MediumImage.Hash = img.Group.Contents[3].Hash;
galleryImage.LargeImage.Url = img.Group.Contents[4].Url;
galleryImage.LargeImage.FileSize = img.Group.Contents[4].FileSize;
galleryImage.LargeImage.Type = img.Group.Contents[4].Type;
galleryImage.LargeImage.Medium = img.Group.Contents[4].Medium;
galleryImage.LargeImage.Width = img.Group.Contents[4].Width;
galleryImage.LargeImage.Height = img.Group.Contents[4].Height;
galleryImage.LargeImage.Hash = img.Group.Contents[4].Hash;
galleryImage.ExtraLargeImage.Url = img.Group.Contents[5].Url;
galleryImage.ExtraLargeImage.FileSize = img.Group.Contents[5].FileSize;
galleryImage.ExtraLargeImage.Type = img.Group.Contents[5].Type;
galleryImage.ExtraLargeImage.Medium = img.Group.Contents[5].Medium;
galleryImage.ExtraLargeImage.Width = img.Group.Contents[5].Width;
galleryImage.ExtraLargeImage.Height = img.Group.Contents[5].Height;
galleryImage.ExtraLargeImage.Hash = img.Group.Contents[5].Hash;
Functions provide a nice way to simplify repeated tasks:
void ConfigureImage(MyImageType img, int pos) {
img.Url = img.Group.Contents[pos].Url;
img.FileSize = img.Group.Contents[pos].FileSize;
img.Type = img.Group.Contents[pos].Type;
img.Medium = img.Group.Contents[pos].Medium;
img.Width = img.Group.Contents[pos].Width;
img.Height = img.Group.Contents[pos].Height;
img.Hash = img.Group.Contents[pos].Hash;
With this function in hand, rewrite your code in only six lines:
ConfigureImage(galleryImage.TinyImage, 0);
ConfigureImage(galleryImage.Thumbnail, 1);
ConfigureImage(galleryImage.SmallImage, 2);
ConfigureImage(galleryImage.MediumImage, 3);
ConfigureImage(galleryImage.LargeImage, 4);
ConfigureImage(galleryImage.ExtraLargeImage, 5);
I assume that the galleryImage.??? objects are all the same type?
If so, declare an array for them:
var list = new [] {
galleryImage.TinyImage, galleryImage.Thumbnail, galleryImage.SmallImage,
galleryImage.MediumImage, galleryImage.LargeImage,
galleryImage.ExtraLargeImage };
Then you can loop through them with a for-loop:
for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
list[i].Url = img.Group.Contents[i].Url;
list[i].FileSize = img.Group.Contents[i].FileSize;
list[i].Type = img.Group.Contents[i].Type;
list[i].Medium = img.Group.Contents[i].Medium;
list[i].Width = img.Group.Contents[i].Width;
list[i].Height = img.Group.Contents[i].Height;
list[i].Hash = img.Group.Contents[i].Hash;
Probably something like
int ix = 0;
foreach( var dst in new [] { galleryImage.TinyImage, galleryImage.Thumbnail, etc }) {
src = img.Group.Contents[ix];
dst.Url = src.Url;
dst.FileSize = src.FileSize;
dst.Type = src.Type;
dst.Medium = src.Medium;
dst.Width = src.Width;
dst.Height = src.Height;
dst.Hash = src.Hash;
Based on #Blorgbeard's answer, here's my final code. I had to modify it a bit because the imgType array was going to be an unknown length. If I used a for loop, it would throw an "Index Out of Bounds Exception".
var imgType = new[] {
galleryImage.TinyImage = new SmugMugGalleryModel.Image._Img(),
galleryImage.Thumbnail = new SmugMugGalleryModel.Image._Img(),
galleryImage.SmallImage = new SmugMugGalleryModel.Image._Img(),
galleryImage.MediumImage = new SmugMugGalleryModel.Image._Img(),
galleryImage.LargeImage = new SmugMugGalleryModel.Image._Img(),
galleryImage.ExtraLargeImage = new SmugMugGalleryModel.Image._Img(),
galleryImage.TwoExtraLargeImage = new SmugMugGalleryModel.Image._Img(),
galleryImage.ThreeExtraLargeImage = new SmugMugGalleryModel.Image._Img(),
galleryImage.OriginalImage = new SmugMugGalleryModel.Image._Img(),
var count = 0;
foreach (var i in img.Group.Contents)
imgType[count].Url = i.Url;
imgType[count].FileSize = i.FileSize;
imgType[count].Type = i.Type;
imgType[count].Medium = i.Medium;
imgType[count].Width = i.Width;
imgType[count].Height = i.Height;
imgType[count].Hash = i.Hash;

Hashing strings to Color in C#

I don't know if hashing is the right word for this, but I want to convert a string into a hex or argb color semi randomly.
I've used the string.GetHasCode function, but the results skew towards greenness:
string[] list = { "Test String", "something else", "Test Hooray" };
foreach (string k in list)
string x = k.ToUpper().GetHashCode().ToString("X8");
Console.WriteLine("#" + x.Substring(0,6));
I'd ideally like strings that begin with similar prefixes to have widely different colors. For example, "Test String" and "Test Hooray" should be completely different because they both begin with "Test."
I'm not really worried about an absolute solution, I just want something that is good enough. The list[] will at most have like 10 elements in it at a single time, and most of the time only 2, 3 or 4. This means that a color only has to be distinct from 2 or 3 other colors.
I'm basically generating a visual list, where the color references the name, but the name should ALWAYS map to the same color.
Edit: Sample Output:
Create an MD5 hash of the string and take the first three bytes as the red, green and blue components respectively.
The following demo produces a reasonable distribution of colors.
var words = ("She sells sea shells on the sea shore but the sea " +
"shells she sells are sea shells no more.").Split(' ');
var md5 = MD5.Create();
var box = new ListBox
Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed
box.DrawItem += (sender, e) =>
var value = (string) box.Items[e.Index];
var hash = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value));
var color = Color.FromArgb(hash[0], hash[1], hash[2]);
using (var backBrush = new SolidBrush(color))
using (var foreBrush = new SolidBrush(e.ForeColor))
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, e.Bounds);
e.Graphics.DrawString(value, e.Font, foreBrush, e.Bounds);
new Form {Controls = {box}}.ShowDialog();
The following Wang/Jenkins-based rehashing code can help improve bit distribution:
private static int ReHash(int srcHash)
uint h = (uint)srcHash;
h += (h << 15) ^ 0xffffcd7d;
h ^= (h >> 10);
h += (h << 3);
h ^= (h >> 6);
h += (h << 2) + (h << 14);
return (int)(h ^ (h >> 16));
However, I the colours may still be distributed visually less well. The RGB system splits up the colours in a somewhat skewed way, and our eyes don't process colours quite as RGB codes would have one suspect.
Doesn't string just use object's GetHashCode(), which returns the memory address from the reference? That would explain why all of your codes gravitate towards a specific spectrum. It would also mean that the color is not deterministic between runs, as the memory locations would be different.
What you should probably do instead is use one of the cryptographic hashing functions, like SHA1, and then select a (the same) random 3-byte section from each string.
System.String.GetHashCode() loops over the string, and performs mathematical operations on the characters contained in the string (I'm not currently alert enough to go through the math...). This allows the hash code to always be the same, but it also explains why "Test String" and "Test Hooray" produce very similar colors - it's not designed to be secure, just repeatable.
I don't think your ideal solution is consistent, because the only way I see to make sure strings with similar prefixes are far apart in the color space is to have a mapping that depends on existing hashed values, which means it won't be consistent.
Consider the edge case where you have 2^24 strings that start with "Test "...
Interesting question, though. How green is the mapping right now? (I can't think of a reason why it should be so).
I would use an MD5-Hash:
Changing one char from the original sequence completely "shuffles" the md5-sequence. For "md5-to-color"-mapping just cut some bits.
For some value N (e.g. N=10 or N=100), use a hashing algorithm that hashes your population into N buckets (e.g. GetHashCode() modulo 10). Use that value as an index into a table of N colors. Then select N distinct colors for your index table.
Simple solution: loop over your string, adding up ascii values (or unicode if you like) of individual characters. You'll end up with some integer; % it to a desirable number of bits (say, 6) and split the result into 3 components (r, g, b). Multiply or bit-shift as needed to make sure you cover the full range of the RGB color space.
I think your implementation skews toward greenness because the gamut you are using skews toward greenness.
Edit: Darn..over my character limit.. anyway, wrote this in PHP, but you can easily translate it to C#. It takes a string and returns a hue to use as your can decide on the saturation and lightness yourself (I suggest keeping those consistent). These numbers aren't random, they're evenly distributed across an English dictionary ('a' has a larger range because more words start with 'a', likewise, not many words start with 'x' so only a few hues are assigned to it)
// first letter
$s2h1['a'] = 0;
$s2h1['b'] = 24.0006119483;
$s2h1['c'] = 45.2658150386;
$s2h1['d'] = 80.9852367475;
$s2h1['e'] = 96.5807389276;
$s2h1['f'] = 108.9573931;
$s2h1['g'] = 126.34284403;
$s2h1['h'] = 150.8544328;
$s2h1['i'] = 165.473877457;
$s2h1['j'] = 174.374665341;
$s2h1['k'] = 179.306968561;
$s2h1['l'] = 183.679339096;
$s2h1['m'] = 197.864300467;
$s2h1['n'] = 218.875545016;
$s2h1['o'] = 227.351028838;
$s2h1['p'] = 235.91218542;
$s2h1['q'] = 264.621739463;
$s2h1['r'] = 266.081236136;
$s2h1['s'] = 280.621127515;
$s2h1['t'] = 319.660368699;
$s2h1['u'] = 337.783217318;
$s2h1['v'] = 341.427369387;
$s2h1['w'] = 347.335730131;
$s2h1['x'] = 357.00757286;
$s2h1['y'] = 357.509370458;
$s2h1['z'] = 358.901552819;
$s2h1['{'] = 360;
// second letter
$s2h2['a']['a'] = 0;
$s2h2['a']['b'] = 0.143807848237;
$s2h2['a']['c'] = 1.15046278589;
$s2h2['a']['d'] = 3.16377266121;
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$s2h2['a']['i'] = 5.85634513884;
$s2h2['a']['j'] = 6.45299472195;
$s2h2['a']['k'] = 6.47747265356;
$s2h2['a']['l'] = 6.55702593131;
$s2h2['a']['m'] = 9.49743746653;
$s2h2['a']['n'] = 11.2904459573;
$s2h2['a']['o'] = 15.0080318213;
$s2h2['a']['p'] = 15.0478084602;
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$s2h2['a']['r'] = 16.2472271093;
$s2h2['a']['s'] = 19.4385374436;
$s2h2['a']['t'] = 20.9286315306;
$s2h2['a']['u'] = 22.1800657844;
$s2h2['a']['v'] = 23.4009026237;
$s2h2['a']['w'] = 23.6518014228;
$s2h2['a']['x'] = 23.700757286;
$s2h2['a']['y'] = 23.8017287539;
$s2h2['a']['z'] = 23.8568041001;
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$s2h2['b']['c'] = 5.0455136541;
$s2h2['b']['d'] = 5.0455136541;
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$s2h2['b']['f'] = 8.01040312094;
$s2h2['b']['g'] = 8.01040312094;
$s2h2['b']['h'] = 8.01040312094;
$s2h2['b']['i'] = 8.05323950126;
$s2h2['b']['j'] = 10.0390117035;
$s2h2['b']['k'] = 10.0451311864;
$s2h2['b']['l'] = 10.0481909279;
$s2h2['b']['m'] = 12.5938958158;
$s2h2['b']['n'] = 12.6091945231;
$s2h2['b']['o'] = 12.6122542645;
$s2h2['b']['p'] = 15.6689359749;
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$s2h2['b']['r'] = 15.6811749407;
$s2h2['b']['s'] = 18.7133787195;
$s2h2['b']['t'] = 18.7225579439;
$s2h2['b']['u'] = 18.7256176853;
$s2h2['b']['v'] = 21.1183355007;
$s2h2['b']['w'] = 21.1244549836;
$s2h2['b']['x'] = 21.1366939494;
$s2h2['b']['y'] = 21.1366939494;
$s2h2['b']['z'] = 21.2652030903;
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$s2h2['c']['h'] = 10.259313088;
$s2h2['c']['i'] = 15.724011321;
$s2h2['c']['j'] = 16.9295494531;
$s2h2['c']['k'] = 16.9326091945;
$s2h2['c']['l'] = 16.9326091945;
$s2h2['c']['m'] = 19.4171192534;
$s2h2['c']['n'] = 19.4293582192;
$s2h2['c']['o'] = 19.4905530483;
$s2h2['c']['p'] = 30.4444274459;
$s2h2['c']['q'] = 30.4627858946;
$s2h2['c']['r'] = 30.4627858946;
$s2h2['c']['s'] = 33.1094622504;
$s2h2['c']['t'] = 33.1247609577;
$s2h2['c']['u'] = 33.1645375966;
$s2h2['c']['v'] = 34.6454524593;
$s2h2['c']['w'] = 34.6515719422;
$s2h2['c']['x'] = 34.6576914251;
$s2h2['c']['y'] = 34.6576914251;
$s2h2['c']['z'] = 35.6674061042;
$s2h2['d']['a'] = 0;
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$s2h2['d']['c'] = 2.01025013386;
$s2h2['d']['d'] = 2.01942935822;
$s2h2['d']['e'] = 2.03472806548;
$s2h2['d']['f'] = 6.36732196129;
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$s2h2['d']['h'] = 6.3734414442;
$s2h2['d']['i'] = 6.43463627323;
$s2h2['d']['j'] = 10.4245391264;
$s2h2['d']['k'] = 10.4520767995;
$s2h2['d']['l'] = 10.4612560239;
$s2h2['d']['m'] = 10.4673755068;
$s2h2['d']['n'] = 10.4979729213;
$s2h2['d']['o'] = 10.5224508529;
$s2h2['d']['p'] = 12.6459114205;
$s2h2['d']['q'] = 12.6612101277;
$s2h2['d']['r'] = 12.6612101277;
$s2h2['d']['s'] = 14.1757821464;
$s2h2['d']['t'] = 14.1849613708;
$s2h2['d']['u'] = 14.1910808537;
$s2h2['d']['v'] = 15.1701981183;
$s2h2['d']['w'] = 15.1763176012;
$s2h2['d']['x'] = 15.3384838981;
$s2h2['d']['y'] = 15.3384838981;
$s2h2['d']['z'] = 15.5924424386;
$s2h2['e']['a'] = 0;
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$s2h2['e']['c'] = 0.902623728295;
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$s2h2['e']['h'] = 2.45391264438;
$s2h2['e']['i'] = 2.46615161019;
$s2h2['e']['j'] = 2.63443739004;
$s2h2['e']['k'] = 2.65891532166;
$s2h2['e']['l'] = 2.66809454601;
$s2h2['e']['m'] = 4.40908743211;
$s2h2['e']['n'] = 5.12506693184;
$s2h2['e']['o'] = 6.61822076035;
$s2h2['e']['p'] = 6.66717662358;
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$s2h2['e']['r'] = 7.67077181978;
$s2h2['e']['s'] = 8.43876692419;
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$s2h2['e']['u'] = 9.34445039394;
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$s2h2['e']['x'] = 10.7182743058;
$s2h2['e']['y'] = 12.134934598;
$s2h2['e']['z'] = 12.3460567582;
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$s2h2['f']['c'] = 5.7186567735;
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$s2h2['f']['e'] = 5.73395548076;
$s2h2['f']['f'] = 7.17815344603;
$s2h2['f']['g'] = 7.17815344603;
$s2h2['f']['h'] = 7.17815344603;
$s2h2['f']['i'] = 7.18427292894;
$s2h2['f']['j'] = 9.9380402356;
$s2h2['f']['k'] = 9.94109997705;
$s2h2['f']['l'] = 9.94109997705;
$s2h2['f']['m'] = 11.884035799;
$s2h2['f']['n'] = 11.8901552819;
$s2h2['f']['o'] = 11.8932150233;
$s2h2['f']['p'] = 14.0258548153;
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$s2h2['f']['r'] = 14.0319742982;
$s2h2['f']['s'] = 16.3543180601;
$s2h2['f']['t'] = 16.360437543;
$s2h2['f']['u'] = 16.3787959917;
$s2h2['f']['v'] = 17.3640327392;
$s2h2['f']['w'] = 17.3640327392;
$s2h2['f']['x'] = 17.3670924807;
$s2h2['f']['y'] = 17.3670924807;
$s2h2['f']['z'] = 17.3854509294;
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$s2h2['g']['f'] = 15.5587852826;
$s2h2['g']['g'] = 15.5587852826;
$s2h2['g']['h'] = 15.5587852826;
$s2h2['g']['i'] = 15.6566970091;
$s2h2['g']['j'] = 16.5929778934;
$s2h2['g']['k'] = 16.5960376348;
$s2h2['g']['l'] = 16.5960376348;
$s2h2['g']['m'] = 17.6302302455;
$s2h2['g']['n'] = 17.6363497284;
$s2h2['g']['o'] = 17.7250822306;
$s2h2['g']['p'] = 19.5456283944;
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$s2h2['g']['r'] = 19.5609271017;
$s2h2['g']['s'] = 22.9235829572;
$s2h2['g']['t'] = 22.9327621816;
$s2h2['g']['u'] = 22.9327621816;
$s2h2['g']['v'] = 24.1811366939;
$s2h2['g']['w'] = 24.1811366939;
$s2h2['g']['x'] = 24.1903159183;
$s2h2['g']['y'] = 24.1903159183;
$s2h2['g']['z'] = 24.5115887707;
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$s2h2['h']['f'] = 7.0465845636;
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$s2h2['h']['h'] = 7.05576378796;
$s2h2['h']['i'] = 7.05882352941;
$s2h2['h']['j'] = 8.45712537291;
$s2h2['h']['k'] = 8.45712537291;
$s2h2['h']['l'] = 8.45712537291;
$s2h2['h']['m'] = 8.46018511436;
$s2h2['h']['n'] = 8.47548382162;
$s2h2['h']['o'] = 8.48160330452;
$s2h2['h']['p'] = 11.7402279507;
$s2h2['h']['q'] = 11.7432876922;
$s2h2['h']['r'] = 11.7463474336;
$s2h2['h']['s'] = 11.7616461409;
$s2h2['h']['t'] = 11.789183814;
$s2h2['h']['u'] = 11.7983630383;
$s2h2['h']['v'] = 12.8417348734;
$s2h2['h']['w'] = 12.8417348734;
$s2h2['h']['x'] = 12.8447946149;
$s2h2['h']['y'] = 12.8447946149;
$s2h2['h']['z'] = 14.6163849155;
$s2h2['i']['a'] = 0;
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$s2h2['i']['h'] = 1.01889390347;
$s2h2['i']['i'] = 1.01889390347;
$s2h2['i']['j'] = 1.06173028379;
$s2h2['i']['k'] = 1.0739692496;
$s2h2['i']['l'] = 1.08314847395;
$s2h2['i']['m'] = 1.37994339478;
$s2h2['i']['n'] = 2.3131645376;
$s2h2['i']['o'] = 7.03740533925;
$s2h2['i']['p'] = 7.2056911191;
$s2h2['i']['q'] = 7.28524439685;
$s2h2['i']['r'] = 7.29136387975;
$s2h2['i']['s'] = 7.94002906754;
$s2h2['i']['t'] = 8.5336189092;
$s2h2['i']['u'] = 8.68966572325;
$s2h2['i']['v'] = 8.6927254647;
$s2h2['i']['w'] = 8.81511512277;
$s2h2['i']['x'] = 8.82735408858;
$s2h2['i']['y'] = 8.87325021036;
$s2h2['i']['z'] = 8.87936969326;
$s2h2['j']['a'] = 0;
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$s2h2['j']['h'] = 2.29174634743;
$s2h2['j']['i'] = 2.29480608889;
$s2h2['j']['j'] = 2.49980876616;
$s2h2['j']['k'] = 2.49980876616;
$s2h2['j']['l'] = 2.49980876616;
$s2h2['j']['m'] = 2.49980876616;
$s2h2['j']['n'] = 2.49980876616;
$s2h2['j']['o'] = 2.50592824906;
$s2h2['j']['p'] = 3.92870802417;
$s2h2['j']['q'] = 3.92870802417;
$s2h2['j']['r'] = 3.92870802417;
$s2h2['j']['s'] = 3.93482750708;
$s2h2['j']['t'] = 3.93482750708;
$s2h2['j']['u'] = 3.93482750708;
$s2h2['j']['v'] = 4.92006425457;
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$s2h2['j']['x'] = 4.92312399602;
$s2h2['j']['y'] = 4.92312399602;
$s2h2['j']['z'] = 4.93230322038;
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$s2h2['k']['k'] = 2.94959075958;
$s2h2['k']['l'] = 2.95265050103;
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$s2h2['k']['n'] = 3.07504015911;
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$s2h2['k']['r'] = 3.84609500497;
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$s2h2['k']['t'] = 3.99296259466;
$s2h2['k']['u'] = 3.99602233611;
$s2h2['k']['v'] = 4.24692113516;
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$s2h2['k']['x'] = 4.3142354471;
$s2h2['k']['y'] = 4.3142354471;
$s2h2['k']['z'] = 4.37237053469;
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$s2h2['l']['h'] = 6.61822076035;
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$s2h2['l']['j'] = 9.86460644076;
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$s2h2['l']['l'] = 9.86766618221;
$s2h2['l']['m'] = 9.90744282108;
$s2h2['l']['n'] = 9.91050256253;
$s2h2['l']['o'] = 9.91050256253;
$s2h2['l']['p'] = 12.5541191769;
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$s2h2['l']['r'] = 12.5602386598;
$s2h2['l']['s'] = 12.5632984013;
$s2h2['l']['t'] = 12.5663581427;
$s2h2['l']['u'] = 12.5755373671;
$s2h2['l']['v'] = 13.5454754073;
$s2h2['l']['w'] = 13.5454754073;
$s2h2['l']['x'] = 13.5485351488;
$s2h2['l']['y'] = 13.5607741146;
$s2h2['l']['z'] = 14.1849613708;
$s2h2['m']['a'] = 0;
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$s2h2['m']['c'] = 7.10165990974;
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$s2h2['m']['f'] = 10.9844718121;
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$s2h2['m']['h'] = 10.9967107779;
$s2h2['m']['i'] = 11.0028302608;
$s2h2['m']['j'] = 14.2553354242;
$s2h2['m']['k'] = 14.2553354242;
$s2h2['m']['l'] = 14.2583951656;
$s2h2['m']['m'] = 14.26757439;
$s2h2['m']['n'] = 14.2767536143;
$s2h2['m']['o'] = 14.2981718045;
$s2h2['m']['p'] = 18.107549912;
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$s2h2['m']['r'] = 18.1197888778;
$s2h2['m']['s'] = 18.1595655167;
$s2h2['m']['t'] = 18.1901629312;
$s2h2['m']['u'] = 18.2238200872;
$s2h2['m']['v'] = 20.2126520309;
$s2h2['m']['w'] = 20.2187715138;
$s2h2['m']['x'] = 20.2248909967;
$s2h2['m']['y'] = 20.2279507382;
$s2h2['m']['z'] = 21.0112445498;
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$s2h2['n']['j'] = 5.44022030138;
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$s2h2['n']['l'] = 5.44939952574;
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$s2h2['n']['n'] = 5.46163849155;
$s2h2['n']['o'] = 5.4708177159;
$s2h2['n']['p'] = 7.46576914251;
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$s2h2['n']['r'] = 7.47494836686;
$s2h2['n']['s'] = 7.49942629848;
$s2h2['n']['t'] = 7.52084448864;
$s2h2['n']['u'] = 7.52696397154;
$s2h2['n']['v'] = 8.27048114434;
$s2h2['n']['w'] = 8.2735408858;
$s2h2['n']['x'] = 8.28272011015;
$s2h2['n']['y'] = 8.28272011015;
$s2h2['n']['z'] = 8.47548382162;
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$s2h2['o']['n'] = 2.71705040924;
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$s2h2['o']['r'] = 3.98378337031;
$s2h2['o']['s'] = 6.44381549759;
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$s2h2['o']['z'] = 8.49690201178;
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$s2h2['p']['f'] = 9.11802952651;
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$s2h2['p']['h'] = 9.13638797522;
$s2h2['p']['i'] = 11.3638797522;
$s2h2['p']['j'] = 14.1207068003;
$s2h2['p']['k'] = 14.1237665417;
$s2h2['p']['l'] = 14.1329457661;
$s2h2['p']['m'] = 16.2533465922;
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$s2h2['p']['y'] = 28.1618603228;
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$s2h2['r']['r'] = 13.2853973839;
$s2h2['r']['s'] = 13.2853973839;
$s2h2['r']['t'] = 13.2853973839;
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$s2h2['r']['y'] = 14.484816033;
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$s2h2['s']['i'] = 14.6745200031;
$s2h2['s']['j'] = 17.7250822306;
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$s2h2['s']['m'] = 19.3467452;
$s2h2['s']['n'] = 19.9464545246;
$s2h2['s']['o'] = 20.6379560927;
$s2h2['s']['p'] = 23.6212040083;
$s2h2['s']['q'] = 27.0266962442;
$s2h2['s']['r'] = 27.4214028915;
$s2h2['s']['s'] = 27.4428210816;
$s2h2['s']['t'] = 27.4642392718;
$s2h2['s']['u'] = 33.2043142354;
$s2h2['s']['v'] = 36.9647364798;
$s2h2['s']['w'] = 36.9922741528;
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$s2h2['s']['y'] = 38.1213187486;
$s2h2['s']['z'] = 39.0208827354;
$s2h2['t']['a'] = 0;
$s2h2['t']['b'] = 2.78742446263;
$s2h2['t']['c'] = 2.79660368699;
$s2h2['t']['d'] = 2.8210816186;
$s2h2['t']['e'] = 2.82414136006;
$s2h2['t']['f'] = 5.5473112522;
$s2h2['t']['g'] = 5.5473112522;
$s2h2['t']['h'] = 5.5473112522;
$s2h2['t']['i'] = 8.23376424692;
$s2h2['t']['j'] = 9.73303755833;
$s2h2['t']['k'] = 9.73915704123;
$s2h2['t']['l'] = 9.74221678268;
$s2h2['t']['m'] = 9.75139600704;
$s2h2['t']['n'] = 9.75751548994;
$s2h2['t']['o'] = 9.7666947143;
$s2h2['t']['p'] = 11.9238124378;
$s2h2['t']['q'] = 11.9268721793;
$s2h2['t']['r'] = 11.9268721793;
$s2h2['t']['s'] = 15.9014763253;
$s2h2['t']['t'] = 15.9840893445;
$s2h2['t']['u'] = 15.9871490859;
$s2h2['t']['v'] = 17.2661210128;
$s2h2['t']['w'] = 17.315076876;
$s2h2['t']['x'] = 17.728141972;
$s2h2['t']['y'] = 17.7312017135;
$s2h2['t']['z'] = 18.107549912;
$s2h2['u']['a'] = 0;
$s2h2['u']['b'] = 0.0734337948443;
$s2h2['u']['c'] = 0.0917922435554;
$s2h2['u']['d'] = 0.0948519850073;
$s2h2['u']['e'] = 0.107090950815;
$s2h2['u']['f'] = 0.107090950815;
$s2h2['u']['g'] = 0.113210433718;
$s2h2['u']['h'] = 0.149927331141;
$s2h2['u']['i'] = 0.156046814044;
$s2h2['u']['j'] = 0.171345521303;
$s2h2['u']['k'] = 0.171345521303;
$s2h2['u']['l'] = 0.19888319437;
$s2h2['u']['m'] = 0.462020959229;
$s2h2['u']['n'] = 0.59664958311;
$s2h2['u']['o'] = 2.3254035034;
$s2h2['u']['p'] = 2.3254035034;
$s2h2['u']['q'] = 2.63137764859;
$s2h2['u']['r'] = 2.63137764859;
$s2h2['u']['s'] = 3.15459343685;
$s2h2['u']['t'] = 3.40855197736;
$s2h2['u']['u'] = 3.5645987914;
$s2h2['u']['v'] = 3.57989749866;
$s2h2['u']['w'] = 3.61049491318;
$s2h2['u']['x'] = 3.61049491318;
$s2h2['u']['y'] = 3.62273387899;
$s2h2['u']['z'] = 3.62579362044;
$s2h2['v']['a'] = 0;
$s2h2['v']['b'] = 1.33098753155;
$s2h2['v']['c'] = 1.33098753155;
$s2h2['v']['d'] = 1.33404727301;
$s2h2['v']['e'] = 1.34016675591;
$s2h2['v']['f'] = 3.2280272317;
$s2h2['v']['g'] = 3.23108697315;
$s2h2['v']['h'] = 3.23108697315;
$s2h2['v']['i'] = 3.2341467146;
$s2h2['v']['j'] = 5.15566434636;
$s2h2['v']['k'] = 5.15566434636;
$s2h2['v']['l'] = 5.15566434636;
$s2h2['v']['m'] = 5.20462020959;
$s2h2['v']['n'] = 5.20462020959;
$s2h2['v']['o'] = 5.20462020959;
$s2h2['v']['p'] = 5.7951503098;
$s2h2['v']['q'] = 5.7951503098;
$s2h2['v']['r'] = 5.7951503098;
$s2h2['v']['s'] = 5.79821005125;
$s2h2['v']['t'] = 5.79821005125;
$s2h2['v']['u'] = 5.8012697927;
$s2h2['v']['v'] = 5.90224126061;
$s2h2['v']['w'] = 5.90224126061;
$s2h2['v']['x'] = 5.90224126061;
$s2h2['v']['y'] = 5.90530100207;
$s2h2['v']['z'] = 5.90836074352;
$s2h2['w']['a'] = 0;
$s2h2['w']['b'] = 2.46615161019;
$s2h2['w']['c'] = 2.478390576;
$s2h2['w']['d'] = 2.478390576;
$s2h2['w']['e'] = 2.478390576;
$s2h2['w']['f'] = 3.82161707336;
$s2h2['w']['g'] = 3.82161707336;
$s2h2['w']['h'] = 3.82161707336;
$s2h2['w']['i'] = 5.36678650654;
$s2h2['w']['j'] = 7.73808613172;
$s2h2['w']['k'] = 7.73808613172;
$s2h2['w']['l'] = 7.73808613172;
$s2h2['w']['m'] = 7.74114587317;
$s2h2['w']['n'] = 7.74726535608;
$s2h2['w']['o'] = 7.75032509753;
$s2h2['w']['p'] = 9.1945230628;
$s2h2['w']['q'] = 9.19758280425;
$s2h2['w']['r'] = 9.19758280425;
$s2h2['w']['s'] = 9.53415436396;
$s2h2['w']['t'] = 9.53721410541;
$s2h2['w']['u'] = 9.54639332976;
$s2h2['w']['v'] = 9.57699074428;
$s2h2['w']['w'] = 9.58005048573;
$s2h2['w']['x'] = 9.58311022719;
$s2h2['w']['y'] = 9.58311022719;
$s2h2['w']['z'] = 9.67184272929;
$s2h2['x']['a'] = 0;
$s2h2['x']['b'] = 0.140748106785;
$s2h2['x']['c'] = 0.140748106785;
$s2h2['x']['d'] = 0.143807848237;
$s2h2['x']['e'] = 0.143807848237;
$s2h2['x']['f'] = 0.293735179377;
$s2h2['x']['g'] = 0.293735179377;
$s2h2['x']['h'] = 0.293735179377;
$s2h2['x']['i'] = 0.296794920829;
$s2h2['x']['j'] = 0.351870266962;
$s2h2['x']['k'] = 0.351870266962;
$s2h2['x']['l'] = 0.351870266962;
$s2h2['x']['m'] = 0.354930008414;
$s2h2['x']['n'] = 0.357989749866;
$s2h2['x']['o'] = 0.357989749866;
$s2h2['x']['p'] = 0.36410923277;
$s2h2['x']['q'] = 0.36410923277;
$s2h2['x']['r'] = 0.36410923277;
$s2h2['x']['s'] = 0.36410923277;
$s2h2['x']['t'] = 0.36410923277;
$s2h2['x']['u'] = 0.370228715674;
$s2h2['x']['v'] = 0.370228715674;
$s2h2['x']['w'] = 0.382467681481;
$s2h2['x']['x'] = 0.382467681481;
$s2h2['x']['y'] = 0.422244320355;
$s2h2['x']['z'] = 0.501797598103;
$s2h2['y']['a'] = 0;
$s2h2['y']['b'] = 0.3304520768;
$s2h2['y']['c'] = 0.336571559703;
$s2h2['y']['d'] = 0.336571559703;
$s2h2['y']['e'] = 0.336571559703;
$s2h2['y']['f'] = 0.976057523139;
$s2h2['y']['g'] = 0.976057523139;
$s2h2['y']['h'] = 0.982177006043;
$s2h2['y']['i'] = 0.988296488947;
$s2h2['y']['j'] = 1.02501338637;
$s2h2['y']['k'] = 1.02501338637;
$s2h2['y']['l'] = 1.02501338637;
$s2h2['y']['m'] = 1.03113286927;
$s2h2['y']['n'] = 1.03419261072;
$s2h2['y']['o'] = 1.03419261072;
$s2h2['y']['p'] = 1.24225502945;
$s2h2['y']['q'] = 1.2453147709;
$s2h2['y']['r'] = 1.24837451235;
$s2h2['y']['s'] = 1.25143425381;
$s2h2['y']['t'] = 1.25143425381;
$s2h2['y']['u'] = 1.26061347816;
$s2h2['y']['v'] = 1.38912261914;
$s2h2['y']['w'] = 1.39218236059;
$s2h2['y']['x'] = 1.39218236059;
$s2h2['y']['y'] = 1.39218236059;
$s2h2['y']['z'] = 1.39218236059;
$s2h2['z']['a'] = 0;
$s2h2['z']['b'] = 0.217241643081;
$s2h2['z']['c'] = 0.223361125985;
$s2h2['z']['d'] = 0.223361125985;
$s2h2['z']['e'] = 0.226420867437;
$s2h2['z']['f'] = 0.449781993422;
$s2h2['z']['g'] = 0.449781993422;
$s2h2['z']['h'] = 0.449781993422;
$s2h2['z']['i'] = 0.468140442133;
$s2h2['z']['j'] = 0.731278206992;
$s2h2['z']['k'] = 0.731278206992;
$s2h2['z']['l'] = 0.731278206992;
$s2h2['z']['m'] = 0.734337948443;
$s2h2['z']['n'] = 0.734337948443;
$s2h2['z']['o'] = 0.737397689895;
$s2h2['z']['p'] = 0.954639332976;
$s2h2['z']['q'] = 0.954639332976;
$s2h2['z']['r'] = 0.954639332976;
$s2h2['z']['s'] = 0.957699074428;
$s2h2['z']['t'] = 0.96075881588;
$s2h2['z']['u'] = 0.96075881588;
$s2h2['z']['v'] = 0.991356230399;
$s2h2['z']['w'] = 0.991356230399;
$s2h2['z']['x'] = 1.00359519621;
$s2h2['z']['y'] = 1.00359519621;
$s2h2['z']['z'] = 1.09844718121;
$s2h2['z']['{'] = 1.09844718121;
function str2hue($str)
global $s2h1,$s2h2;
$str = preg_replace("`[^a-z]+`","",strtolower($str));
$len = strlen($str);
$hue = 0;
if($len>0) {
$hue += $s2h1[$str[0]];
if($len>1) {
$hue += $s2h2[$str[0]][$str[1]];
$max = $s2h2[$str[0]][chr(ord($str[1])+1)] - $s2h2[$str[0]][$str[1]];
for($i=2; $i<$len; $i++) {
$mult = ord($str[$i])-ord('a');
$hue += $max/pow(26,$len-$i)*$mult;
return $hue;
Edit2: Missed that bit about you wanting words with similar beginning to have different colors... this does the exact opposite. I wrote this code so that when displaying an alphabetically sorted list of items, if there's a jump between colors, it means there's a jump between letters.
