Google Reporting API V4 Missing Values - c#

I've been having a problem with Google's analytic reporting api v4. When I make a request, i can get data back, but some dimension and metric values are missing and/or inconsistent.
For example if i wanted the fullRefferer, it would return (not set). Or when i do get values my page views value could be 1312 and my sessions could be 26.
My code for making the request is below:
public GetReportsResponse Get(string viewId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string nextPageToken = null)
var credential = GetCredential();
using (var svc = new AnalyticsReportingService(
new BaseClientService.Initializer
HttpClientInitializer = credential
var mets = new List<Metric>
new Metric
Alias = "Users",
Expression = "ga:users"
new Metric
Alias = "Bounce Rate",
Expression = "ga:bounceRate"
new Metric
Alias = "Page Views",
Expression = "ga:pageViews"
new Metric()
Alias = "Sessions",
Expression = "ga:sessions"
var dims = new List<Dimension>
new Dimension { Name = "ga:date" },
new Dimension { Name = "ga:hour" },
new Dimension { Name = "ga:browser" },
new Dimension { Name = "ga:pagePath" },
new Dimension { Name = "ga:fullReferrer"}
var dateRange = new DateRange
StartDate = startDate.ToFormattedString(),
EndDate = endDate.ToFormattedString()
var reportRequest = new ReportRequest
DateRanges = new List<DateRange> { dateRange },
Dimensions = dims,
Metrics = mets,
ViewId = viewId,
PageToken = nextPageToken
var getReportsRequest = new GetReportsRequest
ReportRequests = new List<ReportRequest> { reportRequest },
var batchRequest = svc.Reports.BatchGet(getReportsRequest);
var response = batchRequest.Execute();
return response;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
And my code for filtering the results is here:
public static List<AnalyticEntry> Filter(Google.Apis.AnalyticsReporting.v4.Data.GetReportsResponse response)
if (response == null) return new List<AnalyticEntry>();
List<GoogleDataDto> gData = new List<GoogleDataDto>();
foreach (var report in response.Reports)
foreach (var row in report.Data.Rows)
GoogleDataDto dto = new GoogleDataDto();
foreach (var metric in row.Metrics)
foreach (var value in metric.Values)
int index = metric.Values.IndexOf(value);
var metricHeader = report.ColumnHeader.MetricHeader.MetricHeaderEntries[index];
switch (metricHeader.Name)
case "Sessions":
dto.Sessions = Convert.ToInt32(value);
case "Bounce Rate":
dto.BounceRate = Convert.ToDecimal(value);
case "Page Views":
dto.PageViews = Convert.ToInt32(value);
case "Users":
dto.Users = Convert.ToInt32(value);
foreach (var dimension in row.Dimensions)
int index = row.Dimensions.IndexOf(dimension);
var dimensionName = report.ColumnHeader.Dimensions[index];
switch (dimensionName)
case "ga:date":
dto.Date = dimension;
case "ga:hour":
dto.Hour = dimension;
case "ga:browser":
dto.Browser = dimension;
case "ga:pagePath":
dto.PagePath = dimension;
case "ga:source":
dto.Source = dimension;
case "ga:fullRefferer":
dto.Referrer = dimension;
return Combine(gData);
private static List<AnalyticEntry> Combine(IReadOnlyCollection<GoogleDataDto> gData)
List<AnalyticEntry> outputDtos = new List<AnalyticEntry>();
var dates = gData.GroupBy(d => d.Date.Substring(0,6)).Select(d => d.First()).Select(d => d.Date.Substring(0,6)).ToList();
foreach (var date in dates)
var entities = gData.Where(d => d.Date.Contains(date)).ToList();
AnalyticEntry dto = new AnalyticEntry
Date = date.ToDate(),
PageViews = 0,
Sessions = 0,
Users = 0,
BounceRate = 0
foreach (var entity in entities)
dto.BounceRate += entity.BounceRate;
dto.PageViews += entity.PageViews;
dto.Users += entity.Users;
dto.Sessions += entity.Sessions;
dto.BounceRate = dto.BounceRate / entities.Count();
var dictionaries = entities.GetDictionaries();
var commonBrowsers = dictionaries[0].GetMostCommon();
var commonTimes = dictionaries[1].GetMostCommon();
var commonPages = dictionaries[2].GetMostCommon();
var commonSources = dictionaries[3].GetMostCommon();
var commonReferrers = dictionaries[4].GetMostCommon();
dto.CommonBrowser = commonBrowsers.Key;
dto.CommonBrowserViews = commonBrowsers.Value;
dto.CommonTimeOfDay = commonTimes.Key.ToInt();
dto.CommonTimeOfDayViews = commonTimes.Value;
dto.CommonPage = commonPages.Key;
dto.CommonPageViews = commonPages.Value;
dto.CommonSource = commonSources.Key;
dto.CommonSourceViews = commonSources.Value;
dto.CommonReferrer = commonReferrers.Key;
dto.CommonReferrerViews = commonReferrers.Value;
return outputDtos;
I'm not sure what else to put, please comment for more info :)

Originally I was trying to find a 'metric name' based on the location of a value in an array. So using the location I would get the name and set the value.
The problem was the array could have multiple values which were the same.
For example:
var arr = [1,0,3,1,1];
If a value was 1, I was trying to use the location of 1 in the array to get a name.
So if the index of 1 in the array was 0, I would find its name by using that index and finding the name in another array.
For example:
var names = ['a','b','c'];
var values = [1,2,1];
var value = 1;
var index = values.indexOf(value); // which would be 0
propertyName:names[index], // being a
value: value);
Although its hard to explain I was setting the same value multiple times due to the fact that there were more than one value equal to the same thing in the array.
Here is the answer. Tested and works
public List<GoogleDataDto> Filter(GetReportsResponse response)
if (response == null) return null;
List<GoogleDataDto> gData = new List<GoogleDataDto>();
foreach (var report in response.Reports)
foreach (var row in report.Data.Rows)
GoogleDataDto dto = new GoogleDataDto();
foreach (var metric in row.Metrics)
int index = 0; // Index counter, used to get the metric name
foreach (var value in metric.Values)
var metricHeader = report.ColumnHeader.MetricHeader.MetricHeaderEntries[index];
//Sets property value based on the metric name
dto.SetMetricValue(metricHeader.Name, value);
int dIndex = 0; // Used to get dimension name
foreach (var dimension in row.Dimensions)
var dimensionName = report.ColumnHeader.Dimensions[dIndex];
//Sets property value based on dimension name
dto.SetDimensionValue(dimensionName, dimension);
// Will only add the dto to the list if its not a duplicate
if (!gData.IsDuplicate(dto))
return gData;


Unable to cast object of type 'System.Linq.Expressions.ConstantExpression' to type 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.QueryRootExpression'

This is the function i am trying to write unit test for. On of the methods happens to use FromSqlRaw() to fetch the data from SQL Server via a stored procedure.
public async Task<IQueryable<LoadDetail>> GlobalSearchMobileByLocation(IQueryable<LoadDetail> loadDetails, List<LocationCoordinates> origin, List<LocationCoordinates> destination, int originRadius, int destinationRadius)
// Getting Cities within Radius
Stopwatch getCitiesStopWatch = new Stopwatch();
var rawsql = new StringBuilder();
if (origin != null && originRadius != 0)
rawsql.Append(" ( ");
foreach (var locationCoordinates in origin)
rawsql.Append(BuildSearchMobileQuery(locationCoordinates, originRadius, Constant.OriginLatitudeField, Constant.OriginLongitudeField));
rawsql = new StringBuilder(rawsql.ToString().Substring(0, rawsql.ToString().LastIndexOf("or") - 1));
rawsql.Append(") and ");
if (destination != null && destinationRadius != 0)
rawsql.Append(" ( ");
foreach (var locationCoordinates in destination)
rawsql.Append(BuildSearchMobileQuery(locationCoordinates, destinationRadius, Constant.DestinationLatitudeField, Constant.DestinationLongitudeField));
rawsql = new StringBuilder(rawsql.ToString().Substring(0, rawsql.ToString().LastIndexOf("or") - 1));
rawsql.Append(") and ");
var query = rawsql.ToString();
loadDetails = _readContext.LoadDetails.FromSqlRaw(rawsql.ToString()).AsNoTracking().AsQueryable();
catch (Exception ex )
_logger.LogInformation("Time taken to get cities based on radius(ms) : " + getCitiesStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());
return await Task.FromResult(loadDetails);
I wrote this x unit test case for the function but it is throwing error.
public void Should_return_LoadWithinTheDHRadius_OriginIsPassedOnly()
// Arrange
var fixture = new Fixture();
var loadDetail = Enumerable.Empty<LoadDetail>().AsQueryable();
var loadDetailList = fixture.Create<LoadDetail>();
loadDetailList.PickupDateTime = DateTime.Now.Date;
loadDetailList.DeliveryDateTime = DateTime.Now.Date;
loadDetailList.OriginZipCode = Constant.Zip;
loadDetailList.DestinationZipCode = Constant.Zip;
loadDetailList.LoadId = Guid.Parse("8563c24c-c402-4960-b172-d379543f0096");
loadDetailList.OriginCityName = Constant.OriginCityName;
loadDetailList.OriginStateName = Constant.OriginStateName;
loadDetailList.DestinationCityName = Constant.DestinationCityName;
loadDetailList.DestinationStateName = Constant.DestinationStateName;
loadDetailList.OriginLongitude = 34.45666;
loadDetailList.OriginLatitude = 34.45666;
loadDetailList.DestinationLongitude = 34.45666;
loadDetailList.DestinationLatitude = 34.45666;
loadDetailList.SourceLoadId = 123456;
var loadDetailMock = new List<LoadDetail>() { loadDetailList }.AsQueryable();
//this.readContext<IQueryable<LoadDetails>>.Setup(x => x.LoadDetails).Returns(() => loadDetailMock.Object);
//readContext.Setup(x => x.LoadDetails(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<object[]>())).Returns(tableContent);
// this.readContext.Setup(x => x.LoadDetails)..Returns(() => loadDetailMock.Object);
var dbset = new Mock<DbSet<LoadDetail>>();
dbset.As<IQueryable<LoadDetail>>().Setup(x => x.Provider).Returns(loadDetailMock.Provider);
dbset.As<IQueryable<LoadDetail>>().Setup(x => x.Expression).Returns(loadDetailMock.Expression);
dbset.As<IQueryable<LoadDetail>>().Setup(x => x.ElementType).Returns(loadDetailMock.ElementType);
dbset.As<IQueryable<LoadDetail>>().Setup(x => x.GetEnumerator()).Returns(loadDetailMock.GetEnumerator());
this.readContext.Setup(x => x.)
var originCoordinate = new List<LocationCoordinates>() { new LocationCoordinates() { Radius = 75, Latitude = "34.45666", Longitude = "34.45666" } };
var destinationCoordinate = new List<LocationCoordinates>() { new LocationCoordinates() { Radius = 75, Latitude = "34.45666", Longitude = "34.45666" } };
var searchByRadius = GetSearchByRadiusObject();
// Act
var result = searchByRadius.GlobalSearchMobileByLocation(loadDetail, originCoordinate, destinationCoordinate, 75, 75);
// Assert to be written
The exception it throwing :
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Linq.Expressions.ConstantExpression' to type 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.QueryRootExpression'.
At line loadDetails = _readContext.LoadDetails.FromSqlRaw(rawsql.ToString()).AsNoTracking().AsQueryable();
Please help me out.
Stack Trace :
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CastHelpers.ChkCast_Helper(Void* toTypeHnd, Object obj)
at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.RelationalQueryableExtensions.GenerateFromSqlQueryRoot(IQueryable source, String sql, Object[] arguments, String memberName)
at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.RelationalQueryableExtensions.FromSqlRaw[TEntity](DbSet`1 source, String sql, Object[] parameters)
at NTG.FH.LoadBoard.Service.Common.SearchByRadius.<GlobalSearchMobileByLocation>d__4.MoveNext() in C:\loadboard\src\NTG.FH.LoadBoard.Service\Common\SearchByRadius.cs:line 125

Looking way to refactor these two methods into single method

Hi All i am trying to generate the word document with two different tables included in it, for this purpose i have two similar methods where i am passing word document reference and data object and table to the similar methods..
Now i am looking to make single method in generic way so that in different places i can use single method by passing parameters to it
Method 1 :
private static List<OpenXmlElement> RenderExhaustEquipmentTableDataAndNotes(MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart, List<ProjectObject<ExhaustEquipment>> exhaustEquipment,Table table)
HtmlConverter noteConverter = new HtmlConverter(mainDocumentPart);
var equipmentExhaustTypes = new Dictionary<string, List<ProjectObject<ExhaustEquipment>>>();
foreach (var item in exhaustEquipment)
string exhaustEquipmentName = item.TargetObject.Name;
if (!equipmentExhaustTypes.ContainsKey(exhaustEquipmentName))
equipmentExhaustTypes.Add(exhaustEquipmentName, new List<ProjectObject<ExhaustEquipment>>());
List<OpenXmlElement> notes = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
int noteIndex = 1;
foreach (var exhaustEquipmentItem in equipmentExhaustTypes)
List<string> noteIndices = new List<string>();
for (int exhaustEquipmentConditionIndex = 0; exhaustEquipmentConditionIndex < exhaustEquipmentItem.Value.Count; exhaustEquipmentConditionIndex++)
var condition = exhaustEquipmentItem.Value[exhaustEquipmentConditionIndex];
var row = new TableRow();
Run superscriptRun = new Run(new RunProperties(new VerticalTextAlignment { Val = VerticalPositionValues.Superscript }));
if (exhaustEquipmentConditionIndex == 0)
row.Append(RenderOpenXmlElementContentCell(new Paragraph(
new List<Run> {
new Run(new RunProperties(), new Text(exhaustEquipmentItem.Key) { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }),
}), 1,
new OpenXmlElement[] {new VerticalMerge { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart },new TableCellMargin {
LeftMargin = new LeftMargin { Width = "120" },
TopMargin = new TopMargin { Width = "80" } }
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell(null, 1, null, null, new OpenXmlElement[] { new VerticalMerge { Val = MergedCellValues.Continue } }));
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell(condition.TargetObject.IsConstantVolume ? "Yes" : "No"));
if (condition.TargetObject.NotesHTML?.Count > 0)
foreach (var note in condition.TargetObject.NotesHTML)
var compositeElements = noteConverter.Parse(note);
var htmlRuns = compositeElements.First().ChildElements.Where(c => c is Run).Cast<Run>().Select(n => n.CloneNode(true));
notes.Add(new Run(htmlRuns));
if (exhaustEquipmentConditionIndex == exhaustEquipmentItem.Value.Count - 1 && condition.TargetObject.NotesHTML?.Count > 0)
superscriptRun.Append(new Text($"({String.Join(',', noteIndices)})") { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve });
List<OpenXmlElement> notesSection = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
List<OpenXmlElement> result = RenderNotesArray(table, notes, notesSection);
return result;
and I am calling this method like this in below
var table = new Table(RenderTableProperties());
table.Append(new TableRow(
RenderTableHeaderCell("Constant Volume"),
RenderTableHeaderCell("Minimum Airflow", units: "(cfm)"),
RenderTableHeaderCell("Wet Bulb Temperature", units: "(cfm)")
body.Append(RenderExhaustEquipmentTableDataAndNotes(mainDocumentPart, designHubProject.ExhaustEquipment, table));
Method 2:
private static List<OpenXmlElement> RenderInfiltrationTableData(MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart, List<ProjectObject<Infiltration>> infiltration,Table table)
HtmlConverter noteConverter = new HtmlConverter(mainDocumentPart);
var nameByInflitrationObject = new Dictionary<string, List<ProjectObject<Infiltration>>>();
foreach (var infiltrationData in infiltration)
string infiltrationName = infiltrationData.TargetObject.Name;
if (!nameByInflitrationObject.ContainsKey(infiltrationName))
nameByInflitrationObject.Add(infiltrationName, new List<ProjectObject<Infiltration>>());
List<OpenXmlElement> notes = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
int noteIndex = 1;
foreach (var inflitrationDataItem in nameByInflitrationObject)
List<string> noteIndices = new List<string>();
for (int inflitrationNameIndex = 0; inflitrationNameIndex < inflitrationDataItem.Value.Count; inflitrationNameIndex++)
var dataItem = inflitrationDataItem.Value[inflitrationNameIndex];
var row = new TableRow();
Run superscriptRun = new Run(new RunProperties(new VerticalTextAlignment { Val = VerticalPositionValues.Superscript }));
if (inflitrationNameIndex == 0)
row.Append(RenderOpenXmlElementContentCell(new Paragraph(
new List<Run> {
new Run(new RunProperties(), new Text(inflitrationDataItem.Key) { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }),superscriptRun
}), 1,
new OpenXmlElement[] {new VerticalMerge { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart },new TableCellMargin {
LeftMargin = new LeftMargin { Width = "120" },
TopMargin = new TopMargin { Width = "80" }}
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell(null, 1, null, null, new OpenXmlElement[] { new VerticalMerge { Val = MergedCellValues.Continue } }));
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell($"{dataItem.TargetObject.AirflowScalar.ToString("R2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)} cfm {EnumUtils.StringValueOfEnum(dataItem.TargetObject.InfiltrationCalculationType).ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)}"));
if (dataItem.TargetObject.NotesHTML?.Count > 0)
foreach (var note in dataItem.TargetObject.NotesHTML)
var compositeElements = noteConverter.Parse(note);
var htmlRuns = compositeElements.First().ChildElements.Where(c => c is Run).Cast<Run>().Select(n => n.CloneNode(true));
notes.Add(new Run(htmlRuns));
if (inflitrationNameIndex == inflitrationDataItem.Value.Count - 1 && dataItem.TargetObject.NotesHTML?.Count > 0)
superscriptRun.Append(new Text($"({String.Join(',', noteIndices)})") { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve });
List<OpenXmlElement> notesSection = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
List<OpenXmlElement> result = RenderNotesArray(table, notes, notesSection);
return result;
and then i am calling this method here like as below
var table = new Table(RenderTableProperties());
table.Append(new TableRow(
RenderTableHeaderCell("Air Flow")
body.Append(RenderInfiltrationTableData(mainDocumentPart, designHubProject.Infiltration, table));
i know these are lots of lines but is there any generic way to use single method out of these two similar methods and i am using .net core
Could any one please suggest any idea or suggestion how can i refactor these two methods into single method that would be very grateful.
many thanks in advance
Before we can create a single function that handles both types, achieving the highly laudable goal of removing gratuitous duplication, we should clean the code up to make it easier to see which parts, if any, are different between the two nearly identical methods. And there is a lot to clean up, even if we only had one function.
In short, your functions are too long, having too much much code in one place, and in fact too much code altogether.
In the following, the original code has been broken down into multiple functions with specific purposes and refactored to remove DIY nonsense in favor of the standard library functions and the removal of pointless code.
static IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> RenderExhaustEquipmentTableDataAndNotes(MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart, List<ProjectObject<ExhaustEquipment>> exhaustEquipment, Table table)
var equipmentByType = exhaustEquipment.ToLookup(item => item.TargetObject.Name);
List<OpenXmlElement> notes = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
foreach (var items in equipmentByType)
Run superscriptRun = CreateSuperScriptRun();
foreach (var item in items)
var row = new TableRow();
if (item == items.First())
row.Append(CreateFirstRowStartingCell(items.Key, superscriptRun));
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell(null, 1, null, null, new[] {
new VerticalMerge { Val = MergedCellValues.Continue }
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell(item.TargetObject.IsConstantVolume ? "Yes" : "No"));
var itemNotes = ParseNotes(mainDocumentPart, item.TargetObject.NotesHTML);
if (item == items.Last() && itemNotes.Any())
UpdateSuperScript(superscriptRun, itemNotes);
List<OpenXmlElement> result = RenderNotesArray(table, notes, new List<OpenXmlElement>());
return result;
private static Run CreateSuperScriptRun()
return new Run(new RunProperties(new VerticalTextAlignment
Val = VerticalPositionValues.Superscript
private static void UpdateSuperScript(Run superscriptRun, IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> notes)
superscriptRun.Append(new Text($"({string.Join(",", Enumerable.Range(0, notes.Count()))})")
Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
private static IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> ParseNotes(MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart, IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> notes)
return notes == null
? Enumerable.Empty<OpenXmlElement>()
: notes.Select(note => new HtmlConverter(mainDocumentPart).Parse(note))
.Select(note => note.First().ChildElements
.Select(n => n.CloneNode(true))).Select(htmlRuns => new Run(htmlRuns))
private OpenXmlElement CreateFirstRowStartingCell(string key, Run superscriptRun)
return RenderOpenXmlElementContentCell(
new Paragraph(new List<Run> {
new Run(new RunProperties(), new Text(key) { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }),
new OpenXmlElement[] {
new VerticalMerge { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart },
new TableCellMargin { LeftMargin = new LeftMargin { Width = "120" }, TopMargin = new TopMargin { Width = "80" } }
Now, let's tackle the second function:
static IEnunumerable<OpenXmlElement> RenderInfiltrationTableData(MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart, IEnunumerable<ProjectObject<Infiltration>> infiltration, Table table)
var infiltrationsByType = infiltration.ToLookup(item => item.TargetObject.Name);
List<OpenXmlElement> notes = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
foreach (var inflitrations in infiltrationsByType)
Run superscriptRun = CreateSuperScriptRun();
foreach (var item in inflitrations)
var row = new TableRow();
if (item == inflitrations.First())
row.Append(CreateFirstRowStartingCell(inflitrations.Key, superscriptRun));
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell(null, 1, null, null, new[] {
new VerticalMerge { Val = MergedCellValues.Continue }
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell($"{item.TargetObject.AirflowScalar:R2} cfm {item.TargetObject.InfiltrationCalculationType}").ToLower());
var itemNotes = ParseNotes(mainDocumentPart, item.TargetObject.NotesHTML);
if (item == inflitrations.Last() && itemNotes.Any())
UpdateSuperScript(superscriptRun, itemNotes);
IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> result = RenderNotesArray(table, notes, new List<OpenXmlElement>());
return result;
As we have seen, duplication can be massively reduced simply by extracting code into simple helper functions.
This also makes it far easier to see just where the differences are between the two functions.
It is simply a matter of
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell(item.TargetObject.IsConstantVolume ? "Yes" : "No"));
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell($"{item.TargetObject.AirflowScalar:R2} cfm {item.TargetObject.InfiltrationCalculationType}").ToLower());
To achieve your desired goal of a single function, we can make a generic function, and require that the caller pass in a function that will take care of these differences.
static IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> RenderTableDataAndNotes<T>(
MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart,
IEnumerable<ProjectObject<T>> projects,
Table table,
Func<ProjectObject<T>, IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement>> createCells
) where T : ITargetObject
var projectsByType = projects.ToLookup(item => item.TargetObject.Name);
List<OpenXmlElement> notes = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
foreach (var items in projectsByType)
Run superscriptRun = CreateSuperScriptRun();
foreach (var item in items)
var row = new TableRow();
if (item == items.First())
row.Append(CreateFirstRowStartingCell(items.Key, superscriptRun));
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell(null, 1, null, null, new[] {
new VerticalMerge { Val = MergedCellValues.Continue }
var itemCells = createCells(item);
foreach (var cell in itemCells)
var itemNotes = ParseNotes(mainDocumentPart, item.TargetObject.NotesHTML);
if (item == items.Last() && itemNotes.Any())
UpdateSuperScript(superscriptRun, itemNotes);
IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> result = RenderNotesArray(table, notes, new List<OpenXmlElement>());
return result;
Now, when we call it for say some Exhaust Equipment, we do so as follows:
var rendered = RenderTableDataAndNotes(mainDocumentPart, exhaustProjects, table,
exhaust => new[] {
RenderTextContentCell(exhaust.TargetObject.IsConstantVolume ? "Yes" : "No"),
And for infiltration projects, we would do as follows:
var rendered = RenderTableDataAndNotes(
infiltration => new[] {
RenderTextContentCell($"{item.TargetObject.AirflowScalar:R2} cfm {item.TargetObject.InfiltrationCalculationType}")
The code could still be substantially improved even now. Currently it requires that the various project types implement a common ITargetObject interface declaring the Name property used to group projects by type. If you refactored your code to reduce nesting by hoisting Name to the ProjectObject<T> type, then we could remove the constraint and the otherwise useless requirement that Infiltration and ExhaustEquipment implement the ITargetObject interface.
Note, if you can't change the types, you can adjust the code in a few ways.
For example, you can remove the type constraint on T and build the lookup outside and pass it to the function:
static IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> RenderTableDataAndNotes<T>(
MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart,
ILookup<string, ProjectObject<T>> projectsByType,
Table table,
Func<ProjectObject<T>, IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement>> createCells
Then you would call it as
var infiltrationProjectsByType = infiltrationProjects.ToLookup(project => project.Name);
var rendered = RenderTableDataAndNotes(
infiltration => new[] {
RenderTextContentCell($"{infiltration.TargetObject.AirflowScalar:R2} cfm {infiltration.TargetObject.InfiltrationCalculationType}").ToLower()

Filter products with ElasticSearch concat a lot of filter

I've been trying to filter products with Elasticsearch for a few hours, unfortunately to no avail.
I need to find products that belong to certain categories and at the same time have selected several brands and one size.
Help :(
json screen
querycontainer build method
private QueryContainer CreateOrQueryFromFilter(QueryContainer queryContainer, SortedSet<string> filter, string fieldName)
if (filter != null && filter.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in filter)
queryContainer |= new TermQuery()
Name = fieldName + "named_query",
Boost = 1.1,
Field = fieldName,
Value = item
return queryContainer;
and search method
public ResultModel SearchRequest(RequestModel r)
string key = string.Format("search-{0}-{1}", r.CacheKey + "-" + ProductCatalog.Model.Extension.StringHelper.UrlFriendly(r.SearchText), r.Prefix);
node = new Uri("http://xxxx:9200/");
settings = new ConnectionSettings(node);
client = new ElasticClient(settings);
// return AppCache.Get(key, () =>
// {
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
ResultModel result = new ResultModel(r.Canonical, r.RouteObject);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Prefix))
result.Prefix = r.Prefix;
QueryContainer c = new QueryContainer();
if (r.CategoryFilterChilds != null && r.CategoryFilterChilds.Count > 0)
var a1 = new SortedSet<string>(r.CategoryFilterChilds.Select(a => (string)a.ToString()));
c = CreateOrQueryFromFilter(c, a1, "categories");
if (r.CategoryFilterRoots != null && r.CategoryFilterRoots.Count > 0)
var a1 = new SortedSet<string>(r.CategoryFilterRoots.Select(a => (string)a.ToString()));
c = CreateOrQueryFromFilter(c, a1, "categories");
// null
var filters = new AggregationDictionary();
if (r.IsBrandFilter)
c = CreateOrQueryFromFilter(c, r.SelectedBrands, "brands");
if (r.IsColorFilter)
c = CreateOrQueryFromFilter(c, r.SelectedBrands, "colors");
int skip = (r.Page * r.PageSize) - r.PageSize;
ISearchRequest r2 = new SearchRequest("products");
r2.From = 1;
r2.Size = r.PageSize;
r2.Query = c;
string[] Fields = new[] { "brands", "shopId" };
AggregationBase aggregations = null;
foreach (string sField in Fields)
var termsAggregation = new TermsAggregation("agg_" + sField)
Field = sField,
Size = 120,
Order = new List<TermsOrder> { TermsOrder.TermDescending }
if (aggregations == null)
aggregations = termsAggregation;
aggregations &= termsAggregation;
r2.Aggregations = aggregations;
var c2 = client.Search<ShopProductElastic>(r2);
var ShopsBuf = (Nest.BucketAggregate)(c2.Aggregations["agg_brands"]);
var ShopsCount = ShopsBuf.Items.Count();
var results = c2;
result.BrandsRequest = new SortedDictionary<string, int>();
foreach (Nest.KeyedBucket<object> item in ShopsBuf.Items)
result.BrandsRequest.Add((string)item.Key, (int)(item.DocCount ?? 0));
result.CategorySelected = r.CategoryCurrent;
result.TotalCount = 10;
var costam = results.Documents.ToList();
var targetInstance = Mapper.Map<List<Products>>(costam);
result.Products = targetInstance;
result.Page = r.Page;
result.PageSize = r.PageSize;
result.IsBrandFilter = r.IsBrandFilter;
result.IsColorFilter = r.IsColorFilter;
result.IsPatternFilter = r.IsPatternFilter;
result.IsSeasonFilter = r.IsSeasonFilter;
result.IsShopFilter = r.IsShopFilter;
result.IsSizeFilter = r.IsSizeFilter;
result.IsStyleFilter = r.IsStyleFilter;
result.IsTextileFilter = r.IsTextileFilter;
DateTime stop = DateTime.Now;
result.SearchTime = stop - start;
result.SearchText = r.SearchText;
return result;
// }, TimeSpan.FromHours(8));
I have all products that have a given brand or categories. However, i need all products of a selected brand in selected categories

Returning data from foreach data

I am trying to return that data from the foreach "hostedId" Can someone help?
public static string GetHostedRecordSet()
var request = new ListHostedZonesRequest()
MaxItems = "1"
var list = client.ListHostedZones(request);
foreach (var hostedId in list.HostedZones)
Console.WriteLine("\n Hosted ID is:");
return hostedId;
It depends. If you want to return the first element:
return list.HostedZones.First().Id; // Not in a loop!
If you want to return several items, change the signature of the method:
public static IEnumerable<string> GetHostedRecordSet()
var request = new ListHostedZonesRequest()
MaxItems = "1"
var list = client.ListHostedZones(request);
return list.HostedZones
.Select(z => z.Id);
If you want to return all values as a single string you can concatenate them with a delimiter, such as ',':
public static string GetHostedRecordSet()
var request = new ListHostedZonesRequest()
MaxItems = "1"
var list = client.ListHostedZones(request);
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var hostedId in list.HostedZones)
return result.ToString(0, Math.Max(0, result.Length - 1);

To create a list with multiple list inside it

Below is my main list
var serie_line = new { name = series_name, data = new List<object>() };
here I add items in data as follows,; );
I then add this var serie_line to another list series as follows,
List<object> series = new List<object>();
finally ,I serialize this series into JSON as below,
var obj4 = new { legend = legend, title,chart, series};
JSON_File_Returned = jSearializer.Serialize(obj4);
System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jSearializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
Now Output I am getting is as follows,
{"name":"Actual","data":["Market Share",20.00]},
{"name":"Actual","data":["Sales Growth",30.00]},
{"name":"Actual","data":["Operating Profit",40.00]},
{"name":"Actual","data":["Gross Margin %",10.00]}
But my required output is as follows,
{"name":"Actual","data":[["Market Share",20.00],["Sales Growth",30.00],["Operating Profit",40.00],["Gross Margin %",10.00]]}
So..That I can plot pie chart in highchart using this JSON output...I have tried for everything like using dictionary,making different class and then using it's object and so on...but can't make it out....
Below is my entire code...if in case I am messing with any loop and I don't recognize it but any one might notice it..please check the below code for the same..
var serie_line = new { name = series_name, data = new List<object>() };
for (int k = 0; k <= read_Series_Splitted_Name.Length; k++) //for loop for passing chart type in series
for (int i = 0; i < id_series_before_offset.Count; i++) //for loop for counting series ID
var xmlAttributeCollection = id_series_before_offset[i].Attributes;
if (xmlAttributeCollection != null)
var seriesid = xmlAttributeCollection["id"];
xmlActions_id[i] = seriesid.Value;
resulted_series_id = seriesid.Value;
series_name = Client.GetAttributeAsString(sessionId, resulted_series_id, "name", "");
new_series_name = series_name;
series_Atribute = Client.GetAttributeAsString(sessionId, resulted_series_id, "symbol", "");
if (read_Series_Splitted_Name_store == series_Atribute)
serie_line = new { name = series_name, data = new List<object>() };
// Forloop for PeriodId and It's Value
var value = Read_XML_Before_Offset.SelectNodes("//measure.values/series[" + (i + 1) + "]/value");
var xmlActions = new string[value.Count];// for periodname
var xmlActionsone = new string[value.Count]; // for period value
for (int j = 0; j < value.Count; j++)
var xmlAttributeCollection_for_period = value[j].Attributes;
if (xmlAttributeCollection_for_period != null)
if (i == 0 && a == 0)
var periodid = xmlAttributeCollection_for_period["periodid"];
xmlActions[j] = periodid.Value;
period_final_id = periodid.Value;
period_name = Client.GetAttributeAsString(sessionId, periodid.Value, "name", "");
var action = xmlAttributeCollection_for_period["value"]; // xmlActionsone[j] = action.Value;
period_final_value = float.Parse(action.Value);
//;; );
catch (Exception ex1)
{""); null );
Your C# code should look something like this all stripped down:
var serie_line = new { name = "Actual", data = new List<object>() }; List<object>() {"Market Share", 20.0}); List<object>() {"Sales Growth", 30.0}); List<object>() {"Operting Profit", 40.0}); List<object>() {"Gross Margin %", 10.0});
Which produces:
{"name":"Actual","data":[["Market Share",20],["Sales Growth",30],["Operting Profit",40],["Gross Margin %",10]]}
I'm not following the bottom part of the code (how you create child_object_name and period_final_value, but I think you want: List<object>() {child_object_name, period_final_value });
Instead of:; );
