Alternative in a situation of recurring Task demand - c#

I have observer module which takes care of subscriptions of some reactive stream I have created from Kafka. Sadly I need to Poll in order to receive messages from kafka, so I need to dedicate one background thread for that. My first solution was this one:
public void Poll()
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _state, POLLING) == NOTPOLLING)
Task.Run(() =>
while (CurrentSubscriptions.Count != 0)
_state = NOTPOLLING;
Now my reviewer suggested that I should Task because it have statuses and can be checked if they are running or not. This led to this code:
public void Poll()
// checks for statuses: WaitingForActivation, WaitingToRun, Running
if (_runningStatuses.Contains(_pollingTask.Status)) return;
_pollingTask.Start(); // this obviously throws exception once Task already completes and then I want to start it again
Task remained pretty much the same but check changed, now since my logic is that I want to start polling when I have subscriptions and stop when I don't I need to sort of re-use the Task, but since I can't I am wondering do I need to go back to my first implementation or is there any other neat way of doing this that right now I am missing?

I am wondering do I need to go back to my first implementation or is there any other neat way of doing this that right now I am missing?
Your first implementation looks fine. You might use a ManualResetEventSlim instead of enum and Interlocked.Exchange, but that's essentially the same... as long as you have just two states.

I think I made a compromise and removed Interlocked API for MethodImpl(MethodImpl.Options.Synchronized) it lets me have simple method body without possibly confusing Interlocked API code for eventual newcomer/inexperienced guy.
public void Poll()
if (!_polling)
_polling = true;
new Task(() =>
while (_currentSubscriptions.Count != 0)
_polling = false;
}, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning).Start();


Flow Activity across async tasks

What is the correct way to flow an System.Diagnostics.Activity across a Task.Run that you don't want to await?
Example, I have a workflow that just informs some third party services that an event occurred, but I don't particularly care if they succeed or not, nor do I care when the notification finishes.
public void NotifyExternalServices() {
//fire and forget
Task.Run(() => ExternalServices.NotifyOtherAll(new ThisHappenedEvent());
That all works very well, but adding OpenTelemetry into the mix makes the telemetry very messed up since the "current" event changes.
Is this the correct pattern to use?
public void NotifyExternalServices() {
var parentActivity = MyActivitySource.StartActivity();
//fire and forget
Task.Run(() {
Activity.Current = parentActivity;
try {
ExternalServices.NotifyOtherAll(new ThisHappenedEvent());
} finally {

Interrupt method execution on demand

I do have a method for which the execution time might take a while (approx. 2 minutes) running inside a task:
public Task BaseWorkerTask { get; set; }
public void Initialize()
BaseWorkerTask = Task.Run(() =>
public void BaseWorker()
while (WaitServerResponse())
var response = Server.GetResponse();
if (response.Equals("abc"))
else if (response.Equals("def"))
I would like to be able to interrupt it's execution for a given period of time in order to do some other server calls. What is important to note here, is that I want it to "pause" script execution at current line in the BaseWorker method, just where it's exactly at.
Something like:
if (!BaseWorkerTask.IsCompleted)
// Pause to do something else
// BaseWorkerTask.StopAtCurrentPlace();
// Once something else is done, resume BaseWorkerTask
// BaseWorkerTask.Resume();
Can such approach be achieved?
I have been trying to play with blocking a thread, however I was only able to block it once the method has finished using endless loop with System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(...).
Thread.Suspend is probably the closest you'll get, but it's marked as obsolete with the following (relevant) warning:
Do not use the Suspend and Resume methods to synchronize the activities of threads. You have no way of knowing what code a thread is executing when you suspend it. If you suspend a thread while it holds locks during a security permission evaluation, other threads in the AppDomain might be blocked. If you suspend a thread while it is executing a class constructor, other threads in the AppDomain that attempt to use that class are blocked. Deadlocks can occur very easily.
In short, anything that can do this would be a bad idea for exactly the same reasons as above.
Attempting to use it on thread-pool threads virtually assures you of malfunction.
If you want to do this, you'll have to think of a way that the task can co-operate in its own pausing. Likely, this will involve peppering the code with synchronization stuff.
What's taking so long anyway?
I would use some kind of a bool flag, similar to a cancellation token. Set it to true when you want to suspend execution of the task, and inside of the BaseWorker check the value of the variable at various places. If it's true, use Thread.Sleep to halt execution until it's set to false.
bool suspendExecution = false;
public void Initialize()
BaseWorkerTask = Task.Run(() =>
BaseWorker(ref suspendExecution);
public void BaseWorker(ref bool suspend)
while (WaitServerResponse())
if (suspend)
while (suspend)

How do I exit a While(true) loop with a key?

So I have this while loop that looks something like this.
bool isTrue = true;
//Do work over and over
I'm wondering.. Can I add if statement that checks if a key has been pressed during the current loop to break out of it? WITHOUT INTERRUPTING THE LOOP so some sort of async task maybe? Because it's automating the task over and over again. For the sake of the question let's say it's printing out "Hello World!" to the console every third second.
It's not a great idea to use a while loop like this. The suggestion that you're writing something to the console every one third of a second suggests that you're using a Thread.Sleep to wait that time out.
It's far better to use a timer or some other library that let's you do this kind of thing. I'd suggest Microsoft's Reactive Framework. Then you can do this:
IDisposable subscription =
.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0 / 3.0))
.TakeWhile(_ => !Console.KeyAvailable)
.Subscribe(_ =>
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
Job done. If you want to stop the subscription early just call subscription.Dispose().
NuGet "System.Reactive" to get the bits you need.
Couldn't you simply just have it as a condition in your while loop. While (true and condition) {} or you can just do an if statement in the body with a break.
You'd probably want to set up a class so that you can have a shared property available in different methods.
public class MyLooper
private bool KeepLooping { get; set; } = true;
public void OnKeyPressed()
KeepLooping = false;
public void StartLoop()
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
while (KeepLooping)
Debug.WriteLine("Hello World");
You haven't indicated where you'd be running this e.g. server, desktop app, console etc but you may encounter and need to tackle thread safety issues.

Best way to call many web services?

I have 30 sub companies and every one has implemented their web service (with different technologies).
I need to implement a web service to aggregate them, for example, all the sub company web services have a web method with name GetUserPoint(int nationalCode) and I need to implement my web service that will call all of them and collect all of the responses (for example sum of points).
This is my base class:
public abstract class BaseClass
{ // all same attributes and methods
public long GetPoint(int nationalCode);
For each of sub companies web services, I implement a class that inherits this base class and define its own GetPoint method.
public class Company1
//implement own GetPoint method (call a web service).
public class CompanyN
//implement own GetPoint method (call a web service).
so, this is my web method:
public long MyCollector(string nationalCode)
BaseClass[] Clients = new BaseClass[] { new Company1(),//... ,new Company1()}
long Result = 0;
foreach (var item in Clients)
long ResultTemp = item.GetPoint(nationalCode);
Result += ResultTemp;
return Result;
OK, it works but it's so slow, because every sub companys web service is hosted on different servers (on the internet).
I can use parallel programing like this:(is this called parallel programing!?)
foreach (var item in Clients)
Tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
Result.AddRange(item.GetPoint(MasterLogId, mobileNumber));
I think parallel programing (and threading) isn't good for this solution, because my solution is IO bound (not CPU intensive)!
Call every external web service is so slow, am i right? Many thread that are pending to get response!
I think async programming is the best way but I am new to async programming and parallel programing.
What is the best way? (parallel.foreach - async TAP - async APM - async EAP -threading)
Please write for me an example.
It's refreshing to see someone who has done their homework.
First things first, as of .NET 4 (and this is still very much the case today) TAP is the preferred technology for async workflow in .NET. Tasks are easily composable, and for you to parallelise your web service calls is a breeze if they provide true Task<T>-returning APIs. For now you have "faked" it with Task.Run, and for the time being this may very well suffice for your purposes. Sure, your thread pool threads will spend a lot of time blocking, but if the server load isn't very high you could very well get away with it even if it's not the ideal thing to do.
You just need to fix a potential race condition in your code (more on that towards the end).
If you want to follow the best practices though, you go with true TAP. If your APIs provide Task-returning methods out of the box, that's easy. If not, it's not game over as APM and EAP can easily be converted to TAP. MSDN reference:
I'll also include some conversion examples here.
APM (taken from another SO question):
MessageQueue does not provide a ReceiveAsync method, but we can get it to play ball via Task.Factory.FromAsync:
public static Task<Message> ReceiveAsync(this MessageQueue messageQueue)
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(messageQueue.BeginReceive(), messageQueue.EndPeek);
Message message = await messageQueue.ReceiveAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
If your web service proxies have BeginXXX/EndXXX methods, this is the way to go.
Assume you have an old web service proxy derived from SoapHttpClientProtocol, with only event-based async methods. You can convert them to TAP as follows:
public Task<long> GetPointAsyncTask(this PointWebService webService, int nationalCode)
TaskCompletionSource<long> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<long>();
webService.GetPointAsyncCompleted += (s, e) =>
if (e.Cancelled)
else if (e.Error != null)
return tcs.Task;
using (PointWebService service = new PointWebService())
long point = await service.GetPointAsyncTask(123).ConfigureAwait(false);
Avoiding races when aggregating results
With regards to aggregating parallel results, your TAP loop code is almost right, but you need to avoid mutating shared state inside your Task bodies as they will likely execute in parallel. Shared state being Result in your case - which is some kind of collection. If this collection is not thread-safe (i.e. if it's a simple List<long>), then you have a race condition and you may get exceptions and/or dropped results on Add (I'm assuming AddRange in your code was a typo, but if not - the above still applies).
A simple async-friendly rewrite that fixes your race would look like this:
List<Task<long>> tasks = new List<Task<long>>();
foreach (BaseClass item in Clients) {
tasks.Add(item.GetPointAsync(MasterLogId, mobileNumber));
long[] results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
If you decide to be lazy and stick with the Task.Run solution for now, the corrected version will look like this:
List<Task<long>> tasks = new List<Task<long>>();
foreach (BaseClass item in Clients)
Task<long> dodgyThreadPoolTask = Task.Run(
() => item.GetPoint(MasterLogId, mobileNumber)
long[] results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
You can create an async version of the GetPoint:
public abstract class BaseClass
{ // all same attributes and methods
public abstract long GetPoint(int nationalCode);
public async Task<long> GetPointAsync(int nationalCode)
return await GetPoint(nationalCode);
Then, collect the tasks for each client call. After that, execute all tasks using Task.WhenAll. This will execute them all in parallell. Also, as pointed out by Kirill, you can await the results of each task:
var tasks = Clients.Select(x => x.GetPointAsync(nationalCode));
long[] results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
If you do not want to make the aggregating method async, you can collect the results by calling .Result instead of awaiting, like so:
long[] results = Task.WhenAll(tasks).Result;

How to track if an async/awaitable task is running

I'm trying to transition from the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern where I tracked running methods using unique id's and the asynoperationmanager. As this has now been dropped from Windows 8 Apps I'm trying to get a similar effect with Async/Await but can't quite figure out how.
What I'm trying to achieve is something like
private async Task updateSomething()
if(***the method is already running***)
runagain = true;
await someMethod();
if (runagain)
run the method again
The part I'm struggling with is finding out if the method is running. I've tried creating a Task and looking at the status of both that and the .status of the async method but they don't appear to be the correct place to look.
UPDATE: This is the current code I use in .net 4 to achieve the same result. _updateMetaDataAsync is a class based on the Event-Based Asynchronous Pattern.
private void updateMetaData()
if (_updateMetaDataAsync.IsTaskRunning(_updateMetaDataGuid_CheckAllFiles))
_updateMetaDataGuid_CheckAllFiles_Again = true;
_updateMetaDataGuid_CheckAllFiles_Again = false;
private void updateMetaDataCompleted(object sender, UpdateMetaDataCompletedEventArgs e)
if (_updateMetaDataGuid_CheckAllFiles_Again)
async/await itself is intended to be used to create sequential operations executed asynchronously from the UI thread. You can get it to do parallel operations, but generally the operations "join" back to the UI thread with some sort of result. (there's also the possibility of doing "fire-and-forget" types of asynchronous operations with await but it's not recommended). i.e. there's nothing inherent to async/await to support progress reporting.
You can get progress out of code using async/await; but you need to use new progress interfaces like IProgress<T>. For more info on progress reporting with async/await, see Migrating to this should just be a matter of calling an IProgress delegate instead of a Progress event.
If you're using a Task you've created, you can check the Task's Status property (or just see Task.IsCompleted if completion is the only state you are interested in).
That being said, await will not "return" until the operation either completes, raises an exception, or cancels. You can basically safely assume that, if you're still waiting on the "await", your task hasn't completed.
SemaphoreSlim queueToAccessQueue = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
object queueLock = new object();
long queuedRequests = 0;
Task _loadingTask;
public void RetrieveItems() {
lock (queueLock) {
if (queuedRequests == 1) { // 1 is the minimum size of the queue before another instance is queued
_loadingTask = _loadingTask?.ContinueWith(async () => {
await queueToAccessQueue.WaitAsync();
queuedRequests = 0; // indicates that the queue has been cleared;
}) ?? Task.Run(async () => {
await queueToAccessQueue.WaitAsync();
queuedRequests = 0; // indicates that the queue has been cleared;
public void RunTheMethodAgain() {
** run the method again **
The added bonus is that you can see how many items are sitting in the queue!
