Flow Activity across async tasks - c#

What is the correct way to flow an System.Diagnostics.Activity across a Task.Run that you don't want to await?
Example, I have a workflow that just informs some third party services that an event occurred, but I don't particularly care if they succeed or not, nor do I care when the notification finishes.
public void NotifyExternalServices() {
//fire and forget
Task.Run(() => ExternalServices.NotifyOtherAll(new ThisHappenedEvent());
That all works very well, but adding OpenTelemetry into the mix makes the telemetry very messed up since the "current" event changes.
Is this the correct pattern to use?
public void NotifyExternalServices() {
var parentActivity = MyActivitySource.StartActivity();
//fire and forget
Task.Run(() {
Activity.Current = parentActivity;
try {
ExternalServices.NotifyOtherAll(new ThisHappenedEvent());
} finally {


How to wait for a one of callbacks method response before continuing the code?

I am currently working on a system, which actively tracks servers information. For a few methods, I need it to be asynchronous, however, there are a few which are implemented in a synchronous manner (an external library). I have this code:
m_ServerQuery = HServerQuery.Invalid;
m_PingResponse = new ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse(OnServerResponded, OnServerFailedToRespond);
m_ServerQuery = SteamMatchmakingServers.PingServer((uint)ip, port, m_PingResponse);
await Task.Delay(500);
Console.WriteLine($"*** Something went wrong while pinging server ***");
As you can see from the code snippet above the PingResponse class inherits two methods which work as "callback" when a response is sent from steam. Now awaiting it for 0.5 milliseconds works, however, I think it would be better to implement it to wait for one of these two methods to trigger:
OnServerResponded, OnServerFailedToRespond
How would I be able to achieve that? The ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse definition:
public class ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse
public ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse(ServerResponded onServerResponded, ServerFailedToRespond onServerFailedToRespond);
public static explicit operator IntPtr(ISteamMatchmakingPingResponse that);
public delegate void ServerResponded(gameserveritem_t server);
public delegate void ServerFailedToRespond();
I assume that OnServerResponded and OnServerFailedToRespond are functions you can modify. You can use a TaskCompletionSource<bool> and await it's task. Something like this.
TaskCompletionSource<bool> pingSucceed;
//Not sure about the firm of your callback functions, just a void function for this example
void OnServerResponded()
//Do any task you need to do
if(pingSucceed != null)
void OnServerFailedToRespond()
//Do any task you need to do
if(pingSucceed != null)
//Now the call
async Task TheFunctionThatPingsTheServer()
//Do any task you need to do prior to the ping
pingSucceed = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
m_ServerQuery = SteamMatchmakingServers.PingServer((uint)ip, port, m_PingResponse);
var succeed = await pingSucceed.Task;
pingSucceed = null;
//Here succeed will be true if server answered, else false.
Beware with this, if OnServerResponded and/or OnServerFailedToRespond run in different threads then you must protect all the accesses to pingSucceed by locking an object to avoid race conditions.

Async Change Streams in MongoDB

I want to listen to a change stream for a collection, without blocking the thread.
In the code below the ForEachAsync will block forever, processing changes as they occur.
using (var cursor = await collection.WatchAsync())
await cursor.ForEachAsync(change =>
// process change event
I have tried removing "await" and storing the task in a variable instead, but no changes will be processed before i actually either await or .Wait() the task later.
I would expect that even though I don't await the task, the events would still be processed.
What can I do, so my entire program doesn't block to listen for changes?
I am considering wrapping the functionality in a new thread, but is that really necessary?
I don't have enough reputation to comment (yet) so my feedback in the form of an answer:
You should be working with events (listeners, handlers) instead of await/async in this situation.
It's difficult to elaborate on this without having more information on what you're trying to accomplish.
So, I figured out that the following works...
static void Main(string[] args)
Task watchTask = WatchCollection();
// Do other stuff here, while watching...
private static async Task WatchCollection()
using (var cursor = collection.Watch())
await cursor.ForEachAsync(change =>
// process change event
While I was attempting to do it like this, which doesn't work:
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var cursor = collection.Watch())
Task watchTask cursor.ForEachAsync(change =>
// process change event
// Do other stuff here, while watching
So, the actual ForEachAsync task is awaited, while the outer Task which wraps the entire functionality is not awaited... I am either too tired or not familiar enough with Tasks to give a good explanation of why one works and the other doesn't.

Alternative in a situation of recurring Task demand

I have observer module which takes care of subscriptions of some reactive stream I have created from Kafka. Sadly I need to Poll in order to receive messages from kafka, so I need to dedicate one background thread for that. My first solution was this one:
public void Poll()
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _state, POLLING) == NOTPOLLING)
Task.Run(() =>
while (CurrentSubscriptions.Count != 0)
_state = NOTPOLLING;
Now my reviewer suggested that I should Task because it have statuses and can be checked if they are running or not. This led to this code:
public void Poll()
// checks for statuses: WaitingForActivation, WaitingToRun, Running
if (_runningStatuses.Contains(_pollingTask.Status)) return;
_pollingTask.Start(); // this obviously throws exception once Task already completes and then I want to start it again
Task remained pretty much the same but check changed, now since my logic is that I want to start polling when I have subscriptions and stop when I don't I need to sort of re-use the Task, but since I can't I am wondering do I need to go back to my first implementation or is there any other neat way of doing this that right now I am missing?
I am wondering do I need to go back to my first implementation or is there any other neat way of doing this that right now I am missing?
Your first implementation looks fine. You might use a ManualResetEventSlim instead of enum and Interlocked.Exchange, but that's essentially the same... as long as you have just two states.
I think I made a compromise and removed Interlocked API for MethodImpl(MethodImpl.Options.Synchronized) it lets me have simple method body without possibly confusing Interlocked API code for eventual newcomer/inexperienced guy.
public void Poll()
if (!_polling)
_polling = true;
new Task(() =>
while (_currentSubscriptions.Count != 0)
_polling = false;
}, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning).Start();

Running several infinite loops with async/await

I am developing android messanger app based on xamarin and .net 5 async/awaits.
In my app i have producer/consumer pattern for processing messages which is made on infinite loops.
for example ReadTcpClientAsync producer:
async Task ReadTcpClientAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
byte[] buffer = await atc.ReadAsync(cancellationToken);
// queue message...
or SendStatementsAsync consumer which deque messages and awaits WriteAsync
private async Task SendStatementsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var nextItem = await _outputStatements.Take();
// misc ...
await atc.WriteAsync(call.Serialize());
and some consumers just await on Take calls
var update = await _inputUpdateStatements.Take();
this construction works pretty well on tests, but there is one method where i think i made a huge mistake.
this method intent to run entire client backend, starting 3 pro/con while (true) loops simultaneously.
here it is:
public async Task RunAsync()
_isRunning = true;
_progress.ProgressChanged += progress_ProgressChanged;
await InitMTProto(_scheme).ConfigureAwait(false); // init smth...
// various init stuf...
await atc.ConnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // open connection async
await Task.WhenAny(SendStatementsAsync(_cts.Token),
ProcessUpdateAsync(_cts.Token, _progress)).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (OperationCanceledException oce)
catch (Exception ex)
Forget about android for now, think any UI (WinForm, WPF, etc) OnCreate method in UI context to call RunAsync
protected async override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
// start RA
await client.RunAsync()
// never gets here - BAD, but nonblock UI thread - good
so, as you can see there is a problem. I can't do anything after RunAsync await call because it will never returns from Task.WhenAny(...). And i need perform status check there, but i need this pro/cons methods started, because my check wait on ManualResetEvent for it:
if (!cde.Wait(15000))
throw new TimeoutException("Init too long");
Also, my check is async too, and it works like a charm :)
public async Task<TLCombinatorInstance> PerformRpcCall(string combinatorName, params object[] pars)
// wait for init on cde ...
// prepare call ...
// Produce
// wait for answer
return await _inputRpcAnswersStatements.Take();
I think i should use another approach for starting this infinite loops, but i already have async Task methods all the way - so i really have no idea what to do.
Any help please?
Ok, after a lot of reading (nothing found) and #svick's advice i decided to call this methods without "await" as separate Task.Run's.
Aso i decided to run it in ThreadPool.
My final code is:
/*await Task.WhenAny(SendStatementsAsync(_cts.Token),
ProcessUpdateAsync(_cts.Token, _progress)).ConfigureAwait(false);*/
Task.Run(() => SendStatementsAsync(_cts.Token)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Task.Run(() => ReadTcpClientAsync(_cts.Token)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Task.Run(() => ProcessUpdateAsync(_cts.Token, _progress)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Trace.WriteLineIf(clientSwitch.TraceInfo, "Worker threads started", "[Client.RunAsync]");
Everything works fine as expected..
i'm not sure what problems it will cause in exception handling, as i know they will be lost
Of course such calls produce warning
Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method
continues before the call is completed. Consider applying the 'await'
operator to the result of the call.
which can be easily suppressed this way
// just save task into variable
var send = Task.Run(() => SendStatementsAsync(_cts.Token)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Also, if anyone know better solution i will be grateful to hear it.

How to track if an async/awaitable task is running

I'm trying to transition from the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern where I tracked running methods using unique id's and the asynoperationmanager. As this has now been dropped from Windows 8 Apps I'm trying to get a similar effect with Async/Await but can't quite figure out how.
What I'm trying to achieve is something like
private async Task updateSomething()
if(***the method is already running***)
runagain = true;
await someMethod();
if (runagain)
run the method again
The part I'm struggling with is finding out if the method is running. I've tried creating a Task and looking at the status of both that and the .status of the async method but they don't appear to be the correct place to look.
UPDATE: This is the current code I use in .net 4 to achieve the same result. _updateMetaDataAsync is a class based on the Event-Based Asynchronous Pattern.
private void updateMetaData()
if (_updateMetaDataAsync.IsTaskRunning(_updateMetaDataGuid_CheckAllFiles))
_updateMetaDataGuid_CheckAllFiles_Again = true;
_updateMetaDataGuid_CheckAllFiles_Again = false;
private void updateMetaDataCompleted(object sender, UpdateMetaDataCompletedEventArgs e)
if (_updateMetaDataGuid_CheckAllFiles_Again)
async/await itself is intended to be used to create sequential operations executed asynchronously from the UI thread. You can get it to do parallel operations, but generally the operations "join" back to the UI thread with some sort of result. (there's also the possibility of doing "fire-and-forget" types of asynchronous operations with await but it's not recommended). i.e. there's nothing inherent to async/await to support progress reporting.
You can get progress out of code using async/await; but you need to use new progress interfaces like IProgress<T>. For more info on progress reporting with async/await, see http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2012/06/06/async-in-4-5-enabling-progress-and-cancellation-in-async-apis.aspx. Migrating to this should just be a matter of calling an IProgress delegate instead of a Progress event.
If you're using a Task you've created, you can check the Task's Status property (or just see Task.IsCompleted if completion is the only state you are interested in).
That being said, await will not "return" until the operation either completes, raises an exception, or cancels. You can basically safely assume that, if you're still waiting on the "await", your task hasn't completed.
SemaphoreSlim queueToAccessQueue = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
object queueLock = new object();
long queuedRequests = 0;
Task _loadingTask;
public void RetrieveItems() {
lock (queueLock) {
if (queuedRequests == 1) { // 1 is the minimum size of the queue before another instance is queued
_loadingTask = _loadingTask?.ContinueWith(async () => {
await queueToAccessQueue.WaitAsync();
queuedRequests = 0; // indicates that the queue has been cleared;
}) ?? Task.Run(async () => {
await queueToAccessQueue.WaitAsync();
queuedRequests = 0; // indicates that the queue has been cleared;
public void RunTheMethodAgain() {
** run the method again **
The added bonus is that you can see how many items are sitting in the queue!
