Client doesnt get spawned gameObjects from server, and the other way around - c#

So, I'm struggling with the whole Unet system. right now, all I want to do is to spawn object from one end to the other. but even that doesn't work. It spawns the object on each the server and the client. but doesn't sync. I've searched so many places and watched so many videos - none helped. here are the code and the inspector details
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class NetworkController : NetworkBehaviour
public GameObject[] Spawns;
GameObject Canvas;
GameObject spawn;
public NetworkInstanceId ParentId;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public void CmdspawnPrefab()
Transform trns = GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform;
trns.position = trns.position + new Vector3(100, 200, 0);
GameObject go = Instantiate(Spawns[0], trns);
What am I missing?

As it seems, my whole workflow was not correct. the solution is firstly to attach a listener to the button, instead of using the onclick function on the inspector -
Button b = BoardController.Buttons[0].GetComponent<Button>();
b.onClick.AddListener(delegate () { Cmd_ButtonPressed(1); });
the second is to create gameobjects, containing a script "GameManager" who controls your board, and one "RpcManager" which contains the Rpc functions. then in the playerobject script, use the commands.
Here are the classes i have used, to update an image instead of spawning an object, the idea is basically the same - to undersand the fundamentals of Unet and passing commands.
public class PlayerObject : NetworkBehaviour {
public BoardManager BoardController;
public ClientRPCmanager ClientRPCManager;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
ClientRPCManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ClientRPCmanager").GetComponent<ClientRPCmanager>();
BoardController = ClientRPCManager.BoardController;
Button b = BoardController.Buttons[0].GetComponent<Button>();
b.onClick.AddListener(delegate () { Cmd_ButtonPressed(1); });
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
public void SetButton(int i)
public void Cmd_ButtonPressed(int i)
public class BoardManager : NetworkBehaviour
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public GameObject[] Buttons;
public Sprite[] Sprites;
public void SetButton(int index)
GameObject img = GameObject.Find("X");
img.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = Sprites[0];
public class ClientRPCmanager : NetworkBehaviour {
public BoardManager BoardController;
public NetworkManager Manager;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
public void Rpc_ButtonPressed(int index)
hopefully, this will somewhat help people with understanding Unet.
I learned this by carefully looking at this project


is there a way to find if an object in an array has been destroyed? [duplicate]

I'm creating a game and i want to show a panel when the player is dead
I've tried different approaches but none seems to do what I want
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class DeadOrAlive : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject Player;
public GameObject deadPanel;
void Update()
if (!GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"))
To check if a object has been destroyed, you should use MonoBehavior's OnDestroy like so:
// Attach this script to the player object
public class DeadOrAlive : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject deadPanel;
void OnDestroy()
You can also instead of destroying the player object, set it to active/inactive, but to check if the player is dead or alive this way, you will need a separate object which checks the active state:
//Attach this to a object which isn't a child of the player, maybe a dummy object called "PlayerMonitor" which is always active
public class DeadOrAlive : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject deadPanel;
void Update()
if (!GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"))
Haven't used unity in a while and forgot how weird it could get.
Thanks to #VincentBree this is how I did it
void Update()
if (!Player.activeSelf)

W, A,S, D movement in Unity, don't know how to use new funtions

Hello i have a problem with animation controller script used to play animations depending on which key is pressed
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class AnimationController : MonoBehaviour
function UpdateAnimations()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
It says that "Component.animation" is too old, and i should use GetComponent but i don't know how to
First of all you most probably mean void instead of function as your code is in c# not unityscript (which is also long deprecated by now)
And then Yes, how old is that code you got there? The direct accesses to things like Component.animation, Component.renderer, were deprecated years ago ^^
As the error already tells you rather use e.g. Component.GetComponent like e.g.
public class AnimationController : MonoBehaviour
// Reference this via the Inspector in Unity
// via drag and drop. Then you don't need GetComponent at all
[SerializeField] private Animation _animation;
private void Awake()
// or as fallback get it on runtime
if(!_animation) _animation = GetCompoenent<Animation>();
// Update is called once per frame
private void Update()
private void UpdateAnimations()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
How have you defined "animation" in your code?
you could try adding animation reference in the top of the code:
private Animation animation;
and in your Start() or Awake() method, add:
// will add reference to the animation to be the Animation component
// in this GameObject
animation = GetComponent<Animation>();

Unity 3D Attaching Score Display Script to prefab

I was following Unity 3d tutorial on the Learn Unity website, but here is the thing I wanted to do things a bit differently. It worked out well at start but in the end this turned out to be a bad decision and now I manually need to attach the script to every pickable object.
Here is my code:
Note: What it does is rotate the Pickups and display the score when the pickups collide with player ball.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class PickUps : MonoBehaviour {
public Vector3 Rotate;
private int Score;
public Text ScoreGUI;
private void Start()
Rotate = new Vector3(0, 25, 0);
Score = 0;
void Update () {
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Ball"))
Score = Score + 1;
void DisplayScore()
ScoreGUI.text = "SCORE " + Score.ToString();
It works yes but I need to manually attach the text (under canvas) to every pickup object which is exhausting and not a good thing to do.
What I want To achieve:
Like in the tutorials mostly they use prefabs in this kind of work (I think), problem is I can attach the text to the pickups (objects/biscuits) in the current scene but I cannot drag and attach the text To the prefab of biscuits I made the text just wont attach in its blank for "Text".
You shouldn't change the score Text directly. Use a Controller to make the bridge instead. I would do something like this:
Put this script somewhere in your scene:
public class ScoreManager : Singleton<ScoreManager>
private int score = 0;
// Event that will be called everytime the score's changed
public static Action<int> OnScoreChanged;
public void SetScore(int score)
this.score = score;
public void AddScore(int score)
this.score += score;
// Tells to the listeners that the score's changed
private void InvokeOnScoreChanged()
if(OnScoreChanged != null)
This script attached in the Text game object:
public class ScoreText : MonoBehaviour
private Text scoreText;
private void Awake()
scoreText = GetComponent<Text>();
private void OnDestroy()
private void RegisterEvents()
// Register the listener to the manager's event
ScoreManager.OnScoreChanged += HandleOnScoreChanged;
private void UnregisterEvents()
// Unregister the listener
ScoreManager.OnScoreChanged -= HandleOnScoreChanged;
private void HandleOnScoreChanged(int newScore)
scoreText.text = newScore.ToString();
And in your PickUps class:
void DisplayScore()
ScoreManager.Instance.SetScore(Score); // Maybe what you need is AddScore to not
// reset the value everytime
A simple singleton you can use (you can find more complete ones on the internet):
public class Singleton<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoBehaviour
static T instance;
public static T Instance
if (instance == null)
instance = (T)FindObjectOfType(typeof(T));
if (instance == null) Debug.LogError("Singleton of type " + typeof(T).ToString() + " not found in the scene.");
return instance;
But be careful, the singleton pattern can be a shot in the foot if not used correctly. You should only it them moderately for managers.

Unity + FMOD health player variable to getParameter doesn't work

Can you please help me with this problem, I'm adding FMOD to UNITY and want to change my music when Player gets damage, from FMOD side is OK, but in Unity it gives me an error: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object MusicControl.Update () (at Assets/MusicControl.cs:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using FMOD.Studio;
public class MusicControl : MonoBehaviour {
public string explosion = "event:/EXPLOSION";
public string shoot = "event:/SHOOT SOUND";
public string menuMusic = "event:/MENU MUSIC";
int val;
public FMOD.Studio.EventInstance musicEv;
public FMOD.Studio.ParameterInstance musicPar;
void Start()
//music for menu, I'm call this function when my stage starts(menu game)
public void MenuMusic()
musicEv = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(menuMusic);
//music for level 1, I'm call this function when my stage starts(level game)
public void LevelMusic()
musicEv = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(menuMusic);
musicEv.setParameterValue("FIGHT MUSIC", 100f);
musicEv.getParameter("HEALTH", out musicPar);
//I'm call this function when stages is close up
public void StopMusic()
// I'm take current Health from Player script
void Update()
val = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent<Player>().stats.curHealth;
musicPar.setValue(val); //Unity gives me an error - NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object MusicControl.Update () (at Assets/MusicControl.cs:147)
Thanks for advance
The musicEv and musicPar variables are declared but never initialized before use in the Update() function.
You tried to to initialize them in the MenuMusic() and LevelMusic() functions but there is no guarantee that these functions will be called before the Update() function where you actually use them.
Remove musicEv = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(menuMusic); from both MenuMusic() and LevelMusic() functions and move it to the Start() or Awake() function in order to initialize musicEv.
After that, you can then initialize musicPar by calling musicEv.getParameter("HEALTH", out musicPar);.
Also, don't do val = GameObject.Find("Player") in the Update function. Do it once in Start() or Awake() function then save it to a global variable. In fact, it would be good to just cache the Player script that is attached to it.
public class MusicControl : MonoBehaviour {
public string explosion = "event:/EXPLOSION";
public string shoot = "event:/SHOOT SOUND";
public string menuMusic = "event:/MENU MUSIC";
int val;
public FMOD.Studio.EventInstance musicEv;
public FMOD.Studio.ParameterInstance musicPar;
private Player player;
void Awake()
//Initialize musicEv
musicEv = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(menuMusic);
//Initialize musicPar(done with the out keyword)
musicEv.getParameter("HEALTH", out musicPar);
//Initialize player
player = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent<Player>();
//music for menu, I'm call this function when my stage starts(menu game)
public void MenuMusic()
//music for level 1, I'm call this function when my stage starts(level game)
public void LevelMusic()
musicEv.setParameterValue("FIGHT MUSIC", 100f);
musicEv.getParameter("HEALTH", out musicPar);
//I'm call this function when stages is close up
public void StopMusic()
// I'm take current Health from Player script
void Update()
val = player.stats.curHealth;

animation.Play() doesn't work

I'm pretty sure that
Would play the animation "DoorOpen", but when i'm trying to put it in my code, it just giving me an error message:
The Animation attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class DoorPhysics : MonoBehaviour {
int Open = 0;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update() {
if (Open == 0) {
if (Input.GetKeyDown("e")) {
You need to show location of gameobjects in unity, they do not know eachother, you have to always use :
best practice is to get object references at Start()
also you should attach IMPORTANT!!! Animation component to the object this script it attached to
public class DoorPhysics : MonoBehaviour {
public Animation animation;
int Open = 0;
void Start()
animation=GameObject.GetComponent<Animation>(); //if your have derived type change Animation to good class DoorAnimation for example
void Update()
if (Open == 0) {
if (Input.GetKeyDown("e")) {
if that code wont work, you will need show me your GameObject hierarchy
And if your just start your trip with it learn MonoBehaviour call order
and life cycles of events
