Unity 3D Attaching Score Display Script to prefab - c#

I was following Unity 3d tutorial on the Learn Unity website, but here is the thing I wanted to do things a bit differently. It worked out well at start but in the end this turned out to be a bad decision and now I manually need to attach the script to every pickable object.
Here is my code:
Note: What it does is rotate the Pickups and display the score when the pickups collide with player ball.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class PickUps : MonoBehaviour {
public Vector3 Rotate;
private int Score;
public Text ScoreGUI;
private void Start()
Rotate = new Vector3(0, 25, 0);
Score = 0;
void Update () {
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Ball"))
Score = Score + 1;
void DisplayScore()
ScoreGUI.text = "SCORE " + Score.ToString();
It works yes but I need to manually attach the text (under canvas) to every pickup object which is exhausting and not a good thing to do.
What I want To achieve:
Like in the tutorials mostly they use prefabs in this kind of work (I think), problem is I can attach the text to the pickups (objects/biscuits) in the current scene but I cannot drag and attach the text To the prefab of biscuits I made the text just wont attach in its blank for "Text".

You shouldn't change the score Text directly. Use a Controller to make the bridge instead. I would do something like this:
Put this script somewhere in your scene:
public class ScoreManager : Singleton<ScoreManager>
private int score = 0;
// Event that will be called everytime the score's changed
public static Action<int> OnScoreChanged;
public void SetScore(int score)
this.score = score;
public void AddScore(int score)
this.score += score;
// Tells to the listeners that the score's changed
private void InvokeOnScoreChanged()
if(OnScoreChanged != null)
This script attached in the Text game object:
public class ScoreText : MonoBehaviour
private Text scoreText;
private void Awake()
scoreText = GetComponent<Text>();
private void OnDestroy()
private void RegisterEvents()
// Register the listener to the manager's event
ScoreManager.OnScoreChanged += HandleOnScoreChanged;
private void UnregisterEvents()
// Unregister the listener
ScoreManager.OnScoreChanged -= HandleOnScoreChanged;
private void HandleOnScoreChanged(int newScore)
scoreText.text = newScore.ToString();
And in your PickUps class:
void DisplayScore()
ScoreManager.Instance.SetScore(Score); // Maybe what you need is AddScore to not
// reset the value everytime
A simple singleton you can use (you can find more complete ones on the internet):
public class Singleton<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoBehaviour
static T instance;
public static T Instance
if (instance == null)
instance = (T)FindObjectOfType(typeof(T));
if (instance == null) Debug.LogError("Singleton of type " + typeof(T).ToString() + " not found in the scene.");
return instance;
But be careful, the singleton pattern can be a shot in the foot if not used correctly. You should only it them moderately for managers.


How can I bring a Player to ignore collision with another GameObject in code?

Im currently trying to code a health system for my game and I want my Player GameObject to ignore collision with the Health Potion GameObject if the Player has max health. My problem is that I cannot simply turn off the collision between the Player Layer and Health Potion Layer because I only want to ignore collision if the Player has Max Health. I tried doing it myself but it didn't work. Here's my code:
public class ExampleCodeUA : MonoBehaviour{
public int PlayerMaxHealth = 100, PlayerCurrentHealth;
public HealthBar healthBar;
private void Start()
PlayerCurrentHealth = PlayerMaxHealth;
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("HealthPotion"))
if (PlayerCurrentHealth == PlayerMaxHealth)
Physics2D.IgnoreLayerCollision(6, 7);
else if (PlayerCurrentHealth > 50)
GetHealth(PlayerMaxHealth - PlayerCurrentHealth);
else if (PlayerCurrentHealth <= 50)
void GetHealth(int healing)
PlayerCurrentHealth += healing;
You don't want to modify your physics configuration at runtime. What you could do to avoid the collision... is to make it impossible, by having nothing to collide with. Both of your objects have a collider. What you could do is to disable all existing HealthPotion colliders by modifying their code. An implementation could be the following:
using System.Collections.Generics;
using UnityEngine;
public class HealthPotion : MonoBehaviour
private static List<HealthPotion> _existingPotions = new List<HealthPotion>();
public static void EnablePotionsCollider(bool value)
foreach (var potion in _existingPotions)
potion._collider.enabled = value;
private Collider _collider;
void Awake()
_collider = GetComponent<Collider>();
void OnEnable()
void OnDisable()
Then you just have to call the method when you want to enable/disable by doing
HealthPotion.EnablePotionsCollider(value you want);

Unity android. Loading Function after killing an app doesn't work properly (Object Reference not set to an instance of an object)

I am at begginner level with unity.
I have Load() function that goes off in OnApplicationPause(false). It works fine if I block the screen or minimalise app, and come back to it. However, when I kill it, I get error and the data doesnt get loaded.
Below is the script attached to the GameObject "SaveManager"
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
public class SaveManager : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject ZwierzetaGroup;
public GameObject JedzeniaGroup;
public GameObject PrzedmiotyGroup;
public List<GameObject> zwierzeta_sprites;
public List<GameObject> jedzenia_sprites;
public List<GameObject> przedmioty_sprites;
public static DateTime oldDate;
Camera mainCamera;
public SaveState saveState;
void Start()
mainCamera = Camera.main;
public void Save()
SaveSpriteArray("zwierze", zwierzeta_sprites);
SaveSpriteArray("przedmiot", przedmioty_sprites);
SaveSpriteArray("jedzenie", jedzenia_sprites);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("pieniazki", saveState.GetPieniazki());
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HayAmount", saveState.GetHayAmount());
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HayMax", saveState.GetHayMax());
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("FruitAmount", saveState.GetFruitAmount());
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("FruitMax", saveState.GetFruitMax());
PlayerPrefs.SetString("sysString", System.DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString());
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("First", 1);
public void SaveSpriteArray(string saveName, List<GameObject> sprites)
for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Count; i++)
if (sprites[i].activeSelf)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(saveName + i, 1);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(saveName + i, 0);
public void Load()
//wczytanie czasu:
long temp = Convert.ToInt64(PlayerPrefs.GetString("sysString"));
oldDate = DateTime.FromBinary(temp);
Debug.Log("oldDate: " + oldDate);
//wczytywanie aktywnych sprite'ow
LoadSpriteArray("zwierze", zwierzeta_sprites);
LoadSpriteArray("przedmiot", przedmioty_sprites);
LoadSpriteArray("jedzenie", jedzenia_sprites);
public void LoadSpriteArray(string saveName, List<GameObject> sprites)
for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Count; i++)
if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(saveName + i) == 1)
private void FillArrays()
//find children
foreach (Transform child in ZwierzetaGroup.transform)
foreach (Transform child in PrzedmiotyGroup.transform)
foreach (Transform child in JedzeniaGroup.transform)
Below is a chunk of script attached to the main camera (probably a mistake). SaveManager GameObject with Script is attached to this one in inspector. This script is pretty big, so I'll skip the parts that I don't find relevant.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
public class ManageEncouters: MonoBehaviour
DateTime currentDate;
public int First;
public SaveState saveState;
public SaveManager saveManager;
public HayBar hayBar;
public FruitBar fruitBar;
public GameObject[] jedzenia_sprites;
void Start()
void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus)
if (!pauseStatus)
currentDate = System.DateTime.Now;
//Sprawdzanie czy jest to piersze uruchomienie gry (brak zapisu)
First = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("First");
if (First == 0)
Debug.Log("First time in app.");
SaveManager.oldDate = currentDate;
Debug.Log("Not the first time in app.");
if (TimeInSeconds(currentDate, SaveManager.oldDate) > 12)
Debug.Log("It's been more than 12 seconds sience last time.");
EatFood(currentDate, SaveManager.oldDate);
Debug.Log("It's been less than 12 seconds sience last time.");
if (pauseStatus)
private int TimeInSeconds(DateTime newD, DateTime oldD)
TimeSpan difference = newD.Subtract(oldD);
int seconds = (int)difference.TotalSeconds;
return seconds;
Below is the error I get, I don't know how to copy the text, so it's an Image.
I'm pretty sure that what you have here is a timing issue.
Note: MonoBehaviour.OnApplicationPause is called as a GameObject starts. The call is made after Awake. Each GameObject will cause this call to be made.
So to me this sounds like it might be called when your SaveManager is not yet initialized, in particular the mainCamera.
I think you could already solve the issue by moving the initialization into Awake instead
private void Awake()
mainCamera = Camera.main;
In general my little thumb rule is
use Awake wherever possible. In particular initialize everything where you don't depend on other scripts (initialize fields, use GetComponent, etc)
use Start when you need other scripts to be initialized already (call methods on other components, collect and pass on instances of some prefabs spawned in Awake, etc)
This covers most of cases. Where this isn't enough you would need to bother with the execution order or use events.

Unity C# How to reference a subscript in another script?

In the following script, I get the error "Inaccessible due to protection level.":
public class WrongAnswerScript : MonoBehaviour
void OnMouseDown()
GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
Here is the code of the GameManager class which manages the update:
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
public List<GameObject> targets;
public TextMeshProUGUI mistakeText;
public int mistakes;
void Start()
mistakes = 0;
mistakeText.text = "Mistakes: " + mistakes;
// Update is called once per frame
void UpdateMistakes(int mistakesToAdd)
mistakes += mistakesToAdd;
mistakeText.text = "Mistakes: " + mistakes;
How should I correctly initiate my script ? I am pretty new to C# so I struggle to understand the basics.
make the function public so that it becomes accessible.
public void UpdateMistakes(int mistakesToAdd)
You might need to make sure that you reference an existing instance of the GameManager that is somewhere in your scene.
private bool HasBeenClicked = false;
void OnMouseDown()
GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;
//Only do this block when you have not clicked before
if (!HasBeenClicked)
//get a reference to the gamemanager that is already somewhere in the scene
GameManager gameManager = (GameManager)FindObjectOfType(typeof(GameManager));
HasBeenClicked = true;

Unity Quiz Game Score in C#

I am making a quiz game in the unity from the unity live session quiz game tutorials everything is working fine except somehow the score isn't working when i Click the button it should add 10 score to the Score. Here are the tutorials : https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/scripting/intro-and-setup?playlist=17117 and the code for my Game Controller :
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GameController : MonoBehaviour {
public Text questionDisplayText;
public Text scoreDisplayText;
public Text timeRemainingDisplayText;
public SimpleObjectPool answerButtonObjectPool;
public Transform answerButtonParent;
public GameObject questionDisplay;
public GameObject roundEndDisplay;
private DataController dataController;
private RoundData currentRoundData;
private QuestionData[] questionPool;
private bool isRoundActive;
private float timeRemaining;
private int questionIndex;
private int playerScore;
private List<GameObject> answerButtonGameObjects = new List<GameObject>();
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
dataController = FindObjectOfType<DataController> ();
currentRoundData = dataController.GetCurrentRoundData ();
questionPool = currentRoundData.questions;
timeRemaining = currentRoundData.timeLimitInSeconds;
playerScore = 0;
questionIndex = 0;
ShowQuestion ();
isRoundActive = true;
private void ShowQuestion()
RemoveAnswerButtons ();
QuestionData questionData = questionPool [questionIndex];
questionDisplayText.text = questionData.questionText;
for (int i = 0; i < questionData.answers.Length; i++)
GameObject answerButtonGameObject = answerButtonObjectPool.GetObject();
AnswerButton answerButton = answerButtonGameObject.GetComponent<AnswerButton>();
private void RemoveAnswerButtons()
while (answerButtonGameObjects.Count > 0)
public void AnswerButtonClicked(bool isCorrect)
if (isCorrect)
playerScore += currentRoundData.pointsAddedForCorrectAnswer;
scoreDisplayText.text = "Score: " + playerScore.ToString();
if (questionPool.Length > questionIndex + 1) {
ShowQuestion ();
} else
public void EndRound()
isRoundActive = false;
questionDisplay.SetActive (false);
roundEndDisplay.SetActive (true);
public void ReturnToMenu()
SceneManager.LoadScene ("MenuScreen");
private void UpdateTimeRemainingDisplay()
timeRemainingDisplayText.text = "Time: " + Mathf.Round (timeRemaining).ToString ();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
if (isRoundActive)
timeRemaining -= Time.deltaTime;
if (timeRemaining <= 0f)
and my answer Button Code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class AnswerButton : MonoBehaviour {
public Text answerText;
private AnswerData answerData;
private GameController GameController;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
GameController = FindObjectOfType<GameController> ();
public void Setup(AnswerData data)
answerData = data;
answerText.text = answerData.answerText;
public void HandleClick()
GameController.AnswerButtonClicked (answerData.isCorrect);
and Answer Data :
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class AnswerData
public string answerText;
public bool isCorrect;
If everything is working fine (the whole code gets executed correctly, which I presume at this point), you probably did not set the data correctly. In your Game Controller, you have the line
playerScore += currentRoundData.pointsAddedForCorrectAnswer;
in your AnswerButtonClicked method which should add an amount you defined to the score if the answer is correct. Since I presume that your whole code is running fine (I can't see your in-engine setup, only the code here, which looks like the one in the tutorial), this is probably the first location where to look at the error. This value is probably set in the Unity Inspector or via another script, so you may want to go check in other files or the Editor.
The next thing to check is, if the buttons are correctly linked via their event handler. This can be checked by looking at the inspector. In the tutorial series this step is done in part Click to answer at the end of the video.

How to achieve awareness of "kill" events in a scene

I have been doing a RPG game in Unity with C # and when doing a system of quests, specifically those of killing a certain number of enemies, I found the problem of having 3 enemies in the scene and being the target of the quest: Kill 3 enemies. If I kill them before activating the quest and later active the quest does not give me the reward (in this case experience). How can I tell the enemies and make that if the quest detects that I have already killed the necessary enemies to get the quest give me the reward equally?
Here the two needed scripts i think:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class QuestObject : MonoBehaviour {
public int questNumber;
public QuestManager qManager;
public string startText;
public string endText;
public bool isItemQuest;
public string targetItem;
public bool isEnemyQuest;
public string targetEnemy;
public int enemiesToKill;
private int enemyKillCount;
private PlayerStats playerStats;
public int EXPToGive;
void Start () {
playerStats = FindObjectOfType <PlayerStats> ();
void Update () {
if (isItemQuest) {
if (qManager.itemCollected == targetItem) {
qManager.itemCollected = null;
EndQuest ();
if (isEnemyQuest) {
if (qManager.enemyKilled == targetEnemy) {
qManager.enemyKilled = null;
if (enemyKillCount >= enemiesToKill) {
EndQuest ();
public void StartQuest (){
qManager.ShowQuestText (startText);
public void EndQuest (){
qManager.ShowQuestText (endText);
playerStats.AddEXP (EXPToGive);
qManager.questCompleted [questNumber] = true;
gameObject.SetActive (false);
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class EnemyHealth : MonoBehaviour {
public int startingHealth;
public int currentHealth;
public GameObject damageBurst;
private PlayerStats playerStats;
public int EXPToGive;
public string enemyQuestName;
private QuestManager qManager;
void Start ()
// Setting up the references.
//anim = GetComponent <Animator> ();
//enemyAudio = GetComponent <AudioSource> ();
//enemyMovement = GetComponent <EnemyMovement> ();
//enemyAttacking = GetComponentInChildren <EnemyAttack> ();
// Set the initial health of the player.
currentHealth = startingHealth;
playerStats = FindObjectOfType <PlayerStats> ();
qManager = FindObjectOfType <QuestManager> ();
void Update ()
if (currentHealth <= 0) {
qManager.enemyKilled = enemyQuestName;
Destroy (gameObject);
playerStats.AddEXP (EXPToGive);
public void TakeDamage (int amountDamage)
// Reduce the current health by the damage amount.
currentHealth -= amountDamage;
Instantiate (damageBurst, transform.position, transform.rotation);
public void SetMaxHelth () {
currentHealth = startingHealth;
One Aproach would be to create some type of "WorldManager" which counts every Enemy which has been slain. And when Starting a quest this quest could check the WorldManagers kill count and add it to it's own count.
public void StartQuest (){
qManager.ShowQuestText (startText);
this.enemyKillCount += worldManager.GetKillCount();
In your enemy class you have to add a kill to your worldManager.
void Update ()
if (currentHealth <= 0) {
qManager.enemyKilled = enemyQuestName;
Destroy (gameObject);
playerStats.AddEXP (EXPToGive);
Make your QManager be aware of every kill in a Scene.
You can achieve this through many ways.
One of them is passing your EnemyObject an reference of your Qmanager and do the same as with the "WorldManager" provided above, or you use Messaging and fire a Message targeting the QManager when an enemy is slain.
Alternative 2:
Throw an Event when an enemy has been slain and subscribe to it on your QManager/WorldManager. This way u can reuse your enemy class in every game. From my point of view static dependencies are evil, but there are many discussions and SO and everywhere on the internet about that.
You can several approach. The most straight-forward is to use static.
The purpose of static is for the variable/method to belong to the class instead of an instance of the class.
In your case, you want each enemy to have its own health, this cannot be static.
And you want to count how many instances there are in the scene from the class. So static is fine.
public class Enemy:MonoBehaviour
private static int enemyCount = 0;
public static int EnemyCount {get{ return enemyCount;} }
public event Action<int> RaiseEnemyDeath;
public static void ResetEnemyCount(){
enemyCount = 0;
private int health;
public void Damage(int damage)
CheckForDamage(); // here you check that damage is not neg or too big...
this.health -= damage;
if(this.health <= 0)
void OnActivate()
this.health = 20;
void OnDeath()
RaiseEnemyDeath(enemyCount); // Should check for nullity...
This one is fairly simple. The first part is all static and is relevant to the class. The second part is relevant to the instance. If you use a pool of enemy and then reuse the same instance multiple times, the OnActivate method is called when you make the enemy alive in the scene (it may have been there for a while as inactive). Then when the health is down, kill the enemy (there are not all the required actions there...) and trigger the event.
Using the public static property, you can know what is the enemy count from a GameManager (Enemy should not affect the gameplay, only takes care of the enemy).
public class GameManager:MonoBehaviour
void Start()
Enemy.RaiseEnemyDeath += Enemy_RaiseEnemyDeath;
void Enemy_RaiseEnemyDeath(int count)
if(count < 0){ // End of level }
// You can also access enemyCount
int count = Enemy.EnemyCount;
The good point of using this principle is that Enemy has no clue about GameManager and can be reused in another game without any modification. The GameManager is a higher level entity and knows about it.
