C# FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo (FilePath) behaves strangely - c#

I am trying to read the file version from an exe file. ( - not product version.)
I tested two sample codes.
var versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(FilePath);
string Description = versionInfo .FileDescription;
string Company = versionInfo.CompanyName;
string Fileversion1 = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", versionInfo.FileMajorPart, versionInfo.FileMinorPart, versionInfo.FileBuildPart, versionInfo.FilePrivatePart);
string Fileversion2 = versionInfo.FileVersion;
The result is shown below.
The following figure is an actual property of PowerShell.
MS applications such as notepad, cmd will get the same results as POwershell.
Check Putty with the same code:
I would like to know the file version in the properties of the application.
I have a history of upgrading from Windows8 to Windows10 through a free upgrade to Windows10.
Can this behavior affect the outcome?

The documentation of property FileVersion is misleading. It makes you think it is a concatenation of major, minor, build and private numbers.
Actually, FileVersion is extracted using a call to a system API function (VerQueryValue), which can returns something different.


Pythonnet Runtime Error using C# dll (Database Incompatibility)

enter image description hereI am using a C# dll using pythonnet on python 2.7.13 (which uses other dll files and .mdb database files) to make some technical calculations. This dll files does not have a good documentation (only namespaces, class and method names). Well the program in most PC Works Fine but in all office computers it throws a runtime Error from Dll files (my doubt is connection with database). This dll files are compiled to target .NET 4.0 (in office computers is installed .NET 4.7.1 or other versions newer than 4.0) and EntityFramework is also being used (programs target 5.0 and this is a dll file in program folder, but in office computers is installed EntityFramework 6.2 tool). Microsoft database Engine 2010 is also installed in those computers.
In every other computer that I have tested the program it works perfectly. In office computers I found a group of input data for which program works, but anyway this is not correct because it should work also for the default data.
To make tests in office computers I have compiled python code using PyInstaller (I repeat, compiled version work fine in other PCs).
I am using .NET Reflector to decompile dll files and programs Exception to find the Error. The method that throws Exception is in the following code.
Thanks in advance!
public int LoadRanghiAmmessi(int[] vRanghi, string geometria)
int index = 0;
CrConnection connection = new CrConnection(this.PathDB);
string query = "SELECT * FROM RanghiAmmessi WHERE (Geometria='" + geometria + "') ORDER BY NRanghi";
OleDbDataReader recordset = connection.GetRecordset(query, #"\Coils.mdb;");
if (!recordset.HasRows)
if (recordset != null)
query = "SELECT * FROM RanghiAmmessi WHERE (Geometria='*') ORDER BY NRanghi";
recordset = connection.GetRecordset(query, #"\Coils.mdb;");
while (recordset.Read())
vRanghi[index] = int.Parse(recordset["NRanghi"].ToString());
if (recordset != null)
return index;
public OleDbDataReader GetRecordset(string query, string NomeDB)
string connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + this.PathDB + NomeDB + "Jet OLEDB:Database Password=123456";
this.conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(query, this.conn);
return command.ExecuteReader();
catch (Exception exception)
return null;
After many tests I found out that the program is working also in other PC after declaring some objects like function parameters and after compiling running the program as compatible with Windows 7. Before the objects were created like variables and those variables were passed as parameters, (in this case, reasonably the first thought is that the problem is "pass by reference" mechanism and that some values are not inserted in the right mode, but this is not the case because:
- the same exactly code did function very well in most PC (compatibility
- the same exactly mechanism is used to specify the objects attributes and
to make calculations
In this conditions I would say that it is not clear where the problem was. In the first version installing the SQL Server Express made possible for the program to work well even without last modifications.
Umm... given the details that it works fine on "Other PC", I am guessing that the problem is your so-called database. I don't see in any way, however, how anyone could be certain at what the problem is until it is solved.

Mono + MDBTools: Encoding Issue

I'm working on a C# application that has to read an Access database (.mdb), on Linux. I'm using Mono to compile and run the application.
Suppose I have a test database that I create in Access 2013. It has one table: TestTable, with the default ID column and a testField1 column created with the 'Long Text' type. I insert three rows, with these values for the testField1 column: "foo", "bar", "baz". The database is saved as 'Access 2002-2003 Database (*.mdb)'.
The resulting database (named Test.mdb) is transferred to my Linux box. Just as a sanity check, I can run mdb-export on the database:
$ mdb-export Test.mdb TestTable
So far, so good. Now, suppose we have a C# program that reads the testField1 column of the table:
using System;
using System.Data.Odbc;
class Program {
public static void Main(string[] args){
try {
OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection("ODBC;Driver=MDBTools;DBQ=/path/to/Test.mdb");
var command = conn.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "SELECT testField1 FROM TestTable";
var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
} catch(Exception e){
I would expect that running this program would print "foo", "bar", and "baz". However, compiling and running the program does not yield this output:
$ mcs mdb_odbc.cs -r:System.data.dll
$ mono mdb_odbc.exe
$ # this line added to show the empty lines
My guess is that this is an encoding issue, but I have no idea how to resolve it. Is there a way to fix my program or the environment that it runs in so that the contents of the database are printed correctly? I believe that it is an issue with either ODBC or MDBTools, because in a similar program, a string equality check against fields of a database fails.
I'm using Ubuntu 16.10. mono --version outputs Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Wed Sep 27 18:38:59 EDT 2017) (I built it from source with this patch applied to fix another issue with ODBC). MDBTools, installed through Apt, is version 0.7.1-4build1, and the odbc-mdbtools package is the same version.
I know that the combination of tools and software I'm using is unusual, but unfortunately, I have to use C#, I probably have to use Mono, I have to use an Access database, and I have to use ODBC to access the database. If there's no other way around it, I suppose I could convert the database to another format (SQLite comes to mind).

How to make a registry entry using C# cake?

I need to create a registry entry based on finding of 32/64-bit system from cake script. I can see the File operations reference, Directory operations reference in C# cake site. But i could not find the registry related reference in C# cake. Could anyone please let me know is there any option to make a registry entry using C# cake? If so, please specify the reference link. This will help me a lot to continue in cake script.
An alternative to using C# you could also be using the Reg.exe shipped with all major versions of Windows.
You could use this tool with Cake using StartProcess alias.
An example of doing this below:
DirectoryPath system32Path = Context.Environment
FilePath regPath = system32Path.CombineWithFilePath("reg.exe");
string keyName = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Cake";
string valueName = "Rocks";
string valueData = "1";
ProcessSettings regSettings = new ProcessSettings()
arguments => arguments
.AppendSwitchQuoted("/v", valueName)
.AppendSwitchQuoted("/t", "REG_DWORD")
.AppendSwitchQuoted("/d", valueData)
int result = StartProcess(regPath, regSettings);
if (result == 0)
Information("Registry value successfully set");
Information("Failed to set registry value");
Currently, there are no Cake aliases for working with the registry. Having said that, there is nothing to stop you manipulating the Registry directly using that standard C# types.
An example of one such approach is here:
Writing to registry in a C# application
Cake provides a number of aliases for things that are more complicated to do, however, remember that almost everything that is provided in an alias could be done directly with C# in your main script. The aliases are simply there as a convenience.

asp.NET c# : Code working as a console app but not as a web app

My basic problem was converting a .docx file to .pdf. The problem would be solved incase I was allowed to use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll, which i am not since the server will not have MS Office installed. So I needed a free/open-source library that would allow me to do so. And i came across docx4j.NET.
This worked fine as long as I ran it as a Console App. The following is the concerned code snippet:
string fileIN = #"C:\Users\...\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\HRDapp\HRDapp\Letter_Templates\AP.docx";
string fileOUT = #"C:\Users\...\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\HRDapp\HRDapp\Letter_Templates\AP.pdf";
log.Info("Hello from Common Logging");
// Necessary, if slf4j-api and slf4j-NetCommonLogging are separate DLLs
// Configure to find docx4j.properties
// .. add as URL the dir containing docx4j.properties (not the file itself!)
Plutext.PropertiesConfigurator.setDocx4jPropertiesDir(projectDir + #"src\samples\resources\");
java.io.File file = new java.io.File(fileIN);
// OK, do it..
WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(file);
java.io.FileOutputStream fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream(new java.io.File(fileOUT));
org.docx4j.Docx4J.toPDF(wordMLPackage, fos);
In case of using this in a Web App, the code runs fine till
java.io.File file = new java.io.File(fileIN);
and gets stuck at
WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(file);
Although the file path is correct and works fine in the console app, but there seems something else that I am missing here. The log also prints upto the following statement-
iisexpress.exe Information: 0 : [INFO] org.docx4j.jaxb.Context - Using Java 6/7 JAXB implementation
.. and stops. Any kind of reply directing me to the source of the error will be very helpful. Thanks.
As Jeroen (of IKVM fame) has explained, when there is no main assembly (eg in an ASP.NET application), the IKVM class loader can't find your assembly when the code is trying to dynamically load a class.
So you'll want to add not just:
but also:

How do I use a lexicon with SpeechSynthesizer?

I'm performing some text-to-speech and I'd like to specify some special pronunciations in a lexicon file. I have ran MSDN's AddLexicon example verbatim, and it speaks the sentence but it does not use the given lexicon, something appears to be broken.
Here's the provided example:
using System;
using Microsoft.Speech.Synthesis;
namespace SampleSynthesis
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Initialize a new instance of the SpeechSynthesizer.
using (SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer())
// Configure the audio output.
PromptBuilder builder = new PromptBuilder();
builder.AppendText("Gimme the whatchamacallit.");
// Append the lexicon file.
synth.AddLexicon(new Uri("c:\\test\\whatchamacallit.pls"), "application/pls+xml");
// Speak the prompt and play back the output file.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");
and lexicon file:
<lexicon version="1.0"
alphabet="x-microsoft-ups" xml:lang="en-US">
<grapheme> whatchamacallit </grapheme>
<phoneme> W S1 AX T CH AX M AX K S2 AA L IH T </phoneme>
The console opens, the text is spoken, but the new pronunciation isn't used. I have of course saved the file to c:\test\whatchamacallit.pls as specified.
I've tried variations of the Uri and file location (e.g. #"C:\Temp\whatchamacallit.pls", #"file:///c:\test\whatchamacallit.pls"), absolute and relative paths, copying it into the build folder, etc.
I ran Process Monitor and the file is not accessed. If it were a directory/file permission problem (which it isn't) I would still see the access denied messages, however I log no reference at all except the occasional one from my text editor. I do see the file accessed when I try File.OpenRead.
Unfortunately there are no error messages when using a garbage Uri.
On further investigation I realized this example is from Microsoft.Speech.Synthesis, whereas I'm using System.Speech.Synthesis over here. However from what I can tell they are identical except for some additional info and examples and both point to the same specification. Could this still be the problem?
I verified the project is set to use the proper .NET Framework 4.
I compared the example from MSDN to examples from the referenced spec, as well as trying those outright but it hasn't helped. Considering the file doesn't seem to be accessed I'm not surprised.
(I am able to use PromptBuilder.AppendTextWithPronunciation just fine but it's a poor alternative for my use case.)
Is the example on MSDN broken? How do I use a lexicon with SpeechSynthesizer?
After a lot of research and pitfalls I can assure you that your assumption is just plain wrong.
For some reason System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.AddLexicon() adds the lexicon to an internal list, but doesn't use it at all.
Seems like nobody tried using it before and this bug went unnoticed.
Microsoft.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.AddLexicon() (which belongs to the Microsoft Speech SDK) on the other hand works as expected (it passes the lexicon on to the COM object which interprets it as advertised).
Please refer to this guide on how to install the SDK: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh362873%28v=office.14%29.aspx
people reported the 64-bit version to cause COM exceptions (because the library does not get installed correctly), I confirmed this on a 64bit Windows 7 machine
using the x86 version circumvents the problem
be sure to install the runtime before the SDK
be sure to also install a runtime language (as adviced on the linked page) as the SDK does not use the default system speech engine
You can use System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SpeakSsml() instead of a lexicon.
This code changes pronunciation of "blue" to "yellow" and "dog" to "fish".
SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer();
string text = "This is a blue dog";
Dictionary<string, string> phonemeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "blue", "jelow" }, { "dog", "fyʃ" } };
foreach (var element in phonemeDictionary)
text = text.Replace(element.Key, "<phoneme ph=\"" + element.Value + "\">" + element.Key + "</phoneme>");
text = "<speak version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis\" xml:lang=\"en-US\">" + text + "</speak>";
I've been looking into this a little recently on Windows 10.
There are two things I've discovered with System.Speech.Synthesis.
Any Voice you use, must be matched against the language in the Lexicon file.
Inside the lexicon you have the language:
<lexicon version="1.0"
alphabet="x-microsoft-ups" xml:lang="en-US">
I find that I can name my Lexicon as "blue.en-US.pls" and make a copy with "blue.en-GB.pls". Inside it will have xml:lang="en-GB"
In the code you'd use:
string langFile = Path.Combine(_appPath, $"blue.{synth.Voice.Culture.IetfLanguageTag}.pls");
synth.AddLexicon(new Uri(langFile), "application/pls+xml");
The other thing I discovered is, it doesn't work with "Microsoft Zira Desktop - English (United States)" at all. I don't know why.
This appears to be the default voice on Windows 10.
Access and change your default voice here:
Otherwise you should be able to set it via code:
var voices = synth.GetInstalledVoices();
// US: David, Zira. UK: Hazel.
var voice = voices.First(v => v.VoiceInfo.Name.Contains("David"));
I have David (United States) and Hazel (United Kingdom), and it works fine with either of those.
This appears to be directly related to whether the voice token in the registry has the SpLexicon key value. The Microsoft Zira Desktop voice does not have this registry value.
While Microsoft David Desktop voice has the following:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\TTS_MS_EN-US_DAVID_11.0\Attributes\SpLexicon = {0655E396-25D0-11D3-9C26-00C04F8EF87C}
