I need help on SSAS automation in C#. I want to automate the rename the display name for the AAS attributes.
To automate the full process of renaming using c#. please help on this. kindly share any links or article on this
The MS Documentation for AMO is here
Add the AMO nuget packge to your Visual Studio project
Then, you can connect to your SSAS Server from your code and change the dimension attribute.
private static void UpdateAttribute()
var serverName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServerName"];
var databaseName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DatabaseName"];
var cubeName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CubeName"];
var dimensionName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DimensionName"];
var attributeName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AttributeName"];
var server = new Server();
var db = server.Databases.FindByName(databaseName);
var cube = db.Cubes.FindByName(cubeName);
var dim = db.Dimensions.FindByName(dimensionName);
var attribute = dim.Attributes.FindByName(attributeName);
var newAttributeName = $"{attribute.Name}_New";
attribute.Name = newAttributeName;
//this will update the dimension in the Server
The original attribute name was "Category" and now it is changed to "Category_New" in the Product dimension
As part of ML automation process I want to dynamically create new AutoML model. I'm using C# (.net framework) and Google.Cloud.AutoML.V1.
After trying to run CreateDataSet code:
var autoMlClient = AutoMlClient.Create();
var parent = LocationName.FromProjectLocation(_projectId, _locationId);
var dataset = new Google.Cloud.AutoML.V1.Dataset();
dataset.DisplayName = "NewDataSet";
var response = autoMlClient.CreateDataset(parent, dataset);
I get the following error:
Field: dataset.dataset_metadata; Message: Required field not set
According to this user manual I should set Dataset Metadata Type, but the list contains only specific types of classifications (Translation/ImageClassifications etc.), I can't find a simple classification type.
How do I create a simple classification data set with the API ? in the AutoML UI its just with a simple button click ("NEW DATASET") - and have to provide only name & region - no classification type.
I also tried to set:
dataset.TextClassificationDatasetMetadata =
new TextClassificationDatasetMetadata() { ClassificationType = ClassificationType.Multiclass };
But I was unable to import data to it (got too many errors of invalid inputs from the input CSV file), I guess its related to the reason that the input format is not suitable for Text Classification.
I've just notice that the Nuget works with AutoML v1 but v1 beta does contains TablesDatasetMetadata Dataset Metadata Type for normal classifications. I'm speechless.
I also experienced this scenario today while creating a dataset using the NodeJS client. Since the Google AutoML table service is in the beta level you need to use the beta version of the AutoML client. In the Google cloud documentation they have used the beta client to create a dataset.
In NodeJS importing the beta version require('#google-cloud/automl').v1beta1.AutoMlClient instead of importing the normal version (v1) require('#google-cloud/automl').v1 worked for me to successfully execute the create dataset functionality.
In C# you can achieve the same through a POST request. Hope this helps :)
After #RajithaWarusavitarana comment, and my last question update , below is the code that did the trick. The token is being generated by GoogleClientAPI nuget and AutoML is handled by REST.
string GcpGlobalEndPointUrl = "https://automl.googleapis.com";
string GcpGlobalLocation = "us-central1"; // api "parent" parameter
public string GetToken(string jsonFilePath)
var serviceAccountCredentialFileContents = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(jsonFilePath);
var credentialParameters = NewtonsoftJsonSerializer.Instance.Deserialize<JsonCredentialParameters>(serviceAccountCredentialFileContents);
var initializer = new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(credentialParameters.ClientEmail)
Scopes = new List<string> { "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform" }
var cred = new ServiceAccountCredential(initializer.FromPrivateKey(credentialParameters.PrivateKey));
string accessToken = cred.GetAccessTokenForRequestAsync("https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token").Result;
return accessToken;
public void GetDataSetList(string projectId, string token)
var restClient = new RestClient(GcpGlobalEndPointUrl);
var createDataSetReqUrl = $"v1beta1/projects/{projectId}/locations/{GcpGlobalLocation}/datasets";
var createDataSetReq = new RestRequest(createDataSetReqUrl, Method.GET);
createDataSetReq.AddHeader("Authorization", $"Bearer {token}");
var createDatasetResponse = restClient.Execute(createDataSetReq);
I took the token generation code from google-api-dotnet-client Test File
I'm trying to link a c# application to a sharepoint directory, so I can create folders, download and upload files. However I am strugling with connecting to the correct folder.
I can retrieve the content from allitems.aspx, but I am not sure how to actually get the content from folder.
I have tried using the ClientContext - something like this:
ClientContext cxt = new ClientContext("https://xx.sharepoint.com/sites/");
cxt.Credentials = GetCredentials();
List list = cxt.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Kontrakter");
var test = list.Views;
var test1 = cxt.Web.Lists;
var a = 4;
var fullUri = new Uri("https://xx.sharepoint.com/sites/yy/Kontrakter/AllItems.aspx");
//var folder = cxt.Web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(fullUri.AbsolutePath);
using (var rootCtx = new ClientContext(fullUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority)))
rootCtx.Credentials = GetCredentials();
Uri webUri = Web.WebUrlFromPageUrlDirect(rootCtx, fullUri);
using (var ctx1 = new ClientContext(webUri))
ctx1.Credentials = GetCredentials();
var list1 = ctx1.Web.GetList(fullUri.AbsolutePath);
or via normal api calls like this:
The only way I can find some data is if I look into 'Shared documents/Forms'
I'm having problems understanding the directory structure and how I can actually find the content of files/folders.
Thanks in advance :)
Turned out I was missing a /sites in one of my uris.
I've created the TableReference by providing project_id, dataset_id and the name of the table.
BigQueryClient cltBigQueryByDP = BigQueryClient.Create(_strProjectId, _gCredentials);
Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2.Data.TableReference reference = cltBigQueryByDP.GetTableReference("project_id", "dataset_id", "table_name");
Then, I created Schema.
TableSchema schema = new TableSchema() using TableFieldSchema.
BigQueryJob job = cltBigQueryByDP.CreateLoadJob("gs://bucket_name/File_name.txt", reference, schema, new CreateLoadJobOptions()
SourceFormat = FileFormat.Csv,
FieldDelimiter = "|",
CreateDisposition = CreateDisposition.CreateIfNeeded,
SkipLeadingRows = 0
There is no error generated so far however it shows job.Status.State = RUNNING all the time.
I've been struggling for few hours but no clue to find root cause.
Please help.
I have a SharePoint Online where I can connect through my console application successfully:
private static ClientContext GetUserContext()
var o365SecurePassword = new SecureString();
foreach (char c in o365Password)
var o365Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(o365Username, o365SecurePassword);
var o365Context = new ClientContext(o365SiteUrl);
o365Context.Credentials = o365Credentials;
return o365Context;
But what I need now to do is to go into my SharePoint Document Library named "doc_archive" and check if there exists a folder with name "K20170409-01".
If not create a new one.
Failed Attempt
ClientContext context = GetUserContext();
Web web = context.Web;
Web webroot = context.Site.RootWeb;
List list = webroot.GetList("doc_archive");
FolderCollection folders = list.RootFolder.Folders;
IEnumerable<Folder> existingFolders = context.LoadQuery(
folder => folder.Name)
What is the fastest ways to check and create a folder within a document library in SharePoint Online via CSOM (commandline application)?
If you are happy with using external libraries then the OfficeDevPnP.Core has some great CSOM extensions for SharePoint and SharePoint Online. It's readily available as a NuGet package to add to your projects.
For your requirment there is the EnsureFolderPath extension. This function will check if a folder exists, create it if needed and return the Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Folder object.
Very easy to use:
var webRelativeUrlToFolder = "/doc_archive/K20170409-01"
var folder = cc.Web.EnsureFolderPath(webRelativeUrlToFolder);
I can't vouch for how fast this would be, but it works in the end on 0365. Note that it throws a ServerException if the target already exists.
using (var ctx = new ClientContext(siteUrl))
ctx.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(username, securePwd);
var list = new ListCreationInformation()
Title = title
Description = "User Created Document Library",
TemplateType = asDocumentLibrary ? 101 : 100 // 100 is a custom list.
success = true;
Most CSOM examples are found in Powershell. The process in C# CSOM is actually the same, so next time find a Powershell example when a C# one is not available.
I have seen example of creating Accounts Entity records, Contacts entity records through C#, i wanted to know how do we create a service record in CRM through C#(.net) code.
Eg: We already have "Plumbing service" record in service entity view. So i wanted to create a new record in service entity through C# code (early or late binding doesn't matter).
Can someone help me on this with code.
Quite some XML is required when creating this Services from code. Additionally, before you can create a Service you will need to create a ResourceSpec and a ConstraintBasedGroup.
First create a ConstraintBasedGroup:
var bu = context.BusinessUnitSet.First().ToEntityReference();
var cbg = new ConstraintBasedGroup
BusinessUnitId = bu,
Name = "CBG1",
Constraints = "<Constraints><Constraint><Expression><Body>false</Body><Parameters><Parameter name=\"resource\"/></Parameters></Expression></Constraint></Constraints>"
var cbgId = OrganizationService.Create(cbg);
Then create a ResourceSpec:
var resSpec = new ResourceSpec
BusinessUnitId = bu,
Name = "RS1",
RequiredCount = 1,
ObjectiveExpression = "<Expression><Body>udf\"Random\"(factory,resource,appointment,request,leftoffset,rightoffset)</Body><Parameters><Parameter name=\"factory\"/><Parameter name=\"resource\"/><Parameter name=\"appointment\"/><Parameter name=\"request\"/><Parameter name=\"leftoffset\"/><Parameter name=\"rightoffset\"/></Parameters><Properties EvaluationInterval=\"P0D\" evaluationcost=\"0\"/></Expression>",
GroupObjectId = cbgId
var resSpecId = OrganizationService.Create(resSpec);
And finally, you can create your Service:
var svc = new Service
Name = "Service1",
Granularity = "FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=15",
ResourceSpecId = new EntityReference(ResourceSpec.EntityLogicalName, resSpecId),
InitialStatusCode = new OptionSetValue(0),
Duration = 15
I would suggest you create similar things using the UI of CRM in case you are wondering about the specific formats of the XML you require. The XML I used in my examples is pretty much the default XML CRM generates.