create a new record in service entity - c#

I have seen example of creating Accounts Entity records, Contacts entity records through C#, i wanted to know how do we create a service record in CRM through C#(.net) code.
Eg: We already have "Plumbing service" record in service entity view. So i wanted to create a new record in service entity through C# code (early or late binding doesn't matter).
Can someone help me on this with code.

Quite some XML is required when creating this Services from code. Additionally, before you can create a Service you will need to create a ResourceSpec and a ConstraintBasedGroup.
First create a ConstraintBasedGroup:
var bu = context.BusinessUnitSet.First().ToEntityReference();
var cbg = new ConstraintBasedGroup
BusinessUnitId = bu,
Name = "CBG1",
Constraints = "<Constraints><Constraint><Expression><Body>false</Body><Parameters><Parameter name=\"resource\"/></Parameters></Expression></Constraint></Constraints>"
var cbgId = OrganizationService.Create(cbg);
Then create a ResourceSpec:
var resSpec = new ResourceSpec
BusinessUnitId = bu,
Name = "RS1",
RequiredCount = 1,
ObjectiveExpression = "<Expression><Body>udf\"Random\"(factory,resource,appointment,request,leftoffset,rightoffset)</Body><Parameters><Parameter name=\"factory\"/><Parameter name=\"resource\"/><Parameter name=\"appointment\"/><Parameter name=\"request\"/><Parameter name=\"leftoffset\"/><Parameter name=\"rightoffset\"/></Parameters><Properties EvaluationInterval=\"P0D\" evaluationcost=\"0\"/></Expression>",
GroupObjectId = cbgId
var resSpecId = OrganizationService.Create(resSpec);
And finally, you can create your Service:
var svc = new Service
Name = "Service1",
Granularity = "FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=15",
ResourceSpecId = new EntityReference(ResourceSpec.EntityLogicalName, resSpecId),
InitialStatusCode = new OptionSetValue(0),
Duration = 15
I would suggest you create similar things using the UI of CRM in case you are wondering about the specific formats of the XML you require. The XML I used in my examples is pretty much the default XML CRM generates.


Stripe; how to get subscriptionId when creating a customer with a new subscription

I'm creating a new customer and adding them to a subscription in one call like so:
var customerService = new CustomerService();
var myCustomer = new CustomerCreateOptions
Email = stripeEmail,
Source = stripeToken,
Plan = StripeData.MonthlySubscriptionPlanId
Customer stripeCustomer = customerService.Create(myCustomer);
Then I used to be able to do this:
myLocalUser.StripeCustomerId = stripeCustomer.Id;
myLocalUser.StripeSubscriptionId = stripeCustomer.Subscriptions.Data[0]?.Id;
But now the API isn't returning the customer's subscriptions so the second line fails
I'm now having to call the API again with this ugly code to get the customer's subscriptionId:
if (stripeCustomer.Subscriptions != null)
user.StripeSubscriptionId = stripeCustomer.Subscriptions.Data[0]?.Id;
//get subscriptionId
var cust = customerService.Get(stripeCustomer.Id, new CustomerGetOptions
Expand = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string> { "subscriptions" }
if (cust.Subscriptions.Any())
stripeSubscriptionId = cust.Subscriptions.First().Id;
CustomerService.Create() doesn't have the same Expand parameter option that the Get() method does...
This is expected, as subscriptions are no longer included by default on a customer object unless you expand them since API version 2020-08-27.
Creating a customer with a source and plan is still possible (although not the recommended integration path anymore since you might run into problems with 3DS and tax rates), although since you are on a newer API version you won't get the subscriptions list back. If you can you should update to creating subscriptions via their own API.
If you however still want to use this old integration path, you can still get the subscriptions back in the customer create call, you just need to expand the subscriptions on creation:
var customerService = new CustomerService();
var myCustomer = new CustomerCreateOptions
Email = stripeEmail,
Source = stripeToken,
Plan = StripeData.MonthlySubscriptionPlanId
Customer stripeCustomer = customerService.Create(myCustomer);

How to create a direct charge by using a shared customer?

I am attempting to create a direct charge to a connected account from my platform. I have been advised by Stripe support to do this by using a shared customer, however that has just created more issues.
The code itself is very simple, if it worked. It updates the platform customer with the src_... token provided by an iOS app. This works. It then attempts to create a shared customer using the StripeTokenService(). This does not work, despite following the documentation to the letter. The error I receive is:
You provided a customer without specifying a source. The default source of the customer is a source and cannot be shared from existing customers.
I can see no method of providing a source to the shared customer in the Stripe .Net SDK. All I can provide is a Card or BankAccount, neither of which I want to do as the API should remain agnostic of sensitive user information.
What exactly am I doing wrong here?
var businessRequestOptions = new StripeRequestOptions { StripeConnectAccountId = businessOwner.StripeAccountId };
var customerService = new StripeCustomerService();
customerService.Update(userDetail.StripeCustomerId, new StripeCustomerUpdateOptions
SourceToken = stripeToken // = 'src_...'
var tokenService = new StripeTokenService();
// this is the call that generates the error I mentioned above \/ \/
var token = tokenService.Create(new StripeTokenCreateOptions
CustomerId = userDetail.StripeCustomerId // = 'cus_...'
}, businessRequestOptions);
// create a direct charge to the business account (taking out application fee)
var chargeService = new StripeChargeService();
var stripeCharge = chargeService.Create(new StripeChargeCreateOptions
Amount = Convert.ToInt32(fee),
Currency = currency,
Description = $"Payment to {businessOwner.BusinessName} through Service X",
ApplicationFee = applicationFee,
SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId = token.Id, // use shared customerId here
}, businessRequestOptions);
When using Sources you have to use a different approach which is documented here:
The idea is that you are going to "clone" the Source from the platform to the connected account. This is done using the original_source when creating a new Source. You will then get a new Source object with a different id src_XXXX that you can then charge directly on the connected account.

How do I find a customer's files using SuiteTalk?

I am attempting to create a .NET program that calls the NetSuite web services to return a list of files associated to a customer.
I have set the ShopperJoin to the customer I've searched for, but the web call still returns all files in the File Cabinet.
FileSearch file = new FileSearch();
CustomerSearchBasic custBasic = new CustomerSearchBasic();
custBasic.entityId= new SearchStringField();
custBasic.entityId.#operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.contains ;
custBasic.entityId.operatorSpecified = true;
file.shopperJoin = custBasic;
file.basic = new FileSearchBasic();custBasic.entityId.searchValue = "ID";
SearchResult result =;
I am using the 2015 SuiteTalk wsdl
Have you checked if the customer id and the folder id are the same? (just a hunch)
After contacting NetSuite support, I learned that I had taken the wrong approach.
Files can be filtered based on customer via a customer search.
I was able to create a CustomerSearchAdvanced request that retrieves associated files.
When you create that, you add the columns you want to the FileJoin object in the request, and it will find the files based on whatever customer criteria you set up.
CustomerSearchAdvanced attachSearch = new CustomerSearchAdvanced();
SearchColumnStringField[] stringcols = new SearchColumnStringField[1];
stringcols[0] = new SearchColumnStringField();
SearchColumnStringField[] stringcols = new SearchColumnStringField[1];
stringcols[0] = new SearchColumnStringField();
attachSearch.columns = new CustomerSearchRow();
attachSearch.columns.fileJoin = new FileSearchRowBasic();
attachSearch.columns.fileJoin.internalId = selcols;
attachSearch.columns.fileJoin.description = stringcols; = stringcols;

Silverlight -CRM2011 : The Currency Cannot Be null

I use Silverlight o-data services to interact with crm 2011 from my application
When I try to save the data in the entity SalesOrder as follows:
Private void beginSave()
SalesOrder orderHeader = new SalesOrder();
orderHeader.TransactionCurrencyId = new EntityReference(){ Id = new Guid("77D695B5-ACB4-E111-97BC-00155D55B216"), LogicalName="transactioncurrency" };
orderHeader.AccountId = new EntityReference() { Id = new Guid(MyClassGeneralOrder.customerId), LogicalName = "account" };
orderHeader.Name = "My Name";
Money totalAmount = new Money(); Money totalAmountBase = new Money();
Money totalTaxe = new Money(); Money totalAmountLessFreight = new Money();
totalAmount.Value = (decimal)MyClassGeneralOrder.InvoiceTotal;
totalAmountBase.Value = (decimal)MyClassGeneralOrder.totalRetail;
totalTaxe.Value = (decimal)MyClassGeneralOrder.totalCharges;
totalAmountLessFreight.Value = (decimal)MyClassGeneralOrder.totalNet;
orderHeader.TotalAmount = totalAmount;
orderHeader.TotalAmount_Base = totalAmountBase;
orderHeader.TotalTax = totalTaxe;
orderHeader.TotalAmountLessFreight = totalAmountLessFreight;
orderHeader.Description = element.Name;
orderHeader.PriceLevelId = new EntityReference() { Id = new Guid("03C5C4CB-EBD0-E111-8140-00155D55B216"), LogicalName="pricelevel" };
_context.BeginSaveChanges(SaveCallback, orderHeader);
private void SaveCallback(IAsyncResult result)
In my function EndSaveChanges (result), I receive this error message : : « The Currency Cannot Be null ».
I don't understand why, because my "orderHeader.TransactionCurrencyId" field is not null.
I assuming that all of your other Currency fields are populated?
Any chance you have another plugin that is firing as a result of yours that is throwing the exception. That always seems to bite me. Try disabling all other plugins except for the one you're working on...
If you're still having issues, turn on crm server side tracing. You'll get much better error information. Use the CRM diagnostic tool to turn on trace logging:
Mostly your Guid is wrong and it's resulting in null. Make sure it's the correct GUID you are using or not. Run an advanced find against the entity and find the correct GUID. It's not a good idea to hard code the GUID. If you deploy your solutions to some other org it won't work.

linq to sql one-one relationship C#

It is necessary that after the creation of records in the table "Clients" took up ID. Later ID used to create a new entry in the "Clients_details".
var user = GetUsers();
var userdet = GetclientsDetails();
string hashedpass = getMd5Hash(UIPassword.Text);
var newreg = new Clients
login = UILogin.Text,
password = hashedpass,
subscribeid = Convert.ToInt32(UIId.Text)
var details = new Clients_details
city = UICity.Text,
first_name = UIFirst_name.Text,
last_name = UIFamiliya.Text,
name = UIName.Text,
Clients = newreg
After this code fails:
"An attempt was made to perform an operation Attach or Add in relation to an object that is not new, and possibly loaded from another DataContext. This operation is not supported."
How to properly create a record that does not appear a mistake? Thank you!
private static Table<Clients> GetUsers()
var dce = new BaseDBMLDataContext();
return dce.Clients;
private static Table<Clients_details> GetclientsDetails()
var dce = new BaseDBMLDataContext();
return dce.Clients_details;
Looks like userdet.Context and user.Context was built using a different dataContext and that needs to be created using the same dataContext rather than instantiating a new one.
I think you need to only call the SubmitChanges only once in the end, and also you need to make sure the user and userdet you are using share the same context
As the error clearly states, you're using different contexts (user and userdet) for each entity to add. You should have one DataContext and use that one to add the entities.
Yes looks like you're using two different instances of the same context:
A good approach to build up your entities should be something like :
//Create your client details entity
var details = new Clients_details
city = UICity.Text,
first_name = UIFirst_name.Text,
last_name = UIFamiliya.Text,
name = UIName.Text
//Create your client entity
var newreg = new Clients
login = UILogin.Text,
password = hashedpass,
subscribeid = Convert.ToInt32(UIId.Text),
//Assigning the details entity (FK) to the client
ClientDetails = details
//Saving both the client and its details
