I have a unit test that is basically testing the behaviour of EF Core. The class I am trying to test looks like this:
namespace MusicPortal.Repository.Repository
public class ArtistRepository : IArtistRepository
private readonly MusicPortalDbContext _context;
public ArtistRepository(MusicPortalDbContext context)
_context = context;
public async Task<MusicPortalDatabaseResponse<bool>> AddNewArtist(Artist artist)
await _context.Artists.AddAsync(new Artist
ArtistType = ArtistTypes.Band,
City = artist.City,
Country = artist.Country,
Genre = artist.Genre,
Name = artist.Name,
ProfileImageUrl = artist.ProfileImageUrl
return new MusicPortalDatabaseResponse<bool>
HasError = false,
Exception = null,
Response = true
catch (Exception e)
return new MusicPortalDatabaseResponse<bool>
HasError = true,
Exception = e,
Response = false
And I have the following Unit Test for it using Moq
namespace MusicPortal.Tests.Repository.ArtistRepository.AddNewArtist
public class GivenAddingANewArtistToADatabaseFails
private Mock<DbSet<Artist>> _mockArtistDbSet;
private Mock<MusicPortalDbContext> _mockContext;
private IArtistRepository _artistRepository;
private MusicPortalDatabaseResponse<bool> _addArtistToDbResponse;
public async Task Setup()
_mockArtistDbSet = new Mock<DbSet<Artist>>();
_mockContext = new Mock<MusicPortalDbContext>();
.Setup(x => x.AddAsync(It.IsAny<Artist>(), It.IsAny<CancellationToken>()))
.Callback((Artist artist, CancellationToken token) => { })
.Setup(x => x.SaveChanges())
.Throws(new Exception("Cannot save new Artist to Database"));
_artistRepository = new MusicPortal.Repository.Repository.ArtistRepository(_mockContext.Object);
_addArtistToDbResponse = await _artistRepository.AddNewArtist(It.IsAny<Artist>());
public void ThenANegativeResultIsReturned() // pass
public void ThenTheArtistContextAddMethodIsCalledOnce() //fail
_mockArtistDbSet.Verify(x => x.AddAsync(It.IsAny<Artist>(), It.IsAny<CancellationToken>()), Times.Once);
public void ThenTheArtistsContextSaveMethodIsNeverCalled() //pass
_mockContext.Verify(x => x.SaveChanges(), Times.Never);
The first and last assertion pass but ThenTheArtistContextAddMethodIsCalledOnce() fails due to the following error:
Moq.MockException :
Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: x => x.AddAsync(It.IsAny(), It.IsAny())
Performed invocations:
Mock:1> (x):
No invocations performed.
at Moq.Mock.Verify(Mock mock, LambdaExpression expression, Times times, String failMessage)
at Moq.Mock1.Verify[TResult](Expression1 expression, Func`1 times)
at MusicPortal.Tests.Repository.ArtistRepository.AddNewArtist.GivenAddingANewArtistToADatabaseFails.ThenTheArtistContextAddMethodIsCalledOnce() in MusicPortal.Tests\Repository\ArtistRepository\AddNewArtist\GivenAddingANewArtistToADatabaseFails.cs:line 53
I'm understanding that the problem code is c#
.Setup(x => x.AddAsync(It.IsAny<Artist>(), It.IsAny<CancellationToken>()))
.Callback((Artist artist, CancellationToken token) => { })
And I know the problem is most likely due to async issue but I don't know why, or what the actual problem is. Any advice, solutions?
You declare and setup _mockArtistDbSet, but you don't use/attach it to the _mockContext. I think you need to add something like:
_mockContext.Setup(m => m.Artist).Returns(_mockArtistDbSet.Object);
So it looks like EF Core is not so easily tested with async tasks such as SaveChangesAsync and AddAsync. In the end, I followed the MS guide for testing EF core and created a mock context. The only downside being I can only test happy path. Although error paths are tested by the service which consumes the repository, I was hoping for more test coverage on the repository layer.
Anyway, here's the spec
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using MusicPortal.Core.Context;
using MusicPortal.Core.Repository;
using MusicPortal.Tests.Repository.ArtistRepository.TestHelpers;
using MusicPortal.Tests.Repository.ArtistRepository.TestHelpers.MockDB;
using NUnit.Framework;
using MockArtistRepository = MusicPortal.Repository.Repository.ArtistRepository;
namespace MusicPortal.Tests.Repository.ArtistRepository.AddNewArtist
public class GivenANewArtistToInsertIntoTheDb
private DbContextOptions<MusicPortalDbContext> _options;
private MusicPortalDatabaseResponse<bool> _mockResponse;
public async Task Setup()
_options = new MockDbFactory("MusicPortalDB").Options;
using (var context = new MusicPortalDbContext(_options))
var artistRepository = new MockArtistRepository(context);
_mockResponse = await artistRepository.AddNewArtist(MockRepositoryData.Artist);
public void AndThenAPositiveResultIsReturned()
public void ThenTheArtistShouldBeSavedWithNoProblem()
using (var context = new MusicPortalDbContext(_options))
Assert.AreEqual(1, context.Artists.Count());
and the Mock Database:
using System;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using MusicPortal.Core.Context;
using MusicPortal.Core.DBModels;
namespace MusicPortal.Tests.Repository.ArtistRepository.TestHelpers.MockDB
public sealed class MockDbFactory
public DbContextOptions<MusicPortalDbContext> Options { get; }
public MockDbFactory(string dbName)
Options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MusicPortalDbContext>()
public void AddArtistsToContext()
using (var context = new MusicPortalDbContext(Options))
context.Artists.Add(new Artist
City = "Orange County",
Country = "USA",
Events = null,
Genre = "Pop Punk",
Id = Guid.Parse("8a07504b-8152-4d8b-8e21-74bf64322ebc"),
Merchandise = null,
Name = "A Day To Remember",
ArtistType = "Band",
ProfileImageUrl = "https://placehold.it/30x30"
I hope this helps anyone looking at the same issue. The lesson learned is don't use Async unless you absolutely have to.
I use ApiFactory for integration tests and mock DB. I took this code from the xUnit tests manual and use it in another project, where it work good.
public class ApiFactory: WebApplicationFactory<Program>
protected override IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder()
return builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
services.AddDbContext<DatabaseContext>(options =>
[Trait("Category", "Unit")]
public class UserTests : IClassFixture<ApiFactory>
private readonly WebApplicationFactory<Program> _factory;
public UserTests(ApiFactory factory)
_factory = factory;
public void Test1()
using (var scope = _factory.Services.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope())
using var db = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<DatabaseContext>();
db.UserEntity.Add(New UserEntity(){Name = "Test"});
var result = _factory.CreateClient().GetAsync("api/v1/user");
var user = await result.ReadResponceContentAsync<UserEntity>();
Assert.Equal("Test", user.Name);
In this line
using (var scope = _factory.Services.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope())
not creating ApiFactory, but filling db.
In this line
var user = await result.ReadResponceContentAsync<UserEntity>();
creating ApiFactory and invoke api, but db in service empty and test is fail.
I am trying to test a method with the name GetAll in a xUnit-Project of the class AuhtorRepository.
public class AuthorRepository : IAuthorRepository
private readonly ISqlDb _db;
public string Connection { get; set; }
public AuthorRepository(ISqlDb db)
_db = db;
public async Task<List<AuthorModel>> GetAll()
string sql = "SELECT * FROM Author";
List<AuthorModel> authors = await _db.LoadDataAsync<AuthorModel, dynamic>(sql, new { }, Connection);
return authors;
In this method is the LoadDataAsync method used which I will mock in my test.
The structure of the interface looks like this.
public interface ISqlDb
Task<List<T>> LoadDataAsync<T, U>(string sql, U parameters, string connection);
Finally the implementation of the test my xUnit-Project.
using Autofac.Extras.Moq;
using DataAccess.Library;
using Moq;
using Repository.Library.Models;
using Repository.Library.Repositories;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xunit;
namespace RespositoryTests
public partial class AuhtorRepositoryTests
public async Task GetAll_ShouldWorkd()
using (var autoMock = AutoMock.GetLoose())
.Setup(x => x.LoadDataAsync<AuthorModel, dynamic>("SELECT * FROM Author", new { }, " "))
var cls = autoMock.Create<AuthorRepository>();
cls.Connection = " ";
var expected = GetSamples();
var acutal = await cls.GetAll();
Assert.Equal(expected.Count, acutal.Count);
private List<AuthorModel> GetSamples()
var authors = new List<AuthorModel>();
authors.Add(new AuthorModel { Id = 1, FirstName = "first name", LastName = "lastname" });
authors.Add(new AuthorModel { Id = 3, FirstName = "Angela", LastName = "Merkel" });
return authors;
The sturcture of the project looks like this:
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/F4TPT.png
The test fails with the following statement:
Message: System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
So I expected the test should pass.
What I tried out so far:
-> I wrote a similar project with the same code, the only difference there is the project structure. Every interface and class was in the same Test-Project and the test passed.
Whereas in my BookApp Solution the ISqlDb is suited in the DataAccess.Library Project.
So it looks like that in the mocking the ReturnAsync method is not returning the values
from my GetSamples.
Please bear in mind that
a) This is my first post on stackoverflow and
b) I try to make my first steps in mocking ...
tried out:
//var cls = autoMock.Create<AuthorRepository>();
//cls.Connection = "";
var cls = new AuthorRepository(autoMock.Create<ISqlDb>());
cls.Connection = "";
var expected = GetSamples();
var acutal = await cls.GetAll();
Assert.Equal(expected.Count, acutal.Count);
The mock is returning null by default because the invocation of the mocked member does not match what was setup. Reference Moq Quickstart to get a better under standing of how to use MOQ.
You need to use argument matchers here because the anonymous new { } used in setup wont match the reference of the one actually used when exercising the test
.Setup(x => x.LoadDataAsync<AuthorModel, dynamic>("SELECT * FROM Author", It.IsAny<object>(), It.IsAny<string>()))
Note the use of It.IsAny<object>() to allow whatever you pass in to be allowed.
With the above change, the test passed as expected.
This is my repository method:
public async Task<IList<IVehicleMake>> GetAllMakes()
var makes = Context.VehicleMakes.AsQueryable();
return new List<IVehicleMake>(AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<List<VehicleMake>>(await makes.ToListAsync()));
I know how to mock the method that returns a concrete type, but as you can see, this method returns a list of Interfaces "IVehicleMake".
Is it possible to mock this kind of method and how?
You can simply use a mocking framework such as Moq. It is not so different than mocking a simple interface.
Here is a sample code using MS Test and Moq
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Moq;
namespace UnitTestProject1
public class Vehicle{}
public interface IVehicleMake
Vehicle Make();
public interface IVehicleMakeRepository
Task<IList<IVehicleMake>> GetAllMakes();
public class MyService
private readonly IVehicleMakeRepository vehicleMakeRepository;
public MyService(IVehicleMakeRepository vehicleMakeRepository)
this.vehicleMakeRepository = vehicleMakeRepository;
public async Task DoSomething()
var makes = await vehicleMakeRepository.GetAllMakes();
foreach (var make in makes)
var vehicule = make.Make();
public class MyServiceTest
public class DoSomething
public async Task Should_CallAllMakersOnce()
var mockedMakers = new[] { new Mock<IVehicleMake>(), new Mock<IVehicleMake>(), };
foreach (var mockedMaker in mockedMakers)
mockedMaker.Setup(m => m.Make()).Returns(new Vehicle()).Verifiable();
var mockedRepository = new Mock<IVehicleMakeRepository>();
.Setup(m => m.GetAllMakes())
.ReturnsAsync(mockedMakers.Select(mm => mm.Object).ToList())
var service = new MyService(mockedRepository.Object);
await service.DoSomething();
mockedRepository.Verify(m => m.GetAllMakes(), Times.Once);
foreach (var mockedMaker in mockedMakers)
mockedMaker.Verify(m => m.Make(), Times.Once);
I have implemented generic repository in my project. Now I am writing test cases for my consumer. I am trying to mock database function through Moq but I am getting values from database rather than the one I faked through Moq. Below I am sharing my implementation. Hoping someone will help me in pointing out the mistake I made.
My interface:
public interface IEventsRepository<T> : IRepository<T> {
T GetEventsByEventId(int eventId); }
My class:
public class EventsTableRepository : EFDBRepository<EventsModel>, IEventsRepository<EventsModel> {
public EventsModel GetEventsByEventId(int eventId)
return _dbSet.Where(x => x.EventID == eventId).FirstOrDefault();
My Consumer:
public static Response<string> EventsAccept(EventsAlertsRequest logMsgId)
IEventsRepository<EventsModel> eventsRepo = (IEventsRepository<EventsModel>)RepositoryLocator.GetRepositoryObject(STMEnums.RepositoryName.EventsTableRepository.ToString());
EventsModel eventmodel = new EventsModel();
eventmodel = eventsRepo.GetEventsByEventId(eachlogMsgId);
return EventStatusChangeResponse;
Test Method:
public void EventsAcceptSuccessTest()
EventsModel eventmodel = new EventsModel();
eventmodel.Message = "TEST";
Mock<IEventsRepository<EventsModel>> obj = new Mock<IEventsRepository<EventsModel>>();
obj.Setup(m => m.GetEventsByEventId(Moq.It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(eventmodel);
EventStatusChangeResponse = Diagnostics_.EventsAccept(logMsgId);
Assert.AreEqual(eventmodel.Status, EventStatus.ACCEPTED);
No where in the provided example is the mock being injected into the subject under test. Also it looks like the subject method under test is using static Service Locator anti-pattern to get the desired model. Making an assumption here as the rest of the class is not shown in relation to that variable.
The locator would need to have been an injected abstraction to allow an opportunity to mock its expected behavior
public class Consumer {
private IRepositoryLocator RepositoryLocator;
public Consumer(IRepositoryLocator RepositoryLocator) {
this.RepositoryLocator = RepositoryLocator;
public Response<string> EventsAccept(EventsAlertsRequest logMsgId) {
IEventsRepository<EventsModel> eventsRepo = (IEventsRepository<EventsModel>)RepositoryLocator.GetRepositoryObject(STMEnums.RepositoryName.EventsTableRepository.ToString());
EventsModel eventmodel = new EventsModel();
eventmodel = eventsRepo.GetEventsByEventId(eachlogMsgId);
return EventStatusChangeResponse;
This would then mean that the locator would also have to be mocked properly for the test to be exercised to completion.
public void EventsAcceptSuccessTest() {
var eventmodel = new EventsModel() {
Message = "TEST"
var repositoryMock = new Mock<IEventsRepository<EventsModel>>();
.Setup(_ => _.GetEventsByEventId(It.IsAny<int>()))
.Callback((int id) => {
eventmodel.EventID = id;
eventmodel.Status = EventStatus.ACCEPTED;
var locatorMock = new Mock<IRepositoryLocator>();
locatorMock.Setup(_ => _.GetRepositoryObject(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(repositoryMock.Object);
var subject = new Consumer(locatorMock.Object);
var response = subject.EventsAccept(logMsgId);
Assert.AreEqual(eventmodel.Status, EventStatus.ACCEPTED);
Here's my entire code. I think the test should pass, but it fails. I've (unsuccessfully) tried using some of the overloads to Consumer.
using MassTransit;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MassTransitTests
public class Message
public class MessageConsumer : IConsumer<Message>
public static int ConsumedCount
private set;
public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<Message> context)
return Task.FromResult(0);
public class MassTransitTest
public async Task BasicTestAsync()
// Arrange
var control = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingInMemory(configure =>
configure.ReceiveEndpoint("myQueue", endpoint =>
// Act
using (var handle = control.Start())
await control.Publish(new Message());
await control.Publish(new Message());
// Assert
Assert.That(MessageConsumer.ConsumedCount, Is.EqualTo(2));
Their documentation shows this, which is what I'm doing:
var busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingInMemory(cfg =>
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint("queue_name", ep =>
//configure the endpoint
What am I doing wrong/what I do need to change in my Arrange/Act to get my Assert to work?
After digging through their tests, I found what I was missing:
[1] You need* to await BusHandle.Ready, which I wasn't doing. *(The test works without this - at least the first time I ran it, but that may just be a race condition working in my favor....)
[2] The calls to Publish apparently complete whenever the bus has received the message I'm guessing - not when the handlers/consumers of the message have completed their work. Therefore you need to notify the calling code that the handlers have finished if that's what you're testing. Here's one way to do this - use TaskCompletionSource<T> (similar to what I found in their codebase). Obviously I may not have been perfect in my thread-safety and my lock usage is a bit sledge-hammer-esque, but this illustrates the point:
using MassTransit;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MassTransitTests
public class Message
public class MessageConsumer : IConsumer<Message>
public static int TargetConsumedCount
get { return _targetConsumedCount; }
lock (_lock)
_targetConsumedCount = value;
private static void CheckTargetReached()
if (_consumedCount >= TargetConsumedCount)
public static Task<bool> TargetReached { get; private set; }
private static int _consumedCount;
private static int _targetConsumedCount;
private static TaskCompletionSource<bool> _targetReached;
private static object _lock;
static MessageConsumer()
_lock = new object();
_targetReached = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
TargetReached = _targetReached.Task;
public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<Message> context)
lock (_lock)
return Task.FromResult(0);
public class MassTransitTest
public async Task BasicTestAsync()
// Arrange
var control = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingInMemory(configure =>
configure.ReceiveEndpoint("myQueue", endpoint =>
using (var handle = control.Start())
await handle.Ready; // [1]
// Act
await control.Publish(new Message());
await control.Publish(new Message());
// Assert
MessageConsumer.TargetConsumedCount = 2;
await MessageConsumer.TargetReached; // [2]