I want to interact with OneDrive in my WinForms application. Sadly, the Azure quick start samples do not include WinForms, just UWD.
The flow on what I have to do is consistent, namely given my Client ID, I have to obtain an Authentication Code. Given the authentication code, I can then obtain an Access Code, which will allow me to interact in a RESTful way with the OneDrive API. My plan is to have the authentication piece go in a .Net Framework Library and the file IO calls will go in another library that has no user interface access, as it will go in a Windows Service. I would pass the Access Token to the service.
AADSTS50059: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.
This error corresponds to the following code fragment that I lifted from the sample .Net Core daemon quick start code.
Note: I was playing around with Scopes as I kept receiving scope errors and I saw one article, whose link I should have kept, which stated to use the API and default scope.
public bool GetRestAuthenticationToken(out string tokenAuthentication)
tokenAuthentication = null;
IConfidentialClientApplication app;
app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(Authenticate.AppClientId)
.WithAuthority(new Uri(#"https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient"))
string scope = $"onedrive.readwrite offline_access";
System.Collections.Generic.List<string> enumScopes = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
var result = Task.Run(async () => await app.AcquireTokenForClient(enumScopes).ExecuteAsync()).Result;
I believe that I have my application configured properly now on Azure, but am not 100% positive.
API Permissions:
Desktop Applications: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient
Desktop Applications: https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf
Implicit Grants: Access tokens & ID tokens
Live SDK support (Yes)
Default client type (Yes)
I do have a client secret and kept note of all the Overview GUIDs
Microsoft Doc 1
I tried several different URLs, but only the one not commented out works with the fragment above, but throws the referenced error.
//string redirect_uri = #"https://www.myapp.com/auth";
//string redirect_uri = "https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf";
string url = #"https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient";
//string url = $"https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf?client_id={appClientId}&scope={scope}&response_type=code&redirect_uri={redirect_uri}";
//string url = $"https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?" +
// $"client_id={Authenticate.AppClientId}&" +
// $"scope={scope}&" +
// $"response_type=token&" +
// $"redirect_uri={redirect_uri}";
The goal is the same, namely to obtain an access token that I can use with RESTful calls to work with files and/or directories on OneDrive, e.g.
System.Net.Http.HttpClient client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();
You are trying to implement Client credentials grant type to get the access token.
Based on MSAL initialization, Authority is
(Optional) The STS endpoint for user to authenticate. Usually
https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant} for public cloud, where
{tenant} is the name of your tenant or your tenant Id.
We assume that your tenant is "myTenent.onmicrosoft.com", then you should set it as https://login.microsoftonline.com/myTenent.onmicrosoft.com here.
I notice that you specify a scope "onedrive.readwrite" in your code. But it's not a valid permission of Microsoft Graph. The default scope of Microsoft Graph is https://graph.microsoft.com/.default.
Development Information: Azure Registered Mobile Application, Azure hosted API, Visual Studio 2019, mobile application is built in Xamarin Forms targeting .Net-5 and API is built in Asp.Net targeting .Net-5.
Desired Workflow: User does Authorization code flow authentication interactive if AcquireTokenSilently fails, utilizes MS Authenticator. Once authenticated, the user gets an access token for Graph and for the custom hosted API.
What is working: I can do the MFA authentication piece using the MSAL library and an access token is received in the mobile application, but the token is only good for making calls to Graph. I need to be able to call the protected resource (hosted API) as well. My thoughts originally was that the JWT access token would work with the hosted API as well as Graph, but after reading more, I have read that you have to acquire two separate tokens as to prevent issues where two resources may have the same scope(s).
The problem I am facing is that I thought upon Authenticating there would be an easy way to get another resources access token without having to authenticate a second time. Isn't that the point of the OpenID authentication?? My last thought was to do an implicit authentication from the mobile app to the protected API using a client id, client secret, but I don't want to store a client secret in the mobile app for fear it may expose something sensitive to a user. I tried following the documentation of Microsoft and set up specific scopes for the hosted API and registered it in the Azure portal, but this didn't seem to have any affect on the authentication piece. I still have to authenticate against the API which isn't the desired result.
Is it possible to authenticate once for Graph and then knowing that the user authenticated correctly as they now have a valid token for Graph then somehow call this protected API without having to force them to do authentication again for the protected API and if so, how to do this without exposing any sensitive information (client secret) in the mobile application?
// Microsoft Authentication client for native/mobile apps
public static IPublicClientApplication PCA;
//Setting up the PublicClientApplicationBuilder
//OAuthSettings is a static class with required values (app id, tenant id, etc)
var builder = PublicClientApplicationBuilder
PCA = builder.Build();
//Scopes being used in initial authentication
//I tried adding to this with a custom scope, I added on the
//protected api and it caused an exception, so I didn't think
//I could use those together with the scopes for Graph
//Custom scope for the protected API is as follows:
//XXX.User.Common (where XXX is our company name)
public const string Scopes = "User.Read MailboxSettings.Read Calendars.ReadWrite";
var accounts = await PCA.GetAccountsAsync();
var silentAuthResult = await PCA
.AcquireTokenSilent(Scopes.Split(' '), accounts.FirstOrDefault())
catch (MsalUiRequiredException msalEx)
var windowLocatorService = DependencyService.Get<IParentWindowLocatorService>();
// Prompt the user to sign-in
var interactiveRequest = PCA.AcquireTokenInteractive(Scopes);
AuthUIParent = windowLocatorService?.GetCurrentParentWindow();
if (AuthUIParent != null)
interactiveRequest = interactiveRequest
var interactiveAuthResult = await interactiveRequest.ExecuteAsync();
var accounts = await PCA.GetAccountsAsync();
//at this point, I have a valid Graph token, but I need to
//get a valid token for the protected API,
//unsure of how to do this last piece
Much of this answer is thanks to Gaurav Mantri but he was too modest to accept credit, and he asked me to post an answer.
First thing I needed to change was the flow of the authentication.
Authenticate the user against the protected API, then get the Graph token, as the Graph authentication works well with the AcquireTokenSilent(IEnumerable<string> scopes, IAccount account) method of MSAL library. I was doing this backwards by authenticating against Graph then trying to get the protected API token.
So, the code for authenticating then looks like the following:
public async Task SignIn()
//check for any accounts which are authenticated
var accounts = await PCA.GetAccountsAsync();
//try to Authenticate against the protected API silently
var silentAuthResult = await PCA
.AcquireTokenSilent(new string[] { "api://{your api client id}/.default" }, accounts.FirstOrDefault())
catch (MsalUiRequiredException msalEx)
// This exception is thrown when an interactive sign-in is required.
var windowLocatorService = DependencyService.Get<IParentWindowLocatorService>();
// Prompt the user to sign-in
var interactiveRequest = PCA.AcquireTokenInteractive(new string[] { "api://{your api client id}/.default" });
AuthUIParent = windowLocatorService?.GetCurrentParentWindow();
if (AuthUIParent != null)
interactiveRequest = interactiveRequest
var interactiveAuthResult = await interactiveRequest.ExecuteAsync();
var accounts = await PCA.GetAccountsAsync();
//Now we can get the Graph token silently
//We now have valid tokens for both Graph and our protected API
var graphtokenresult = await PCA.AcquireTokenSilent(Scopes, accounts.First()).ExecuteAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
In the Azure portal there were a few things I needed to ensure were set in the configurations.
Make sure you set some custom scopes for the protected API - quickstart-configure-app-expose-web-apis
(This one isn't documented in the MSDN documentation)
On the same page you can add scopes for the protected API, there is a section called Add a client application, you would think by clicking add and then selecting an application which you want to grant permission to access your API would suffice, but it is not.
You also need to go into the protected API's Manifest and add the client id of the application you want to grant access manually, as clicking the add button and selecting the client application does not modify the manifest. So, open the manifest of your protected API and add the client application id to the section of the manifect labeled knownClientApplications:
Once all of this has been done, you can now receive an access token which will authorize against the protected API as well as a Graph token for getting user information. I hope this is helpful and thanks again to Gaurav Mantri. If anyone has more questions about this, please contact me and I'll do my best to pass on what I have learned.
I am creating a console application that connects to Microsoft Graph using the Microsoft Graph API (as shown in https://github.com/microsoftgraph/console-csharp-connect-sample).
Everything is working fine, but I wonder if there is a way where I can authenticate a user (when I already know their user/password) without them needing to manually enter their credentials on the "Sing in to your account" window rendered on the desktop.
The idea is basically to run the application unattended, so there is no need for the user to be entering their credentials when the application starts. I canĀ“t find any relevant information on the subject.
Is that even possible?
After following the link #DanSilver posted about geting access without a user, I tried the sample suggested in that link (https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-dotnet-daemon-v2). Although that is an MVC application that forces users to authenticate (precisely what I wanted to avoid) I have managed to use part of the authentication code in that sample with my console application. After giving authorization to the application manually through a request to https://login.microsoftonline.com/myTenantId/adminconsent I can create a GraphServiceClient in my console app that connects to Graph without user interaction. So I mark the answer as valid.
Just in case someone is in the same situation, the GraphServiceclient is created as:
GraphServiceClient graphServiceClientApplication = new GraphServiceClient("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0", new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(
async (requestMessage) =>
string clientId = "yourClientApplicationId";
string authorityFormat = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{0}/v2.0";
string tenantId = "yourTenantId";
string msGraphScope = "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default";
string redirectUri = "msalXXXXXX://auth"; // Custom Redirect URI asigned in the Application Registration Portal in the native Application Platform
string clientSecret = "passwordGenerated";
ConfidentialClientApplication daemonClient = new ConfidentialClientApplication(clientId, String.Format(authorityFormat, tenantId), redirectUri, new ClientCredential(clientSecret), null, new TokenCache());
AuthenticationResult authResult = await daemonClient.AcquireTokenForClientAsync(new string[] { msGraphScope });
string token = authResult.AccessToken;
requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", token);
One idea is using the "app only" authorization flow. The idea is that you can have long running apps access the Microsoft Graph without user authentication. The main difference is instead of the access token granting access to a particular user, it grants your app access to resources that you've consented to in advance. There will be no user login dialog and you can programmatically fetch access tokens to call the Graph API.
To reiterate that these tokens aren't for a particular user, consider making a GET request to 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me'. This will return an error since the access token isn't for a particular user and "me" doesn't mean anything. Requests should be sent with full user ids "like graph.microsoft.com/users/someuser#contosos.com".
More information on this can be found at the Get access without a user documentation page.
Another idea is to let the user authenticate the first time they use your app and then store a refresh token. These tokens live longer (a few months IIRC) and then you won't need to prompt for user consent each time the app runs. Refresh tokens can be exchanged for access tokens that live 60 minutes and those can be used to call Graph API on behalf of users.
More info on refresh tokens: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/docs/concepts/auth_v2_user#5-use-the-refresh-token-to-get-a-new-access-token
I did want to come back out here and share, since I ran into this problem yesterday, and the idea of granting read/write mailbox access for my application... to EVERYONE'S EMAIL BOX IN THE ENTIRE ORGANIZATION... was way over the top for my needs. (And that is exactly what happens when you start talking about granting Application level permissions instead of delegated permissions to your registered app).
It's a simple use case: I had a nightly process that needed to automate sending of emails from a shared mailbox using a traditional AD service account.
Thankfully... even though they are on the march to eliminate passwords (lol)... someone at Microsoft still recognizes my use case, and it's lack of apples-to-apples alternatives in Azure AD. There is still an extension method we can lean on to get the job done:
private AuthenticationContext authContext = null;
authContext = new AuthenticationContext("https://login.microsoftonline.com/ourmail.onmicrosoft.com",
new TokenCache());
result = authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("https://graph.microsoft.com/",
new UserPasswordCredential(
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UID", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User),
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UPD", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User)
You can replace those GetEnvironmentVariable calls with your Username (UID) and Password (UPD). I just stuff them in the environment variables of the service account so I didn't have to check anything into source control.
AcquireTokenAsync is an extension method made available from the Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory namespace. From there, it's a simple business to fire up a GraphClient.
string sToken = result.AccessToken;
Microsoft.Graph.GraphServiceClient oGraphClient = new GraphServiceClient(
new DelegateAuthenticationProvider((requestMessage) => {
.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", sToken);
return Task.FromResult(0);
The last bit of magic was to add these permissions to Application registration I created in Azure AD (where that GUID came from). The application has be defined as a Public client (there's a radio button for that towards the bottom of the authentication tab). I added the following 5 DELEGATED permissions (NOT application permissions):
Microsoft Graph
1. Mail.ReadWrite.Shared
2. Mail.Send.Shared
3. User.Read
4. email
5. openid
Since user consents are actually blocked in our organization, another permissions admin had to review my application definition and then do an admin level grant of those rights, but once he did, everything lit up and worked like I needed: limited access by a service account to a single shared mailbox, with the actual security of that access being managed in Office 365 and not Azure AD.
I'm writing a c# program right now that tries to authenticate with Azure to make a generic http request. I finally got the code working and I wanted to test the features but for every request I make I get the following error code in response:
{"error":{"code": "AuthorizationFailed", "message":"The client "(id of the app I registered in AzureAD)" with object id "(same value as before)" does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/read' over scope '/subscriptions/(mysubscriptionid)'."}}.
The thing is ... The account I use to set everything up is a global admin. I checked every permission box in AzureAD I could find...
(that's 8 Application Permissions and 9 Delegated permissions in the Windows Azure Active Directory API and 1 delegated Permission in the Windows Azure Service Management API, though I don't know why there aren't more possible permissions for Azure Service Management)
the relevant code is rather basic but it works so I don't feel like I need post it, I'll just say that I obtain the Token using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AcquireTokenAsync() with
authorityUri = "https://login.windows.net/(mytenantid)",
string resourceUri = "https://management.azure.com/";
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUri);
var res = authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceUri, new
return res.Result;
and make the Request to
(as an example, this one is supposed to call the roles).
Tried several different types of GET Requests to different URIs, all give similar errors.
I'm thinking it might not be an issue with the code but a setting in the AzurePortal but everything I found there seems set up right (or rather "universal access").
According to your description, you forget to grant your service principal. You could add it on Azure Portal. You could grant Contributor or Owner role to it.
Please refer to this link:Assign application to role.
We've setup an OpenStack system on our own hardware installing all components, with everything seemingly fine as we've created networks and VMs through the web interface.
I'm trying to use openstack.net SDK to do things programatically. I seem to be able to Authenticate fine using a username and password, but when it comes to accessing other services that are installed, we get errors suggesting the API endpoints aren't available to the user.
The code we're using is below which works fine until the CreateServer line at which point I get the error
"Unable to authenticate user and retrieve authorized service endpoints."
Uri baseUrl = new Uri("http://mycloudip:5000/v2.0");
CloudIdentity cloudId = new CloudIdentity()
Username = userName,
Password = password
CloudIdentityProvider cip = new CloudIdentityProvider(cloudId, baseUrl);
UserAccess ua = cip.Authenticate(cloudId);
CloudServersProvider provider = new CloudServersProvider(cloudId);
Metadata metaData = new Metadata(); // Add some metadata just because we can
metaData.Add("Description", "Example 4 - Getting Started");
string serverName = "Example4";
string imageId = "48df4181-040e-4821-8723-d9e4ba908d2f";
string flavorId = "3";
NewServer newServer = provider.CreateServer(serverName, imageId, flavorId, DiskConfiguration.Manual, metaData);
I can see all the service urls in the Access and Security >> API Endpoints section whilst logged on as the same user in the dashboard, but UserAccess.ServiceCatalog doesn't seem to be populated with anything.
Any help or pointers much appreciated.
The default IIdentityProvider used by the CloudServersProvider implementation in openstack.net SDK is designed around the authentication requirements for Rackspace. In order to authenticate against a different OpenStack-compatible installation, you'll need to follow the steps described in the following documentation:
OpenStack Authentication (openstack.net API Reference Documentation)
The following is an excerpt of the current documentation:
This page describes the process for authenticating against reference OpenStack installations, including but not limited to DevStack and the Rackspace Private Cloud.
Usage Notes
Client authentication against a reference OpenStack installation requires the following.
Create an instance of CloudIdentityWithProject and initialize its properties with the desired authentication credentials. The CloudIdentityWithProject credentials class allows the tenantName and tenantId properties described in the OpenStack documentation to be defined.
Create an instance of OpenStackIdentityProvider, and pass the previously created credentials to the constructor.
When creating a service provider instance, such as CloudFilesProvider or CloudQueuesProvider, pass null for the CloudIdentity parameter and the identity provider from the previous step as the IIdentityProvider parameter.
The OpenStackIdentityProvider only supports authentication using username and password credentials, along with optionally specifying the tenant name and/or tenant ID (referred to as the project name and ID starting with the Identity Service API v3).
I'm trying to create web page that access the (business) private calendar of the company and insert events if the time slot is available. Still I'm facing an authentication problem.
The API manual states that I should use an API key and Oauth2LeggedAuthenticator, so I did all this and the request that is fired is quite okey (it has a oauth token and such) But still the response is an exception with Invalid Credentials; Easy to say is that my credentials are wrong, still clientID, clientSecret and API Key are valid; I doubt the 2 last params of the 2legged authenticater, is this correct?
var provider = new NativeApplicationClient(GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description);
provider.ClientIdentifier = ClientCredentials.ClientID;
provider.ClientSecret = ClientCredentials.ClientSecret;
var authenticator =
new OAuth2LeggedAuthenticator(ClientCredentials.ClientID, ClientCredentials.ClientSecret, "myworkusername", "workdomain.com");
Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.CalendarService service = new Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.CalendarService(authenticator);
service.Key = ClientCredentials.ApiKey;
var result = service.CalendarList.List().Fetch();
Assert.IsTrue(result.Items.Count > 0);
NB: At the time of writing you can only used 2-legged authentication with Google Apps for Business/Eduction, this won't work on personal accounts as there's no way to get an OAuth 1.0 key/secret pair, you will have to use online authentication at least once (but you can use the out-of-browser option so you don't have to create a dedicated page).
Your code is correct apart from you don't need the first three lines relating to the NativeApplicationClient. This is most likely failing because you haven't properly set the OAuth keys, this causes 401s.
The other thing that causes 401s is using "matt#example.com" instead of "matt" as the username, the username is without including your domain.
To setup OAuth follow the instructions in this article from Google.
The most important parts to note are "Allow access to all APIs" must be unchecked and you have to individually grant access to all the APIs. If this hasn't been done you will get a 401 Invalid Credentials error. You then also need to turn those services on in the api console. If the api console step hasn't been done you will get a different error of 403 Daily Limit Exceeded.
This will cause you problems if you were previously relying on the "Allow access to all APIs" to use various services, you will have to grant them all individually as far as I understand it to use the v3 APIs. This seems to have been confirmed by google (4th reply by Nicolas Garnier) and is supposedly a bug, but that is an old post so it looks as if it's here to stay.
For reference once this has been done, this code will work, which in essence is the same as yours:
var auth = new OAuth2LeggedAuthenticator(domainName, consumerSecret, usernameWithoutDomain, domainName); //domainName is presently used as the OAuth ConsumerKey for Google's 2legged OAuth
var service = new CalendarService(auth);
service.Key = serviceKey;
var results = service.CalendarList.List().Fetch();
So in summary:
In Google Apps "Manage this Domain" > "Advanced Tools"
Using "Manage OAuth domain key" enable key, generate secret, uncheck "Allow access to all APIs".
Using "Manage third party OAuth Client access" enable the APIs you want access to using your domain as "Client Name" and the APIs you want to access e.g. "http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/" for the calendar.
Then finally create a project in the API console, use the APIKey as the serviceKey in the above example and turn on the APIs you need to access.
I am answering this as I kept hitting this question when I was trying to find out why my code was constantly returning 401s. Hope this helps someone as the Google instructions are awful and scattered all over the place at the moment.