Retrieve 2 Access Tokens on Interactive Authentication in Azure AD - c#

Development Information: Azure Registered Mobile Application, Azure hosted API, Visual Studio 2019, mobile application is built in Xamarin Forms targeting .Net-5 and API is built in Asp.Net targeting .Net-5.
Desired Workflow: User does Authorization code flow authentication interactive if AcquireTokenSilently fails, utilizes MS Authenticator. Once authenticated, the user gets an access token for Graph and for the custom hosted API.
What is working: I can do the MFA authentication piece using the MSAL library and an access token is received in the mobile application, but the token is only good for making calls to Graph. I need to be able to call the protected resource (hosted API) as well. My thoughts originally was that the JWT access token would work with the hosted API as well as Graph, but after reading more, I have read that you have to acquire two separate tokens as to prevent issues where two resources may have the same scope(s).
The problem I am facing is that I thought upon Authenticating there would be an easy way to get another resources access token without having to authenticate a second time. Isn't that the point of the OpenID authentication?? My last thought was to do an implicit authentication from the mobile app to the protected API using a client id, client secret, but I don't want to store a client secret in the mobile app for fear it may expose something sensitive to a user. I tried following the documentation of Microsoft and set up specific scopes for the hosted API and registered it in the Azure portal, but this didn't seem to have any affect on the authentication piece. I still have to authenticate against the API which isn't the desired result.
Is it possible to authenticate once for Graph and then knowing that the user authenticated correctly as they now have a valid token for Graph then somehow call this protected API without having to force them to do authentication again for the protected API and if so, how to do this without exposing any sensitive information (client secret) in the mobile application?
// Microsoft Authentication client for native/mobile apps
public static IPublicClientApplication PCA;
//Setting up the PublicClientApplicationBuilder
//OAuthSettings is a static class with required values (app id, tenant id, etc)
var builder = PublicClientApplicationBuilder
PCA = builder.Build();
//Scopes being used in initial authentication
//I tried adding to this with a custom scope, I added on the
//protected api and it caused an exception, so I didn't think
//I could use those together with the scopes for Graph
//Custom scope for the protected API is as follows:
//XXX.User.Common (where XXX is our company name)
public const string Scopes = "User.Read MailboxSettings.Read Calendars.ReadWrite";
var accounts = await PCA.GetAccountsAsync();
var silentAuthResult = await PCA
.AcquireTokenSilent(Scopes.Split(' '), accounts.FirstOrDefault())
catch (MsalUiRequiredException msalEx)
var windowLocatorService = DependencyService.Get<IParentWindowLocatorService>();
// Prompt the user to sign-in
var interactiveRequest = PCA.AcquireTokenInteractive(Scopes);
AuthUIParent = windowLocatorService?.GetCurrentParentWindow();
if (AuthUIParent != null)
interactiveRequest = interactiveRequest
var interactiveAuthResult = await interactiveRequest.ExecuteAsync();
var accounts = await PCA.GetAccountsAsync();
//at this point, I have a valid Graph token, but I need to
//get a valid token for the protected API,
//unsure of how to do this last piece

Much of this answer is thanks to Gaurav Mantri but he was too modest to accept credit, and he asked me to post an answer.
First thing I needed to change was the flow of the authentication.
Authenticate the user against the protected API, then get the Graph token, as the Graph authentication works well with the AcquireTokenSilent(IEnumerable<string> scopes, IAccount account) method of MSAL library. I was doing this backwards by authenticating against Graph then trying to get the protected API token.
So, the code for authenticating then looks like the following:
public async Task SignIn()
//check for any accounts which are authenticated
var accounts = await PCA.GetAccountsAsync();
//try to Authenticate against the protected API silently
var silentAuthResult = await PCA
.AcquireTokenSilent(new string[] { "api://{your api client id}/.default" }, accounts.FirstOrDefault())
catch (MsalUiRequiredException msalEx)
// This exception is thrown when an interactive sign-in is required.
var windowLocatorService = DependencyService.Get<IParentWindowLocatorService>();
// Prompt the user to sign-in
var interactiveRequest = PCA.AcquireTokenInteractive(new string[] { "api://{your api client id}/.default" });
AuthUIParent = windowLocatorService?.GetCurrentParentWindow();
if (AuthUIParent != null)
interactiveRequest = interactiveRequest
var interactiveAuthResult = await interactiveRequest.ExecuteAsync();
var accounts = await PCA.GetAccountsAsync();
//Now we can get the Graph token silently
//We now have valid tokens for both Graph and our protected API
var graphtokenresult = await PCA.AcquireTokenSilent(Scopes, accounts.First()).ExecuteAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
In the Azure portal there were a few things I needed to ensure were set in the configurations.
Make sure you set some custom scopes for the protected API - quickstart-configure-app-expose-web-apis
(This one isn't documented in the MSDN documentation)
On the same page you can add scopes for the protected API, there is a section called Add a client application, you would think by clicking add and then selecting an application which you want to grant permission to access your API would suffice, but it is not.
You also need to go into the protected API's Manifest and add the client id of the application you want to grant access manually, as clicking the add button and selecting the client application does not modify the manifest. So, open the manifest of your protected API and add the client application id to the section of the manifect labeled knownClientApplications:
Once all of this has been done, you can now receive an access token which will authorize against the protected API as well as a Graph token for getting user information. I hope this is helpful and thanks again to Gaurav Mantri. If anyone has more questions about this, please contact me and I'll do my best to pass on what I have learned.


Get Microsoft accessToken silently

I'm trying to connect to Graph API and get user access token.
My problem is that I don't know how to connect to Graph API with credentials silently (without browser).
I currently use MSLogin() for get access token but it open a browser where you can authorize an AzureAD app to get some access to your account. A library in Java is litteraly what I want in c#
I need something like: MSGraph.ConnectAsync(email, pass).getAccessToken();
Here my current code (Through a browser)
private const string ClientId = "520f6e8e-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
private string[] scopes = { "" };
private static AuthenticationResult authResult;
public static IPublicClientApplication PublicClientApp;
private async Task<AuthenticationResult> MSLogin()
PublicClientApp = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(ClientId).WithRedirectUri("msal520f6e8e-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://auth").Build();
authResult = await PublicClientApp.AcquireTokenInteractive(scopes).ExecuteAsync();
return authResult;
If you are using Microsoft Graph .NET Client Library you can check documentation with example how to implement username/password authentication flow.
string[] scopes = {"User.Read"};
var usernamePasswordCredential = new UsernamePasswordCredential("", "password", tenantId, clientId);
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(usernamePasswordCredential, scopes);
var me = await graphClient.Me.Request().GetAsync();
You can use AcquireTokenByUsernamePassword() for that, see MSDN.
Note however that Microsoft discourages usage of this flow and depending on your AzureAD setup there might be restrictions (i.e. you can aquire tokens only within a certain IP range etc).
Well, you can get the access token silently but not at the first time, First a user must authorize your app by going through Microsoft's Login flow and for your subsequent calls to Microsoft, you can get the access token without the intervention of user.
I would just give a basic idea, without focusing on a specific SDK that you might be using. For which, you can decide which ever method suits your needs.
I assume, you already have your credentials and desired scopes with you, otherwise you need to obtain those.
Formulate a proper URL using the credentials you obtained, plus you need to add an extra scope in the URL which is offline_access. Then you need to redirect the user to Microsoft for the initial authorization.
If the user logs in successfully, Microsoft will redirect the user back to your website with an Authorization Code.
Grab that Authorization Code and exchange it for an Access Token using /oauth2/{version}/token api.
You will receive a response from above call which will contain an Access Token along with a Refresh Token. You need to store the refresh token somewhere for future use.
Now comes the interesting part.
Using the refresh token, you can renew the access token when it expires without user's intervention. You can use oauth2/v2.0/token api with parameters:
The resultant response would look something like this:
"access_token": "new access token",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"scope": "your scopes",
"refresh_token": "refresh token",

Authenticate Office 365 IMAP Account using Unattended C# Console

I am developing a .NET Core Console Application (C#) that needs to authenticate to an Office 365 IMAP account. The purpose is to retrieve mail and process CSV file attachments unattended.
The app has been registered on Azure as a Mobile/Desktop app with the RedirectUri set as http://localhost.
The following code causes a new tab to open in Chrome web browser and asks for the Outlook account to use for login. I need to stop the browser from opening and handle authentication completely from code.
Current Code:
using var client = new ImapClient(new ProtocolLogger("imap.log"));
var options = new PublicClientApplicationOptions
ClientId = _options.ClientId,
TenantId = _options.TenantId,
RedirectUri = "http://localhost"
var publicClientApplication = PublicClientApplicationBuilder
var scopes = new[]
"" // Only needed for IMAP
//"", // Only needed for POP
//"", // Only needed for SMTP
var cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();
var authToken = await publicClientApplication
await publicClientApplication
.AcquireTokenSilent(scopes, authToken.Account)
SaslMechanism oauth2;
if (client.AuthenticationMechanisms.Contains("OAUTHBEARER"))
oauth2 = new SaslMechanismOAuthBearer(authToken.Account.Username, authToken.AccessToken);
oauth2 = new SaslMechanismOAuth2(authToken.Account.Username, authToken.AccessToken);
await client.AuthenticateAsync(oauth2);
await client.DisconnectAsync (true);
This line triggers a browser window to open
var authToken = await publicClientApplication
This console application will be run unattended. How do I obtain the token and authenticate without a web browser opening up?
This is an answear to your latest comment, as it's my final recommendation. So, first of all, you should decide if you want to acess the data on behalf of user, or as an app granted permissions by admin.
First step is to register your app.
Second step is getting the acess token. This is going to differ based on the method you chose. Tutorial for each: acting on behalf of the user or acting without the user, but granted permission from admin.
Once you have the acess token, you can call the Microsoft Graph API. The important thing is, you always have to call Microsoft Graph API. There is no other official way (as far as I know) of comunicating with Microsoft's services. You can try the requests with the Microsoft Graph Explorer, however it's VERY limited with it's defaul urls/parameters, so I suggest taking a look at the docs.
From what you've described, you first want to obtain UserID. The way of doing this is going to vary based on what type of auth you chose.
If you chose to act on behalf of user, you should be able to get that (ID) using this endpoint:
If you chose to act as an app with admin consent, you should be able to search for user using the$search= with search query parameters. Here are the docs for this endpoint
Now, the only thing left, is to supply that ID to one of the Outlook api methods. You can find docs for them here. Specifically, it seems like you want to list all messages and then read a specific message.
Also, keep an eye on what methods you use with which type of auth. On behalf of user, you usually want url's that contain /me, on behalf of app with given admin privelages, you usually want some endpoint that enables you to pass user id.
Hope I helped!
PS: There is no code in this response, because there is a lot of stuff that just cannot be coded without your decisions, actions on Azure and so on. I suggest you read a little bit about auth and graph api using microsoft docs I linked earlier.
This code worked for me using MSAL after registering the app in azure and getting a client secret.
var options = new ConfidentialClientApplicationOptions
ClientId = "<ClientID or Application ID>",
TenantId = "<Azure TenantId>",
RedirectUri = "http://localhost"
string clientSecret = "<Client Secret Goes here>";
var confidentialClientApplication = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
var scopes = new string[] {
var authToken = await confidentialClientApplication.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes).ExecuteAsync();

How to store and retrieve Access Token using MSAL in

I am working on ASP.Net MVC classic application. This app get a access token to gain access the resource in the API. Once it get the access token then I want to store it and use it when I need it to call the API in different controller. However, I want to :
Store, retrieve and refresh and want to have understanding of AcquireTokenSilently().
We may get the token after user sign-in in Startup.cs and then it can be saved and retrieve to access API. So, it might be checked for expire token and then refresh or acquire token silently to access API resource. So whatever flow makes sense.
I have read several document for MSAL but did not get the clear picture and getting confused by AcquireTokenSilently(), Refresh(). Please see the below code where I am accessing token but I am not storing it.
private async Task OnAuthorizationCodeReceived(AuthorizationCodeReceivedNotification notification)
var idClient = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(clientId)
var apiScope = "api://28178a67-4ae6-43d4-b708-c02785516b1d/asses_as_users api://28178a67-4ae6-43d4-b708-c02785516b1d/AzAdUtility.Get";
string[] scopes = apiScope.Split(' ');
var result = await idClient.AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode(
scopes, notification.Code).ExecuteAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
string message = "AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCodeAsync threw an exception";
This link below guided me to implement the token cache in MVC.NET classic. I do have some issues but I did get the idea of caching token.
Note: The issue is related to the dev environment when the program is stopped from Visual Studio or browser window is closed the cache is seem to be missing.
You don't store it. MSAL does. It has a token cache built in to it. This cache is application specific so that it will need to acquire a token the first time each application is run. You can also use a Broker to pull a token from the OS that is associated with the current user logged on.

IdentityServer4 - Delegated access tokens for clients

In IdentityServer4 you can specify an extension grand to enable delegated access tokens for users, so if a webservice needs to call another webservice during a request from a user, it can request a new access token from the IdentityServer with a valid scope and audience. My issue is, that this grant is thought to be used "on behalf of the interactive user", which leads to my question:
If my client calls a webservice which needs to call another webservice during the request, how can i create a delegated access token?
I tried to modify the example from the documentation, but the extension grand expects a token from a user, which holds a "sub" claim, and not from a client, which does not hold a "sub" claim.
The client is a daemon application, so it runs fully automated and without any user interaction, and is authenticated with the client credentials flow.
To clarify what i mean:
Here we see an use case, if a user is present:
User accesses a UI
UI redirects the user to the identity server to authenticate (With the Authorization Code Flow + PCKE). The UI gets the access token back
The UI calls an WebApi A with the access token
The WebApi A needs to access the WebApi B, but the access token was meant for WebApi A. Therefore the WebApi A asks the IdentityServer for a delegated access token to access WebApi B.
The IdentityServer provides the delegated access token.
The new access token is passed along to the WebApi B.
Here we see the same use case, but no user is present and a daemon application does the same thing:
The deamon appliaction authenticates against the IdentityServer with the Client Credentails Flow and gets the access token back
The deamon appliaction calls an WebApi A with the access token
The WebApi A needs to access the WebApi B, but the access token was meant for WebApi A. Therefore the WebApi A asks the IdentityServer for a delegated access token to access WebApi B.
How to get the IdentityServer to provide a the delegated access token for the client?
The new access token is passed along to the WebApi B.
For machine to machine (Service to service) communication you typically use the client credientials grant. This allows services to communicate even if no user is present. The userid (Subject) is typically included in the API calls that is protected using this flow.
See this article
The communication between WebApi-A and WebApi-B can be done using client credentials flow and here you don't need to pass any access token from the user. Instead you pass the subjectId(userID) and optionally some additional claims as part of the API calls between A and B. This way is much simpler and the benefit is that A-B can communicate without any user involved (for example to do workflow style communication in the background).
I have found the solution to my issue. You can extend the given example implementation of the delegation grand and extend it in a way, that a delegation token is issued for a client:
public async Task ValidateAsync(ExtensionGrantValidationContext context)
var oldToken = context.Request.Raw.Get("token");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldToken))
context.Result = new GrantValidationResult(TokenRequestErrors.InvalidGrant);
var result = await _validator.ValidateAccessTokenAsync(oldToken);
if (result.IsError)
context.Result = new GrantValidationResult(TokenRequestErrors.InvalidGrant);
var sub = result.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "sub")?.Value;
if (sub != null)
// The old token had a user context
context.Result = new GrantValidationResult(sub, GrantType);
// The "magic" is the part below
// The old token had a client context
var client = result.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type.Equals("client_id", StringComparison.Ordinal));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(client?.Value))
context.Result = new GrantValidationResult(TokenRequestErrors.InvalidClient);
context.Request.ClientId = client.Value;
context.Result = new GrantValidationResult(new Dictionary<string, object>());

How To Add Users to an App Group and Role with Microsoft Graph

I have a C# .NET MVC Web App on Azure that I've turned Easy Auth on for Azure AD accounts.
I'm trying to add a user to this web app's "Users and Groups" list associated with the App Registration and assign it a Role defined by the associated manifest.
So far I'm able to get the app's manifest (which contains the app roles' info, such as the id and name) with this call made in my controller:
public JObject GetRoleInfoViaId(string appObjectId)
string accessToken = this.Request.Headers["X-MS-TOKEN-AAD-ACCESS-TOKEN"]; // Get Easy Auth Access Token
var url = $"{appObjectId}"; // MS Graph
// Call the URL and return the response
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
var response = httpClient.GetStringAsync(url).Result;
var json = JObject.Parse(response);
return json;
From here I'm stuck. I have no idea how to go about adding a user to the app and/or app role.
If this is not possible in Microsoft Graph yet, I can switch this to Azure AD Graph. It's the functionality I'm after.
If you want to assign a user to that application, in one of the specified app roles, you'll need to set the appRoleAssignment on the user . You can achieve that via Azure AD Graph API . Please refer to this reply for explanation and API operations .
