Too Many Dependency Inject - c#

I currently have a class with around 40 dependency injection. It is a hard to maintain and unit test. I am not sure a good way around.
The code is done for any type of application process that is needed to process (New License, License Renewal, Student Registration, ...), there are around 80 different types applications and what sections are associated with each application type is determined by a database table.
I have a class with all of the possible properties, there are a several more than listed but you should get the idea. Each the properties have their own set of properties that are basic data types or object pointing to other classes.
class Application
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "accounting")]
public Accounting Accounting { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "application")]
public Application Application { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "applicationType")]
public ApplicationType ApplicationType { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "document")]
public List<Attachment> Document { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "employment")]
public List<Employment> Employment { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "enrollment")]
public Enrollment Enrollment { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "individualAddressContact")]
public IndividualAddressContact IndividualAddressContact { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "instructors")]
public List<Instructor> Instructors { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "license")]
public License License { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "licenseRenewal")]
public LicenseRenewal LicenseRenewal { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "MilitaryService")]
public List<MilitaryService> MilitaryService { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "paymentDetail")]
public PaymentDetail PaymentDetail { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "photo")]
public List<Attachment> Photo { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "portal")]
public Portal Portal { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "section")]
public List<Section> Section { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "testingCalendar")]
public TestingCalendar TestingCalendar { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "testingScore")]
public List<TestingScore> TestingScore { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "USCitizen")]
public USCitizen USCitizen { get; set; }
So this class is sent/received to an Angular 10 front end using Web API's.
When an application is requested the sections and the different properties are initiated and if the application has be started the progress will be reloaded. So it is possible some of properties will be pulled from the database and sent to the Angular app.
So I have something such as
Load(applicationTypeId, applicationId)
Get the sections for the application type
For each section in the sections
switch sectionid
case Documents
Load all of the documents required for the application type and get any documents uploaded
case Accounting
Load the payment details, if no payment made calculate the payment
case IndividualAddressContact
Load the person name/address/contact and set a few defaults if the person hasn't started.
Save the application
switch current section
case Documents
Save all of the documents for the application
case Accounting
Save the payment details for the application
case IndividualAddressContact
Save the person name/address/contact for the application
get the next section
Update the application current section
I have put all of the items in the switch into their own classes but in the end I still have 1 point for serialization/deserialization and still end up with to many dependencies injected. Creating a unit test with over 40 dependencies seems hard to maintain and given I won't know which properties will/won't used until an application is requested and loaded from database. I am unsure how to get around the switch, without at some point and time having to have all of the dependencies injected into 1 class.
I would appreciate some ideas of how to get around this.

"I currently have a class with around 40 dependency injection..." - Oh my gosh!
"It is a hard to maintain and unit test..." - I don't doubt that in the least!
Create a class that manages "Applications" (e.g. "ApplicationManager").
Create an abstract class "Application".
One advantage of "abstract class" over "interface" here that you can put "common code" in the abstract base class.
Create a concrete subclass for each "Application" : public class NewLicense : Application, public class LicenseRenewal : Application, etc. etc.
... AND ...
Use DI primarily for those "services" that each concrete class needs.
I'll bet the constructors for your individual concrete classes will only need to inject three or four services ... instead of 40. Who knows - maybe your base class won't need any DI at all.
This is actually a design we're actually using in one of our production systems. It's simple; it's robust; it's flexible. It's working well for us :)

I would recommend using convention over configuration principle, with the Service Locator.
Declare something like IApplicationHandler interface in your program, e.g.
public interface IApplicationQueryHandler
Application Populate(Application application);
public interface IApplicationSaveHandler
Bool Save(Application application);
Then, write pieces of your code, with dependencies and such, e.g.
public class AccountingApplicationQueryHandler : IApplicationQueryHandler
public Application Populate(Application application) {
//// Load the payment details, if no payment made calculate the payment
return application;
public class AccountingApplicationSaveHandler : IApplicationSaveHandler
public Bool Save(Application application) {
//// Save the payment details for the application
return true; // this just flags for validation
// repeat for all other properties
Then in your controller, do something like
public class ApplicationController: Controller
public readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public ApplicationController(IServiceProvider sp) {
_serviceProvider = sp;
public Application Load(string applicationTypeId, string applicationId)
var application = new Application(); // or get from db or whatever
var queryHandlers = _serviceProvider.GetServices(typeof(IApplicationQueryHandler));
foreach(var handler in queryHandlers) {
application = handler.Populate(application);
return application;
public bool Save(Application application)
var result = true;
var saveHandlers = _serviceProvider.GetServices(typeof(IApplicationSaveHandler));
foreach(var handler in queryHandlers) {
result = handler. Save(application);
return result;
You would need to register your handlers, which you can do e.g. like so:
var queryHandlers = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IApplicationQueryHandler)).GetExportedTypes()
.Where(x => x.GetInterfaces().Any(y => y == typeof(IApplicationQueryHandler)));
foreach(queryHandler in queryHandlers) {
services.AddTransient(typeof(IApplicationQueryHandler), queryHandler);
// repeat the same for IApplicationSaveHandler
Now finally, you can write unit tests for part of the code like so
public class AccountingApplicationQueryHandlerTests
public void TestPopulate()
// arrange
var application = new Application();
var handler = new AccountingApplicationQueryHandler(); // inject mocks here
// act
var result = handler.Populate(application);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(result. PaymentDetail, "whatever");
And you can test that your controller calls the right things by mocking IServiceProvider and injecting that with a couple of dummy handlers to confirm they are called correctly.

Following zaitsman's answer you also could create AggregatedApplicationQueryHandler and AggregatedApplicationSaveHandler and pass collection of concrete implementation of IApplicationQueryHandler and IApplicationSaveHandler to its constructor.
Then you don't need foreach loop inside controller(you loop over handlers inside aggregated handler) and always have only one handler passed to controller. Passing its by constructor parameter shouldn't be so much painful.
You also could create facade over some small services and aggregate theirs functions into one bigger facade service.


Multiple instances of class with different parameters based on configuration file

So I have a simple configuration class PubsubSettings:
public class PubSubSettings
public string ProjectId { get; set; }
public string TopicId { get; set; }
public int PartnerId { get; set; }
public string SubscriptionId { get; set; }
I have previously only had one of these configured in my appsettings.json but now I want to be able to handle an arbitrary number of them.
I have another class, PubSub, that I usually inject an IOptions<PubSubSettings> into. And this, in turn, gets injected into my Worker class.
So, what I want to do now, is add a new Worker as a hosted service for each entry in my AppSettings PubSubSettings section and inject the relevant IOptions<PubSubSettings> into each of these (along with the standard ILogger).
So in essence, I'd like this config block:
"PubsubSettings": [
"ProjectId": "project1",
"TopicId": "topic",
"PartnerId": 1,
"SubscriptionId": "sub1"
"ProjectId": "project2",
"TopicId": "topic2",
"PartnerId": 2,
"SubscriptionId": "sub2"
To end up with two hosted services being created, one with the first set of options and the other with the second.
I've seen a few questions looking for similar things but nothing I could find quite lined up with this so I'm a bit stumped. Any ideas?
The solution is Dotnet 5.
So from what I've been able to find, there's no way to do this out-of-the box.
However, This can be done manually using a combination of ActivatorUtilities and Configuration.Bind().
private void CreateWorkers(IServiceCollection services, IConfigurationRoot configuration)
List<PubSubSettings> pubsubSettings = new();
configuration.Bind(nameof(PubSubSettings), pubsubSettings);
foreach (PubSubSettings setting in pubsubSettings)
services.AddSingleton<IHostedService>(s => ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<Worker>(s, ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<PubSub.PubSub>(s, setting)));
Essentially, you can use Bind to get the configuration objects from the JSON. Then you can manually construct the Worker for the call to AddHostedService using CreateInstance.
Two calls are needed in this case, one to generate the PubSub for the worker (in which we pass the setting parameter) and the other to generate the Worker itself.
ActivatorUtilities essentially injects everything you need for the object except the parameters you've provided.
We need to use .AddSingleton<IHostedService> because of the way that the framework checks for dupes with AddHostedService().
Maybe you could try creating a class only for the object and let the PubSubSettings class only for the array:
public class PubSubSettings
public PubSubObject[] PubSubs { get; set; }
public class PubSubObject
public string ProjectId { get; set; }
public string TopicId { get; set; }
public int PartnerId { get; set; }
public string SubscriptionId { get; set; }
Then in the startup class you should use Bind to get the current value of the array to create a Worker for each PubSub:
PubSubSettings settings = new PubSubSettings();
foreach(PubSubObject item in settings.PubSubs)
Then in the PubSub class you need to search the PartnerId inside the Array.
Or you could follow the approach described in the section Named options support using IConfigureNamedOptions in the Microsoft docs: Options pattern in ASP.NET Core

Attributes added by custom ModelMetadataProvider are not being considered in model-binding

Disclaimer: this is a long one. Unreasonable knowledge of ASP.NET Core MVC internals is almost certainly required. Here be dragons.
I am trying to implement a method for augmenting type metadata in ASP.NET MVC Core.
The reason I want to do this is that my data models are used by multiple projects, so I've shared them by placing them in a NuGet package:
// defined in NuGet package
public class MyModel
public int MyProperty { get; set; }
public MyNestedModel NestedModel { get; set; }
public class MyNestedModel
public bool NestedProperty { get; set; }
^ Listing 1
However, some of the projects will need to apply additional metadata to the model types - for example, in the case of an ASP.NET Core project, these models will be used as inputs and therefore participate in model-binding, so they require FromQuery, FromHeader etc. attributes applied. I obviously cannot do this in the package, as different consumer projects will need to apply different attributes depending on their use cases.
The simplest and mostly guaranteed-to-work way is to modify all model properties to be virtual and then have subclasses that override those properties as necessary to add attributes:
// defined in NuGet package
public class MyModel
public virtual int MyProperty { get; set; }
public virtual MyNestedModel NestedModel { get; set; }
public class MyNestedModel
public virtual bool NestedProperty { get; set; }
// defined in ASP.NET MVC project consuming above package
public class MyViewModel : MyModel
[FromQuery(Name = "foo")]
public override int MyProperty { get; set; }
public new // can't use override, as type is different
MyNestedViewModel NestedModel { get; set; }
[Bind(Prefix = "")]
public class MyNestedViewModel : MyNestedModel
[FromQuery(Name = "bar")]
public override bool NestedProperty { get; set; }
^ Listing 2
I don't want to do this, because in every model that has a child model property, that child model has to be subclassed, and then it cannot be used as an override but has to be re-declared with new - and the semantics of new won't work for me here. Also, I don't really intend for the model types to be subclassed.
I'm aware of ModelMetadataTypeAttribute but the intended usage of that attribute is on the model type to be augmented, not the type doing the augmenting. Since in my case there's no way to know ahead of time what the actual metadata types will be (as they're defined in the consuming projects), I cannot use ModelMetadataTypeAttribute. Subclasses and partial classes will also not work - ModelMetadataTypeAttribute only applies to the class specified, partial cannot span across assemblies.
Essentially, a "reverse" version of ModelMetadataTypeAttribute that is applied on the type doing the augmenting, pointing back to the model type to be augmented:
// defined in ASP.NET MVC project consuming package from Listing 1
public class MyModelMetadata
[FromQuery(Name = "foo")]
public int MyProperty { get; set; }
public MyNestedModel NestedModel { get; set; }
[Bind(Prefix = "")]
public class NestedModelMetadata
[FromQuery(Name = "bar")]
public bool NestedProperty { get; set; }
^ Listing 3
The intention is that at runtime, the model-binding infrastructure will pick up that MyModel.MyProperty should be bound using [FromQuery(Name = "foo")], i.e. from the query string as a variable named foo. Similarly, MyModel.NestedModel.NestedProperty should be simply bound as bar from the query string.
In order to make this work I've implemented a custom ModelMetadataProvider that inherits DefaultModelMetadataProvider and overrides the CreatePropertyDetails method:
// defined in same ASP.NET Core MVC project as Listing 3
public class MyModelMetadataProvider : DefaultModelMetadataProvider
protected override DefaultMetadataDetails[] CreatePropertyDetails(ModelMetadataIdentity key)
var defaultPropertyDetails = base.CreatePropertyDetails(key);
// check if the key.ModelType should be augmented
// if so, mutate the relevant element(s) of the defaultPropertyDetails array to do the augmentation
return defaultPropertyDetails;
The mutation part effectively changes the relevant DefaultMetadataDetails.ModelAttributes member to have the additional attributes applied to the properties of the type(s) decorated with ReverseModelMetadataTypeAttribute. I then get ASP.NET MVC Core to use my provider instead of its DefaultModelMetadataProvider via the following in Startup.cs#ConfigureServices:
services.AddSingleton<IModelMetadataProvider, MyModelMetadataProvider>();
I have verified that provider is registered and the mutation code works correctly: MyModelMetadataProvider.CreatePropertyDetails is hit and the defaultPropertyDetails returned do contain the extra attributes applied by my *ModelMetadata classes from Listing 3.
Model binding does not work: ASP.NET Core MVC essentially behaves as if the attributes added via Listing 3 do not exist, and I don't know why. As far as I'm aware, the results of the calls to the various IModelMetadataProvider methods are cached then used for all subsequent lookup of metadata that's required, including for the purposes of binding models.
I'm hoping that somebody can provide some advice on how to get this to work, before I have to go through the pain of stepping through the ASP.NET Core source myself.

Mapping a User entity into a User DTO in .NET Core

I'm developing a web app that contains a User entity that is derived from .NET Core's IdentityUser. Lets suppose there is another entity called Comment which has a relation to a user (the user who posted the comment):
public class User : IdentityUser
public string SomeExtraField { get; set; }
public class Comment
//Owner (Creator) of the feedback
public User User { get; set; }
//body of the comment
public string Body { get; set; }
Now suppose I have an API endpoint that returns all of the comments in the system. If I query for all comments and include the User relation, when the object gets serialized, everything in the User class is serialized and sent to the client (including the users hashed password, etc). Obviously I don't want this. So I've created a CommentService layer that grabs the Comments from a CommentRepository. From my understanding, the service layer should do the job of mapping the raw Comment object into a Comment DTO, which only contains data that should be sent to the client. I've defined a comment and user DTO like this:
public class UserOutput
public string Id { get; set; }
public string SomeExtraField { get; set; }
public class CommentOutput
public UserOutput User { get; set; }
public string Body { get; set; }
Then in my service layer I have something like the following:
//Fetch all comments
var list = await _repository.ListAsync();
//Map comments to DTO
var result = list.Select(x => new CommentOutput
Body = x.Body,
User = new UserOutput
Id = x.User.Id,
SomeExtraField = x.User.SomeExtraField,
This all seems to work great. However I can foresee one problem. Lets say I have a large system with Comments, Posts, Likes, Private Messages, etc. I can map them all in a similar fashion above. Then one day I decide to add another field to the UserOutput DTO. Now I have to go through potentially hundreds of mapping code like the sample above to map the new field properly, and whats worse is the compiler wont tell me if I've missed anything. I would like to have a function somewhere that maps a User to a UserOutput but I don't know where it should go.
I've seen some suggestions to put a constructor to the DTO that does the mapping:
public class UserOutput
public UserOutput(User user)
Id = user.Id;
SomeExtraField = user.SomeExtraField
public string Id { get; set; }
public string SomeExtraField { get; set; }
but I've seen people against this because it tightly couples the DTO with the Entity. I've also seen suggestions of using Auto Mapper but is also seems an equal amount of people are against it.
Where should I place code that can perform these DTO->entity and entity->DTO mappings so I don't repeat myself all over the place?
Try to check out AutoMapper.
This library will help you to map the Entity Class into the ViewModel.
The way to use it is pretty straightforward.

C# Architecture/Pattern for Tenant-Specific Business Logic

Say you have a multi-tenant app. A Tenant has various properties:
public class Tenant{
public string TenantName {get; set;}
public string TenantUrl {get; set;}
This way when my service layer sends emails, for example, I can do the following:
SendEmail(Tenant.FromEmailAddress, recipientEmailAddress)
This works well for properties. In many places throughout my business logic, I'm encountering cases where tenant-specific behaviors must be accounted for. One example is retrieving photos for the homepage:
public List<string> GetPhotoUrls(){
if(currentTenant == TenantA){
// logic to go off to retrieve from one third party
} else if (currentTenant == TenantB){
// totally different logic
} else... // one for each tenant
// do some stuff
// return stuff
GetPhotoUrls is a simple example - but there are cases like this in many places in my business logic. I'm looking for a simple pattern where I can define and implement tenant-specific logic. The overall goal is to get all tenant-specific logic in one place so tenant creation and definition is easy.
I would like the developer experience to read along the lines of:
public List<string> GetPhotoUrls(){
currentTenant.GetPhotoUrls(); // define this logic on the tenant object somehow
// do some stuff
// return stuff
What patterns/constructs are available to achieve this?
Use the strategy pattern in your case. The pattern is best applied when you see switch statements or multiple if statements to simplify the client so that it delegates custom implementation to dependent interfaces. You may also use in combination of factory pattern. To illustrate this:
public interface ITenant{
List<string> GetPhotoUrls();
public class TenantA:ITenant{
public string TenantName {get; set;}
public string TenantUrl {get; set;}
public List<string> GetPhotoUrls(){
//A implementation
public class TenantB:ITenant{
public string TenantName {get; set;}
public string TenantUrl {get; set;}
public List<string> GetPhotoUrls(){
//B implementation
public class SomeTenantApp{
public SomeTenantApp(ITenant tenant){
_tenant = tenant;
public void DoSomething(){
var urls = _tenant.GetPhotoUrls();
//do something
public static class TenantFactory{
public static ITenant Create(string id)
//logic to get concrete tenant
return concreteTenant;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var tenant = TenantFactory.Create("A");
var app = var SomeTenantApp(tenant);
The client (SomeTenantApp) won't have to change. You delegated the implementation to the concrete class which owns the logic.
If you want to build SaaS, I'd strongly recommend using ASP.NET Core and dependency injection to overcome multi-tenancy issue.
You can defined your tenant class :
public class AppTenant
public string Name { get; set; }
public string[] Hostnames { get; set; }
Next you can resolve a tenant from the current request
public class AppTenantResolver : ITenantResolver<AppTenant>
IEnumerable<AppTenant> tenants = new List<AppTenant>(new[]
new AppTenant {
Name = "Tenant 1",
Hostnames = new[] { "localhost:6000", "localhost:6001" }
new AppTenant {
Name = "Tenant 2",
Hostnames = new[] { "localhost:6002" }
public async Task<TenantContext<AppTenant>> ResolveAsync(HttpContext context)
TenantContext<AppTenant> tenantContext = null;
// it's just a sample...
var tenant = tenants.FirstOrDefault(t =>
t.Hostnames.Any(h => h.Equals(context.Request.Host.Value.ToLower())));
if (tenant != null)
tenantContext = new TenantContext<AppTenant>(tenant);
return tenantContext;
Wiring it up :
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddMultitenancy<AppTenant, AppTenantResolver>();
Getting the current tenant (whenever you need it) :
public class HomeController : Controller
private AppTenant tenant;
public HomeController(AppTenant tenant)
this.tenant = tenant;
For more info take a look at SaasKit
Building multi-tenant applications with ASP.NET Core (ASP.NET 5)

How to get the request object from wcf message?

I have a WCf service with Contracts shown below.
public class ServiceRequest
public int RequestId { get; set; }
public OrderDetails OrderDetails { get; set; }
public class OrderDetails
public int OrderId { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; }
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
[IsLogRequired] is custom Attribute.
We need to get all properties in the request which have "[IsLogRequired]" attribute when the request is received. We want to do it as generic solution so that it can be plugged into all services.
We thought of using "MessageInspector" to do this implementing "IDispatchMessageInspector".
How do i get the actual request object from "System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message" parameter of IDispatchMessageInspector.AfterReceiveRequest() method?
Please correct me if i am using a wrong interface or wrong method. Any other solution to this?
I am assuming that "[IsLogRequired] is custom property." means a custom attribute...
Simple answer is that there is no solution to transfer custom attributes that are decorating the data contract as you described it.
Data contracts should be pure and not encumbered by business logic. The know how about the what should be done with various fields belongs to a service implementation.
Possible approach could look like this:
public class OrderService : IOrderService
private void ProcessOrder(Order order)
var ra = new AuditMetadataResourceAccess();
MethodInfo[] fieldsToLog = ra.GetLoggingFields(typeof(OrderDetal));
if (fieldsToLog.Any())
var logger = new LogingEngine();
logger.Log(fieldsToLog, order.OrderDetails);
You could move this implementation inside message inspector or operation invoker. Carlos Figueira has extensive description of each WCF extensibility point.
"How do i get the actual request object from "System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message" parameter of IDispatchMessageInspector.AfterReceiveRequest() method?"
I am assuming you are referring to Web request. WebOperationContext.Current but you need to have ASP.NET Compatibility Mode turned on.
