Why does my MassTransit Fault Consumer not get called? - c#

I am using MassTransit together with RabbitMQ 3.8.7.
I have a consumer which simply throws an exception, and I have a fault consumer which Console.WriteLine the fact that a fault occurred.
The fault consumer is not called. I also tried using a fault consumer definition. Also that does not work.
Below is the entire program.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using GreenPipes;
using MassTransit;
using MassTransit.ConsumeConfigurators;
using MassTransit.Definition;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
namespace FaultConsumer
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello Fault Consumer!");
var services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddMassTransit(x =>
x.UsingRabbitMq((context, cfg) =>
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var bus = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IBusControl>();
await bus.StartAsync();
await bus.Publish(new SubmitOrder() { DateTimeStamp = DateTime.Now });
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
await Task.Run(() => Console.ReadKey());
await bus.StopAsync();
class SubmitOrder
public DateTime DateTimeStamp { get; set; }
class MyConsumer : IConsumer<SubmitOrder>
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<SubmitOrder> context)
Console.WriteLine($"Attempting to consume {context.GetRetryCount()} {context.GetRetryAttempt()}");
throw new Exception(context.GetRetryCount().ToString());
class MyConsumerDefinition : ConsumerDefinition<MyConsumer>
public MyConsumerDefinition()
EndpointName = "order-service-202102081221";
ConcurrentMessageLimit = 8;
protected override void ConfigureConsumer(IReceiveEndpointConfigurator endpointConfigurator,
IConsumerConfigurator<MyConsumer> consumerConfigurator)
//endpointConfigurator.UseMessageRetry(r => r.Intervals(100, 200, 500, 800, 1000));
endpointConfigurator.UseMessageRetry(r => r.Immediate(5));
class MyFaultConsumer : IConsumer<Fault<MyConsumer>>
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<Fault<MyConsumer>> context)
await Task.CompletedTask;
// class MyFaultConsumerDefinition : ConsumerDefinition<MyFaultConsumer>
// {
// public MyFaultConsumerDefinition()
// {
// // override the default endpoint name
// EndpointName = "order-service-faults-202102081221";
// // limit the number of messages consumed concurrently
// // this applies to the consumer only, not the endpoint
// ConcurrentMessageLimit = 8;
// }
// protected override void ConfigureConsumer(IReceiveEndpointConfigurator endpointConfigurator,
// IConsumerConfigurator<MyFaultConsumer> consumerConfigurator)
// {
// // configure message retry with millisecond intervals
// endpointConfigurator.UseMessageRetry(r => r.Intervals(100, 200, 500, 800, 1000));
// // use the outbox to prevent duplicate events from being published
// endpointConfigurator.UseInMemoryOutbox();
// }
// }

Faults are published based on message type, not consumer type.
Your fault consumer should be consuming Fault<SubmitOrder>.
class MyFaultConsumer :
public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<Fault<SubmitOrder>> context)
return Task.CompletedTask;


How to send a periodic message from the server in SignalR

I've created a new ASP.NET 6 web app.
I want to periodically broadcast a message through a SignalR hub, from the server.
How can I access the hub from the server? Other answers suggest using GlobalHost but it belongs to a deprecated version of SignalR
Example code from web app Program.cs:
Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
var hub = GetSiteLayoutHub(); // How can I get this hub?
while (true)
var uiState = GetUIState();
await hub.SendUIUpdateMessage(uiState);
public class SiteLayoutHub : Hub
public async Task SendUIUpdateMessage(UIState uiState)
await Clients.All.SendAsync("UIUpdateMessage", uiState);
These are all of the pieces required:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
public class SiteLayoutHub : Hub { }
public class UIUpdateService : BackgroundService
private readonly IHubContext<SiteLayoutHub> _hubContext;
public UIUpdateService(IHubContext<SiteLayoutHub> hubContext)
_hubContext = hubContext;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
var timer = new PeriodicTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
while (await timer.WaitForNextTickAsync(stoppingToken))
var uiState = GetUiState();
await _hubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("UIState", uiState);
private object GetUiState()
throw new NotImplementedException();

Mass Transit RabbitMQ Consumer fails with long task

Error Message: MassTransit.ConnectionException: The connection is stopping and cannot be used: rabbit-host
We have a long-running consumer using MassTransit with RabbitMQ.
We are failing in the consumer when trying to publish our result onto a different queue after running for 20+ minutes.
We are assuming that the connection is timing out before we complete our work.
We see there is an option to use a JobConsumer for long running tasks, but were wondering if there is a way to extend our timeout on the regular Consumer when working with RabbitMQ?
We saw the MaxAutoRenewDuration option when working with Azure on this question: Masstransit - long running process and imediate response and were looking for something similar for RabbitMQ.
Is there a specific default timeout time that the connection to the rabbit host lasts?
Thank you for any help, and I can provide more details if that'd be helpful.
// Consumer Class
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MassTransit;
namespace ExampleNameSpace
public class ExampleConsumer : IConsumer<ExampleMessage>
private readonly BusinessLogicProcess _businessLogicProcess;
public ExampleConsumer(BusinessLogicProcess businessLogicProcess)
_businessLogicProcess = businessLogicProcess;
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<ExampleMessage> context)
// Do our business logic (takes 20+ minutes)
var businessLogicResult = await _businessLogicProcess.DoBusinessWorkAsync();
var resultMessage = new ResultMessage { ResultValue = businessLogicResult };
// Publish the result of our work
// Get the following error when we publish after a long running piece of work
// MassTransit.ConnectionException: The connection is stopping and cannot be used: rabbitmqs://our-rabbit-host/vhost-name
await context.Publish<ResultMessage>(resultMessage);
catch (Exception e)
public class BusinessLogicProcess {
public async Task<int> DoBusinessWorkAsync()
// Business Logic Here
// Takes 20+ minutes
return 0;
public class ExampleMessage { }
public class ResultMessage {
public int ResultValue { get; set; }
// Service Class - Connect to RabbitMQ
using MassTransit;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ExampleNameSpace
public class ExampleService : BackgroundService
private readonly BusinessLogicProcess _businessLogicProcess;
private IBusControl _bus;
public ExampleService(BusinessLogicProcess process)
_businessLogicProcess = process;
public override async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_bus = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(
config =>
config.Host(new Uri("rabbitmqs://our-rabbit-host/vhost-name"), hostConfig =>
endpointConfigurator =>
endpointConfigurator.Consumer(() => new ExampleConsumer(_businessLogicProcess),
config => config.UseConcurrentMessageLimit(1));
await _bus.StartAsync(cancellationToken);
await base.StopAsync(cancellationToken);
protected override Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
return Task.CompletedTask;
public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await _bus.StopAsync(cancellationToken);
await base.StopAsync(cancellationToken);

How to receive message from an actor in non actor class

I'm using an actor system to calculate some data, and then I want it to return the result from not originally asked actor endpoint to my non actor oriented program. I tried using Ask or Ask<> with await or Result but it didn't help either.
This is a simplified example of what I want to achieve:
class Program
public static ActorSystem actorSystem;
static async Task Main(string[] args)
actorSystem = ActorSystem.Create("ActorSystem");
var mainActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new MainActor()), "main");
var actorAnswer = await mainActor.Ask<object[]>(new Start(true));
//Some operations using actorAnswer from actor ...
And simplified MainActor:
class MainActor : ReceiveActor
public MainActor()
Receive<Start>(m =>
_commanderActor.Tell(new SomeMessage());
Receive<IEnumerable<int[]>>(m =>
if (condition)
Sender.Tell(new object[] {x, y});
_commanderActor.Tell(new SomeMessage());

How to specify which Azure Service Bus Topic to use with MassTransit

I've tried using MassTransit to publish a message to a topic named events in an Azure Service Bus. I have problems configuring MassTransit to use my predefined topic events, instead it creates a new topic named by the namespace/classname for the message type. So I wonder how to specify which topic to use instead of creating a new one.
This is the code I've tested with:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MassTransit;
using MassTransit.AzureServiceBusTransport;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus;
namespace PublisherNameSpace
public class Publisher
public static async Task PublishMessage()
var topic = "events";
var bus = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingAzureServiceBus(
cfg =>
var azureServiceBusHost = cfg.Host(new Uri("sb://<busname>.servicebus.windows.net"), host =>
host.OperationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
host.TokenProvider =
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(azureServiceBusHost, topic, e =>
await bus.Publish<TestConsumer>(new TestMessage { TestString = "testing" });
public class TestConsumer : IConsumer<TestMessage>
public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<TestMessage> context)
return Console.Out.WriteAsync("Consuming message");
public class TestMessage
public string TestString { get; set; }
The accepted answer clears up the subscription side:
e =>
For those wondering how to get the bus configuration right on the publish side, it should look like:
cfg.Message<TestMessage>(x =>
You can then call publish on the bus:
await bus.Publish<TestMessage>(message);
Thanks to #ChrisPatterson for pointing this out to me!
If you want to consume from a specific topic, create a subscription endpoint instead of a receive endpoint, and specify the topic and subscription name in the configuration.
The simplest form is shown in the unit tests:
I was able to send to an Azure Service Bus Topic using the _sendEndpointProvider.GetSendEndpoint(new Uri("topic:shape")); where... "shape" is the topic name.
public class MassTransitController : ControllerBase
private readonly ILogger<MassTransitController> _logger;
private readonly ISendEndpointProvider _sendEndpointProvider;
public MassTransitController(ILogger<MassTransitController> logger, ISendEndpointProvider sendEndpointProvider)
_logger = logger;
_sendEndpointProvider = sendEndpointProvider;
public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
var randomType = new Random();
var randomColor = new Random();
var shape = new Shape();
shape.ShapeId = Guid.NewGuid();
shape.Color = ShapeType.ShapeColors[randomColor.Next(ShapeType.ShapeColors.Count)];
shape.Type = ShapeType.ShapeTypes[randomType.Next(ShapeType.ShapeTypes.Count)];
var endpoint = await _sendEndpointProvider.GetSendEndpoint(new Uri("topic:shape"));
await endpoint.Send(shape);
return Ok(shape);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
I also was able to get a .NET 5 Worker Consumer working with code like this... where the subscription "sub-all" would catch all shapes.. I'm going to make a blog post / git repo of this.
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
services.AddMassTransit(x =>
x.UsingAzureServiceBus((context, cfg) =>
e =>
e.Handler<Shape>(async context =>
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Shape Received: {context.Message.Type}");
e.MaxDeliveryCount = 15;

How do I get CreateUsingInMemory() to work with MassTransit?

Here's my entire code. I think the test should pass, but it fails. I've (unsuccessfully) tried using some of the overloads to Consumer.
using MassTransit;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MassTransitTests
public class Message
public class MessageConsumer : IConsumer<Message>
public static int ConsumedCount
private set;
public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<Message> context)
return Task.FromResult(0);
public class MassTransitTest
public async Task BasicTestAsync()
// Arrange
var control = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingInMemory(configure =>
configure.ReceiveEndpoint("myQueue", endpoint =>
// Act
using (var handle = control.Start())
await control.Publish(new Message());
await control.Publish(new Message());
// Assert
Assert.That(MessageConsumer.ConsumedCount, Is.EqualTo(2));
Their documentation shows this, which is what I'm doing:
var busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingInMemory(cfg =>
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint("queue_name", ep =>
//configure the endpoint
What am I doing wrong/what I do need to change in my Arrange/Act to get my Assert to work?
After digging through their tests, I found what I was missing:
[1] You need* to await BusHandle.Ready, which I wasn't doing. *(The test works without this - at least the first time I ran it, but that may just be a race condition working in my favor....)
[2] The calls to Publish apparently complete whenever the bus has received the message I'm guessing - not when the handlers/consumers of the message have completed their work. Therefore you need to notify the calling code that the handlers have finished if that's what you're testing. Here's one way to do this - use TaskCompletionSource<T> (similar to what I found in their codebase). Obviously I may not have been perfect in my thread-safety and my lock usage is a bit sledge-hammer-esque, but this illustrates the point:
using MassTransit;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MassTransitTests
public class Message
public class MessageConsumer : IConsumer<Message>
public static int TargetConsumedCount
get { return _targetConsumedCount; }
lock (_lock)
_targetConsumedCount = value;
private static void CheckTargetReached()
if (_consumedCount >= TargetConsumedCount)
public static Task<bool> TargetReached { get; private set; }
private static int _consumedCount;
private static int _targetConsumedCount;
private static TaskCompletionSource<bool> _targetReached;
private static object _lock;
static MessageConsumer()
_lock = new object();
_targetReached = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
TargetReached = _targetReached.Task;
public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<Message> context)
lock (_lock)
return Task.FromResult(0);
public class MassTransitTest
public async Task BasicTestAsync()
// Arrange
var control = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingInMemory(configure =>
configure.ReceiveEndpoint("myQueue", endpoint =>
using (var handle = control.Start())
await handle.Ready; // [1]
// Act
await control.Publish(new Message());
await control.Publish(new Message());
// Assert
MessageConsumer.TargetConsumedCount = 2;
await MessageConsumer.TargetReached; // [2]
