Setting Library Parameter Globally (Newtonsoft.Json MaxDepth) - c#

I'm trying to upgrade a monolithic repo so that it is no longer susceptible to this NewtonsSoft.Json Exploit. I'm new to C# so maybe that's why I'm having a little trouble understanding the fix. They say
This can be done globally with he following statement:
JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings { MaxDepth = 128 };
I think I could just set this in each classes constructor that relies on Newtonsoft, but that would create a whole lot of duplication (example below). Am I totally off, is there a cleaner way to do things?
using Newtonsoft.Json
private class MyClasss
public MyClass()
// add this line here
JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings { MaxDepth = 128 };
// other steps
// other methods
I'm working in a monolithic repo full of a bunch of solutions that each contain multiple projects.
We can't update to Json.NET 13.0.1 because of some external dependencies.
We are using .Net 3.1 and there seems to be about 5 entrypoints to our repo.

JsonConvert.DefaultSettings is a public static Func<JsonSerializerSettings>, so you only really need to set it once, on startup.
You have a few options for doing this which should be easier than setting it in every class constructor:
You note that your monolithic repo has 5 entry points, so you could set JsonConvert.DefaultSettings in each Program.cs.
If you have some class that is used by all consumers of your monolithic repo, you could set JsonConvert.DefaultSettings in the static constructor for that class:
public class SomeUniversallyUsedClass
static SomeUniversallyUsedClass()
// add this line here
JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings { MaxDepth = 128 };
// Remainder of the class
You mention you are using .NET 6 .NET Core 3.1. In c# 9.0/.NET 5 and later, you can use a module initializer to set JsonConvert.DefaultSettings once for every module in your monolithic repo like so:
internal class JsonNetModuleInitializer
public static void Initialize()
// add this line here
JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings { MaxDepth = 128 };
If you are using a version earlier than .NET 5, you could still introduce JsonNetModuleInitializer and call JsonNetModuleInitializer.Initialize() from your 5 entry points and/or the static constructors for your commonly used classes.
Demo fiddle here.


Can ValidateDataAnnotations() throw exception already on startup? [duplicate]

Core2 has a hook for validating options read from appsettings.json:
services.PostConfigure<MyConfig>(options => {
// do some validation
// maybe throw exception if appsettings.json has invalid data
This validation code triggers on first use of MyConfig, and every time after that. So I get multiple runtime errors.
However it is more sensible to run validation during startup - if config validation fails I want the app to fail immediately. The docs imply that is how it works, but that is not what happens.
So am I doing it right? If so and this is by design, then how can I change what I'm doing so it works the way I want?
(Also, what is the difference between PostConfigure and PostConfigureAll? There is no difference in this case, so when should I use either one?)
This has been discussed in this dotnet/runtime issue since 2018.
In .NET 6, a ValidateOnStart extension method has been added to Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
You can use it this way:
.ValidateOnStart(); // Support eager validation
However, ValidateDataAnnotations still does not validate nested properties and this won't be fixed soon (Microsoft issue).
This NuGet package provides a ConfigureAndValidate<TOptions> extension method which validates options at startup.
It is based on Microsoft.Extensions.Options.DataAnnotations. But unlike Microsoft's package, it can even validate nested properties.
It is compatible with .NET Standard 2.0, .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5, .NET 6 and .NET 7.
Documentation & source code (GitHub)
Create your options class(es)
Decorate your options with data annotations
Call ConfigureAndValidate<T>(Action<T> configureOptions) on your IServiceCollection
ConfigureAndValidate will configure your options (calling the base Configure method), but will also check that the built configuration respects the data annotations, otherwise an OptionsValidationException (with details) is thrown as soon as the application is started. No misconfiguration surprise at runtime!
ServiceCollection extension
Is syntactic sugar for
.Configure(configureOptions) // Microsoft
.ValidateDataAnnotationsRecursively() // based on Microsoft's ValidateDataAnnotations, but supports nested properties
.ValidateOnStart() // or ValidateEagerly() in previous versions
OptionsBuilder extensions
This method register this options instance for validation of its DataAnnotations at the first dependency injection. Nested objects are supported.
ValidateOnStart (or ValidateEagerly in previous versions)
This method validates this options instance at application startup rather than at the first dependency injection.
Custom validation
You can combine with your own option validations:
.Validate(options => { /* custom */ }, message)
.Validate<TDependency1, TDependency2>((options, dependency1, dependency2) =>
// custom validation
"Custom error message")
Microsoft options validation documentation
There is no real way to run a configuration validation during startup. As you already noticed, post configure actions run, just like normal configure actions, lazily when the options object is being requested. This completely by design, and allows for many important features, for example reloading configuration during run-time or also options cache invalidation.
What the post configuration action is usually being used for is not a validation in terms of “if there’s something wrong, then throw an exception”, but rather “if there’s something wrong, fall back to sane defaults and make it work”.
For example, there’s a post configuration step in the authentication stack, that makes sure that there’s always a SignInScheme set for remote authentication handlers:
options.SignInScheme = options.SignInScheme ?? _authOptions.DefaultSignInScheme ?? _authOptions.DefaultScheme;
As you can see, this will not fail but rather just provides multiple fallbacks.
In this sense, it’s also important to remember that options and configuration are actually two separate things. It’s just that the configuration is a commonly used source for configuring options. So one might argue that it is not actually the job of the options to validate that the configuration is correct.
As such it might make more sense to actually check the configuration in the Startup, before configuring the options. Something like this:
var myOptionsConfiguration = Configuration.GetSection("MyOptions");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(myOptionsConfiguration["Url"]))
throw new Exception("MyOptions:Url is a required configuration");
Of course this easily becomes very excessive, and will likely force you to bind/parse many properties manually. It will also ignore the configuration chaining that the options pattern supports (i.e. configuring a single options object with multiple sources/actions).
So what you could do here is keep your post configuration action for validation, and simply trigger the validation during startup by actually requesting the options object. For example, you could simply add IOptions<MyOptions> as a dependency to the Startup.Configure method:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IOptions<MyOptions> myOptions)
// all configuration and post configuration actions automatically run
// …
If you have multiple of these options, you could even move this into a separate type:
public class OptionsValidator
public OptionsValidator(IOptions<MyOptions> myOptions, IOptions<OtherOptions> otherOptions)
{ }
At that time, you could also move the logic from the post configuration action into that OptionsValidator. So you could trigger the validation explicitly as part of the application startup:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, OptionsValidator optionsValidator)
// …
As you can see, there’s no single answer for this. You should think about your requirements and see what makes the most sense for your case. And of course, this whole validation only makes sense for certain configurations. In particular, you will have difficulties when working configurations that will change during run-time (you could make this work with a custom options monitor, but it’s probably not worth the hassle). But as most own applications usually just use cached IOptions<T>, you likely don’t need that.
As for PostConfigure and PostConfigureAll, they both register an IPostConfigure<TOptions>. The difference is simply that the former will only match a single named option (by default the unnamed option—if you don’t care about option names), while PostConfigureAll will run for all names.
Named options are for example used for the authentication stack, where each authentication method is identified by its scheme name. So you could for example add multiple OAuth handlers and use PostConfigure("oauth-a", …) to configure one and PostConfigure("oauth-b", …) to configure the other, or use PostConfigureAll(…) to configure them both.
On an ASP.NET Core 2.2 project I got this working doing eager validation by following these steps...
Given an Options class like this one:
public class CredCycleOptions
[Range(1753, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a valid integer Number.")]
public int VerifiedMinYear { get; set; }
[Range(1753, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a valid integer Number.")]
public int SignedMinYear { get; set; }
[Range(1753, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a valid integer Number.")]
public int SentMinYear { get; set; }
[Range(1753, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a valid integer Number.")]
public int ConfirmedMinYear { get; set; }
In Startup.cs add these lines to ConfigureServices method:
// This will validate Eagerly...
services.ConfigureAndValidate<CredCycleOptions>("CredCycle", Configuration);
ConfigureAndValidate is an extension method from here.
public static class OptionsExtensions
private static void ValidateByDataAnnotation(object instance, string sectionName)
var validationResults = new List<ValidationResult>();
var context = new ValidationContext(instance);
var valid = Validator.TryValidateObject(instance, context, validationResults);
if (valid)
var msg = string.Join("\n", validationResults.Select(r => r.ErrorMessage));
throw new Exception($"Invalid configuration for section '{sectionName}':\n{msg}");
public static OptionsBuilder<TOptions> ValidateByDataAnnotation<TOptions>(
this OptionsBuilder<TOptions> builder,
string sectionName)
where TOptions : class
return builder.PostConfigure(x => ValidateByDataAnnotation(x, sectionName));
public static IServiceCollection ConfigureAndValidate<TOptions>(
this IServiceCollection services,
string sectionName,
IConfiguration configuration)
where TOptions : class
var section = configuration.GetSection(sectionName);
return services;
public static OptionsBuilder<TOptions> ValidateEagerly<TOptions>(this OptionsBuilder<TOptions> optionsBuilder) where TOptions : class
optionsBuilder.Services.AddTransient<IStartupFilter, StartupOptionsValidation<TOptions>>();
return optionsBuilder;
I plumbed ValidateEargerly extension method right inside ConfigureAndValidate. It makes use of this other class from here:
public class StartupOptionsValidation<T> : IStartupFilter
public Action<IApplicationBuilder> Configure(Action<IApplicationBuilder> next)
return builder =>
var options = builder.ApplicationServices.GetService(typeof(IOptions<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(T)));
if (options != null)
// Retrieve the value to trigger validation
var optionsValue = ((IOptions<object>)options).Value;
This allows us to add data annotations to the CredCycleOptions and get nice error feedback right at the moment the app starts making it an ideal solution.
If an option is missing or have a wrong value, we don't want users to catch these errors at runtime. That would be a bad experience.
There are easy way to validating with using IStartupFilter and IValidateOptions.
You can just put below code your ASP.NET Core project.
public static class OptionsBuilderExtensions
public static OptionsBuilder<TOptions> ValidateOnStartupTime<TOptions>(this OptionsBuilder<TOptions> builder)
where TOptions : class
builder.Services.AddTransient<IStartupFilter, OptionsValidateFilter<TOptions>>();
return builder;
public class OptionsValidateFilter<TOptions> : IStartupFilter where TOptions : class
private readonly IOptions<TOptions> _options;
public OptionsValidateFilter(IOptions<TOptions> options)
_options = options;
public Action<IApplicationBuilder> Configure(Action<IApplicationBuilder> next)
_ = _options.Value; // Trigger for validating options.
return next;
And just chain the ValidateOnStartup method on OptionsBuilder<TOptions>.
If you want to create custom validator for options class, checkout this article.
This has been implemented in .NET 6. Now you can just write the following:
.ValidateOnStart(); // works in .NET 6
No need for external NuGet Packages or extra code.
See OptionsBuilderExtensions.ValidateOnStart<TOptions>
Below is a generic ConfigureAndValidate method to validate immediately and "fail fast".
To summarize the steps:
Call serviceCollection.Configure for your options
Do serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider().CreateScope()
Get the options instance with scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<T>> (remember to take the .Value)
Validate it using Validator.TryValidateObject
public static class ConfigExtensions
public static void ConfigureAndValidate<T>(this IServiceCollection serviceCollection, Action<T> configureOptions) where T : class, new()
// Inspired by
using (var scope = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider().CreateScope())
var options = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<T>>();
var optionsValue = options.Value;
var configErrors = ValidationErrors(optionsValue).ToArray();
if (!configErrors.Any())
var aggregatedErrors = string.Join(",", configErrors);
var count = configErrors.Length;
var configType = typeof(T).FullName;
throw new ApplicationException($"{configType} configuration has {count} error(s): {aggregatedErrors}");
private static IEnumerable<string> ValidationErrors(object obj)
var context = new ValidationContext(obj, serviceProvider: null, items: null);
var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
Validator.TryValidateObject(obj, context, results, true);
foreach (var validationResult in results)
yield return validationResult.ErrorMessage;

How to configure two JSON serializers and select the correct one based on the route

I have an ASP.NET Core Web API project using .Net Framework 4.7 and I'm upgrading to .Net Core 3.1. One of the reasons that I'm upgrading is to use the new System.Text.Json serializer.
Currently, I have some versions of the API based on the route, like:
And I will create a new one (v3) to use the new serializer. But here is the problem: I want to keep using JSON.Net on the older routes, to avoid any possible formating problem with the integrated clients.
Is there an easy way to configure Asp.Net Core to automatically select the correct JSON serializer based on the route?
You could create your own super InputFormatter/OutputFormatter so that it checks the condition at runtime and then make a decision to use System.Text.Json or use Newtonsoft.Json dynamically.
For example, we can check the current action method ( or controller class):
if it has a custom attribute of [UseSystemTextJsonAttribute], then use System.Text.Json
if it has a custom attribute of [UseNewtonsoftJsonAttribute], then use Newtonsoft.Json.
I create a custom InputFormatter for your reference:
// the custom attribute
internal abstract class UseJsonAttribute : Attribute, IAsyncActionFilter
public Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next) => next();
internal class UseSystemTextJsonAttribute : UseJsonAttribute { }
internal class UseNewtonsoftJsonAttribute : UseJsonAttribute { }
// Our Super Input Formatter
internal class MySuperJsonInputFormatter : TextInputFormatter
public MySuperJsonInputFormatter()
public override async Task<InputFormatterResult> ReadRequestBodyAsync(InputFormatterContext context, Encoding encoding)
var mvcOpt= context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IOptions<MvcOptions>>().Value;
var formatters = mvcOpt.InputFormatters;
TextInputFormatter formatter =null; // the real formatter : SystemTextJsonInput or Newtonsoft
Endpoint endpoint = context.HttpContext.GetEndpoint();
if(endpoint.Metadata.GetMetadata<UseSystemTextJsonAttribute>()!= null)
formatter= formatters.OfType<SystemTextJsonInputFormatter>().FirstOrDefault();
//formatter = formatter ?? SystemTextJsonInputFormatter
else if( endpoint.Metadata.GetMetadata<UseNewtonsoftJsonAttribute>() != null){
// don't use `Of<NewtonsoftJsonInputFormatter>` here because there's a NewtonsoftJsonPatchInputFormatter
formatter= (NewtonsoftJsonInputFormatter)(formatters
.Where(f =>typeof(NewtonsoftJsonInputFormatter) == f.GetType())
throw new Exception("This formatter is only used for System.Text.Json InputFormatter or NewtonsoftJson InputFormatter");
var result = await formatter.ReadRequestBodyAsync(context,encoding);
return result;
internal class MySuperJsonOutputFormatter : TextOutputFormatter
... // similar to MySuperJsonInputFormatter, omitted for brevity
And then configure the Json settings/options in the startup:
services.AddControllers(opts =>{ })
.AddNewtonsoftJson(opts =>{ /**/ })
.AddJsonOptions(opts =>{ /**/ });
Note AddNewtonsoftJson() will remove the builtin SystemTextJsonInputFormatters. So we need configure the MvcOptions manually :
.PostConfigure<IOptions<JsonOptions>, IOptions<MvcNewtonsoftJsonOptions>,ArrayPool<char>, ObjectPoolProvider,ILoggerFactory>((opts, jsonOpts, newtonJsonOpts, charPool, objectPoolProvider, loggerFactory )=>{
// configure System.Text.Json formatters
if(opts.InputFormatters.OfType<SystemTextJsonInputFormatter>().Count() ==0){
var systemInputlogger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<SystemTextJsonInputFormatter>();
opts.InputFormatters.Add(new SystemTextJsonInputFormatter(jsonOpts.Value, systemInputlogger));
if(opts.OutputFormatters.OfType<SystemTextJsonOutputFormatter>().Count() ==0){
opts.OutputFormatters.Add(new SystemTextJsonOutputFormatter(jsonOpts.Value.JsonSerializerOptions));
// configure Newtonjson formatters
if(opts.InputFormatters.OfType<NewtonsoftJsonInputFormatter>().Count() ==0){
var inputLogger= loggerFactory.CreateLogger<NewtonsoftJsonInputFormatter>();
opts.InputFormatters.Add(new NewtonsoftJsonInputFormatter(
inputLogger, newtonJsonOpts.Value.SerializerSettings, charPool, objectPoolProvider, opts, newtonJsonOpts.Value
opts.OutputFormatters.Add(new NewtonsoftJsonOutputFormatter(newtonJsonOpts.Value.SerializerSettings, charPool, opts));
opts.InputFormatters.Insert(0, new MySuperJsonInputFormatter());
opts.OutputFormatters.Insert(0, new MySuperJsonOutputFormatter());
Now it should work fine.
I've used this approach (create a "super" formatter which then decides which real formatter to use) to allow different routes to have different JSON formatting (camelCase or not in our scenario). This works well and allows us to use a third-party add-in which requires a specific set of formatting rules which differ from our standard...
As the third-party add-in is fully compiled we couldn't use a custom attribute on their controllers; and didn't one to add one to each of ours (!); so instead we examine the route and selected the formatter based on that.
Real life saver in this case :)

How to add global configuration options to Automapper v8 using instance api with .net core 2.2

I'm using:
.net core v2.2.0
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore v2.2.4
automapper v8.1.1
AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection v6.1.1
VS2017 Community Edition v15.9.12
In my solution i have:
TVC_DATA: handles all data access and contains the mapping profile classes
TVC_PORTAL: react web app
I have setup automapper using dependency injection following the guide as described here
So: in startup.cs of TVC_PORTAL in ConfigureServices method i have:
where i use AutoMapProfileGen is one of the marker types for AddAutoMapper to locate the TVC_DATA assembly where the other profiles are located as well.
In my ObjectController i inject IMapper:
public ObjectController(IHostingEnvironment environment, IMapper mapper)
_hostingEnvironment = environment;
_mapper = mapper;
And i use the mapper later on:
IEnumerable<ObjectViewType> vList = _mapper.Map<IEnumerable<ObjectType>, IEnumerable<ObjectViewType>>(mList);
My profiles are pretty straightforward, for example:
public class AutomapProfileSrc : Profile
public AutomapProfileSrc()
//source data
CreateMap<AirlineView, Airline>().ReverseMap();
CreateMap<AirlineListView, Airline>().ReverseMap();
CreateMap<AirportView, Airport>().ReverseMap();
CreateMap<AirportListView, Airport>().ReverseMap();
CreateMap<CountryView, Country>().ReverseMap();
CreateMap<CountryListView, Country>().ReverseMap();
My question: i want to set some global config options for automapper and cannot figure out where/how to set them. For example: i want to set ValidateInlineMaps to false (because that was mentioned as a solution when AssertConfigurationIsValid throws 'member not mapped' exceptions). Also i want to set MaxDepth to 1 for all maps to avoid circular references. What i tried:
1) Set ValidateInlineMaps to false in all profile constructors: doesn't work.
public class AutomapProfileCfg : Profile
public AutomapProfileCfg()
ValidateInlineMaps = false;
2) Create a MapperConfiguration object in ConfigureServices like:
'var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
cfg.ForAllMaps((typeMap, mappingExpression) => { mappingExpression.MaxDepth(1); });
cfg.AllowNullCollections = true;
cfg.ValidateInlineMaps = false;
//cfg.Advanced.MaxExecutionPlanDepth = 1;
But i do not know how to link it to the mapper instance: just creating is not changing the mapper's behaviour.
Have been going through documentation and searching this site for almost a day now: is getting frustrating because this looks like it must be simple....but somehow i can't get it to work. Any help would be much appreciated
Any global config actions can be specified directly when configuring the service:
services.AddAutoMapper(cfg =>
cfg.ValidateInlineMaps = true;
...other config stuff
}, typeof(AutomapProfileGen));

Where to place AutoMapper map registration in referenced dll

This is my first AutoMapper project and may be obvious to some but the tutorials and examples are not clicking with me. I am trying to understand where and to a certain degree how to register(I think I want profiles) my maps for use. There are plenty of MVC examples saying to use the global asax and this makes sense but what is the equivalent in a library project?
In my sandbox I have a winform app and a core library. The winform app calls methods made available by the library and it is one of these library methods that makes use of automapper.
So for some background here is my map:
(and to be clear the mapping is in the SAME core library project)
public class Raw_Full_Map
public Raw_Full_Map()
Mapper.CreateMap<IEnumerable<RawData>, FullData>()
.ForMember(d => d.Acres, m => m.ResolveUsing(new RawLeadDataNameResolver("Acres")));
//this is clearly just a snip to show it's a basic map
This is the core library method being called: (note it is a static..which means I won't have a constructor...if this is the problem am I to understand then that AutoMapper can't be utilized by static helper classes...that doesn't make likely I'm just not doing it right.
public static class RawDataProcessing
public static FullData HTMLDataScrape(string htmlScrape)
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
var list = Recurse(doc.DocumentNode);
//HTML agility stuff that turns my html doc into a List<RawData> object
return Mapper.Map<FullData>(list);
My test harness calls it like this:
var _data = RawDataProcessing.HTMLDataScrape(rawHTML);
This of course errors because the map isn't "registered".
If I do this in the test harness:
var x = new RawData_FullData();
var _data = RawDataProcessing.HTMLDataScrape(rawHTML);
Then everything works as my map get's registered albeit I think in a really bogus way...but it does work.
So the question is how do I register my mapping in the core library that ANY method can use it...there isn't really an equivalent global.asax in a dll is there?
Thank you for helping me connect the missing pieces.
Put it in the static constructor of either the source or the target type of the mapping.
public class FullData
static FullData()
Mapper.CreateMap<IEnumerable<RawData>, FullData>()
.ForMember(d => d.Acres, m => m.ResolveUsing(new RawLeadDataNameResolver("Acres")));
The static constructor will automatically get called the first time you try to use the type FullData for anything (for example a mapping).
You can use PreApplicationStartMethod for any class and it's method in your class library which will be referenced from your startup project if you want automatically to call this on startup. And then you can register all your mappings in that method. By the way, I suggest to use AddProfile for registering all mappings.
[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(MyClassLibrary.Startup), "Start")]
namespace MyClassLibrary
public class Startup
// Automatically will work on startup
public static void Start()
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FindAllDerivedTypes<Profile>().ForEach(match =>
cfg.AddProfile(Activator.CreateInstance(match) as Profile);
You just need to create new classes which derived from Profile class and then override it's Configure() method:
public class FooMapperProfile:Profile
protected override void Configure()
Mapper.CreateMap<OtherFoo, Foo>()
... // so on
public class AnotherFooMapperProfile:Profile
protected override void Configure()
Mapper.CreateMap<OtherFoo, AnotherFoo>()
... // so on;
// and so on
Additional information:
If you have seen I have initialized all mappings with that code:
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FindAllDerivedTypes<Profile>().ForEach(match =>
cfg.AddProfile(Activator.CreateInstance(match) as Profile);
It will automatically find all types derived from Profile and will add all profiles after createing their new instances.
As #Scott Chamberlain commented, PreApplicationStartMethod only works for ASP.NET applications. This would not work with a desktop app. If you are working with Wpf, then you can use Application.OnStartup method. Or just call Start.Startup (); in load event.
FindAllDerivedTypes extension method:
public static class AssemblyExtensions
public static List<Type> FindAllDerivedTypes<T>(this Assembly assembly)
var derivedType = typeof(T);
return assembly.GetTypes()
.Where(t => t != derivedType && derivedType.IsAssignableFrom(t))

Configuring JsonNetSerializer and JsonNetBodyDeserializer using Nancy TinyIoC

I am a noob to Nancy. I have been using it as a framework to produce a REST API. I am familiar with Json.NET so I've been playing with the Nancy.Serialization.JsonNet package.
My goal: to customize the behavior (i.e. change the settings) of the JsonNetSerializer and JsonNetBodyDeserializer.
Specifically I'd like to incorporate the following settings...
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented };
settings.Converters.Add( new StringEnumConverter { AllowIntegerValues = false, CamelCaseText = true } );
I wanted to perform this customization using the builtin TinyIoC container to avoid the inheritance chain and limit potential issues arising from any changes in the Nancy.Serialization.JsonNet package.
NOTE: As a temporary workaround, I have leveraged inheritance to create CustomJsonNetSerializer and CustomJsonNetBodyDeserializer.
I have tried several approaches to incorporate this configuration at least for the JsonNetSerializer. I've not tried configuring the JsonNetBodyDeserializer using the TinyIoC yet. I imagine it will be done similarly. All the work I've tried is in my CustomNancyBootstrapper (which inherits from DefaultNancyBootstrapper).
Most successful approach so far: override ConfigureApplicationContainer
protected override void ConfigureApplicationContainer( TinyIoCContainer container )
base.ConfigureApplicationContainer( container );
// probably don't need both registrations, and I've tried only keeping one or the other
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented };
settings.Converters.Add( new StringEnumConverter { AllowIntegerValues = false, CamelCaseText = true } );
container.Register( new JsonNetSerializer( JsonSerializer.CreateDefault( settings ) ) );
container.Register<ISerializer>( new JsonNetSerializer( JsonSerializer.CreateDefault( settings ) ) );
I have traced the code and watched the JsonNetSerializer(JsonSerializer serializer) constructor in the JsonNet package.
Potential problem: I noticed the constructor is called twice. I did not expect this behavior.
The first time everything is just right - my customization is added and registered properly. But, then the second time happens and the types are re-registered, without the settings customization. The re-registration appears to replace the original registration losing my settings customization.
The call stack the second time the constructor is called shows that it is called during GetEngine and GetEngineInternal which seems to try to build a NancyEngine (I am using the self-host package so this happens in program.cs -- using(var host = new NancyHost(uri)) ).
Seems like I either need to tell Nancy not to do something or I need to hook in to a later part in the chain.
Any help would be appreciated.
Typically the way to solve this in Nancy is to implement your own JSON Serializer like so:
public sealed class CustomJsonSerializer : JsonSerializer
public CustomJsonSerializer()
ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
Converters.Add(new StringEnumConverter
AllowIntegerValues = false,
CamelCaseText = true
Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
Here you can override all the settings.
Then you can register it, I do this by using IRegistrations
public class JsonRegistration : IRegistrations
public IEnumerable<TypeRegistration> TypeRegistrations
yield return new TypeRegistration(typeof(JsonSerializer), typeof(CustomJsonSerializer));
public IEnumerable<CollectionTypeRegistration> CollectionTypeRegistrations { get; protected set; }
public IEnumerable<InstanceRegistration> InstanceRegistrations { get; protected set; }
Q: How does this approach differ from creating CustomJsonNetSerializer inheriting from JsonNetSerializer and then registering it in ConfigureApplicationContainer (container.Register( typeof(JsonNetSerializer), typeof(CustomJsonNetSerializer) )?
A: The JsonSerializer is the implementation if for Nancy, this is the recommended method we define on the readme on github:
The class you mention is the serialization of an object to JSON, there is another which handles deserialization, both of which utilize JsonSerializer internally:
Using this method makes the implementation settings consistent anywhere that the JsonSerializer is used.
Q: can I correctly infer from the approach you've outlined that I would no longer need to explicitly register CustomJsonSerializer in the ConfigureApplicationContainer override in my CustomNancyBootstrapper?
A: The method I've done for registering is just a cleaner abstraction for registering dependencies, rather than making one giant Bootstrapper, you can create a few smaller specific classes.
Yes using my method means you do not need to register in the bootstrapper.
