TFS API using c# - c#

I have find all collection from TFS all are fine. but i am not Understand why get username and password in windows security essential dialog to save TFS username and Password and URL . Please share to me .
This is one main problem in client machine.
Sample code
Uri configurationServerUri = new Uri("http://your-server:8080/tfs");
TfsConfigurationServer configurationServer = TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(configurationServerUri);
ITeamProjectCollectionService tpcService = configurationServer.GetService<ITeamProjectCollectionService>();
foreach (TeamProjectCollection tpc in tpcService.GetCollections())
List.add(tpc .name);
windows screen

Try to use TfsConfigurationServer Constructor (Uri, ICredentials) instead of TfsConfigurationServer Constructor (Uri), then you can specify the credentials that are used to authenticate the user to the server, as #Lasse V. Karlsen mentioned in comment.


How to get a MSAL access token for SharePoint Online in a federated environment the non-interactive way in a non-interactive .Net console app?

The task as simple as to have a scheduled .NET console app which will download a file from SharePoint Online on a regular basis using AD domain user account.
If I use recommended way
var token = publicApplication.AcquireTokenByIntegratedWindowsAuth(scopes).ExecuteAsync().Result;
I'm getting
UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed.
What does it mean? Which URI, hostname? Should I override something somewhere or add some special parameter?
I've googled thru this stuff a lot, and I have no idea where to look further, any advice will be appreciated.
P.S. I have no permissions to do anything on SharePoint side, I'm not a SP admin. I just have access to specific folder on the site from which I'm downloading the file. And also I have a code which works interactively:
WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy();
WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
var scopes = new string[] { "" };
var options = new PublicClientApplicationOptions()
TenantId = "",
ClientId = "{872cd9fa-d31f-45e0-9eab-6e460a02d1f1}",//known Visual Studio Id
var publicApplication = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.CreateWithApplicationOptions(options).Build();
var token = publicApplication.AcquireTokenInteractive(scopes).WithLoginHint("").ExecuteAsync().Result;
But it shows a browser window
No questions asked, pop-up disappear, and I get the token which is used further to download a file from SPOnline using /_api/web/GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(' stuff.
So just run the app, see the popup, get the file downloaded. No interaction needed.
But this approach doesn't work if I put this routine really non-interactive:
Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.
Turns out the non-interactive way is only possible using tenant-side registered application. Implemented using certificate authentication.
But surprisingly the token obtained by ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder doesn't work the way I wanted/expected (scopes/user impersonation issues). So now we use Graph client approach.
This is the only way which works for me (.NetFramework 4.7.2):
using Azure.Identity;
using Microsoft.Graph;
static async Task GetFile(GraphServiceClient graphClient, string fileName2get)
var fileitem = graphClient
.Sites["SiteGuidYouMayGetBy /sites/[your site name]/_api/site/id"]
.ItemWithPath($"/Path To The File starting from Drive Root/{fileName2get}")
var stream = fileitem.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.Create($"C:/Temp/{fileName2get}"))
await stream.Content.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

AWS Cognito - User pool xxxx does not exist

var client = new AmazonCognitoIdentityProviderClient("MYKEY", "MYSECRET", RegionEndpoint.USEast1);
var request = new AdminGetUserRequest();
request.Username = "USERNAME";
request.UserPoolId = "POOLID";
var user = client.AdminGetUserAsync(request).Result;
The key/secret are authenticating as a user with Administrator Access. For good measure, I've also given it the AmazonCognitoPowerUser policy.
The region endpoint is correct and the same as the one my user pool is in. The user pool Id is correct. The first part of the user pool ID matches the region.
I'm at a loss for where else this could possibly be going wrong. Any ideas?
Update 8/2/19
Manual CLI command:
PM> aws cognito-idp list-user-pools --region us-east-1 --max-results 10
"UserPools": []
The region is correct, so there must be some issue with permissions. Is there anything I could try tweaking on the pool, or other policies I may need to add to the user?
So, it looks like this is some sort of AWS glitch with the existing IAM user.
Having created a new user with exactly the same permissions, access works as intended both from CLI and the code in the original question.
Actually your configuration can be wrong , you downloaded awsconfiguration.json and it looks like same I know.. but this configuration can be wrong. When you examine the json you will see a field.. "CognitoUserPool": {PoolId, appclient id ..}
You need to open your user pool and create new client or control existing client information. Check your awsconfiguration.json again with this webpage's pool id, appclient id etc. Update your json... it will solve the problem.
I ran into this problem with the AWS CLI and it puzzled me too, but I learned that I needed to provide the profile name in the parameter list to get it to work. So it looked like this:
aws cognito-idp admin-get-user --profile dev-account ....
My profiles are stored on my Mac at cat ~/.aws/config| grep profile
The config file is created by an in-house custom script. This is the contents of what that file looks like.
[profile dev-account]
sso_start_url =
sso_region = us-east-1
sso_account_id = 1234567890
sso_role_name = PowerUserAccess
region = us-east-1
output = json
Also, in this folder is a "credentials" file that has some JSON for these variables: profile name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, aws_session_token, aws_expiration

OneDrive API with C#, get authentication code programmatic

I have to write an application, no matter what language (c#, Java, shell, python ...) that can connect to OneDrive and then uploads file.
Following the OneDrive API I found that i need in one step to go to the browser (manually and to post a url that combines client_id and client_security to get an authentication code so i can connect my client with it to get the access token. (oAuth2 protocol)
I need to get the access_token pragmatically, i don't need any manual step to be involved.
I tried in c# to use the WebBrowser component to navigate to the url and to get the access token, I found that the browser stays in the same url and not getting the final url that includes the auth_code!
My code looks like:
// Initialize a new Client (without an Access/Refresh tokens
var client = new Client(options);
// Get the OAuth Request Url
var authRequestUrl = client.GetAuthorizationRequestUrl(new[] { Scope.Basic, Scope.Signin, Scope.SkyDrive, Scope.SkyDriveUpdate });
// TODO: Navigate to authRequestUrl using the browser, and retrieve the Authorization Code from the response
WebBrowser wb = new WebBrowser();
wb.AllowNavigation = true;
wb.ScrollBarsEnabled = false;
wb.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
while (wb.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
Uri myUrl = wb.Url;
Anyone can help with fixing this, or maybe suggest other ideas please?
Thanks in Advance!
It looks like you're creating a Windows desktop app using C#. There's actually an example at for using the WebBrowser class to get the authorization code, then the token, then make an API. In short, you'll first need to send a request to the following URL with your client_id and scopes.
In the response, you'll get the authorization code which you'll need to use to send another request to with your client_id, client_secret, authorization code like the following.
When you finally receive the access token, you can make requests to the API using your access token similar to the following.
"". The "me" can be changed to any other folder or directory.
I hope that helps.
dont u think the scope u provided are wrong, they should be wl.basic, wl.signin, and if ur using new onedrive api then it should be onedrive.readonly or onedrive.readwrite
if ur using liveconnect api for the purpose of using onedrive then scope should be wl.skydrive or wl.contacts_skydrive or wl.skydrive_update
depending upon ur uses (refer
and can u more elaborate how ur trying to get the access_token, from above it is quite confusing to me
Have you solved you issue?
Have you tried to use the LiveSDK to authenticate?
Have a look at my question there, it might help you :
Onedrive API vs LiveSDK
I have used the following code, after installing both the LiveSDK and the OneDrive SDK, and this does not require any login after the first authorization. However it "may" have to be a RT app (windows store or windows phone store)
var authClient = new LiveAuthClient();
var authResult = await authClient.LoginAsync(new string[] {
"wl.signin", "onedrive.readwrite", "onedrive.appfolder"});
if (authResult.Session == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("You need to sign in and give consent to the app.");
var Connection = new ODConnection("",
new MicrosoftAccountAuthenticationInfo() { TokenType = "Bearer",
AccessToken = odArgs.Session.AccessToken });
Toan-Nguyen's answer almost helps me. On the step 2 (when I should send a request with authorization code) I get the response with error "Public clients can't send client secret". This answer said it's neccessary to remove the attribute client_secret from url.

Connecting to RavenDb via. username and password

How can I connect to RavenDb using UserName and Password without using connection string. I want to pass the values in code. I have seen a few examples where the username/pwd are setup in config files but this is not what I am looking for.
This is not a windows user, I just want a plain old ua/pwd challenge, nothing more.
Also how would I add the ravendb user on the server side?
new DocumentStore
Url = "http://your-server:8080",
DefaultDatabase = "your-db",
Credentials = new NetworkCredentials("foo", "bar");

Sharepoint connection with a username and password

i've searched during 2 days to resolve my problem but there is no way!
in fact, i'd like to connect to sharepoint using a user's account (there is no probleme when i use anonymous connexion).
i added a web reference of authentification and lists to use this code:
SPConnect.Authentication authSP = new SPConnect.Authentication();
SPLists.Lists spLists = new SPLists.Lists();
authSP.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
authSP.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
SPConnect.LoginResult loginSP = authSP.Login("administrateur", "pass");
if (loginSP.ErrorCode == SPConnect.LoginErrorCode.NoError)
spLists.CookieContainer = authSP.CookieContainer;
//object list = spLists.GetList("presentationAccueil");
SPSite oSiteCollection = SPContext.Current.Site;
SPList listeee = oSiteCollection.AllWebs["http://vmspprod:25401"].Lists["presentationAccueil"];
i get this erro NotInFormsAuthenticationMode when i execute
SPConnect.LoginResult loginSP = authSP.Login("administrateur", "pass");
is there any other method to use a user's login and password?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
You need to configure your SharePoint server to use Forms Authentication (that's what the exception is telling you).
You didn't say which version of SharePoint you are targeting (WSS 3.0, SP 2007, SP 2010). Here is a link to an MSDN page that shows you how to configure your server to use Forms Authentication:
If you cannot modify the server, then you will need to change your code to use whatever authentication mechanism the server employs.
I hope this helps.
