Regex Replace to assist Orderby in LINQ - c#

I'm using LINQ to SQL to pull records from a database, sort them by a string field, then perform some other work on them. Unfortunately the Name field that I'm sorting by comes out of the database like this
I'd like to sort the Name field in numerical order. Right now I'm using the Regex object to replace "ADAPT1" with "ADAPT01", etc. I then sort the records again using another LINQ query. The code I have for this looks like
var adaptationsUnsorted = from aun in dbContext.Adaptations
where aun.EventID == iep.EventID
select new Adaptation
StudentID = aun.StudentID,
EventID = aun.EventID,
Name = Regex.Replace(aun.Name,
#"ADAPT([0-9])$", #"ADAPT0$1"),
Value = aun.Value
var adaptationsSorted = from ast in adaptationsUnsorted
orderby ast.Name
select ast;
foreach(Adaptation adaptation in adaptationsSorted)
// do real work
The problem I have is that the foreach loop throws the exception
System.NotSupportedException was unhandled
Message="Method 'System.String Replace(System.String, System.String,
System.String)' has no supported translation to SQL."
I'm also wondering if there's a cleaner way to do this with just one LINQ query. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Force the hydration of the elements by enumerating the query (call ToList). From that point on, your operations will be against in-memory objects and those operations will not be translated into SQL.
List<Adaptation> result =
.Where(aun => aun.EventID = iep.EventID)
result.ForEach(aun =>
aun.Name = Regex.Replace(aun.Name,
#"ADAPT([0-9])$", #"ADAPT0$1")
result = result.OrderBy(aun => aun.Name).ToList();

Implement a IComparer<string> with your logic:
var adaptationsUnsorted = from aun in dbContext.Adaptations
where aun.EventID == iep.EventID
select new Adaptation
StudentID = aun.StudentID,
EventID = aun.EventID,
Name = aun.Name,
Value = aun.Value
var adaptationsSorted = adaptationsUnsorted.ToList<Adaptation>().OrderBy(a => a.Name, new AdaptationComparer ());
foreach (Adaptation adaptation in adaptationsSorted)
// do real work
public class AdaptationComparer : IComparer<string>
public int Compare(string x, string y)
string x1 = Regex.Replace(x, #"ADAPT([0-9])$", #"ADAPT0$1");
string y1 = Regex.Replace(y, #"ADAPT([0-9])$", #"ADAPT0$1");
return Comparer<string>.Default.Compare(x1, y1);
I didn't test this code but it should do the job.

I wonder if you can add a calculated+persisted+indexed field to the database, that does this for you. It would be fairly trivial to write a UDF that gets the value as an integer (just using string values), but then you can sort on this column at the database. This would allow you to use Skip and Take effectively, rather than constantly fetching all the data to the .NET code (which simply doesn't scale).


C# Console App - LINQ to find matching values between two IEnumerables

I'm having some issues construction a LINQ query to find MATCHING values in two IEnumerables I have from CSV files and outputting those matching values to another list for some bookkeeping later on in my application.
My classes for the IEnumerables and the related code (using CSVHelper) to read the CSVs into the IEnumerables are below. Any input on where to begin, LINQ query wise, to find those matching values and output to a list? I'm relatively new to LINQ (usually use SQL in the backend) and I'm finding it a bit difficult to do exactly what I want to.
class StudentSuccessStudents
[CsvColumn(Name ="StudentID", FieldIndex = 1)]
public string StudentID { get; set; }
class PlacementStudents
[CsvColumn(Name = "StudentId", FieldIndex = 1)]
public string StudentId { get; set; }
CsvFileDescription inputCsvStuSuccess = new CsvFileDescription
SeparatorChar = ',',
FirstLineHasColumnNames = true,
EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = false
CsvContext ccStuSuccess = new CsvContext();
CsvFileDescription inputCsvStuScores = new CsvFileDescription
SeparatorChar = ',',
FirstLineHasColumnNames = false,
EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = true
CsvContext ccStuScores = new CsvContext();
IEnumerable<StudentSuccessStudents> students = ccStuSuccess.Read<StudentSuccessStudents>(filePath, inputCsvStuSuccess);
IEnumerable<PlacementStudents> outputStudents = ccStuScores.Read<PlacementStudents>(csvPath, inputCsvStuScores);
Any suggestions on how to get all my "StudentID" fields in the first list that match a "StudentId" in the second one to output to another list with LINQ? I basically need to have that "matching" list so I can safely ignore those values elsewhere.
You could always use the SQL syntax of Linq like shown below. This way it looks more like something you're use to, and gets you the duplicate values you need. Also looks more readable (in my opinion) too.
var duplicates = from success in students
join placement in outputStudents on success.StudentID equals placement.StudentId
select success.StudentID;
This is a linq operator to do this functionality called Intersect so
If they were both the same type you could do this
var result = students.Intersect(outputStudents);
Which should be the fastest way.
Since they are different types you do this
var result = students.Intersect(outputStudents.Select(x => new StudentSuccessStudent( );
basically you create a new list of the correct type dynamically
This is an example where inheritance or interfaces are powerful. If they both inherited from the same type then you could intersect on that type and C# would solve this problem super fast.

Dapper parameters not working

I'm trying to use the Dapper orm with the following simple query:
var sqlString = new StringBuilder();
sqlString.Append("select a.acct AccountNumber,");
sqlString.Append(" b.first_name FirstName,");
sqlString.Append(" b.last_name LastName,");
sqlString.Append(" a.rr RrNumber,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr1 AddressLine1,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr2 AddressLine2,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr3 AddressLine3,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr4 AddressLine4,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr5 AddressLine5,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr6 AddressLine6,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr7 AddressLine7,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr8 AddressLine8 ");
sqlString.Append("from (pub.mfclac as a left join pub.mfcl as b on a.client=b.client) ");
sqlString.Append("left join pub.mfclad as c on a.client=c.client ");
sqlString.Append("where a.acct = '#ZYX'");
var connection = new OdbcConnection(_connectionString);
var result = connection.Query(sqlString.ToString(),
ZYX = accountNumber
However when I execute this with an accountNumber known to exist, dapper returns nothing. So I tried to remove the quotes to verify that the parameter is in fact being replaced with the account number, however the error being returned from the server indicates a syntax error around "#ZYX". Which means dapper is not replacing the parameter with it's given value. Any ideas why this is happening? From the limited documentation out there, this should 'just work'.
Couldn't get this to work. Using string.format to insert the parameter as a work around.
There are two issues here; firstly (although you note this in your question) where a.acct = '#ZYX', under SQL rules, does not make use of any parameter - it looks to match the literal string that happens to include an # sign. For SQL-Server (see note below), the correct usage would be where a.acct = #ZYX.
However! Since you are use OdbcConnection, named parameters do not apply. If you are actually connecting to something like SQL-Server, I would strongly recommend using the pure ADO.NET clients, which have better features and performance than ODBC. However, if ODBC is your only option: it does not use named parameters. Until a few days ago, this would have represented a major problem, but as per Passing query parameters in Dapper using OleDb, the code (but not yet the NuGet package) now supports ODBC. If you build from source (or wait for the next release), you should be able to use:
where a.acct = ?
in your command, and:
var result = connection.Query(sqlString.ToString(),
new {
anythingYouLike = accountNumber
Note that the name (anythingYouLike) is not used by ODBC, so can be... anything you like. In a more complex scenario, for example:
.Execute(sql, new { id = 123, name = "abc", when = DateTime.Now });
dapper uses some knowledge of how anonymous types are implemented to understand the original order of the values, so that they are added to the command in the correct sequence (id, name, when).
One final observation:
Which means dapper is not replacing the parameter with it's given value.
Dapper never replaces parameters with their given value. That is simply not the correct way to parameterize sql: the parameters are usually sent separately, ensuring:
there is no SQL injection risk
maximum query plan re-use
no issues of formatting
Note that some ADO.NET / ODBC providers could theoretically choose to implement things internally via replacement - but that is separate to dapper.
I landed here from dublicate question: Dapper must declare the scalar variable
Error: Must declare the scalar variable "#Name".
I created queries dynamically with this piece of code:
public static bool Insert<T>(T entity)
var tableName = entity.GetType().CustomAttributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AttributeType.Name == nameof(TableAttribute))?.ConstructorArguments?.FirstOrDefault().Value as string;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
throw new Exception($"Cannot save {entity.GetType().Name}. Database models should have [Table(\"tablename\")] attribute.");
DBSchema.TryGetValue(tableName.ToLower(), out var fields);
using (var con = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
var sql = $"INSERT INTO [{tableName}] (";
foreach (var field in fields.Where(x => x != "id"))
sql += $"[{field}]"+",";
sql = sql.TrimEnd(',');
sql += ")";
sql += " VALUES (";
foreach (var field in fields.Where(x => x != "id"))
sql += "#"+field + ",";
sql = sql.TrimEnd(',');
sql += ")";
var affectedRows = con.Execute(sql, entity);
return affectedRows > 0;
And I got the same error when my models was like this:
public class User
public string Name;
public string Age;
I changed them to this:
public class User
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Age { get; set; }
And it solved the problem for me.

how to convert int to string in Linq to entities

My Db column in a string (varchar) and i need to assign it to a int value.
I am using linq to query.Though the code compiles am getting an error at the run time .
Thanks in advance.
PFB my query :
var vlauesCap = from plan in entities.PA_RTM_CAP_Group
select new Business.PartnerProfile.LookUp
Id =Convert.ToInt32(plan.cap_group_code),
Value = plan.cap_group_name
return vlauesCap.ToList();
The EF provider does not know how to translate Convert.ToInt() into SQL it can run against the database. Instead of doing the conversion on the server, you can pull the results back and do the conversion using linq to objects:
// the ToList() here causes the query to be executed on the server and
// the results are returned in a list of anonymous objects
var results = (from plan in entities.PA_RTM_CAP_Group
select new
Code = plan.cap_group_code,
Name = plan.cap_group_name
// the conversion can now be done here using Linq to Objects
var vlauesCap = from r in results
select new Business.PartnerProfile.LookUp
Id = Convert.ToInt32(r.Code),
Value = r.Name
return vlauesCap.ToList();
You can't do this directly, what you can do is declare a private variable to handle your "mapped" value, and expose the unmapped property...
[Column(Name = "cap_group_code", Storage = "m_cap_group_code")]
private string m_cap_group_code;
public int cap_group_code {
return Int32.Parse(m_cap_group_code);
m_cap_group_code = value.ToString();
Try this:
var vlauesCap = from plan in entities.PA_RTM_CAP_Group
select new Business.PartnerProfile.LookUp
Id =Convert.ToInt32(plan.cap_group_code),
Value = plan.cap_group_name
return vlauesCap.ToList();
Why aren't you using casting for such a purpose, which is a more effective way of achieving this.
Just replace Convert.ToInt32(plan.cap_group_code) with (int)plan.cap_group_code
Do remember, there should be a value in the string and is int, else it will show Exception. If you are not sure about it, then you can further expand the casting to use null coalesciting operator

Db4o query: find all objects with ID = {anything in array}

I've stored 30,000 SimpleObjects in my database:
class SimpleObject
public int Id { get; set; }
I want to run a query on DB4O that finds all SimpleObjects with any of the specified IDs:
public IEnumerable<SimpleObject> GetMatches(int[] matchingIds)
// OH NOOOOOOES! This activates all 30,000 SimpleObjects. TOO SLOW!
var query = from SimpleObject simple in db
join id in matchingIds on simple.Id equals id
select simple;
return query.ToArray();
How do I write this query so that DB4O doesn't activate all 30,000 objects?
I am not an expert on this, and it might be good to post on the DB4O forums about it, but I think I have a solution. It involves not using LINQ and using SODA.
This is what I did. I created a quick project that populates the database with 30000 SimpleObject based on your post's definition. I then wrote a query to grab all the SimpleObjects from the database:
var simpleObjects = db.Query<SimpleObject>(typeof(SimpleObject));
When I wrapped a StopWatch around it, that run takes about 740 milliseconds. I then used your code to search for a 100 random numbers between 0 and 2999. The response was 772 ms, so based on that number I am assuming that it is pulling all the objects out of the database. I am not sure how to verify that, but later I think I proved it with performance.
I then went lower. From my understanding the LINQ provider from the DB4O team is just doing a translation into SODA. Therefore I figured that I would write a SODA query to test, and what I found was that using SODA against a property is bad for performance because it took 19902 ms to execute. Here is the code:
private SimpleObject[] GetSimpleObjectUsingSodaAgainstAProperty(int[] matchingIds, IObjectContainer db)
SimpleObject[] returnValue = new SimpleObject[matchingIds.Length];
for (int counter = 0; counter < matchingIds.Length; counter++)
var query = db.Query();
IObjectSet queryResult = query.Execute();
if (queryResult.Count == 1)
returnValue[counter] = (SimpleObject)queryResult[0];
return returnValue;
So thinking about why this would be so bad, I decided to not use an auto-implemented property and define it my self because Properties are actually methods and not values:
public class SimpleObject
private int _id;
public int Id {
{ return _id; }
{ _id = value; }
I then rewrote the query to use the _id private field instead of the property. The performance was much better at about 91 ms. Here is that code:
private SimpleObject[] GetSimpleObjectUsingSodaAgainstAField(int[] matchingIds, IObjectContainer db)
SimpleObject[] returnValue = new SimpleObject[matchingIds.Length];
for (int counter = 0; counter < matchingIds.Length; counter++)
var query = db.Query();
IObjectSet queryResult = query.Execute();
if (queryResult.Count == 1)
returnValue[counter] = (SimpleObject)queryResult[0];
return returnValue;
Just to make sure that it is was not a fluke, I ran the test run several times and recieved similar results. I then added another 60,000 records for a total of 90,000, and this was the performance differences:
GetAll: 2450 ms
GetWithOriginalCode: 2694 ms
GetWithSODAandProperty: 75373 ms
GetWithSODAandField: 77 ms
Hope that helps. I know that it does not really explain why, but this might help with the how. Also the code for the SODA field query would not be hard to wrap to be more generic.
If you try to run this query using LINQ it'll run unoptimized (that means that db4o are going to retrieve all objects of type SimpleObject and delegate the rest to LINQ to objects)
The best approach would be to run n queries (since the id field is indexed, each query should run fast) and aggregate the results as suggested by "Mark Hall".
You can even use LINQ for this (something like)
IList<SimpleObject> objs = new List<SimpleObject>();
foreach(var tbf in ids)
var result = from SimpleObject o in db()
where o.Id = tbf
select o;
if (result.Count == 1)
I haven't done much with db4o LINQ. But you can use the DiagnosticToConsole (or ToTrace) and add it to the IConfiguration.Diagnostic().AddListener. This will show you if the query is optimized.
You don't give a lot of details, but is the Id property on SimpleObject indexed?
Once diagnostics are turned on, you might try the query like so...
from SimpleObject simple in db
where matchingIds.Contains(simple.Id)
select simple
See if that gives you a different query plan.
You could 'build' a dynamic linq query. For example the API could look like this:
First parameter: a expression which tells on which property you search
The other parameters: the id's or whatever you're searching for.
var result1 = db.ObjectByID((SimpleObject t) => t.Id, 42, 77);
var result2 = db.ObjectByID((SimpleObject t) => t.Id, myIDList);
var result3 = db.ObjectByID((OtherObject t) => t.Name, "gamlerhart","db4o");
The implementation builds a dynamic query like this:
var result = from SimpleObject t
where t.Id = 42 || t.Id==77 ... t.Id == N
select t
Since everything is combined with OR the can be evaluated directly on the indexes. It doesn't need activation. Example-Implementations:
public static class ContainerExtensions{
public static IDb4oLinqQuery<TObjectType> ObjectByID<TObjectType, TIdType>(this IObjectContainer db,
Expression<Func<TObjectType, TIdType>> idPath,
params TIdType[] ids)
return db.Cast<TObjectType>().Where(o=>false);
var orCondition = BuildOrChain(ids, idPath);
var whereClause = Expression.Lambda(orCondition, idPath.Parameters.ToArray());
return db.Cast<TObjectType>().Where((Expression<Func<TObjectType, bool>>) whereClause);
private static BinaryExpression BuildOrChain<TIdType, TObjectType>(TIdType[] ids, Expression<Func<TObjectType, TIdType>> idPath)
var body = idPath.Body;
var currentExpression = Expression.Equal(body, Expression.Constant(ids.First()));
foreach (var id in ids.Skip(1))
currentExpression = Expression.OrElse(currentExpression, Expression.Equal(body, Expression.Constant(id)));
return currentExpression;

How do I use LINQ Contains(string[]) instead of Contains(string)

I got one big question.
I got a linq query to put it simply looks like this:
from xx in table
where xx.uid.ToString().Contains(string[])
select xx
The values of the string[] array would be numbers like (1,45,20,10,etc...)
the Default for .Contains is .Contains(string).
I need it to do this instead: .Contains(string[])...
EDIT : One user suggested writing an extension class for string[]. I would like to learn how, but any one willing to point me in the right direction?
EDIT : The uid would also be a number. That's why it is converted to a string.
Help anyone?
spoulson has it nearly right, but you need to create a List<string> from string[] first. Actually a List<int> would be better if uid is also int. List<T> supports Contains(). Doing uid.ToString().Contains(string[]) would imply that the uid as a string contains all of the values of the array as a substring??? Even if you did write the extension method the sense of it would be wrong.
Unless you changed it around and wrote it for string[] as Mitch Wheat demonstrates, then you'd just be able to skip the conversion step.
Here is what you want, if you don't do the extension method (unless you already have the collection of potential uids as ints -- then just use List<int>() instead). This uses the chained method syntax, which I think is cleaner, and
does the conversion to int to ensure that the query can be used with more providers.
var uids = arrayofuids.Select(id => int.Parse(id)).ToList();
var selected = table.Where(t => uids.Contains(t.uid));
If you are truly looking to replicate Contains, but for an array, here is an extension method and sample code for usage:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ContainsAnyThingy
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string testValue = "123345789";
//will print true
Console.WriteLine(testValue.ContainsAny("123", "987", "554"));
//but so will this also print true
Console.WriteLine(testValue.ContainsAny("1", "987", "554"));
public static class StringExtensions
public static bool ContainsAny(this string str, params string[] values)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || values.Length > 0)
foreach (string value in values)
return true;
return false;
Try the following.
string input = "someString";
string[] toSearchFor = GetSearchStrings();
var containsAll = toSearchFor.All(x => input.Contains(x));
LINQ in .NET 4.0 has another option for you; the .Any() method;
string[] values = new[] { "1", "2", "3" };
string data = "some string 1";
bool containsAny = values.Any(data.Contains);
Or if you already have the data in a list and prefer the other Linq format :)
List<string> uids = new List<string>(){"1", "45", "20", "10"};
List<user> table = GetDataFromSomewhere();
List<user> newTable = table.Where(xx => uids.Contains(xx.uid)).ToList();
How about:
from xx in table
where stringarray.Contains(xx.uid.ToString())
select xx
This is an example of one way of writing an extension method (note: I wouldn't use this for very large arrays; another data structure would be more appropriate...):
namespace StringExtensionMethods
public static class StringExtension
public static bool Contains(this string[] stringarray, string pat)
bool result = false;
foreach (string s in stringarray)
if (s == pat)
result = true;
return result;
This is a late answer, but I believe it is still useful.
I have created the NinjaNye.SearchExtension nuget package that can help solve this very problem.:
string[] terms = new[]{"search", "term", "collection"};
var result = context.Table.Search(terms, x => x.Name);
You could also search multiple string properties
var result = context.Table.Search(terms, x => x.Name, p.Description);
Or perform a RankedSearch which returns IQueryable<IRanked<T>> which simply includes a property which shows how many times the search terms appeared:
//Perform search and rank results by the most hits
var result = context.Table.RankedSearch(terms, x => x.Name, x.Description)
.OrderByDescending(r = r.Hits);
There is a more extensive guide on the projects GitHub page:
Hope this helps future visitors
Linq extension method. Will work with any IEnumerable object:
public static bool ContainsAny<T>(this IEnumerable<T> Collection, IEnumerable<T> Values)
return Collection.Any(x=> Values.Contains(x));
string[] Array1 = {"1", "2"};
string[] Array2 = {"2", "4"};
bool Array2ItemsInArray1 = List1.ContainsAny(List2);
I believe you could also do something like this.
from xx in table
where (from yy in string[]
select yy).Contains(xx.uid.ToString())
select xx
So am I assuming correctly that uid is a Unique Identifier (Guid)? Is this just an example of a possible scenario or are you really trying to find a guid that matches an array of strings?
If this is true you may want to really rethink this whole approach, this seems like a really bad idea. You should probably be trying to match a Guid to a Guid
Guid id = new Guid(uid);
var query = from xx in table
where xx.uid == id
select xx;
I honestly can't imagine a scenario where matching a string array using "contains" to the contents of a Guid would be a good idea. For one thing, Contains() will not guarantee the order of numbers in the Guid so you could potentially match multiple items. Not to mention comparing guids this way would be way slower than just doing it directly.
You should write it the other way around, checking your priviliged user id list contains the id on that row of table:
string[] search = new string[] { "2", "3" };
var result = from x in xx where search.Contains(x.uid.ToString()) select x;
LINQ behaves quite bright here and converts it to a good SQL statement:
sp_executesql N'SELECT [t0].[uid]
FROM [dbo].[xx] AS [t0]
WHERE (CONVERT(NVarChar,[t0].[uid]))
IN (#p0, #p1)',N'#p0 nvarchar(1),
#p1 nvarchar(1)',#p0=N'2',#p1=N'3'
which basicly embeds the contents of the 'search' array into the sql query, and does the filtering with 'IN' keyword in SQL.
I managed to find a solution, but not a great one as it requires using AsEnumerable() which is going to return all results from the DB, fortunately I only have 1k records in the table so it isn't really noticable, but here goes.
var users = from u in (from u in ctx.Users
where u.Mod_Status != "D"
select u).AsEnumerable()
where ar.All(n => u.FullName.IndexOf(n,
StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
select u;
My original post follows:
How do you do the reverse? I want to
do something like the following in
entity framework.
string[] search = new string[] { "John", "Doe" };
var users = from u in ctx.Users
from s in search
where u.FullName.Contains(s)
select u;
What I want is to find all users where
their FullName contains all of the
elements in `search'. I've tried a
number of different ways, all of which
haven't been working for me.
I've also tried
var users = from u in ctx.Users select u;
foreach (string s in search) {
users = users.Where(u => u.FullName.Contains(s));
This version only finds those that
contain the last element in the search
The best solution I found was to go ahead and create a Table-Valued Function in SQL that produces the results, such as ::
CREATE function [dbo].[getMatches](#textStr nvarchar(50)) returns #MatchTbl table(
Fullname nvarchar(50) null,
ID nvarchar(50) null
as begin
declare #SearchStr nvarchar(50);
set #SearchStr = '%' + #textStr + '%';
insert into #MatchTbl
select (LName + ', ' + FName + ' ' + MName) AS FullName, ID = ID from employees where LName like #SearchStr;
select * from dbo.getMatches('j')
Then, you simply drag the function into your LINQ.dbml designer and call it like you do your other objects. The LINQ even knows the columns of your stored function. I call it out like this ::
Dim db As New NobleLINQ
Dim LNameSearch As String = txt_searchLName.Text
Dim hlink As HyperLink
For Each ee In db.getMatches(LNameSearch)
hlink = New HyperLink With {.Text = ee.Fullname & "<br />", .NavigateUrl = "?ID=" & ee.ID}
Incredibly simple and really utlizes the power of SQL and LINQ in the application...and you can, of course, generate any table valued function you want for the same effects!
I believe that what you really want to do is:
let's imagine a scenario
you have two database
and they have a table of products in common
And you want to select products from the table "A" that id has in common with the "B"
using the method contains would be too complicated to do this
what we are doing is an intersection, and there is a method called intersection for that
an example from msdn:
int [] numbers = (0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9);
int [] numbersB = (1, 3, 5, 7, 8);
var = commonNumbers numbersA.Intersect (numbersB);
I think what you need is easily solved with intersection
Check this extension method:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace ContainsAnyProgram
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
const string iphoneAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like...";
var majorAgents = new[] { "iPhone", "Android", "iPad" };
var minorAgents = new[] { "Blackberry", "Windows Phone" };
// true
// false
public static class StringExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Replicates Contains but for an array
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">The string.</param>
/// <param name="values">The values.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool ContainsAny(this string str, params string[] values)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && values.Length > 0)
return values.Any(str.Contains);
return false;
from xx in table
where xx.uid.Split(',').Contains(string value )
select xx
var stringInput = "test";
var listOfNames = GetNames();
var result = from names in listOfNames where names.firstName.Trim().ToLower().Contains(stringInput.Trim().ToLower());
select names;
var SelecetdSteps = Context.FFTrakingSubCriticalSteps
.Where(x => x.MeetingId == meetid)
.Select(x =>
var crtiticalsteps = Context.MT_CriticalSteps.Where(x =>x.cropid==FFT.Cropid).Select(x=>new
StepID= x.crsid,
var quer = from ax in crtiticalsteps
where (!SelecetdSteps.Contains(ax.StepID))
select ax;
string texto = "CALCA 40";
string[] descpart = texto.Split(' ');
var lst = (from item in db.InvItemsMaster
where descpart.All(val => item.itm_desc.Contains(val))
select item
Console.WriteLine("ITM".PadRight(10) + "DESC".PadRight(50)+"EAN".PadRight(14));
foreach(var i in lst)
string[] stringArray = {1,45,20,10};
from xx in table
where stringArray.Contains(xx.uid.ToString())
select xx
Dim stringArray() = {"Pink Floyd", "AC/DC"}
Dim inSQL = From alb In albums Where stringArray.Contains(alb.Field(Of String)("Artiste").ToString())
Select New With
.Album = alb.Field(Of String)("Album"),
.Annee = StrReverse(alb.Field(Of Integer)("Annee").ToString())
