Why use the 'ref' keyword when passing an object? - c#

If I am passing an object to a method, why should I use the ref keyword? Isn't this the default behaviour anyway?
For example:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
TestRef t = new TestRef();
t.Something = "Foo";
static public void DoSomething(TestRef t)
t.Something = "Bar";
public class TestRef
public string Something { get; set; }
The output is "Bar" which means that the object was passed as a reference.

Pass a ref if you want to change what the object is:
TestRef t = new TestRef();
t.Something = "Foo";
DoSomething(ref t);
void DoSomething(ref TestRef t)
t = new TestRef();
t.Something = "Not just a changed t, but a completely different TestRef object";
After calling DoSomething, t does not refer to the original new TestRef, but refers to a completely different object.
This may be useful too if you want to change the value of an immutable object, e.g. a string. You cannot change the value of a string once it has been created. But by using a ref, you could create a function that changes the string for another one that has a different value.
It is not a good idea to use ref unless it is needed. Using ref gives the method freedom to change the argument for something else, callers of the method will need to be coded to ensure they handle this possibility.
Also, when the parameter type is an object, then object variables always act as references to the object. This means that when the ref keyword is used you've got a reference to a reference. This allows you to do things as described in the example given above. But, when the parameter type is a primitive value (e.g. int), then if this parameter is assigned to within the method, the value of the argument that was passed in will be changed after the method returns:
int x = 1;
Change(ref x);
Debug.Assert(x == 5);
Debug.Assert(x == 5); // Note: x doesn't become 10
void Change(ref int x)
x = 5;
void WillNotChange(int x)
x = 10;

You need to distinguish between "passing a reference by value", and "passing a parameter/argument by reference".
I've written a reasonably long article on the subject to avoid having to write carefully each time this comes up on newsgroups

In .NET when you pass any parameter to a method, a copy is created. In value types means that any modification you make to the value is at the method scope, and is lost when you exit the method.
When passing a Reference Type, a copy is also made, but it is a copy of a reference, i.e. now you have TWO references in memory to the same object. So, if you use the reference to modify the object, it gets modified. But if you modify the reference itself - we must remember it is a copy - then any changes are also lost upon exiting the method.
As people have said before, an assignment is a modification of the reference, thus is lost:
public void Method1(object obj) {
obj = new Object();
public void Method2(object obj) {
obj = _privateObject;
The methods above does not modifies the original object.
A little modification of your example
using System;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
TestRef t = new TestRef();
t.Something = "Foo";
static public void DoSomething(TestRef t)
t = new TestRef();
t.Something = "Bar";
public class TestRef
private string s;
public string Something
get {return s;}
set { s = value; }

Since TestRef is a class (which are reference objects), you can change the contents inside t without passing it as a ref. However, if you pass t as a ref, TestRef can change what the original t refers to. i.e. make it point to a different object.

With ref you can write:
static public void DoSomething(ref TestRef t)
t = new TestRef();
And t will be changed after the method has completed.

Think of variables (e.g. foo) of reference types (e.g. List<T>) as holding object identifiers of the form "Object #24601". Suppose the statement foo = new List<int> {1,5,7,9}; causes foo to hold "Object #24601" (a list with four items). Then calling foo.Length will ask Object #24601 for its length, and it will respond 4, so foo.Length will equal 4.
If foo is passed to a method without using ref, that method might make changes to Object #24601. As a consequence of such changes, foo.Length might no longer equal 4. The method itself, however, will be unable to change foo, which will continue to hold "Object #24601".
Passing foo as a ref parameter will allow the called method to make changes not just to Object #24601, but also to foo itself. The method might create a new Object #8675309 and store a reference to that in foo. If it does so, foo would no longer hold "Object #24601", but instead "Object #8675309".
In practice, reference-type variables don't hold strings of the form "Object #8675309"; they don't even hold anything that can be meaningfully converted into a number. Even though each reference-type variable will hold some bit pattern, there is no fixed relationship between the bit patterns stored in such variables and the objects they identify. There is no way code could extract information from an object or a reference to it, and later determine whether another reference identified the same object, unless the code either held or knew of a reference that identified the original object.

This is like passing a pointer to a pointer in C. In .NET this will allow you to change what the original T refers to, personally though I think if you are doing that in .NET you have probably got a design issue!

By using the ref keyword with reference types you are effectively passing a reference to the reference. In many ways it's the same as using the out keyword but with the minor difference that there's no guarantee that the method will actually assign anything to the ref'ed parameter.

ref mimics (or behaves) as a global area just for two scopes:

If you're passing a value, however, things are different. You can force a value to be passed by reference. This allows you to pass an integer to a method, for example, and have the method modify the integer on your behalf.


What is the impact of C# closures on memory?

I have a class Test which holds two members, one (arr) which takes a lot of memory and the other (b) which doesn't:
public class Test
public Test() {
Arr = new int[100000000];
public bool B {get; private set;}
public int[] Arr {get; private set;}
Later in my code, I want to store a lambda expression this way:
// `test` has been declared somewhere as an instance of Test
Action lambda = () => {
if (test.B)
// Do things
What will be the memory consumption of this closure?
Will it hold the whole Test object in its environment, or only Test.b?
Should I do instead:
var tmpB = test.B;
Action lambda = () => {
if (tmpB)
// Do things
Will it hold the whole Test object in its environment, or only Test.b?
Well, it will capture the variable test (by creating a separate class to contain that variable), which in turn has a value which is a reference to the instance of Test.
In other words, a method like this:
public Action Foo()
Test test = new Test();
Action printB = () => Console.WriteLine(test.b);
return printB;
will be converted into something like this:
public Action Foo()
CompiledGeneratedClass tmp = new CompilerGEneratedClass();
tmp.test = new Test();
Action printB = tmp.GeneratedMethod;
return printB;
private class CompilerGeneratedClass
public Test test;
public void GeneratedMethod()
So yes, if you don't want the delegate to effectively keep the instance of Test alive, you should pull out the value of the property first. Note that that has two semantic differences though:
If the value of the property changes in the object, you won't see that in the delegate any more
If the value of test itself changes (e.g. to refer to a different instance of Test) you won't see that in the delegate any more
The closure is going to store the value of the test variable, and the test variable is just a reference to an object of type Test elsewhere in memory, since it's not a struct, and that Test object doesn't actually have an integer array, it just has a reference to a large array stored in yet another location in memory.
Since you're holding onto a reference to that instance of Test, the object won't be eligible for garbage collection for as long as the closure isn't eligible for garbage collection. If you pull the boolean value out of the Test object and close over that, as you showed, then you're no longer referencing theTest object. If, as a result of that, nothing has access to the Test instance, or the contained array, then it would become eligible for garbage collection. If there would still be other code that could access it, then that wouldn't be the case, and there'd be no benefit.

Invoking an Action - determine if the instance it belongs to is null

I have a method that takes an Action as a parameter. Actions are stored in a queue and executed when particular resources become available. Before I invoke an Action, I'd like to check if the instance it is a member of is null.
I did a simple test with the following stupid example. The Action invoked successfully after setting the invokee to null, and as expected, I got a NullReferenceException when attempting to access the property on the null invokee. Nothing jumped out at me when examining the Action at runtime that suggested I could determine if its instance was null.
I guess I could pass in the Action and the instance as parameters and test if the instance is null before invoking. Is it possible to test for a null invokee, or is this just a case of bad design on my part?
I added the line,
if (explosion.Target != null)
to Bazooka.Fire(), to check for a null target, but it is still invoking the delegate in my example.
public void LetsDoThis()
var bazooka = new Bazooka();
var rocketLauncher = new RocketLauncher();
rocketLauncher = null;
bool wasThisCompletelyAwesome = rocketLauncher.ThisIsAwesome;
public class RocketLauncher
public void BlowStuffUp()
bool stuffIsBlowingUp = true;
public bool ThisIsAwesome
return true;
public class Bazooka
private List<Action> explosions = new List<Action>();
public void LockAndLoad(Action loadIt)
public void Fire()
foreach (Action explosion in explosions)
if (explosion.Target != null)
This won't work.
The Action does not in any way care about the original reference variable you got it from, it makes a copy of the reference value, and thus has its own reference.
Note that this also means that as long as you still have a reference to the delegate, even though you have no other references to the original object, it will still not be eligible for garbage collection.
The .Target property refers to the instance on which the method that the delegate refers to should be invoked, basically the this "parameter" to that method.
Thus, to have a null target you need to get the delegate from a static method, try this in LINQPad:
void Main()
Action a = Static.StaticMethod;
(a.Target == null).Dump();
public static class Static
public static void StaticMethod() { }
You can see that the delegate carries its own instance with this LINQPad code:
void Main()
Dummy d = new Dummy { Name = "A" };
Action a = d.Method;
d = new Dummy { Name = "B" };
Action b = d.Method;
d = null;
public class Dummy
public string Name { get; set; }
public void Method()
Debug.WriteLine("Name=" + Name);
The output here will be
As requested, let me clarify the difference between the instance, the reference, and the variable.
When you construct an object instance, like this:
var rocketLauncher = new RocketLauncher();
What you're doing is calling a method known as a constructor. The return value from this constructor is a reference to the newly constructed object. Basically, it's a pointer, meaning a memory address of where in the memory that object now lives. If it makes it easier to understand the rest of this answer you can consider it to be just a number.
Additionally you declared a variable, rocketLauncher, to hold this reference, this number.
Note that the object is separate from the variable, they're two distinct items. In one place in memory you have an object, in another place you have the variable containing the reference to that object, it's address, that number.
So when you do this:
Let's simplify it a bit:
Action a = rocketLauncher.BlowStuffUp;
// bazooka.LockAndLoad(a);
let's forget about the part where we call that LockAndLoad method, and look at what happened when we "converted" the method BlowStuffUp into a delegate of type Action.
Basically, two things was "grabbed":
Which method to make the delegate refer to
The object instance on which to call that method
You can liken this to the following code:
MethodReference = rocketLauncher.BlowStuffUp;
object target = rocketLauncher;
// wrap this into a delegate
This now means you have two references to that object, one lives in the rocketLauncher variable, the other now lives inside the delegate.
What you do with that variable does not in any way change the value of that delegate, it still points to the same object as before. Basically it made a copy of that number. That number is still sitting there inside the delegate.
This is pretty much exactly the same as this:
int a = 10;
int b = a;
a = 0;
// b is still 10
So, to conclude, the .Target property of the delegate does not in any way know, or care, about the original variable that you got the delegate from. A copy was made of the reference value from that original variable, into the delegate, and what you do with the variable afterwards makes no difference at all.
So basically:
The instance is the object, it lives somewhere in memory
The reference is basically the address to it, and you can look at it as sort of a number
The variable is one place where you can store that reference
Now, what if you really want to make the delegate depend on the variable, and care about the value it now has, when you get around to calling it?
Well, one way would be to do this:
if (rocketLauncher != null)
This would make an anonymous method, that would capture the variable itself, and then inside that anonymous method you could explicitly check what value the variable has at the time you call the delegate. If this part, about an anonymous method, does not make sense, you should ask another question here (ideally after reading a bit about anonymous methods, captured variables, and looked over some of the existing questions here on SO).
To test out an anonymous method, test the following code in LINQPad:
void Main()
object dummy = new object();
Action a = delegate
if (dummy != null)
Debug.WriteLine("not null");
dummy = null;
It will print out:
not null
Use the Target property to check:
if(yourAction.Target != null) {
Any Delegate type has a property called Target, so you can also use this for other types of delegate.
Update: In fact, when you use your Action to wrap some method of an object, that object won't never be disposed and that means the NullReferenceException can't be thrown in that case Unless you wrap another method of another object and this method has something to do with the null object.
Well, not in any way trying to argue with Lasse's rather detailed response, I would like to throw in my 5 cents on this.
When you invoke the LockAndLoad method of the bazooka class you simply add the method that's passed to the method to the List explosions collection of the bazooka class. Nulling the instantiation of the class whose method you had passed to the LockAndLoad method (in your example 'rocketLauncher') has NO effect on that collection, meaning that the Target property of the specific Action will not become null. You would have to explicitly remove the method from that collection BEFORE nulling the instantiation of the class.
rocketLauncher = null;
Of course this works only if you modified your bazooka class to the following method in your bazooka class:
public void Unload(Action unloadIt)
if (explosions.Contains(unloadIt))
This may not be what you are hoping for, but I hope it helped anyhow.

Best way to use Value types as Reference types?

I've been using something similar to this whenever I needed to reference a Value type:
public class RefHost<T> {
public RefHost(T val)
Value = val;
private T _value;
public T Value {
get {
return _value;
set {
_value = value;
What I'm wondering is there a built in way or an easier way to use an existing Value type as a Reference type?
public class Editor {
public RefHost<int> Blah = new RefHost<int>(5);
// Some kind of timer to increase the value of Blah every few ticks
Kind of like that where the user of Editor specifies a value type that needs to be changed, and there can be multiple instances of Editor each with it's own value. I used the timer as an example but most of the time it's a user control like a slider.
I think you are looking for Tuple.
Sure there is. If you want to pass it as a reference type to a method just use the ref modifier:
public static void Main()
int n = 1;
Test(ref n);
Console.WriteLine(n); //will print out 2 and not 1.
public static void Test(ref int x)
x = 2;
What's wrong with this?
public class Editor {
public int Blah = 5;
// Some kind of timer, with a handler like:
void MyTimerTicker(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Blah += 1;
Boxing and unboxing is what this is called. Your solution might be more type safe though.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yz2be5wk.aspx
Replace the property and backing field with a public field. While it is generally good for classes to use properties rather than fields, the whole purpose of your type is to be a simple mutable container for a single value-type instance; the state encapsulated by any reference to an instance of the type should be precisely defined by two things:
The value of the `Value` member
The whereabouts of all other references to the instance that exist anywhere in the universe
If two instances have the same Value, and if within the entire universe only one reference exists to each one, the two references should be semantically indistinguishable [since in both cases the set of "other references" that exist to the instances would be empty]
While there are various helper methods that a type of that style might implement, it would be impossible for a future version of the type to add additional state without violating the expected semantics. Since the whole purpose of the type is to behave like a class object containing a single field of type T, code will be clearest if one writes the object to in fact be a class object containing a single field of type T.
BTW, if you don't want to define a custom type, another option is to use a single-element T[1]. That will use a little bit of extra storage to hold the dimension, and adding [0] to all references will be a little uglier than .Value, but such an approach will nonetheless work pretty simply.

Recursion with "out parameter" in C#

Can I use an out parameter with a recursive method? If it's possible, how can I do it with the following code?
private void PrepareDir(out List<_File> listFiles,string root,string dirPath) {
DirectoryInfo dirRoot = new DirectoryInfo(dirPath);
FileInfo [] Files = dirRoot.GetFiles();
dirPath = dirPath.Substring(root.Length);
foreach (FileInfo file in Files) {
_File _file = new _File();
_file.Name = dirPath + "\\" + file.Name;
_file.Path = file.FullName;
_file.Size = file.Length;
foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirRoot.GetDirectories()) {
PrepareDir(out listFiles, root, dir.FullName);
private void btnButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
List<_File> Files = new List<_File>();
PrepareDir(out Files,currAddress, currAddress);
I decided to rewrite my answer to be more direct about why using out is not necessary here. I wrote this to be rather lengthy, because I think the root of your question is more in not understanding the differences between passing by value, passing by reference, and the common confusion between a reference type being passed by reference. Also note that this isn't explicit to only recursion.
In C#, reference types are passed by value by default. A lot of people can confuse a reference type with passing by reference, but there is an important difference. To make myself more clear, I will refer to a reference type as is, and passing by reference as using the ref or out keywords.
Passing a reference type by value, because it is a reference to some storage location in memory, allows you to make and persist changes. Take this example.
public class MyRefType
public int Value { get; set; }
public void Foo() {
MyRefType type = new MyRefType();
public void AddOne(MyRefType type) {
What will happen here, is that the class type will now have a value of one. This is the nature of a reference type. If type were a struct, it would still have a value of 0 inside the Foo method, because a copy was made instead of holding a reference to the object.
Now that I hope you understand the symantics of passing a reference type by value, let's actually talk about passing a reference type by reference. This is done using the out and ref keywords. Make it a point to note immediately that in the CLR, out technically does not exist, only ref does. out is actually represented in metadata as ref with a special attribute applied to it, and they ought to be treated the same.
Now let's say we wanted to re-assign our reference type in the AddOne method before doing the addition.
public class MyRefType
public int Value { get; set; }
public void Foo() {
MyRefType type = new MyRefType();
public void AddOne(MyRefType type) {
type = new MyReferenceType();
Because we are still passing our reference type by value, the value of type in the method Foo will still be 0. All we did was initialize another storage location in memory, instead of reassigning the original storage location). But we want to actually pass our reference type by reference, so we should really do:
public class MyRefType
public int Value { get; set; }
public void Foo() {
MyRefType type = new MyRefType();
AddOne(ref type);
public void AddOne(ref MyRefType type) {
type = new MyReferenceType();
Now the value of type in the Foo method will be 1. This is because we reused the same storage location that the reference pointed to, instead of creating a new location in memory.
So how does all this apply to out? Remember that out is the same as ref with different usage symantics. The difference is that with ref you may leave the method without the reference being initialized, whereas with out, you must explicitly initialize it before the method returns.
So in your case of using out here, it is completely not necessary because you already have existing reference symantics working for you. I hope this clears up a bit.
You are misusing the keyword out in your code example. Your List<_File> is passed as a reference type, and any changes made to that list will affect the caller's list. You only need to pass an out parameter when you want to reassign the caller's identifier.
public bool Foo()
List<int> list = new List<int>();
Bar(out list);
return list.Contains(1);
public void Bar(out List<int> list)
list = new List<int>();
Foo would return false.
If, on the other hand, Bar was like this:
public void Bar(List<int> list)
list = new List<int>();
Then Foo would return true. See out for more details.
Your code would work as is without the use of out. And, in fact, would not compile - and to make it compile would increase unnecessary complexity to what you are trying to do. Don't use out in your case.

Reference type still needs pass by ref?

Consider the following code (for simplicity, I did not follow any C# coding rules).
public class Professor
public string _Name;
public Professor(){}
public Professor(string name)
public void Display()
public class Example
static int Main(string[] args)
Professor david = new Professor("David");
Console.WriteLine("\nBefore calling the method ProfessorDetails().. ");
Console.WriteLine("\nAfter calling the method ProfessorDetails()..");
david. Display();
static void ProfessorDetails(Professor p)
//change in the name here is reflected
//Why Caller unable to see this assignment
p=new Professor("Jon");
As expected the output is :
Before calling the method ProfessorDetails()...
Name =David
After calling the method ProfessorDetails()...
Name =Flower
The call p=new Professor("Jon"); in ProfessorDetails(Professor p) is not effective, even though it is reference type. Why should i still need to use the ref keyword to get the desired result?
Everything is passed by value in C#. However, when you pass a reference type, the reference itself is being passed by value, i.e., a copy of the original reference is passed. So, you can change the state of object that the reference copy points to, but if you assign a new value to the reference you are only changing what the copy points to, not the original reference.
When you use the 'ref' keyword it tells the compiler to pass the original reference, not a copy, so you can modify what the reference points to inside of the function. However, the need for this is usually rare and is most often used when you need to return multiple values from a method.
An example:
class Foo
int ID { get; set; }
public Foo( int id )
ID = id;
void Main( )
Foo f = new Foo( 1 );
Console.WriteLine( f.ID ); // prints "1"
ChangeId( f );
Console.WriteLine( f.ID ); // prints "5"
ChangeRef( f );
Console.WriteLine( f.ID ); // still prints "5", only changed what the copy was pointing to
static void ChangeId( Foo f )
f.ID = 5;
static void ChangeRef( Foo f )
f = new Foo( 10 );
You've got pass by reference and reference type mixed up.
By changing p, you're not changing the thing that p points at, but where p itself is pointing at, so to speak. And because p has not been declared as ref, the reference (to the reference type) is passed by value, and the change to p is not reflected in the code calling ProfessorDetails. Changes to the instance p was pointing at are reflected (as that's a reference type). Would Professor have been a value type, not even those changes would be visible in the calling code.
There is a difference between passing a reference and a reference to a reference.
When you pass an object (of a reference type) the callee can modify the object data through the underlying pointer, but if the callee modifies the reference, when the function returns, the caller does not read the changed reference off the stack. The callee can not change which object is referenced.
When you pass an object by reference, the callee receives a reference to the reference. The callee has a pointer to the original reference, so can modify the reference (thereby changing what object the reference points to) in addition to modifying the object the reference points to.
The actual value of p is a reference to the same professor instance as david. Any calls you make on that reference are dereferenced as calls to the same instance as would calls made on david be. However, p is a copy of that reference, it's not the same as david value.
Thus, when you do p = new Professor(), you are changing the value of the reference variable to point to a new instance. However, that does not modify the david reference, which still points to the old instance.
If you were to pass p as ref,the value of p would be a reference to the david reference variable. Modifying it would actually modify the david value to point to a new instance.
Regarding on 'passing a reference type' vs 'passing by ref (by using ref key word)', after my research my take away is this:
If you have a reference type object, and keep this object passing from one method to another, the entire time the objects are pointing to a certain location of the memory. If you work on this object for example by changing the property value, this will cause change to the original object. Think as if, in the different methods you were talking about the same person all the time; and in one method you changed the color of the shirt of that person. So that will cause change in the original person object as well.
But, on your path of jumping from one method to another, if you create a new reference for the object (as you are doing by writing 'p=new Professor("Jon")'), you are basically breaking the link between the object in a new method and the original object. Your 'p' now references to another location in the memory. So whatever change you make in this new location of the memory, it will have no effect whatsoever to the original object. However if you want to change the original object address and have the link, you need to use ref key word. BECAREFUL TO USE THE REF KEYWORD, because once in any method, you make the original address in the memory change to a new address (by using ref keyword), all the changes to the original object done in other methods are now gone.
Every reference type is pass by value to a method call. So you can modify the data inside your instance because it is pointing to the same place, but if you want to modify the instance you should use ref
public class Professor
public string _Name;
public Professor(){}
public Professor(string name)
public void Display()
public class Example
static int Main(string[] args)
Professor david = new Professor("David");
Console.WriteLine("\nBefore calling the method ProfessorDetails().. ");
ProfessorDetails(ref david);
Console.WriteLine("\nAfter calling the method ProfessorDetails()..");
david. Display();
static void ProfessorDetails(ref Professor p)
//change in the name here is reflected
//Why Caller unable to see this assignment
p=new Professor("Jon");
