intro to lambda/anonymous functions - c#

I have this function from a plugin (from a previous post)
// This method implements the test condition for
// finding the ResolutionInfo.
private static bool IsResolutionInfo(ImageResource res)
return res.ID == (int)ResourceIDs.ResolutionInfo;
And the line thats calling this function:
return (ResolutionInfo)m_imageResources.Find(IsResolutionInfo);
So basically I'd like to get rid of the calling function. It's only called twice (once in the get and the other in the set). And It could possible help me to understand inline functions in c#.

return (ResolutionInfo)m_imageResources.Find(res => res.ID == (int)ResourceIDs.ResolutionInfo);
Does that clear it up at all?
Just to further clear things up, looking at reflector, this is what the Find method looks like:
public T Find(Predicate<T> match)
if (match == null)
for (int i = 0; i < this._size; i++)
if (match(this._items[i]))
return this._items[i];
return default(T);
So as you can see, it loops through the collection, and for every item in the collection, it passes the item at that index to the Predicate that you passed in (through your lambda). Thus, since we're dealing with generics, it automatically knows the type you're dealing with. It'll be Type T which is whatever type that is in your collection. Makes sense?

Just to add , does the "Find" Function on a list (which is what m_imageresources is) automatically pass the parameter to the IsResoulutionInfo function?
Also, what happens first the cast or the function call?


Using Contains on an List in a different way

I have this code which i want to change:
foreach (DirectoryInfo path in currDirs) {
if (!newDirs.Contains(path)) {
MyLog.WriteToLog("Folder not Found: "+path.Name + "in New Folder. ",MyLog.Messages.Warning);
In the If part i don't want to check the path i want to check the path.Name.
So how can i use the Contains method on the properties.
the goal is to sort out all folders that have not the same name in the list of Current Directory List and New Directory List.
See - IEnumerable<T>.Contains with predicate
Those functions that take "predicates" (boolean functions that signify a match) will let you do more complex checks. In this case, you can use them to compare sub-properties instead of the top-level objects.
The new code will look something like this:
foreach (DirectoryInfo path in currDirs) {
if (!newDirs.Any(newDir => newDir.Name == path.Name)) {
// TODO: print your error message here
In reply to your comment:
Okay i understood, but whats the diffrence between any and contains then?
This method goes through each item in the list, seeing if that item is equal to the value you passed in.
The code for this method looks a little like this (simplified here for illustration):
for(var item in yourList) {
if(item.Equals(itemYouPassedIn) {
return true;
return false;
As you see, it can only compare top-level items. It doesn't check sub-properties, unless you are using a custom type that overrides the default Equals method. Since you're using the built in DirectoryInfo types, you can't override this Equals behavior without making a custom derived class. Since there's easier ways to do this, I wouldn't recommend this approach unless you need to do it in a ton of different places.
This method goes through each item in the list, and then passes that item to the "predicate" function you passed in.
The code for this method looks a little like this (simplified for illustration):
for(var item in yourList) {
if(isAMatch(item)) { // Note that `isAMatch` is the function you pass in to `Any`
return true;
return false;
Your predicate function can be as complicated as you want it to be, but in this case, you'd just use it to check if the sub-properties are equal.
// This bit of code defines a function with no name (a "lambda" function).
// We call it a "predicate" because it returns a bool, and is used to find matches
newDir => newDir.Name == path.Name
// Here's how it might look like if it were defined as a normal function -
// this won't quite work in reality cause `path` is passed in by a different means,
// but hopefully it makes the lambda syntax slightly more clear
bool IsAMatch(DirectoryInfo newDir) {
return newDir.Name == path.Name;
Since you can customize this predicate every place that you use it, this could be a better tactic. I'd recommend this style until you are doing this exact check in a bunch of places in your code, in which case a custom class might be better.
Here is how you check for property Any
foreach (DirectoryInfo path in currDirs) {
if (!newDirs.Any(dir => dir.FullName == path.FullName)) {
MyLog.WriteToLog("Folder not Found: "+path.Name + "in New Folder. ",MyLog.Messages.Warning);
And by the way, your code could be written in a better way like this
var currDirsConcrete = currDirs.ToArray();
var pathsNotFound = "Following paths were not found \r\n " + string.Join("\r\n", currDirsConcrete.Where(d => d.FullName != path.FullName).ToArray());
var pathsFound = currDirsConcrete.Where(d => d.FullName == path.FullName).ToArray();
MyLog.WriteToLog(pathsNotFound, MyLog.Messages.Warning);
Note: You can skip the first line currDirsConcrete if your currDirs is already an array or a list. I did this to avoid redetermining the enumerable.
I would use linq with except and implement a DirComparator
List<DirectoryInfo> resultExcept = currDirs.Except(newDirs, new DirComparator()).ToList();
Here the IEqualityComparer<DirectoryInfo>:
public class DirComparator : IEqualityComparer<DirectoryInfo> {
public bool Equals(DirectoryInfo x, DirectoryInfo y)
//Check whether the compared objects reference the same data.
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y)) return true;
//Check whether any of the compared objects is null.
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, null) || Object.ReferenceEquals(y, null))
return false;
//Check whether the products' properties are equal.
return x.Name.equals(y.Name);
public int GetHashCode(DirectoryInfo dir)
//Check whether the object is null
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(dir, null)) return 0;
//Get hash code for the Name field if it is not null.
return dir.Name == null ? 0 : dir.Name.GetHashCode();
you could also use intersect if you want it the other way around.

yield return in recursion

i am attempting to create an
iv'e got a method called Disassemble which iterates recursively throw a given object and all it's child objects of it's properties .
please do not concern your self with the Inner wrapper objects of type INameValueWrapper
The problem below is when i encounter a property which is a Class i wan't to call Disassemble on it as well
and add it to the same iteration of the IEnumrable , the Dissasemble does not occur again when it is called
where i put the comment :
// The problem is here .
public static IEnumerable<T> Dissasemble<T>(this object sourceObj) where T : INameValueWrapper
var properties = sourceObj.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (var prop in properties)
var wrapper = (T)prop.WrapPropertyInfo(sourceObj);
yield return wrapper;
if (wrapper is CollectionPropertyInfoWrapper)
var colWrapper = wrapper as CollectionPropertyInfoWrapper;
var collection = (IList)colWrapper.Value;
int index = 0;
foreach (var item in collection)
yield return (T)item.WrapItem(collection, index + 1);
var propWrapper = wrapper as PropertyInfoWrapper;
if (!propWrapper.IsPrimitive)
var childObject = prop.GetValue(sourceObj);
childObject.Dissasemble<T>(); // here is the problem
yield break;
1) Why does it not get called and added to the iteration ?
2) What is the work around this issue ? ,
i could call childObject.Dissasemble<T>().ToList()
and then iterate that collection calling yield return on it's items
but that seems like re doing something i already did.
thanks in advance.
You're calling the method, but then ignoring the results. You may want something like:
foreach (var item in childObject.Disassemble<T>())
yield return item;
I think you're a bit confused about what yield return does - it only yields a value in the sequence returned by the currently-executing method. It doesn't add a value to some global sequence. If you ignore the value returned by the recursive Disassemble call, the code won't even execute as iterator blocks are lazy. (They only execute code when they're asked for another value.)
Also, you don't need the yield break; at the end of your method.
Note that this if the recursion goes deep, this use of iterator blocks can be inefficient. That may well not be a problem for you, but it's something to think about. See posts by Wes Dyer and Eric Lippert about this.
Instead of
childObject.Dissasemble<T>(); // here is the problem
foreach (var a in childObject.Dissasemble<T>())
yield return a;

Looking for non-type-specific method of handling Generic Collections in c#

My situation is this. I need to run some validation and massage type code on multiple different types of objects, but for cleanliness (and code reuse), I'd like to make all the calls to this validation look basically the same regardless of object. I am attempting to solve this through overloading, which works fine until I get to Generic Collection objects.
The following example should clarify what I'm talking about here:
private string DoStuff(string tmp) { ... }
private ObjectA DoStuff(ObjectA tmp) { ... }
private ObjectB DoStuff(ObjectB tmp) { ... }
private Collection<ObjectA> DoStuff(Collection<ObjectA> tmp) {
foreach (ObjectA obj in tmp) if (DoStuff(obj) == null) tmp.Remove(obj);
if (tmp.Count == 0) return null;
return tmp;
private Collection<Object> DoStuff(Collection<ObjectB> tmp) {
foreach (ObjectB obj in tmp) if (DoStuff(obj) == null) tmp.Remove(obj);
if (tmp.Count == 0) return null;
return tmp;
This seems like a real waste, as I have to duplicate the exact same code for every different Collection<T> type. I would like to make a single instance of DoStuff that handles any Collection<T>, rather than make a separate one for each.
I have tried using ICollection, but this has two problems: first, ICollection does not expose the .Remove method, and I can't write the foreach loop because I don't know the type of the objects in the list. Using something more generic, like object, does not work because I don't have a method DoStuff that accepts an object - I need it to call the appropriate one for the actual object. Writing a DoStuff method which takes an object and does some kind of huge list of if statements to pick the right method and cast appropriately kind of defeats the whole idea of getting rid of redundant code - I might as well just copy and paste all those Collection<T> methods.
I have tried using a generic DoStuff<T> method, but this has the same problem in the foreach loop. Because I don't know the object type at design time, the compiler won't let me call DoStuff(obj).
Technically, the compiler should be able to tell which call needs to be made at compile time, since these are all private methods, and the specific types of the objects being passed in the calls are all known at the point the method is being called. That knowledge just doesn't seem to bubble up to the later methods being called by this method.
I really don't want to use reflection here, as that makes the code even more complicated than just copying and pasting all the Collection<T> methods, and it creates a performance slowdown. Any ideas?
---EDIT 1---
I realized that my generic method references were not displaying correctly, because I had not used the html codes for the angle brackets. This should be fixed now.
---EDIT 2---
Based on a response below, I have altered my Collection<T> method to look like this:
private Collection<T> DoStuff<T>(Collection<T> tmp) {
for (int i = tmp.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (DoStuff(tmp[i]) == null) tmp.RemoveAt(i);
if (tmp.Count == 0) return null;
return tmp;
This still does not work, however, as the compiler cannot figure out which overloaded method to call when I call DoStuff(tmp[i]).
You need to pass the method you want to call into the generic method as a parameter. That way the overload resolution happens at a point where the compiler knows what types to expect.
Alternatively, you need to make the per-item DoStuff method generic (or object) to support any possible item in the collection.
(I also separated the RemoveItem call from the first loop, so that it isn't trying to remove an item from the same list being iterated.)
private Collection<T> DoStuff<T>(Collection<T> tmp, Func<T, T> stuffDoer)
var removeList = tmp
.Select(v => stuffDoer(v))
.Where(v => v == null)
foreach (var removeItem in removeList) tmp.Remove(removeItem);
if (tmp.Count == 0) return null;
return tmp;
private class ObjectA { }
private class ObjectB { }
private string DoStuff(string tmp) { return tmp; }
private ObjectA DoStuff(ObjectA tmp) { return tmp; }
private ObjectB DoStuff(ObjectB tmp) { return tmp; }
Call using this code:
var x = new Collection<ObjectA>
new ObjectA(),
new ObjectA(),
var result = DoStuff(x, DoStuff);
Something like this?:
private Collection DoStuff<T>(Collection tmp)
// This will probably assert as you are modifying a collection while looping in it.
foreach (T obj in tmp) if (DoStuff(obj) == null) tmp.Remove(obj);
if (tmp.Count == 0) return null;
return tmp;
Where T is the type of the object in the collection.
Please note that you have a line that will most likely assert. SO:
private Collection DoStuff<T>(Collection tmp)
// foreach doesn't work if you are modifying the collection.
// Looping backward with an index, so we never encounter an invalid index.
for (int i = tmp.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (DoStuff(tmp[i]) == null) tmp.Remove(tmp[i]);
if (tmp.Count == 0) return null;
return tmp;
But at this point... Why make it generic, since you are not using T anymore?
private Collection DoStuff(Collection tmp)
// DoStuff can be generic, but you shouldn't need to explicitly pass it a type...
for (int i = tmp.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (DoStuff(tmp[i]) == null) tmp.Remove(tmp[i]);
if (tmp.Count == 0) return null;
return tmp;

Manually increment an enumerator inside foreach loop

I have a nested while loop inside a foreach loop where I would like to advance the enumerator indefinitately while a certain condition is met. To do this I try casting the enumerator to IEnumerator< T > (which it must be if it is in a foreach loop) then calling MoveNext() on the casted object but it gives me an error saying I cannot convert it.
Cannot convert type 'System.DateTime' to System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator via a reference conversion, boxing conversion, unboxing conversion, wrapping conversion, or null type conversion.
foreach (DateTime time in times)
while (condition)
// perform action
// move to next item
(time as IEnumerator<DateTime>).MoveNext(); // will not let me do this
// code to execute after while condition is met
What is the best way to manually increment the IEnumerator inside of the foreach loop?
Edited to show there is code after the while loop that I would like executed once the condition is met which is why I wanted to manually increment inside the while then break out of it as opposed to continue which would put me back at the top. If this isn't possible I believe the best thing is to redesign how I am doing it.
Many of the other answers recommend using continue, which may very well help you do what you need to do. However, in the interests of showing manually moving the enumerator, first you must have the enumerator, and that means writing your loop as a while.
using (var enumerator = times.GetEnumerator())
DateTime time;
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
time = enumerator.Current;
// pre-condition code
while (condition)
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
time = enumerator.Current;
// condition code
condition = false;
// post-condition code
From your comments:
How can the foreach loop advance it if it doesn't implement the IEnumerator interface?
In your loop, time is a DateTime. It is not the object that needs to implement an interface or pattern to work in the loop. times is a sequence of DateTime values, it is the one that must implement the enumerable pattern. This is generally fulfilled by implementing the IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerable interfaces, which simply require T GetEnumerator() and object GetEnumerator() methods. The methods return an object implementing IEnumerator<T> and IEnumerator, which define a bool MoveNext() method and a T or object Current property. But time cannot be cast to IEnumerator, because it is no such thing, and neither is the times sequence.
You cannot modify the enumerator from inside the for loop. The language does not permit this. You need to use the continue statement in order to advance to the next iteration of a loop.
However, I'm not convinced that your loop even needs a continue. Read on.
In the context of your code you would need to convert the while to an if in order to make the continue refer to the foreach block.
foreach (DateTime time in times)
if (condition)
// perform action
// code to execute if condition is not met
But written like this it is clear that the following equivalent variant is simpler still
foreach (DateTime time in times)
if (condition)
// perform action
// code to execute if condition is not met
This is equivalent to your pseudo-code because the part marked code to execute after while condition is met is executed for each item for which condition is false.
My assumption in all of this is that condition is evaluated for each item in the list.
Perhaps you can use continue?
You would use the continue statement:
This is just a guess, but it sounds like what you're trying to do is take a list of datetimes and move past all of them which meet a certain criteria, then perform an action on the rest of the list. If that's what you're trying to do, you probably want something like SkipWhile() from System.Linq. For example, the following code takes a series of datetimes and skips past all of them which are before the cutoff date; then it prints out the remaining datetimes:
var times = new List<DateTime>()
DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), DateTime.Now.AddDays(2), DateTime.Now.AddDays(3), DateTime.Now.AddDays(4)
var cutoff = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2);
var timesAfterCutoff = times.SkipWhile(datetime => datetime.CompareTo(cutoff) < 1)
.Select(datetime => datetime);
foreach (var dateTime in timesAfterCutoff)
Is that the sort of thing you're trying to do?
I definitely do not condone what I am about to suggest, but you can create a wrapper around the original IEnumerable to transform it into something that returns items which can be used to navigate the underlying the enumerator. The end result might look like the following.
public static void Main(string[] args)
IEnumerable<DateTime> times = GetTimes();
foreach (var step in times.StepWise())
while (condition)
Then we need to create our StepWise extension method.
public static class EnumerableExtension
public static IEnumerable<Step<T>> StepWise<T>(this IEnumerable<T> instance)
using (IEnumerator<T> enumerator = instance.GetEnumerator())
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
yield return new Step<T>(enumerator);
public struct Step<T>
private IEnumerator<T> enumerator;
public Step(IEnumerator<T> enumerator)
this.enumerator = enumerator;
public bool MoveNext()
return enumerator.MoveNext();
public T Current
get { return enumerator.Current; }
You could use a func as your iterator and keep the state that you are changing in that delegate to be evaluated each iteration.
public static IEnumerable<T> FunkyIEnumerable<T>(this Func<Tuple<bool, T>> nextOrNot)
var result = nextOrNot();
yield return result.Item2;
yield break;
Func<Tuple<bool, int>> nextNumber = () =>
Tuple.Create(SomeRemoteService.CanIContinueToSendNumbers(), 1);
foreach(var justGonnaBeOne in nextNumber.FunkyIEnumerable())
One alternative not yet mentioned is to have an enumerator return a wrapper object which allows access to itself in addition to the data element being enumerated. For sample:
struct ControllableEnumeratorItem<T>
private ControllableEnumerator parent;
public T Value {get {return parent.Value;}}
public bool MoveNext() {return parent.MoveNext();}
public ControllableEnumeratorItem(ControllableEnumerator newParent)
{parent = newParent;}
This approach could also be used by data structures that want to allow collections to be modified in controlled fashion during enumeration (e.g. by including "DeleteCurrentItem", "AddBeforeCurrentItem", and "AddAfterCurrentItem" methods).

Why does this linq extension method hit the database twice?

I have an extension method called ToListIfNotNullOrEmpty(), which is hitting the DB twice, instead of once. The first time it returns one result, the second time it returns all the correct results.
I'm pretty sure the first time it hits the database, is when the .Any() method is getting called.
here's the code.
public static IList<T> ToListIfNotNullOrEmpty<T>(this IEnumerable<T> value)
if (value.IsNullOrEmpty())
return null;
if (value is IList<T>)
return (value as IList<T>);
return new List<T>(value);
public static bool IsNullOrEmpty<T>(this IEnumerable<T> value)
if (value != null)
return !value.Any();
return true;
I'm hoping to refactor it so that, before the .Any() method is called, it actually enumerates through the entire list.
If i do the following, only one DB call is made, because the list is already enumerated.
var pewPew = (from x in whatever
select x)
.ToList() // This enumerates.
.ToListIsNotNullOrEmpty(); // This checks the enumerated result.
I sorta don't really want to call ToList() then my extension method.
Any ideas, folks?
I confess that I see little point in this method. Surely if you simply do a ToList(), a check to see if the list is empty suffices as well. It's arguably harder to handle the null result when you expect a list because then you always have to check for null before you iterate over it.
I think that:
var query = (from ...).ToList();
if (query.Count == 0) {
works as well and is less burdensome than
var query = (from ...).ToListIfNotNullOrEmpty();
if (query == null) {
and you don't have to implement (and maintain) any code.
How about something like this?
public static IList<T> ToListIfNotNullOrEmpty<T>(this IEnumerable<T> value)
if (value == null)
return null;
var list = value.ToList();
return (list.Count > 0) ? list : null;
To actually answer your question:
This method hits the database twice because the extension methods provided by the System.Linq.Enumerable class exhibit what is called deferred execution. Essentially, this is to eliminate the need for constructing a string of temporarily cached collections for every part of a query. To understand this, consider the following example:
var firstMaleTom = people
.Where(p => p.Gender = Gender.Male)
.Where(p => p.FirstName == "Tom")
Without deferred execution, the above code might require that the entire collection people be enumerated over, populating a temporary buffer array with all the individuals whose Gender is Male. Then it would need to be enumerated over again, populating another buffer array with all of the individuals from the first buffer whose first name is Tom. After all that work, the last part would return the first item from the resulting array.
That's a lot of pointless work. The idea with deferred execution is that the above code really just sets up the firstMaleTom variable with the information it needs to return what's being requested with the minimal amount of work.
Now, there's a flip side to this: in the case of querying a database, deferred execution means that the database gets queried when the return value is evaluated. So, in your IsNullOrEmpty method, when you call Any, the value parameter is actually being evaluated right then and there -- hence a database query. After this, in your ToListIfNotNullOrEmpty method, the line return new List<T>(value) also evaluates the value parameter -- because it's enumerating over the values and adding them to the newly created List<T>.
You could stick the .ToList() call inside the extension, the effect is slightly different, but does this still work in the cases you have?
public static IList<T> ToListIfNotNullOrEmpty<T>(this IEnumerable<T> value)
if(value == null)
return null;
var result = value.ToList();
return result.IsNullOrEmpty() ? null : result;
