So, I've got a C# application that was written before I got here. I'm not in the dev org, at this time, but I am the tech lead in my sub-group within the internet marketing org. My responsibility is process automation, minimal desktop support, and custom apps that make our lives easier.
[app details]
We've got an app that creates a custom database file from a list of URLs. It was designed to have one input file, and two output files for the two applications that use these sort of db files. The rule for the difference between the two output files is compiled into the code.
[/app details]
Should an internal C# app be compiled with business logic that can't be changed without it being re-built?
Internal applications have one goal: support the process.
If the rules for creating the output are simple, change every day and are put down by a user, compiling it into the binary is totally wrong and an investment into a GUI and a new set of programmers could do much good. If the rules are complex, change once a year and are mandated by the management, having them compiled into the binary is a simple, cost-effective way to maintain them and keep users from fiddling with the internals.
As always, the answer has to be "it depends".
If the logic is changed on a regular basis, you should avoid building it into the program. On the other hand, since it is internal, I'm guessing that the process required to rebuild the app is minimal or non-existent, so it may not make much of a difference.
How long does it take to alter business logic and then recompile?
How long will it take to alter business logic without recompiling in new version?
How long will it take to recode it?
How will this affect maintainence in terms of extra hours spent in the future?
Are any of the people who need the app unable to alter the business logic because it is in code form?
Answering those 5 questions will yield an answer.
If the logic does not need to be changed then yes it should probably be compiled along with the code.
On the other hand if there are certain factors that could change the behavior of this business logic then you should probably provide a mean of changing it such as xml configuration files that alter its behavior.
Sure, if you know that the utility will only be used within your organization and for a single purpose there is nothing wrong with mixing your business rules with the logic. Over-designing (in this case making code reusable when it will never be reused) would not be an efficient use of resources.
I usually employ multiple configuration strategies based on probability of change.
First of all never put business rules in code without documenting it in some-way. Code has a lot of variables and only some of them can be changed safely while still maintaining the correct behaviour. I Normally put a constant at the start of class to identify what behaviour can be changed, i.e.
// Prefer this
const int AllowDownloadAttempts = 2;
if (AttemptDownload() > AllowDownloadAttempts) RegisterAndAllowDownload();
// Over this
if (AttemptDownload() > 2) RegisterAndAllowDownload();
A basic rule I follow is anything other than [-1, 0, 1] must be documented.
If it's not critical and not likely to change often than I would place it in the applications configuration file (e.g. App.config) and access it via a strongly-typed configuration class so you can keep track of its usages to know when its safe to remove or change.
If it needs to be changed frequently or changed by business users then I would store it in a database and provide a simple GUI to edit it then load it into a strongly-typed configuration class when the application loads.
Having rather large project using Resources for internationalization (following this guide: ASP.NET MVC 2 Localization complete guide, using things like data attributes, and so on) we run into the need of translating the resource files. In the beggining of project I selected approach to have lot of small resource files - for each view, viewmodel, controller, ... So I ended up having hundreds of resources. During the translations (which is done by our partners using ResXManager tool we run into trouble identifying the context of the string (where is it displayed, to find out the correct form of translation to make sense when displayed).
So I was asked to make the mutation of application which do not display the localized values, but the keys (or string names). E.g. having string in resources TBL_NAME used somewhere in the view like #ResX.TBL_NAME and translated into english as "Name", I would like to show it in this special mutation as "TBL_NAME", so the translator may see the context - where exactly this string is used.
The best would be, if this is not special build of application, but rather the another "language" of the application available for translators, so he can switch between english and this "unlocalized" languages.
I'm looking some easy ideas of doing this. So far I was thinking of these approaches:
Override ResourceManager.GetString - cannot use, because we use generated Designer classes to access strings massively and so far I haven't find a way to change created ResourceManager (see this answer). Did I miss something?
Create resources for some unused language, which will contain pairs string name/translated value as TBL_NAME/TBL_NAME - viable, but very exhausting since we have hundreds of resources. Also the addition of new resource will require us to remeber that we need to add also this unused language resource will exact same strings name. You also have to do twice much work when adding single string to application.
At the moment, it seems for me, that using resources and current approach it is impossible to solve this task, so I decided to ask this as question (and I'm aware it is rather discussion than question) here, hoping, someone will give me some hint about other approach to solve this problem.
My preferred option would be to give the translators an environment where they can see what they are translating. Rigi requires a bit of setup (basically you need to add an additional UI language), but once you have done that translators can work within the live website - or in a test instance, which is what we did.
They can also work in screenshots, which is convenient when translators would have to access admin or other role specific pages but you do not want to bother giving them all kinds of user rights. These screenshots can be generated as part of automated UI tests or during manual UI testing.
I am afraid I can't say anything about the cost of the solution, but our translators are really happy with it. I am not sure if this is what you are looking for since you asked for an easy solution, but it definitely solves the issue of giving translators the context they need to do their job - better than displaying resource IDs.
I just recently found out here that it is possible (at least in c#) to look up private fields and properties due to reflection.
I was surprised, although I knew that somehow constructs like the DataContractSerializer class need the possibility to access them.
The question now is, if anyone can access every field in my classes, this is kind of insecure, isn't it? I mean what if someone has a private bool _isLicensed field. It could be changed easily!
Later I found out here that the field accessors are not meant as a security mechanism.
So how do I make my Application safe, meaning how do I prevent anyone other than me from changing essential status values inside my classes?
The question now is, if anyone can access every field in my classes, this is kind of insecure, isn't it?
Not everyone can. Only code with sufficient permissions - trusted code. Untrusted code is restricted quite a bit. On the other hand, if the person who wants to use reflection has your assembly, they can run trusted code on their own machine. That's not a new attack vector though, as if they've got your code they could also modify it to make the field public in the first place.
Basically, if code is running on their machine, you should expect them to be able to do pretty much anything with it. Don't rely on access modifiers to keep anything secret.
So how do I make my Application safe, meaning how do I prevent anyone other than me from changing essential status values inside my classes?
If the hostile user is running your code themselves, you pretty much can't. You can make it harder for them, but that's an arms race which is no fun.
So one option in some cases is not to let anyone else run your code - host it on the web in an environment you've locked down. That's not appropriate in all cases, of course.
If you have to let users run the code themselves, you need to weigh up the downsides of them tampering with the costs of making that tampering difficult. We can't really help you with that balancing act - we don't have any idea what your application is, or what the costs involved are (reputational, financial etc).
private public and so on are a part of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation. the use is to make your API clear and to avoid mistakes.
there is no solid way to avoid people messing with your program.
you may have noticed that all programs are cracked in a few days usually.
in .net it is VERY easy because of IL code been very readable http://ilspy.net/ and such allow you to take any DLL and just read it like C# code.
you can make it more annoying to read your code using obfuscator
but applications like http://de4dot.com/
break this VERY easily.
SecureString is a nice trick: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.securestring%28v=vs.110%29.aspx
writing your code in low level language like c++ might make cracking your code really annoying. but soon a skilled hacker will do whatever he wants with your program.
the only option that might be safe is providing your application as a cloud service where the user only sees the screen output and sends keyboard/mouse input.
This was meant to be a comment for John Skeets answer but ran out of room..
Great answer by the way, but I also must add that code is not meant to be secure its meant to clearly defined.
Most developers know how to change classes and inject into classes. There are many utilities to not only decompile your code but to also allow injection into it.
I wouldn't spend to much effort trying to your make code more secure, I would try and expect the code to be changed. Many programming languages do not have such modifiers as private, public, internal, protected etc. They rely on the developers to understand the consequences of using this code on their own. These programming languages have been quite successful as the developers understand that modifying, calling or injecting into code the API does not specify has results that the developing company cant and will not support.
Therefore, expect your code to be modified and ensure your applications responds to invalid changes appropriately.
Sorry if this seems like a comment...
To add to all the other answers, a simple way of looking at it is this: If the user really wants to break your code, let them. You don't have to support that usage.
Just don't use access modifiers for security. Everything else is user experience.
I have done some research already as to how I can achieve the title of this question. The app I am working on has been under development for a couple of years or so (slow progress though, you all know how it is in the real world). It is now a requirement for me to put in Undo/Redo multiple level functionality. It's a bit late to say "you should have thought about this before you started" ... well, we did think about it - and we did nothing about it and now here it is. From searching around SO (and external links) I can see that the two most common methods appear to be ...
Command Pattern
Memento Pattern
The command pattern looks like it would be a hell of a lot of work, I can only imagine it throwing up thousands of bugs in the process too so I don't really fancy that one.
The Memento pattern is actually a lot like what I had in my head for this. I was thinking if there was some way to quickly take a snapshot of the object model currently in memory, then I would be able to store it somewhere (maybe also in memory, maybe in a file). It seems like a great idea, the only problem I can see for this, is how it will integrate with what we have already written. You see the app as we have it draws images in a big panel (potentially hundreds) and then allows the user to manipulate them either via the UI or via a custom built properties grid. The entire app is linked up with a big observer pattern. The second anything changes, events are fired and everything that needs to update does. This is nice but I cant help thinking that if a user is entering text into a texfield on the properties grid there will be a bit of delay before the UI catches up (seems as everytime the user presses a key, a new snapshot will be added to the undo list). So my question to you is ....
Do you know of any good alternatives to the Memento pattern that might work.
Do you think the Memento pattern will fit in here or will it slow the app down too much.
If the Memento pattern is the way to go, what is the most efficient way to make a snapshot of the object model (i was thinking serialising it or something)
Should the snapshots be stored in memory or is it possible to put them into files?
If you have got this far, thankyou kindly for reading. Any input you have will be valuable and very much appreciated.
Well , Here is my thought on this problem.
1- You need multi level undo/redo functionality. so you need to store user actions performed which can be stored in a stack.
2- Your second problem how to identify what has been changed by a operation i think through Memento pattern , it is quite a challenge. Memento is all about toring initial object state in your memory.
either , you need to store what is changed by a operation so that you can use this information to undo the opertions.
Command pattern is designed for the Undo/Redo functionality and i would say that its late but its worth while to implement the design which is being used for several years and works for most of the applications.
If performance allows it you could serialize your domain before each action. A few hundred objects is not much if the objects aren't big themselves.
Since your object graph is probably non trivial (i.e. uses inheritance, cycles,...) the integrated XmlSerializer and JsonSerializers are out of question. Json.net supports these, but does some lossy conversions on some types (local DateTimes, numbers,...) so it's bad too.
I think the protobuf serializers need either some form of DTD(.proto file) or decoration of all properties with attributes mapping their name to a number, so it might not be optimal.
BinaryFormatter can serialize most stuff, you just need to decorate all classes with the [Serializable] attribute. But I haven't used it myself, so there might be pitfalls I'm not aware of. Perhaps related to Singletons or events.
The critical things for undo/redo are
knowing what state you need to save and restore
knowing when you need to save the state
Adding undo/redo after the fact is always a painful thing to do - (I know this comment is of no use to you now, but it's always best to design support into the application framework before you start, as it helps people use undo-friendly patterns throughout development).
Possibly the simplest approach will be a memento-based one:
Locate all the data that makes up your "document". Can you unify this data in some way so that it forms a coherent whole? Usually if you can serialise your document structure to a file, the logic you need is in the serialisation system, so that gives you a way in. The down side to using this directly is usually that you will usually have to serialise everything so your undo will be huge and slow. If possible, refactor code so that (a) there is a common serialisation interface used throughout the application (so any and every part of your data can be saved/restored using a generic call), and (b) every sub-system is encapsulated so that modifications to the data have to go through a common interface (rather than lots of people modifying member variables directly, they should all call an API provided by the object to request that it makes changes to itself) and (c) every sub-portion of the data keeps a "version number". Every time an alteration is made (through the interface in (b)) it should increment that version number. This approach means you can now scan your entire document and use the version numbers to find just the parts of it that have changed since you last looked, and then serialise the minimal amount to save and restore the changed state.
Provide a mechanism whereby a single undo step can be recorded. This means allowing multple systems to make changes to the data structure, and then when everything has been updated, triggering an undo recording. Working out when to do this may be tricky, but it can usually be accomplished by scanning your document for changes (see above) in your message loop, when your UI has finished processing each input event.
Beyond that, I'd advise going for a command based approach, because there are many benefits to it besides undo/redo.
You may find the Monitored Undo Framework to be useful. http://muf.codeplex.com/
It uses something similar to the memento pattern, by monitoring for changes as they happen and allows you to put delegates on the undo stack that will reverse / redo the change.
I considered an approach that would serialize / deserialize the document but was concerned about the overhead. Instead, I monitor for changes in the model (or view model) on a property by property bases. Then, as needed, I use the MUF library to "batch" related changes so that they undo / redo as a unit of change.
The fact that you have your UI setup to react to changes in the underlying model is good. It sounds like you could inject the undo / redo logic there and the changes would bubble up to the UI.
I don't think that you'd see much lag or performance degradation. I have a similar application, with a diagram that we render based on the data in the model. We've had good results with this so far.
You can find more info and documentation on the codeplex site at http://muf.codeplex.com/. The library is also available via NuGet, with support for .NET 3.5, 4.0, SL4 and WP7.
I must develop a simple web application to produce reports. I have a single table "contract" and i must return very simple aggregated values : number of documents produced in a time range, average number of pages for documents and so on . The table gets filled by a batch application, users will have roles that will allow them to see only a part of the reports (if they may be called so ).
My purpose is :
develop a class, which generates the so called reports, opened to future extension (adding new methods to generate new reports for different roles must be easy )
decouple the web graphic interface from the database access
I'm evaluating various patterns : decorator, visitor, ... but being the return data so simple i cannot evaluate which apply or even if its the case to use one. Moreover i must do it i less than 5 days. It can be done if i make a so called "smart gui" but as told at point 1, i don't want to get troubles when new roles or method will be added.
thank you for your answers.
I'm sorry, i realize i haven't provided too much infos. I live in a Dilbert world. at the moment i've got the following info : db will be oracle (the concrete db doesn't exist yet) , so no EF, maybe linqtodataset (but i'm new to linq). About new features of the application,due to pravious experiences, the only thing i wish is not to be obliged to propagate changes over the whole application, even if it's simple. that are the reasons i've thougth to design patterns (note i've said "if it's the case" in my question) .
I'll KISS it and then will refactor it if needed , as suggested by ladislav mrnka, but i still appreciate any suggestion on how to keep opened to extension the data gathering class
KISS - keep it simple and stupid. You have five days. Create working application and if you have time refactor it to some better solution.
The road to good code is not paved with design patterns.
Good code is code that is readable, maintainable, robust, compatible and future-proof.
Don’t get me wrong: Design patterns are a great thing because they help categorise, and thus teach, the experience that earlier generations of programmers have accrued. Each design pattern once solved a problem in a way that was not only novel and creative, but also good. The corrolary is not that a design pattern is necessarily good code when applied to any other problem.
Good code requires experience and insight. This includes experience with design patterns, and insight into their applicability and their downsides and pitfalls.
That said, my recommendation in your specific case is to learn about the recommended practice regarding web interfaces, database access, etc. Most C# programmers write web applications in ASP.NET; tend to use LINQ-to-Entities or LINQ-to-SQL for database access; and use Windows Forms or WPF for a desktop GUI. Each of these may or may not fulfill the requirements of your particular project. Only you can tell.
How about you use strategy pattern for the retrieving data? And use interfaces like following to keep it extendable at all times.
IReportFilter: Report filter/criteria set
IReportParams: Gets report parameters
IReportData: Gets the report data in a result set
IReportFormat: Report formatting
IReportRender: Renders the report
Just thinking out loud.
With our next major release we are looking to globalize our ASP.Net application and I was asked to think of a way to keep track of what code has been already worked on in this effort.
My thought was to use a custom Attribute and place it on all classes that have been "fixed".
What do you think?
Does anyone have a better idea?
Using an attribute to determine which classes have been globalized would then require a tool to process the code and determine which classes have and haven't been "processed", it seems like it's getting a bit complicated.
A more traditional project tracking process would probably be better - and wouldn't "pollute" your code with attributes/other markup that have no functional meaning beyond the end of the globalisation project. How about having a defect raised for each class that requires work, and tracking it that way?
What about just counting or listing the classes and then work class by class? While an attribute may be an interesting idea, I'd regard it as over-engineered. Globalizing does nothing more than, well, going through each class and globalizing the code :)
You want to finish that anyway before the next release. So go ahead and just do it one by one, and there you have your progress. I'd regard a defect raised for each class as too much either.
In my last project, I started full globalization a little late. I just went through the list of code files, from top to bottom. Alphabetically in my case, and folder after folder. So I always only had to remember which file I last worked on. That worked pretty well for me.
Edit: Another thing: In my last project, globalizing mainly involved moving hard-coded strings to resource files, and re-generating all text when the language changes at runtime. But you'll also have to think about things like number formats and the like. Microsoft's FxCop helped me with that, since it marks all number conversions etc. without specifying a culture as violations. FxCop keeps track of this, so when you resolved such a violation and re-ran FxCop, it would report the violation as missing (i.e. solved). That's especially useful for these harder-to-see things.
How about writing a unit test for each page in the app? The unit test would load the page and perform a
foreach (System.Web.UI.Control c in Page.Controls)
//Do work here
For the work part, load different globalization settings and see if the .Text property (or relevant property for your app) is different.
My assumption would be that no language should come out the same in all but the simplest cases.
Use the set of unit tests that sucessfully complete to track your progress.