Is there a delegate available for properties in C#? - c#

Given the following class:
class TestClass {
public void SetValue(int value) { Value = value; }
public int Value { get; set; }
I can do
TestClass tc = new TestClass();
Action<int> setAction = tc.SetValue;
which is all good. Is it possible to do the same thing using the property instead of the method? Preferably with something built in to .net.

You could create the delegate using reflection :
Action<int> valueSetter = (Action<int>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<int>), tc, tc.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetSetMethod());
or create a delegate to an anonymous method which sets the property;
Action<int> valueSetter = v => tc.Value = v;
Edit: used wrong overload for CreateDelegate(), need to use the one that takes and object as target. Fixed.

There are three ways of doing this; the first is to use GetGetMethod()/GetSetMethod() and create a delegate with Delegate.CreateDelegate. The second is a lambda (not much use for reflection!) [i.e. x=>x.Foo]. The third is via Expression (.NET 3.5).
The lambda is the easiest ;-p
class TestClass
public int Value { get; set; }
static void Main()
Func<TestClass, int> lambdaGet = x => x.Value;
Action<TestClass, int> lambdaSet = (x, val) => x.Value = val;
var prop = typeof(TestClass).GetProperty("Value");
Func<TestClass, int> reflGet = (Func<TestClass, int>) Delegate.CreateDelegate(
typeof(Func<TestClass, int>), prop.GetGetMethod());
Action<TestClass, int> reflSet = (Action<TestClass, int>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(
typeof(Action<TestClass, int>), prop.GetSetMethod());
To show usage:
TestClass foo = new TestClass();
foo.Value = 1;
Console.WriteLine("Via property: " + foo.Value);
lambdaSet(foo, 2);
Console.WriteLine("Via lambda: " + lambdaGet(foo));
reflSet(foo, 3);
Console.WriteLine("Via CreateDelegate: " + reflGet(foo));
Note that if you want the delegate pointing to the specific instance, you can use closures for the lambda, or the overload of CreateDelegate that accepts and instance.

Properties are really wrappers around methods in .Net, so using reflection you should be able to get the delegate (set_PROPERTY and get_PROPERTY) and then execute them...
See System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
If has two methods which you can use to get/ set the value - GetGetMethod and GetSetMethod.
So you could write:
var propertyInfo = typeof (TestClass).GetProperty ("Value");
var setMethod = property.GetSetMethod (); // This will return a MethodInfo class.


Dynamically convert Func to corresponding Action

I'm trying to use the Convert method on functions as well as actions, so I can avoid writing duplicate methods taking in delegates of Func type. Convert method comes from Convert Action<T> to Action<object>
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var program = new Program();
var mi = program.GetType().GetMethod("Function", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
// Can be any version of Func
var funcType = typeof(Func<int, int>);
// Create action delegate somehow instead
var del = mi.CreateDelegate(funcType, null);
// Or dynamically convert the Func to a corresponding Action type (in this case Action<int>)
// Or find a way to pass it in as a parameter here
public Action<object> Convert<T>(Action<T> action)
return o => action((T)o);
public int Function(int five)
return five;
I think you are looking for something like this:
public static Action<T1> IgnoreResult<T1,T2>(Func<T1,T2> func)
return x => func(x);
But for all variants of Func<T1,T2....>
I think this would work:
public static Action<TR> IgnoreResult<TR>(Delegate f)
return x => f.DynamicInvoke(x);
With usage:
var action = IgnoreResult<int>(new Func<int,int>(program.Function));
You'll not be able to get it to infer the parameters and return type without copy and pasting the first example for all variants of Action<T1...> and Func<T1,T2...>.

How can I convert C# methods to compiled expressions?

I have the following class hierarchy:
public class Parent
public void SayParent()
public sealed class Child : Parent
private static int _number = 0;
public Child() // May contain parameter i.e. not always parameterless consctructor
public void SayInstance()
Console.WriteLine("{0}-Say", _number);
public void SayInstanceWithArg(string input)
Console.WriteLine("{0}-Say: {1}", _number, input);
public static void SayStatic()
Console.WriteLine("{0}-Say", _number);
public static void SayStaticWithArg(string input)
Console.WriteLine("{0}-Say: {1}", _number, input);
public static Task SayStaticWithArgAndReturn(string input)
Console.WriteLine("{0}-Say: {1}", _number, input);
return null;
I need to be able to invoke any of these methods for a new instance of Child at any given time using reflection however to improve performance I need to resort to Delegate and/or Compiled Expressions.
So for example I can have:
var instanceOne = new Child();
var instanceTwo = new Child();
for which I would need to at runtime invoke these methods passing the arguments for those that need it. Note they include both static and instance methods with some accepting a parameter.
I have so far tried the following for the "SayInstance" method:
var sayInstanceMethod = typeof(Child)
.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)
.Where(m => m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DebuggerStepThroughAttribute), true).Length > 0)
.Where(t => t.Name == "SayInstance")
And then:
var instance = Expression.Constant(new Child()); // This should NOT be Constant, but then what should it be?!
var mCallInstance = Expression.Call(instance, sayInstanceMethod);
Action action = Expression.Lambda<Action>(mCallInstance).Compile();
action(); // I need to pass in a new instance of Child to this method somehow
However I am getting:
instead of:
I suspect this is due to Expression.Constant but I cannot figure out how I could let it accept an instance of Child as its target at runtime.
I am hopeless when it comes to Expressions :-(
I am basically trying to implement what Jon Skeet mentions HERE either using Delegates or Compiled Expressions.
Any help is very much appreciated.
If I understood correctly, you need to use parameters, like this:
var instanceOne = new Child();
var instanceTwo = new Child();
var instance = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Child), "c"); // This should NOT be Constant, but then what should it be?!
var mCallInstance = Expression.Call(instance, sayInstanceMethod);
Action<Child> action = Expression.Lambda<Action<Child>>(mCallInstance, instance).Compile();
action(instanceTwo); // I need to pass in a new instance of Child to this method somehow
Of course this will not output 1, 2 because your _number field is static and after creation of two instances has value 2 for both.
EDIT. If you need to call method with arguments - declare more parameters. For example if SayInstance has one argument of type string, then:
var instanceOne = new Child();
var instanceTwo = new Child();
var instance = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Child), "instance");
var arg = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "arg");
var mCallInstance = Expression.Call(instance, sayInstanceMethod, arg);
Action<Child,string> action = Expression.Lambda<Action<Child,string>>(mCallInstance, instance, arg).Compile();
action(instanceOne, "one");
action(instanceTwo, "two");
Try this out, this workf for me for a parameterless constructor, but this is that you need:
var instance = Expression.New(typeof(Child).GetConstructor(new Type[0]));
var mCallInstance = Expression.Call(instance, sayInstanceMethod);
Action action = Expression.Lambda<Action>(mCallInstance).Compile();
action(); // I need to pass in a new instance of Child to this method someh

Compare Two Structs Using Standard Method (Byte Comparison/Reflection) Even If Equals Method Exists

I have some simple struct, which overrides the Equals() method:
public struct Pair<T> {
public Pair(T x, T y) {
X = x; Y = y;
public T X { get; }
public T Y { get; }
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
var otherPair = (Pair<T>) obj;
return X.Equals(otherPair.X);
According to MSDN, value types without an Equals() method are compared as follows:
If none of the fields of the current instance and obj are reference types, the Equals method performs a byte-by-byte comparison of the two objects in memory. Otherwise, it uses reflection to compare the corresponding fields of obj and this instance.
I wish to compare Pairs using the quoted approach instead of using Pair's own Equals() method, so that the following test passes:
public void PairsEqual()
var p1a = new Pair<int>(10, 1);
var p1b = new Pair<int>(10, 1);
var p2 = new Pair<int>(10, 2);
Assert.That(p1a, Is.Not.EqualTo(p2));
Assert.That(p1a, Is.EqualTo(p1a));
Assert.That(p1a, Is.EqualTo(p1b));
This should ultimately work like a ReferenceEqual for structs. Is this possible? Ideally, I would like to replace the comparison with the original ValueType.Equals() method.
My real wish is to be able to add a code contract to a class like this:
public class Holder<T> {
private T _item;
public Holder(T item) {
_item = item;
public T Item {
get { return _item; }
set {
_item = value; // <-- imagine this like contained a bug
Imagine I use the holder object like this:
var holder = new Holder<Pair<int>>(p1a);
holder.Item = p2;
If set wasn't _item = value; but rather _item = _item;, the contract wouldn't complain, since the example would use Pair<T>'s Equals() method, which says that p1a and p2 are equal. If it instead use the original ValueType.Equals() method using byte comparison/reflection, the contract would have been violated correctly and the mistake would have been caugt.
Using objects, the contract would instead have been something like Contract.Ensures(ReferenceEqual(_item, value) but that doesn't work for value types (structs).
The point is that I don't know the type of T in Holder<T>, so I cannot introduce my own custom equality comparer, even if I wanted.
This can be done using reflection. The following solution is based on the code from the blog post Strong Typed, High Performance Reflection with C# Delegate, but the code has been shorten to work specifically for ValueType.Equals():
public static Func<ValueType, ValueType, bool> GetValueTypeEquals()
var type = typeof(ValueType);
var dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod("ValueTypeEquals", typeof(bool), new[] { type, typeof(object) }, type);
var il = dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator();
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, 0);
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, 1);
il.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, type.GetMethod(nameof(Equals), Public | Instance, null, new[] { type }, null), null);
return (Func<ValueType, ValueType, bool>) dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<ValueType, ValueType, bool>));
Using the method above to retrieve ValueTypes's Equal() method, the test from the example will look like this:
public void PairsEqual()
var p1a = new Pair<int>(10, 1);
var p1b = new Pair<int>(10, 1);
var p2 = new Pair<int>(10, 2);
var equals = GetValueTypeEquals();
Assert.That(!equals(p1a, p2));
Assert.That(equals(p1a, p1a));
Assert.That(equals(p1a, p1b));

Anonymous method with return

Please tell me what is wrong and how to write annonymous method with return for this impementation
public class Test
public string Implisity { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
/*Here is a problem */
var variable = Method(delegate(IList<string> i, List<string> j){ return new Test(){Implisity = i[j.IndexOf("Implisity")]}; });
public static List<T> Method<T>(Func<IList<string>, IList<string>, T> staff) { return new List<T>(){staff(new List<string>() {"1","2"}, new List<string>(){"Explisity","Implisity"})}; }
this is a flat method what as me need to make annonymous
public static Test Annonymous(IList<string> i, List<string> j)
var obj = new Test() { Implisity = i[j.IndexOf("Implisity")] };
return obj;
The problem is that the Method(...) method expects a Func<...> with different parameter types: it expects a method that takes two IList<string> objects, while you are making a delegate that takes an IList<string> and a List<string>
var variable = Method(
delegate(IList<string> i, IList<string> j) {
// ^
return new Test() {
Implisity = i[j.IndexOf("Implisity")]
To avoid issues like this in the future, use implicit typing, like this:
var variable = Method( (i, j) => new Test { Implisity = i[j.IndexOf("Implisity")] } );
In this example, the compiler knows what the parameter types of the function must be from the signature of the Method(...) method, so it implicitly assigns the types to i and j.
Try this:
var variable = Method((i, j) => new Test() { Implisity = i[j.IndexOf("Implisity")] });
A lambda expression is an unnamed method written in place of a delegate instance.
The compiler immediately converts the lambda expression to either:
A delegate instance.
An expression tree, of type Expression<TDelegate>, representing the
code inside the lambda expression in a traversable object model. This
allows the lambda expression to be interpreted later at runtime

Class member as a first-class object

I was wondering if there is something in c# to be able to pass a member of a class to another function that will use this member to get a value. So get a value of a field determined only which one at runtime. Something like in other languages (PHP at least I think) that you can do
a.b = "something"
but also
a["b"] = "something";
edit: actually not so good an example since a string is used, sorry
For clarity an example of what I'd like to be able to do:
class A
int x;
int y;
void somethingsomething<T>(T class, SomeMagicFieldClass f)
dosomethingwith(somemethodthatgivesmethevalueoffield(class, f));
Where then I can call the method like this:
A a = new A();
somethingsomething(a, A.x); //hypothetical notation
somethingsomething(a, A.y);
I now have something similar where I do:
somethingsomething(a, "x");
somethingsomething(a, "y");
I then go find the field using introspection API (also trying GetProperty)
MemberInfo memberInfo = item.GetType().GetField(fieldName);
This works but the disadvantage is that the fields passed as a string won't get updated when "refactoring" fieldnames in visual studio, so I was thinking maybe there exists something like this in c# that would get refactored automatically when changing field names?
Thanks a lot for reading this boring question
Your example looks a lot like a LINQ key selector, in that form it would look like:
A a = new A();
somethingsomething(a, p => p.x);
You can do some nice refactor-friendly things with LINQ Expressions. Here is a snippet of utilty code I used for such occasions. It allows you to get the Name, Type and Value of a property (it won't work with fields without modifications). There's also a setter for the value.
public static void Main(string[] args) {
var test = new { Test1 = 42, Test2 = "123", Test3 = 3.14195 };
somethingSomething(test, t => t.Test1);
somethingSomething(test, t => t.Test2);
somethingSomething(test, t => t.Test3);
static void somethingSomething<TObj,TProperty>(TObj obj, Expression<Func<TObj,TProperty>> expr) {
var accessor = GetMemberAccessor(expr, obj);
String name = accessor.Name;
TProperty value = accessor.Value;
String typeName = accessor.Type.Name;
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1} ({2})", name, value, typeName);
The output of that would be:
Test1 = 42 (Int32)
Test2 = 123 (String)
Test3 = 3.14195 (Double)
To make this work, I used the following helper function and class:
public static MemberAccessor<TReturn> GetMemberAccessor<TObj,TReturn>(Expression<Func<TObj, TReturn>> expr, TObj tar) {
var body = expr.Body;
MemberExpression memberExpression = null;
if (body is UnaryExpression) {
var ue = (UnaryExpression)body;
memberExpression = (MemberExpression)ue.Operand;
} else if (body is MemberExpression)
memberExpression = (MemberExpression)body;
throw new NotImplementedException("can't get MemberExpression");
String name = memberExpression.Member.Name;
return new MemberAccessor<TReturn>(tar, name);
public class MemberAccessor<T> {
private readonly PropertyDescriptor propertyDesc;
private readonly Object target;
public MemberAccessor(Object target, String propertyName) { = target;
this.propertyDesc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(target)[propertyName];
public String Name {
get { return propertyDesc.Name; }
public Type Type {
get { return propertyDesc.PropertyType; }
public T Value {
get { return (T)Convert.ChangeType(propertyDesc.GetValue(target), typeof(T)); }
set { propertyDesc.SetValue(target, value); }
Mr. Plunkett is correct; a dynamic type will do the job. Luckily, the .NET 4 team included a handy object called the ExpandoObject that solves that for you.
You asked how to
pass a member of a class to another
function that will use this member to
get a value
You can usedelegates for this
class A
public string aField;
public string aProperty{get{return "someval";}}
public string aMemberFunction(){return "someval";}
void get_a_value(Func<string> func)
string theValue = func();
// use it:
A a = new A();
get_a_value( () => a.aField);
get_a_value( () => a.aProperty);
get_a_value( () => a.aMemberFunction());
What you don't get this way, of course, is a separation of parameters for the memberfunction and the object you are passing.
